The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Patterns in Ochre and Grissecon Ink


Chapter 4: Weapons of Mass Inception

Martlet, had decided to call himself Martlet, even though his sire had said that that wasn’t his real name.

The journey to where the flying machines were kept was exciting! There’d been so many little insects and pretty flowers that had just begged to be inspected in detail. One particularly fine creepy-crawly had almost made him forget what he had to do. Naughty bug!

At one point a kookaburra bird had started following him, making him look suspicious. In the end he’d turned around, put his hands on his hips and said “I don’t want you! Go back to your friends!”

The silly bird hadn’t listened but a few moments later the roar of a flying machine had scared the creature away.

The big green flying machines were wonderful, but also a bit scary. They smelled bad and made a lot of wind with the two twirly bits on top of each end.

Martlet decided that he was going to be really really brave. Running across the blackstuff that covered the ground, he scampered up the ramp at the back of one of the flying machine. The inside was full of big green boxes, ideal for playing hide and go seek. Martlet slipped into the gap between the box and the outward bulging hull.

He looked down at himself, now that he was in exactly the right place he was beginning to glow extra-bright. After some consideration he decided that he liked glowing, even if it did make him feel comfortable and sleepy. Yawning, he curled up as best he could and went to sleep.

* * *

Ironically Gethyn found himself painting the final rune on the door of a toilet cubicle. His choice had nothing to do with concealment, this was where it felt ‘right’.

He figured that being so recently incepted had left him with vastly heightened sensitivity to...well, to everything. ‘Knowing’ that here was the right place to paint the rune was just another wonderful aspect of that.

Every few minutes he’d re-run the last few hours in his mind and never ceased to be amazed at how quickly and utterly his loyalties had been switched around. Perhaps it was something genetic, a race loyalty thing or perhaps it was his love for Carn

The rune began to glow brighter, surging in a rhythm that reminded him of lovers one thrusting, the other receiving. He wondered ruefully if everything he encountered from now on was going to remind him of the sex.

In this case of course the pulsing glow probably did have an overtly sexual content; Carn had hastily explained about the vast web of runes they were creating, whilst they’d waited for the humvee. If Gethyn understood correctly there were pairs of high- caste Wreaththu performing ceremonial grissecon at eight compass points around the base. The sexual energy generated by their coupling would flow along the runes like electricity along a power grid.

The air began to smell slightly of the sea and freshly cut grass. The effect was noticeable because it replaced the stink of un-flushed toilet bowls. The drab walls seemed to gain a little color also.

A movement near the floor caught his eye. Bending down, Gethyn examined the moving thing. A plant, spurred on by the runic radiation, had found a crack in the concrete and surged upward toward the light. The little sappling growing upward a few more inches its leaves brushing his hand as they grew upward. A marvel! What chance did technology have against such wonders?

He took it as a sign that the great pattern was active, at least up to the first level.

As he understood it, the first level of the enchantment would make it possible for Wreaththu to walk naked through the base. Quite how that worked he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t really gotten his head around why it only worked on naked hara... He sincerely hoped it was true, particularly as the two hara expected to do the walking naked were himself and Carn.

Taking a deep breath Gethyn began to undress. It felt good to finally rid himself of the harsh manmade cloth of his uniform and feel the ground through the soles of his feet. Perhaps being naked did have advantages after all.

Vanity demanded that he check himself out in the cracked mirrors. As he’d known it would his hair had grown rapidly, his jarhead buzz-cut now more like soft fur. Likewise his body, which had been unremittingly muscular, was now smoothly sleek.

Annoyed with himself for getting narcissistic, he deliberately looked away from his reflection. He’d nearly started striking seductive poses to see how good he looked, ridiculous! Even if his brightly coloured ouana-lim did look ultra-hot!

Nervously he peeped out of the restroom, waiting until the corridor was empty before stepping out into it. Before he’d gone ten feet two marines turned the corner walking directly toward him. For a second he felt the urge to flee, but then noticed that although the two marines were looking directly at him they didn’t seem to notice that he was there.

He froze, not knowing what to do. The two marines walked up to him, and then brushing past him, a tiny spark like static, stinging him where they’d touched. Amazed, he turned to watch them go. As they moved off down the corridor the two marines began holding hands, their posture indefinably more relaxed.

“Outstanding!” he said to himself, resuming his progress toward the centre of the base,his stride more confident. The air was beginning to have that ozone smell as if a thunderstorm was building, except it wasn’t going to be thunder, of that he was certain.

A little further on his way was blocked by a marine standing guard, looking sour and bored with his duty. Experimentally Gethyn ran a finger along the guard’s cheek, fascinated to see the human’s expression change to one of sleepy relaxation. The guard didn’t even notice the creaking of the door-hinge as Gethyn slipped through.

As he approached the center point of the kilometer wide rune pattern, he could feel the concentration of power building up. This close to the centre the grissecon didn’t seem to need him as a focus anymore; every group of humans he met seemed relaxed and happy, laughing together. Occasionally he’d see a marine with an intimate hand on a friend’s shoulder, clearly the taboo about physical contact was beginning to break down under the mystical assault.

* * *

Carn felt the surge of grissecon energy as the last rune was set in place and allowed himself to feel relieved. The unborn harling had done as he was told and the enchantment would soon make the base a much more Wreaththu-friendly environment. In his hand his pebble glowed with inner light, the super-abundance of sexual energy fully recharging it almost instantly.

Confidently he jogged down the corridor in the direction of the heart of the rune pattern. Now that it was active there was very little time left in which to act. The eight pairs of Hara could only perform Aruna for so long before exhaustion or the instinct for completion dropped them out of the pattern.

His route took him to a mess hall filled with off duty humans, lifting his pebble in both hands as if it were a bird ready to fly away, he released its pent up energy.

Somehow sensing his thoughts, the grissecon manifested as a swarm of glowing butterflies that swirlled around the room disappearing as they touched the skin of the various humans. Already befuddled by the general aura of well-being the humans hardly reacted at all, only one of them had the self-discipline to try reaching for his gun. Sensing that particular human’s resistance he sent a fresh manifestation into the soldier making his skin seem to glow with inner light.

With sighs of contentment the all the humans slumped forward into unconsciousness. One of the humans had been unlucky and slumped face down in a bowl of porridge, feeling sympathy, Carn pulled the human upright and cleaned the sticky fluid away from his eyes nose and mouth.

Experimentally he took a taste of the human food, only to spit it out. The stuff was disgusting, tasting of metal and chemicals, their presence partly hidden by the sickening sweetness of refined sugar. No wonder the species was half mad, eating stuff like this.

On the bright side it was another thing he’d be able to seduce Gethyn with...a proper bowl of handpicked oat porridge flavoured with ten cells from a honeycomb. Placing the human’s head next to the bowl, Carn set off again toward the centre of the enchantment.

* * *

General Pelton frowned, something was wrong, he’d only had a couple of shots of vodka and yet he felt like he’d had the whole bottle and smoked some ‘tobacco substitute’ as well.

The Wreaththu alien! It had to be!

Taking the paperknife from the desk drawer he quickly and efficiently stabbed himself in the hand. As expected, the pain drove the mind-fog back enough for him to evaluate the situation. Wincing, as he pulled the knife lose from the oak desk, got up, and moved to the door, hitting the fire alarm with the knife-hilt.

Flexing his fingers and making a fist in order to keep the pain fresh, he checked the magazine on his pistol and headed toward the command centre.

* * *

Gethyn was unsurprised to find Carn had made it to the command centre ahead of him. The Taskforce’s senior staff were already slumped over their stations sleeping peacefully.

Striding purposefully to his Chesnari, he wrapped the smaller Hara in his arms hugging him fiercely. Carn didn’t respond quite as quickly as he’d expected.

“What’s wrong?”

“What you did to Martlet. But we’ve no time for that now, I’ll explain later.” replied Carn briskly “Get the ink and draw a rune on your chest, draw a pattern that you would think of as ‘you’.”

“Like a signature?”

“Yes. Except its more binding than that, it ties you and your actions into the magic” explained Carn dipping his own finger into the ink and drawing a complex flourish that started at his shoulder and swirled down over one pectoral.

Hesitantly Gethyn followed suit, dabbing the sexual juices across his upper torso. Glancing up he noticed that Carn was watching him closely.

“What?” he asked exasperatedly

Gethyn was perplexed by his chesnari’s odd attitude. Had the pure uncomplicated love that he’d felt been a lie? Had Carn simply been using him, an innocent day-old hara to be discarded once their mission was complete?

Carn watched as the now familiar rune appeared on Gethyn’s chest. On one level he was intensely relieved to see that Gethyn was destined to be Martlet’s other parent. On another level he was annoyed with Gethyn for getting their unborn son’s soul tangled up in a relatively routine pacification ritual that had been used upon literally thousands of human settlements.

“I’ll explain later. For now, lets finish off these humans”

“Finish off?” asked Gethyn, suddenly wondering how lethal the magic was. The humans didn’t matter, but Martlet and Patric did.

Carn stroked the head of one of the sleeping humans. “At the moment they are all sleeping happily, having vaguely erotic thoughts about their friends. We have to fine- tune that attitude, so that when they awaken they will be eager to become Wreaththu. The rest of our tribe can then wander in and begin incepting them in an orderly non-confrontational way.”

Despite his doubts, Gethyn found himself getting distracted again by the proximity of Carn’s naked body. Surprisingly, the description of the magical hypnosis was an intense turn on, undoubtedly tapping into the driving instinct that said all male humans should become Wreaththu. The more he thought about the more he wanted it to happen. The poor things really did look sweet and innocent as they slept¦. And they’d all want to thank him once they’d evolved.

“ we are now hooked up to this big grissecon pattern that I’ve been painting for you. How is that going to get all these humans to believe they want to be like us? That seems like quite a complicated thought to implant”

“Propaganda mate. They’re all going to be feeling it when we take aruna. Not only will they enjoy a sexual experience five times more intense than anything they’ve ever dreamed of, they’ll share our emotions as we do it”

“So we’re going to be the mystical equivalent of the playboy channel?” asked Gethyn suddenly feeling as if 712 pairs of eyes were watching him already.

“The playboy channel? What’s that?” asked Carn sounding puzzled and slightly curious

“Just a human thing, not important” Gethyn replied hesitating before adding “I’m...not sure, that I can do this, not with all these humans watching.”

“Trust me, in a second or so you won’t care who’s watching. Besides its already too late for second thoughts, you already signed up” explained Carn before sniffing the air “Do you feel it? It Comes!”

Carn smiled with the lopsided grin that Gethyn was beginning to realise was almost fatally irresistible, and leapt up onto the map-table, crouching, yet at the same time balanced on naked tiptoes.

Gethyn’s eyes widened, it was as if Carn was mutating before his eyes. This Carn was wild and raw, sleek as a cheetah, a primal expression of the Ouana aspect. He stepped back, alarmed by what he was seeing, a rational part of his mind realising that Carn had opened himself to the magic that permeated the base and become its avatar.

In a second Carn would leap, like a panther pouncing on his prey.

Gethyn felt his body changing, instinctively knowing its role and preparing the way. Sensing his body’s readiness, the other magic, the passive side of the equation surged through him, converting him instantly into the personification of the soume aspect, ready to be ravished to the very core of his being.

When Carn pounced a second later Gethyn was ready to be pounced upon, wrapping his legs around Carn’s back. The young hara thrust inward filling the arcane void that howled within his the heart, Carn’s teeth nibbling at his neck, his hands holding Gethyn’s wrists in an iron grip. There was no thought of struggle. Gethyn craved this domination utterly.

Any remaining thought of embarrassment about acts of public aruna vanished, consumed within the fire of love.

* * *

A kilometre away the Archon of the Kascallamanga tribe, smiled and nodded to himself. That young Carn had truly fallen in love with the newly incepted har meant that the vast pattern of runes was gaining far more than just the energies that a simple coupling would provide. This particular pacification enchantment was likely to be one of the most powerful and long lasting ever created.

* * *

General Pelton rushed into the mess hall and stopped, hesitating. Every one of his men had collapsed. So it wasn’t just the ones he’d been unable to awaken in the corridor.

The damn air smelled of rose petals and he wondered if it were the scent the product of some airborne pathogen.

Something flashed, like sheet lightening, but with a violet tinge instead of blue. Without really understanding why, he paused, waiting for the inevitable thunder. When it came, the thunder wasn’t a sound; it was an emotion, lust, combined with a feeling of physical pleasure of the highest order.

Desperately he squeezed his wounded fist, trying to distract himself from the invasive emotions with more pain. Unlike thunder the effect didn’t diminish, instead seeming to reach a plateau and continue.

Around him, his soldiers stirred in their sleep. Unlike him, they had no defence; clearly the rogue emotions were being treated as if they were their own.

Another lightning bolt flashed through the base, this time the accompanying pleasure was beyond anything he’d ever experienced. A warm glow in his guts gave him pleasure in places that no male had any right to feel anything. This time the emotional content included a nearly unbearable feeling of anticipation. Without knowing how he knew it, he was aware that three more waves of pleasure would follow, each more intense than the last.

Cowardice had never been a part of his make up, but now he ran. He was already beginning to look forward to the next insidious blast. The only hope for his sanity was to get out of range of this weapon, before the pain in his hand became nothing more than a variation of the pleasure.

He slammed through the building’s fire exit into the bright Australian sun. He got three steps into the sunlight before the next energy pulse crashed over him, forcing him to his knees, the glowing throb of pleasure within shooting deeper.

Around him the lightning seemed to follow complex patterns on the ground, like a electrical circuit board with the strange graffiti that had been painted on all the walls attracting energy as if they were CPU chips, sat like spiders in the heart of the web.

Suddenly it all became clear, this was a trap! The whole area had been rigged from the start! And if they’d been that well prepared, then a coordinated attack on the Carrier was a certainty. His personal survival was no longer the issue, the USS George W Bush and its nuclear missiles couldn’t be allowed to fall into Wreaththu hands. Scrambling to his feet he sprinted toward the landing field, cursing his several years as a desk-jockey.

The fourth pulse took longer to arrive; he was almost at the nearest Chinook when it did. This time the level of pleasure wiped out the ability to think for several seconds, sending him to his knees again. The only thing that stopped him just sitting down and waiting, was the fear that that the final wave would stop his heart with an intensity of erotic pleasure that he just wasn’t created to experience.

Hurriedly he ran up the Chinook’s cargo ramp, slapping the ‘close’ toggle as he passed it. He nearly tripped over one of the pilots, who lay curled up sleeping peacefully on the cold metal floor. Whatever the weapon was, its glowing strands had captured the man and covered him in a web of evil energy, he clenched his fist thumping the bulkhead, there was nothing at all he could do for the pilot, nothing at all. His anger burned back the blanket of wellbeing that smothered everything, allowing him to think a fraction more clearly.

At least with the pilot on board there was a good chance the chopper was fuelled.

Slipping into the pilot’s seat, he didn’t bother with the seatbelt or safety checks, simply slamming the ignition breakers and gunning the engines.

He could sense the final wave building up; it felt as if somewhere someone was edging toward the uncontrollable completion of a sexual act.

Slowly the rotors began to turn, gradually turning faster and picking up speed. While he waited he tried the radio. As he’d expected, the static his was far louder than normal, there was no chance that he’d be able to warn the Carrier that way.

The sexual tension continued to build, there was no way he’d be able to pilot the copter all the way to the Carrier before the last pulse hit. The best he could do was to program the autopilot and hope that by the time he reached the ship he’d conscious and able to land.

After what seemed like forever the rotor speed indicator hit green. His hand trembled as he reached toward the collective pulling it back, willing the helicopter to lift before it was too late.

* * *

Gethyn had thought he knew what to expect, but now knew that his first experience of aruna had been like a rushed, fumbling affair, between a virgin and a teenager. This time he was ready, his body knowing its role more fully. Carn’s ouana-lim flowered within him stretching him wide for the final sting.

The moment came. Like a short circuit, grissecon energy flowed through the pattern linking the two of them to the eight other couples, chain reacting, their moments of completion feeding off each other and magnifying at an exponential rate.

For an instant all eighteen hara were one being, spread across the land like a vast amorphous octopus.

Gethyn sensed Carn grabbing control, pulling all of it into the centre of the pattern and then sending it outward like a nuke detonating on the psychic plane.

Consciousness fled like a leaf carried away by the wavefront on the psycho-nuclear blast.

* * *

Martlet glowed, the Grissecon ink sublimating away, leaving behind a ghostly white scar where his skin had softened to a more Wreaththu-like texture. In his dreams Martlet found that he felt better, as if he were no longer balancing atop a wobbly ladder, the connection between mind and body seeming more real to his infant mind.

* * *

General Pelton felt the wave of energy flow around him, this time he couldn’t resist, allowing it to reshape his mind. Sighing with contentment, all his fears allayed, his last conscious act was to switch off the engines.

* * *

The first thing Gethyn felt a damp cloth gently wiping his face. The second thing he felt was the warm comfort of his chesnari’s body curled up against his side. He opened his eyes and almost scrambled away in shock. The hand that held the damp cloth belonged to Agent Courtland, the senior HomeSec Agent, the political officer responsible for the doctrinal health of the base’s troops.

The odd thing was that the interrogation specialist was stripped to the waist and lacked the puritanical grimace that had always been his default expression.

His startle reaction awoke Carn, who put a gentle reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“Its alright Gethyn. We did good. Didn’t we mate?” the question directed at the human

“Yes Sir!” replied the intelligence specialist smiling warmly and sounding eager “I’ve taken the liberty of sending some men to check for anyone who umm ‘didn’t get the message’. I could order the men to form up for an inspection parade if that will make it easier for you to process us”

Gethyn glanced at the HomeSec and back at Carn, awed “What we did this to them?”

“Yes mate. So, you think we were better than this playboy channelling thing you mentioned?”

“Ooooh yes!” replied Gethyn, becoming aroused by Carn’s continued proximity, his ouana-lim re-emerging and beginning to flower.

Carn glanced down at Gethyn’s display of readiness and smiled wryly “We’d probably kill ourselves if we went at it again this quickly.”

“I suppose so” sighed Gethyn reluctantly “I guess I’d better go find my pants”

“What on earth for?”

“Fair point” grinned Gethyn, remembering how badly the uniform had chaffed at his sensitive skin “Its not like anyone’s going to object to my being out of uniform. But you really are going to have to take me shopping for something more appropriate, I’ve got absolutely nothing to wear... and I’ll want to look my best when we meet your parents ”

Gethyn glanced again at the HomeSec agent, who was knealt waiting patiently. Around the perimeter of the room the rest of the command staff had finished removing their shirts and also stood patiently awaiting instruction.

“And what about this lot? Does this enchantment thing have a time limit?”

“Usually its about three days before it needs a top-up, by which time we’ll have seen to everyone’s needs” replied Carn.

The humans shuffled, murmuring amongst themselves, seemingly relieved to hear that they’d be becoming Wreaththu so quickly.

“We should keep some senior officers and a radio technician human for as long as possible” said Gethyn thinking aloud “The aircraft carrier’s still out there and they’ll expect to speak to people they know”

“If things have gone to plan the carrier will have experienced an unseasonably severe typhoon and retreated” replied Carn complacently

“If I might suggest sirs?” said the HomeSec agent, his head bowed humbly


“If you could incept half of the command team immediately, we’d be recovered and able to take over from the remaining humans as quickly as possible”

Gethyn suppressed a grin. The Agent had lost none of his sneakiness, trying to blag an early inception for himself.

“That’s a good idea” replied Carn “we’ll mention it to our elders when they get here”

“Thank you!”

Further arrangements were interrupted by the sound of running feet slapping nakedly against the floor.

A moment later a Harling entered the room at a full run. Gethyn was fascinated; this was the first time he’d seen a Wreaththu child, indeed until he’d met Carn, he’d had no idea that Wreaththu could reproduce at all. The Harling didn’t look exactly like a human child, more like the film version of a hobbit, an adult human but shorter. Fortunately the comparison didn’t extend to large hairy feet, although the Harling’s feet were crusted with dusty dirt.

“Carn! Carn! One of the flying things was trying to take off and then there was the grissecon and then the flying machine fell back down and I think somehara is still inside it and is he your Chesnari?” said the excited Harling eyeing Gethyn with fascination.

To Gethyn’s surprise Carn was frowning deeply.

“Exactly how was it that you were close enough to see all this Wend?”

Wend blushed deeply; quite obviously he’d snuck onto the base before the pacification enchantment had taken effect.

Gethyn was quite certain the harling’s parents would be having words with him later. In the meantime his message implied people at risk.

“Never mind that now Carn. Wend, can you show us the flying machine?”

“Yes Tiahaar!” replied Wend eager to have the subject switched back to a safe exciting topic that didn’t involve him explaining why he’d been sneaking around an enemy base while powerful forces were being invoked.

A few minutes later they reached the landing field, their party swelled with humans, who’d followed in the hope that they would be incepted immediately.

The Chinook sat on the ground, rotors still churning. The helicopter had clearly been only a few feet off the ground when the pacification enchantment detonated. The impact had shattered the undercarriage but other than that it was intact.

As they approached they could see two figures emerge from the helicopter’s cargo bay. Gethyn recognised them instantly. “Sgt Martlet and General Pelton. Watch out for Pelton he’s a real bastard”

I’m sure he’s much improved mate. Besides, it’s Martlet that worries me. We need to share breath, there are some things we both need to understand before they get here”

Gethyn hastily complied; the ability to give a mindmeld-like kiss was one of the best things about his new life.

Their lips met. It felt like the two of them swirling around the data before them, Carn with colours of disapproval and fear for their prematurely invoked son and Gethyn with colours of shock at what he’d done mixed with awe at the implications. Gradually their emotional colours merged until they shared all four emotions equally. In the final phase of the sharing, their emotion changed into a strong and equal determination to do what was right for Martlet.

Gethyn broke the sharing kiss, surprised to find that the communication had been almost instantaneous, his son and the General had only taken a couple of steps, ducking below the slowly turning blades.

“Bloody hell!” he whispered, the old habit of expressing things verbally was still strong.

Once they were clear of the rotors Martlet rushed over grabbing them both in a warm hug. Meanwhile, the general waited patiently until they’d calmed Martlet sufficiently to pay attention to him.

“You should have these” said the General offering two plastic squares with his bleeding hand “These are the one-time release codes for the cruise missiles. The enemy won’t be able to launch against us without them”

The sight of blood made Gethyn’s hand itch, the desire to fill the human with proper Wreaththu blood was like an erotic fantasy.

“Here” said Carn offering him his intricately patterned knife.

Gethyn didn’t bother to ask how Carn knew his thoughts, they’d become so close, so quickly, that he almost felt like an extension of the young hara, hardly a separate person at all.

“Thanks General, Will you join us?”

“Of course! I belong to the you now, as I suspect do every other marine on this base. You should know though that your weapon needs improvement though, I was able to resist right up to the final phase.”

“Noted. Hold out your hand please General” ordered Gethyn drawing the blade across his palm and then grasping the General’s outstretched hand.

The blood mingled.

General Pelton looked the beautiful Wreaththu warrior in the eye, not flinching as the new blood flowed into his veins. It wasn’t in his nature to show weakness or any other unnecessary emotion, even at this, the most ecstatically fulfilling moment of his life.

* * *

47 nautical miles South South East of Sydney Harbour, the USS George W Bush turned into the wind. The storm was as bad as anything ever encountered, but well within her design specifications.