The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Super fall

by tamed wolf

part 2... Wonderbabe’s conversion.

The Doctor returned to the room after an hour of Lexington’s relientless use of Barbie’s body. Lexington stood there, fully dressed with Barbie just finishing straightening his tie.

“Ahhhh good, I hope she was a good girl for you.” the Doctor said.

Lexington smiled, “She was indeed.” Barbie smile, knowing that she’d pleased him, and knowing that that was her main purpose in life....satisfying men.

The two men left the room and moved down a long hallway. The Doctor continued to talk about the scientific methods used to break the patients. A faint beeping stopped him in mid-sentence. The Doctor removed his phone from his pocket and placed it to his ear.

“Oh.... oh... progress...good. Really.....well I’ll be there shortly.”

He turned to Mr. Lexington. “One of our most diffficult cases is undergoing a treatment, and we’re finally starting to see some progress. Come, and we’ll step in and you can see this part of the operation for yourself.”

A short time later, then men entered a secured room. It was lined with monitors and computers. The monitors showed a wide variety of read outs that meant nothing to Lexington. What got his attention were the windows on the far side of the room. Through them he could see in to a small labroom. A large X shaped table sat, it was angeled up so that the subject strapped to it was almost standing upright. The subject was none other then Wonderbabe.

She was totally nude. Her wrist and ankles strapped in to thick metal bands. Her head and body was covered with electrodes that supplied the computers with every thing they needed to know about her. A pair of metal probes stuck up and out from the table and fit neatly in to her pussy and ass. He could see that they were slowly sliding back and forth, in and out of her.

Her ears were covered with headphones and her eyes were covered with a small visor.

“She is being hit with everything imaginable to break her will. Her eyes are locked open and the visor is forcing her to watch a hypnotic screen, plus buried in that screen are a constant barrage of subliminal messages, just as the headphones are sending out several layers of submilinals as well.”

“But how do you know when she breaks?” asked Lexington.

The Doctor pointed out a screen, “This number here monitors a specific brainwave pattern. When it drops below this level, then her willpower will have colased and she’ll be ripe for conditioning.”

He pointed up to a screen that had a banner of words running across it. “This is whats being feed in to her sight and audible subminials.”

Lextington read the words. ‘You are horny. You need sex. Your pussy needs a cock. Bad girls need cock. Naughty girls need sex. You are a naughty girl.’

They watched as the main operator of the controls spoke in to the mic.

“Now Dena, your pussy is so in need to relief. You have to deal with that all the time don’t you?”

She struggled, but finally blurted out, “yes.”

Lexington looked over at the Doctor. “Why is she so willing to tell the truth? Drugs?”

“No... her golden rope makes whoever is bound by it tell the truth. So we’ve used her own poer against her.” He pointed out the golden rope that was wrapped around Wonderbabe’s wrist and arms. “In addition to all that you see, she has been give an incredible amount of drugs to weaken her, plus in teh rooms adjacent, we have people that are trained in psyhic warfare concentrating and breaking down her will.”

“Wonderbabe, what do you do to relive the want and need?”

She struggled but finally was unable to resist. “I masterbate.”

“Yes” he said as he turned up the intensity of the didlos working her pussy. “thats a good girl for telling me. But Good girls don’t masterbate.... only naughty girls.”

She shook as the pleasure was overtaking her. “I a good girl.”

In the room, there was a gasp from the several men working and watching the monitors. Lexington asked what had happened.

“We’ve been working on her for 2 weekes. In all that time, we’ve been pumping the phrase bad girl and naughty girl, but she’s always refered to herself as a woman. For a female to call herself a woman is a sign of strenght, but to call themselves a girl is a sign of weakness or vunerability. Its a subconcious act.”

“and she just called herself a girl.”

“Yes, a hopeful sign, she is close to breaking.” the Doctor replied.

The operator lowered the cigerette from his mouth and said, “such a nughty girl. Now you need to tell me if you’ve ever been sexually active.”

Wonderbabe wiggled and struggled, “no”

“Tell me the truth, have you ever had a man inside of you?”

She struggled for a moment then her body seemed to go limp. “yes” she said, sobbing.

The operator knew something wasn’t right, “Was this against your will?”

“yes” she said in a hushed tone. Her body still quivering from the effects of the dildo probes.

Again the room became very excited. “Now Dena, tell me what happened. you must tell me everything so that I can help you.”

She sobbed but told them the story.

“I had chased a group of 6 bankrobbers in to an alleyway. One threw a smoke grenade to cover their getaway, but when I ran through it, I realized that it was sleep gas.... a different kind then normal, because it was affecting me. I fell. They came around me. I was unable to move, but I could see and knew what they were doing. They stripped me and each took turns raping me. I had to lay there and watch their faces as they did this to me. After they had all had a couple of turns with me, the leader peed on me and then they left.”

The room was totally quiet as they took in the story. The Doctor moved quickly to the operator’s side. “Doug, this is...” But the operator already knew what to do.

“Dena, I’m sure you’ve replayed the events in your head a thousand time and have seen every way that you could have done things differently.”


“Dena, you must understand that the mind makes us all do things that we don’t conciously want. Sometimes we are in need but to proud or unable to admit our true needs.” He turned up the power on the dildo probes. “You are becoming aroused just from thinking about what was done to you.”

“no..” she said, as the pleasure shot through her.

“Do you feel your body responding to your thoughts? Are you feeling yourself needing to cum more and more because you’ve talked about it?”

The pleasure was overwhelming. “yes” she gasped. Her body began to buck agains the probes.

“Dena, you wanted to have that happen. Your subconcious needed to submit to men. You needed to overcome your pride and proud spirit to show yourself who and what you are.”


“You wanted it, looking back on the event, you’ve found so many ways you could have avoided it, yet you walked straight in and allowed them to take you. To fuck you. To remind you that you are a naughty girl, a bad girl.. a girl that needs to submit to a man, a girl that needs to be fucked and to be used to pleasure men.”


“You wanted it. Say it... say it. Tell me you wanted it.”


“You are a naughty little slut.... a naughty girl, say it.”

“I am a...naughty....grrrrl”

With that an alarm sounded, and the men cheered. The Doctor smiled and pointed to the monitor. The number had dropped below the required point. Wonderbabe’s willpower had been broken.

A short time later, the men left the room and walked down another hallway.

“So what happens to her now?” Lexington asked

“She’ll be kept under a constant barrage of subliminals and programming until shes ready to be release.”

“And who will she be released to?”

“Mr. Lexington, I’m not able to say, but I can tell you, that the person in question was tired of constantly be upstaged by her. She’ll make him a fine wife, and she’ll be a total slut, willing to fulfill all of his kinkiest desire. Something the once proud Wonderbabe would never do. She be a good obident wife and never quetion him, plus her mind will be wiped and she’ll never remember that she was or is Wonderbabe.”