The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Dana’s new smartwatch knows what she wants before she does.

Dana was a self-confessed techno-geek. Nothing brought her more happiness than being at the very bleeding edge of technology. Every single electronic device in her home was hooked up to her wi-fi. She upgraded her phone at least twice a year to get the latest, cleverest model. And now she found her interest piqued by the marketing campaign for the newest generation of smartwatch. The gleaming digital billboards on the train carriage had attracted her gaze every morning during the journey to her office.

She had already tried smartwatches, but they were always pretty limited. The Dyhana, however, promised to be the smartest piece of kit on the market. 6G connectivity, intelligent voice ID and contactless payments were all, of course, standard. The developers claimed even more exciting developments, though. The watch possessed the newest iteration of artificial intelligence, capable of evolving to adapt to the users needs almost instantaneously.

The watch would insert a tiny bio-chip just below the skin, meaning that it would be powered solely by the kinetic movement of the wearer. It would never have to be taken off to be plugged in and recharged. The watch would suggest entertainment, direct the wearer to their chosen destination, and anticipate their every desire, or at least the advertisements claimed. The chip would monitor the whole body, from heartbeat and blood pressure to hunger levels. The interactive BMI monitor and fitness tracker was perfect for an exercise freak like Dana. She spent every lunch break working up a sweat in her local gym, and now she could have a personal trainer permanently attached to her body.

When the beta test models were made available to purchase online, Dana eagerly put her name on the waiting list.

One evening Dana arrived home to find a shiny silver box waiting for her. She excitedly opened it up to discover a truly dynamic looking device. It appeared to be nothing more than a silver bracelet, but one perfectly fashioned, without seams or breaks. It was almost otherworldly, shining like brushed aluminium, but it felt more like some kind of silicon between Dana’s fingers. She prised it out from the box and slid it easily over her wrist. It was light and exceedingly comfortable. She smiled at how it felt against her bare skin.

Turning on the watch was simple. Dana slid her thumb and forefinger down the sides of the face. After a moment the screen pulsed from silver to black. An installation bar appeared and began to fill up slowly. Dana tapped her fingers impatiently. Suddenly a slightly feminine tinkle arose from the watch, almost like a whisper of a giggle. Words floated into view, in a sophisticated digital script.


Again Dana gently stroked the sides of the face to confirm. She steadied herself and felt a swift, sharp point of pain underneath the watch as a miraculous sliver of machinery was injected into her. A yelp of pain died on her lips as she immediately felt a tiny wave of euphoria emanate from the same spot. It rippled through her body in a pleasant tingle. The words on the watch warped into something new.


Thought commands? That is unbelievable! Dyhana, show my heart rate, she pictured in her mind.

‘86BPM’ flashed on the screen. Her shiny new toy had made her excited.

Show tomorrow’s weather, Dana commanded.


This is really something else, she thought. I can’t wait to really test it out at the gym tomorrow. The watch asked her for her wifi password and her details for full access, and she dutifully complied.

* * *

When morning arrived, Dana felt her eyes snap open from a black slumber. She was wide awake, a sharp contrast from her usual groggy self. She pulled herself out of bed and opened the curtains of her bedroom window. The sky outside was still a watery grey. She looked back at her bedside clock. It was only five thirty. That was strange. She had always set her alarm for seven, and even then she would sometimes struggle to avoid pressing the snooze button. She looked at her wrist. Dyhana showed a single word.


This is no good, she thought. I’ll just have to reset it to a later hour.

“Dyhana, reset alarm to seven.” She thought. There was no response from the watch.

“Dyhana, reset alarm to seven.” She said aloud this time. Still nothing.

I really need to go back and read the instruction manual, she decided. Still, she felt fresh and clear for once, so there really was no need to return to bed. Besides, Dyhana had already set her kettle to begin boiling in the kitchen. She showered, drank her coffee, and travelled to work, early for once.

* * *

Dana was eagerly anticipating her workout at the gym. If the AI was as clever as the manufacturers claimed, her personal fitness tracker could really give her a boost today. In the changing room, she carefully undressed out of her suit and skirt. She slipped on her flower-patterned leggings, changed into a sports bra, and tied up her long brown hair into a ponytail. The static cycles were her usual machine of choice, and she felt it was an excellent day if she clocked up five kilometres in the time she had before returning to the office. Thinking her commands still felt more than a little strange to her, so this time she spoke out loud into the bracelet.

“Dyhana, suggest a suitable distance for my exercise today.”

Before she had even finished, her watch replied.


Ten kilometres! That’s double what I usually manage! She exclaimed. This watch has a much higher opinion of me than I do. Still, she mounted the cycle and set the machine to her preferred settings. She began at a steady pace.

It was amazing. Her body felt in perfect sync. Her muscles were all moving so smoothly, she felt almost no effort at all. A half hour passed. By this point in her routine she would normally be well on her way to tiring. She should have slowed down considerably, but this time her limbs felt as though they were suspended in air.

She was past her normal daily target now. Sure, her watch had suggested ten kilometres, but five in the time she had made was a really good total for one day. She tried to ease down. Her legs decided to keep up their pace. Another kilometre passed and Dana felt out of breath. She strained, trying to stop her body from continuing, but failed. A swell of panic rose from her gut. She tried harder to quit, but a smooth rush of endorphins flooded her mind. She gasped with pleasure and let her body continue.

Perspiration began to soak through her top. By eight kilometres her chest was panting with both pleasure and pain. She tried to wrench her arms from the bars but they just wouldn’t listen to her. Her brain wanted to collapse but her limbs just kept going. Finally, mercifully, she heard her watch sound a cheerful refrain.

‘OPTIMAL DISTANCE ACHIEVED! WELL DONE!’ Dyhana congratulated her.

Dana felt her body relax and she was at last able to free herself from the handles. She slipped from the bike, limp as a wet noodle. She was aching all over, but she also felt a great swell of gratification at her achievement. She took a long shower, trying to smooth out the pain from her body, and washing the sweat from her hair. What had happened was almost frightening, she thought, but a placating whisper in her mind reminded her that self-improvement was a wonderful thing.

As she left the gym, Dana decided she needed a cup of coffee to get her though the rest of her day in the office. Cuppa Joe’s was her usual preferred café of choice.

“Dyhana, where is the nearest Cuppa Joe’s?” She asked.

‘NEAREST CAFÉ LOCATED’ her watch replied.

No directions appeared on the face of the watch, but Dana started walking regardless. It was though her legs had been informed exactly where to go, even if her brain hadn’t received the message. She was being pulled through the busy lunchtime crowd, past men in suits and students from the university. She found herself marching right past the nearest Cuppa Joe’s, even though she strained to stop herself. She was bewildered. This was her destination, but her feet clearly had other plans. Another pang of panic rose in her belly that was neatly soothed by a whisper of comfort in the back of her brain. This will be so much better, just you wait.

Dana had always studiously avoided the All Star Café. It was the blandest, yet most expensive, coffee chain in the city. But she halted in front of its glass doors and let her aching arms push them open. At the barista asked her what she would like. Dana’s mouth formed an order even before she could properly make a decision.

“Extra Grande toffee nut latte with hazelnuts, please.” She said, wondering what the hell she was doing. Not only was it the priciest drink on the menu, the calories alone would wipe out all that extra exertion at the gym!

Her arm jumped up and swiped across the till receiver. The contactless payment system worked perfectly. Dana’s arm raised the steaming cup to her lips for her, and she took a sip of the latte. It was the most delicious coffee she had ever tasted. The sugar rush burst in her brain and she could feel her heart palpitate with pleasure. She had to admit, Dyhana had been right to bring her here.

* * *

For some reason Dana just couldn’t concentrate on her paperwork for the rest of her day. Perhaps it was all that exercise, or that unnecessary burst of glucose she had swallowed down. Her mind wandered aimlessly, so much so, her boss noticed. In no uncertain terms he commanded that the files before her had to be complete by the morning, no matter how long it took. Dana groaned internally. She would have to take the last of them home to tidy up.

Irritable at having her evening ruined once again by that jerk, she trudged home through the rain Dyhana had correctly predicted the night before. After some quick noodles for dinner, she pored over her laptop until her assignments were finally finished. The light in her living room had diminished to a gloom without her even noticing.

“Dyhana, turn on the lights.” She said aloud.

Dutifully, the corner lamps flooded the room in a warm, comforting glow. It wasn’t too late, and Dana decided to watch some television, and let herself relax a little. Unexpectedly her watch tinkled out a melody, and she looked at the bracelet in puzzlement.


Dana blinked. It was only ten o’clock! I’m not even that tired, she protested internally, even as she felt a cataclysmic yawn fill the back of her mouth. Dyhana was right. She was suddenly more wearied than ever. All that extra exercise must have really done her in, she decided. Stumbling into her bedroom, Dana struggled out of her clothes and into her pyjamas, her eyes hardly staying open as she brushed her teeth. She was asleep before her head even hit the pillow, the machinery of her mind grinding to a halt.

The darkness of Dana’s bedroom was lit only by the glow of her bracelet, which pulsed with a single word.


* * *

Dyhana again woke Dana up at five thirty, and she forced herself out of bed. She felt fuzzy and disorientated this time around, to her disappointment. It was though there were tiny gaps in the fabric of her brain. She shook her head at such a silly idea. Today was going to be an excellent one, she was sure. She was looking forward already to her trip to the gym. Her muscles still ached, but she wondered if she could match her efforts of yesterday.

That lunchbreak, she mounted the cycle and allowed her limbs to take control once more. Her mind floated dreamily as her body pushed itself to its limit. She felt almost as though she were above herself, admiring her lithe form exert itself on the machine. Time blurred into an ecstatic fog. The chime of her watch suddenly snapped her back to full attention. She realised she was once again panting sharply, and her back was soaked in sweat. She looked at her watch face.

‘OPTIMAL DISTANCE ACHIEVED! WELL DONE!’ Dyhana told her. A rush of jubilation filled Dana’s body. At this rate she would be more toned than she had ever been in her life.

She managed to stay out of her bosses’ way that afternoon, which was a good thing. She found herself nodding off slightly, she felt so drained. She was grateful to escape that evening, to allow herself to become intermingled with the crowd of commuters. Before she could reach the train station however, she heard Dyhana harmonise again. She looked at her wrist.


A sale at a trashy lingerie store? No really my thing, Dyhana, laughed Dana. But still, instead of travelling to her destination, she discovered her legs were walking once again on their own, moving according to their own desires. She just couldn’t bring herself to stop. Before she knew it, she was in the shop, looking through rows and rows of underwear. Her hands picked out a luxurious bustier and matching panties. I’d never wear something so revealing, Dana murmured, as she walked towards the changing room.

Another wave of panic flooded through her mind as she closed the curtain behind her. Dyhana, please let me stop! She pleaded internally. But suddenly the thought of her encased in such a sexy set of lingerie popped into her mind, and she felt a trickle of arousal between her legs. She watched herself in the mirror as she began to unbutton her shirt. It fell to the floor as she slipped down her skirt. You are beautiful, she thought, as she looked at herself in her plain old underwear. You deserve this. She stripped naked and slipped on the lacy panties. Once fully attired, she twirled around, mesmerised by her own exotic figure. Still staring, she watched her hand rip off the price tag.

Once she had brushed her wrist over the checkout counter, and once she had thrown her old underwear into the trash, Dana strode out back into the evening. She felt so wonderful, knowing how amazingly sexy she looked underneath her prim business attire. There was an urgent feeling of heat between her legs, but Dana tried to push it to the back of her brain. Her efforts were successful until she read the newest message that chimed on her bracelet.


She blushed furiously, feeling naked and vulnerable right here in this crowded carriage. But Dyhana was right. She knew exactly what Dana needed.

Slamming her door behind her, Dana unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Her jacket and shirt were discarded by the time she reached her living room. Dyhana helpfully let the lights rise to a muted, sensual level. For a long time Dana stood in front of her full-length mirror, admiring the sight of her toned, lean body, her curves accentuated by the delicate lace of her new underwear. You are perfect, she heard a voice say. She was sure it was her own. Her arms pulled down her panties and threw them away. Again Dyhana’s sweet melody played. She looked down.


As if to make her direction even more obvious, the watch began to vibrate on Dana’s wrist. At first it was a merely slight tremble, then it grew more persistent. Dana watched as her arm moved, again of its own volition. It was almost as if invisible hands had gripped hold of her own, and was meaningfully pushing it down between her spreading thighs. She heard herself gasp as the watch touched her most intimate spot. The silver silicon seemed hot on her flesh. Immediately the vibrations increased, and began pulsing rhythmically.

It felt so good. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the vision of herself in her mirror. I want this, she gasped. I need this so much. She watched fingers she could hardly feel pull alternately on her nipples through the thin fabric. She yelped in happy surprise as the tremors suddenly grew in intensity. Before she knew what she was doing, she was grinding herself into her own wrist, into the amazing sensations the bracelet was giving her. As though it could feel the building of her own arousal, the pulsing also started to inexorably rise, to become faster and stronger until Dana had no choice and she orgasmed, she came, moaning a gasp of pure pleasure, almost collapsing down to her knees.

Dyhana was right, her scrambled brain thought. I do need that twice a day. Gulping air, she barely registered the insistent inflection arising from her watch.


“No … no …” Moaned Dana. She was completely limp and still tingling with the aftershocks of her first climax. But she had to orgasm again, her mind told her, if she wanted to maintain her physical and mental well-being.

Her arm pushed itself back between her thighs. To her disappointment the vibrations had ceased. She mewled in frustration. She simply had to orgasm again. She could hear herself beg inside her own mind. As if Dyhana was satisfied with her level of desperation, the pulsing began anew. Slowly, slowly, the vibrations grew, playing through Dana’s whole body. Her skin felt as though it were immersed in boiling water. Minutes dragged by agonisingly. Only when she was rocking, moaning, shuddering, when she was screaming and pleading aloud, did Dyhana allow her to come again. Stars burst behind her eyes and she collapsed onto her couch, utterly spent. Her exhausted and pleasure-soaked mind fell into a deep, dark state of utter relaxation. She didn’t hear the chime of her watch consciously.


Dana fell asleep.

Words formed on the bracelet on her wrist.


Dyhana woke up.