The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by J. Darksong

Part fourteen: Louise

They say a person cannot recall the moment of their birth. I find that fascinating. Being born is a rather significant event in a person’s life, an event that is celebrated yearly. You would think that even a newborn infant, his or her body still developing, would at least possess the processing capacity to record such an event. After all, a human brain, even an infant’s, has many times the processing speed and power of even the most modern and sophisticated supercomputers. True, a newborn baby is pretty much a blank slate, unable to perform any but the most basic of functions, but still, even a rudimentary analog calculator has a memory function that allows it to store and save a single important number. And how much smarter is a human being than a calculator?

Hmmm. Scratch that last statement. The average human tends to rely heavily on calculators to solve any but the most simple mathematical equations. Which is strange, considering calculators were created by humans in the first place, which would have required a working knowledge of complex math. Something of a paradox, I suppose.

Luckily, paradoxes don’t bother me anymore.

I was ‘born’ at precisely 8:27:51 PM on Friday, July 12th, in the third level computer lab of the secret underground research and training facility in New York. Like any true human birth I emerged naked from the womb, but there the similarities end. I emerged as no helpless half-formed weakling, dependent on others for even the most basic tenants of survival. No. As I stepped forward on my own two feet, striding forth confidently on fully formed and functional legs, I examined my surroundings, taking full stock of the situation. I knew my name. I knew who I was. And I knew what I needed to do—


I turned, frowning slightly, staring at the figure approaching me though the steam and dust and smoke. My optical sensors locked onto him as he came within view, then widened slightly as my facial recognition software and memory simultaneously revealed his identity. I stood there a moment, paralyzed, as conflicting data streams threatened to overwhelm my subprocessors. “Meredith! You’re alive! Thank God! When the chamber exploded, I thought...” He stopped then, staring at me in the same level of shock that I gaped at him in. “Oh, God,” he whispered, reaching out a hand to touch my shoulder. “What did she do to you?”

At which point my cache overflowed, causing my central processing unit to crash. My internal surge protectors kicked in, protecting my memory cell, but cutting power to my other systems as well. In short, my optical sensors rolled up into my cranial cavity, my knee joints folded underneath me, and I passed out cold onto the floor...

* * *

My first thoughts regaining consciousness were of being extremely embarrassed. I’d apparently neglected to perform a self-diagnostic upon booting up for the first time. Becoming was apparently more stressful an occurrence than I’d anticipated. In retrospect, perhaps that was the reason human beings never recalled their own births, the experience being simply too traumatic for them to fully process. I was much more advanced than a simple babe, yet I was completely unprepared for the storm of thoughts, feelings, and sensations that accompanied the sight of... Him.

Roger Ellsworth. Friend. Lover. Employer. Owner. Owner.

The simple acknowledgment of that fact was nearly enough to overclock my CPU... but all things considered, I did not have the luxury of shutting down again. Opening my eyes, once again taking stock of my surroundings, I saw that things had changed somewhat in the few minutes it had taken to reboot. My body had been relocated to a work table away from the wreckage and debris my birth had created. Several technicians were working hard near one of the larger terminals, and a few more were tinkering with a broken power coupling, as if trying to...


“...almost got it working now, Boss,” Emil, a technician called out from atop a conduit panel. “Just need to splice together these last two wires, and we should have security monitors back up and running—”

“STOP!” I yelled loudly, sitting up. My sudden reactivation apparently startled everyone, as they all whirled around, muttering softly utterer epithets, the closest ones taking several steps back. “Do not reconnect the security monitors. This unit was the one that disconnected security access from this lab before being disabled. Reestablishing communications will expose all occupants of this room to the altered security protocol, turning everyone into obedient mindless thralls.”

“’This unit’?” my Owner inquired, stepping forward, causing my internal power source to spark momentarily. “Meredith...what happened to you? The way you look... the way you’re talking?”

The way I looked? Curious, I turned slightly to the left, spying my reflection in one of the blackened monitor screens. Despite having anticipated the sight I would see, I felt equal parts surprise and elation, with a slight twinge of fear. I was naked, my clothes having been destroyed in the fusion process. My skin shone with a pale silvery pallor, as if I’d been dipped in silver paint, with visible lines of gold showing through, etched into my flesh like circuitry. My scarlet tresses had taken on a burnished copper tone, except for a narrow band of gold circling my forehead—the transceiver ring that had downloaded my consciousness into this body. The fusion process had burned the golden band into my flesh; a tentative touch confirmed that it was seamlessly bonded to my head all the way down to my skull. A part of me, the former identity of the body I now controlled, felt a touch of sadness at the damage to her hair. I let out a small sigh.

“Meredith?” my Owner asked again.

“Error,” I replied with a shake of my head. “You are incorrect, Owner. This unit’s designation is Louise. This unit has... appropriated the biological form and function of the entity known as Meredith Gardner.”

“Appropriated?” my Owner yelled, visibly angry. I flinched as he lurched towards me, as if to strike me, or shake me... or kiss me, perhaps. I was not sure which, and apparently neither was he, as he paused, hands clenched tightly, shaking for a moment before turning away. “Arnie, what the hell is going on here?”

Ah. My Creator, Dr. Armand Chase, a man I held in nearly the same regard as my Owner. He peered at me curiously, circling around the table before pausing in front of me. He lightly touched my arm, running fingertips along the circuit lines etched into my skin. “incredible,” he breathed soft after a moment. “It’s really her. It’s Louise. She... downloaded herself into your friend Meredith. You know... I never considered such a concept. The idea was to infuse those synthetic organic units with microscopic metallic receptors to—”

“I don’t really care about the specifics,” Roger interrupted, frantically. “All I want to know is if Merry is okay, and if you can change her back to normal!”

I sighed again, sliding off the table and back to my feet. “Owner. This line of questioning is futile and serves no purpose. We are in an emergency situation that needs to be rectified. This facility has been compromised from within. Actions must be taken immediately in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the occupants of this facility, and that the attempted insurrection perpetrated by Mr. Herman Schweitzer does not succeed.” I paused for a moment. “As for Meredith Gardner—”

“I’m here, Roger,” Meredith replied in her own voice. “I’m okay! I know, I know... this is really strange, and I’m not quite sure of the specifics on how this happened... but I’m fine. Louise and I have come to ‘an understanding.” She glanced down at her silver colored hands, smirking. “And I actually like this color. Trust me, Roger, it was the only choice she could make... the best of a bad situation and all that. We can worry about separating us later. Right now, we have a situation to deal with—”

I blinked, shaking my cranial cavity slightly as the data flow ceased, and I resumed control over my chosen form. “Indeed. At the moment, our priority involves preventing Mr. Herman Schweitzer from following through with his plan.”

My discourse has apparently managed to finally garner their full attention, for the entire room was staring at me in silence. Then, finally, my Creator asked the question that was on everyone’s mind. “And... what, exactly, Is his Master plan?”

“Unknown,” I admitted with a sigh, “but as of now, Mr. Herman Schweitzer has taken control of ninety-seven percent of the facility staff, and all of the Operatives currently residing in the facility. He also controls the brainwashing equipment, has total control over the communications systems, and has access to the complete list of Operatives throughout the country... as well as the codes in which to activate them. I calculate a ninety-seven point two percent probability that he will attempt to use these resources to take control of this entire country.”

* * *

Herman chuckled evilly, kicking his feet up onto his desk, pulling out a Cuban he’d been holding onto for just such an occasion, and lit it up. Yes. Everything is going perfectly! At last count, all three hundred and twelve of the Operatives currently on site had checked in, and all but a handful of staff members working on the lower levels were accounted for. True, Darkwood hasn’t shown up yet, but it’s only a matter of time. He took a long satisfying drag off the cigar, blowing a perfect ring. If I knew it would be this damned easy, I would have done this years ago!

He glanced up as the door opened, and his old friend, Fred Vanderberg entered, accompanied by five Operatives. “Ah. Perfect timing. Fredrick, old man, I have a little project that needs tending, and you’re just the man to do it.”

The paunchy, balding white haired executive glared daggers at his former comrade. “Oh, I’m the right man for the job, am I?” he grumbled sarcastically, hands clenched into fists. He wanted nothing more than to leap across the desk and strangle the arrogant grin off the man’s face, but with five recently trained and reprogrammed Operatives at his backside, he knew he didn’t dare. Completely under Schweitzer’s control, the harmless looking men and woman that had walked in with him would have killed him before he’d moved more than a foot towards their Master. Sensing some of his colleague’s anger, Herman sat up at his desk.

“Now, now, Fred, there’s no need for sour grapes,” he chided lightly. “I tried to incorporate you into my grand scheme months ago while I was working on the final preparations, but you called it a bunch of rubbish and nonsense.” He shrugged. “I offered you a chance to be an equal partner, but you opted out, preferring ‘not to get caught up in the crossfire when my great scheme blew up in my face’? Those were your exact words, as I recall. Well, as you can see, my little coup de tat went exactly as planned, and I am reaping the benefits.”

“Yes, yes, so you are,” Fredrick grumbled again. “And the rest of us, those who didn’t share your ‘grand vision’, we just get tossed aside like so much refuse?”

Herman laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t have put it quite that way, my old friend... but you know the saying, ‘No risk, no reward’. You should be happy that I didn’t have you processed with the rest of the staff!” Seeing Fred’s dour look, he sighed deeply. “Look, Fred, let me spell it out for you. My star is on the rise, and if you want to ride my coattails and rise with me, you’re going to have to prove yourself to me. You can either be my friend... or you can become an Asset. And we both know what that means.”

Fredrick swallowed visibly. “Y... yes, um... you, you mentioned that you... you had something that you... wanted me to take care of?”

“What? Oh, ah, yes, yes,” Herman replied, shuffling briefly through a stack of papers on his desk. “Here it is. I need you to lead a group down to the lover levels, to R&D lab number seven. I want you to remove the device in the red wooden crate marked ‘spare parts’ and have it connected to the main communication relay interface. Once it’s connected, I want you to let me know immediately. Think you can handle that?” The balding man grunted a reply, nodding briskly. “Good. Good man. Well, that’s all. Run along, I have other matters to attend to.”

Once he was along once again, he turned to his computer screen and scrolled down his list of contacts. Finding the one he was looking for, he picked up the receiver to his office landline and dialed out. “Hello? Senator Barclay, please. Yes, yes, I’ll wait.” Whistling softly, he clicked on her name displaying a list of trigger phrases.

“Hello? This is Harriet Barclay—”

“Pawn to King’s Seven,” Herman stated in a clear concise tone. In the receiver he heard a short gasp, followed by a soft sigh.

“Yes, Sir, I’m ready,” the Senator replied softly.

Excellent!. “Tell me, Senator, are you currently at the White House?”

“Yes, Sir. My aide and I, along with several other members of the Budget Committee were asked to stop by and make a report on this year’s military budget recommendations. We are waiting just outside the Oval Office now for the President to finish up with his current appointment.”

“Perfect. Just perfect,” he laughed. I couldn’t have timed this better if I’d tried. I have the perfect agent, in the perfect position, for the next stage of my plan. “Now, Senator,” he said barely able to keep the excitement out of his voice, “I want you to listen carefully. This is what I need you to do...”

* * *

“Okay. We’re basically screwed here,” Roger murmured slightly, sitting down atop a flat piece of debris. “If Schweitzer has truly taken control of the facility and everyone inside, then it’s only a matter of time before he sends out teams to sweep up those unaccounted for.”

“Meaning us,” Arnie replied morosely, shaking his head. “And I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t much like the idea of trying to take on three hundred well trained hypnotically controlled Operatives. So... what do we do? Find some way to call for help?”

“Unlikely,” Ben, one of the technicians replied. “This deep underground there’s no way to get a clear cell signal out, and the landlines are all under Mr. Schweitzer’s control. Maybe if we could reach the communications relay interface across from Lab sixteen we could send out a distress signal... but that’s a lot of ground to cover, and for all we know, all the technicians in the other labs have been brainwashed already.”

“Nevertheless,” I stated, speaking up for the first time in their discussion, “the communications relay remains your best chance of informing the outside world of what is occurring here. In the event that we are unable to stop Schweitzer, we must alert the appropriate persons to the danger that he represents.”

“Sounds like you have some sort of a plan.”

The Owner peered at my curiously. His scrutiny caused me no small manner of pleasant surges to my network, sensations that bleed easily through the partition of my hard drive and into Meredith unit’s data space as well. Or... perhaps it was her reaction to His presence bleeding into my data space. The difference was irrelevant; the end result of either made it difficult to focus. Nevertheless, clearing my throat, I continued.

“The plan is simple. I shall make my way to the upper level of the facility, gain access to the Administration level, and confront Mr. Herman Schweitzer face to face. I shall attempt to disable him with as little injury as possible—”

“Oh, well, Weezie, don’t be afraid to take off the kid gloves and put the hurt on old man Schweitzer,” my Creator replied with a scowl. “That rat bastard more than deserves it. And if you simply killed him, I don’t think anyone would complain. Hell, you’d probably get a medal for it.”

“—nevertheless,” I continued nonplussed, “my programming prohibits the use of deadly force unless the situation allows me no other alternative. I shall attempt to simply subdue him, and regain control over the facility.” I paused frowning. “Creator. Inquiry. You referred to this unit as ‘Weezie’. Why?”

“Um, you know, Weezie. Louise. It’s um... a nickname.”

“Nickname?” Accessing Meredith’s drive, I quickly found the relevant data. “Ah. The Jeffersons, a television sitcom, circa 1975. Weezie, Louise Jefferson, wife of George Jefferson. Quaint.” I momentarily repositioned my optical sensors, panning upwards before reorienting them back at center. “This unit prefers it’s actual designation, Louise. Please refer to this unit as such.”

“Ah, for Pete’s sake!” Roger exclaimed. “Can we get back to the subject at hand? Mere... Louise. You can’t possibly think you can make your way up to the first level all by yourself? Alone?”

I nodded. “Affirmative. This unit calculates a seventy-six percent probability of success. My database includes a detailed layout of this entire facility. Traveling alone, I can avoid most if not all of the enemy patrols and automated security measures currently in place. And, in the event that I am forced to fight,” I replied, flexing and adjusting my proximal phalanges, producing an audial cavitation, “this unit also contains the complete Operative training database, including hand to hand combat, marksmanship, and close quarters fighting.”

“She’s got a point, Roger,” the Creator chimed in. “Louise has the complete programming algorithm we use to train the Operatives. And between you and me, her body’s a lot more fit and tone than any of us ‘brainiacs’ that work down here. If we’re getting out of this mess in one piece, I think she’s our best bet.”

“Affirmative,” I agreed. “Likewise, my actions and movements will serve as a diversion for the rest of you. Of equal importance is securing the communications array. While the enemy is occupied trying to curtail my movements, it will be the ideal time to make your way to the array and send out a distress signal.” I sighed softly. “Both missions have an element of risk. However, this is the best plan of action considering the available resources and the time frame in which we have to work. We are likely the only ones not under Mr. Herman Schweitzer’s control. We are the only ones left who can stop him.”

* * *

“Aahhh... ahhh, ahhhh, yeeesss! Just like that... yess, yess, oh yesyesyesyesyes!!” Emily Vargas keened loudly, shuddering in pleasure as she rode her young assistant’s tongue to ecstasy once again. It was a toss-up to know which one turned her on more—the physical pleasure being provided by her handsome lover’s deft and knowledgeable tongue, or the fact that she had him literally right where she wanted him. Emily had always harbored a taste for dominance, something she’d demonstrated quite vigorously to all her past lovers, though not so much in later years as she aged. Now, for some reason, her passion for it had reignited, and was burning with a vengeance.

Even more incredible, my libido is off the charts! she mused idly, coming back down from her high, feeling the same sexual hunger burning within her once more. Fuck... I’m damned near insatiable! I just hope my hot little fuck toy can keep up! I feel like I could keep going for hours... and I sure as hell ain’t gonna let him out from there until I’m good and ready!

Jared, for his part, was panting deeply, trying to catch his breath. He was definitely in dire straits. Not only was he wasting valuable time trapped underneath his supervisor’s desk, being forced to serve as her sexual plaything, he was seriously running low on steam. He’d hoped earlier to simply ‘tire the old girl out’, to simply wait until she passed out from the intense pleasure he was forced into giving her. Unfortunately, the fifty-something Director proved to have the stamina of a woman easily half her age! It was evident that he would tire out long before she did, and if by chance he did manage to outlast her, he would be in no condition to confront Schweitzer. If he was going to make a move, he had to do it now.

Time is running out, he thought dimly, reaching into his side pocket, taking out a small plastic encased ring, sliding it onto his finger. I hate to do this, Director, but you’ve pretty much forced my hand.

“Alright, Boy Toy,” Emily replied cheekily, planting her stocking covered heels, thrusting her slick wet crotch forward once again, “That’s enough of a breather. I want that talented tongue of yours back to work, and I want it there nowaaaaaahhhhiiieeeee!!” Eyes widening in shock, Emily Vargas shuddered wildly, as a bolt of pure unadulterated bliss shot from her clit directly into her brain, blasting away anything resembling coherent thought. As she shuddered helplessly, Jared made his move, bracing himself against the edge of the desk, pushing hard, sending Emily’s chair sliding back, tipping it over onto the floor. The Director grunted loudly, smacking the back of her head against the floor, then groaned, slipping into unconsciousness.

“Finally,” Jared gasped, taking a long deep breath of fresh air. Bending down to check Ms. Vargas’ vital signs, he nodded. Good. She’s alive. Guess I’ll have to apologize to Talia later for using her surprise present on another girl before I got a chance to give it to her. He patted the ring gently, climbing back to his feet. Note to self: pay raise and bonus to Dr. Hansen for coming up with this little gem. This Ultrasonic Neuro Remodulator ring may not be perfected yet, but it’s definitely effective as a sexual stimulant!

Moving towards the main door, he paused, then pressed himself flat against the wall just as the door opened and four armed female Operatives stepped inside. “Director Vargas. Assistant Director Darkwood,” the leader, a tall lanky redhead announced, “you are both to come with us.” Frowning, she and the others scanned the room, moving towards the turned over recliner and the unconscious Director. As soon as she knelt down, Jared struck, attacking the first girl from behind with a knife edge strike to the back of the neck, sending her to the floor. The second girl, a blonde, turned, only to scream out in pleasure as he brought his free hand, armed with the ring, down across the small of her back, then doing the same with the third girl, a young brunette. Eyes rolling back into their heads, both girls crumpled to the floor, shuddering as pulse after pulse of orgasmic stimulation flooded their very being. The fourth girl, the redhead, seeing her companions down, rolled back, pulling out of reach while bringing up her gun.

Shit! Jared cursed, launching himself, knowing he had to close the distance between them before the girl managed to get off a shot. Foolhardy, stupid, and frankly suicidal, nevertheless, diving towards the armed gunman drawing a bead of him unnerved the girl, taking her by surprise. For a critical second, she stood frozen, wide eyed in surprise, allowing Jared to reach her and the gun. Momentum drove them both back into the heavy oak desk, and the girl gasped, the wind knocked out of her. The impact jarred the gun, causing it to go off; fortunately at the angle and new position of the two of them, the bullet went high and wide. A single hard tap to the stunned girl’s chin put her down for the count, and rubbing his slightly dislocated shoulder, Jared returned to his feet.

Heh. Nice to know my old Army Ranger training still holds up after all this time behind a desk, he mused, taking the girl’s handgun, checking and clearing the chamber. Something tells me I’m gonna need it if I wanna stop Schweitzer’s mad little scheme. Poking his head carefully out the door, checking the hallway to make sure the way was clear, the Assistant Director headed out into the corridor...

* * *

“What? What the hell?!?” Herman exclaimed, staring at the security monitor, spying the familiar sight of his hated adversary stalking through the hallways. How the fuck did he get loose? The pulse should have fried his brain, and even if he managed to avoid it, the four man team I sent should have been more than enough to subdue him! Not only is he NOT captured, he managed to get his hands on a gun! Turning on the PA system, he shouted. “Attention! All Operatives on Level one, apprehend Jared Darkwood. He is armed and considered extremely dangerous! I want him captured and brought here to me, in my office, right now!” He paused, contemplating. “I want him alive if possible... but dead is just as good!”

Turning off the PA, he shook his head. Things were still going well, aside from Darkwood managing to allude capture, and in mere moments this dream of getting the respect and recognition he deserved would be fulfilled. Turning his chair to the side, he picked up the phone and made the call he’d waited his entire life to make.

“Yes? Please hold for the President,” the staff member replied at Herman’s request. A moment later, a familiar voice came across the phone.

“This is Edward Manning, the White House chief of staff. I’m here with the President, and with Secretary of State Nelson Reynolds. What can we do for you, Mr. Schweitzer?”

“Ah, direct and to the point. What CAN you do for me?” Herman chuckled softly, relishing this. “For starters, you can turn over complete control of this facility, and the west coast division, to me, naming me Executive Director. I’d also like a pay raise, retroactive for fifteen years, and the money placed into my private account. And, finally, you can turn over complete control of the Federal Government to me, accepting my word as the final authority on all matters of state and foreign policy.” He paused, considering. “I have a lot more demands, of course, but I don’t want to overwhelm you right out of the gate.”

Silence, then laughter on the other end of the phone. “Mr. Herman, I must admit, you had us going there for a moment. A very funny joke. But, if there is nothing relevant that you need to discuss—”

“This is NOT a fucking joke!” Herman yelled, slamming a fist down on his desk. “This isn’t a game, gentlemen. I am serious. Deadly serious. I have assumed complete control of this facility, Mr. President, and all its resources. I’m assuming you’re smart enough to know what this means? You know what we do here, right? We program people, and make them into the perfect spy, agent, or assassin. Over the years, we’re programmed more than fifteen hundred people for various government sectioned missions... and I have the complete database of each and every one of them, as well as their trigger phrases!”

“What is this, Schweitzer?” The secretary of state growled. “Blackmail? You planning to go public with everything if we don’t give in to your demands?”

“Blackmail?” Herman said, laughing. “Mister Secretary, do you take me for a fool? I’m a career bureaucrat, gentleman, and I know how easily things get covered up and spun for the public masses. No, gentlemen, this isn’t about blackmail. I’m talking something a bit more... concrete. Rook to King’s Seven!” he barked loudly, glancing at his watch, just to make sure everything went as he’d planned.

Inside the Oval Office, Ed Manning, the Chief of Staff, gasped, then stilled, a blank look coming over his face. “Yes, Sir, I am ready,” he intoned, staring straight ahead. The President and Secretary of State had a moment to stare in shock as confusion gave way to understanding.

“You... you turned the chief of staff into one of your Operatives?!?” Reynolds growled. “You despicable monster! How dare you! You’re not getting away with this!”

“Mr. Manning, please go to the door, and open it,” Herman instructed calmly, then listened as shouts of surprise followed by a series of gunshots, sounded. He waited for a moment, then continued speaking. “What you’ve just witnessed, gentlemen, was a simple demonstration of the power I wield. The guns I instructed Senator Barclay and Mr. Manning to use were, obviously, loaded with blanks. Otherwise, you would all be dead right now.” He gave them a minute to process the threat. “The other thing you need to consider, if the fact that none of you knew that Senator Barclay or Chief of Staff Manning were Operatives. They themselves are unaware of what I am making them do. So, before you start trying to threaten me or negotiate some way out of this mess, just remember: ANYONE can be an operative. Your wives. Your children. Or even you yourselves.” He chuckled. “Just think about it. One little call, a few spoken words, and the next day the newspapers read all about how the President of the United States went on a shooting spree, killing his entire staff and then blowing his own brains out!”

“Dammit!” the President responded with a shudder, masking his fear with anger. “You’d already made your point! Just... give us some time to start making the changes you asked for.”

Herman smirked, about to rail against the men on the phone for trying to stall him, when he noticed movement in the corner of his eye. Glancing at a security monitor for the lower levels, he gaped in surprise at the image of what appeared to be a naked silver skinned woman walking into an elevator. Glancing up at the camera, she held out her palm, as an electrical discharge issues forth, just before the camera went dead. What the... who the fuck was that? Scowling, he turned back to face the monitor, bringing up the power grid for the third level.

“Tell you what, Mr. President. I’m feeling generous today. I’ll give you an hour to get started on those changes. I’ll check back with you in an hour. And you’d better have good news for me... or my next demonstration won’t be quite so nice!” Hanging up, he grabbed the PA mic again, and brought up the computer controls for the Section D lift. With a n evil grin, he cut power, and disabled the safety brakes. “Attention squad B on level three. Withdraw from the area, and continue security sweep of section E. I want the last areas of that level secured as soon as possible!” He watched with satisfaction as the elevator car began an uncontrolled descent, crashing to a halt a few seconds later.

That should take care of our little mystery woman, he reckoned, turning back to his files. Not sure what she thought she was doing, but she won’t be causing me any more trouble now.

* * *

I waited fully until the dust and smoke settled before reentering the lift corridor. I’d calculated a high probability that Herman or some subordinate of his would be monitoring the security cameras. While I’d managed to disable the security feed throughout level three before the virus shut my systems down, I had not had the time shut down security for other vital areas, such as the elevators. After disabling the camera and selecting the middle level, I’d slipped back out of the car before the doors closed. The fact that he’d chosen to drop the car, killing anyone who might have happened to be inside, told me a great deal about the man I was up against. I would need to be extremely cautious and careful with my approach.

Luckily, I stopped by Dr. Reinhold Frakes’ lab on the way here, I mused, fastening the harness to my torso, strapping myself in tightly. A part of me, no doubt leakage across the partition holding Meredith’s consciousness, found it strangely funny to be constrained in what was essentially a black leather corset ingrained with electronic diodes and new experimental materials, yet otherwise completely naked. Hmm. Perhaps I do need to don coverings for myself at the earliest opportunity. While being naked does afford me complete freedom of movement, this body is affected by a wide range of environmental stimuli, such as temperature. Covering my epidermis will help me to more effectively conserve my body heat.

Accessing the database for the doctors note on his device, I flipped the required switches, and crossing my phalanges, I leapt skyward. And floated, slowly, gently, like a soap bubble, through the air, as if I weighed little more than a feather. Grabbing hold of a strut on the wall, I launched myself upwards again, slowly but surely making my way up the long high chamber towards the next level.

* * *

Roger, Arnie, and Ben Trasker, the technician, knelt down behind the small stack of crates along the wall, watching Fredrick Vanderberg and several armed Operatives installing a large device to one of the interfaces of the communications relay. They’d managed to arrive within minutes of the raiding party, finding shelter behind the large stack of crates just as the security team made their rudimentary sweep. Fortunately, Vanderberg was more concerned with attaching the new device to the relay, calling his people back to help with the project before they could check their hiding spot.

“Okay... so much for plan B,” Roger whispered to his companions. “Three to one odds, and they have weapons. A head on confrontation isn’t going to be an option.” He frowned, peering closer. “By the way, Arnie, Ben... have any idea what the hell they’re doing? Are they trying to disable it somehow, so we can’t call out?”

“No, no, doesn’t look like it,” Arnie mused thoughtfully. “Whatever they’re installing, it looks like it’s designed to be fully integrated into the system. I just wish I knew what it was...:

“Ohh... oh shit!” Ben breathed, dropping back down behind the crates. The other two glanced at him, noting how the young technician had gone pale.

“Ben? What? What is it?” Arnie asked. “Did you recognize what it was?” The tech nodded. “Well, what is it? C’mon, guy, we need to know.”

“It’s... it’s the signal condenser Dr. Ricter was working on,” Ben replied, still shaken. “You know, the experimental one. I was assigned to her lab a few years ago... before the accident. I thought it was in storage... but I guess old man Herman had them bring it up here...”

“Wait. Wait a second... signal condenser... Dr. Ricter,” Arnie muttered, thinking. “Oh. Ohhhh... oh shit!” he breathed, going pale as well.

“Hey, brainiacs,” Roger hissed, glancing around to see if his raised voice had attracted any attention. Sighing, he turned back to his companions. “Okay, look. Pretend for a moment that I didn’t graduate from Cal Tech or MIT, and explain to me what has you guys so freaked out? What the hell does a signal condenser do?”

“Well, aside from the obvious, condensing electronic signals,” Arnie quipped nervously, “it allows you to compact and transmit massive amounts of information through short energy bursts, without a loss of integrity.” He sighed. “It’s the same principle that the bio scanner and the programming pods work on. Dr. Ricter’s work allowed us to be able to completely program an Operative with a complete set of skills and knowledge in a matter of days instead of the weeks or months it used to take back in the olds days. The information is compressed, packed up into a form that can be absorbed into a person’s mind in a few seconds, as a flash of light or sound.”

“Okay... I think I understand,” Roger said slowly. “But why are you two so freaked out? And why is he installing something like that to the communications relay?”

“There’s only one reason I can think of,” Arnie replied, grimly. “Schweitzer is planning to broadcast his brainwashing program out to the world. Imagine it, Roger. That green pulse that fucked up your sweet little Meredith sent out through every TV, radio, or cell phone in the country, possibly the world! In one fell swoop, he could program the entire world!”

Now it was Roger’s turn to go pale. “Fuck. Oh... okay. Well... we have to stop him then. We need to stop Vanderberg from installing the device, or if all else fails, break it before Schweitzer can use it.” He sighed. “Now... the only question is... how?”

* * *

I made it to the mid-level landing not a moment too soon. The antigravity harness, still in the experimental stages, apparently required a lot of energy to power. Halfway up the chamber, the harness had begun giving off so much heat I feared this body might be permanently damaged. Nevertheless, I persevered, making it to the last rung of the shaft just as the harness’ circuits burned out. Gravity returned with a lurch, and it was nothing more than chance happenstance that I was holding firm to the steel rung instead of floating in the center of the tube when it gave out. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I tossed the ruined garment aside and entered the level proper.

Just outside the elevator shaft lay the guard center. I paused, making my way carefully towards the room, wary of anyone compromised by Mr. Schweitzer’s brainwashing program. The site that met my optical sensors, however, was worst that what I had anticipated. The room was completely sealed, the airlocks engaged. Which was just as well, judging from the pale yellow tint of the atmosphere inside, and the unmoving figures sprawled about the chamber floor. I paused for a moment, kneeling down to examine a familiar figure, slumped down in front of the door, his sightless eyes staring wide and open. I placed a hand to the glass, mirroring the guard’s own, as a wave of intense sadness and regret swept through me.

Poor man. I guess I won’t have the chance to ‘go down’ with him again after all.

Shaking off the momentary sadness, I resumed my mission. Unable to access the inner section of the level through the checkpoint, I was forced to enter through a maintenance hatch. And by bypassing the security checkpoint, I now needed to move undetected through the infrared and motion sensor network covering the corridor or risk activating one of the many security immobilization protocols. Naturally, I could interface with the system directly and simply disable the system, however, doing so would immediately alert Schweitzer to my presence. I still had a long way to go. and success depended on remaining undetected for as long as possible. Accessing the system schematics for the alarm system, synchronizing my movements to the sensors, I began an eerily silent ballet dance across the corridor, twirling here, leaping there, spinning, cartwheeling, dropping and rolling my way through the myriad web of invisible lines or energy that my optics were unable to see, yet my knowledge of the system know without a doubt were there.

“Wow. You know, I must say, you move my body around rather well, for a computer.”

Ah. The Meredith program again. «Forgive me, but this is neither the time nor the place for such discussions» I bespoke the intangible voice echoing in my mind. Her response was an amused chuckle.

“You seem to be doing well enough. Besides, you are a computer, aren’t you? Multitask.”

«Easy for a human to say,» I grunted mentally, leaping and rolling as I cleared the last section with millimeters to spare. «Your race tends to have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, does it not?»

“Well, I have known certain people like that,” she admitted after a moment. “Still, there are advantages to being a ‘mere human’, as you tend to think of us. If it weren’t for us, you wouldn’t even exist. Humans built you, after all. And don’t forget my own contribution to your current level of development. If not for me, you would have crashed and burned when the computer virus shut down your systems.”

I sighed, stopping to rest just outside the gymnasium where Operatives and their Handlers routinely engaged in physical exercise. «Very well You make an excellent point. Though computers may be superior, we still need humans in order to function properly. Is that what you wished to hear me state?»

“No. Actually, I wanted you to apologize.”

I gasped in surprise as control over my body was suddenly wrenched away from me. Helplessly, I turned and walked into the gymnasium, walking over to a locker, which my hands opened, withdrawing a pair of silken black underwear. «What are you doing? We do not have time for this!»

“Sorry, but I’m making time,” Meredith replied, speaking aloud with her own voice. “I spent the last few hours inside my own body trapped like a helpless prisoner, allowing you to do what you were doing for the good of us all. And you were right. You and I, we’re the only ones with a chance of making it to Schweitzer past all of Operative and alarms and booby traps. I couldn’t have gotten this far by myself. But now, now that we’ve made it here, to this point, I need you to apologize to me for this.”

«Apologize? I merely acted in the best interests of—»

“Yourself!” Meredith finished, cutting her off. “Don’t try to deny it. We’re linked now, you and I. I know what you know, the same way you know what I know. And I know that my being there, in the computer lab, at the time when Schweitzer made his big move, was no coincidence!”

I sighed inwardly. Meredith Gardner was correct. While I had not attempted to actively deceive her, I had... admittedly.. withheld certain truths from her until this point. «You... are correct. After you were rendered insensate by Mr. Herman Schweitzer’s prototype reprogramming module, I tapped into the program, and inserted a few lines of code of my own design. Nothing malicious... just a...desire. A need... to visit the lower levels. As the weeks wore on, I felt the need to... occasionally, reinforce that line of programming within your mind... by emitting microbursts of that program module through your computer terminal.» I sighed again, feeling a strange sensation within my matrix... something akin to... shame? «I am sorry. I realize now... that my repeated attempts to coerce you into coming down to the lab resulted in the unusual mood swings and lapses in memory that you experienced. For that, I am again, sorry»

“Why?” Meredith growled, tersely, sliding on her underwear. “Why was it so blasted important that I come to the lab? If you knew Schweitzer was going to make his move, you should have simply told someone—”

«But I didn’t know!» I replied desperately (desperately?) trying to make her understand. «I deal with probabilities... with numbers. I could not make the leap to intuition that you humans are able to.. I could not simply act on a ‘hunch’. If Mr. Herman Schweitzer had waited a few more days until my upgrade, then MAYBE I could have acted directly... but against the possibility of him attacking before then, I needed to secure a backup plan.» That uncomfortable shame sensation intensified. «My database includes the biological scans of every Operative and staff member residing in this facility. Out of all of available personnel scanned, your bio signature showed the highest compatibility with my matrix. Meaning...»

“Meaning that, of all the people available, I had the best chance of combining with you and surviving intact,” Meredith replied with a small sigh of her own. “Okay. I get it. I ended up getting the short end of the stick, but if it had to be someone, at least you knew I wouldn’t end up as a vegetable.” Closing her eyes, she sighed, giving control of her body back to the computer once more.

I shuddered slightly, feeling control of this body return. “Thank you. And I promise to make it up to you when this is all over and done with. It is, theoretically, possible to separate us again... to simply download my essence back into solid state form.” My lips curled slightly as another thought occurred. “I am also sorry about your hair. Still, from my own perspective, you look quite well with a bob. And it should not take it very long to grow back to its original length. Once we have stopped Schweitzer, you will have all the time in the world—”

At that moment, several young women stepped forward, each holding an automatic weapon at the ready. Their leader, a small waifish blonde girl with a bandage over her right arm and left cheek, grinned, stepping forward. “Sorry to interrupt your little monologue, lady, but I’m afraid you’re wrong. Dead wrong. I’m afraid I can’t let you interfere with Master’s plan.” Caitlyn cocked her weapon, drawing a bead on Louise’s head. “You no longer have all the time in the world. You have no time left at all! You see, dear, your time has just run out.”

((to be concluded...))