The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


This material is for adults only; it contains explicit sexual imagery and non-consensual relationships. If you are offended by this type of material or you are under legal age in your area, do NOT continue.


This story contains depictions of mind-control, male-female sex, exhibitionism, and humiliation.


Getting bullied after school by Tess and her two cheerleader friends is nothing new to Claire, but this time is different. For some reason Tess is talking differently . . . and also not wearing panties.

The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter Three, Part 1: Three Cheers for Claire

The uproar of afterschool clamor waned in the distance as the mob of teenage students made their way to the large gravel parking lot. A month ago, Claire would have been there as well, laughing with her friends for a while before saying goodbye, and then walking to her home located not far behind the school. Instead, Claire was currently struggling with difficult footing as she squeezed through the briers outside her last-period classroom. Emerging from the dense bush, Claire felt a tug from the strap on her right shoulder; the book bag she carried was caught in the branches behind her. Frustrated, Claire jerked angrily on the strap, which then snapped and sent the girl toppling backward out of the flowerbed and into the grass.

“Ouch!” Claire exclaimed.

Great, that probably just ruined my outfit, she thought. Claire had just this week bought the skirt she was wearing, and now it was almost certainly covered with grass stains. Claire plopped her head down into the sod; she felt defeated—this was the second time she had to change her route home from school in less than a month. The first time it wasn’t too bad, but did involve less face-time with her friends. This time, however, the route was pretty much the opposite of a shortcut . . . but it was necessary. Claire knew she had no choice if she was going to avoid those three cunt-bags from math class.

It all started about six weeks ago—on the day of their calculus mid-term. Claire, who always treated her exams seriously, had found her seat quickly so as to leave time for a final review of her notes before she had to put them away. As she reached for her notes, however, Claire had noticed something interesting on the floor. She picked it up and flattened out what appeared to be a list of answers—most likely for the test she was about to take!

What happened next really wasn’t her fault—after all, it’s not like she wanted to be labeled a snitch—but what else could she do? She was in possession of a mid-term cheat sheet just minutes before the test. If she didn’t turn it in, and somebody caught her with it, then her whole life would be ruined! Her 4.0 GPA. Her shot at Yale. She’d have that on her record forever! Well, perhaps she was being a little melodramatic, but it definitely would have ruined her GPA. To make matters worse, when Claire first showed the cheat sheet to Mrs. Schneider, she didn’t think anyone would get into trouble. It’s not like there was a name on it, and she couldn’t recognize the handwriting—unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for Mrs. Schneider. It took the old woman all of thirty seconds to match the lettering to a particularly lengthy answer from her previous class. As it turned out, the author of the cheat sheet was none other than Tess Turner—undoubtedly the most popular girl in school . . . or at least she was the most popular girl in school. By the end of that day, Tess had been publicly humiliated, suspended, and even replaced as captain of the school’s varsity cheerleading squad. When she returned two weeks later, Claire knew that the girl would eventually try to get back at her—it was just a matter of when. Claire did not have to wait long at all. That afternoon, the former cheerleader and two of her cheerleader-lackeys waited until Claire finished her last class of the day, and then followed her to the parking lot. After cutting her off from her friends, Tess’s trio overpowered Claire by pinning her down in the grass. Claire recalled looking up at that bitch’s smiling face as she sat uncomfortably on the Claire’s chest. Tess’s popular “fat ass”, which all the guys liked to gawk at, was then painfully crushing Claire’s boobs.

“Hi, Claire,” said Tess softly. “Darcy and Jenna here were just telling about the time you ratted me out to Mrs. Schneider. Isn’t that right, girls?”

Darcy and Jenna were now each sitting on Claire’s arms. They nodded eagerly.

“Fuck yea. She did it. I watched her do it,” said Darcy.

“Look, I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was—“ Claire had tried to respond, but was quickly interrupted.

“Don’t worry, Claire, it’s fine,” said Tess.

“It is?” asked Claire.

“Sure! We just need to plug that leak of yours and then we’ll leave you alone,” replied Tess.

“Excuse me?” asked Claire in confusion. The tone in Tess’s voice was making her more than a little nervous.

“Jenna, do you have anything we could use to plug Claire’s leak?” Tess had asked.

Jenna didn’t say anything; she just smiled and handed Tess a small object wrapped in damp toilet paper.

“What the fuck is that?!” Claire screamed. She was admittedly freaking out.

“Oh, this?” Tess asked as she unraveled the tissue paper. “This is what we’re going to plug your leak with . . . Your big, fat, snitching leak.”

Claire watched Tess remove the last of the tissue paper to reveal a bloody tampon.

“Open wide, you cunt,” said Tess calmly.

Claire had barely managed a muffled “Fuck you” before Tess grabbed her by the jaw and shoved the tampon into her mouth. The blood, as it turned out, was only ketchup, but that didn’t stop Claire from getting sick right there in grass while Tess and her friends ran away laughing. The next day, Claire took a different way home, and even left class a bit early so as not to be followed. She continued that routine for a couple weeks, but Tess and her friends eventually caught on to her, and then chased her across the soccer field after school—she made it halfway home before they eventually gave up. Claire still had no idea what they planned to do if they caught her . . . and she did not intend to find out. The day after Tess and her friends chased her, Claire decided to plot a more secluded route home from school—the same route that had just landed her on her ass partially-covered in compost.

Claire realized she was comfortable, and she even considered laying there for a few more minutes, but quickly shook off the delusion; she knew she had to keep moving. Indeed, if Tess was still gunning for her, then the sidewalk behind her last-period class wasn’t the smartest hideout.

“See, I told you I saw her come this way!” said a voice.

Shh! She’ll hear you.”

Claire froze. They found her. Without turning her head, Claire stole a glance in the direction of the whispers, which seemed to come from one of the walkways leading to the campus’s inner courtyard. Claire was fairly certain the whispers belonged to at least one or two of her three tormenters who, as she imagined it, were now plotting their method of torment while Claire floundered around in grass like a sitting duck. Recognizing what might be her only chance to escape, Claire silently reached for her bag while watching for any sign of movement; she was prepared to outrun them if necessary. Claire rose slowly to a crouched position, pulled her bag close to her chest, and crept carefully backward away from the voices and closer to home.

“Just where the fuck do you think you’re going?” yelled a voice from over her shoulder.

Claire shrieked as the question shattered her precious silence, and, with the grace of a knee-jerk response, leapt away from the stranger, slipped, and then fell—landing flat on her back in the grass yet again. Grasping her book bag with her left hand and blocking the sun with her right, Claire looked up at the partially silhouetted figure above her: Tess Turner. The venomous teen towered over her and was, from her shoulders to the bottoms of her ass-cheeks, attired in one brand-new cheerleader uniform complete with matching pompoms. As her eyes adjusted, Claire spotted a couple things odd with the uniform Tess was wearing. Firstly, the outfit was not only newly-purchased; it was an entirely new design. Claire would say that it belonged to another school—which was more likely seeing as how Tess had supposedly been banned from the squad altogether—but embroidered right there across the front of Tess’s top was their school’s team name, the “Mustangs”.

The other oddity that Claire noticed with the uniform was that the new design was more than a little risqué; it was downright offensive. Their school, FCHS—short for Freemont Catholic High School—normally followed a strict dress-code for women’s apparel, and yet Tess’s current outfit looked like it was purchased in a sex shop. The Mustangs’ traditional full-torso cheerleader blouse had been replaced with a top which, although adorned with the school colors and nickname, appeared to be nothing more than a mere sports bra . . . except thinner. Claire could easily make out Tess’s (shockingly erect) nipples through the fabric. The second and final piece of the uniform was a skirt similarly adorned, yet much shorter than the school’s traditional uniform bottom. As a matter of fact, the skirt was so short that it just barely covered Tess’s front and probably, Claire thought, failed to cover even half of the girl’s famously ample backside.

“Jenna! Darcy! You can come out now,” yelled Tess.

Claire could hear giggles and footsteps as the two lackeys pranced over behind her.

“Tess, hi. Um, when did they change the cheerleader uniforms?” Claire asked. She needed to stall them. If she was lucky, Claire thought, a teacher or principle might have heard the commotion and would soon be on his or her way to check things out. Then again, luck hadn’t been on her side that day, and Claire felt herself start to panic as she thought about what these girls might do if no one came to her rescue. Claire watched a smug grin spread across Tess’s face, and she had a sinking feeling that the girl might be reading the panicked expression in her eyes.

“Thank you for noticing, Claire,” responded Tess. “Actually, Vice Principal Gloria just delivered these this afternoon. Do you like them?”

Claire was taken aback by the question. Of course I don’t like it, you dumb bitch, Claire thought, you look like a goddamn porn-star! “Oh, uh . . . yea, sure,” Claire lied, “They’re, um . . . nice.” It wasn’t until Claire finished answering the question that she realized she could not remember a Vice Principal Gloria ever working at FCHS—a dubious fact that Claire was about to mention before Tess cut her off.

“You just go around thinking you’re better than everyone, don’t you?” asked Tess.

“No! Not at all, I just . . . I mean, I thought you were kicked off the squad?” Claire stammered.

“Oh, I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” said Tess. “D’you think anyone cares what comes out of that cunt mouth of yours? Pfft, please. Vana went talk to Principle Gordon this morning and I was back on the squad by noon.”

“Vana?” Claire asked.

“Vice Principle Gloria,” said Tess.

“Her first name is Vana?” asked Claire, “Vana Gloria?”

“That’s what I just said, didn’t I? She had, like, a five-minute meeting with Gordon and he added me back so hah!,” snapped Tess.

Claire thought about mentioning the significance of vanagloria from their religion class, but instead scoffed at the audacity of this new Vice Principal—letting someone like Tess Turner back onto the cheerleading squad so soon after she showed her true colors? Claire had to admit, it annoyed the ever-loving shit out of her that someone like Tess Turner could go through life getting whatever she wanted just because of the way she looks.

Well judging from that outfit, I’m sure a blowjob was involved,” Claire said under her breath.

Tess’s face turned red with anger; it was clear that she had somehow heard Claire’s mumbled insult. With a shriek, the tall blonde lunged forward and, like she had done weeks earlier, plopped her big ass down right in the middle of Claire’s chest.

Oooff,” Claire heaved as the air was forced out of her lungs under the weight of Tess’s body.

Tess then leaned forward and held Claire’s shoulders before nodding in the direction of Jenna and Darcy—a signal for them to help. The two lackeys finally came into Claire’s view as they each rushed to sit down on one of Claire’s arms, pinning her helplessly to the ground while she struggled to catch her breath.

“You still don’t know when to shut that cunt mouth of yours, do you?! And here I thought we taught you that lesson weeks ago,” yelled Tess. “You’re lucky we didn’t bring any tampons with us, because I would make you fucking eat it!” Tess was painfully squeezing Claire’s face with her hand; she hated Claire so much!

Claire, who had been breathing in shallow gasps ever since Tess landed on her, was slowly regaining her ability to speak, “. . . get . . . off . . . you bitch . . .”

“Well, looks like you haven’t learned when to shut up after all,” said Tess, “What do you think girls? What else can we use to plug up that mouth of hers?”

“Oh! Is she wearing any panties?” Darcy said.

Claire’s eyes turned to shock. What the hell kind of question is that? Claire thought.

“If she is,” continued Darcy, “we could shove those in her mouth!”

The suggestion struck Claire as really lewd—even for Darcy—but Tess and Jenna, however, seemed to think it was a brilliant idea.

“Good idea, Dars!” Tess said, “Here, let me check.”

Suddenly, Claire felt what could only be Tess’s hand reach back between her knees and grab her crotch.

“What the fu—” began Claire. Her frantic protects were quickly muffled by Tess’s other hand, which was now clamped down over her mouth.

“Mmmh, that’s better. I can’t begin to tell you how annoying your voice is, Claire,” said Tess, “Jenna, could you cover Claire’s mouth for me? Just for a minute while I get her panties off.”

“Sure!” replied Jenna.

Claire tried to fight as Tess removed the hand from her mouth, but Jenna quickly replaced it with her own. She felt helpless as Tess turned herself around so that she could have better access to Claire’s skirt. These girls weren’t playing around . . . they wanted to take off her panties and gag her with them! Claire was now truly afraid of what might happen next—there was something very wrong with the way Tess and her friends were behaving. They were always mean, but this was just insane! And as she lay there, waiting to feel Tess’s fingers on her thigh, something else occurred to Claire. She had been feeling something strange on her arm—a warmth where the girls Darcy and Jenna were pinning her down . . . where they were sitting on her. Oh my god, she thought, they aren’t wearing underwear! Claire turned her head to Darcy and quickly confirmed her suspicions.

Darcy, who was also proudly wearing the school’s new cheerleader uniform, was slowly gyrating her hips back and forth on Claire’s arm. The look on her face was a mixture of confusion and sexual ecstasy; her eyes were glassy and half-lidded while she chewed on her bottom lip. Claire tried to move her arm, causing Darcy to gasp in pleasure, open her eyes, and for a few brief seconds exhibit some signs of awareness; but then the glassiness returned and Darcy’s expression became once again vacant.

Claire struggled to remain calm as she witnessed the teenage girl’s terrifying, mentally-addled behavior. Further down, where Darcy’s slender thighs rested on Claire’s arm, was yet another erotic spectacle. With her legs straddling Claire’s arm, Darcy’s ridiculously short skirt had ridden up slightly, causing the girl’s bald pussy to be fully exposed. Claire watched as Darcy’s pussy—which by now was utterly dripping with her own juices—pressed itself against Claire’s arm. Claire followed closely the loose lips of Darcy’s pussy as they were pulled back with each slow thrust of her hips. She could even see Darcy’s clitoris, which would with each receding motion brush against Claire’s soft skin.

The hypnotic movement of Darcy’s pussy was interrupted when Claire realized Jenna’s hand was sort of playing with her mouth instead of covering it. Claire immediately looked over at the girl to her right and confirmed that, like Darcy, Jenna was also not wearing any panties. Also like Darcy, Jenna’s hips seemed to be grinding back and forth on their own accord.

Meanwhile, Jenna’s fingers began to trace their way around Claire’s lips—she no longer appeared concerned with preventing Claire from talking. By now, Claire had come to the conclusion that the three cheerleaders must have consumed some form of psychedelic during class and were now much too far gone to realize what they were doing.

“Jenna,” Claire said slowly, “what are you doing?”

“Oh nothing,” Jenna said heavily, “You have such a nice mouth . . .”

“Uh, thank you, Jenna,” said Claire, “Do you think you could help me get up?”

“Your lips are so sexy, mmm . . .” said Jenna as she continued to feel the girl’s face.

“Jenna, I appreciaaah . . .” Claire began, but suddenly found herself talking around Jenna’s fingers after the girl slid one and then two of her fingers into Claire’s mouth. “. . . Vemma thop!”

Claire tried to cry out, but as soon as she began to speak, Jenna rubbed her fingers along Claire’s tongue and then pushed them down into her throat until she gagged. As soon as the reflex was over, Claire tried again to plead with the insane girl, “Vemma, paheezeechhh . . .”

“I’m sorry, Claire,” said Jenna, “but I need to keep you quiet, and I really don’t want to cover your pretty mouth. I mean, like, if we had like a gag or something, I’d totally use that! Ooh! Especially a cock-gag. I’d love to see your lips wrapped around a big fat cock right now. Anyway, if you stop talking I’ll stop gagging you. How’s that sound?” Jenna had gagged Claire three times now, and tears were starting to run down the poor girl’s cheeks.

“Hoogayyeechhh . . .” Claire tried to agree, but as soon as she began to work her tongue around Jenna’s hand, Jenna deliberately pushed a third finger into Claire’s mouth until she gagged once again.

“Oops! Hehe, I probably shouldn’t be asking you questions, huh?” Jenna laughed.

At this, Darcy made a rather loud grunting sound, which drew Claire’s attention away from Jenna. With her mouth full of Jenna’s fingers, Claire stared at Darcy, who was still in the same mindless sex-daze that she had been in since this started.

“Don’t worry about her,” said Jenna, “she’s been that way since we got these new uniforms.”

Claire barely heard Jenna; she couldn’t help but observe as the gorgeous Darcy rocked her hips to and fro, all the while making the sexiest faces and sounds one could imagine coming from such a creature.

“I said don’t worry about her,” said Jenna who was now feeling an unexpected tinge of jealousy. “She’s nothing but a mindless bimbo. Watch this. Hey, Darcy, how about you make yourself airtight?”

Claire knew Darcy heard Jenna because she stopped grinding. Then, for a brief moment, Darcy opened her eyes fully and stared at Jenna with a shocked and confused expression. For a second it appeared that Darcy might actually say something coherent, but then her eyebrows curled upward into a sad expression, her eyes became slightly glassy and half-lidded, and she nodded. Darcy then brought her left hand up to her mouth and began sucking on her fingers. When they were sufficiently lubricated, she reached behind her back, found her anus slowly pushed a finger inside. Although Claire couldn’t see Darcy actually inserting the digits, she could certainly feel the hand against her arm as Darcy struggled to insert it into her own ass. One after the other, Claire felt Darcy’s hand slip three more fingers into Darcy’s ass; the girl’s butt was now thoroughly plugged. Darcy then did something similar with her right hand, except this time using it to fill her mouth. Once both holes were filled, Claire watched as Darcy’s hands slowly began to slide in and out.

Darcy was now fingering herself from both ends . . . and she seemed to love it. She started off slow—apparently savoring the flavor of her hand—but was now quickly picking up the pace. Claire noticed this to especially true with regards to Darcy’s left hand. Claire could feel Darcy eagerly finger fucking her own ass faster, and faster until finally Darcy closed her eyes and let out a muffled moan from around the fingers in her mouth. Claire watched the orgasmic spasms ripple through the teen’s thighs and face until they finally subsided, leaving the girl unusually quiet. For a moment, Claire thought the orgasm might have even snapped Darcy out of her stupor, but then, as Darcy once again began to open her eyes, Claire couldn’t help but notice how her eyelids stopped halfway. Claire watched Darcy once again pull the fingers slightly from her mouth, pause, and then push them slowly back in before repeating the motion. It wasn’t long before Darcy had fully resumed fingering her ass and mouth while grinding her pussy against Claire’s arm.

Claire looked back at Jenna with a terrified expression. She didn’t know of any drug that could do this to people. This was flat out impossible . . . and yet she couldn’t deny the fact that her own pussy was now, for some unknown reason, hopelessly drenched when it was perfectly dry just minutes before. Meanwhile, Tess had, for the past several minutes, been struggling with her attempts to force open Claire’s legs so that she might pull off the girl’s underwear (and then stuff it down her throat).

“Okay, that’s it,” said Tess, “Girls, I’m sorry, but this little bitch just won’t let me at her pussy.”

“How about we let her at yours then?” suggested Jenna. Finding her excuse to once again gag Claire, Jenna slipped another finger into the girl’s mouth and begun fucking it with all four digits, taking her time to make sure Claire coughed up lots of saliva in the process. By the time she removed her hand, Claire’s face was beet-red and covered in a mixture of tears and spit. Jenna then took her saliva-soaked hand and slipped it under Tess’s ass while it still faced Claire’s pussy.

“Ooh, wow, Jenna,” Tess couldn’t help but moan.

Claire watched through tear-filled eyes as Jenna applied what sounded like a few wet slaps to Tess’s pussy and clit, eliciting a rather high-pitched moan from Tess.

“Up!” barked Jenna.

Tess leaned forward until her face was practically between Claire’s knees, and then lifted her ass as she was told.

Claire realized that she could now very clearly see Tess’s pussy, and it was swollen with arousal, dripping steadily onto Claire’s blouse. In addition to her pussy, Claire could also see Tess’s entire ass, which was, she had to admit, pretty spectacular. Despite herself, Claire now felt hornier than she’d ever been in her entire life.

“Now back it up,” said Jenna as she guided Tess’s ass with both hands.

Claire was surprised to see Tess rather enjoying the submissive role for a change. Tess eagerly followed Jenna’s command and began to wiggle herself backward toward Claire’s mouth. Claire watched with guilty pleasure as the gorgeous cheerleader’s ass hovered over her face.

“Stop” Jenna commanded.

Claire stared at Tess’s pussy.

“Now . . . Claire, open your mouth,” said Jenna.

Claire couldn’t understand why, but she was suddenly overcome with the desire to open her mouth as wide as she could—which she did immediately. The girls remained in that position for several seconds: Tess poised to sit on Claire’s face; Claire laying helplessly with her mouth wide open and a confused look in her eyes; Jenna gently stroking Tess’s swollen clit and labia just over Claire’s open mouth; Darcy still mindlessly fingering her mouth and ass while grinding against Claire; and all of them in the grass just outside their school in broad daylight.

“Good girl,” said Jenna to Claire. “Next, I want you to stick out your tongue.”

Claire stuck out her tongue like a dog.

“Good girl,” said Jenna. “Now . . . Tess, sit.”

Claire felt Tess’s gorgeous butt surround her face and immediately started licking. For some reason she found the taste of Tess’s pussy to be incredible—better than anything she’d ever tasted. Claire even parted her legs a little for Tess who, having not yet been given permission by Jenna, did not act on her desire to press her face against the thin cloth that hid Claire’s pussy. She simply stared at it longingly while feeling Claire lap at her clit.

Oh my! Excuse me ladies, just what the heck do you think you’re doing?” said an adult voice from the nearby walkway.

The booming voice quickly snapped the group back to reality—that is, except for Claire, who was too involved in her task to hear anything at all other than the slurp of her mouth against Tess’s pussy. Tess, on the other hand, recognized the voice immediately, and quickly sat up straight—a gesture which had the double benefit of concealing her actions while also placing her asshole onto Claire’s wonderful tongue. Jenna and Darcy hopped off Claire’s arms while Tess, reluctantly, lifted herself off of the girl’s face and pushed her away.

It took Claire a moment to realize what had happened, but, after a few seconds, the arousal melted away and she, much to her horror, recalled everything that had happened. Quickly, Claire sat up and covered her mouth in shock. What had she done?

Excuse, me! Young lady could you turn around, please?” someone asked.

Claire thanked God when she heard the adult voice; surely a professor had found them. Claire realized was still sitting in the grass, facing the opposite direction of Tess and her lackeys. The three girls were already looking at the teacher with guilty expressions—they had been caught red-handed. Eagerly, Claire turned around, ready to thank her savior, but stopped short; she had no idea who this person was, but she definitely wasn’t a teacher. And her smile was so unnatural . . . like plastic.

“Hi, you must be Claire,” said the woman with a smile. “My name is Vanagloria, but you can call me Ms. Gloria.”

To be continued . . .