The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive



By Gloryboy

I should explain why Shauna Roberts called me Doug. You see, my full name is Carson Douglas Lawrence. At home and by most adults I am called Carson. But at school, I always told people that the name I went by was Doug. This avoids “Johnny Carson” jokes.

Wow! I can’t believe an entire year has gone by since the day I discovered these powers. Making people not notice me is still the easiest thing to do but making people see my differently is a very close second. It’s gone further than that now. With a little concentration, I can make people see and hear other things that are not there- illusions. Out and out controlling people takes a lot out of me but it doesn’t give me a splitting headache anymore. I’ve experimented to see what I can do. I’ve tried reading minds but I can’t. I’ve come to divide what I can do into three categories that I call Invisibility, Illusion and Suggestion. The invisibility is making people not notice me and it’s more than just a visual thing, of course. I explained the illusion and the ability to directly control people’s thoughts I call Suggestion. I tell them they are going to do something and make them believe it was their idea.

I see my last diary entry was just before Christmas. God, did I catch crap from my parents. I know that I could come and go as I please, vanish from school and such. But something makes me want to keep this a secret and not arouse suspicions. So I behave, especially at home. I do my homework (most of the time) and I don’t skip classes (very often). Still, I hear rumors that the school is haunted. They say a ghost walks the halls. Funny thing about this ghost though, it never hurts the geeks or nerds, never harms the boys that get pushed around or the girls that get made fun of by the popular girls. Quite the contrary, the bullies among the boys and the girls in the cliques seem to be its targets.

A few days ago, the Terrible Trio, as I call them, dared to do something to me again. Good old Bob, George and Steve again. Bob is a guy that knows how to get girls. He’s a total asshole but they go for him again and again. Steve is, I believe, psychotic. This guy bashed a hockey stick over a guy’s head in a fit of rage because the guy scored a goal on him. George is just stupid and a follower. The other day, Steve made some smartass insulting remark to me and I dared to say something back. He grabbed me (he’s a year older and basically manhandling a kid a lot smaller) and slammed me into the wall. He had a look in his eyes like he wanted to kill me. Ever since then, I’ve just been stewing over it and waiting, waiting for a chance. I hate them. There is a rage in me beyond belief. I want them to suffer. I want them to pay and pay and pay for every torment they’ve heaped on me. I vow that the rest of their lives in high school will be unending misery. These guys are already sixteen years old. They can legally drop out of high school. I swear they will but that won’t stop their torment. But I needed an excuse. I don’t want too many situations where someone pulls crap on me and then something bad mysteriously happens to them. So I waited, following them unseen until they pulled crap on somebody else. It didn’t take much waiting for that to happen. I’ve hatched a brilliant scheme. It will take everything I’ve got to pull this off but I fall down laughing every time I think about it.

I always knew that, when I willed people to not notice me, it included my clothing. I could get them to not notice a door opening and closing. But I wondered how much stuff I could walk around with unnoticed. A little trip to the big city (big city equals population of ten thousand in my mind) and to a camera shop answered that question. I had to get a video camera and I had to walk out of the store with it. It worked. Nobody noticed it. Then I had to set it up in Steve’s house as that was where the three of them usually met. I waited until a night when George happened to not be with the others. I really didn’t have it in for him quite as bad as the others. As I said, he is just a stupid follower, going along with what they do. So I waited until Bob called Steve and said he was coming over. I got the camera set up in the bed room and waited, focusing my attention on Steve, reaching into his mind. Then I went outside and waited for Bob to show up. When he did, I went to work before he ever got to the house. Then I hurried ahead of him through the door and up to the bed room, getting the camera going as Steve heard him downstairs and yelled, “Hey, up here.” My head was hurting badly but it was going to be worth it.

Steve: Steve heard someone moving around downstairs and, assuming it was Bob, said, “Come on up”. What a surprise he got when Shauna Roberts appeared in the doorway of his room wearing tight jeans and a tight shirt with a push-up bra and the midriff showing.

“Shauna Roberts, what are you doing here?”

He looked her up and down lustily.

“Isn’t it obvious?” she purred in a sexy voice. “There’s nobody else here, is there?”

Sweat broke out on his forehead as he gulped, “No. Just us.”

She strode forwards and grabbed him, kissing him passionately. Things went from there.

Bob: Bob experienced a moment of confusion outside the house. Where was he? Then he remembered. Oh, yes, of course, that busty Vicky Walters had finally given in to his charms. Well, he’d have her once like all the others then brush her off like used material. Here he was at her house. He walked in and heard her yell, “Come on up” in a sultry voice. When he got there, she was wearing an incredibly short skirt and a shirt that tantalizingly revealed her considerable cleavage.

“Well, Bob, what are you doing here?” she said with a knowing grin on her face.

She was looking at him hungrily.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he smirked. “There’s nobody else here is there?”

Vicky moved her body sensuously and whispered, “No. Just us.”

Bob strode forwards and kissed her passionately. Things went from there.

Oh my God, I could not look at this. I genuinely have nothing against gay people, not the typical attitude here in the Mayberry of the North as we jokingly call it. But that’s not the typical attitude and that’s the whole point. I started slowly moving around the room with the camera, the goal being to get the hell out of the room. I already had what I wanted. I knew that, within a couple of minutes after I was gone, the illusion would start weakening. Did I say slowly moving around the room? I was speeding up. I got out, managing to will them to not hear or see the door opening and closing while still maintaining the illusion.

Steve was coming into school Monday morning when Bob walked up to him and said, “Hey, man, I got a movie I want you to see. Come on, man. It’s down in the basement in the movie room.”

Steve gave Bob a look like he could not imagine what this was about. He had a scared look in his eyes. But he followed Bob. When they got there, Bob said, “Hang on. I’ve got to get one other person before we watch this. Just stay here.”

Steve went into the ‘movie room’ as we called it. Usually we had to watch various documentaries designed for high school kids. This would be different. Steve sat down and Bob walked out of the movie room and up the stairs.

Once I was away from Steve, I dropped the illusion of being Bob. Then I willed everyone to see me as Steve and went looking for Bob. Getting him was a little tougher as he was busily hitting on some girl with an attitude like he suddenly had something to prove. However, he was ignoring Vicky Walters to her surprise and relief.

“Man, I got something to show you,” I said.

He also had that haunted look in his eyes.

“Man, if this is about Saturday night, it- never- happened.”

“No, really, this is cool. Come on.”

So I got him to walk into the movie room in the basement a few steps ahead of me. He looked and saw Steve sitting there. Considering that he thought Steve was behind him, it was understandable that he whirled and looked. But I had dropped the illusion and was willing them to not notice me. I moved around Bob and went to the projector. As the two of them talked in confusion, I started the movie. The funny thing is that film is a mindless medium. It doesn’t see or hear illusions.

Steve was standing in his room yelling, “Come on up.”

Bob appeared in the doorway. The next two words were muffled, thanks to me, followed by, “What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Bob smirked. “There’s nobody else here, is there?”

Sweat broke out on Steve’s forehead and he said, “No. Just us.”

Bob strode forwards and kissed him passionately. Things went from there.

Thankfully, whatever else was on the film I had not seen because I had not been looking when I was trying to get out of the room. Rather than look now, I shut off the projector. Then I used an auditory illusion to disguise both my voice and its location.

“You have two options,” I said.

They looked towards the front of the room where the voice seemed to be coming from.

“What the fuck? Who are you?” Bob snapped.

“Forget who. Where are you?” Steve added.

“What goes around comes around,” I said. “Your cruelty has brought about retribution.”

They heard it in a deep, sonorous voice but I think my choice of words was a bit above their level as they had a look on their faces as if to say, “Huh?”

“This is merely a copy of the film. Option number one: the whole school and, indeed, the whole town sees this. You two will be laughing stocks. For once and forevermore, the joke will be on you. You can either stay and suffer the same humiliations you have heaped upon others or quit school and leave town. Or, I can offer you a way out.”

“Uh, look, whoever or whatever you are,” Bob said, “I don’t know who you think you’re playing with but…”

“Shut-up,” I said in a completely calm voice. “Your fate is sealed. Do you wish to share his fate, Steven?”

“No, look, come on, I’ll make a deal.”

“The ‘deal’ as you call it is this: you will become the most polite and kind individual this school has ever seen. You will never push anyone around again. You will prevent others from pushing them around. You will speak respectfully to girls. In simple words, you will stop being a bully and a punk or I will ruin you.”

Bob had this sneer on his face as if he had figured something out.

“It doesn’t work,” he laughed. “You can’t show the film and ruin me without ruining him too.”

I let them hear a maniacal, high pitched laugh that really unnerved them.

“Is that a fact?” I said. “Well, let’s watch the film again, shall we?”

As I restarted the film, I focused on their minds. This time it was Bob and some imaginary guy none of us had ever seen. Of course, the film was really showing the two of them but, in their minds, Steve was not on the film. Bob hung his head.

“Please,” he whimpered, “don’t do this to me. I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Then do as I have ordered. Do not think to deceive me. I will know if you have obeyed me. I can see and hear without being seen or heard. I am present where I choose and when I choose for I am the Voyeur- the Ultimate Voyeur.”

Now, I have to be honest. I don’t think either one of them knew what a voyeur was. Not the kings of vocabulary, Steve and Bob. But they certainly looked cowed enough as they walked numbly from the room once I dismissed them.

This was the last day of school. Steve certainly has changed his attitude in the last two months. He even talks nicely to me and I have said a few nice things in return. I think he actually likes these changes in himself. Bob still acts surly at times but he behaves himself and is always looking around as if trying to see something that cannot be seen. Hmm, wonder what that might be? Steve said something to me today that just floored me.

“You know, Lawrence, you’re okay. Until the last month or so, I never had any friends I trusted or thought cared about me but, well, enough of that. I’m really meeting some different girls too, ones I can really care about. Well, see you in the fall eh pal?”

Wow, just wow.

I haven’t quite been able to bring myself to write this down until now but I feel so guilty about what happened with Shauna Roberts. I mean, okay, she’s kind of a snob and all but, come on, I used an illusion of being Jay to go to bed with her. So I find myself sitting and asking myself the same question over and over, ‘Is that rape?’ Oh I don’t know or care if it constitutes rape in the legal sense. But morally, ethically, is it rape? Granted that she never knew anything was wrong. To this day, she thinks it was Jay and so does he. I guess what I’m really asking myself is this- am I a bad person? Is helping the other kids that get picked on just my rationalization? Am I just telling myself that if I help other people, it somehow makes up for what I did? Worse yet, am I helping other people to redeem myself for what I have done or is it to redeem myself for what I will still do? The powers are still here. I can have her again just about anytime I want. I can have any girl in the school just about any time I want. I know myself. It’s one of the two ‘laws’ of a certain Greek philosophy. I know that I’ll give in, especially as I can do it in a way that they are not harmed. The only one that will know is me. Of course the other ‘law’ is ‘Be true to yourself’. I wonder how I’ll fair with that one?