The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Omega Girl 2

by J. Darksong

Chapter 3: A Dark Knight Skewered

A loud knock sounded.

“Susan, someone’s at the door,” Professor James Gilbertson called out feebly, leaning towards his bedroom door. “Could you get that for me?”

Susan, the live-in nurse, nodded as she walked by down the hallway. “Coming,” she yelled out, as the doorbell rang. “Keep yer shirt on, darlin’, I’m comin’.” Peering out the doorway peephole, she frowned. Standing in front of the door stood an odd little man, dressed in a lavender suit. His face was pale white, almost chalk white, with a wide smile plastered on his lips. He held what appeared to be a large cardboard greeting card in one hand, and a dozen balloons in the other. “Lord a’mercy,” she said under her breath, as she cracked open the door. “Good evenin’, sugar. What can I do for you?”

The man’s grin widened. “Oh, no, my dear woman,” he said, opening the card, “its not what you can do for ME. It’s what I can do for YOU!” The card opened, revealing a large cardboard spiral. As the nurse stared at it, the disc began to spin, the spiral seeming to draw her in. Eyes wide, Susan’s grip on the door loosened, and the purple-clad man walked inside. “Nice place you have here,” he said, looking around. “Could use a bit more color though... I mean LOOK at it! White walls, white ceiling... booooooorrrring! You need to add a little color... liven it up a bit. Make the whole place more... HAPPY!”

“Susan?” James called out from his bedroom. “Who’s there? Susan? Do we have a visitor?”

Samuel M. Allotus chuckled softly, heading down the hallway, with the balloons in hand. “Oh, I’m afraid Susan isn’t here right now. But if you like, you can leave a message at the beep.” He stepped into the bedroom doorway, only to step back as Professor Gilbertson leveled a twin barrel shotgun at his head. “Um... beep?”

“S. Miles Allotus,” the aged professor nodded, gesturing with the gun, “aka, Mr. Happy. Well, your reputation seems to have proceeded you. Do us both a favor and turn around, slowly, and head back towards the living room.”

Mr. Happy frowned. “Hey, they said you were an invalid. Why aren’t you lying in bed, helpless?”

James shrugged. “I have my good days, and my bad days. Today was a good day. Move it.”

Stepping into the foyer, James looked around. “Hmmm. Not sure what’s with the balloons, but it seems you came prepared to deal with both me and my housekeeper. Now, I’m not the kind of man to hold a grudge, and I’d be HAPPY to let you just walk out of here, no fuss, no muss. But first I have to know who sent you here, and why.”

Grinning again, Mr. Happy shrugged. “Really, I have no IDEA what you mean! I was on my way to a child’s birthday party, and just went to the wrong house—” The sound of the shotgun being cocked caused him to pause. “Well, MAAAAYYBBEEE I was sent here...” he smiled again, evilly, “by a dear and close friend of yours. A fellow colleague, who wanted me to pay a visit to his sick, ailing friend.”

James scowled. “Oh? And who might that be?”

“Why, Dr. Reginald Mathews, of course!”

James froze. Dr. Mathews, his former colleague and partner in he Star Wars project, the other researcher who had inadvertently been exposed to the Omega Ray bombardment on that fateful day. Standing behind the lead shielding, he had received much exposure; however, the accidental discharge had emitted a burst of energy one thousand times greater than what they had planned. Mathews had blamed him personally for the failure of the project, and the loss of the huge government grant. Although physically unaltered, the Omega Rays had twisted his mind, giving him strange new powers, but twisting his mind with madness, turning him evil. When he emerged several years later as ‘Dr. Feelgood’, James had blamed himself for the outcome, knowing the person he had been before the accident.

“As for why,” Mr. Happy continued, twirling around in a circle, clutching the balloons’ string limply in his hand, “after all this time, he decided to look you up?” He laughed, letting go of the string, catching hold of one balloon before it floated to the ceiling. “Well, it seems that he’s having trouble with a certain female super hero, and he thinks that having you held hostage would be a sure way to lure her out of hiding.” He frowned momentarily. “Not sure WHICH super heroine it is, mind you. ‘Need to know basis’, and all that. BAH! Me, the Squire of Smiles, the King of Comedy, reduced to mere ‘hired help’!” He shook his head. “It’s just not right, I tell you!”

“Yes, well, you go back and tell Reggie that his plan didn’t work,” James scowled. “If he wants to try and take down my da... that UNNAMED Super Hero, tell him good luck. He’ll need it.” He gestured towards the door with the shotgun. “Go on. Get out of here.”

Mr. Happy nodded with a sad expression on his face. He turned to leave, then stopped. “Oh, wait a minute!” he said, turning around slowly. “I forgot something. I CAN’T leave just yet. After all, we can’t just leave your live-in nurse standing there all night, a zombie, now can we?” As James’ glance left his target and turned to face his helpless nurse, Mr. Happy squeezed tightly, popping the balloon. A thick cloud of purplish gas erupted, filling the room. James gasped in surprise, taking in a lungful, then started coughing violently, dropping the gun to the floor. Mr. Happy merely watched, curiously, breathing deeply, trying to take as much of the tainted air in as possible. All too soon, James stopped coughing, a small smile curling his lips, which grew larger each second. A glazed look crossed his features, and he half-sat, half-fell into his recliner, smiling up at his new best friend.

“Well, pal,” Mr. Happy announced, “you seem to be in a much better mood now.”

“Yeah,” James agreed vacantly. “Yeah. Much better now.” His hand went to his crotch, which was bulging tightly against his pants. Mr. Happy laughed.

“Well, well! Looks like I’m not the only ‘Mr. Happy’ in attendance here now,” he chuckled. “And speaking of which,” he replied, sliding off his pants, his own erect cock sticking up, “I think its time we brought ‘Brown Sugar’ over there back into the room, and made her a lot ‘Happier’.” Taking the slack jawed nurse by the hand, S. Miles Allotus lead the unresisting girl over to the couch. Pushing her down, he spread her legs, lifted her skirt, and, holding his chalk-white member like a spear, yelled “Geronimo!” as he thrust forward.

* * *

Lacie sat up with a start. Glancing around, she sighed. “Wow. Fell asleep in the tub. I must have been more tired than I realized. Pulling the plug out with her toes, she stood up out of the lukewarm water, and walked over to the towel rack to dry off. She glanced outside the window. “Hmmm. It’s dark already. I wonder what time it is?” Drying her soft naked body, she wrapped the towel around her head, then walked naked into her bedroom.

“Gene? Honey, are you home? Gene?” No answer. Glancing at the clock, she frowned. “Eight-thirty? Damn, talk about nodding off! Where the hell is Gene, anyway?” Grabbing some clothes from her closet, she sat down on her bed. Feeling the cell phone underneath her, she picked it up, and activated her voice mail. “Hello Lacie? It’s Gene. I’m back in town, but I ran into a bit of a snag...” Good. she thought with a sigh, at least he was good enough to call and leave me a message. She listened to the entire message, then frowned. Even if it had taken a full two hours to fix the problem with his armor, he should have been back by now. Seeing another message, she pressed the button again.

“Hmmm? No message... but I know that number. It’s Eva’s office number.” Dialing the number back, feeling a prickle on the back of her neck, Lacie waited several minutes as the phone rang and rang without answer. She dialed Eva’s home and cell number as well, with no answer. “Damn. What’s going on? Where is everybody?” Just then, her cell buzzed, showing an incoming call. Seeing the number, she switched over. “Hello? Daddy? Sorry, I’m a little busy right now, I’ll have to call you back—”

“Now, now, sweetie,” an unfamiliar male voice sounded on the other end, causing her to freeze. “That’s no way to talk to your elders. Kids these days... always in a rush.”

“Who is this?” Lacie demanded angrily. “Where’s my father? Put him on the line right now!”

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid he’s got his hands full at the moment.” Laughter. “Oh, if only you could see him right now, then you’d get the joke.” The prickle on the back of Lacie’s neck turned to ice as she recognized the insane laughter instantly. “At any rate,” Mr. Happy continued, “I just called to give you a message. Turn on your TV, and switch to channel 7. The news is on. I don’t think you’ll want to miss it.” More laughter. “Oh... and one last thing. I suggest you pay real close attention to what the anchorman is saying. Bye!” Click.

“Wait a minute! Hello! HELLO!! DAMMIT!!” Running into the living room, Lacie switched on the TV, tuning in to channel seven. The scene being showed shook her to her very core, rocking her even more than the phone call from her father’s home number. Sitting down in shock, she turned up the volume.

“...behind me, you can see the devastation, Rob,” the newsman replied. “Firefighters and rescue workers responded to a call from neighbors less than an hour ago of what sounded like a bomb going off. Here in the suburbs, we tend to think the violence and mayhem of the big city out of reach. Well, tonight, for a Mrs. Renee Gibson and her grandson Jerald, that proved to be not the case. Rescue workers have been working round the clock merely to keep the fire from spreading to the other residents of this neighborhood, let alone trying to dig through the rubble and remains the the occupant’s house. It has been surmised by the emergency workers, however, that from a blast this size, there is virtually no chance anyone survived.”

Lacie shook her head in disbelief. Jerry... no. It... can’t be. Why? Why would anyone target him? It doesn’t make any... Her eyes widened, as suddenly everything DID make sense. It’s all about ME. she realized. The attack on Jerry, the call from Allotus at my dad’s house, the broken off call from Eva, Gene’s disappearance... even the attack by those quasi-werewolves earlier outside the restaurant. It all fits together. It’s someone out to get me... or rather, Omega Girl. SHIT! Whoever’s doing this knows who I really am! It’s my worse nightmare come true!

“Thank you, Ted,” the anchorman replied, as the scene cut back to the studio. “A truly, tragic event.” The man blinked, seemed to stiffen, then smiled grandly. “In other news, local heroine Omega Girl finds herself the victim of a personal attack from her nemesis, and foe, the fearsome, powerful, brilliant, Dr. Feelgood.”

“Um, Rob, what are you doing?” his co-anchor asked nervously, smiling wanly at the camera. “That’s not the sto—”

“Shut up, Diane, you foul-smelling bitch,” Rob replied, smiling just as widely. “As I was saying, Dr. Feelgood has launched a pre-emptive strike against her, taking out her friend, her parent, her betrothed, even her information support base. In short, Omega Girl is at a severe disadvantage. We turn now to our live news feed with the grand MASTER himself, Dr. Feelgood!”

A pirate signal cut in at that moment, overriding Channel 7’s feed. “Thank you, Rob,” Reginald replied with a grin. “You do a marvelous job. That’s why I watch your news reports every night.” Getting serious, he stared directly into the camera. “As for my unworthy foe, I hope you’re watching! This will be the final confrontation between you and I. I’ve cut you off from all of your support bases, so there’s no one left to turn to. I challenge you, Omega Girl, to face me, if you dare! You have fifteen minutes to make it to the ground floor of the newly renovated Neilson Building, downtown. I’m on the top floor, but you’ll have to work your way up here from the bottom up.”

He chuckled evilly. “I have some old friends who are just dying to meet you. And in case you were thinking of simply charging straight up here and bypassing all the fun I’ve planned for you, let me inform you of some things. One: your beloved friend and companion, Armor Man, has just a little less than an hour and a half of life support before he suffocates. Two: your dear friend Whitewash is my prisoner, and in a very precarious situation herself. In exactly ninety-minutes, she will be ripped to shreds by those same ferocious beasts you fought earlier outside the restaurant. Three: your beloved father is in the not-so-tender hands of a dear friend of mine. If I don’t call him back in the next ninety minutes, he has instructions to remove the kid gloves. And knowing your father’s delicate condition, I don’t think he will last very long. Finally, if you try to go out and save any of them directly, instead of coming here, you will lose by default, and as a penalty, the others will die immediately!” He smirked. “And as an extra added incentive, I will announce your true identity to everyone over the air!”

The scene switched back to the studio. “That’s right, Doctor,” Rob replied perfectly on cue. “A Super Hero’s secret identity, their most treasured possession. It’s what enables them to blend in with the rest of society, to lead a somewhat normal life. Omega Girl, you have exactly—” glances at his watch, “fourteen minutes and six... five seconds, to make it to the Neilson Building, before the great, powerful, awe-inspiring Doctor Feelgood carries through on his threat! We’ll return to our program again after a short station break.” With that, the news anchor shuddered slightly, eyes rolling up into his head, and collapsed, falling completely out of his chair.

Lacie missed that part, however, as she ran for the window of their apartment. Opening it wide, focusing her powers as she ran, she leaped, jumping off the balcony. Her naked skin began to glow brightly, and with a flash and clap of thunder, Omega Girl, clad in her usual black costume, streaked across the sky.

Landing just outside the building twelve minutes later, she glanced down the street. Should have guessed. The library is right there, on the corner. The people weren’t being herded there as part of a trap—it was so he could watch it all happen from the comfort of his damned penthouse room! The bastard... if anything happens to Gene, or Eva, or Dad, or... She swallowed, thinking of Jerry, then her resolve firmed. No matter how this ends, Doctor, you will pay. You were right about one thing... this will be the LAST time we face one another!

The lights of the main floor came on as Lacie approached, startling her. The main door clicked loudly as the magnetic seal deactivated, allowing her entrance. Taking a deep breath, Lacie entered the building, ready to face whatever nasty surprises awaited her.

* * *

Lacie padded along the empty hallways, the only sound the loud click-click-click of her heels on the hard stone floor. She noted the building’s construction as she made her way towards the elevators, nodding grimly. Heavy. Solid. The way my heels are pinging against the ground sounds more like metal than stone. Probably nethalite-titaniaum alloy. Damn... heavy duty. This building was built to withstand a company of tanks duking it out in the foyer. I how long he’s been planning this. It’s only been little more than a year since that day, and they’ve been working on this structure for over three years. Entering the nearest elevator, she sighed, looking at the panel.

“Great. No numbers, and only one button. You’ve watched one too many James Bond movies, Doctor!” Forcing her anger back down, she pushed the button. A chime pinged, and the doors closed as the elevator began to move. She glanced at her watch. Eight forty-seven. Time continued to flow forward, counting down the last moments of her family and friends. And yet, here she was, calmly taking the elevator, following the demented doctor’s instructions. Playing his game, by his rules.

And I’m not even sure if they’re being held here or not, she thought furiously. This might all be a ploy to make me waste my time, keep me occupied with nonsense, until its too late! And yet... if I go charging in full blast, he’s threatened to execute them all at once. He’s holding all the cards. If I make the wrong move... if I guess wrong... everyone loses. Lacie shuddered. Indecision tore at her, and that familiar need, the desire to simply give up, submit, and let someone, ANYONE, dictate her actions, swelled inside her again. It would be so easy to just give up... to let Dr. Mathews have her, surrender to him without a fight...

NO! she yelled at the unspeakable need inside her. This isn’t about me. It’s about THEM. If I just give up... he’ll still kill them, just to spite me. If I let them die... if I don’t save them... won’t be able to live with myself.

Of course, the need reasoned back, once you submitted to him, he would erase that pain... wash it away in an endless sea of blind obedience and mindless adoration.

NO! DAMMIT! I have to save them!

You can’t save them, her Need taunted. It was a fool’s quest to come here. He’s planned it all too well from the very beginning. Why fight, when you can surrender?

I... I won’t! she thought back, desperately, feeling her resolve weaken. I don’t want that...

Oh, but you do. You thirst for it, you yearn for it. It flows through your dreams and haunts your nightmares. You ache for it.

No. No. No... I don’t want it...

You NEED it. That blissful heavenly feeling... mindless surrender... complete... absolute... obedience. Perfection.

I... No. They need me... Eva...

She would want you to surrender. No more pain. No more internal struggles. She wants you to know peace.

G... Gen... Gene. Have to save him... can’t let him die... love him... Lacie’s will fading fast.

Gene is gone. You couldn’t save him. You nearly killed him the last time, and you WILL kill him this time. But its better this way. He will forgive you... he knows how weak you are... knows that you can’t fight this... can’t fight your own desires.

My... my dad... A spark, a flicker of hope welled up inside her, making the need seem somehow smaller. My father.

Gone. Dying before tonight... only hanging on by pure strength of will... he will be better off, at his eternal rest.

No. My dad. He... he believes in me...

He would be better off without you... without his constant source of pain and misery.

Lacie frowned. No. That’s not right. I... I love my dad. He loves me... believes in me... The need pulsed, almost as if in anger at being thwarted. It tried again.

Your father. A crippled old man... crippled, dying... destroyed inside and out by the accident YOU caused... he blames you for ruining his life—

No. That’s not true. The spark of hope grew, fed by anger. Something was wrong here. My father never blamed me! Never. I carry my share of blame and doubts, but he always made it clear from that very day that he didn’t blame me for the accident. I was just a child.

You were to blame. It was your fault. You killed him that day...

You’re wrong!

Killing him still, even today...

Stop it!

Slowly... painfully... day by day...

Get out!

Draining him until there’s nothing left—


* * *

The elevator doors swung open with a small ping, the lights illuminating ‘Floor 3’. Omega Girl, panting, breathing hard, blinked, shaking her head to clear it. She realized now what was going on. Someone has infiltrated her mind telepathically. Diabolical... and yet, she’d managed to resist once she realized something was wrong.

Strange. A psychic good enough to get inside my head, read me that well, and whisper temptations into my ear could just as easily brainwashed me and made me submit. So... why the subterfuge? And... why back off, when they could have overpowered me as well?

Stepping out of the lift, Omega Girl found herself in a large room. The walls gleamed blue-grey in the fluorescent lighting, confirming their construction was indeed “N-T” alloy. Wary, ready for the next attack, she made her way across the seemingly empty room. A small flash of red caught her eye, and reacting fast, she moved to the side just as a laser fired, scorching the floor where she’d just been standing. Suddenly the entire room came alive, as several small turrets lowered from the ceiling, and emerged from the walls, each firing lasers. Powering up her Omega Field, Lacie scowled, watching as the lasers bounced harmlessly off her protective shield, more of an irritant than a real threat.

“Oh, come on, Doctor!” she yelled out, striding forward across the room. “Laser beams? Surely you can do better than that!”

A searing pain erupted in Omega Girl’s left arm. Glancing down, she saw a small, needle-thin spike protruding, a trickle of blood welling up at the spot. A soft ‘zrrxxt’ sounded behind her, and whirling around she found another surprise. Darts were firing from hidden panels in the walls along the elevator directly behind her, simple projectiles instead of energy discharges. Damn. Spoke too soon! My Omega Field nullifies energy blasts, but doesn’t do a thing to darts. And the way it sliced through my enhanced body cells in my arm, the metal’s stronger than iron or steel! Another barrage of spikes shot forth, and Omega Girl dove, letting the hail of needles pass harmlessly overhead. A small click sounded then, and she had just enough time to roll out of the way before a bed of spikes erupted from the floor where she’d fallen. A second click sounded, causing her to roll again, then yet again.

“Oh, to hell with this!” she growled. Rising back to her feet again, she pushed forward, sprinting towards the exit on the other side of the room at superhuman speeds. A final trap, triggered by the accelerated movement, activated then, sending a sheen of oil across the floor at the far end. The exit door closed, and a bed of spikes emerged from it as well. Eyes widened, Omega Girl changed direction, twisting left, only to find her forward momentum unchecked from the frictionless surface. Having only milliseconds to save herself, she changed from defense to offense, and fired her strongest Omega Blast at the doors.

Constructed of N-T alloy, the doors easily withstood the blast; however, the bolts, screws, and hinges holding the doors in place were another matter. Failing under the strain, the heavy spiked death traps bowed inward, and fall back with a loud clang just as Lacie tumbled into them. Rolling into a ball, she leaped over the doors, hitting the opposite wall with a loud thud, and landing on the hard floor, banged up, bruised, but blessedly whole.

“Wow. That was some entrance.”

Panting, shaking her head to clear it, Omega Girl slowly regained her feet. Three feet in front of her, barring the way to the next elevator, stood a tall thin man dressed in red. His face was hidden behind an equally red mask, but his eyes were wide, and a wicked smile creased his lips.

“I’d heard you were the real deal, but to actually see you in action?” He whistled, crossing his arms. “Impressive. Like, major league impressive.” His smile faded. “But you have a problem now, Omega Girl. I can’t let you go any further.”

Omega Girl, licking the blood from her lip, assumed a fighting stance. “If you won’t move out of my way, I’ll go through you. Come on, Junior. Bring it!”

<<to be continued...>>