The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Sisterly Love

Chapter 6

I came back into the living room.

Sarah was deeply in my sister’s thrall, the petite woman looking up adoringly at Julie as she continued to talk in that comforting way:

“What do you think about prostitutes, Sarah?”

“scum”, she answered “selling their bodies on streets to perverts and cheating husbands. They should be banged up the bleeding lot of them” “now I’m not sure that’s what you think is it Sarah” she said dragging her name out in an almost sensual way “don’t you remember that you agreed that sex is a good thing ..”

“… I suppose …” said Sarah

“so, therefore” my sister continued “the problem must lie with the men who are exploiting these women”

“ … The problem is the men?” said Sarah struggling to think

“that’s right” said Julie “men are the scum aren’t they – you admire the prostitutes for putting up with it …”

“Actually,” said Sarah with increasing certainty “it’s the men who are scum – I admire the prostitutes”

“In fact when your patrolling the red light district you find the prostitutes a little sexy don’t you …”

“yes – sexy” said Sarah moving closer to my sister Julie.

I cleared my throat.

“sleep now” said Julie and Sarah immediately fell into deep slumber.

My sister looked up at me

“I can’t do it” I said “I can’t bring myself to force Gill to do what we want”

I started to cry I had let my sister down. “I’m weak, I’m sorry …” I blurted.

My sister looked up at me and held up her crystal pendant. I stared into it and heard

“You aren’t weak” she said “you are strong … you can do anything … you are a tower of sexual strength … you excite women by your very touch … you love control … control stimulates you sexually …”

I felt power raise in my awareness – why had I been so wimpy … Gill should be honoured to be controlled by me. The thought of having Gill under my control made me wet and horny.

Julie smiled as she saw the emotions play across my face and the lust in my eyes.

“Sarah … listen to me” said my sister to the small redheaded WPC whose head was still in her lap “this is Mary, you will do anything Mary wants of you – being controlled by Mary will give you intense sexual satisfaction, do you understand”

“yes … everything Mary commands … I am her slave…”, a ripple of pleasure flowed through Sarah as she said it.

I had to try this out.

“get down on your knees before me” I commanded Sarah

As she complied she let out a moan of pleasure.

“Now, pleasure me” I demanded.

After I was satisfied Julie allowed me to give Sarah her instructions. My sister had laid out the plan on the way to her flat. The plan was simple and a fitting way to deal with my ex-husband and, at least in part make up for what Brian had done to me and, no doubt, his poor students.

“Do you see the evil man in the corner, the one you came to arrest” I said.

Sarah, who had still been looking up at me adoringly, looked into the corner of the room where the carcass of my ex-husband still snored. She looked at him distastefully and nodded.

“He is a teacher of sixth form students at the local girls school and he has perverted them to think that they should love boys” I said

Sarah looked shocked – “but that’s terrible” she said “… it wrong they should be allowed to love one another … it’s natural”

“that’s right” I said “and your going to help us to put it right aren’t you”

“of course” said Sarah instantly

I smiled – my sister’s plan was foolproof and now we were going to have the police backing us up.

I left Julie to fill Sarah in on the details and stood up to go back to take charge of Gill in the bedroom. I had a sudden thought and turned back to my sister.

“Julie” I said “I think Sarah is probably as committed as she is going to be, could I borrow the pendant?”

My sister hesitated a moment as if she didn’t want to be parted with it but grudgingly handed it over.

“you won’t regret this” I said “I guarantee that Gill to be fully under our control in half the time, now I have this”.

At the thought of controlling Gill a thrill of pleasure coursed though me and I was wet and horny again.