The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Redrawing the Hand We’re Dealt

Tags: MC, MD, MF, FF, FD, GR, FT

Synopsis: An enigmatic figure takes an interest in a single guy who’s been dealt a rough hand in regards to his love life. He has a thing for bimbo transformation and despite all his attempts to come to terms with it his love life has become a disaster. The enigmatic figure decides to give the guy a redraw, in particular with his three most recent girlfriends.

Disclaimer: Just quickly, this is a work of fiction if there is any resemblance to people living or dead it is purely coincidence and not meant to be a deformation against them in any way. Also if it is not legal for you to read this in your country, don’t, for most people this means you have to be over eighteen but as I understand it can vary from place to place.

Author’s Note: If you want to skip the backstory and get to the sexier bits just jump to chapter 1 :)


I always found watching anime weird, especially when one of the characters was significantly pervy. They understood they had a fetish or a sexual desire and they just went for it and it was so blatantly shown, as if it was something that although frowned upon by some was generally just accepted. Sharp realisation dawns when this is not the case, I had a high school girlfriend we had been steady for years and things were starting to feel a little stressed after we graduated. We didn’t rush things and everything was purely consensual and even had sex. It wasn’t perfect but it was fine, the strain was there but there was nothing to break it. We coasted for months like this and I could appreciate it, it was comfortable if nothing else. Then one night we decided to share a bottle of wine and we started to share our deepest darkest secrets. We got to sex and I found out that she had tried anal with one of her ex’s, she found out I had a fetish for turning normal women into bimbos. After she finished laughing she sat down and looked it up, took her a couple of tries in her tipsy state but I was sobering quickly trying to play it down. The more she found the more she laughed, I’d never been so humiliated in all my life. Eventually things calmed down enough and we went to bed, I hoped and prayed to all the gods I didn’t believe in that I could play stupid in the morning or that she’d forgotten. I think the gods heard my prayer because she remembered it all, every detail and apparently she’d been thinking about it. Turns out life isn’t like an anime and sometimes when people find out about your perversions they don’t just frown upon it sometimes their yelling shakes the walls. That’s not fair on her mind you, we were both screaming by the time we were done. The comfort was gone and she walked out of my life that day.

Her name was Wendy.

I got a phone call from her brother the next day saying that she wanted the apartment and that if I ever came near her again he’d rearrange my face. They hadn’t talked in years but nothing brings siblings together like a common hatred. I let her have it, the neighbours had over heard the argument and I wasn’t going to put up with the staring so I packed my things and left. So there I was a gainfully employed individual homeless. Didn’t have to sleep in my car for long before I found a share house, had to sign a six month lease but that would be enough time to find somewhere of my own. Thankfully word doesn’t travel and she didn’t want people to know she’d been dating a pervert for so long. I had my chance to start again, I could put my perversions aside again like I had for so many years and move on. While I was at the share house they convinced me to go out clubbing, got to know a girl we dated for a couple of months. She helped me move into my own place but I could never be comfortable, the oldest argument replaying itself in my head. Made sex awkward and made me fear taking it to next level. She tried too but I couldn’t tare down the wall.

Her name was Cassandra

I worked in a call centre and there’s a regular intake of employees every couple of months. Faces come and go, it was all apart of the job. One face stuck with me though, she was pretty, young and blonde. Ticked many of my dangerous boxes but I pursued her anyway. Much to my shock we went out a date and then another, all of a sudden it was our one year anniversary and after a little wine I told her about what happened with Wendy and she was understanding. She didn’t get it but she understood. I didn’t understand though, I was a supervisor and I hadn’t even thought about the fact that despite her lagging in performance I hadn’t even thought of continuing her employment. I was being used and when my boss confronted me about it, I was given the opportunity to have a meeting and fix the problem. I confronted her and we had an argument but eventually she agreed to start improving. To her credit she did in fact show up to work early the next day and had plastered my name and face all over the office declaring my fetish to the world. To my credit bimbofication is an obscure enough fetish that people didn’t get it but they had smartphones so they received an education. It was a HR nightmare she was fired, there was court battles, I received a settlement from the company and a paid transfer to any call centre in the country. No one believed it so I just got a local transfer, my reputation wasn’t ruined it was just embarrassing. She was told she would never work in call centres again and she laughed it off. She was young, pretty, and her parents were rich. This was probably the harshest hand life would ever deal her.

Her name was Melanie.