The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by J. Darksong

Part 4) Diane

“Alright. I’ll see you all back here on Monday,” Professor Patty Clark said, raising her voice to be heard over the sounds of her students fleeing the lecture hall. “Don’t forget, you need to present your preliminary rough drafts when you’re back in, so those of you that have put this project off to the last minute, you have the weekend to get it started.” She sighed deeply, her words wasted on most of her students in their rush to get out and party on a Friday night. Not so long ago, she was the same way. At thirty-six, she wasn’t that far removed from them that she couldn’t sympathize. Still, she was the professor here, the responsible party, and if she had to do her job, then her students could do theirs as well.

Movement from the far end of the lecture hall caught her eye, and she frowned. Diane Richfield, back in the back row, was just packing up her books to leave. “Miss Richfield, a moment if you please,” she called out loudly before the dark haired girl could escape. The student sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping visibly. She was caught, and she knew it. Patty waited patiently until the rest of the class had departed and the door closed before she addressed her student.

“Miss Richfield, I take it you know why I asked you to remain behind to talk?” she asked in a stern disapproving voice.

“Um... my grades?” the student ventured timidly, peeking up at the taller blonde.

“Your grades,” Patty confirmed. “The middle of the semester is fast approaching, and to be frank, I don’t see much chance of you passing this class, the way things currently stand right now. Your test scores have dropped steadily since the beginning of the semester, and homework assignments have been very poor quality, and are always late... when you bother to turn them in at all. As a matter of fact, by my account you still owe me three assignments from last week. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“Um... I’ll try... try and do better, ma’am?” Diane stammered, looking back down, unable to meet her teacher’s gaze. Patty sighed.

“Alright, Miss Richfield, let’s try this again. I’ve noticed that you always seem very tired and listless when I see you around campus, and I’ve noticed you falling asleep a few times in my class. I think perhaps the problem is too many extra-curricular activities and interfering are not giving you enough time to do you school work and get enough rest. Perhaps cutting back and spending more time in your dorm room studying would—”

“But, ma’am,” Diane protested, raising her head slightly, “I don’t have any extra-curricular activities! Really... I spend pretty much all of my free time studying in the library or in my room. I... I haven’t gone to a single party or a rave since my first week here. And I don’t know why I feel so tired lately. I’ve been getting eight hours of sleep every night.”

Patty frowned. She didn’t like it when her students lied to her. It was bad enough to hear a bunch of lame excuses, but if there was one thing that really got her goat, it was when students lied straight to her face. “So, you’re going to stand there and tell me that you don’t go out and party at night, that you spend every weekend home studying, and that it’s all just a strange coincidence that you’re always tired and your grades have gone to hell?” The dark haired girl merely nodded silently. Patty groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose, feeling a migraine coming on. “Okay. Fine. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Since you’re having trouble understanding the material, I’ll make some time this weekend to tutor you, one-on-one, and we’ll see how far behind you are. I can meet with you on Saturday, say around one o’clock—”

“No!” Diane said loudly, starling them both, then blushing, looked down at her feet again. Um, I’m sorry. I can’t meet you on Saturday.”

“And why not? Do you have something planned on Saturday that’s more important than your grades in this class?”

“No... I mean... not really,” Diane said softly. “I just... I have to keep my Saturdays free... just in case... I have an emergency...”

Professor Clark stared at her student, who continued to avoid her eyes nervously. And I thought the girl was strange before. Is she on drugs? Hmmm... the way she’s acting, I’d definitely say she’s on something. Whatever the case is, I need to try and get through to her just how serious her situation is. Maybe the shock will help her to shape up.

“We are going to meet here this Saturday, at one o’clock,” Patty said firmly, crossing her arms. “You will be here, and you will be punctual, Miss Richfield, or you WILL fail this class.” Diane looked up at her then, eyes wide. “And I don’t want any lame excuses that something came up. If you don’t show, you will fail, and if you fail my class, your GPA will drop too low for you to remain at this University. I believe you are already on academic probation, are you not?” The girl tried to stutter a reply, but Patty cut in, already knowing the answer. “If you care as much about your grades as you pretend so, Miss Richfield, then you will be here tomorrow at one PM sharp!”

Diane seemed to deflate even more, nodding sadly. “Yes, ma’am, I’ll be here,” she said softly, retreating out of the room. Professor Clark sighed, again rubbing the bridge of her nose. Damn. Well, looks like my weekend if shot. Oh well. Hopefully Rachel will give me a rain check on the movie until next week.

* * *

Ten minutes after one o’clock Saturday afternoon, Patty sat at her desk in the lecture hall, looking over her notes. She’d dressed down a bit, choosing to wear a pair of grey sweats instead of her usual office attire, and her long blonde hair was done up in a simple ponytail. She nibbled lightly on a oat bran muffin, her ‘lunch’ grabbed from the local vendor just across the street. By the time she’d finished the muffin, and glanced once more at the clock, now reading one thirty-five, she knew that Diane wasn’t coming. Anger and disappointment warred within her as she gathered up her notes and packed up to leave. She’d made it clear to the girl the consequences for failing to show up, and that no excuse would be acceptable for ditching. It made her sad, but she was going to have to stick to her guns and flunk Diane Richfield on Monday.

The least she could have done was to call and let me know she wasn’t going to show, Patty thought with venom, as she made her way to her car. Even a lame excuse, like a relative dying or something, would have been nice. Hell, I guess she just doesn’t care. Well, maybe I don’t care either. I offered to help her, I gave up my plans for this weekend, and she doesn’t even care enough to show up... She started the car and pulled out of the administration parking lot, heading out into the street.

Suddenly, Patty stopped the car, nearly doing a double take as a familiar figure stepped in view. She blinked, rubbing her eyes to make the person she saw was the person she thought she saw, then she shook her head. Huh. I guess it wasn’t Diane, even if it did look like her. Posture, stance, body language... everything was all wrong. Still... could have been her twin. She watched the figure enter the Administration Building, then continued on her way.

Pulling out her cell phone, she dialed Rachel’s number. “Hi, Rache? It’s Patty. Listen... I know it’s short notice, and I hate the way I keep changing plans on you... but my weekend tutoring session fell through. Still wanna catch that movie together? Great! I can be there in half an hour. See you soon!”

Less than an hour later, the two friends were heading into the Bijou Theater. “Sorry your student flaked on you,” Rachel was saying as they picked up their tickets, “but I’m kinda glad. I really didn’t want to see this by myself.”

“Really? You would have gone to see New Moon without me?” Patty asked in mock astonishment. “I’m crushed! And here I thought we were friends!”

Rachel giggled. “Sorry, but I only waited THIS long to see it to go with you, otherwise I would have been first in line at the opening day screening!” Moving to the concession stand, she frowned, glancing at the stairs leading up to the balcony. “Huh. Looks like they have the upstairs area blocked off today, with a couple of suits guarding the door. Do you think some sort of ‘big wig’ is here to see the movie?”

“Possibly,” Patty said with a shrug. “That, or they have it closed for cleaning. Who cares? Let’s grab some snacks before the movie starts.”

“Um, you go ahead, Patty, I’ll go ahead and save our seats before the theatre fills up,” Rachel said, handing her some money. “Here. Grab the usual for me, with a Diet Coke to drink.” Patty smirked as her friend took off.

Saving our seats? Yeah right. You just wanna make sure you don’t miss any of the previews. Standing in line, she glanced idly around the lobby, waiting for her turn to order, when again, she spied a familiar figure walk past. She turned, opening her mouth to call out, then stopped, frowning. Either my eyes are playing tricks on me, or that was Diane Richfield’s evil twin again! Huh. First at the Administration Building, and now here at the movies. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the girl slip into the women’s bathroom. Strange. Is it a coincidence, or is she following me? And if so, then why hasn’t she stopped to talk to me?

Patty growled silently, debating whether or not to head into the bathroom and confront the girl. Finally, she sighed and turned back towards the counter. It can wait until Monday, I suppose. I’d feel completely ridiculous if I burst into her stall only to find out it wasn’t her. And if it is her, and she IS stalking me, then frankly, I wouldn’t feel safe facing her by myself. Not to mention the fact that my best friend is waiting, and would never forgive me if we missed the beginning of the movie. Stepping up to the counter, she picked out her snacks, paid, and headed into the theater.

* * *

Two and a half hours later, Rachel and Patty were still talking about the movie as they exited the building. “Ohhhh! That was soooo amazingly good!” Rachel said for the dozenth time as they crossed the street. “And seeing it up there, on screen, makes the book so much better!”

“I know what you mean,” Patty agreed. “After reading the book, I really hated Jacob at the end. I mean, yeah, you can KIND OF see his point of view, with his whole family’s view of the vampires, and all, but still, Edward is the hero of the series! Reading the story, I really went into this hating Jacob with a passion, but after seeing him as a flesh and blood person instead of just words on a page, I can—” A loud shot rang out, and everyone froze. Several feet away, a loud scream rang out as a young man wearing sunglasses slumped to the ground. Several well dressed men in dark suits reacted, drawing guns out of their suit jackets, glancing around for the source of the attack, while two of them knelt down to examine the fallen man.

“Holy shit!” Rachel screamed, dropping to the ground. “Oh fuck! Somebody just got shot!”

“Shit!” Patty exclaimed, ducking as well. She scanned the area in panic as people began running and screaming in all directions. For some reason, almost as if she’d half expected it, her eyes locked on to a passing woman in a long brown overcoat. Their eyes met for an instant as the woman ran by, but two things stood out that caused Patty’s blood to run cold.

First, the girl was undoubtedly, unquestionably Diane Richfield. From this close, there was no mistake. The expression in her face was one she’d never seen before, cold, calculating, and utterly expressionless, which was odd enough considering the shooting that had occurred less than thirty seconds before. But the second thing, the thing that was most disturbing, was the long slender bulge, barely visible beneath the overcoat, but clearly visible to Patty for an instant as the coat fluttered away from her body in the breeze.

The bulge formed by a semi-automatic Stoner model rifle.

As she passed by and their gazes met, however, there was a glimmer of recognition on the girl’s eyes, and a small smile creased her lips as she hurried by. Patty knew Diane had recognized her, knew that the girl knew that SHE knew. Suddenly, all thoughts of movies, and books, and grades crumbled away under the knowledge that her presumably timid, unassuming student was in fact a cold blooded killer, one that knew her identity, and where to find her.

“Patty!” Rachel said again, breaking her out of her trance, shaking her arm. “We’ve got to get the hell out of here! Come on!”

Numb, shocked, still unable to process what she’d seen, Patty followed her friend back to their car. Seeing Patty was in no shape to drive, Rachel took the keys and started the car. A few minutes later, once they were away from the theater, Rachel let out a sigh. “Wow. That was majorly scary! A shooting just a few feet away from us, and at a movie theater of all places! Maybe my mom was right. Maybe New York is too crazy a place to live.”

“Rachel... oh my God, oh my God,” Patty whispered over and over, clutching herself tightly. She felt cold, despite the relative warmth in the car. “Oh my God... the shooter... oh my God...”

“Easy, hon, easy,” Rachel said, gently rubbing Patty’s shoulder. “It’s okay. We’re out of there now. It’s over. We’re safe now.”

Patty shook her head violently. “No. No. Not safe. Rachel... my God... the shooter. I know who it was... I know her. She’s... one of my students!”

Rachel nearly slammed on the brakes by reflex, managing to keep the car on the road. “What? You know who shot that kid? How? When? Are you sure?” Patty nodded. “When did you see her? You said it was a ‘her’ right? What did she look like?”

“It was Diane, the girl I told you about earlier,” Patty said with a sigh, covering her face with her hands. “Now I know why she missed the tutoring session. I saw her earlier, in the lobby, entering the bathroom when we were getting snacks at the concession stand. After the shooting, when everyone scattered, she walked right in front of me, wearing a long brown overcoat. I got a good close look at her, Rachel. It was her, I know it!”

“Sweetie,” Rachel said gently, “you can’t really be sure it was her, can you? I mean, when that shot rang out and everyone ducked for cover, it was complete and total chaos. You couldn’t have had more than a brief glance at her for more than a second before she was gone. You can’t be absolutely sure it was your student. You already admitted to having her on the brain since she skipped your study session.”

“It was her,” Patty insisted. “I know it was here, Rache. You have to believe me. She shot and killed that guy outside the theater. I got a look at what was underneath her coat. It slid open for a second as she walked by. She was hiding a rifle underneath that coat, a modified SR-25 Stoner.”

Rachel blinked. “And, again, you know all of this from a brief glance lasting only a second or two?”

“Yes! I know guns, Rache. It was the only fun part of ROTC training that I enjoyed.” She sighed. “Right about now, I’m kind of wishing I’d brought one with me.”

The two drove on in silence for a while. “Okay. So... let’s say you’re right about this. Let’s say that for some unknown reason your meek, timid, slacker of a History student is really a crazy psycho killer. What do we do now? Go to the police? We don’t have any proof, no evidence to link her as the killer. If they asked you the same questions I asked you, if you told them what you know about this girl, and your state of mind all day today before the movie, what do you think they would say?”

Patty sighed. “They say I was imagining it, that I my brain put her face on the killer’s neck because I was obsessing over her. Okay. Maybe it is a bit too soon to go to the police... at least without something more tangible. But Rachel... I can’t just let this go. If she was there, if she DID shoot that guy, then she’s dangerous. What’s to keep her from killing again? What’s to keep her from coming after me?”

They pulled to a stop outside Rachel’s house. “Patty, hon, I think you should spend the night with me, at my place,” Rachel began as the History Professor reached for the door. “Not that I’m totally convinced that Diane was the shooter, or that you’re in any real danger... but it was a real traumatic experience watching some guy get shot a few feet from us. And, just in case I’m wrong, and you’re right... it’s just better to be safe than sorry.”

Patty smiled, leaning forward to give her friend a quick kiss. “Thanks, Rachel. I appreciate the offer. But I don’t want to put you in any more danger than you already are. Chances are that we’re both just being really paranoid, and that nothing’s going to happen. Besides, the police are no doubt combing the area trying to find any trace of the shooter. If she’s smart, she’s probably somewhere lying low, trying to cover her tracks, maybe even trying to get out of town. I seriously doubt she’ll try and come after me tonight.”

Rachel frowned. “Well... if you’re sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’m sure. I promise. And if I get into any trouble, if I get the slightest feeling that something is wrong, I promise I’ll call the police first, then you.”

Rachel nodded softly, waving as her friend drove back home. She felt really shaken up after the incident earlier. Patty had spoken with such conviction, such belief, that she even half believed Diane was the killer now. As the car finally faded from view, she shuddered briefly, entering her house, closing and locking the door behind her. Paranoia is contagious, she decided as she made her way upstairs. Paranoia. That had to be it. Because, try as hard as she might, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this would be the last time she ever saw her friend again.

* * *

Patty took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, as she turned off the ignition. Despite all of her false bravado with Rachel, she was absolutely frightened. She knew what she’d seen, and no amount of talk could convince her otherwise. All during the trip back home, she’d told herself that Diane wouldn’t come after her, that she was too smart to risk giving the police another chance to catch her by going after her teacher. After all, if she wanted to kill me, she certainly had ample time and opportunity to get the job done.

Now, parked outside her house, she couldn’t quite get up the nerve to go inside. She was afraid, and angry at herself for feeling that way. She was used to being on control, being in charge, not just of her students, but her whole life. She wasn’t quite a ‘Type A’ personality, but she never let anything stand in her way once she made up her mind to do something. Growling softly, steeling her courage, she exited her car, slammed the door, and stomped her way to her own front door. Sliding the key into the lock, she opened the door and stepped inside.

“Hello, Ms. Clark,” Diane said grinning, holding a glass of lemonade. “I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to come inside.”

Patty shuddered violently, taking a step back in fear. “Diane! I... um... wha... what...”

“Please, Ms. Clark,” the girl said patiently, gesturing to the couch. “Come on in. I’m not going to hurt you. I tossed the rifle on my way over here. See? No weapons... unless you count the glass of lemonade as a deadly weapon?” She took another sip, then sighed. “Mmmmm. Nice. I haven’t had lemonade in years, not since I moved here to New York from back home in Iowa. Back there we use real lemons, not this processed powered shit every uses nowadays.” She frowned, seeing her teacher still standing warily by the door. “Will you please sit down? If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t have made it out of the parking lot alive, let alone all the way to your friend Rachel’s house and back home again. Now, if you please, sit down so that we can talk.” She gestured to the small plastic cup of lemonade on the table. “Have a drink, Professor. We’re just talking.”

Letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, Patty made her way to the couch and sat down. She took a small drink. “Okay. So... you’re not going to kill me, then?”

Diane frowned, considering. “Well... let’s just say that I would really hate to have to. I like you, Professor. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. You’re funny, and caring. Do you know how many of my other instructors made an effort to reach out to me about my grades? Just one—you. The rest of them could care less if I pass or fail. But you... you actually care, You saw a young girl, struggling to pull her weight, in danger of destroying her future before it even began, and you took steps to try and help me.” She grinned wryly. “The strong arm approach of, ‘Show up today or you flunk’ was a bit extreme, but if you’d picked any other day than today... well, we wouldn’t be here right now, would we?” She drank the rest of the lemonade, then put the glass away.

“We’re in a bit of a pickle here, Professor. You see, what you witnessed today completely compromises my mission here. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue. No one else would have recognized me, and even then, no one else would have pegged me as the shooter in that crowd of people. I’m good at what I do. I don’t leave anything behind to tie me to my target, The police can go over that entire area with a fine tooth comb and they won’t find a single hair, a fingerprint, even a skin flake of mine at the site. In fact, the only thing putting me there at all is you.”

Patty took another drink, her mouth suddenly dry, and swallowed nervously. “So... you are going to kill me after all. This was just a way of trying to lull me into a false sense of security?” She glanced around the room, only now noticing that several items had been moved, including anything within range that she could use as a makeshift weapon. Even the cup she was drinking from was plastic, unlike the glass Diane was drinking from. But Diane merely shook her head.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. First of all, it’s not up to me whether you live or die. I don’t get to make that call. If anything, that decision rests entirely within your hands. Secondly, I told you the truth. I would really rather not have to kill you. You’re a very beautiful woman, Ms. Clark. It would be a terrible shame to lose such a lovely young woman still in the prime of her life.” She licked her lips slightly, and Patty felt herself blush.

“Right now, you’re an obstacle, standing in the way of my completing my mission,” she continued a moment later. “The people I work for, however, specialize in turning obstacles into assets. The recruitment process is a bit... unusual,” she said with a wide grin, “but believe me when I say that it definitely beats the alternative. All things considered, you’d make an excellent sleeper agent.”

“Sleeper agent?” she asked, incredulously. “Me? You can’t be serious! I couldn’t possibly kill anyone! Even if my own life depended on it!”

“In case you’ve forgotten, it does,” Diane said candidly. “Look, you’re being given a choice, which is more than most of us got.” She reached into her coat pocket, and Patty flinched, but the item she removed was only a small bottle of pills. “It’s part of the process. You have to willingly accept it, and take the first step. After that, it’s out of your hands... but in the beginning it’s all about submission. You have to choose to become a Sleeper.”

“And did you choose to become a cold-blooded killer?” Patty countered, angrily. “Did you CHOOSE to be the person you’ve become?”

“Yes,” Diane again replied candidly. “After a bit of... convincing. What’s different in my case is that my employers decided that they wanted me, and made me an offer i couldn’t refuse. Though I tried for a while. Oh, boy, did I try,” she said, laughing. “I fought, I struggled, I resisted as long and as hard as I could. Until they broke me. You’ve seen the result, by the way. The meek, wimpy, wispy personality I wear whenever I am not needed, that was what was left after I broke. That’s the real me. The me that’s having this delightful conversation with you right now is merely a construct, a facade built from the ground up with the shattered remains left over once they ground the original Diane Richfield into dust.”

Mind control, Patty realized with a start. Behavioral conditioning. That certainly explains a lot. I’ve been sitting here the whole time trying to wrap my mind around how different this Diane is from the Diane I’ve had in my class for half the school year. She either had to suffer from a split personality, or she was the greatest actress of this millennium! Now I understand... her unnamed employers did this to her... turned her into an assassin for them, one that doesn’t even know she’s a killer! That’s why she’s always tired, why her work is always so piss poor—while she is asleep, her other personality is out spreading mayhem and destruction!

She considered this new information, and Diane gave her time to process it all. “So... you’re basically asking me to volunteer to have my personality altered... to let you inside my head to create another version of me, like Edward in My Own Worst Enemy? And if I refuse, I die.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “It seems to me that Patricia Clark dies no matter what choice I make. Once you’re done with me, I won’t really be me anymore, will I? I’ll just be a soulless killing machine, just like you.”

Diane looked down, her expression hurt. “Right through the heart with that one, Professor. You know, I’m still me, deep down inside. I still feel. It’s just... my priorities have been rearranged a bit. I place a lot more value on what my employers want and significantly less on what I personally want, until they’re basically the same thing.” She sighed deeply. “You should know, though. I sort of... went against protocols on this when I asked my handler if I could have this meeting with you, and offer you the choice. Even before today, I knew you would become an issue. SOP is to neutralize any and all threats... but to tell the truth, I like you. I really like you. You’re not like those other asshole instructors, you actually care. And, well... I didn’t want to simply end your life if there was another option. I sent him your file earlier today, and he gave me the go-ahead.” She sighed. “That’s what I was doing when you saw me earlier at the Admin Building. So, believe me when I say this, Professor. I may not have a soul anymore... but at least I still have a heart.”

“Well, I have a heart and a soul, and I don’t want to lose either,” Patty said defiantly. “If your only other choice to kill me, then... I guess... you’re just going to have to kill me.”

Diane shook her head sadly. She slid her hands deep into her jacket pockets, and Patty tensed. “Somehow I had a feeling you’d say that. It’s sad, but I guess I always knew you were the kind of person who would rather die than betray your principles. Death before dishonor.” She slowly withdrew her right hand, holding out a cigarette lighter. “That speaks really highly of your character. Strong moral values, a sense of duty, and conviction... those are exactly the kinds of qualities that my employers look for when they recruit. Carefully twisted, and reshaped to their ideals and goals, you’d be the perfect sleeper agent. Much better than me.” She smiled sadly. “It’s almost a shame to have to change you at all.” Reaching out with her other hand, she lightly flicked the edge of the lighter, making it spark.

“Wait. Change me?” Patty said, blinking. “But... I thought... you said I had to choose... to choose to do this... of my own... free will?” She blinked again, her eyes stinging as Diane continued to flick the lighter, again and again, making sparks that seemed unnaturally bright. “I don’t... I don’t understand...”

“I know,” Diane said, continuing to spark the lighter, again and again, holding it out in front of her, letting each brief flash of light capture Patty’s eyes. “But what I neglected to mention was that you need not have free will when you make the choice. As I said, you only have to take the first step. After that, it’s all out of your hands. For you, the first step was taking the drug I slipped into the lemonade you drank, then sitting here, listening and talking with me for the half an hour it took for it to work its way through your system.” She sparked the lighter again. “Now, I think you’ve begun to notice how it’s affecting your attention span, affecting your ability to concentrate... your ability to make decisions. And I’m sure you’re noticed just how utterly fascinating it is to watch those bright dancing sparks I’m creating while your mind absorbs every single word I speak.”

Patty groaned softly, her head lolling, as she tried in vain to tear her eyes away. Something was very wrong with her. Whatever drug Diane has given her was really starting to hit her now... or maybe it was those flashes of light? Each sudden and bright flash seemed to burn itself directly into her brain, making her mind feel sparkly and fuzzy long after the after image of each flash had faded from her retinas. Something was very wrong. She knew that, but unfortunately that was about all she knew. Her thoughts kept sliding away from her as soon as she could think them up. It was so much easier just to focus on each little pop, spark, flash, and listen intently to every word Diane was telling her.

“...such a lovely body you have, Patty,” Diane was saying, stroking a hand gently along her bare thigh. Patty blinked. Hadn’t she been wearing sweat pants just a few seconds ago? A second loving caress erased the thought before she could even begin to question it, and when that hand moved inward, towards her (suddenly?) very wet and slick inner thighs (when did I start dripping so much?) she lost the ability to think all together. “Good. Very good, Patty,” Diane whispered, sliding first one finger, then two, into the gurgling woman’s pussy. “Just lie there and listen like a good girl. I can’t play with you too much right now... we don’t have the time to do it properly, and I don’t have the tools or materials here to make my changes stick. For now, we’re going to make some very small changes in your attitude... rework those priorities we were talking about before.”

Diane sighed deeply, resisting the urge to slide her free hand between her own thighs. As deeply conditioned as she knew herself to be, she got a real charge out of bringing another girl down to her level, even if only temporarily. “Listen closely. From now on, I am your Handler. Right now, I’m handling your clit,” she said with a grin, stroking the hard sensitive nub, causing soft mewls to escape her instructor’s lips. “And your clit controls your mind. You can’t think with your poor little clitty being handled, can you? No, you can’t. And since I control your clit, I control you. So, it’s okay that you can’t think with your sweet little clitty being ‘handled’... that’s why I am here. I will think for you. All you have to do is obey. It’s very simple. Anything I command you to do, you will do. Anything I tell you to say, you will say. Anything I instruct you to think, you will think.” She smiled, giving the clit a small little squeezing, causing Patty’s eyes to cross. “You see? Simplest thing in the world. Which is lucky, because for a mindless little clit-thrall like you, simple is about all you can handle.”

Patty continued to groan and sigh. Diane’s words continued to echo softly inside her head. It was easy, with all the empty space left over, now that her brain had descended into her clit. Her need continued to grow by the second, but her mind was completely separated from it. She was aware, keenly aware, that she needed to cum so badly, that her poor abused clit was being stroked and fondled and played with in just the perfect sort of way that usually set her off like gangbusters... and yet her mind was unable to process this into a coherent though. All she knew was that she needed something, and needed it desperately, needed it so badly that she would gladly do ANYTHING in order to have it.

“In just a moment or two,” Diane continued, casually, holding the lighter in front of Patty’s glazed unfocused eyes, “I’ll release your clit. And I’ll give you the release you are so desperately needing. Ah, but there’s a price for this. Right now, I have your clit-mind right here, at my fingertips. I have all of you, right here, under my control. In order to fill that need that is unbearably overwhelming you, you will have to leave a part of yourself behind. A small part of your mind, your thoughts, will have to remain here, in your clitty,” she said, giving it another gently squeeze, “always there and ready, always accessible to me, your Handler. A blank slate, ready for me to fill with dark and dirty thoughts, devilish desires and unspoken needs. A part of you that I will control, utterly, completely, and totally, even when you I’ve given you back the rest of your brain. So... my sweet sexy little clit-thrall, what do you say? Again, it’s a simple choice. There is no wrong answer... because the one and only answer you can give is ‘yes’.”

“Yeeeessssss,” Patty breathed mindlessly, unable to think, unable to reason, unable to respond in any way but the way her Handler had requested. Had she had enough of her mental faculties left to dwell on her response, she might have noted that her choice was really only the illusion of choice, that once she had let herself be taken advantage of, once she’d agreed to sit down on the couch and hear Diane out, she’d given up any chance she had of saving herself. Her doom had fallen once she’d tasted her first sip of lemonade, but in truth, her fate had been sealed the moment Diane had first taken notice of her. The old Patty would have found the concept intellectually fascinating, the concept of choice versus the reality of fate. Unfortunately, the old Patty was quickly fading away.

“Now, Patty dear,” Diane said, breathing heavily, clenching her own thighs tightly, “it’s time for your release. The next spark you see will free your mind, completely, of all your old, boring, mundane thoughts. You will have your mind back again, but it will be an empty shell of its former self, a pale shadow. You will retain all of your knowledge, all of your intelligence, and wisdom... but your moral compass now points in whatever direction your Handler wills it. You will still have your own wants, and desires, your own point of view... it’s just that from now on, they pale in comparison to whatever I want or desire! Your will, is MY will, now. You will obey, my sweet sexy thrall... and you will obey me now! CUM!” she yelled, striking the lighter one last time, then held on for dear life as the woman beneath her hands began to quake with the force of her release...

* * *

“Hey, Rache.”

“Patty! I was starting to worry. Did you make it home okay?”

The blonde Professor considered. “Yeah, I got here okay. To tell you the truth, though... well... she was here, waiting for me.”

“What? Diane Richfield?” Patty yelled. “She was there at your house?”

“Apparently. The place was ransacked. Pillows ripped oven, furniture tipped over, books and papers strewn all over the place.” She sighed. “It was a real mess.”

“Wait, was she there when you got there, or was it just a mess. I’m confused.”

“Well... I didn’t actually SEE her here,” Patty said after a moment, wincing slightly. “But I know it was her. Who else could it have been?”

“I dunno... a burglar, maybe?” Rachel said sarcastically. “This is New York, you know. That kind of thing happens a lot. Was anything valuable missing?”

“Um... well, my stereo system and the iPod docking system were gone... but that was probably just to cover up the crime, to make it look more like a burglary! C’mon, Rache... I need you to believe me on this!”

Her friend sighed. “Listen, Patty. I believe that YOU believe she did it. But I want you to consider all the stress you’ve been under these past few months. You were pissed off at this girl for ruining your Saturday. You’ve been thinking about her for the past few weeks because she’s failing your class, which you personally see as a failure on your part. You were in a very traumatic situation a few hours ago, and now you come home to find your home had been broken into. Now... don’t you think, maybe, just maybe, that with everything that’s happened, you MIGHT have been mistaken about one of your students being behind all of this?”

Patty sighed deeply into the phone. It wasn’t hard, with the added benefit of Diane’s hand casually stroking her tender little clit-mind as she spoke over the phone. “I suppose... I mean, it was just for an instant. And... come to think of it, I thought I saw her when I left the Administration Building earlier, but it wasn’t her, just looked like her from a distance.” She laughed nervously. “Maybe I have been obsessing.”

“Glad to hear you say that. So... what are you going to do about your house? Wanna come crash at my place?”

“Actually, no,” Patty said a bit hesitantly. “After coming home to find the place this way, I kind of freaked. I booked a night at a hotel downtown, and I’m just packing up a few things for the night before I head out. I already spoke to the police about it, and they suggested the same thing.”

“Oh,” Rachel said after a moment. “Well, as long as you’re okay. You can tell me about it in the morning.”

“Thanks. Oh, and one last thing,” she said, struggling to keep the edge out of her voice as Diane’s fingers began to pick up speed. “With everything that’s happened this weekend, I’ve decided to get away for a while. I called the Dean of my Department and explained the situation, and he’s agreed to approve my leave. Nothing fancy, though... I thought maybe I’d just fly out and see my mom and dad, stay with them for a few weeks... you know, kinda recharge my batteries, so to speak.”

“Yeah,” Rachel said with a sigh. “I can kinda relate. Well, hon, I’m gonna miss you while you’re gone... but you’re right. You do need to get out of here for a little while. I’m sure it’s for the best. A few weeks away from the big city will make a new woman out of you.”

“Oh, undoubtedly,” Patty agreed softly, before hanging up the phone, her eyes fluttering closed as conscious thought faded slowly away once more. “Of that, I’m absolutely sure.”

((end of part 4))