The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

(It was funny, as I was finishing off Chapter 1 I was thinking to myself how Louise would react to events at the end of the five year contract assuming that Willis allowed her to do so. And as I had him marked for being the sort of guy who would keep his word on such matters...)

Pleasurebot 8—The end of the contract.

(Lets just call this point as being about about 4 years and 360 days after the end of Chapter 1)

Willis checked over the printout of the names of the women whose contracts were due to expire in the next seven days, and one especially caught his eye, that of Louise Clarke, currently the AI for Pleasurebot 8, Design Model 11. Not because she had been exceptionally pretty herself, hardly surprising because at that point she had been the oldest volunteer, at the age of 45 to become an AI for a Pleasurebot unit, but because she had been the first one he had ‘helped’ to make the decision on becoming a Pleasurebot for a five year period. He did wonder what her reaction would be, and whether he wanted to be within close proximity to the building when she was returned to humanity after all that time.

By now he knew the process to transfer back the ‘essences’ to the cryogenically stored human bodies worked perfectly, over 70 women had already gone through the process, and not one had caused any problems, and indeed so far at least, neither had any of the women had any difficulty returning to normal life afterwards which had been a relief for him. Indeed one or two had surprised him by quite freely requesting to sign up for another 5 year contract directly afterwards, they had enjoyed their new lives so much. But most had walked away, happy to take the money and get on with their new life, albeit far more wealthy than they were before.

And given the better take up rate of volunteers in last couple of years there was no longer a need to ‘convince’ ladies as to the merits of life as a Pleasurebot which came as a relief to him, though the facility to do so was still there, should they ever need it again.

The five years since he had first met Louise had been good for him. When the numbers of volunteers picked up rapidly, and the project had become a great success Willis had been steadily promoted through the ranks at the company. Indeed here he was today as head of the development division with a salary to match, as opposed to the more menial worker in the department he had been back then. In fact, beyond the first historic return transfer Willis hadnt actually been present at these events, but seeing Louise’s name on the list he made a mental note that her return ‘might be fun’ to be present at, and duly made a note in his diary accordingly.

(Meanwhile somewhere in the area where Pleasurebots are stored while not working...)

Pleasurebot 8 (Design model 11) felt her systems being activated, and her system quickly processed the data being passed to her about her next client via her silver headset. The water jets activated to cleanse her, not that she really needed it, but this was a hygiene move always carried out before duty, so...

The image of her client appeared just before the headset released, the only difference to normal being that this client was a woman, not a man as 99% of her clientele were. In fact, for this unit, this would be only her second female companion in all the time she had been operational. This didnt concern her though, she would be programmed according to duty, and sexuality was irrelevant to a machine like herself anyway, she simply functioned to command. One additional piece of information passed before her eyes just before disconnection,

‘This unit is five days away from completion of first service contract. In five days time she will report to the medical section for thorough service and AI transfer. This command is irrevocable, system will override accordingly.’

Pleasurebot 8 took in the command, though she gave no reaction to the information passed to her, it was simply another command that would be obeyed, the same as she had done throughout the complete period of her awareness. But somewhere inside her system her AI took in the news, though her reaction to it was unknown.

Dressed to kill would be a fair description of the outfit laid out for her this time, a stunning leather catsuit greeted her eyes, and little else beyond a leather bra to support her very fine assets, though in all honesty she didnt really need it, but it simply added to the ‘human look’ for such a buxom woman. To many women the ‘accessories’ laid out would have been shocking, but Pleasurebot 8 barely gave them a glance. They were simply required for her duties this time, and she reacted accordingly. But for now, lengths of rope, nipple clamps, vibrators, gags and the like were simply tools of her trade when called for. And clearly this was one of those occasions.

Leaving those on the side for now, Pleasurebot 8 heads for the designation unit denoted to her to receive the last few details for her job. Her name for the evening seemingly is Mistress Louise, the woman who would be her client for the night was called Amanda, and had deep submissive tendencies, and a preference for women. She duly noted sexual activity was to be the culmination of the session’s ‘entertainment’.

‘Mistress Louise’ proceeded to where Amanda was waiting for her, casting a suitably Dommeish look in her eye when they greeted each other. For the next few hours Louise proceeded to give Amanda ‘exactly what she was looking for’ climaxing the session by bringing her off with a powerful vibrator before the ‘big event’ began.

Amanda was already soaking wet down below from all that had gone on beforehand, so that by the time Louise lowered her face towards her pussy it didnt need any lube applying. Louise simply lubed herself up with her automated systems so that Amanda could set to work as well. Mistress Louise was an expert with her tongue (well she wasnt, but her sexual programming was) and set to work with relish on Amanda’s hot, damp snatch. Amanda simply wanted to serve her Mistress, knew full well what she was doing, and set to work eagerly.

Louise ‘climaxed’ at the time of Amanda’s third orgasm as designated by her programming, but then Amanda was panting heavily, but had a grin on her face as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s.

“Thank you Mistress.” she panted as best she could.

Mistress Louise smiled, and said, “You make a very good slave Amanda.”

The women kissed, separated and Louise went off to be cleansed and put back in storage for the next time.

(What she didnt know was that the next time she would be activated was...five days later...)

* * *

“Louise, Louise, can you hear me. How do you feel?” she vaguely heard a voice ask her.

She tried to bring herself back into the real world, though her body felt extremely stiff, and her head was throbbing like a car engine was running inside it.

“Like I’ve been hit by a steam roller!” was her woozy reply, “What’s happened to me?”

“We should have just completed your transfer back into your old human body, thats what has happened. I need you to check yourself over, make sure everything is fine, and tell me what you can see. The lights are dimmed a bit till your eyes get used to the light again, but there should be enough light for now.”

Louise felt the straps around her forehead release, and the neck brace ease its grip on her. She sat up as best she could, and the first thing she noticed was that she could see her tummy again, it wasnt masked by two large ‘basketballs’ sat on her chest anymore. A quick glance across to her left showed why, as she saw Pleasurebot 8, and her enhanced figure laid next to her, seemingly now at peaceful rest.

“You mean... you mean I’m back in the real world at last?” she asked, not quite sure how to react to that news as it struck home, “No more life as a Pleasurebot?”

Willis laughed, “Thats correct, though I have to say you sound almost disappointed at the news Louise. Are you feeling any better yet, I apologise for that, but your body was always going to be a bit stiff after five years in storage, and well, it does take a ‘little bit’ of electricity to return your essence back to your old body which explains the headache.”

By now Louise was able to sit up and check herself over, everything seemed fine, so she nodded her approval.

“I’m feeling a bit better thanks, though it feels odd now just having these tiny tits on my chest instead of those mounds. And I guess this body is a lot older than hers is meant to be as well.” She looked across at the bot that had been her ‘life’ for the last five years and asked, “So what happens to her now?”

“Yes Louise, its the one disadvantage of coming back to the real world, though all I can say is that you still have the body of a 45 year old, even though you are 50!” he said with a laugh. “As for her, she will undergo a thorough overhaul and service to check everything is fine, then she will be put on standby for another AI donor when one comes along.”

Louise smiled, “So I can’t take her home as a souvenir then?”

“Afraid not.” Willis replied laughing, “Well not unless you want to give up most of your money anyway. And even then there would be charging facilities etc to worry about, so...” then as a cheeky afterthought added, “But if you want to stay with her, it could be arranged you know?”

Louise knew what he was hinting at, but shook her head, “No thanks, I think I’ll go and find myself a more normal job now.” and then she realised, “Not that its too critical I guess, I assume the money is waiting for me?”

Willis handed her a piece of paper confirming the transaction that $500,000 had been paid into a bank account in her name.

“Thats nice to know!” she said with a grin.

A few medical checks later confirmed she was fine, a suitable outfit provided for her to wear to leave in, (Pleasurebots had arranged a temporary flat for her for a month while she got back into the ‘real world’) and she was almost ready to leave. Willis hung around to see her off. Just as she was about to go she turned to him and asked,

“How did you get me to agree to that? My mind was firmly set that I didn’t want to do this at any point, but when I came back from my temporary download into her body I couldnt stop myself signing up for five years. But how, why? I know those orgasms were good, but they weren’t that good!”

“I dont know what you mean, it was all your own choice!” replied Willis trying to look innocent, though Louise’s demeanour suggested she didn’t believe a word of it. “Alright, I might have helped your decision along a bit. You know that glass of water you drunk?”

Louise nodded.

“Laced with a drug to increase your suggestability.”

“But even then...?”

“You didn’t buckle, I know. So when I transferred you back from Pleasurebot 8 I added an extra command on the download, so that...”

“What, like mind control?”

“Exactly like Mind Control. Electro stimulation of your neural receptors combined with a command to sign up, and the rest was like taking candy from a baby, or in your case, taking a mind out of a woman. But in the end, are you grateful, or angry with me for doing so?”

Louise blushed, “To be honest, now I’m grateful. I’ve never experienced five years like it before, and I’m never likely to do so again. I looked and felt great, so sexy, so amazing, well, just so everything I guess. But at the time, shortly after I found myself in her, well...not so happy. But now...”


“I wouldnt say no!”

“So if I offered you the chance to...?”

Louise shook her head, “No, I cant keep deluding myself, and besides, by 55 I dont need to still be thinking I’m 25!”

“Three five year contracts and we’ll let you keep the body.” Willis said with a laugh, “And provide you with your own personal charging facilities.”

“And be 25 forever, what a fascinating thought.” said Louise pondering the idea before laughing and shaking her head. “Just one last thing before I go.” she added.

“Yes?” said Willis

“Any chance of one more of those amazing climaxes those bot bodies are designed for? After all I’m never likely to experience one ever again from natural human sex.”

“Well it can be done. But you do realise that I could ‘mind control’ you again if I do that, and make you sign up for another five year contract? Especially as she hasnt got a donor AI lined up for her as of yet.”

“I do.” Louise said, “I will just have to trust you to make the right decision for me, won’t I?” she added with a wink.

Willis grinned, “Indeed I will. So if you’d just like to lay down and relax, I’ll arrange that temporary download for you.”

She did, he did, and shortly after that Louise had another mindblowing climax, just as she had so often over the last five years.

She whispered goodbye to her bot body, then said “I’m ready for my old, dull life to start again.”

“Fine.” said Willis and set the process in motion. A few minutes later when she was back in her own body he asked,

“Well Louise before you leave, just one last question. Would you like to sign a contract to become a Pleasurebot for the next five years?”

She replied with a grin “...