The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

She Belongs to Me

Part 3

* * *

She really did a number on this poor country. My words may be as good as gone, but riots transcends all languages. Soot and cinder all around. Broken things. Dead bodies. The streets are ugly, and I don’t even remember what they’re supposed to look like. I’m walking through another world as it dies...and I can’t even cover my boobs.

Well, it’s fitting, really. I’m a naked being. I remember who I am, and what my lost memories made me feel, but I have no home, no country, no direction, and most of all, no future. The fucking bimbo, or the fucking snake Goddess. It’s one or the other, and either one leads to serving Wadjet.

Why do I care? I should embrace my gift, rule over the world that will sprout from the ashes of this one. I’ve been a ruthless predator before. I’ve always been venomous. Why the hell would I want to stop now? Especially when the alternative is being a brainless trollop.

Because being the other one felt...goddamit I can’t believe I’m even thinking this, but it felt good. I didn’t have to worry or judge. I just winged it, and won every time. I’ve never been the smiling type, not when I could grin in pure cruelty instead. But now I feel the faint glow of an earnest smile in my cheeks. It feels so pure.

In other words, it should be an easy call, but it’s not. I’ve been an actual human, once. A wide-eyed, well meaning little girl. And I fucked it all up. If I resist the serpent’s temptation...I could still give her back her life.

...Yeah. Seeing how fucking brilliant my life ended up, maybe it’s time to let others do the thinking, eh? Mmmmh...Christ, even the thought of surrendering to men brought a smile on my face. Is a few hours as a bimbo that powerful a conditioning?

The only question is...if getting fucked leads to more Goddess juice, and let’s face it, I am getting fucked before the sun sets, how in the name of fuck am I supposed to dive back into the fluffy pink cloud?

* * *

So that’s the kind of shit going through my faux Egyptian head for some time as I roam the empty streets. Where are the people even gone? Did they all go to war or something? I’d be concerned, but the fingers wandering past my sash and across my sensitive jugs tell another story. My body’s urges haven’t receded just because I can actually think. I want to fuck. Who cares if it’s going to corrupt me further, I want to fuck...

The terrified shriek of a woman pierces my trance. My forked tongue slithers out in excitement. She’s getting attacked! I hope it’s perverts! I jog to the sound’s origins, and, sure enough, I see two men towering over a blonde babe. Not as cute as me...Good. They’ll fuck me instead!

“You two are insane!” Pleads the woman, wearing frayed clothes. “Why are you working with them?”

“The new Empire will arise soon.” Declares the tallest man, a baldie, with emphasis. “This country resisted and was blown away. Who are we to resist God’s will?”

“This is not God! This is a pagan monster!”

“Yeah, well, given the goddamn temple she put where the White House was,” Snarkily says the smallest dude, “I’d say we’re rolling with the pagans now, baby.”

I’m not catching everything they say, but apparently the dudes are turncoats supporting Mother. I mean Wadjet. Goddamn.

“Then be cowards and leave me alone!”

“Aw, come on, love. We’re not gonna hurt you. The Goddess simply knows what drives men, and if all the pretty girls become Egyptians, America will gladly throw all bald eagles into a grinder to join us.”

“Wh...What? Become Egyptians?”

“Yes. Just an ethnic and language change and you’ll be able to go about your day. Doesn’t so bad, does it?”

“Y...You’re insane! Is that what you’ve done to the poor girl over there?”

Huh? The blonde is pointing at me. What’s this about now? Oh, well, if it can turn their attention to my pretty boobies...And it does! The snarky guys whistles.

“Well, helllllo there, woman of tomorrow.”

He walks to me. The tall guy seizes the blonde and forces her to another big chariot. I smile at the small one.

“[What’s all this about?]” I ask casually.

“Huh? Ah, sorry luv, I don’t speak the new tongue yet. Still have to explain to the girls what’ll happen to them.”

“Stop talk so fast, mister...” I reply with difficulty. “Old tongue hard.”

“Of course it is. What are you doing so far from the temple. This is infidel country for now.”

“Not care. Wanna fuck...”

I wrap my hands around his waist and press my naked boobies against him. Wait, should I be doing... Stop asking questions, host. You know you can’t drive the need away for long. Yes but... No buts. Go with him, go home. No...If Mother catches me I’ll... Silly girl. You can’t be a bimbo. You’re me. No. You’re an alien. You just want to consume me... Ha ha ha! Maybe so, what?

I feel my tongue flick outside of my mouth again.

“Holy shit!”

Oh...Oh no. He noticed. Yes he did. Ha ha ha!

“The...the Princess did show up!”

Oh shit. Shit shit shit. If Wadjet finds out, I... Yes, she’ll give birth to me personally. Game over, little host. No. It can’t end like this.

“Please. I wanted to be someone good, like, finally.” I plead in a shallow breath, feeling the simple innocence of bimboness slip away and the snake’s hiss closing in. “Not take me away. Not make me go to her.”

“Sorry, little Goddess, no can do.”

I feel his hand entering my pussy, left incredibly wet after such a long time.

“MMMmnnnooooh! Pleaaase noooo...”

“Shh. Time to go to sleep. Cum and think of the Goddess.”

My traitorous snatch assault me with wave upon wave of pleasure, turning my body to autopilot. Pleasure possesses me and I hear the snake laugh. I am helpless. I am captured, on the brink of oblivion, and I...I...Aaaahhh...


My body goes limp in his arms. Boy. Sexy man. Yes, helpless host. Sweet dreams. Wheeee... You will love Mother with all your heart soon.

* * *

The orgasm knocked me out. I start to come to and see I’m in one of those insanely fast metal chariots. Great. Outside the windows, the landscape zipping past seems...different, somehow. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t as much sand before. Reminds me of home...I mean Egypt! Dammit.

The sand piles up, and the buildings get more and more familiar. Instead of dull columns with holes all over, I see actual acts of craftsmanship, with sculptures and mural paintings integrated into the design. Is that my world being consumed by Wadjet’s? If that’s the case...sorry, but I think that cunt’s got better taste than we have. It may be the birth of an evil dictatorship, but everything’s so friggin’ pretty.

We stop eventually, and the man drags me out of the chariot. And while i’m not completely frail, I know I’m not as strong as I should be. I struggle, try to wrestle my way out of his grasp, but he holds me tight. He calls another guy, and soon I’m against two men heads taller than me. They pull my wrists behind my back and cuff them. Well, shit. And as if that wasn’t humiliating enough, they pull a collar out of the chariot.


In a last ditch attempt, I bite the first guy. Sadly, I don’t seem to have transformed to the point where I am venomous. He pretty much just shrugs it off and restrain my head. Next thing I know...I’m collared.

The rest is too sad to recount. Being dragged through a sandstone temple like an animal, turning heads as you get the idea. Long story short, I am now on my knees, in the middle of a lavishly decorated throne room with bejeweled golden pillars, potted palm trees and even goddamn fountains. On a throne presiding that luxurious display sits, of course, Wadjet.

“Ah, Kaili. So your soul was of some value after all.”

“Get bent, you fucking monster.”

The snake laughs softly, then waves at my captors.

“You may leave, faithful servants. Expect gratitude.”

They bow and depart, leaving me alone with that walking apocalypse. I stand up and defy her dominating stare.

“Let’s get something very clear, bitch.” I threaten. “I don’t want your divinity. You can enslave me, but I will never accept you. Even as a bimbo I thought of you as the blight you are.”

“Did you really?” She giggles. “But here is the thing. Your very being has turned. In a process even I don’t understand, your soul showed the attribute of the Divine—absorbing lifeforce. You are no longer human, and pretending otherwise is futile.”

“Yeah, I kinda got that on account of that forked frigging tongue! But I’m not your daughter, and I will never be!”

“That’s where you’re mistaken, sugar.”

She stands up and smiles...But not in the way she normally does. It’s...a kind, caring smile.

“I could give you back all your memories right now, and you wouldn’t be Kylie Wade any more than you currently are. You are a brand new being, born of my soul, and I will raise you as the infant you are.”

She walks down the steps leading to her throne, caressing the air as if I was just in front of her.

“Sure, right now you are weighted by your past life. But my care will melt it all down. My love will penetrate your entire being and reshape you. You will grow as a little Goddess and naturally adopt me as your one and true mother. You will love me, look up to me, obey me. Look forward to that elating feeling, Kaili...Mommy likes her little girls cute, happy and so, so loving.”

A chill goes down my spine. I’m used to Wadjet being a major psycho but...that shit just feels wrong. There’s nothing in her expression that betrays bluffing, either. She’s dead serious. Bitch turned me into a brain-dead sexpot and now she genuinely wants me to look at her and squeal “I love you, Mommy!” like some perfect little girl. I doubt even my growing powers are enough to stop her, but...maybe I can at least rain on her parade.

“You don’t understand, bitch!” I hiss. “Your daughter is that alien voice in my head, not me. She loves you alright, but she’s sure as hell not me. So if filling my body with some manufactured persona is what you want, more power to you. But you will. NEVER. Make me love you.”

“Ooooh...really?” Mocks Wadjet. “I guess I’ll have to work hard then. The new Empire is growing fast, but I could really use a kind and gentle Princess to capture the plebe’s heart.”

What? The fuck does she mean, kind and g...ARGH!

I just felt some kind of intense beat. Like...I don’t freaking now, I still have no knowledge of this dying world, so I can’t really compare it to anything, but I felt it like a kick to the gut. Shit, there is goes again! Wadjet extends her hand, and it only makes it worse. The third hit knocks me right off my feet, and I hear the Goddess giggle.

I get up after a few seconds, and see her clutching something. It’ golden egg?

“The fuck is this thing?”

“Hm?” She lets out, distracted. “Why, it’s you, sugar plum.”

“Ha ha ha, what?” I snicker.

“Well, the most important, if not the only important part of you...your soul.”

My soul is an egg now? The shit just keeps on coming.

“As a matter of fact,” she sighs, “This dreary form of yours can do whatever the hell it pleases. It’s really of no import...your consciousness will slip back into your soul eventually.”

To illustrate, she presses the egg against her soft chest and murmurs some sweet nothings to it. And as crazy as this sounds...I can feel it. I feel her warmth. I hear her gentle, soothing voice.

Hi Kaili. I’m Wadjet, your mommy. You gave me something very important. I could rebuild Kemet anew thanks to you, bring back the Divine...Fortune gave you divinity as thanks. Now you are my child, and I shall give you the utmost care.

She treats the smooth, gleaming egg like her very own baby...And her love resonates through my senses. Once again, she owned up to her threats. She holds my very soul, and is going to transform it...unless I do something about it. Come on, me. You’re a badass. You’re the Fatherfucker. Wadjet may be a Goddess, but she can’t defeat me at every turn. There has to be some heroic shit I can pull. I don’t want to become some dainty Princess. Please, whatever other Gods are out there right now...Let me at least do that one thing.


I conjure forth every single remnant of rage left after that bimbo episode, and run to the monster, fists clenched. I won’t let her reforge my soul. I won’t let her raise me and define everything I am. I won’t let her turn everything I am into an irrelevant, ever fading memory. I am Kylie Wade, and I won’t be reborn. Wadjet is busy looking at my soul egg. She doesn’t see me pull my arm back. She doesn’t see me fling my fist at it with all my might.

She sends me flying with a flick of the finger anyway.

Shhh...that’s all right, my dear, sweet child. She purrs, caressing the shell protecting me. You don’t have to fight anymore. Calm down and listen to my voice. Trust it. You’re not violent, you’re a beloved sweetheart Grow, my dear little girl. Grow as this new world’s Goddess of Love.

Utterly defeated, awash in the soothing maternal warmth, my body crumples to the floor

I want you to imagine butterflies, Kaili. Pretty butterflies fluttering around and carrying all your fears and concerns away. Little girls don’t concerns themselves, Kaili. Mommies do that. There, nothing but smiles left. Nothing but smiles and me.

Her love is thick, sickening...but penetrating. I’m tempted to let it wash over me, cleanse me of this base humanity of mine, but once again, I manage to resist the appeal of divinity thanks to what’s left of my pride. She doesn’t love me, she just wants a kind-hearted, benevolent Goddess to take the helm of her theocratic dictatorship and soothe the enslaved masses. My bodies runs out of the room...But my soul remains, to be coaxed and mellowed into mewling infancy.

* * *

I stagger into the egyptologist’s office. My legs, exhausted after a good two hours of walking, fail me, and I end up on the wooden floor. Mommy loves you very much, Kaili. I will give you all you need to grow beautiful. You just need to obey your Mommy. Possessed by the warmth, my body automatically tries to go into the fetal position to mirror the real me in the egg. I only barely keep myself straight.

“Kaili? What’s wrong? What happened?” Inquires Nathan, concerned.

“Mommy is...” I swallow. “I mean, Wadjet has taken my soul, she’s nurturing it like her baby and I...Now I think like a baby sometimes. Help me. I don’t wanna be a little girl, help me...”

You’re so feminine and girly, my sweet Kaili. I can tell, you know? You want to smile all the time and be kind and gentle. So what if you’re a little weak and shy? That’s a normal thing for a cute little girl to be.

“Yes, Mommy...I mean, fuck off you...” It’s so much easier to listen and absorb the truth now...Tears swell up in my eyes. “Uuaaaah...She’s so strong I can’t fight her please help me...”

Nathan shakes me up. It helps dispel some of the warmth. Most of it remains.

“Focus, Kaili! Wadjet is trying to infantilize you, is that it?”

“Yes...Maybe? That’s a big word...”

“When has she started?”

“Dunno, a few hours? I try to remember who I am and all the bad things I did but I feel so young and Mommy sounds so right, remembering being a bad girl is so scary...”

“Remember, my sweet child. Mommy thinks for you. Taking a decision without Mommy’s blessing frightens you. You’re so afraid to go against Mommy’s wishes. You want to do what you are told instead. It’s so much easier to do what you’re told.”

“Yes, Mommy...” I whisper in a daze. “How can the man help me, Mommy?”

“Wow, huh...Okay, this looks very bad. I’m going to try a spell, don’t listen to her!”

Listen to me, Kaili. You know I’m always right. Everything I tell you goes right into your heart and shapes you. I am the world to you. Life without me is meaningless and scary. You want me. You need me. Try to imagine me disappearing and leaving you alone forever.

Yeah, that would be gr...great?, I don’t feel sad. I don’t feel sad. I’m independent, I’m not a little g...


I’m bawling. That’s it. My emotions are taking over. I can think I’m a free adult but I feel just like a lost toddler. Nathan tries to comfort me.

“Kaili! Don’t cry!”

“I want my Mommyyyyyyy...”

“Holy...okay, huh...I dismiss you, Daughter of Wadjet, the Imperial Snake! Hear me, Heka, and return to your realm!”

He repeated his banishing spell, but...this time, nothing. Worse, I curl up into the fetal position and bring my thumb to my lips.

“...No I don’t want to go away, I want my Mommy pwease Mister.”

“Alright, that didn’t work...I have to find another incantation, quick...”

He turns around and starts to rummage through his papers. His desperation, his desire to help against a frigging Goddess distracts me from the overflowing sadness. I gulp. Mommy will be back soon...I need to do something before she does.

“W...Wait, mister...”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure I can find something about soul sev...”

“No, you don’t get it, have to bail.”

Surprised, he looks at me over his shoulder.

“What do you mean? I can’t...”

“Mo...Wadjet’s too powerful. Every time I try to resist I fail. I want to resist, I don’t wanna become a baby. But...sob I will. I’ll become her daughter and I’ll tell her all about you because you’re a mean mister who wants to hurt my Mommy and I...“

I stop myself from professing my hatred of him...barely.

“Leave. There has to be somewhere on the planet where you can practice the magic and seal her into a coffin again. If you don’t help me, I’m fucked, but if you stay here, we’re all fucked.”

“I...I can’t...”

“Don’t worry, Mister. Mommy will take care of me. Ah, I can feel her again...” I make a dumb, elated smile. “Mommy...”

Shhhh. Don’t worry, sugar. Mommy is here.

I put my thumb in my mouth and suckle. I feel warm, safe, loved. A little sad, too, because I’m a big girl and I shouldn’t act like a two years old. But Mommy doesn’t mind if I’m a crybaby.

You need me, but I will always be there for you, my little baby. I will always be there to tell you what to do and think. I am love. I am safety. I am truth.

Is mister researcher gone? I don’t know...the room is fading. My body is fading. It’s like she said, I’m going into the egg. I’m becoming my true self.

Forget violence. Forget power. You know I am always right. What you truly love is music and pretty flowers. You are a girl, and you like girly things. You can’t wait to be born and play with your dolls and be the cutest little thing in the Empire.

So okay, she won, she’s my Mommy now.! Not that, Mommy, please! Don’t raise me as a pretty little princess! Do I look like giggling girlishness?! I can’t be the Goddess of Love. I hate everything. I hate Mommy’s new empire especially. I wanna see my country again. I wanna be with my squadmates again and toss a grenade into her coffin. I won’t be a dainty princess. I won’t. I won’t!

You hate swearing. You’re a good girl. You want to be clean and polite for Mommy and she will give you another of those pretty dresses you love so much. Fighting hurts. You’re a delicate Princess, you want everyone to love you because you love everyone.

Nooo stop trying to fuc-fudging change me, I’m not a princess. I’m not a princess. I’m just an egg. I don’t listen.

You’re my pretty, obedient little Princess. You will always love me, you will never doubt me. I am your reality. Stop thinking now. Let the pretty butterflies empty you and my voice change you. Just listen and obey.

I feel light and happy. No...hard to...think...I’m not...a girly...

Mommy is always right.

...Always right...

You belong to me.

Belong to you Mommy...

Good girl.

* * *