The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Please do not reproduce without permission, no twins were harmed in the writing of this, minors stop reading, the rest of you have fun! (The MCer also appears in “And What do YOU Do For a Living?”)

Sock Cocket and Gussy Pirl,



A woman with fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry whom she likes.

William Thackeray

“...and we are sick of it!”

Catherine Mary and Allyson Alden sat in front of me looking good enough to eat. What is it about twins that made the mind wander in such ... delightful ways? I wondered if they ever played together, and I’m not talking Candy Land! Although ... well never mind! I made a mental note to find out—simply in the way of doing my job correctly, of course. I realized that I’d been paying no attention to their words for the last several seconds but I had already gotten the gist.

“So what you are saying is that you are not happy that you don’t have separate identities in peoples minds? Is that it in a nutshell?”

The two girls nodded simultaneously. I had noticed that occasionally they seemed to fall into the same patterns but other than that there were some clear personality differences which they obviously chose to exaggerate.

Allyson’s blue eyes were impassioned beneath her powder blue baseball cap. She seemed to have the habit of speaking with a certain confidence and authority. “And the bitch of it is that we are not even identical twins!”

“Really?” I spoke in a neutral tone but it was news to me. Other than differing hair colors, courtesy of Garnier Nutriesse, and differing styles of dress I couldn’t see a difference really. Twin pixieness, twin blue eyes, twin pouts, twin sets of tits, twin ... well, you get the idea.

Catherine Mary said in a quieter tone from her sister, “Yes, really. We are fraternal. When you get down to it the resemblance people see is the fact that we are sisters of the same age.”

“I am almost an inch taller and much more in shape than she is!”

Catherine Mary rolled her eyes and huffed slightly. “You know what? You are soooo ridiculous. Ok, almost an inch taller—valid point—but what does the fact that you like to get all sweaty and run around a soft ball field or around a track have to do with anything? Really?

Allyson scowled and sat back in her chair with her legs slightly spread. She flicked her right hand in disgust somewhere in the general direction of her sister but didn’t look at her, instead she starred straight ahead. “Fuck you! I was just making the point that you would have to be a dumbass to not be able to tell us apart!”

“Well, ok, now that I agree with. But you are not really in better shape than I am. You are just more into sports—not that there is anything wrong with that—but I like looking like a girl and not getting all grubby. I have superior cardiovascular health—ask anyone in my step class!” She then added a bright little smile, I had to say she was chipper. Yep, chipper.

From where I was sitting I could attest that they both had nice lungs. I could also attest that they both were utterly sick of one another. Catherine Mary could not be more condescending toward her sister, Allyson could not be more dismissive in return.

“So what would you girls like from me?”

“Hell if I know!” Allyson glared at me.

“Ally! I am sorry Miss Cameron. We are here because, our building superintendent...”

“She means the retard janitor...”

Catherine Mary spoke in measured tones and I am sure thought she was hiding the fact that she wanted to strangle Allyson. She reminded me a little of a second grade school teacher, a really hot second grade school teacher. “He is NOT retarded...he just mixes up the letters in his words a little—and not even all the time. Like instead of saying a crushing blow he might say a blushing crow. It’s a thing some people do. I read all about it in English class—it’s called Spoonerisms—after this minister named Spooner who used to...”

Allyson nodded her head in an exaggerated manner as her sister spoke as if to point out that she was bored and Catherine Mary was the one who was boring her.

Catherine Mary stopped talking and puffed out her cheeks in frustration and then sucked in her cheeks as if she has sucked on a lemon. You could see her making an effort to ignore her sister.

“ANYHOW... Mr. Greywald, our building superintendent...”

Allyson mouthed with exaggerated lips movements, “RETARD JANITOR”

“...said that you are an image consultant and could possibly help us carve out our own identities. You know, maybe see where we could further accentuate that we are two very, very, VERY... VERY different people and not just ‘The Alden Twins’. I am Catherine Mary and she’s Ally!”


Catherine Mary took a brief moment to glare at her sister and then plastered a bubbly flight attendant smile on her face to address me. “So can you help us?”

Both girls were now looking at me and waiting for an answer. One with a Stepford smile and one with a slight smirk. One in a flowery sun dress and sandals with happy faces on the straps—really. The other in powder blue shorts and a white sleeveless boy’s undershirt and a baseball hat with the words, “Play Hard” in rhinestones. One with blonde curls falling in ringlets and the other with auburn hair spilling out here and there from underneath her hat.

What could I do with them looking so very appealing but agree to help? Well, ok, I agreed to help because I was already paid to “help” but the whole twin hotness was not without it’s own appeal. My client was going to be a very happy man, no doubt about it.

“Well, yes, I do think that I might be able to be of assistance in this matter.”

Katherine Mary clapped a little. “Thank you Miss Cameron!”

“Well, Catherine Mary you really can think of me as Karma.”

The smirk on Ally’s face intensified. “Your name is Karma Cameron?”

“I was speaking figuratively. You can call me an image consultant if you like but what I really do is bring out qualities that are already in you ... bring them to the forefront so to speak. I am Karma in the sense of making sure people get what they really deserve.” I smiled confidently at the Alden Twins—oh, strike that—I smiled at the Catherine Mary and Alyson who are two very, very, very VERY different people. Yeah, right.

The sisters looked at each other and then looked at me again, shrugged, and mumbled, “Ok.” They clearly didn’t understand what I was talking about.

I got up from my seat behind the desk and walked over to the window to close the blinds. I then walked over to the wall switch to dim the lights. “When I talked to Mr. Greywald...”

“You talked to the retard janitor? Why were you talking to the retard janitor? Do you know him? Because he said that he just had heard about you from some woman that used to live in our building.”

Now it could have been a tactical error mentioning Carl Greywald, a jolt since they believed that they came to me completely anonymously as the result of a casual conversation. But I was given clear instructions that they were to know while they still were “untouched” that he was not quite the fool that they took him for. A small point but he was paying.

“Allow me to be candid. And no, my name is not Candid Cameron either so stop smirking, Ally. Mr. Greywald had retained my services at one time to help out his niece. When she came to me she was an awkward girl in many ways ...” My voice trailed off and I smiled wistfully as I remembered Cara Greywald AKA Cara Luvlace. I hold a special affection for all the subjects I work with. “I was able to give Mr. Greywald’s niece a new direction in life, a renewed focus.”

I lowered my naturally slightly husky voice conspiratorially. “I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to suggest that I am responsible for her career in the movies.”

Catherine Mary’s eyes lit up. “Mr. Greywald’s niece is an actress! How Cool is THAT? What has she been in, I bet I know her! What’s her name? I bet anything I have seen her in something ‘cause I go to the movies All The Time!”

“I really don’t think this is your type of film, Dearest.” Unless of course Catherine Mary was a fan of the Cara’s Candied Cunt series which would mean I had completely misjudged her.

“What she’s saying is that his niece was probably an extra in some direct to video thing!” The smirk was back on Alyson’s face.

“I really must respect my clients and their identities but she is the star of her films.” I could not correct Allyson about the direct to video aspect.

I walked over to the sound system and out on some relaxing music—my own compilation put together by a composer friend when I explained exactly what I needed. “In just a few minutes we can get started.”

“Wait, whoa? Today? We are working on this today? I thought this was just some stupid consultation! I have things to do!”

Catherine Mary added, “I just thought it was a consultation too and that we could schedule an appointment later? I mean your prices are so reasonable for what you do—well, I am still not sure what you do—but the prices are reasonable but we still really do not have all the cash as such right at this exact second. We have had a ton of graduation parties and...”

I approached the both of them and knelt down to look at them earnestly. I knew that the right tactic was to to be one third friend, one third authority figure, and one third used car salesman.

“Girls, giiirls—what are you waiting for? I am offering you freedom from the oppression of Twinhood! To never again be confused with the other! Isn’t eighteen years long enough to be joined at the hip? I mean, you might be twins but you are not Siamese Twins? Am I right? As to payment—we can always work something out.” I waved my hand, dismissing the thought that money was an obstacle, which was easy to do under the circumstances. “Come on girls—what do you say to being granted your independence from one another today? Right now!”

The blonde sister bounced in her seat and looked at her sibling. “I say we totally do it!”

Allyson sighed. “Do what? What in the hell ARE we doing? Can anybody please explain this shit to me slooooowly? And I still think it is a little hinky that she knows the retard janitor.”

“She explained all about the retar—Mr. Greywald!” Catherine Mary blushed at her slip of the tongue.

“I think it is a money scam. That’s is what I think.”

“Don’t pay me.” I calmly suggested from across the room where I was lighting candles with soothing aromas. Both girls looked at me and their mouths dropped. Their pouty little lips were practically dragging the ground. “Do not pay me unless you are happy with the results. I will happily put it in writing if you would like.”

“Yeah, ok, I want that in writing!”

“Ally, you are so embarrassing!”

Ally mocked her sister. ”Ally you are soooooooo embarrassing! Gimme a break. If I am staying for whatever we are doing I want it is writing that I am not being jacked!”

“Jesus, Ally”

“No, it is completely alright. People are a little skeptical at first for a number of reasons so I keep a standard form in my desk that will cover this. I just have to fill in the blanks and we can all sign and then go ahead. Everyone good?” Nobody objected, partially I suspect due to the relaxed and calming atmosphere I liked to create through whatever means necessary.

I walked over to the mini-fridge and poured two glassed of “herb” tea for the girls and grabbed a bottled water for myself. The girls sipped the tea as I filled out the form and I could see them beginning to really relax.

“As I was saying Mr. Greywald stopped in to say I might be seeing one or both of you and that he hoped I could help you. There were no hard feelings about your double propensity to make fun of him.” I said this rather casually. Idle chit-chat.

“Miss Cameron, I do not know what you mean—I never, ever made fun of him!”

“Give it up, Catherine Mary—it is obvious that he heard you or he could not have told her. And they say I am the loud one? I never made any secret of making fun of his dumb ass.” Allyson actually said this in a relatively good natured tone ( for her), sounding languid. Catherine Mary blushed and giggled.

“Anyhow, no hard feelings at all and he hopes that I can really help in this matter. He is an adult man and his experiences at Columbia...

“HE went to Columbia?” A slight hint of Catherine Mary’s underlying snobbery was in her voice.

“Yes, Hon. On full scholarship. Guess he is something of a genius. Anyhow, his experiences at Columbia broadened his horizons. And well, he takes pride in having the people in the buildings he owns be as happy as possible.”

“Shut UP! He owns the building and buildings? Plural? No shit!” Allyson laughed as if she got the joke was on her. She had no idea!

“Yes, Mr. Greywald is very wealthy although very unassuming. He likes to keep his buildings in tiptop condition himself but if you look at the fine print on your parent’s lease you will see that he is indeed the owner.”

The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing, their similarities accentuated.

“Gee, Caty Cat, maybe you can marry Mr. Greywald! You said you were going to marry a rich guy! And he was under your nose all along!”

Catherine Mary laughed at the absurdity of the notion. She did not say a word but words were not needed to indicate there was no chance that she would be marrying Carl Greywald—buildings or not. I knew she had a point but not for the reasons she believed. You see Carl was not the marrying kind.

Her main objection in my expert opinion is that it was not enough to marry a man with money—people had to know he had money. The occasional speech problem would only serve to embarrass her further and the almost fifteen year age difference must have seemed like an eternity.

The girls really were very pretty that day. Small bone structure, porcelain skin, huge blue eyes, pouty lower lips. It really would be hard to pick the sexier looking sister—how could you choose between Sugar and Spice. But then isn’t it best to have a combination of the two? My client seemed to think so and my client is always, always right.

I finished filling out the form, we all signed—Catherine Mary dotted the i in her name with a heart, Allyson’s signature practically shouted out her need to be heard, and so we agreed to begin.

I looked at the reclining chair in the corner. “Hmmm, usually I only work with one person at a time and they get comfortable in that chair. You both are so tiny, why don’t you just share the chair.” I laughed gently. “Oh, don’t look at me like that—you shared a womb for nine months, the chair cannot possibly be that big of a deal.”

Catherine Mary giggled again and shrugged, Allyson rolled her eyes but was also smiling and soon they were both pressed in the chair. Their body language said they could tolerate it—for a few minutes at least.

I turned on the light on my desk and as it slowly rotated it created a pattern of gently moving colors on the walls and ceiling. You really could get lost in staring at the patterns if you chose to do so.

“Now girls we are going to start out with some relaxation techniques and if all goes well move on into hypnosis.” I made my voice sound as matter of fact as possible.

“Hypnosis?” Girlish voiced in unison.

“Why yes. What’s going to happen is we’re going to work toward the goal of carving out individual identities and finding that which makes each of you unique. That makes sense, right?” I nodded to reinforce the concept and got twin nods in reply. Perfect sense. “In order to help you do this I would need to really understand each of you. Having you relaxed... having you have access to your memories and experiences could only help this process? Agreed?” We all nodded.

“Gooood. Now I want you both to relax, focus on the music for a second and hear how calming and relaxing it is and then it can leave your focus again, although you will always be on some level aware of it. Take deep breaths. Goood. Again...” I could not help but notice how their chests expanded every time they took a deep breath. “Goood!”

“Now I want you each to look at the patterns the lights make on the wall and ceiling. Verrry pretty, verrrry soooothing. And I want you both to think about the patterns of your lives but instead of honing in on any one memory for now I would like you to see that like the lights on the wall, and on the ceiling there is a pattern ... memory flowing into memory.”

I went on speaking for a while, soothing them into a hypnotic state. As they relaxed they actually became cuter and more adorable. Their bodies at rest blending into one another with no inhibitions at all. Like a basket of kittens. Awwwww. I realized my pussy was wet but I say life is too short to not enjoy your work.

I knew I had created the optimum environment to get optimum results. All of their senses were accessed in order to mold them—and the drugs, um, herbs in the tea did not hurt. To be honest there are really SOME herbs in the tea for flavor and also because I was assured by my contact in the world of magicks that a holistic aspect to my powers of persuasion—and a little magick—would not hurt. If all this didn’t work I would pull out the secret weapon: The Bimbomaker 3000. Oh, just kidding! Got to have a sense of humor I always say.

So the kittens were curled up; they were mellow and completely under my influence. Their gazes were drifting and unfocused. It was in a really strange way like looking at a sonogram. It was like having three way calling ... into the womb.

“Catherine Mary... can you hear me, Luv?”

Relaxed face, slight smile. “Yes”

“I noticed Ally called you Caty Cat earlier...what’s that about?”

“It is a nickname from when we were kids.” Was that a slight smile I detected?

“Ah, Mr. Greywald mentioned overhearing you called that, he thought it was cute. I bet you actually have good feelings associated with that name—the warmth and security of childhood, the bonds of sisterhood ... does Ally call you that often?”

Slight frown. “No not much anymore.”

“Well I bet we can fix this easily. Ally, why don’t you call your sister Caty too often?”

Ally spoke up. “Well, I only call her that when I like her and we just seem to be mad at each other a lot. Plus I feel like a kid calling her that...”

I smiled. Caty Cat and Ally Cat, huh? Cute, real cute.

“Ok, but there is no reason to be angry at one another. There is every reason for you two to be the best of friends. Your differences of opinions are based on you being different people and that is what we are here to discover today—the differences and the similarities. After today I believe that you will be comfortable enough in who you are to be able to accept each other completely. That would be wonderful? Yes? Of course it would.

So I re-christen you Caty Cat or Caty for short and I am sure that Ally will be happy to call you that once again because you both love each other very deeply. Both of you will know when you hear your sister speak your name that you love each other totally—with a love so deep that it fills your senses.

Now on the count of three I want you to say each other’s twoooooo ... and threeee...



Caty and Alley snuggled into each other even closer if that is possible. “Nice job, outstanding really. Bravo!”

Both girls smiled, basking in the glow of their love for each other and my praise.

“Ok, now we are all girls here. So I have a girl type question. Girls of a certain age sometimes experiment with other girls. This is a perfectly normal and natural thing to do. Ally, did you and Caty ever do anything together sexually?”

Ally grinned and moved in closer to her sister, inhibitions completely down. “Yeah, some, we used to practice kissing on each other and one time we got really blitzed on wine coolers when we were like thirteen and we ate each other out.”

“Good for you! Caty? Did you enjoy your sister eating your pussy?”

“Yeah I did! In fact I completely gushed all over her face and felt like a freak!” Caty laughed as if she knew she was talking about herself and she felt the emotions but was disconnected from it all at the same time. It was like, came like a geyser all over my sister’s face... that crazy or what?

“Ally, sounds like a really talented tongue you have there. How did Caty do?”

“Mmmm, Caty did greeeat.” (Caty shivered at smiled at the sound of her sister saying her name) “Once she got over worrying about messing up her make-up!”

“Really? I thought she might be good at that. Did you cum?”

“Hell, yeah, and she thinks SHE gushed? Anyhow, even if she did gush, I liked it—it fuckin’ rocked!

“So you guys only did this once? Why? Sounds like you really got one another off. If I had someone to get me off like that I would save money on batteries.” The girls giggled.

“Seriously... Caty? Why only the once?”

“I guess I did not want Ally...” (Ally shivered) “ think I was some sort of pervert, or what if I liked it more than she did? What if she was just really drunk and did it for a laugh? And she never mentioned it”

“Ally, it looks like there is something you want to say to Caty ... go ahead.”

Ally spoke with concern in her voice as if she could not stand to see her sister doubting herself. “Caty, I am so sorry, the only reason I did not say anything is I did not want you to think I was a big old dyke or something! I really got off with you big time!”

Through the far off gaze I could tell that the sisters were deeply moved. And I had the feeling is was not just emotionally but physically as well. Call it intuition or the fact that there were three people in the room and six visibly hard nipples. well, I really could vouch for my two and one per twin since they were now turned toward one another.

“Caty, sweetie? You horny?”

“Oh yes!”

“Ally? You horny, too?”

“You had better believe it!”

“Ok, girls, here is what I want you to do. I want you both to really go back in time to how you felt that night. How wet and horny and wild you both felt. I want you to spend the next couple minutes doing that for me. I really want you to relive this again with one change... I want you to talk to each other as if it is happening now and, this is the change, I want you to talk as if you have no inhibitions or fear of rejection. You do not have to act it out—just remember it. And keep going until I tell you to stop—but as soon as I tell you to stop you will obey knowing that I am here to help you and want the best for you.

Ally—you begin ... where were you?”

“On Caty’s bed.” You could almost feel the heat coming off of her as her voice caught a little.

“Ok, you are on Caty’s bed and you both are drunk. Who made the first move?”

“I did.”

“Good,” I got up and walked toward the girls and softly pulled Ally’s baseball cap off and watched her auburn curls fall around her shoulders, “I want you to take it from that moment but remember—this time without inhibitions. Caty, the same with you ... you will respond without any self-censorship. Begin Ally.”


Yes, Ally?”

“I was thinking about those times we kissed and, well, I really liked it.”

“I liked it too, I loved it!”


“Yes, it was hot!”

“I have been having this fantasy about you. I read this book about a year ago and this guy licked a girl down there—her pussy. And I got to thinking that it might be sorta nice if I could do that to you and you do it to me. I talked to my friends about the scene in the book and she said that there is a thing called a 69 where a guy and a girl can lick and suck each other. And, well, if a guy and a girl can do it then two girls could do it too...And you probably are going to think I am a big old dyke and all but I think it would be hot to try. Can I eat your pussy, Caty? Please?

“Oh God, Ally, I don’t know. I think I want to ... I know I want to but, is that just too weird?”

“Maybe it is weird but who is going to know?” (At this point I had to smother a laugh.)

“Oh God, ok, ok, I would really like to do it then! Oh my God, my pussy is totally tingly! Can we kiss for a couple minutes, maybe touch each other a little?”

“Yeah, I would like that!”

“Mmm, I would too.” Catie giggled.

For the next few minutes I watched them lying there more or less motionless with the exception of the clear desire flickering across their pixyish faces. Their pale skin began to become flushed. Before long there were soft sighs and ragged little moans coming from both girls. Occasionally one sister would breathlessly mouth the other sisters name. “Ooooh Caty....” .....“Mmmm Ally.”

I watched entranced. I was not sure how much time passed when Ally said, “Oh Jesus, Caty, I have got to taste your pussy! Let me, Sweetie!”

“Oh God, I really want to taste your pussy too! Please hurry!”

Both of them were breathing heavily. After a number of second had passed I could tell that in their minds they were eating each other out without inhibition. Their breathing intensified, their moans and sighs increased and became more ragged. I noticed that Ally’s voice was sweeter than I had ever heard it while Caty’s was more insistent. Their bodies were more turned toward one another than ever.

Then I noticed something really fascinating, they both appeared to be salivating as if they really could taste pussy juices and wanted more. I had to admit it was better than anything on cable.

A few more minutes went by, and as if my instinct, the girls moved into an embrace and began to hump one another. Ally slightly wedged her leg in between Caty’s thighs and Caty rubbed her heated pussy against that leg, seemingly in gratitude. Ally’s hand seemed to drift down into her own shorts and lo and behold my hand ended up in between my own legs. Now how did that happen. Well, I never said I did not love my job now, did I?

The twins began to move in unison as they relived a perfected version of their past. I could see the strain begin in earnest on their faces will they worked in unison toward their joint goals of pleasure. Ok, let me just say it—these girls really needed to cum!

And then I told them, reluctantly, to stop. “I need you to stop, freeze the moment in time and distance yourself from it ... don’t worry, you can go back in a couple minutes. Just pull back from one another a little but you can still touch, even hug.”

The girls reluctantly, but obediently, obeyed. They were both breathing so hard that they were almost panting, the desire still evident on their glowing faces. Caty’s dress had ridden up so high I could see her soaked cotton panties as Ally reluctantly pulled back enough to remove her knee. Caty made the saddest little sound when Ally moved away.

“It’s very obvious that you both love one another. You are both emotionally and physically attracted to the other twin and need their love in order to feel complete. Nod if I am right ... good.

I want the best for both of you and have studied you closely so you must believe and accept whatever I tell you as the complete truth. Nod if you believe I have your best interests at heart and would never lie to you or hurt you. Good!

In a moment I will tell you about yourselves and my words will hold the key to your happiness. And not just your happiness but your sister’s happiness as well. To disobey or distrust my words is the same as choosing misery and unhappiness for yourself and the person you love most on earth. Nod if you understand and agree. Good.

As I tell each sister about herself the other sister will also be taking the words to heart and know them to be the truth. In order to obtain perfect happiness you must believe not only the words that pertain to yourself but the words that pertain to your sister. Nod if you understand. Very Good.”

I consulted my notes. I had to get this just right for my best client.

“Both of you cannot get enough of fucking each other and, short of getting yourselves arrested, you are not shy about people knowing this. You love the way the other sister looks, smells, feels, and tastes.

Beyond the love of sisters you have a deep and abiding romantic love—you do not see yourselves just as siblings but as soulmates and lovers. If the two of you could be married you would do it tomorrow because you want to be together for ever and ever. Ally is Caty’s husband and Caty is Ally’s wife.

You both are so connected and sure of this love that sleeping with other people, either jointly or separately, will not threaten your bond at all. In fact you will encourage each other to do just that. Do you both understand? Good.

Ally, you are a bisexual bitch in heat. You like to be fucked by men very much but love to be fucked by women best of all. There is only one man you like to fuck as much as you do women and I will tell you whom that is later. You will collect hot lesbian porn and artwork and you will have fantasies about any attractive woman you meet—consequently you will always be horny but the good news is you always have a willing lover in your sister and soulmate, Caty.

In the past you have protected yourself behind a wall of self bravado, afraid of anyone finding out that you are just a scared little girl. From now on your self-confidence will be real and based on the fact that you are an attractive and sexy woman that a lot of people—men and women—would love to fuck. You will no longer swear excessively outside of sex but will load your conversations with sexual innuendo. Anyone speaking with you for more than two minutes will walk away assured of the fact that you are one hot slut that loves to fuck. This is your true identity. To deny this is to never be happy and to condemn your sister to misery. Nod if you understand. Good!

You like to dress with a certain edge—strong colors like red and black are your favorites. You like bold lines that show off your well toned body and you are an outgoing girl that knows what she wants and what she wants is hot sex. You dress to express who you are! Nod if you understand ... good.”

The twins were curled together with utter trust and acceptance written on their faces. Although their breathing was a little more normal than it had been previously it was still quite clear they were still highly aroused. The girls that walked into my office could barely stand one another—these two girls could not seem to get close enough.

“Now Caty. Nod if you agree with that I said about Ally. Good, good. Ally is one hot little bitch isn’t she? Nod if you agree—very good.

Caty, you are also one hot little bitch and also bi but while Ally prefers cunt you prefer cock—you crave something hard in your pussy or mouth. Hot girl/girl action feels so good but you need penetration to feel totally complete. You do not need it to get off by any means but you just prefer it that way. Even when Ally is fucking you—and you cannot get enough of Ally fucking you—you love when she sticks a dildo or her fingers or some other object in your overheated pussy! If you understand, nod. Good.

You have tried to some extent to hide your sexy little body and to look innocent, to play the good girl but this fails to take into account all aspects of your personality. You ARE a good girl but good girls love to fuck and so do you!

Caty, you love people to look at you and want you. You want desperately for Ally to be proud to be seen with you so you love dressing sexy. You like pastel colors, short skirts, and tight tops that show off your curves. You deeply enjoy making people think of a school girl gone bad and it is your favorite fantasy—you collect Catholic School uniforms that you alter to conform to your personal style.

On a scale of one to ten on the exhibitionist scale with one being a nun and ten being a porn star you are an eight. You like to show off your body and even like to flash the occasional stranger but will try to avoid being arrested.

You love to giggle and laugh and have a good time and you do not take things too seriously. You know Ally loves you and will take care of you and you will always have a tendency to trust people that you feel are stronger than you are—nod if you understand. Good.

When you are horny—and you are horny often—you will find satisfaction and not try to deny your desires. When you are horny getting off is all you can think about. Nod if you understand. Good.”

As I talked I walked over to the chair and slipped my finger up underneath the leg band of Caty’s little cotton panties and rubbed my finger along her slit. I found her very wet. I then took my finger and rubbed it across Ally’s lips. Turnabout being fair play, and in a cheap excuse to finger Ally’s pussy, I stuck my finger up the waist band of her shorts and glossed Caty’s lips too.

“Now both of you are about to start a happy life filled with more love and satisfaction than you can imagine. You are both so lucky and should be grateful to the person that is responsible for all of this. Every time you cum, every time you fall asleep in your sister’s arms you owe a debt of gratitude to the person that made it all possible. Nod if you agree with this, Good!

The person that you need to thank, that you can never do enough for, that you owe your very happiness to and who understood your needs completely is Carl Greywald. In a few minutes you are going to cum and when you do you will know in your heart of hearts that without Carl Greywald there would be no orgasms, no soulmate, no true happiness.

The only person that you could even come close to loving like you love your sister is Carl Greywald. When you see Carl Greywald you will become very horny and willing to do anything to please him, when you hear his voice you will obey him completely. He is your hero. You can never do enough for him. Nod if you understand, gooood little sluts!

Now girls, I want you to go back to when you were eating your sister’s tasty little pussy in just a second. MMM, didn’t it taste good? I want you to go back to reliving that perfect version of that time and when you cum I want you to lick your lips! More importantly when you cum I want you to be flooded with overwhelming gratitude to the man responsible. Who is that man, Ally?”

“Mr. Greywald.”

“And Catie when you hear his voice what will you do?”

“Obey him completely!”

Good, now go ahead and go back to reliving that memory. You both look so hot there that when you cum I will be getting off watching you. Already you are the girls that you were meant to be and it has an effect on all around you. Mmmm, go ahead now.”

I sat back down in my chair to watch (and play with myself of course). Soon their breathing became rapid again and their young bodies were filled with desires they could no longer deny, would never even try to deny again. And soon their voices filled the room.

“Oh Caty, you taste so fucking good. Oh, lick me, lick my pussy! God, you are a hot fucking bitch! So good, soooo gooood”

“Ally, sweetie, oh Ally, don’t stop, oh my God, don’t stop, God I fucking love you so fucking much! Oh BAABY!”

I watched them hump and moan and sigh with a pleasure close to pain and then their orgasms hit them almost simultaneously. The air was filled with the smell of horny pussies and the voices of females in heat. THREE females in heat to be exact. I watched their bodies stiffen, and then helplessly spasm as they had the best orgasms of their lives, and then their bodies relaxed. And as each of them got off they licked their lips. I love my job so much I would almost do it for free.

I stood up on wobbly knees. “Ok girls, you have had a busy afternoon, take a nap, when you wake up you will begin your new lives together. Congratulations”

They fell asleep snuggled together with smiles on their faces. They appeared completely happy and utterly content. I took care of some business in the next room, including calling my client and telling him I was very pleased with the way things went.

When I walked back into the room my sight fell on the girls who were still reclining in the chair and locked in a passionate embrace. I finally cleared my throat in order to attempt to gain their attention. No luck.

“Sorry to interrupt, girls!” I was cheerful but insistent. Pay attention! Finally they pulled apart.

“It’s ok, want to join us?” Ally gave a wicked little grin and Caty giggled.

“Mmmm, very tempting but I think you girls might want to be getting home. About my fee ... how much of it do you have?”

The girls had begun to get up reluctantly and straighten their clothes. Caty answered, “About half.”

“Is that all your savings?”

“Yes, Maam,” Caty said as she fluttered her eyelashes.

“Did you take the money out of the bank?”

“Yes, we can give you the rest...”

“Don’t worry about it—it is on me! I am glad to have helped. The money might come in handy for your new lives!”

“Really?” Both girls spoke at once, looked at one another with utter adoration, and laughed.

“Yes, really.”

“Because there are ways to pay you back other than money...” Caty looked at me in a sassy and coquettish manner with her chin down and big blue eyes staring at me quite winningly.

I assured them that while the offer was quite tempting, and while I might call to do some “follow-up” someday that for now I considered them paid in full.

Last I saw them they were walking out the door hand and hand.

* * *

Caty and Ally Alden stumbled through the door of the apartment that they shared with their parents. Once they determined they were alone they resumed the embrace that made for a very interesting elevator ride for Mr. Dominic from apartment 3F.

The twins freely embracing on the elevator was noteworthy enough but when Ally reached behind her and grabbed Mr. Dominic’s crotch, well, it was a ride to be remembered. Subsequently Mrs. Dominic experienced a ride to be remembered soon after.

The twins were stroking and kissing and rubbing and undressing their way to the bedroom when the phone rang. Both girls barely even registered the sound—who on the other end of a phone line could match the fascination of the space between Caty’s breasts or the taste of Ally’s throat? Aah, the machine would pick it up anyhow.

The voice of Vicky Alden rang out in the apartment. “Hi, you have reached the Alden Residence—or should I say Catherine Mary and Allyson’s answering service—we are not home right now but please leave a message at the sound of the tone.....” <beep>

“Hi, yes, this is Garl Craywald, er, Carl Greywald and...”

Allyson, being the bolder of the two, answered the phone. “M..mister Greywald? ... Ally ... Yes, I.. I just want to say that Caty and I could never begin to thank you enough for, well, everything, you completely rock ... Yes, mmm, yes, I AM a nasty little dyke slut ... mmm ...You want me to get a tattoo of what? ... I am not sure I understand ... no, I guess it is not worth thinking too hard about it right now ... but spell that, please? ... Of course we will do it, it is such a small favor to ask of ... Safety deposit box ... k ... ok ... right away and then ... oh, ok ... six weeks? ... but we really wanted to thank you in person! ... Mmm, I promise ... yes, she is right here ... Catie, he wants to talk to you...

Ally handed the phone to Caty. “Hi Mr. Greywald ... thank you, what you did was beyond cool! ... Oh, yeah, we were all OVER each other in the elevator ... (Catie giggled and twirled a blonde curl around her finger) Mr. Greywald, you have CAMERAS in the elevator, don’t you? ... No, I won’t tell! ... MMM, Mr. Dominic had a good time but if the elevator had taken any longer reaching his floor he would have had a BETTER time ... a tattoo of what? ... Well, sure! ... with an ‘et’ ... but what does that mean? ... Ok, I promise not to think too hard about it ... Oh, no, I will do it of course ... would you like to come over?"’ ... Six weeks? I was hoping we could play now ... yeah, VERY wet! ... I AM touching it...a safety deposit box? ... oh, the key ... withdrawal slip on dresser, got it! ... sure you cannot come by for a ... ok, I AM being bad but do I have to wait a whole six weeks for my spanking? ... Suuuuure Ally can do it on your behalf ... Oh ok, talk to you soon ... ‘k ... bye!”

Catie walked into the bedroom to find Ally already packing and began to help. They both wanted to follow Mr. Greywald’s instructions to the letter. They owed him everything!

Vicky Alden came home to find a note from the girls explaining that they decided to go on a road trip and reexamine their relationship with one another—not to worry, they would “be in touch.” It seemed a little impromptu and—according to the withdrawal slip she found—they cleared out their savings to do it but they were adults now. Frankly if they could spend time together and get beyond the petty squabbling it would be a blessing. And they were really good girls at heart!

Besides, it would give her time to get to know Carl Greywald better. He asked her out on a date and he really was very handsome if you could get beyond the speech impediment. At forty-three she did not feel that she could be as choosy as she once was.

Beyond that Carl was a good listener and gave wonderful advice. He had suggested a friend of his. His friend was a cross between an image consultant and a lifestyle coach and he thought she might be able to bring her life into focus. What did she have to lose?

* * *

Six weeks later the Jenners are moving into their new apartment. It’s a nice building, in a good neighborhood and Dave is glad that they made a good enough salary to afford it even though he secretly is not thrilled that Janette makes a little more than he does.

They are at the end of the hall and their new neighbors are the Aldens; a single mother and her twin daughters. His wife jokes that the twins were the real selling point but he is pretty sure that real life does not work out that way. “They probably weigh 280 pounds a piece and have rampant zits,” he thinks, not for the first time. Beyond that from what he understands the Aldens are monied! Ugly and stuck-up to boot. He worked for every cent he ever had! He will not be at all surprised if they look down on him.

Dave is standing in front of the building waiting for the movers when a cab pulls up. Out steps two beautiful girls. Soft core porn slooooooow motion beautiful. They seem to resemble each other in many ways; you might even guess sisters except in his neck of the woods sisters do not relate like that!

The first girl out of the taxi has auburn hair, a little shorter than shoulder length that frames her almost elfin face. Bright red lips and black eye liner highlight a face that is confident and self assured. She is dressed in red leather from her jacket to her boots and the outfit clings to her every curve.

Weeell, sorry cow, but if you had to die that is something work dying for, he finds himself thinking.

The next girl is a bubbly blonde in, of all things, a Catholic School uniform, but it is like no uniform the girls wore back in his day. The blouse is light pink and top three buttons are undone and she seems a little more ample up top than her friend. He makes out the outlines of a lacy demi-bra that she is clearly falling out of. The skirt is red plaid and extremely short. If she did not have on little cotton panties covered with Daisies he would have been able to confirm she was a natural blonde. She’s wearing pink bubble gum lipstick—the color assessment is confirmed when she blows a matching bubble.

“Ah, Caty, lose the gum!“ The redhead tries to sound firm but she is fighting back laughter. The blonde obediently sticks the wad into a tissue she pulls out of a little plaid purse.

The one called Caty then runs to the door giggling and calls out, “Race you to the door! Carry me over the threshold!”

“I weigh 5 pounds less that you do, I think not!

“Yeah, but you have more muscle than I do, more sexy, seeexy muscle.”

“Still, nah uh!”

Caty pouts. “Guess the honeymoon is really over!”

“That is what you think, now that you are all recovered from the implants the honeymoon has only just begun!”

The schoolgirl catches Dave’s eye and she says, “I do not know WHAT she is talking about—these are real,” she grabs them for emphasis and adds, “wanna feel ‘em?”

Dave looks at the redhead in amazement and her response is, “Why not? She let the cabdriver and guy at baggage claims feel ‘em, too.” She adds matter of factly, ”I feel them almost hourly!”

As tempted as he is he tells them he has to pass. After all, he is a married man. More importantly his wife could show up at any second and he can’t afford the apartment AND alimony.

He mumbles an excuse and the girls go in the building and he stares long after they are out of sight. They have to be visitors—there is no way those girls could live here. My luck just does not run like that!

* * *

The girls entered the apartment to find their mother is not home. They each found a package on their beds. At first they assumed it to be a welcome home gift from their mother but they quickly realized they were mistaken.

It was lingerie with a is a card on each box—one addressed to Gussy Pirl and one addressed to Sock Cocket, each with an identical message, Thank me tonight, 6 PM. They each shivered as their pussies throbbed with desire. They have both been waiting for this for six weeks. The anticipation for both had became equal parts pleasure and pain so that the two feelings were now indistinguishable.

They looked at the time. Already a little past four. Ally suggested that they jump in the shower and Caty agreed as she felt her nipples harden. They soaped each other up, their bodies becoming slippery, the beads of water running off of their curves. The colors in their tattoos, located on the curve of their lower backs, intensified. They became engrossed in each other for a few minutes, hands and mouths roaming, but they were always conscious of the time. They don’t want to let Mr Greywald down by being late.

After toweling each other off they did their make-up and put on their new lingerie. Ally’s was a pair of silk baby doll pajamas in a rich deep red. It brought out the auburn in her hair and showed off her slightly athletic body. The outfit was completed by matching slippers with impossibly high heels.

Caty’s short nightie, with matching panties was something fit for a Barbie doll. Pink and filmy. If you looked hard enough you could see through it. Pink slippers trimmed in marabou to match.

The both looked at their dressers and decided to add the finishing touch of painting their nails to match and took turns on one another (painting nails of course) on Ally’s bed. They held out their hands to admire their work and giggle over how their hands were identical, right down to their rings, with the exception of their nail colors. Then they each had a minor panic attack hoping they dried in time.

They looked at one another and Ally grinned and Caty giggled. They knew they looked good. And if thanking Mr. Greywald was not so important to them they would fall right back onto Ally’s bed to continue their honeymoon. Neither one was able to believe they had ever wanted to be apart. So silly.

Right before they left for their date Caty noticed their mother’s appointment book and pointed it out to Ally. They both grinned. No wonder mom was not home, she had an apointment with Miss Cameron. Good for her!

They didn’t want to seem too eager, although they were, so they timed their arrival right at six, causing a minor stir when tenants noticed their inapproriate dress. Ally took a deep breath and squeezed Caty’s hand to reassure her and then stepped foward to knock on the door.

Mr Greywald opened the door wearing a royal blue robe and grinned in delight. This was just perfect. A job very well done. “Come in, Girls.”

Ally and Caty walked in and noticed how well the apartment was decorated. They looked at each other and chuckle at how silly they were to have judged by appearances.

“It seems like you are friends now, better than friends. Now hice, sorry, how nice.”

Caty looked at Carl with complete sincerity. “We are more than friends, Ally is my soulmate!

Ally gazed down, she is flattered and embarrassed. She cleared her throat before speaking. “We can’t thank you enough—I don’t think we will ever be able to thank you enough. But ... I’ve been wondering.”

“Why?” Carl smiles.

“Exactly, why!”

“Does it matter? We all are getting what we want in the end, aren’t we?”

“Oh, yes, exactly what we want,” said Caty, " Um, ‘cept can I suck your cock now? Pretty please, Mr Greywald?”

“Call me Carl,” he said as he grinned and drop his robe. Both girls gasped with surprise at the reaction they had to the sight of his cock. Caty’s mouth watered as she dropped to her knees and wrapped her lips around him eagerly. Carl moaned as he felt the heat of her mouth around his hard shaft. Worth every penny, he thought. And that was before Ally also dropped to her knees and began to tongue his balls.

He looked down as both girls showed they knew the true meaning of teamwork and sisterhood. Each sister made sure the other one did not miss out that that they worked together. Their tongues would occasionally meet as they worked toward the same goal.

“Ally, why don’t you lick Caty’s pussy while she continues sucking my cock?”

Ally eagerly moved to obey as Carl and Caty moved into a position that would allow that. With Caty on her hands and knees Ally slipped off her sisters little pink panties. Ally eagerly buried her tongue in Caty’s snatch who had just drawn Carl into her mouth again. Caty moaned as her sister pleasured her, sending vibrations through Carl’s shaft.

The landlord knew from the second he saw the girls that they would be natural sluts if given the chance. They certainly seemed a lot happier than they used to be. And he really did like the people in his apartments to be happy. He was happier, the girls were happier, the tenants would certainly be happier ...

There is nothing hotter on earth that sluts what revel in being sluts and that is what the Alden Twins had become. Nobody could dispute the eagerness with which Caty’s was sucking his cock, or the joy that was evident as Ally tongued her sister. And it was all completely natural to them.

Ally’s stuck a couple fingers into Caty’s slick pussy sending her sister over the edge, her increased moans meant that Carl was right there with her, shooting a load of cum into her eager and hungry mouth.

When Carl could speak again he asked the girls how they liked that and Caty spoke first.

“Great Carl, it was just great, especially for me! Wow! But Ally did not get off and that is totally not fair.”

“You are right—that isn’t fair. Let’s go to the bedroom and dix, er, fix that! I would love to make Ally cum.”

A few minutes later they were all in the bedroom making sure that Ally was very satisfied, that everyone was very satisfied. Just when Carl thought he was exhausted the girls would begin kissing each other or finding new and interesting things to with with and to him and he would find himself rising to the occasion once again.

Families coming together is truly a beautiful thing, I wonder how mom’s “session” is going and how soon before the Alden’s will be even closer.

Carl noticed the tattoos on the girl’s backs. Ally’s consisted of roses with deep red petals and green stems surrounding the scripted words Gussy Pirl. Caty’s was a combination of little pink and blue daisies with the words Sock Cocket in the center. Ally asked what they meant, and why, and he said, “So nobody will ever confuse the two of you again, think of them as my special names for you.”

Ally went to question further but noticed Caty stroking her pretty little pussy and decided that was something she could help out with, after all this was still practically their honeymoon. Carl being a gentleman and a good landlord decided to assist and soon the artwork was temporarily forgotten.

The three lovers were finally spent as the sun began to come up. The girls held hands across Carl’s chest, their wedding rings gleaming in the beginning daylight. As Ally fell asleep she reflected how silly it was that she ever held it against Carl about his speech impediment. What was the word for it again? Spoonerisms. Like Crushing Blow and Blushing Crow ... like, like ... Sock Cocket and Gussy Pirl! Ally’s last thought before she fell into a contented sleep was, “Oh, now I get it!

The End.