The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Well it’s been a long time but here is Chapter 2 of Reality Machine. I have to thank my sweet Nymph for giving me the inspirational germ that started my writing binge as well as my beloved Jo and my good friend CalOShaw and many other good friends who’ve never given up on me. I also should thank my really crappy life right now that has temporarily thrust me into the one area of my life I still seem to be able to control, my writing.

I’d also very much like to thank NomdeSade for his much appreciated help in locating and expunging those pesky little typos and outright hideously arranged sentences that had otherwise escaped my all too porous proofreads.

Reality Machine – Chapter 2

(MC, FF, TM)

Service Call

Bzzt ... Jessica … Jessica come in please …

Jessica Park reached down, picked up her radio and pressed the transmit button.

“Yes this is Jessica, go ahead.”

Bzzt … yeah Jess, somethin’s gone haywire near the Physics building over at the University, all sorts of circuit overloads and breaker burns, reports of some transformers going too. Better go check it out and report back.

“Hey, my shift’s almost over. I have a family back home that’s waiting for me ya know” she barked back into her transmitter. “Give it to someone else.”

Bzzt … Jess, you know you’re the only one who really knows that ancient piece of antique shit out there. Who the hell am I suppose to call that has a prayer of getting the grid up and on its feet before classes start in the morning. Tell you what, I’ll even arrange for you to get next weekend off, how’s that sound”.

Grumbling Jessica considered. It was a hassle to be sure and not one she was happy about, but Frank was right, she was one of the few troubleshooters that could handle the archaic mains out there. Besides, a weekend with George and the kids sounded pretty good right now.

“If I do this I get double time and the weekend, understood? Otherwise you can come down here and fix it yourself.” she growled in her best authoritative voice.

Geez, no need to be such a hard ass about it Jess. Ok, double time and the weekend. Just get the place up and running before classes start or the deal’s off.

Jessica smiled a slightly predatory grin as she keyed the transmitter “Now we’re talking. Just call George and tell him not to wait up for me, but do let him know I’ll make it worth his while this weekend ok?”

Bzzt … Roger that Jess. Just give me an eval and I’ll start directing resources your way. Out.

Jessica smiled as she turned her car around and started back towards the University. Yes, the years had aged her a bit, giving her more than a few extra pounds and making her hair a combination of raven black with steel grey, but she still had it where it counted. Fuck yes; George was going to have a GREAT weekend, and so am I.

The rest of her drive was spent imagining just how great a weekend it would be while looking for signs of 1the power outage and any damage that might have been overlooked. Finding nothing obvious she guided her car into the parking lot near the sprawling Physics complex.

As she hefted her body from her car she could now see some of the damage. Mostly blown street lights, a transformer sparking here and there but the Physics complex with its redundant systems still seemed to have power. The downside of all this relative electronic tranquility was that every light within sight seemed to be operating on a very low output, many on the verge of browning out. That meant a power shortage or drain somewhere in the system.

“Oh wonderful” she sighed. “It could be anywhere … dammit!”

Grabbing her bag and removing her terminal key from her worn and faded coveralls, Jessica took out her laptop and interfaced it with the local power grid monitor.

“Hmmmm” she said as the power flow indicators came to life on her screen. “Looks like someone overloaded the system and sent a huge surge of power through the mains. Wonder where it came from.”

Pressing a few more buttons a different display appeared and the steel haired supervisor shook her head slowly. It was pretty obvious that whatever was going on it was all centered in the Quantum and High Energy Lab. That was probably the source of the surge and now it seemed as if it was sucking every available erg of energy from the grid.

“Third time in as many months” she said shaking her head sadly. “Probably the ladies in the High Energy lab playing with the forces of nature again or something. Well whatever is going on in there I’m going to have to shut it down before I can get anything else taken care of”. she grimaced as she began to trudge toward the lab. “God save me from scientists and their toys … “

Not that she had any real problems with Dr. Burns and Dr. Anders. Burns was kind of mousey and not very talkative, the typical resident of these buildings. Still, she was nice enough in an egghead distracted way.

Dr. Monica Anders on the other hand was an outgoing and friendly lady who broke the mold. They’d traded stories about their husbands and families during the many times she’d had to visit the lab and Jessica had always been impressed with the younger scientist. She was the type that would positively glow when talking about her family, much like Jessica supposed she did when talking about hers. It made for good conversation and an understated but very real friendship.

Besides, it wasn’t her fault that the University had decided to build their high tech High Energy Lab in an area where the power grid had been designed by Benjamin Franklin.

It was a bit of a walk. In her youth it wouldn’t have been a problem but age and too many trips to the Cheesecake Factory had taken care of her girlish figure several years ago and the extra baggage (ok a lot of extra baggage, but who was counting) didn’t make the trip any easier. Oh well, I can still turn George’s head when I need to and that’s all that counts.

Jessica reached the locked outer door to the complex. System failures at the lab have become so routine that the University had given her a key to the main building. This gave her access to most of the standard circuit boxes and many of the other systems. But a quick check confirmed Jessica’s suspicions, the problem was in the High Energy lab area itself and for that she needed special access.

She could always call up Frank and roust out one of the University people with a key but chances were that one of the egghead sisters was inside so Jessica decided on the direct approach. The High energy lab had an intercom link with the outer secured door. Maybe she’d get lucky.

Reaching the door she pressed the button next to the access pad and said, “Hello, this is Jessica Park CBA Power and Light. If anyone can hear me, we’ve got an electrical problem in your lab and I need to check it out. Hello, is anyone there?”

A few moments passed and she was just about to give it another try when the intercom sparked to life with a familiar voice. “Yes, this is Doctor Monica Anders speaking. Is there a problem? We’re really very busy right now.”

“Oh hello Dr. Anders, this is Jessica with CBA. I’m afraid there’s been a problem centered on your lab. It’s screwing up the power gird and causing brownout conditions all over. We’re going to need you to shut down whatever you’re doing in there until I can get the gird back on line.”

“Oh yes Hello Jessica.” squawked the intercom. “I didn’t realize our little accident was causing problems elsewhere. Unfortunately we’re in the middle of a very difficult experiment right now, can it wait? “

“No I’m afraid not Monica.”

“Oh that’s too bad. I was really hoping we could get this resolved before anyone else needed to be involved.”

Jessica could hear the sigh even through the scratchy electronic noise of the intercom. “Is there something wrong in there Monica? What needs to be resolved?”

“Oh ... well yes ... there’s a great deal wrong. We’ve had something of an accident and ... Jessica are you sure you can’t just come back in the morning?”

Jessica could almost hear the desperation in her friend’s voice. Whatever was wrong in there, it was pretty obvious that Monica wanted to handle it by herself. But friendship was one thing, having an entire campus out of commission during midterms was unthinkable.

“No I’m sorry Monica. I don’t have any choice. I’ll be happy to help if I can but I need to get this grid up and running by morning.”

There was a pause of a few moments until she heard Monica’s sad voice on the speakers once again. “All right Jessica, if you insist. Dr. Burns thinks that we could use an electrical engineer like you anyway but ... well I’ll send someone to open the door.”

If took a few moments but soon Jessica saw a bright blue light appear and then disappear, as if a door had been opened and then closed, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching as a figure appeared through the glass.

Jessica had seen many things during her time as a troubleshooter in the University district. College students could be quite inventive and she thought she’d seen it all. But she had to admit that the girl who was approaching the door was a first, well at least here in a secured area.

The typical scientist seemed to prefer the traditional lab coat or a sweatshirt that had seem better days. Frumpy was a pretty good way to describe most of the people she’d seen in these areas, but the girl who was now opening the door and smiling sweetly was none of these things, not even close. It was obvious that she was a student or lab assistant of some kind, but dressed as no lab assistant Jessica had ever imagined she’d see in a secure area. In fact the young woman was dressed as if she were going to a club wearing a pink tube top that was barely holding the proudest set of breasts Jessica had ever seen along with a mini that left nothing to the imagination. Capping off the ensemble were a pair of pink heels that had to be at least 4 inches tall, platinum hair that reached to the top or her ass, and the brightest blue eyes imaginable, even if they did have a bit of a fuzzy distracted look as if she’d been drinking a bit too much.

“Who are you kid and what are you doing here?” the older steel haired engineer said as the distracted young woman finally opened the door.

“Oh … I’m Gloria … I’m Dr Burn’s fuckto … I … I mean … I’m her research assistant … yes … I remember that … I’m her research assistant,” said the young woman in a confused voice as she distractedly motioned Jessica to follow her. “This way.”

“So, are you going to a party?” Jessica said in a conversational tone.

“On no, I was … yes working … I was learning to suck Mistre … no … I was in … in the dorm when I saw … when everything went dim … I looked out and fingered mys ... no I looked out and saw this flash from that Lab. I knew Dr. Burns had been working on her machine so I thought something had gone wrong. So I … yes I remember … I came over to see if there was anything I could do to help fuck … I mean …. “the young woman said as she shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, “I mean to assist her … I wasn’t going to a party.”

Looking at the young woman’s skin tight mini and tube top Jessica replied. “But … the way you’re dressed.”

The young woman looked down at herself as they continued down the hall. “What’s wrong with this, I wear these all the time … no … that’s not right … I … never … .”

Looking back at Jessica the young woman’s expression gave the impression of a light bulb flashing on. Suddenly gone was the air headed vacant confused look, the slightly fuzzy gaze and manner that Jessica had mistook for intoxication. Now the expression was like that of someone seeing something horrible suddenly fixed in a spotlight ... shock ... realization ... mixed with pure fright and sudden horror.

“Oh god … I remember … I’m not … wasn’t … always … a slut … I … oh god” she said, turning towards Jessica and looking at her in desperation. “god please help me, please.”

Jessica stopped for a second in confusion. What the hell was this girl talking about? She was obviously scared, but of what? Was she drunk? For a moment a little warning shiver of fear went up the steel haired woman’s spine. Maybe she should call Frank and having some campus security people come down. But this was Monica Ander’s lab and the girl was probably drunk or high.

But if so, why has Monica allowed her to be in the lab.

No, that didn’t make sense … maybe there was something wrong here, something more than a simple power outage, but what could it possibly be.? Still, there was no denying the creeping terror and confusion in the young woman’s eyes. Something has scaring her, but what.

“Come on then Gloria, don’t worry, I’m going to get to the bottom of this” she said as she took the girl’s hand and hauled her towards the main lab.

“No … you don’t understand … not that way.” The young girl pleaded weakly as Jessica took a couple of steps and opened the lab door.

Dragging the young girl through the doors Jessica got her first glance at the destruction that the overload had caused. Burnt out destroyed control panels and display screens littered the area, the entire lab smelling of overloaded electronics.

But what really caught Jessica’s attention was the glowing pulsing blue sphere that seemed to hang in mid-air in the middle of the testing room. It was almost amazing thing she had ever seen, so amazing that at first she didn’t notice the two other women in the room.

“What the fuck is that?” Jessica said in awe and wonder.

“An unstable quantum field.” said a familiar voice in the control room.

Jessica turned toward the voice and was about to ask Monica what the hell a “unstable quantum field” was when she caught sight of her friend, the words freezing in her throat. It wasn’t the voice that was shocking, it was the body it was coming from.

Hair that should have been short was done in long golden blonde ringlets, breasts that should have been small and unremarkable were enormous jugs that jiggled obscenely against the sheer fabric of an outfit Monica Anders would never have worn in a million years. In fact the woman standing on the other side of the room looked more like a pornstar than the sweet friendly married mother of three that Jessica had known.

“Monica?” Jessica stammered in disbelief.

“Once upon a time.” The impossibly perfect blond replied. “You can call me M now” she said with just a tinge of sadness as she dragged her long pink fingernails over the golden collar around her neck. A collar with a leash attached.

Following her friend’s gaze, Jessica glanced back further into the control room and gaped at the woman whose hand held the leash. A stunning brunette ... elegant even ... not slutty and obscene like Monica but svelteand sleek ... beauty contained in a perfect form ... a woman smiling at her blonde friend in a most possessive and confident manner, expectant, eager ... and almost arrogant.

The implications were obvious, and totally, utterly, impossible.

“What the Hell is going on here!!” the older woman snapped taking a small step back.

“Oh there have been a few changes over the past few hours,” said Dr. Anders with a wink of her crystal blue eyes. “Let’s just say ... I’ve had a change of view on certain things.”

“Change of view?? My god Monica look at yourself … shit, I thought you were as straight as an arrow. We talked only last week and now ... look at you. What the hell is going on with this lesbo freak collar leash thing and ... what the hell’s happened to your body? What the hell has happened to you?”

“got to go got to go got to go.” The young grad student whispered in the older woman’s ear. “got to go right now.”

“Oh, happened?” said the buxom blonde as she casually played with her nipples and looked at Jessica and her young charge hungrily. “I’ve had my sensibilities ... refined. Being a lesbo freak collar leash thing is surprisingly blissful. Want to try it? It’s a liberating experience.”

“got to go got to got go oh god miss we’ve got to get away … now please … while we still can,” the platinum haired girl continued to whisper as she began to tug on Jessica’s hand.

Jessica ignored the young woman and continued to stare at Dr. Anders. “God no Monica, I’ve got a loving husband, cute kids at home that are counting on me. So the fuck do YOU!!. And now here you are with that woman holding your leash like your some kind of animal. It’s insane.”

“No choice sweetie” said the blonde, as a small tear formed in her eye. “No choice for me, no choice for you. Besides, she’s not just some woman, don’t you recognize Dr. Burns? She’s a wonderful owner ... sooo much better than you can possibly imagine Jessica.”

Burns … suddenly Jessica made the connection. The exquisite looking woman sitting in the control room holding Monica’s leash, it couldn’t be, but if Jessica looked hard enough she could see the resemblance. The Cosmo model look alike had to be Dr. Patricia Burns, and obviously the two women were ... .

Jessica’s stomach began to churn at the mere thought of what she was thinking. It was beyond insane, the unreality of it all simply palpable, like suddenly discovering that 2+2 actually equaled five, or that snow was truly black and the sky had always been orange. It just didn’t make any sense.

But then again, it didn’t have to. What made sense was the smell of ozone in the air, the crackle of power overloads, the certain fear of the young woman holding her hand and tugging on her sleeve. These were things that made sense and as crazy as this all was it was her job to deal with them. A little slice of reality that she could stand on.

“Well your choices are your own Monica, really really reallyweird choices but your own. But I’ve got a job to do and my first order of business is to tell you ladies to shut down whatever experiment you have running here.”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible” said the stunning Dr. Burns as she gracefully unfolded herself from her chair.

“And why is that?” Jessica asked.

“Because I haven’t had enough fun yet,” the brunette doctor said with a predatory grin.

“I’m afraid you ladies don’t have any choice.” said Jessica as she reached for her radio while the young lab grad student tugged desperately on her sleeve.

“M, don’t the two of them make a cute couple?” the brunette said in a voice that seemed like smooth silk and a smile that chilled Jessica’s bones. “I have the most delicious idea.”

“we … have … to … run … right … now!” The young girl whispered desperately into Jessica’s ear.

“Don’t worry honey no one’s going to hurt you” said Jessica soothingly even though her own spine was tingling with a curious sensation of dread. “Ok Ladies I don’t know what’s going on here but here’s what we’re going to do.”

“Number one,” said Jessica her thumb poised over the transmit button of her radio. “We’re going to shut down your system here right now even if I have to do it with a sledgehammer!”

In response the tall brunette winked at the older engineer and before she could process what was happening, the world literally spun, flashed blue, and through the sudden feeling of nausea, she could vaguely hear a shriek of despair from the girl whose hand she was holding.

Regaining her balance, Jessica looked around her, dazed ... confused ... and then she saw Gloria.


It still amazed her how quickly the two of them had become friends. Maybe it was because of their shared platinum hair, but there was something special about Gloria, something that felt so very different. All she knew was that she wanted to spend more and more time with her, finding excuses to drop by the University to “check out the power supply” just to catch a lunch with the young grad student.

Looking at the girl she saw the fright, the confusion in her eyes as she looked down at their clasped hands. Something felt right about that … she knew it shouldn’t, that somehow vaguely it was wrong ... but it wasn’t. It was the rightest thing she had ever felt.

God, I feel tingly all over I ... I’m not turning into some kind of lesbo freak am I?

No, something’s wrong. I’ve never met this girl before tonight; I’m holding her hand to keep her safe, not because I want to.

Confused with what was happening to her, Jessica desperately reached for her radio but her pink halter top and painted on tight jeans simply didn’t leave her much room to carry it around.

But I was sure I had it with me. I was just about to call Frank and ... wasn’t I wearing coveralls ... but I always dress like this and ... I’ve sure as hell got the figure for it … but … god … I haven’t had a figure like this since I was in my twenties … and my hair wasn’t platinum and sure the fuck wasn’t this long … was it?

“This is fucking impossible!” Jessica said gripping Gloria’s hand possessively.

“Really?” smirked Dr Burns as she tugged on her blonde associates leash and began casually playing with her nipples. “I’m sure that’s what M here thought earlier didn’t you pet.”

The blonde scientist moaned and pressed her chest against Dr. Burns fingers. “Yes Mistress ... ... . ”

“Show them.”

Jessica watched with mounting horror as the former respected scientist, devoted wife, friend and mother spread herself on a nearby desk and began to lewdly finger her pussy for the other women in the room.

“You did this to her. How the hell did you do this to her!” gasped Jessica in horror.

“Don’t you like my improvements?” pouted the brunette as she gently began to play with the long hard nipples of her eagerly masturbating associate.

“And you were doing the same with Gloria weren’t you!” demanded Jessica.

“Why yes of course.” purred the brunette scientist as she began twisting and pulling on M’s nipples eliciting a flow of moans and eager “yesses” from the aroused blonde. “She wasn’t nearly suitable for my fantasies and her attitude about sex with me certainly needed modification. And you ... don’t you like your new body Jessica? Certainly an improvement on the old one don’t you think?”

Jessica felt faint as the brunette’s words struck home. She was right. She could remember now. She wasn’t crazy, she’d walked into this room, coveralls sagging breasts and wide midsection ... now ... looking down at herself ... she could see her near perfect melon shaped breasts, trim figure ... and looking at Gloria ... she could feel the beginnings of desire that she’d never imagined before ... not with a woman ...

“God, you’re changing me too. What the fuck gives you the right!!” said Jessica as she began to slowly back toward the door.

“Right? Well none of course. I’m doing it because I really really want to and honestly I just can’t help myself,” she said as M came nosily and joyfully for her audience, her juices tinking on the floor.

“How the fuck are you doing this you bitch?” said Jessica as Gloria opened the door behind her

“Like this.” the brunette smirked.

The room turned blue and spun once more.

Jessica slowly regained her senses as the nausea passed once again. Something was different ... she couldn’t quite place ... not until she felt Gloria press up against her and gently lick her earlobe.

“Too late Jessy” the young woman whispered as she clung to the older woman possessively. “Too late for us ... she’s changing us ... can’t help it anymore.”

Jessica looked back at the gorgeous creature pressing against the leather of her jacket and jeans. God she was so fucking beautiful. She could remember meeting her, the sudden inexplicable attraction that had sprung up between them, so unexpected, so raw and so hot that she had almost lost it right then and there.

Now each night when she rode her Harley home and the vibrations of her hawg shivered through her, she dreamed it was Gloria’s face she was sitting on, when George pressed his hard dick between her legs she dreamed it was Gloria ramming her with a massive dong and when she came it was so hard now not to scream her name, not to get on her hawg and drive it to her dorm, hard it was not to take her and make her scream in passion as the young girl always did in her dreams.

Fuck, remember yourself Jessy. You love George, you love your kids and you’re no fucking lesbo dyke bitch. Fuck … what the fuck in happening to me!! It’s that brunette bitch that’s doin’ this ... but fuck she’s so dammed hot!!! But I gotta resist ... remember, remember, REMEMBER.

But now it was so hard, so very hard. She knew what was happening ... knew somehow that Dr. Burns was setting all of this up, knew that she’d never had eyes for anyone other than George, sure as hell never for a girl. Yet here she was, wetting her panties as this platinum haired beauty from a hard wet dream, here in the flesh … licking her ear … her cunt clenching as the young girl whispered such slutty and wanton things into her mind … .

Slowly she turned … still holding Gloria’s hand … for a moment they stared deep into each other’s eyes … the young woman and the old … until finally Gloria gently took Jessica’s trembling hand and guided it between her legs, pressing Gloria’s fingers against the young grad student’s own wet pussy lips.

“I’m not like this” Jessica said tearfully as she gently parted the folds of the young girl’s pussy, unable to resist the bliss of feeling of the young girl’s soft wet pink flesh under her touch. “I’m married … I love my husband.”

“I know … I’m not either. But that’s in the past Jessy. The future is you and me day and night.” whispered the young girl as she slid her clit over the older woman’s fingers. “I don’t have any choice … I don’t want one. I know I’ve never met you before, I know I’ve never wanted to be touched by another girl before … but I also know I’ve wanted you since the moment I first saw you. And ohhhh Jessy ... I’ve been waiting for you soooo long. Fuck me baby ... god I’m such a cunt hungry little slut I can’t help it ... oh god yes ... that’s it baby ... just rub my clitty just like that ... it’s sooooo good ... oh fucking god ... I’ve never ... never felt like thissss ... . God I LOVE what you’re doing Jessy ... oh fuck please don’t STOP.”

Desperately Jessica grappled with the feeling of utter wrongness and utter bliss as her fingers gently circled and pressed on the young girls forbidden clit … hearing her soft needy moans, feeling the young woman move and squirm against her, her own cunt overflowing with desire … it was wrong … god, so very wrong.

Yes … it was wrong. What about George and the kids? What would happen to them? George, this weekend … the kids … picnic … fucking her husband of 22 years back in the bushes while the kids played in the pool.

God what’s happening to me … I … I’m not like this. I loved my husband but …god ... I NEED this ... .

Jessica tried to pull away but now it was Gloria that held on … pressing the reluctant older woman’s fingers deep into her hot and ready snatch … taking Jessica’s other hand and pressing it against the young girls hard and needy nipples … forcing the stunning platinum haired older woman to look into the young woman’s eyes and see the need … the passion … the longing and pleasure there.

“I know I shouldn’t … I know it’s not me … but I don’t want anyone else Jessy … I just want you to fuck me and fuck me forever and ever.” she moaned as she forced Jessy to fuck her … forced her to feel the young woman’s juices flowing on her hand … feel the ripeness of her young breasts … feel her heart pounding as she had never known before. “I need you baby. Oh god please fuck me!”

“I … I …” stammered Jessica as she looked up at the two women watching her. Watching as the brunette slipped her fingers deep into M’s prefect pussy ... watched as her friend arched her back and moaned at her enslavers touch.

It was the most beautiful thing Jessica had ever seen ... one that made her cunt spasm ... her nipples ache ... her head spin with desire as she felt as her own fingers were sliding over ... into ... and out of Gloria’s perfect cunt. Heard the moans of her own young lover in her ears, probing their magic deep inside of her.

God, why am I thinking like this ...

She was about to say something … anything … a breath of defiance … and plea for her family and life … but just then she felt the young woman in her arms tremble, felt her shuddering against her, her soft shrieks and moans echoing in the older woman’s tortured ears as the young grad student came on her ... over her ... for her.

“Dear god what did I just do!!” Jessica moaned as she watched the young student’s clear juices flowing across her hand.

“You made me cum Jessy” said the platinum haired student as the young woman silenced her older partner with a kiss. A kiss of fire that melted Jessica’s thoughts, melted her world and set her cunt on fire. “Just like I’m going to make you come. I can’t help it … I’m such a frigging dyke slut and I need to, god I’m so fucking hot can’t you feel it?

And then, before Jessica’s astonished and lust filled eyes, the young grad student sank to her knees, her delicate young fingers working desperately, driven by insatiable need, finding their way into her new lovers pussy … .

“No Gloria … don’t I … I … Oh god” Jessica stammered as the young woman she had intended to protect and shelter eagerly began to play with the older woman’s own pussy. “I’m not … I’m not a lesbian … I … I’m not LIKE THIS. Oh sweet god …” she stammered as she looked over at the other women in the room, “why?”

“Because we really need an electrical engineer” said the stunning brunette with a knowing smile. “We don’t have nearly enough power to do all the things I sooooo need to do. There are sooo many more women I need to fuck; women like you and Gloria, and you my precious little dyke are going to get it for me.”

“Never,” moaned Jessica as Gloria’s tongue slid across her hardened clitty. “You can’t make me ... god, think about what you’re asking.”

“Oh.” said Dr. Burns with a look of sadness. “Are you sure Jessica? Just think of how good it will be to cum on Gloria’s tongue, to fuck her whenever and however you want, and then go home to Georgie and the kids, maybe even introduce your daughters to Gloria ... now wouldn’t that be fun? Think of it as broadening their horizons, sort of an educational experience, I am trying to make this easy for you.”

“No,” gasped Jessica. “You’re going to ... oh god Gloria honey ... oh fuck ... you’re going to ... oh sweet god ... fuck with peeoppless livesss if I hellppp you ... oh FUCK ... so ... soooo good. But I ... I can’ttt!!!”

“Are you sure Jessica? I really would rather not change you any more than I need to.”

“No ... fuck No ... I’m never going to help you. This is wrong ... you can’t make people do things like this, you can’t. And fuck, I’m a married woman, I have a family, daughters. You can’t DO this to ME. Oh god ... I’ll never help you, NEVER. Oh shit Gloria … you gotta stop baby … ”

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that Jessica. I really didn’t want to do this but you leave me no choice. I just can’t succeed without your help. I’m sure your family will manage without you.”

“What ... god ... no ... oh fuck ... stop ... oh god you can’t i ... You CAN’T ... I won’t LET YOU, god PLEASE NO, NOT MY FAMILY!! I’m not a FUCKING DYKE YOU BITCH!!” Jessica screamed.

“Really?” the brunette said with a quizzical look.

The world began to spin for Jessica once again ... each turn seeming to rip another part of what she was away ... bit by bit, memories, her life ... the harder she held on, the more it seemed to slip away from her ...

Dear God nooo ...

She heard a scream ... primordial and desperate ... the world flashed blue and in an instant, she realized the screams were her own.

Blinking her eyes she looked around.

Fuck, what has the bitch done this time!!

Jessica considered that for a moment but was soon brought back to reality as the wonderful feeling of Gloria’s tongue dug deeper and deeper into her needy cunt, her young slut’s hands slid joyously over the soft leather that covered much of the older woman’s body. The perfect sensations as the young grad student’s nose tickled Jessy’s own clitty ring, the barbell in the young girl’s tongue scraping and rolling against her soft sensitive slit.

“God Gloria, you’ve learned how to do that soooo well baby, god I’m SOOO proud of you … OH FUCK!!!” Jessica screamed as she flipped aside a lock of her own long purple hair, felt own her juices running down her thighs.

Oh Fuck I LOVE This!!

Jessica’s head spun with pleasure as she remembered how for the young woman had come. Indeed Gloria had been such a find for the older woman, so beautiful, so innocent. It hadn’t taken the older experienced dyke long to know however that there was something so very special about the young grad student. Not a weekend fuck like the others, desperate housewives, co-workers and such that seemed drawn like honey to her well honed body and powerful personality.

No, Gloria was special and Jessica had known she had to have her from the moment she had first laid eyes on her.

Seducing her had taken time and patience as the confused young girl had slowly and unwittingly slipped deeper into Jessica’s web … until that night when Jessica had arranged for that power failure in one of the secure labs locking the poor girl inside, alone, except for Jessica of course. It had taken all of the three day holiday weekend but when it was all over … the young girl had become the most adorable little lesbian slut the older dyke had ever known.

“GOD you’re SUCH a GOOD GIRL GLORIA …. OH FUCK!!!!!” she moaned as Gloria expertly wriggled her finger over her lover’s anus … her tongue digging ever deeper into her owner’s snatch.

Unable to bear it any more, Jessy grabbed the young woman by her long pink pigtails and flipped her over, forcing her to all fours. With eager need she positioned her strap-on at the entrance to her young whore’s cunt, holding her steady by her beautiful fucktoy’s leather harness, pressing just the tip of it against the squirming girl’s hole.

“Oh yes Jessy … OH GOD YES PLEASE FUCK ME … I can’t stand it … I … OH GOD I LOVE YOU … PLEASE !!!! Put It IN ME!!!”

As the purple haired dyke entered her lover’s needy little hole it brought back memories … memories of the time she had fucked the young woman while on the speaker phone with her family, forcing Gloria to tell her parents what a torrid cunt licking slut she truly was and how much she loved being fucked by her owner.

It had been everything that Jessica had hoped for … and more, much more.

Reaching down she felt the metal of her golden wedding ring clink against Gloria’s nipple piercings and saw the matching ring on the young girl’s finger glinting in the light.

That had been a surprise to be sure, falling for the little minx like that, but now, Jessica couldn’t think of anything that had ever been more right. Somehow, inexplicably, the young whore had wormed her way into the older woman’s heart until there was no room inside of it for anyone but her.

“You’re mine,” she said as the young slut impaled herself oh so eagerly on her dong.

“I’m YOURS,” Gloria agreed with passion. “Fuck me Jessy. I know we’ve done this before … god so many WONDERFUL TIMES, but it feels like the first time too. Oh god please Jess … fuck me … FUCK ME … I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!”

Half formed images floated through the older dyke’s mind. Memories of something so different … a dowdy existence … some man … kids … a life without Gloria fucking her night and day. Love yes … passion … god, no nothing like this … . A bad dream or … perhaps a reality. Had she changed? Hadn’t she always been like this? How many woman had she fucked … her best girlfriends … her female High School Teachers and beyond, but on the other hand … she could remember being faithful to one man … fuck where the hell did thoughts like that come from.

But where Dr. Patricia Burns was concerned, anything was possible. Maybe this really was the first time for her as well.

But looking down at the beautiful slut pounding herself on her lover’s dong, her pink haired pigtails flying from side to side, Jessica realized that was all in the past tense, another life, another woman. If she’d been changed, if this really was the first time, if this were all somehow Dr. Burn’s doing, it didn’t matter. She was in love, she was married to this gorgeous piece of ass, and it wasn’t anything she was EVER going to give up.

“I love you too Gloria” she said as she pounded her fake cock into her young wife. “I’m never going to stop, ever. You’re my nasty little slut whore and you belong to me, now and forever. Now cum and be my good little cunt!!.”

With a shriek of pleasure the young grad student impaled herself on her partner’s dong and screamed her pleasure and devotion to the world.

It was right, the way things were supposed to be.

They were one. Forever.

* * *

Looking on, Dr Patricia Burns gently pushed M away from her now temporarily satisfied cunt. Yes this was as she’d imagined it. All of the wonderful girl on girl sex that she could possibly want … well soon at any rate.

All she needed now was more power and as she watched the purple haired electrical engineer stroke her lab assistant’s long pink hair, she now had at least part of the means. With the last vestiges of her family bonds broken and replaced by a love she would never let go, Jessica would be far more willing to help, especially when the “fringe benefits” of her association with this project were properly explained.

If not ... well there were always alternatives.

Deep inside Dr. Burns felt a pang of shame for what she’d done ... what she was about to do. But when compared to the thought of all of those women out there, women who wouldn’t look at her in a million years, but who would soon change their minds, a veritable sea of female flesh, just waiting to make her incessant fantasies come true ... well what was a pang of moral regret compared to that?

Besides, Dr. Freeman was coming in the morning with his inspection team, presumably to shut down funding for their “ludicrous experiment”.

Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint the good doctor now would we, she thought as a slow smile crossed her face.

“Come along now Jessica, you can play with Gloria later, I have a proposition for you. One I’m sure a cunt hungry dyke like you will relish, interested?”

The look of lust and need in the raging dyke’s eyes was all the answer Dr Burns needed.