The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance between characters in this work and actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. This work contains scenes of explicit sex between adults and is intended for the entertainment of adults only. If you are offended by depictions of adult intercourse or if you are less than the age of majority in your jurisdiction please do not read or download this file. Because this is a fantasy, characters in this work engage in unprotected sex in a universe where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist. In reality sex without protection is unwise and nothing in this work should be taken as condoning such activity, or any of the other activities depicted herein.


Never tried a real hypnotism story before. Comments always welcome:

-Downing Street

“Doctor, you have got to do something. I’m at my wit’s end.”

Dr. Ben Minder looked up from his work. The woman standing in the doorway to his office was young and shapely. But her eyes were sunken and tired-looking, her face drawn. One lock of blonde hair had fallen out of its functional bun to trail limply across her face.

“Teri,” Dr. Minder said. “You look awful. Please, come in, come in.”

He got up from his desk and ushered her into his comfortable office. “Here, have a seat. Let me get you something.”

“Thank you Ben,” Teri replied, settling into the black leather chair. “I’m sorry to burst in on you like this, but I can’t sleep, I can’t stay awake, I’m dog tired all the time—”

“There there,” he shushed her. “We’ll get this sorted out. Here, drink this; it will help you relax.” He handed her a small cup of green tea.

“Thank you,” she said again, sipping. She settled back in the chair.

Minder took the matching chair next to hers. He was a tall, polished-looking man in an expensive suit. Teri, on the other hand, was dressed in casual office garb: some sort of red jacket and pants outfit, black shoes. She wore no make-up; tiny stud earrings were her only jewellery.

“Now then, Teri,” the doctor said, gently taking up a clipboard and a shiny silver pen, “why don’t you tell me what’s wrong.”

“You know what’s wrong. I’m still not sleeping. I toss and turn all night. Then I feel like rubbish all day. I can barely stay awake at work. Those pills you gave me help, a little.”

“Only a little?”

She sipped tea. “Well, I’m not staring at the ceiling all night any more. I’m getting little fits of sleep, I suppose. I don’t feel rested when I get up in the morning.”

Dr. Minder looked concerned. “Why not?”

“Because when I do sleep I have the strangest dreams.”

“Oh? What kind of dreams?”

She looked at the floor. “I’d rather not say.”

He waited.

“Well, you know, they’re, like . . . sexual. Dreams about sex. Crazy sex. I never have dreams like that! Sometimes I wake up and I’m ready to—well, you know. Are you sure those pills don’t have some weird side effects?”

“Of course not,” he said quickly. “I personally feel that your fatigue is letting some deeply repressed emotions slip into your dream state. It’s not uncommon among professional women.”

She looked grieved. “Yes, yes, I know all about your theory that my sexual repression is making me frustrated. I’m not here for that. I just want to sleep!” To emphasize the point she yawned hugely.

“Of course you do. I only ask about other things because we need to find the source of your insomnia before we can cure it. The pills can only do so much. Is your work situation unchanged?”

Teri’s blue eyes blinked slowly. “Ben, you know I can’t talk about my work.”

“I remember,” he said, smiling. “Research and development. High pressure, trying to make the big breakthrough first. Industrial espionage everywhere. You know, I wonder sometimes if it isn’t your employers who need some therapy. It could take the edge off their paranoia.”

“It’s not paranoia. Our competitors would do anything to sabotage our product—or steal it. Whoever gets it to market first stands to make a mint.” She yawned again. “God I’m tired.” She drank tea.

“OK, lean back, take it easy. There’s no stress here. This is your sanctuary. I only ask about your work because that seems to be the source of the tension that’s keeping you from sleeping. Any idea when things might lighten up?”

“None. Could be days, could be months. Who knows? Gotta keep going though . . .”

“Hmmmmmm. Teri, I’ve said before that you need to separate work time from personal time. Balance is important. Leaving your work at the office sometimes would help you sleep.”

“I know. But I can’t stop thinking about work even when I’m not there.”

“I can help you with that. I wish you would let me hypnotize you.”

Teri looked at him through half-closed eyes. “. . . don’t want to be hypnotized.”

“Yes, I remember that too. Makes you feel too vulnerable. Let me repeat that hypnotism is not what you think it is. Here, let me take that.” He took the empty tea cup from her hand and set it on a little table. He picked up his clipboard and made a few notes. His fancy pen flashed in the overhead lights.

He looked over at Teri. She was leaning back in the chair, head lolling to one side, blonde hair a tangle. Hey eyelids drooped.

“Let me explain,” he said patiently. “Hypnotism is nothing more than a heightened state of consciousness. You don’t really go to sleep; in fact you become more awake. You become more aware of yourself and your surroundings, not less. You still have your volition, you still decide what you want to do or say. The hypnotism focuses your attention so you can truly concentrate on whatever matter is before you.”

“And you remember everything when it’s over.”

She looked sceptical. “But what if you make me say something . . .”

Dr. Minder chuckled softly. “Teri, what you are worried about is a chimera, a cheap device from Hollywood movies. Hypnotism is something you decide to do yourself; the hypnotist merely helps you along.

“No one can really hypnotize you by asking you to look at some shiny object, like my pen, and then intoning a gentle, pleasant mantra about relaxing, and sleeping; relaxing and sleeping; your eyelids getting heavier, and heavier; you can’t keep them open because your are so sleepy; relaxed and drowsy and ready to sleep.”

Teri was watching Dr. Minder’s bright pen as he flexed it idly between his fingers. It did look like the kind of thing a hypnotist would use to put someone under. It reflected the lights with every motion. There was a little jewel embedded in the clip that sparkled attractively.

The doctor went on, “I’d have to say, though, that in your present condition you are probably vulnerable to hypnotic inductions. You are already so tired that your normal resistance to suggestion is virtually absent.”

“So, if a skilled hypnotist were to convince you to look at some bright, attractive object, like my pen for instance, and get you to focus on it, concentrate on it, you would find yourself doing it because you are simply too exhausted to bother resisting. Then he would ask you to watch it as if flashes, and flashes, and flashes; rhythmically, steadily, like the steady, slow rhythm of your breathing. You would find yourself drifting off as you watch the steady flash of the pen because you are already so very tired, so very sleepy.”

Teri watched the flash of the pen as it moved back and forth in Dr. Minder’s hand. He was right: it was captivating, and she was very tired. She doubted she could resist a hypnotic induction right now. It would be too easy to relax, and lean back into this deep, comfortable chair, and drift off into the sleep she was so sorely missing. The doctor was still speaking.

“. . . be difficult to resist falling asleep when you are already so sleepy to begin with. The hypnotist would make it easy to watch the bright, pretty object, like my pen here, and concentrate on that, and only that; let everything else slip away, all your cares and worries; in fact, forget everything in the outside world except my voice and the gentle, relaxing flash of my pen. It is so easy because you are tired, and relaxed, and sleepy. In your state you have no resistance to the suggestions.”

I have no resistance, Teri echoed drowsily. The pen flashed in time with Dr. Minder’s voice.

“You would find it effortless to listen to the soothing words, and watch the pretty pen flashing in the lights. In moments all your cares and worries would slip away and disappear. Then your heavy, heavy, eyelids would droop down lower and lower; so hard to keep them open. You are very tired; relaxed and sleepy. There is nothing now but my gentle, relaxing voice and the pretty flashing light. Before you know it you would be falling completely asleep.”

Yes, that could . . . that could happen, Teri thought vaguely. She was so sleepy she could . . . drift . . . . A moment later her eyes closed. She slumped back in the chair, sleeping peacefully.

Dr. Ben Minder stopped talking. He set down his pen and notepad. He studied the shapely blonde sleeping soundly in the overstuffed chair. He brushed a lock of hair off her face. Then he leaned forward and began to whisper things into her ear. From time to time he asked her if she understood. Teri mumbled “yes” without waking.

“So why don’t we try that for now,” Dr. Minder said, getting to his feet.

Teri blinked. She looked around. She must have dozed off! Right in the doctor’s chair. She was so tired. “I’m sorry Ben, what, what was that?” she asked.

He smiled indulgently. “I was saying that until we get at the root cause of your insomnia, you should try to nap whenever fatigue hits you. That way you will still be getting essential sleep. Is there somewhere at work where you can sneak off for a catnap?”

“Oh, I see. Yes. We have a little room set aside for that. When people work late nights and such. I could sleep there.”

“Good, good. Go with that then. Try not to worry too much about whether you’re sleeping at night or during the day or whatever. Insisting on a schedule only makes your body rebel more. Keep taking the pills, and I’ll see you again in a few days.”

She smiled. “Thanks, Ben. I feel better already.” She got to her feet. “Oh.”

“Something wrong?”

She was looking down at the deep carpet. “No, nothing. I thought . . .” She shuffled one foot back and forth. “Well, I’ll see you on Friday, same time?”

“Fine. See you then.”

They shook hands and Teri left the office. Dr. Minder watched her study her feet as she waited for the lift.

Teri was prompt for her appointment on Friday. Dr. Minder assessed her professionally as he greeted her. She looked better. The circles of fatigue were still obvious around her lovely blue eyes, but she was carrying herself without the haggard, drawn look from a few days earlier.

“So, how have you been?” he said, as he guided her toward her usual chair. “Tea?”

“Oh, yes please. I’ve been hanging in, Ben. Your suggestion to take naps during the day certainly helps. I’m still not sleeping at night though. Even with the pills.”

“That will come,” he said re-assuringly. He handed her a cup of green tea. He watched while she sipped. Today Teri was wearing a simple, off-white dress with sheer hose and white heels. It was rather more feminine than her usual, functional look, but well within the bounds of office attire. She had nice legs.

He picked up his clipboard and pen. He sat in the chair beside her. “Last time you were talking about certain dreams,” he said conversationally. “Are those still with you?”

Teri did not reply for a moment. Was she blushing? “Yes,” she said simply. “I’m still having sexy dreams. They’re getting better; er, worse . . . more extreme.”

“Want to talk about them?”

“I . . . I don’t think so. They always involve me . . . outside. At work, or on the street. Once in my old high school. I’m always dressed in almost nothing. And I’m . . . seducing everybody.” She shifted nervously in her chair.

“Are the dreams pleasant?”

“Oh yes! I mean, well, they . . . arouse me. Even when I wake up. Are you sure those pills—?”

“It’s not the pills! How could sleeping pills make you dream? No, I think we’re seeing a manifestation of something deeper.”

“Yes, but why didn’t I have these dreams until I started—”

“Teri! Trust me. Don’t let the tea get cold. How are things at work?”

“The same. We’re making good progress. I can’t tell you more than that. But the project is coming along. Everyone is excited.” She took a sip of tea.

“And you have been catching forty winks from time to time?”

She blinked for a moment. “Yes. I sneak off to the nap room when I feel drowsy. It helps! My workmates rib me about it a little, but they don’t mind.” She was suddenly seized with an enormous yawn. “Oh, look what you’ve done,” she said, laughing.

He grinned. “The naps will help, but you still need to get at the root cause of your lost sleep. Have you given any consideration to my suggestion of hypnotism?”

She stopped with the cup at her lips. “Ben, you know I’m not comfortable with that.”

“Yes, yes, I know. You’re still afraid that if I hypnotize you I could make you tell secrets about your work or something. I repeat that nothing of the sort will happen. You merely focus your attention on some bright object, like my pen here, and let the hypnotist guide you down into a state of perfect, relaxed awareness.”

Her eyes flicked to his shiny pen. The jewel caught the light. “Yes, but—”

“After the first time, it would be easier because you would already know how to relax. In a sense, the first time you go under, finding that peaceful, relaxed, happy place in deepest sleep, it conditions you to respond to the same stimuli again. You would go under faster the second time. You are still very tired, very sleepy, and your mind already knows exactly what to do.”

That made sense, Teri thought. She probably would go under more quickly a second time. “Don’t think I should . . .” Teri said. She yawned. She drained the rest of her tea.

“Of course not,” Dr. Minder agreed. “Remember, you cannot be hypnotized; you can only hypnotize yourself. You decide to concentrate on some focal point, like my pen for example, and you decide to let yourself grow more and more relaxed, more and more drowsy and ready to sleep.”

She watched the light flash off his pen. “It would be especially easy for you,” Dr. Minder went on, “because you are already very sleepy. After the first time, it would be even easier because your mind would want to return to the peaceful, happy place. You would be too tired to resist anyway; too tired to bother keeping your heavy, heavy eyes open when all you want to do is sleep.”

“Your body would become more and more relaxed as you watch the pretty lights on my pen, and listen to my voice; let all your cares and worries fade away. It would be so easy, . . . so effortless. You are tired, . . . very, very tired. You need to sleep, to relax. Close your eyes. Fall deeply . . . deeply . . . asleep.”

Dr. Bender snatched the teacup from Teri’s limp hand before it could tumble to the floor. He smiled at the pretty blonde as she dozed in the chair. He ran one finger up a nylon-encased calf to the hem of her knee-length dress. In a soft, sonorous voice he began to whisper more ideas into her ear.

Teri opened her eyes. She looked around, puzzled. Had she missed something? Dr. Minder was in his chair, writing something on his clipboard. “I think we are making progress,” he said, without looking up. “Do you need a fresh supply of sleeping pills?”

“What? Oh, no, I’ve got plenty.”

“I’d like to see you try to get a little down time. This constant work is simply not sustainable. We’re not going to get your sleep rhythm back until you can take at least a little time off.”

Teri grimaced. “I know, Ben, but right now we’re making the big push to . . .” She frowned for a moment. “What day is this?”

“Why Friday of course.”

She looked down at herself. She plucked a speck of dust off her dress. “Oh, well. Maybe I will take some time off. On Saturday.”

He smiled at her. “Good. That’s what you need. And don’t go feeling guilty about it. Your job will still be there when you get back.”

She smiled in return. “Thanks Ben. See you Monday?”

“Same time.”

Teri collected her white purse and strode out of the office. There was a little more energy in her step. With her back turned, she couldn’t see Dr. Minder’s eyes sliding up and down her legs and ass.

“Hi Ben!” said Teri, on Monday afternoon. “Sorry I’m late.”

Dr. Minder looked up from a report he was editing. “Not a problem. Come on in. My, Teri, you’re looking better.”

“I feel better. Look, I went shopping on Saturday. You like?” She pirouetted gracefully.

“Very chic,” Dr. Minder said. Teri was wearing the latest spring fashion, a flirty pink, floral dress in light silk, along with pink, patterned hose and red slides. The dress stopped at least a handwidth above the knee.

She giggled girlishly. “I don’t know what got into me. Maybe it’s spring fever. I felt like cutting a loose a little, you know? You did tell me to take some time off.”

“I’m glad you did. Here, take a seat”

“Oh, can I lie on the couch instead? It looks very comfortable.”

“Be my guest. I’ll get you some tea.”

“Thanks!” She shuffled over to the black couch next to the chairs. Her high-heeled slides clip-clopped musically. She stretched out full length on the couch with her head propped up on the raised end. She crossed her ankles.

“Here you go,” said Dr. Minder, sitting down beside her. He handed her the teacup. Teri drank greedily.

“Now then,” Dr. Minder said, taking up his pen and clipboard. “You have been sleeping better, I can tell.”

“Oh yes! Much better. Those pills are finally doing something.”

“And the dreams?”

She giggled again. “Mmmmmm, they’re still there. Hotter than ever!”

“Do you remember any of them?”

“Oh my word, yes. They stay with me all day! Last night I dreamt I was back home, at my parents’ house in the country. There was some sort of re-union going on, but there were a bunch of other people there too. I was dressed—I remember this!—really, really skimpy, in a tight crop top and a pasted-on miniskirt that wasn’t much more than a bum cover. I don’t even own clothes like that! Boots with super high heels too.

“In the dream it seemed entirely natural to be dressed like a hottie. I looked fabulous and I knew it. I was drinking and flirting and carrying on with everybody. Everybody loved me; the women all told me how great I looked, the men all wanted to dance with me and fetch me drinks. I started acting wilder and wilder. Eventually I cornered my brother-in-law in the kitchen and kiss-talked him into screwing me standing up in the pantry.”

Teri squirmed on the couch. “Isn’t that hot?” she breathed.

“Interesting,” Dr. Minder replied. He pretended not to be looking at her legs.

“You know the truly weird thing?” the pink-dressed blonde went on. “The dream sex was great; yet what I wanted to do more than anything else was snitch his wallet while we were coupling. That seemed to be terrifically important. I slipped it out of his pants just as he was coming inside me.”

She stopped suddenly. “I can’t believe I said that out loud.”

“It’s all right. Frankly, I’m relieved to hear you open up a little. I think you’re starting to come to terms with some of the emotions in your subconscious.”

Teri sipped her tea worriedly. “I don’t know, Ben. I’m not like this. Why would I want to have sex with my sister’s husband? I don’t even like him. But the dream was so intense, when I woke up I had to—you know.”

“Did you enjoy that?”

“Well, uhm, yes, actually. I was utterly turned on. I kept thinking about pinching his wallet while he was distracted with my body. Somehow it made the pleasure more intense. Weird.”

“How are things going at work?”

“Better. I’m napping sometimes, and my colleagues don’t mind. I think they realize I’m more productive that way. Software development takes a lot of teamwork. Oops! I wasn’t supposed to tell you I’m a programmer.” She drank more tea.

He grinned. “Your dark secret is safe with me. Did you take some time for yourself, as I asked?”

“I took Saturday off but I went to work on Sunday. Still lots of overtime. We’re getting close. Management is getting hyper: there’s a rumour someone tried to break into the computers on the weekend.”

“More industrial espionage?”

Teri toyed with the string of pearls around her neck. “Oh, I think it’s exaggerated. Sure there’s a lot of money involved, but it’s not like we don’t have security. I think everybody should like, chill out.” She flexed one ankle, wiggling her sexy slide back and forth. Her toenails were bright red beneath the pink, patterned hose.

Dr. Minder smiled. “That sounds like a fine idea. That’s why I would like to hypnotize you.”

Teri giggled. “Ben, please, I am not going to let you hypnotize me.” She lifted her cup and finished the tea. She yawned lazily. “This couch is so comfortable I could fall asleep right here.”

Dr. Minder tapped his pen against the clipboard. “I don’t understand why you object. To the hypnotism, that is. You are looking to relax; hypnotism is nothing more than focused relaxation. Once you have been under a few times, when your mind knows what to expect, you would find it very easy to slip into a restful, sleepy place whenever you wanted.”

The pretty blonde smiled indulgently. “I don’t know,” she said. She was watching the pen. The tiny jewel flashed.

“Look, you’re already relaxed and sleepy, stretched out there on my deep, comfortable couch. All you would have to do is relax a little more. Take a few deep, slow breaths. Watch the light on my pen. Let your mind take you back to that sleepy, tranquil, happy place you can go whenever you look at my pen. You see?”

“All you have to do is let your tired, tired body relax. Watch the pen as it flashes and sparkles. Listen to my voice as it tells you how to focus on the pen; the pretty, flashing pen that lets all your cares evaporate.

“That’s all you have to do. When you have been hypnotized a few times there would be no resistance at all to slipping back into a deep, deep, pleasant sleep. Especially if you were already tired, like you are now, and you needed to sleep, wanted to sleep, so your tired, tired body could relax. All you have to do is watch the pen flash. Watch the pen. Feel the wonderful drowsiness wash over you. Let your heavy, heavy eyelids close. Listen to my voice as it tells you how to let go . . . completely . . . and fall . . . asleep.”

This time the teacup landed on the carpet.

Dr. Minder smiled. He spoke a few words and Teri smiled too. He got to his feet. An erection tented the trousers of his expensive suit. He knelt beside the sleeping beauty, near her feet. He gently lifted one foot and slipped off the cherry-red slide. He kissed her toes lovingly. “Now Teri,” he said softly, “let’s review.”

This is the most scrumptiously comfortable couch, Teri thought lazily. Her whole body felt like it was floating on feathers. Distantly, she heard Dr. Minder’s voice:

“. . . like to see you again on Thursday. Can you come by after work, say 4:30?”

She turned to look at him. He was a handsome fellow. Always sharply dressed. She appreciated that in a man. “Cer-tain-ly,” she drawled, “four-thirty will be fine fine fine.” She idly pulled a strand of long blonde hair down over her face. She examined it cross-eyed.

“Are you going back to work this evening?”

Teri was still studying her hair. “S’pose so. Lots to be done. Another project meeting tonight.”

“Maybe you had better get going; you still need to get something to eat.”

“Oh, I know, I know.” she replied. “But I was so comfortable.” Reluctantly she swung her legs down and got to her feet. She smoothed down her short dress deftly. “Thanks, as always Ben. I think you’re really helping me. I’ll see you . . . when was that?”


She giggled. “Right. Thursday. Have that comfy couch ready for me.” She was swinging her purse back and forth as she ambled out the door.

It was well after five on Thursday afternoon when Dr. Minder heard the distinctive tap of heels in the outside hallway. A moment later Teri appeared at the door. “Hi Ben,” she said coyly.

Dr. Minder looked up from his work. He suppressed the urge to whistle. Teri looked better. A whole lot better. The drawn, exhausted look was gone from her lovely face. Her hair was elaborately permed and highlighted.

She was dressed exotically, in a red and brown cris-cross top of some plush, stretchy material. The matching miniskirt was rendered even more revealing by a wide gore up one thigh. Teri’s nylon-coated legs would have looked great even without the soft red boots that stretched up over her knees.

“Hello Teri,” Dr. Minder said, getting up from his desk. “I’m delighted to see you—even if you are an hour late.” He grinned at her.

She gave a little shrug. Her boobs bounced beneath the snug top. “Sorry,” she said easily, “Got held up. Hadda do some shopping!” She held up the bags in her hands as proof.

“Well, as long as it was something important. Here, let me take those. Come in and sit down.”

Teri let him take her burden. She pranced across the room to the couch. Her sexy boots had narrow toes and acrylic spike heels. She stretched out gracefully on the couch. “Mmmm, I love this. It is sooo comfortable. May I have some tea, please?” She toyed with a heavy gold necklace around her neck. It matched her bracelets.

“Coming right up,” Dr. Minder said agreeably. He approached the side board where a pot of tea was already steeping. “This has been sitting for a while, so it may be a bit strong,” he said. “How have you been, Teri. Are you sleeping better?”

His shapely patient stretched her hands over her head, fingers interlocked. “Oh, much better!” she replied. “I feel like a new woman! Oh, thank you.” She accepted the cup of steaming green tea. She drank deeply. “Mmmmmm. Good.”

“This is excellent,” Dr. Minder said. He picked up his clipboard and pen. He sat down in the big chair beside the couch, where he had a good view of her legs. “I think we are close to conquering this insomnia problem. Are you still taking the pills?”

Teri was busy sipping tea. “Of course, Ben. Every night, like a good girl. They make me sleep soooooo good.” She closed her eyes for a moment, her lips extended into a long smile. She was wearing glossy red lipstick. “But you know, I’m still having those super sexy dreams. They make me all warm ‘n’ gushy when I wake up. Are you sure those pills—”

“Oh, yes, I’m quite sure,” Dr. Minder said hurriedly. “I rather think that you are belatedly getting in touch with your feminine side. You have suppressed it for too long.”

Teri tittered prettily. “Well, I’ll tell ya one thing, my feminine side sure does like to shop!” She indicated the bright-coloured bags with a lazy wave. “Likes to show off, too.” She giggled again, then took some more tea.

Dr. Minder laughed gently. “This is all a bit of over-reaction, nothing to worry about. It’s typical when someone starts to compensate for an imbalance between work and leisure.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” Teri said. She wiggled one booted foot back and forth, watching the light flash on the metal toe. She yawned like a contented cat.

Dr. Minder made some notes on his clipboard. “Tell me now, Teri, how are things at work? Going better?”

“Oh my yes. Much better. I take naps when I get sleepy. I haven’t been working so much overtime either. Who needs it! The work is like, still there the next day. ‘N besides, my feminine side needs time to hit the mall. Good tea, Ben.” She handed him the empty cup. She yawned again.

“Your colleagues, are they supportive of you taking some time for yourself?”

Teri chuckled smugly. “Most of them are very supportive,” she husked. “Specially since I started dressing up a little. Gives ‘em something to think about ‘sides computers ‘n’ stuff.”

“That’s a very fetching outfit you have on now. Nobody minds that you wore that to the office?” His pen flashed in the overhead lights as he wrote on his clipboard.

“Oh, the group leader gave me a hard time. Said I wasn’t bein’ responsible. Gave me a big speech ‘bout how we’re all under pressure and we all have to work together and yada yada yada. Like I can’t program in a mini.” Her eyes followed the motion of his pen.

“What did you say?”

She hesitated for a moment. “Uhm, well, it was kinda spontaneous. I, uh, tried to be like, sweet. You know, use a little feminine charm. He wanted to put me on probation! I thought I could maybe talk my way out of it. I got . . . uhm . . . sort of carried away.”

“What happened?”

A long pause. Teri licked her lips. “I sucked him off.”


Teri was still watching the pen. Her eyelids drooped, but her breathing was deep. “Not even sure how it happened. I was in the nap room, catching forty winks. Group leader came in an’ told me I had to get up for a meeting.

“He kept looking at my legs. I guess my skirt had ridden up while I slept. When I swung my boots onto the floor ‘n’ sat up, I was suddenly looking right at his beltline. He was already up for the meeting! ‘Fore I knew what was happening I had his dick out of his pants and into my mouth. Yummy! Guess I decided to go for it.”

Dr. Minder crossed his knees. He looked uncomfortable. “Did, did you enjoy that?”

The sexy blonde ran a hand down one flank. “Mmmmmm, it was fuckin’ wonderful. Oops, pardon my French.”

“How did he react? Afterward, I mean. Are you still on probation?”

She tittered. “Nope. He’s my new best friend. I gave him the best head he’s had in years. Hey, wanna see something? Hand me my purse.”

He found her purse among the bundle of shopping bags. He noticed black lace lingerie in one, a pair of yellow platform heels in another. He handed her the purse.

Teri set it on the floor beside the couch. She leaned over to open it, letting her skirt slip dangerously up one thigh. She grabbed something inside the purse and tossed it to Dr. Minder.

He caught it clumsily. “What’s this?”

Teri looked smug. “My boss’s wallet. I took it while he was . . . distracted.”


“Oh, relax, I’ll give it back. I just wanted to see if I could do it.” A giggle. “He didn’t even notice, the poor sod. Robbing him was as much fun as blowing him!”

She paused again. “You know what’s funny? I got that idea from my dreams. I dream about stealing stuff every night. Last night I dreamt I was, like, a schoolgirl. I was wearing this impossibly skimpy uniform: the skirt barely covered my ass and the top was just a bra. I looked awesome. This woman teacher tried to expel me. I seduced her instead. We made out on her desk. The whole time she was gasping and moaning and begging for more I was snitching all her jewellery.”

“Man that dream got me hot. I simply had to try it for real.”

Dr. Minder tapped his pen against his clipboard. “Teri, I’m not certain I approve of cleptomania. Still, this is actually good to hear. It appears there are some sexual issues in your subconscious that you are finally letting out. They were probably the cause of your difficulty sleeping. I could get to the bottom of this very quickly if you would let me hypnotize you.”

Teri’s attention had returned to the flashing jewel in Dr. Minder’s pen. It reflected in her glassy eyes.

“I already told you I’m sleeping better,” she protested. She yawned hugely.

“Better, yes, but you are obviously still very tired. You are almost asleep on my couch. Your drowsiness would make the hypnotism all the easier. There would be no silly resistance from your conscious mind to doing what your subconscious so obviously wants. And that is to sleep; to sleep deeply, and peacefully; feeling calm, and tranquil, and utterly relaxed.”

“Yes . . . easy to sleep . . .” She was still watching the pen.

“All you have to do is let go a little bit more. Let your drowsiness take you away to deep, restful sleep. It would be easy if you let your eyes focus on something, like the flash of light from my pen; and listen to my soft, gentle voice as you relax. Let all your cares and worries drift away to nothing. Watch the pen and listen to my voice.”

“. . . listen . . .” Teri murmured. Her mascara-painted eyelids drooped.

“That’s right. You’re almost there now. Watching the pen and listening to my soothing, gentle voice. All your cares and worries are slipping away. Your eyes are closing. You are drifting off . . . into deep . . . restful . . . sleep.”

She fell asleep with one hand hanging limply off the edge of the couch.

Dr Minder watched Teri’s chest rise and fall with each slow, steady breath. Her cris-cross top was very flattering to the shape of her lovely breasts. He put his clipboard down and got to his feet, revealing his hard-on. He knelt down beside the sleeping blonde. Leaning forward, he began to plant little kisses on her pantyhosed leg, between the top of one red stretch boot and the hem of her brief skirt.

“Teri my dear, can you hear me?” Dr. Minder said softly. He ran a hand along her leg, then up under the skirt.

“I . . . I hear you,” Teri replied, eyes closed. She squirmed happily.

“You are doing extremely well,” he continued. “Extremely well. You have been a very good girl.”

His patient arched her back. His fingers probed. “. . . mmmmmm, goodgirrrl . . .” she panted, without waking up.

“Now, listen carefully my dear. Listen and believe.” He unzipped himself. He stroked himself with one hand, Teri with the other, while he gave her more instructions in a voice that Teri’s subconscious had learned to trust.

When Teri arrived for her next session, Dr. Minder was relaxing with his feet on the desk, reading a technical report about female sexuality. This particular report included a centrefold.

“Catching up on your reading, Ben?” came an alto voice.

Dr. Minder looked up to see Teri standing in the open doorway. She was leaning back against the doorjamb, arms hanging at her sides. Dr. Minder gawked. The glossy photographs in his magazine were no competition for the live babe at the door to his office.

Teri’s pink, baby-doll dress draped loosely over her darling breasts, ending in a burst of pink ruffles about two inches past her rump. The silky little garment was closer to a negligee than a real dress. Her legs were decked out in white, over-the-knee stockings with long pink stripes, topped off with frilly pink garters. Her earrings, necklace and bracelets were all big porcelain hearts, the colour of cotton-candy.

“T-Teri,” Dr. Minder said, when he found his voice. “You look—better. Please come in! I wasn’t really expecting you until tomorrow, but—come in, come in!” He tossed his magazine aside hastily. He bolted to his feet and ushered her into the room.

“Oops!” Teri laughed, “did I get the day wrong?” She giggled shyly behind her hand. She was wearing pink lace gloves. “Guess I couldn’t wait to have s’more tea.” She lowered her eyes demurely. “Can I come see you now anyway?”

“Of course, of course,” Dr. Minder assured her. “You are welcome here any time. Please, come on in, take a seat.” He closed the door behind her.

Teri’s little dress swished back and forth as she made her way across the office to the couch. Her shoes were shiny-white, platform maryjanes. She didn’t walk very fast. Her feminine pink purse rocked back and forth with each tottering step. She waited beside the couch.

“Please, Teri,” Dr. Minder said again. He had a broad grin on his face. “Have a seat. Don’t be shy.”

“You first!” Teri replied, with a gleam in her eye.

Obligingly, Dr. Minder sat down in the big stuffed chair beside the couch. Instead of indulging the sofa, his curvaceous client slipped into his lap. He let out a whelp of surprise.

“Teri! What are you—”

“Oh, don’t be upset Ben,” the pink-clad beauty cooed. “Let’s sit here and have a l’il’ chat. I want to show you something.”

Teri was already showing her therapist rather a lot, given the way her low-cut dress displayed her bounty. She ran a gloved finger down the side of his face.

“What, what did you want to show me?” Dr. Minder asked. He lay one hand casually on her bare thigh. Her panties were pink lace.

Teri bit her lower lip like a girl with a sexy secret. “I brought you something,” she whispered. She opened her purse with slow deliberation. She pulled out an unmarked compact-disk case. She handed it to Dr. Minder, grinning.

He took the case. A single, gold disk lay inside it. “What’s this?” he asked.

Teri giggled impishly. “It’s our product. Two whole years of research ‘n’ development. All on one little disk.”

“Oh! And what is the product, exactly?”

Another giggle. “Not s’posed to tell you,” she teased.


The bouncy blonde leaned close. “Maybe I will; if you give me a kiss.”

He was grinning again. “Well, that’s not very professional but I—mmmmmmmmph!” The greedy girl in his lap didn’t wait for him to finish the sentence. The kiss was long and slow. It left pink lipstick on his face.

“Wow, you’re a great kisser, Ben,” she murmured.

“Are you going to tell me now?”

“Tell you what?” She planted more kisses on his cheek and neck.

“What’s on the disk.”

“Oh. Oh yeah. Sure,” she replied, with a little titter. “It’s a local area network hub. Like, totally radical.” She paused to kiss his nose, his eyes, his lips. “Translates between, mmmmmm, any kind of operating system: Windows, Linux, Wizard, what-ever. Perfect compatibility. First company to bring it on the market will make a fortune. Do you think I have nice legs?”

“What?” He managed to pull away from her lips for a moment.

“You do think I have pretty legs, don’t you?” Teri asked earnestly. She laid her hand on top of his, guiding it a little higher up her thigh. “Don’t you think these stockings are cute?”

“Delectable,” Dr. Minder agreed. His hand was nearing the frilly hem of her dress. Teri wasn’t trying to stop him. “Teri, tell me how you got this copy of your product.”

A smug giggle. “Stole it. Mmmmm, Ben, your hand is so warm.”

“Why did you do that? Steal the disk, I mean.”

She leaned forward to nibble on his ear. “Wanted to see if I could. It is like such a rush fucking up the office, swiping the guys’ wallets, moving files when they aren’t looking. I got this, like, totally hot idea: if I could steal the program itself, that would be like, the ultimate! The program is kept in three separate parts, so like, nobody even sees the whole thing. Super-high security. But I knew what to do.”

Teri’s lovely face was starting to colour. Her eyelids dropped. The memory was turning her on. “I was already, like, teasing everybody with my new outfits. I like distracting them when they’re trying to work. The boss tried to send me home—twice!—but I gave him something else to think about and he changed his mind.”

“I already have access to one third of the program. Course I had the little nap couch in the back room too. I had to convince two other fellas to take a nap with me. Fuck, that was fun. Tricking them out of the passwords while they drilled me was so hot. I got them all worked up, then I told them my pussy was password-protected! Mmmmmm, Ben honey, look what it’s doing to me just talking about it!”

She guided his hand, which had already drifted up underneath her flimsy dress, onto her pink, French-cut panties. They were moist. She threw her head back, eyes closed. “Yes, Ben darling, touch me right there!”

Dr. Minder stroked as instructed. “When you had the passwords, how did you get the files? They were on three different computers, I think you said.”

“Yessss. Oooooh yes, yes. That was . . . was . . . tricky . . . so delicious. Please, Ben, I want you to love me now!”

“Wait, Teri, first I need to—mmmmmph!” She kissed him hotly, to shut him up. She jumped out of his lap for a moment. She was breathing hard. She reached up under the hem of her wisp of a dress and shucked down her panties. She wiggled out of them impatiently, almost falling off her narrow platforms in the process. Then she leaned over and unzipped his trousers with one pink-gloved hand. “Wow, Ben, look at you!” she husked, as she worked his hardness out to daylight.

Her therapist lifted his hips to help her. She stroked him keenly. Then she climbed back onto the big chair, straddling him, wild striped stockings stretched over her folded knees. She used one hand to steady herself, the other to aim his rod. She sank luxuriously onto him, groaning happily.

“Ohhh, so goooood,” she murmured. “Like in my dreams.” She closed her eyes as she began to ride him slowly.

Ben Minder slid both hand under her dress to hold her by the hips. “Teri, what, uh, what about, the uhn! disk.”

“Mmmmm, it was perfect,” Teri cooed. “Came back to the office late. Tiny little party dress. Had to seduce the security guard. Told him I’d forgotten something. Pretended to be drunk. Kept falling off my heels and stumbling into him. Oh sweet glory fuck me baby.”

She was riding faster now, as the story swept her away. Beads of perspiration glistened on her brow. “Guard didn’ wanna let me in. I ‘accidentally’ grabbed his cock. Couple times. He was big. Nice! I said I wanted to hook up, slurring like. He couldn’t say no. I sucked him till he was ready to come, then let him finish inside me.”

“Before he could zip up I started getting him—mmmmmmm—started getting him hard again. Fucked him three times right there at his desk. Finally he fell, he fell asleep. I had already nicked his keys. Got the program. Went home and fingered for an hour! Lord I’ve never come like that!”

“Excellent!” Dr. Minder declared, thrusting his hips upward. “You have been a very good girl, Teri.”

“Aaaah!” his patient cried, as Dr. Minder’s approval brought an unexpected spike of pleasure. “Oh baby, I love it. Sex and stealing. Stealing with sex. Dunno why but it drives me up the wall. Wanna know what I paid for this dress?”

He was panting, near his peak. “Huh, huh, how much?”

“Nothing! I stole it. Shoes too. Stockings. Everything! Sales clerk was really pretty; sooooo much fun getting her all turned on. Oh fuck I even swiped her watch!”

“UHN!” Dr. Minder shouted. He was coming then, bucking wildly as his seed squirted into her. Teri managed a few more strokes before she came too. She threw her head back and called out his name as the sweet, intense orgasm washed over her.

A few minutes later, when the climax was over, Teri snuggled happily against Dr. Minder’s chest. She idly adjusted one striped stocking.

“Teri,” Dr. Minder said. “Are you sleeping better now?”

“Mmmmmm, much better,” she purred. “You were so right, Ben. I had all that repressed sex stuff that had to get out. I sleep like a baby after a good fuck.”

He chuckled. “You accomplished a lot. Without ever letting me hypnotize you.”

She giggled sleepily. “Yeah. Never hypnotized.”

“You would make an excellent subject, you know. Right now you are so relaxed and sleepy that a few gentle suggestions would put you under.”

“Mmmmm, don’ wanna go under.” Her eyes were half closed.

“Teri, be a good girl and go to sleep.”

With a happy sigh the satiated blonde collapsed into slumber. She listened attentively while Dr. Minder explained a few more things.

Some time later Teri looked around. She was standing behind Dr. Minder’s chair, carefully adjusting her panties. She couldn’t quite remember why she was there.

“Finished?” the therapist asked. He was standing across the room, with his back turned.

“Uh, yeah. Sure.” She smoothed out her ultra-short dress. Had she missed something?

Dr. Minder said: “Well, Teri, I’m delighted to hear that you are sleeping well now. I don’t think you will be needing my services any more.”

She pouted prettily. “Really? Can’t I come by sometimes, like, for a check-up? You wouldn’t want me to have, like, a relapse, would you?” She shuffled over to his side of the room to give him the full benefit of her doe-eyed look.

He chuckled. “Maybe you should drop by twice a month to be on the safe side. I won’t even ask to hypnotize you.”

“Ben you’re wonderful!” She kissed him brightly. “I’d better get back to work. There’s some kind of emergency meeting tonight. The boss says somebody broke into the system last night. So paranoid.” She paused for a moment. “Do you think I need to change?” She smoothed the silky dress deliberately over her upthrusting chest.

“I don’t think so.” His eyes followed her gloved hands. “You look ravishing.”

Teri giggled. “See you next week, Ben. I’d better go give the boss a quickie to calm him down.” She sauntered out of the office in her two-inch, white platforms, swinging her purse lazily.

Dr. Ben Minder closed the door behind her. He walked over to his big desk. He picked up the compact disk. He turned it over in his hands. He picked up the telephone and punched a number.

It was less than fifteen minutes later that the knock came at his door. The woman who entered was the picture of elegance in a brief, designer suit that showed off her legs. Her brown hair was carefully coiffed. She had a small satchel in one hand and a purse over one shoulder. “Have you got it?” she said tersely.

“Right here.” He waved the disk in one hand.

“Perfect.” Her smile was pure triumph. She swung the satchel up on the desk. “It’s all there.”

Dr. Minder was smiling himself. He handed the woman the disk. He sat down at his desk, opened the satchel and inspected the neat rows of bills.

“Have you looked at it?” the woman asked.

“Only long enough to confirm that there are a bunch of big files on it. The code wouldn’t mean anything to me.”

She slipped the disk into her purse. “Perfect. With this information we can bring out a product with all their features plus some of our own. We’ll blow them out of the water.”

“I still can’t believe you talked me into this. And the rest of the money . . . ?”

“You know the agreement. Half now, the other half when I’ve confirmed that this is the right file.”

“Of course.”

“Good day, Dr. Minder. You are a most able hypnotherapist.” She turned on her Italian heels and walked away.

“Tabitha,” Dr. Minder said mildly. “Be a good girl and thank me properly.”

The woman stopped. Her eyes closed for a moment. Her carriage relaxed visibly, like an inflated doll leaking air. “Good girrrl,” she murmured. When she turned around her smile was of a different kind.

“Benny,” she said softly, “I don’ know ‘bout you, but I feel like celebrating.” She peeled off her jacket as she strutted toward him. She dropped it without looking. “We have both waited so long for this. We should do something”—she paused to enjoy a little shiver of excitement—“to mark the moment.”

She stopped long enough to unfasten her skirt. It drifted into a pool of silk at her feet. She stepped out of it, already working on the blouse. By the time she rounded the desk that was gone too.

Beneath the expensive suit Tabitha was wearing a lacy red underwear set. The underwire half-bra showcased her small, perfect breasts. An elaborate garter belt with four straps on each leg connected to her sleek silk stockings.

She tossed her purse on the desk. “Does Benny like?” she cooed, standing before him with a finger on her lower lip.

“Benny likes a lot,” he replied. “Why don’t you come here and let me show you how much.”

“Ooooh, I thought you’d never ask!” Eagerly, she stepped forward and buried her lips against his. He was sitting on the edge of his big chair. Tabitha’s hands were busy as she kissed him. “My, baby, you do like me,” she said admiringly. She stroked his hardness with both hands. “Mmmmm, come to Tabby!”

She turned around and stepped over him with her sandalled feet on the floor. She pulled aside her little red panties with one hand. She bent her knees, gently impaling herself on his rod. “Perfect!” she gasped.

Immediately she rose up again, until the tip of his glans almost slipped out of her. She descended again with a groan. They began to fuck precariously there on the chair. Tabitha was doing most of the work. She didn’t seem to mind. Dr. Minder reached around her and deftly freed her breasts from the push-up bra. He tweaked nipples in unison. Tabitha moaned.

“Tabitha,” he said, his breath coming a little short, “B-be a g-good girl and concentrate on the fucking, OK?”

“Good girls wanna fuck,” she agreed. Her eyes were closed in bliss.

Abandoning one darling tit for a moment, Dr. Minder reached over awkwardly and opened her purse. He slipped the disk out and into a desk drawer. He returned to the purse and fished around until he found a second disk. He ensconced that one too. He replaced them with two identical disks from a different drawer. Tabitha bounced up and down, panting and oblivious. The wet sounds of sex filled the office.

Dr. Minder picked up the telephone. He punched a number. He cradled the phone with his shoulder so he could return both hands to Tabitha’s sweat-damp breasts. “I have the material,” he said into the phone.

He listened for a moment. “Uh, yes, huh, that’s huh, right, both programs. Haven’t, huh! haven’t had a chance to look at the second one yet.”

Tabitha ignored the conversation. She was riding faster now. “Good girls wanna fuck,” she chanted. “Good girls always wanna fuck. Always wanna fuck.”

“Well, I can’t make them completely forget,” Dr. Minder said into the telephone. “But, oh man, but they’ll be too confused to figure it out for a while. And, and besides, huh! huh! I’ve arranged it so they both have, have, other things on their pretty little minds. The confusion (yes, baby, like that!) should give you, uhm, several months lead time.”

“Mmmmmm Benny I’m gonna come!” Tabitha declared. She pulled combs out of her hair and let it fall free.

Dr. Minder said: “I, I have to go now. A, a th-therapy session for Tabitha. Oh, thank you, that’s very generous. A real pleasure doing business with you!” He hung up the phone over the sound of Tabitha screaming.

“BENNNNNNNYYYYYY!” she cried, as her first orgasm hit her.

“Who would have thought things could work out so well,” Tabitha said, some time later. She held up an elaborate braid of hair with one hand and inserted a comb with the other. She was already fully dressed. She hadn’t noticed her missing panties, which were in Dr. Minder’s pocket. “A coup for my company that will make me a rich woman—and a cure for those dammed nightmares too. All because I came to the right therapist.”

Dr. Ben Minder grinned at her. He leaned back in his chair. “And all without being hypnotized,” he commented.

She smiled back. “Of course. You know I would never allow that. See you next week?”

“Same time.”

He was still smiling as Tabitha picked up her purse and ambled out the door.