The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Reality

by J. Darksong & asianpersuasion



“Nora, dear?” Calypso called out as the girl entered the room. “Welcome back! Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you,” the blonde healer replied with a smile. “It’s actually kind of strange. I’d have thought waking up on a large stuffed animal fur draped on the ground would be less comfortable than my old bed back at Marion’s keep, not more comfortable.” She yawned, stretching. “But perhaps the change in atmosphere helped.”

Calypso giggled. “One would hope so. Being away from such an oppressive place would definitely help you sleep better. And I’d like to think my little cove has a somewhat homey feel to it now.” She sighed softly. “In the beginning, it was only Willowfang—Kyle—that came to visit me here. And even then, only once in a while. But since encountering Honor, and Leila, and the others, this place has started to feel much more like an actual home.” She smiled. “I’m actually quite grateful.”

Nora nodded softly, sitting down on the edge of the water. “You’ve had a very lonely life, haven’t you?” she asked gently.

“Lonely? Hmmm... perhaps,” Calypso replied, considering her words. “But it hasn’t been a bad life. JD has always visited me regularly, and James has been like a younger brother. Growing up here, spending my time in seclusion... at first, it was to keep me safe and hidden from the Company. Then later, gradually, it became my choice to stay hidden.” She swam to the edge, shifting from fins to legs, to join Nora on land. “From my scrying pool, I can see everything that’s happening in the world. And really, I was fine with that. It wasn’t until met Willowfang that I began to want more...”

“Yes. I can understand that,” Nora said softly. “It was kind of the same with me. I was pretty much just... here, just going through the motions. I wasn’t as into the Reality as my cousin was. I’d only really logged in to spend more time with her... and was only a part of the Sylvan Order because I was her cousin.” She chuckled softly. “I’d pretty much resigned myself to living in obscurity and staying in my cousin’s shadow. Until the day I met Kyle,” she added with a soft sigh, a smile spreading across her lips. “He rescued me from a bunch of bandits and brought me back to the Sylvan Order. From that moment, my life changed for the better.”

“Truly?” Calypso asked, eyebrow raised. “Shortly after that you were kidnapped and enslaved by Marion.”

Nora wrinkled her nose. “I mean for the better... eventually. After all, as much of a trial as my time with the Viridian Suns was, I did improve and grow as a character. And now I’m here with you, a part of Master Kyle’s harem.” She shrugged. “The path here might not have been the most enjoyable, but I still arrived at the correct destination.”

Bonnie smiled, leaning forward to kiss her. “Yes, you did. And I for one am very happy to have you with us.” She sighed, simply enjoying the closeness of the younger girl. It’s strange. You’d think that she would be at least a little jaded and bitter about her life. It actually makes me feel ashamed of feeling so down for my own situation for so long. She’s such a sweet and pure soul, despite everything she’d endured...

“So, um, Calypso,” Nora said shyly, a smoldering look in her eyes, “my cousin told me that Master loves it when his girls... play with one another. And... she said that you were very good at showing her the best way to excite another girl. I don’t suppose... you’d consider showing me as well?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

Calypso laughed. So, maybe not QUITE as innocent as I presumed. Leaning forward, she pulled the young blonde into her arms, letting their bodies brush lightly against each other, taking a moment to stare into her deep blue eyes. “Actually, it was your cousin that taught me a few things,” she murmured, smiling again as Nora opened her menu, removing her robes, “at least as much as I taught her. I think perhaps you and I can teach each other a few things...”

* * *

Nora Snowfallen sat up with a start. The dream... it had seemed so real, for a moment it felt as if she were back in that moment. Yeah... if only it had ended there, with us making love, she lamented silently. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she remembered what happened shortly thereafter. She’d just cum for the third time from Calypso’s talented tongue, bringing them back even once more, when the scarlet-tressed mermaid suddenly stiffened, a reaction that, this time, had nothing to do with sex.

Someone had entered the cove, a stranger, setting off a silent alert that only Calypso registered. Before she could react, however, they were suddenly swarmed, a squad of men and women dressed in the telltale tunics of the Viridian Suns. And even though it was obvious that she was the target, Calypso had fought them tooth and nail, refusing to let them take her friend away. Caught literally with their pants down, and her own magic was completely unsuited for combat, it wasn’t long before she found herself restrained, bound and gagged, held tightly by a pair of burly guardsmen. Held down, unable to cast a spell or struggle, or even beg, she could only watch helplessly as the soldiers, and their Captain decided to ‘punish’ Calypso for interfering.

“Ah, I see you are awake,” Igmus Faintheart stated, his high nasally voice grated on Nora’s last nerve. “Lord Marion will be so pleased! Frankly, I was beginning to worry those brainless brutes that delivered you here had roughed you up too severely.”

“Igmus! Let me go!” she yelled forcefully, gesturing to her shackled hands. “Please! You must release me! I can’t stay here! I have to check on my friend—”

“Oh, no, I’m not going to do that,” he replied with a smirk. “After all the trouble your disappearance caused us, the very LAST thing I’m going to do is let you go. And as for your friend, the little mermaid...” he said with a slight frown, “I’m afraid there is no help for her. I’m told she did now survive the encounter.”

“What? No... no! It can’t be...”

Igmus merely shrugged. “I only know what I heard from my men. But I can confirm that your little hiding place, Kêr-Is, is now nothing more than a smoking crater.”

Nora sank down to her knees, stunned in horror. No... it... they... he has to be lying! She can’t be gone! She’s not just a player character... her body and mind are tied directly into the system! If her avatar is gone then that means she... she... is dead. Really dead. She sniffled, a sob welling up inside her. And its all my fault. If I hadn’t been there... if I’d just gone back to Marion willingly, or hidden somewhere else, she would still be alive...

Oblivious to her inner torment, Igmus walked back to the door. “It goes without saying that Lord Marion will be calling you back to his side soon enough. For the moment, we’re keeping you under wraps... our little ‘trump card’ for when the time is right. In the meantime, I’m playing the support role.” He frowned. “Also, I’m concerned about where your true loyalties lie. The captain said they tried using Dragontongue on you and the mermaid, yet neither of you responded. It seems that whatever Shadowchaser used on you is stronger than anything I or the others can use.” His smirk returned. “But don’t worry, ‘Lady Snowfallen’,” he said, bowing mockingly. “Lord Marion is confident that he can sway you back to our side once he has the time to deal with you personally. Until then... just rest up. We’ll no doubt be needing you again very soon.”

* * *

The Obelisk Cup tournament had finally begun in earnest. In true spectacular fashion, the news media was split into various factions, covering each of the events separately, with the major networks switching back and forth covering major and important events as they came up. Coincidentally, however, the focus of all of the networks revolved around the two major factions at odds—Kyle, and his group, and Marion and his team.

For his part, Kyle was completely unconcerned about the media coverage, or anything at all, for that matter. Facing off against his opponent in the singles competition, sword drawn, all he could focus on was the loss of Calypso and the pain and guilt he felt at that loss. As the countdown for the duel began, he found himself thinking back to the past, to the first time he’d met her, that night he’d stumbled in, half dead, shredded and sliced from dozens of cuts and gashes. She’d saved his life that day... not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She’d comforted him, befriended him, loved him... she’d given him everything, even before she had become his slave.

And what had he done for her? He’d endangered her. He was the one who had brought death to her door,

“I say we bring her with us,” Kyle said finally. “Yes, I know, we’re taking a big risk here, but we also have a chance to rescue Nora. And if trusting someone Vale is what it takes, then I’m willing to take that risk.” He glanced at Calypso. “But only if you agree,” he said to her gently. “Calypso, we’ll have to bring her to the cove. It’s the only place they won’t be able to track her ID and follow her. But if this IS some kind of trick, it could mean Marion and the system Admins discovering its location. So, we’ll only do this if—”

“Of course we can bring her in,” the mermaid replied, cutting him off. “Master,” she said gently, “I trust your judgment. If you think it is worth the risk then so do I.”

The buzzer sounded, and the match began. In the blink of an eye, Kyle zipped forward, streaking across the ring, slashing with his blade. His opponent, stunned, sank to his knees as his lifeline dropped to critical health, reeling from an attack so fast he hadn’t even seen it coming. The crowd cheered as the announcer declared the result, but Kyle was still focused only on the past, still replaying that scene in his mind.

It’s my fault. I’m the one that brought Vale to Calypso’s cove. I’m the reason she was able to lead Marion back there. My choice. My decision. My fault! He slammed his sword back into its sheath, and turned to walk away, leaving the arena.

From their point on the main stage, Natasha Volkov and Aurelie Renoir watched from their vantage point as Kyle made his way out. “Wow. That man is amazing,” Natasha replied, licking her lips. “Twelve different opponents, and he just sliced through them like a hot knife through butter!” She sighed softly. “He’s going to take the entire Cup. Fuck... I need to find a way to get him to come back to my mansion when this is over...”

Aurelie rolled her eyes. “Oui. But... I think there is something wrong,” she said, staring after him. “’e seems... ’ow do you say... a bit ‘off’. ’e does not seem to be ’is normal agréable self.” She sighed softly. “Perhaps I should go talk to ’im...”

Natasha blinked, glancing at her friend. “Talk to him? Why? And how? He’s a player in the tournament. It’s not as if you can simply walk up to him and start a conversation—”

“Well, I am certainly going to try,” Aurelie replied with conviction, as she left the main foyer. Natasha blinked in surprise at her friend and partner taking off in the middle of their work.

Huh. That was strange. Aurelie is never that determined or assertive about anything. And, I admit it, Kyle Shadowchaser IS a hunk... I’ve had many a nighttime fantasy of the man, but it’s not as if they’re likely to actually come true. She frowned slightly, considering. There was a time not too long ago when she’d entertained the idea of tracking him down and seducing him. She even remembered being obsessed with the idea, almost to the point of desperation. But then, suddenly, out of the blue, she’d lost interest. In fact, it wasn’t until today, seeing him in action up close and personal, that she’d rekindled her interest once again.

And it seems Auri has a bit of an obsession with him as well, she mused to herself. Oh, well. Maybe if she manages to get his number, I can coax her into sharing it.

Sprinting across the area, Aurelie reached the pavilion section where Kyle and his companions were located, however, the guards at security refused to let her enter. “Monsieur Kyle!” she called out, struggling to push past the guard. “Monsieur! Please! I need to speak to you!”

“Aurelie?” a female voice replied, causing her to turn. She blinked, staring at a strange but vaguely familiar woman dressed in a glorified red and white metal bikini. “Aurelie! That is you, isn’t it? It’s me, Patty!” Honor nodded to the guard, who finally let her past. “What is it? What’s going on?”

“Ah! Mademoiselle Patricia,” she said, hugging her lightly. “I should be asking you the same question! What is wrong with Monsieur Kyle? He is acting very... ’ow you say... ‘brooding’? Did something ’appen?”

Honor’s expression fell. “Yes, you could say that.” She took a moment to explain what had happened to Nora and Calypso, and how everyone had chosen to deal with the news. “We’re all still reeling from the loss. I just informed Lady Anadriel about what happened, and she’s taking it all very badly. Master is taking it even worse... he thinks it is his fault.” She sighed deeply. “It’s part of why he’s been cutting through all his adversaries that way. He admitted that he’s picturing Marion as every opponent.”

“It works,” Leila added, coming up to join them. “It’s what I’ve been doing for our team battles. Speaking of which, we’re up next, Honor. We’d better get ready.”

Honor sighed softly. “Yeah. Aurelie, I’ll tell Kyle that you’re concerned about him, and convince him to stop by and talk to you after our next match.” But the French model shook her head.

“Non. S’il vous plaît, do not trouble ’im. Kyle ’as enough on ’is mind. I would not wish to add to ’is troubles.” She turned to walk back, but Leila grabbed her arm.

“The fact that you were concerned enough about him to come all the way out here speaks volumes to me,” she stated. “I heard about what happened with you and the other model, and how you got roped into this.” She pulled the surprised blonde in close for a kiss. “You might not officially be one of us, but you’re a part of the group, as far as I’m concerned. And I’d be willing to bet Kyle feels the same way.”

* * *

Marion grunted as he made his way back to the arena, Barena, Vale, and Igmus following behind him. Everything was going as he’d expected, as he’d planned, yet he felt somewhat dissatisfied. Thus far, he and his team had swept through every opponent, nearly clenching their division. Admittedly, without Nora at his side, he’d had a few close calls, and things had gotten closer than he’d wanted. Still, he’d defeated every opponent, some of them in dramatic show-stopping style.

And yet everyone’s attention has been on Shadowchaser and his little rag-tag group since the first match! he fumed silently. Worse, they’ve been taking out teams just as well balanced and prepared as the ones we’ve been facing, but just decimating them! He harrumphed. Apparently they’re all extremely pumped up. Sending Amanda’s psycho brother to take out one of their own seems to have backfired. Instead of demoralizing them, it seems to have motivated them to fight even harder.

He nodded to the others, who drew their weapons as the other team entered the arena. Hmph. No matter. I’m just as motivated as them. I’m going to claim that last relic for my own, and take down the Pantheon. And nothing and no one is going to stop me! He smirked at the thought. You, Kyle Shadowchaser, you’re just a speed bump on the road to my ultimate victory. Running over you in the process is merely the icing on the cake.

“Hey, Marion,” Barena called out, catching his attention. “Looks like we might actually have some competition this time.” Glancing over at the other team, Marion scowled.

“Well met, brigand,” Jonias Tahlinder said with a small salute, taking his place across from Marion. “I hope you haven’t counted victory in this tournament as yours just yet. You still have to get past us to advance past the quarterfinals. And my comrades and I do not intend to allow that to happen!”

“You should save your breath, Lord Tahlinder,” his partner, Rald Lighttaker, advised him, pulling forth his own weapon. “Such words are wasted on someone like him.”

“Perhaps,” Marion replied with a chuckle, “but to my mind, your entire effort of facing me is wasted. Tell me, Jonias, did ‘noble’ Lord Greensteel send you here on his behalf, or did you simply decide to humiliate yourself publicly for your own sake?” He turned, smirk widening. “And you... Lighttaker. Are you here to avenge the honor of your fallen Mistress? I would think after the crippling defeat I handed you the last time, facing me again in battle would be the last thing you’d want to do!”

Rald let out out a growl, gripping the hilt of his blade tightly, but Jonias shook his head. “Be calm, friend. He is trying to get under your skin. Don’t let him get to you. Just focus on the match.” He glanced back at their two other companions, Jada, a thief from the Sylvan Order, and Halfor, a wildmage from Paladins of the Red Sage. Both men nodded, readying their weapons as the countdown reached its finale.


Marion blinked in surprise, startled as Jonias and Rald sprinted, moving away from him instead of charging forward, as he’d anticipated. Despite their big talk about taking him down, they were actually attacking intelligently, going after the weakest links of his team. Igmus let out a shriek of shock as a barrage of enchanted arrows rained down on him, each of them hitting the mark. Grunting in pain, he fell to his knees, severely weakened, his life dipping dangerously close to critical levels.

At the same time, the two mages, Halfor and Jada, let loose with a combined and coordinated magical assault on the two women. The wildmage bombarded Vale with a series of electric attacks, while the thief tossed a few poison status spells to weaken her before turning her attention to the Savage. Knowing Barena’s reputation, and not wanting to give her a chance to rage, she unleashed her strongest, highest level HOLD spell, and charged in, dagger drawn, preparing for a coup de grace.

Only to gasp in shock, eyes wide, at the spear protruding from her chest. She stumbled back, staring into Barena’s wickedly grinning face as her life bar plummeted, draining immediately down to red. “No... way...” she mumbled as her critical status was confirmed and her controls locked, taking her out of the fight. “You... should have been... frozen...” she managed before dropping to her knees in defeat.

“And you should have done your homework on me a bit better,” Barena retorted, golden bracelet on her arm glowing slightly, pulling Wildling’s Stabber free before turning her attention to her companions. “Vale, you damned fool, don’t just stand there and let them pelt you—fight back! Use your damned acrobatic skills! ”

Wincing, the blue-skinned Snow Elf obeyed, suddenly bursting into action, leaping over the mage’s fireball and drawing her bow. Her life bar was almost depleted from the surprise attack, but she hadn’t yet reached critical. And in a one-on-one fight with the wildmage, she definitely had the advantage. Which, apparently, Halfor was acutely aware of. Dropping her assault, she cast a hasty defensive buff on herself, just as a pair of arrows struck her in the shoulder. “Gaaaahhhh... shit!” she yelled, backing off, moving to regroup with the rest of her team.

Marion chuckled aloud, drawing his warhammer. “Not bad, Jonias. Not a bad strategy. Trying to take out my support at the very beginning, then having your entire group gang up on me. Not exactly the most ‘heroic’ fighting tactic for a so-called Paladin of Justice, but effective.” He smirked, readying his stance. “Too bad you fell a little short of the mark.”

“Perhaps,” Jonias remarked, drawing a pair of arrows from his quiver, “but it did weaken your team. You took out one of our members, but we also took out one of yours! And Vale is hanging on by a thread—a stiff breeze would knock her over about now!” He grinned sardonically. “I’d say the advantage is still ours.”

“Oh? Is it?” Marion quipped just as Halfor let out a loud gasp. Rald and Jonias whirled around just as their team member sank to her knees, her life bar sinking into the red. Looming just behind her stood Igmus, holding a bloody knife, a grin of savage glee on his face, his life bar surprising only in the yellow now. “Oh dear,” Marion replied in mock sympathy. “It seems that you underestimated my dear friend Igmus’ tenacity, and assumed he was down for the count when he wasn’t. And you’ve lost another team member. By my count, that two losses for you, and my entire team is still active.”

“Bastard!” Rald yelled, furiously, glancing back and forth as Marion and his underlings began to move in. “Does your treachery know no bounds? Igmus was clearly down! My last blow clearly pushed him past critical! And Barena ‘somehow’ being completely untouched by assaults from both of our mages—if that doesn’t smack of malicious cheating and rule-breaking, then I don’t know what does!”

“Heh. Sounds more like sour grapes to me,” Marion taunted, entering the fray, swinging his hammer, striking a glancing blow off Rald before he could bring up his shield, as Jonias drew back turning to fend off an approaching Barena. “Igmus’ talents are not widely known, but fully documented. His particular class has the ability to shrug off a seemingly fatal attack a limited amount of times per day.” He grunted, taking a hit and retaliating with one of his own. “As for Barena... we’ve all been doing a lot of training in preparation for this tournament. She’s advanced several levels since the last time we faced one another in combat. Her high level and race merely offset and weakness to magic her class would have given her, something your little tag-team failed to take into account.”

“Grrr! Dammit, Marion, don’t bother explaining it to them,” Barena barked, wincing as another arrow found its mark, forcing her to back away. “Just pound them into dust and you can gloat about it later! Aaaahhh! FUCK!” she snarled, taking yet another arrow, this time in the thigh. She was beyond pissed now. Her rage had already activated, increasing her strength, speed, and stamina, but against Jonias Tahlinder it was all but useless. The wiry archer maintained his distance, pelting her from afar while dodging her attacks, refusing to let her move in close. Worse, the man’s pin-point accurate shots were doing massive damage. Even though her life points and strength overmatched his by a factor of five, she was getting dangerously close to critical health.

Vale, for her part, merely watched from her stance. Enslaved as she was to Marion, and by his hand, to Barena, she nevertheless felt an intense feeling of satisfaction watching her be attacked. Her Master held all her loyalty and worship—she only followed Barena’s instructions at his order. Her feelings of hatred and loathing for the barefoot butch bitch still remained, strong as ever. The mental domination she was under merely prevented her from acting on them.

Barena, however, finally noticed Vale watching aimlessly as she stumbled back in pain. “Ahhh! Fuck! Vale! Don’t just stand there! Help me with this guy!” she yelled out a Jonias let loose with one final barrage. At the same time, the arcane archer raised her own bow and let loose with a trio of arrows as well. Just before Jonias’ arrows could reach their mark, they were all deflected by Vale’s assault.

Jonias jerked in surprise, turning to face the new opponent. “Not bad, Vale,” he acknowledged, pulling a trio of arrows free, “but no one gets lucky like that twice!” He fired again, only to gape openly as she fired as well, knocking his arrows out of the air. Scowling, he took off across the field, firing on the go, strafing lines of arrows at the weakened Snow Elf, determined to score a hit. To his dismay, however, Vale, seemingly unconcerned, met his onslaught shot for shot, blocking and deflecting every arrow with one of her own.

NO! This is... it’s impossible!Jonias thought furiously, as he paused, trying to regroup. There’s no way she can be this good! Twelve volleys and she hasn’t missed a single one? Not even Lady Ishiltari could do that, and she’s leagues above my own skill with a bow! Before he could put together what was happening, he felt a sharp pain sweep across his back. Turning he found himself staring down at very upset and enraged Barena.

“Now... I’ve got you right where I want you!” she growled, eyes red with fury. Giving in to her rage, she attacked, eschewing the use of her weapon to attack him with her bare hands. The stalwart Ranger fought back valiantly, but in vain; within a matter of seconds, Barena’s superior strength and unbridled fury had completely decimated him.

“Lord Tahlinder!” Rald called out, as his teammate fell. “Bastard!” he snarled, dropping back. Dammit! I’m on my own! It’s going to be rough now... but if I can take down Marion I still have a chance. The others are still weak enough that I can take them down with one shot if I’m quick enough. Sighing, he made a show of dropping his shield and letting his claymore fall to the ground. Time for my trump card.

Marion paused, frowning. “What? Giving up already, Rald? True, your situation IS hopeless, but I always saw you as the type to ‘fight to the bitter end’.”

Rald grinned, reaching behind his back, withdrawing two small shortswords. “Unfortunately for you, brigand,” he stated, charging in on the unprotected knight, “I am. Have at thee!”

“Graaaaahhhh!” Marion cried, wincing as he took a slash across an unprotected flank. Bringing up his guard, he moved to retaliate, only to wince from another cut from the opposite side. The blows weren’t as powerful as his previous strikes with the claymore, but without the shield, the lighter blades more rapid strikes were making up the difference. Worse, the Guardian had somehow tripled his earlier speed, making it impossible to draw a bead on him!

YES! Its working! Rald cheered silently, as he slipped back behind Marion’s guard, delivering a slash to his backside before ducking under his retort and delivering another slash to his chest. As much as I hate to credit Shadowchaser with anything, he was right that Marion’s biggest weakness was his inability to deal with someone faster than him. Taking that ‘whirling dervish’ feat at the last level was an inspired idea. In a case like this, I’d gladly sacrifice a bit of power to increase my speed!

Rald let out a cheer as Marion staggered back, unsteady on his feet after the last attack, his life bar just inches from red. “You’re done, Marion!” he announced, swirling his blades in a flourish. “Finally, I’ll avenge Lady Shalandearl and Lady Nora for the dishonor you visited upon them bot-aaaAAAKKKK!”

“Not today, fool,” Marion hissed, clutching his warhammer tightly, his face and body awash in blood. A stunned Rald Lightkeeper sank to his knees, his life bar draining from green down to red as his menu locked, signaling his defeat. Walking away, Marion calmly shook his weapon, spraying the ground with blood, before placing it back on his back, the golden glow from his armband slowly fading. “Nice try... but I’m not about to let some foolish upstart with grand delusions of ‘honor’ and ‘nobility’ keep me from my dream!” With that, he headed over to his teammates.

“Heh. Nice job, Boss,” Barena replied wearily. “Looks like we’re in the finals.”

“Hmph. Little to no thanks to you,” he snapped, irritation showing clearly. “SERIOUSLY! All three of us were forced to use our ‘special accessories’ to make it through this, We came this close to being taken out by mere riffraff, a bunch of strangers whose only bond was in trying to humiliate me! And we’ve only been training as a team for HOW MANY YEARS now?”

Barena frowned. “Well, to be fair, you made Vale pretty much useless,” she pointed out. “Yeah, giving her that charm to boost her accuracy worked great... when she actually bothered to attack! She’s like a damned puppet now—you have to practically order her to do ANYTHING, otherwise, she’ll just stand there and watch!” Vale merely stood there, expressionless. Barena sighed. “Still... if nothing else, it was an exciting match for the crowd, right? That at least should make you happy...“

“Crowds? WHAT crowds?” Marion asked, gesturing about. “We fought an epic battle here, the fucking semifinal match of the entire competition... and we have what? A few hundred onlookers, if that many?” He scowled. “No. everyone is tuned it to the other semifinal match!” He sighed heavily. “Never mind. I’m done with this shit. It’s time to stop holding back. We’re heading back to the arena now... and taking Nora with us!”

* * *

A rush.

That was what Kyle felt. A total absolute rush. His blood was pumping, ears burning with sound, nose swelling with distinct smells and a distinct taste. Falithe was to his right, hidden behind the canopy of the magical forest that the White Grave druid had created. The illusionary forest was all around him, unnaturally absent of smell, but of course, he could smell her. Her perfume smelled distinctly artificial and unnatural, like steel mixed with what a perfume confectioner thought lust should smell like. There was something else coating her blades, something he couldn’t quite identify yet.

The White Grave druid—he was chanting in the forest to maintain the cover. The noises around him made it tough to determine exactly where, but the general direction was what he needed. The distinct smell of his teammates, Honor, Serena, and Leila, they were around him at varying distances. Honor and Serena had a score to settle with Jace, the freshly appointed Lynx guild master. Jace was about…forty-five feet northwest, give or take, daggers poisoned specifically against were beasts like himself and Serena. Were the poisons on his blade the same smell as Falithe’s weapons? The mask of her perfume made it difficult to tell... as well as the taste of the final White Grave member left on his tongue. The poor Paladin’s throat flesh still remained in his mouth.

“So... What’s the plan? Erp! Right!” Leila asked tensing, dodging a slyly thrown dagger from the forest. Kyle dodged as well—they were back to back. Defending themselves from hidden attacks coming at them from all angles.

“I can smell them all,” Kyle growled. “But Honor’s too low level to keep up with Jace. Her luck’s going to run out soon. Duck!”

Leila ducked as Kyle used his sword to parry a poisoned blowdart from the druid who had poked his head momentarily out from the trunk of a tree before melding back into it again, disappearing.

“Priority?” she asked tersely.

“We got one of them so they can’t fight as a team. We’ve got to divide and conquer.”

“Right! Ok. Divide. We’ve got Jace divided up. What next?”

Kyle tapped into his werewolf self even more and took a deep inhale through his nose. “Leave it to me,” he murmured softly. “I’ll be the bait, alright? I’m about to take one, you get the other. Be ready! And Lei, disregard the very next thing I say alright?” he added as he suddenly took off.

“Wha... Master wait!”

But he had made up his mind, and he had given her an order, so she followed. Running through the forest he quickly leaped up the trunk of a tree, using the branches of the magical forest to pinball his way forward. He could spy the faint outline of red as Falithe moved counter to his movements.

“Leila! Go help the others! I’ve got these two” He cried, and then leaped forward.

* * *

Leila lost track of her master for just a moment, he had increased his speed with his werewolf form and dove into a nearby brook, briefly disappearing below the surface. Her heart skipped a beat when he didn’t surface immediately, but he emerged nonetheless a moment later in full wolf form, a giant 7′ black beast of muscle and death. He howled. The in-game crowd went wild with excitement. She glanced down briefly as he menu pinged. Honor had fallen. Master’s predictions had been right after all. What was she waiting for? Kyle had distinctly said wait…

Kyle appeared again, rushing forward, and Leila followed as best she could. staying quite a bit behind him, but keeping him in view. It wasn’t easy—he was incredibly fast now. The druid was rapidly moving from tree to tree, running from the rampaging werewolf. Failthe was moving towards him now as well, however. She could see her former superior clearly, coming in from the side, eyes glinting with bloodlust.

Hmph. Falithe sees this as an opportunity? Leila thought. Master is overextending himself slightly, but still, he’s in his full wolf form now. Does she have some kind of a deathwish... or does she have something special up her sleeve?

She strained her eyes and saw the glint of something familiar in the assassin’s off hand, a small vial of silver tinted liquid.

OH SHIT!! Silver nitrate! That’s DEADLY to werebeasts! Bastards! That’s what they used to kill Honor last time! Forget fighting to critical... Master is in serious danger, she just needs to graze him!

Leila took a step towards her Master, every fiber of her being straining towards him, but for just a moment, she remembered the Viridian Sun HQ, and how Kyle hadn’t even needed her help due to his plan. This time she had been given a plan by him, and she was crucial to it. He had told her… be ready, get the other. He had one handled? Which one was the question, but he had said he had one. Against her natural instincts, she stepped back, restraining herself and getting into position. She had to trust in Kyle knew what he was doing. She would wait.

* * *

“Fucking bastard!” Serena leaped out of the way of Jace’s dagger as Honor slid seamlessly down to her knees, her avatar frozen and her menu locked out.

“What?” her adversary responded. Jace was a snow leopard Seripin, with natural features that always made him seem to be smiling. He was absolutely grinning now. “Surely you don’t begrudge my evening the playing field a bit? And Silver Nitrate was just too poetic! Despite the wonderful advantages it has against our kind. We knew we’d have to take some risks to advance, so why not? I do love my poetry.”

“Leave that rubbish for pen and paper,” Serena growled. She was bleeding, luckily from non-poisoned cuts. Honor was down for the count, forced to helplessly watch the rest of the battle. She could give her no more help.And the more Serena tapped into her werebeast side, the more vulnerable she would be to the poison on Jace’s dagger.

“You know Serena? I’m glad you left,” Jace replied with a smirk, taunting her. “I had nothing against you, and I certainly didn’t wish to see an innocent person caught up in the shaman Duskrune’s ploy to take over the guild.Still... non-Seripin never really had a place in our guild anyway. It was only a matter of time before you were booted out.” His smirk turned dark. “But you did do me one big favor. With Honor gone, and you taking off, I was on the short list to inherit the mantle of leadership.”

Serena snarled but calmed herself. He was just trying to bait her. A quick glance over at Honor’s face showed they shared the same feelings.

“And you, Honor?” he continued, speaking to her but keeping his eyes on his adversary. “You were a good leader... in someways,” he said with a shrug. “You certainly had a way with mediating the other Guildmasters. And I do love all the money you made for the Lynx. But under MY leadership, we’re no longer the ‘party guild’, looked down on everyone as a joke.” Honor’s reply was muffled, but obvious, and Jace laughed aloud. “Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy a good party as much as the next person. I just think those funds could be used for something BESIDES hiring all of those strippers and prostitutes for myself. Or for buying weapons and armor for our members instead of buying useless baubles.”

That raised Serena’s hackles. “You ungrateful son of a bitch!” she growled as her fingernails slowly lengthened and hardened into claws. “How DARE you talk about Honor that way! I may have been an outsider, but she was one of you! The BEST of you! She made being a member of the Lynx FUN! All you’re concerned about is your fucking reputation... and control of all that money!”

Jace shrugged, not bothering to deny the accusation. “It’s not ALL I’m concerned with. But that money does help pave the way for other things. For instance... it was a great use in buying some powerful information on you, Serena.”

“Like what?”

“Like some important words that could be spoken in your ear, have those snarling lips of yours put to a better use,” he said with a glint in his eye

Serena hesitated. Jace knew about her Master’s Dragonspeak? Was that possible? Regardless, that moment of lowered guard was exactly what Jace had been waiting for. He rushed forward, poisoned dagger held high. Eyes wide, staring at her looming death, reacting was the only thing she could do.

* * *

“You’re just an angry little puppy aren’t you!?” Falithe said aloud, mocking her master, causing Kyle to whirl around to face her. Leila’s muscles tensed.

No, dammit! Remain calm. Calm. Wait and be ready.

She was watching Kyle like a hawk, Falithe was advancing upon him, but in a roundabout manner, causing him to turn to keep her in his sights. She was no doubt maneuvering him in such a manner to set him up for something, exactly what, she couldn’t tell. Leila’s heart seemed to jump into her throat every time the busty assassin feinted, lashing out at Kyle with her deadly poisoned blade.

“Can’t dodge all day doggy!” Falithe snarled as she made another swipe at him. “You and your little slut bitches need a real whipping. Or rather, a real stabbing!” she yelled, slashing out with her left hand while tossing a hidden throwing knife from her right.

Kyle leaped backward to avoid the two-pronged strike but at that very moment, the druid, with his blowgun had fired a silver nitrate dart at Kyle’s hind leg and it struck home. The damage itself was minimal, and the poison would work slowly, but Leila saw the attack itself had sent him off balance!

And it did. He stumbled, and Falithe was on him like a hyena. Slashing at his face as Kyle, helpless, tried to block her strikes, reverting to human form as his life points fell, unable to sustain his alter-self. Leila’s heart sank. Something must have gone wrong. There must have been some part of Master’s plan that she had screwed up. Had she missed the timing? Had she not been ready?

Falithe paused briefly, stopping to savor the moment with her adversary weak and at her mercy. She was flushed, panting even, her arousal painfully obvious. Her legs wrapped fully around Kyle, holding him pinned... and forcing a bit of pressure exactly where Falithe wanted it. “Mmmm... yes!” she purred softly. “This might be my finest kill so far. I’ll try and take it easy on you, though... I want you to go the distance.” Licking her lips, she held up her dagger, reversing the grip, holding it like a scythe. “Now, loverboy, let’s see how long you can last!” Sighing, Kyle leaned his head back, eyes closed, as if resigned... then tilted his head towards Leila and gave her a wink.

Shook from her revery, Leila glanced over, spying the White Grave druid obviously pleased himself over his part in the capture, and wildly exposed. Before all of the pieces could truly click in place, Leila leaped from her perch, stabbing the druid in the heart and head, just as she had been trained, instantly critting him with an otherwise obvious killing blow. Rolling to her feet, in a rush to aid her fallen Master, she skidded to a halt as Kyle, despite his injuries, reared up, headbutting the surprised assassin. Winking at Leila again, he shot out from underneath Falithe and wracked her, using the exact same takedown move Leila has used to restrain him in that hotel room all those months ago before she’d become his slave.

“Uggh... ugggh... no! NO!” Falithe shouted, struggling in vain as her arms were pulled and stretched out painfully, giving her no leverage at all to work with. “This... isn’t how I like it...” she hissed. “I’m supposed to be.... uhhnnn... the one on top!”

“Well too bad, you’re about to bottom out!” Kyle quipped, arching his back briefly, before rolling sharply to the side, slamming Falithe face down onto her stomach, before straddling her, releasing and pinning her left arm underneath her, holding onto the right, keeping her fully restrained while giving him full access. “And speaking of bottoms,” he murmured, raising a hand above her soft exposed rump, “what was that you said earlier about my girls being ‘slut bitches’?”

“Yeah? So?”


“AAAAAAHHHIIIEE!” Falithe screamed, wiggling furiously as she found herself spanked. Before she could begin to complain or yell, his hand lashed out again, harder, making her yelp. And again. And again.

“You—Do—not—talk—about my girls—that way.” He snarled.

Falithe barely managed to choke out, “Yeah! Yeah! Ok! I’m sorry! I’M SORRY!” She was panting heavily, and her arousal, which had faded about with the sudden shift in dominance had returned in full force.Fuck... never imagined this kid had it in him... he’s not such a wimp after all. I might have to look him up when this whole tournament thing is over and done with...

“Good,” Kyle replied with a nod, gesturing to Leila, who finally came forward. She grinned evilly.

“Well, Falithe, even though I’m positive you didn’t shed a tear over my failing my assignment and being cut from the guild, or show me any sympathy whatsoever, I don’t hold it against you. It’s a tough world, after all. What’s that thing you would always say when we sparred when you had me pinned down on my back, just before you delivered the coup de grace? ‘Kill or be killed?” Falithe’s eye went wide, as Leila placed her dagger against the beauty’s throat. Staring her straight in the eye, she jerked the blade back, slitting her throat, instantly sending her HP to red, and beyond.

Standing back up as Kyle released her, she stared down at her frozen mentor, locked down in her last moments of combat until the final member of their team was beaten. “So, Falithe?” she asked, turning away, “was it as good for you as it was for me?”

* * *

Serena just barely managed to avoid the dagger, but Jace was already moving in for another strike. A sharp pinging sound caught her ears but thankfully coming from Jace’s menu not her own. Spying her Master and Leila emerge from the treeline, she sighed in relief for just a moment. Knowing exactly what the pinging signified, and sensing an opening, Jace rushed forward with a shout, dagger moving in for a killing stab in her abdomen. Again, reacting at the very last second, she managed to catch his arm just in time, stopping the dagger half a millimeter from her gut.

“Hah! Now come on Serena? Think you can stop me? All I have to do is scratch you... just break the skin!” he growled, pushing against her with all his strength, noting the sweat on her brow. “Give it up! Seripins have always been stronger than humans. It’s a fact. It’s in our race description.”

“How about her sub-race description!?” She heard her master’s voice call out.

The idea clicked in her head, and she began to tap into her were beast side.

“You know, you’re right.” Serena snarled, as she began to shift, Jace’s smile fading as the blade began to slowly slide away from her stomach, “humans are physically weaker. But guess what’s not weaker?”

She broke Jace’s forearm with her strength, the dagger now turning towards the Seripin’s own flesh. Reacting quickly, he used his other hand to grab her wrist to prevent the dagger from plunging too far towards his person. But to no avail. Serena’s arm slowly thickened, sprouting fur as she changed, and her tail emerged... then split into eight identical copies. Serena answered her own question with a roar.

“A fucking nine tailed werebeast!”

Tapping into almost all of her werebeast side, her strength increased one hundred fold, slowly but surely, moving the dagger right at Jace’s heart. Sensing his imminent defeat, Jace struggled to pull free and escape, but Serena’s were-strength held him in place and with a final push, he was done.

* * *

The hourly chime had just struck the seventh hour, signaling the evening rest, a temporary fifteen-minute break in the action for the competitors to rest, recover, eat, and handle any business that needed to be attended to (bathroom) before finishing up for the night. Indeed, with the speed and efficiency in which the matches of the main tournament had proceeded during the day, it appeared that the usual three-day competition might actually be concluded before the end of the first night. Not surprising, considering the fact that a majority of matches, which normally tend to last from between an hour to possible three hours of live combat, had instead ended in a matter of minutes.

Due largely to myself and Shadowchaser, Marion thought in satisfaction. Well fine. I’ve grown tired of this whole debacle. The sooner it’s over and dealt with, the better. he mused, making his way back to the northern area campsite, making sure he was no one was watching, before turning sharply to the right, walking into what appeared to be an old abandoned shack. He smirked as the young girl sitting quietly in the corner jerked to her feet at his arrival. And this should be exactly what I need to round out the competition.

Nora’s eyes went wide, and she took a step back as Marion approached her. The mere sight of him awoke something deep within her, the sleeping part of her that belonged to him. Kyle’s words to her in the cover days earlier came back to her, that he’d been unable to break Marion’s control over her. The words I spoke to you, and the words I’m about to speak, they allow you to reach... an equilibrium. If you are near me, I am your master, if you are near Marion, he will be your master... And now that she was back in his presence, she could feel herself, her true self, starting to fade again, sinking back down inside the cold emotionless shell that represented Marion’s slave.

N-nooo! she thought furiously, closing her eyes, hands clenching tightly. I can’t let this happen! I have to fight it somehow! Kyle is my Master! Kyle is my Master! Not Marion! I don’t love him. I HATE him! And I won’t serve him! I won’t! I won’t! I—

“Welcome back, my little pet,” Marion’s voice speaking ran through her like a bolt of lightning, jumbling her thoughts, scattering them to the four winds. “Igmus told me you’ve been resisting,” he continued, reaching out to caress her cheek, smirking as he felt her shudder in his grasp, “that you’re still clinging to Shadowchaser, believing that you belong to him.” His grip suddenly tightened, and she gasped in pain, opening her eyes. “But that’s not the case, is it, my pet? You belong to me, and only to me. Nora Snowfallen has only one true Master,” he said with a grin as he saw the telltale flash of gold in her eyes. “So tell me, slave. Who do you belong to?”

A soft empty smile creased the young healer’s face as she spoke, her voice calm and composed, and void of inflection. “You, Lord Marion. I am your obedient slave. I exist to serve you. Command me, and I shall obey.”

“Good girl,” he replied with a nod. “Then it’s high time that you rejoined...” he said, trailing off suddenly. His eyes widened as he felt it, a strange but familiar tug on his right arm, that seemed to run through his entire body. “Holy fuck... I don’t believe it,” he said, laughing aloud. “This is it! The last dragon relic! It’s gone active... and it’s here, on this very island!” Turning on his heel, he sprinted to the door. “Come, slave. We’re heading out right now!”

* * *

On the other side of the arena, Kyle and his group were resting and healing up. “Here, Master,” Honor said, handing Kyle a small vial of pink liquid. “This should neutralize the poison in your system. That armband might not let that silver nitrate actually kill you, but it still takes a heavy toll.”

Kyle nodded his thanks, downing the liquid, letting out a loud sigh of relief. Thanks. I definitely needed that. “How are you feeling, Rini?”

“Better now, thank you,” she said, wincing slightly, handing the empty vial back to Honor. “I just wish those antidotes came in a different flavor. Ugghh!”

“Heh, I agree,” Kyle began only to suddenly pause in mid-sentence, glancing over at Serena and Leila. “Did you both just—” he began.

“Yes, I felt it, too,” Leila answered as Serena nodded.

Honor blinked, frowning. “Did you just feel... what? Did I just miss something?”

“The last relic just woke up,” Kyle replied grimly, turning to gaze at the Ivory Tower standing off to the distance. “I felt my armband react just now, and from the way Rini and Lei just stiffened, I thought perhaps they both felt it as well.”

“Yeah, and me, the odd man out without a relic, I’m just left clueless,” Honor replied with a pout. “Still, it’s a good thing, right? We’re in the middle of a break, and the Tower is just a few dozen yards away. if you guys head over quickly, you can snatch up the last trinket and be back here before the finals!”

“I don’t think it will be that simple,” Serena pointed out. “If we all sensed it, that I’d wager that Marion and his group sensed it as well. He’s probably gathering his people and heading over there right now—”

“Good.” Everyone turned to look at Kyle. “Good,” he repeated with a slight growl. “It just means we won’t have to wait for the finals to face Marion and deliver the beatdown he has coming. I’m ready to end this once and for all.” He sighed softly. “Destroying him won’t bring Bonnie back, but I hope that she’ll rest easier once we take him down once and for all!”

“Sounds good to me,” Honor replied with a nod. “I only wish I were going with you.” At Kyle’s look, she shrugged. “It’s by ‘invitation only’ remember? Three relics, three people allowed inside, for both you and Marion. And, honestly, strength-wise, I’m still kind of the weakest link. After all, I’m the only one that ‘died’ in the last bout.” She glanced down at her feet. “No matter. I’ll just hold down the fort while you—mmmpph!” she said, cut off as Kyle kissed her deeply, leaving her dazed and breathless.

“Thank you, Honor,” he said sincerely. “And I mean that. Even though you’re not going in with us, you’re still important to the overall plan. We could never have made it this far without you. And you still have a part to play while we’re in there,” he reminded her. “You need to get in contact with Stein and Dri, and tell them what’s going on...” He sighed softly. “And, just so we’re clear, in the off chance that Marion DOES somehow get the better of us—”

“That’s not gonna happen,” Honor said fiercely. “We’re going to win this, Kyle!”

“—on the off chance he does beat us,” Kyle reiterated, “what I said back at the cove still stands. You and Anadriel, and Stein... and Natasha and Aurelie, and anyone else you can convince, leave the arena. Get out of the area as fast as you can, then log out completely. We all know what will happen if Marion gets all seven relics.” He stared her down. “If he leaves that tower with all seven relics, you get the hell out of Dodge. Understand?”

Honor sighed softly. “Yes, Master. I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand.”

“Good,” he said, kissing her again, before slapping her lightly on her ass. “Now get your sweet ass over to Dri and let her know what’s happening.” With that, he and the others turned and ran, heading directly for the Ivory Tower.