The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Warring Passions

Tags: [mc, ff, sf]

In the midst of an interstellar war, only a scratch-built and entirely untested device stands between Caroline and the fate that befell the rest of her unit.

* * *


To all my friends, thank you for the precious gift of support and love. Special thanks to Jo, who once again helped me to see beyond what I know. To Alei, for her belief and for allowing me the honour of sharing her ‘magical thinking’. And finally to my family, both old and new. I couldn’t have done it without you.

* * *

Caroline hefted the FGMP-16 in one metal-clad hand and then jumped. In an instant, the ablative coated sheered away, burning fragments filling the space around her and adding to the confusion. She realised that she was counting out loud, just as the thrusters fired. It was the perfect low-tech solution to a high-tech problem. The simple chemical rockets slowed the drop-pod just enough for its occupant to survive the landing, without giving the defenders an AG power source on which to target their sin guns.

The pod ‘stoofed’ in and the impact threw up a huge plume of soil and debris. Caroline weathered the crash, trying, unsuccessfully, to ignore the alarms and warning messages. She could taste hot copper, and even through the cooling touch of the wetware, the pain suggested that her right arm was broken. Biting down on the water tube, she triggered the autoinjector. A glassy blue chill of ‘hardfire’ flowed into her system, as the potent combat drug caught hold.

There was no more time to waste, though. Caroline popped the outer casing, letting the explosive bolts free her from the blistered shell. She hit the ground running, servomotors straining, their limiters disabled. Targeting data lit up her HUD as the platoon came online, but there were already far fewer than the simulations had predicted. She grinned bitterly, recognising the simple truth that every PBI knew instinctively. ‘No plan survives contact with the enemy’.

She saw the tale unfold in digitally enhanced freeze-frame, as one by one, the feeds from her teammates began to dissolve into static. The air was blanketed with jamming and countermeasures, viral chaff billowing as the opposing technologies fought themselves to a stalemate. Time slowed, endocrine acceleration synergising with her mechanically boosted reflexes. Then, without warning, she hit the first wave of defenders.

The fusion gun’s roar drowned out the ululating alarms, nuclear fire consuming the skeletal drones. She swept the coruscating beam before her, drawing a blinding arc which lit up the night. The golems simply melted away, but not before at least one of them had managed to return fire. A wave of crimson light rippled out from the trench, clawing at her armour’s rapidly collapsing shields. She had seen the briefings, and knew what to expect. The gun had been dialled to setting one, and Caroline was now caught in the centre of a maelstrom of unadulterated lust.

The neural-link allowed her to respond at the speed of thought, but it was still almost too slow. She activated the jury-rigged field just as her conventional shielding collapsed. It was time to see if the junker’s work had been worth the price she’d been forced to pay. Then, a red mist seemed to pour towards her, seeping through the seals. For an instant, all that she wanted was to fuck, and desperately began to hump herself against the inside of the suit.

But, almost as suddenly, the mist flickered and shifted, growing darker moment by moment, until she was engulfed in shadow. Wrath, the emotion so pure that it felt like a tangible force, gripped her and sent her screaming into the night. The scratch-built system was working, shifting the weapon’s discharge to another, less dangerous, setting. But Caroline didn’t care; all she wanted was to kill them, to kill them all… every last one of those CEGA bastards.

* * *

Her orientation system pointed her towards the target. She didn’t really give a monkey’s about their HyperPulse Generator, not anymore. But the mission briefing had been very clear that it was located near the centre of the planet’s main population centre. Her teeth pulled back in a rictus grin as she prepped the warheads for launch. Caroline stared at the static-filled windows, mute testament to her former comrades.

“I am the right hand of vengeance,” she muttered quietly, “Time to ‘glass’ these fuckers.”

A low warbling hum started as the first seeker round rotated into position. She centred her aiming reticule on the communication building and then, as an afterthought, she targeted each of the surrounding structures in turn. The darkness gnawed at the centre of her soul, ice-cold rage mixing seamlessly with her crystal clear chemical clarity.

“Caroline,” the soft voice hissed in her earpiece, “Don’t.”

“Sarge?” she asked in wonderment.

“There are millions of people down there,” the voice almost pleaded.

“Not people,” Caroline hissed, “Only ghosts … they just don’t know it yet.”

“Please, Caroline.”

“Fuck you, Lucy!” she screamed, “They got you … I watched you get sinned.”

“Yeah,” the voice agreed, “But it’s still me, and I’m begging you not to do this.”

Caroline ignored the traitorous voice, and willed the last missile to acquire its target. She couldn’t quite stop the tears as they welled up from somewhere deep inside her, though. They would pay for this last indignity, too. Even if she couldn’t save her comrades, even if she couldn’t save Lucy, they would have their measure of revenge.

“I’m sorry,” Lucy whispered.

On cue, her suit began to shut down. She was plunged into darkness, joints frozen stiff, with only the gentle whisper of the air-recycling system to keep her company. Caroline cursed, struggling within the cramped confines, but unable to escape. The interface was just a heavy weight in the base of her skull now, and no matter how hard she willed it, the suit wouldn’t unseal.

They would be coming for her, and as she railed against her own impotence, Caroline suddenly knew what had to be done. The rage gave her something to hold onto, but more than that, it allowed her to contemplate the previously unimaginable. Picturing the schematics of her suit, she traced its ejection system in her mind’s eye.

Sweat began to bead her forehead, as the internal temperature rose. She shifted her weight, trying to wriggle her arm free. The suit had never been designed with this situation in mind, and there was no manual override. With multiple redundancies, and systems that were supposedly failsafe, a complete shutdown was considered impossible. Caroline let her anger lend her strength, as her arm slipped another inch. Bone grated against bone, pain slipping through the drug-induced cocoon, and her scream seemed to go on forever.

Her hands were clammy, as numb fingers closed around the grip of her service pistol. Agony lanced through her with ever movement, and stubborn muscle fought to rebel. Caroline took a deep breath, unable to see any other way forward. The muzzle pressed tightly against her abdomen, as she tried to push everything else aside.

She closed her eyes, picturing the scene, and wanting to convince herself that she wasn’t going to hit anything vital. At point-blank range, the hyper-velocity round should pass straight through her body without detonating.

The breath caught in her throat, as something warm and liquid touched her. Caroline’s eyes snapped open, and she could only stare in horror at the crimson haze pouring into her disabled suit. She flexed her fingers, letting pleasure war with pain, while the darkness of wrath coiled around her protectively.

The pistol’s report was almost deafening, but her scream still managed to drown it out. Something sparked and fumed in the small of her back, but Caroline felt suddenly cold. Flecks of red began to appear amidst the broiling shadows, as black shifted slowly towards carmine. She could feel her priorities shifting and her desires being changed. She screamed anew, using her anger to keep the new feelings at bay.

Then, just as the battle started to shift against her, the pyrotechnics fired and she was airborne. Caroline shifted the pistol into her other hand, and attempted to orientate on her surroundings as she began to descend. The golem made it easier for her, ripples of ruby-red lust reached out from its location, allowing her to target the hated enemy.

Caroline’s dark aura shifted once more, but even off-handed, her return fire was quite deadly. The armour-piercing rounds simply chewed through the golem’s heavy armour and then detonated deep inside its soft innards. The AG-harness would have signalled her location with pinpoint accuracy, but that no longer mattered. The enemy already knew that she was here; Lucy had seen to that, just before the traitorous bitch had killed her suit.

She hit the ground hard, tucking into a tight roll and absorbing the momentum as she tumbled. Pain lanced through her stomach, and she only held onto consciousness through an effort of will. Wet heat oozed languidly over Caroline’s thigh, as the initial cautery began to fail. The dark stain spread slowly into the ‘dilatant’ material of her skinsuit, the blood an eerie external reminder of the changes being wrought within.

* * *

The combat medkit was functional at best, but the anticoagulant patches would at least stop her from bleeding out. She loaded all three of the airhypo’s chambers, mixing a cocktail of ‘dorphs, catecholamines and ampakines. Caroline was already strung out, her mind stumbling along the fine line between hypervigilance and paranoia. When the concoction hit her bloodstream, it set her plummeting over the edge.

In a frenzy, she ripped into the shattered remains of her suit. Bereft of power, the self-destruct system had failed to ignite. But, there was still more than enough damage to render the armour itself unsalvageable. With its modular construction, it was relatively easy to disconnect what she needed, even if the majority of the subsystems were either burnt out, or useless.

The junker’s shield still seemed to be intact. Without a direct neural-link she knew it would be almost impossible to program ‘on the fly’, but even limited protection was far better than none at all. There was still enough ‘hardfire’ in the suit’s reservoir for five or six more doses, so she stripped out the autoinjector as well. Finally, she began the intricate task of unloading the weapon carousel. Already armed, although lacking the targeting data to launch an attack, the warheads would make a good replacement for the disabled scuttling charge.

Once she had picked the carcass clean, Caroline set off towards her target. Using the harness’ remaining charge, she ‘bounced’, taking long, low, AG-assisted leaps, each covering several hundred feet. They might still be able to track her, but in just a few short minutes, that wouldn’t make any difference. Rage gave her its burning strength, while another far more insidious heat continued to gnaw at her resolve.

A pillar of flame rose into the sky, consuming the debris in an apocalyptic funeral pyre, and it was almost as if her emotions had been given physical form. Even at ‘safe’ distance, the heat remained uncomfortable, and she was battered and buffeted by the shockwave. Caroline tried not to think about how many sieverts she was absorbing, but that simply allowed her mind to wander.

Whereas before it had been so simple, suddenly new thoughts rose to complicate her perfect vision. At first there had been nothing but hate, distilled into her need for vengeance. She was going to wipe them out, every last one. Then, when she least expected it, there was Lucy. But still it was easy… her hate was limitless, and she just let it expand, until it encompassed her former friend and comrade, too.

The golem’s attack changed everything again. It added its own complexity to the equation and, just like that, the certainty dissolved. Caroline wanted Lucy, and that just added to her hate. She despised Lucy but she loathed herself even more, because she could recognise the need, which fed her hatred.

That bitch had done this to her, and if their paths ever crossed again, Caroline would make her rue the day she had ever been born. She was going to scream, and Caroline tried to ignore the ambivalence that thought made her feel. Whatever happened, there would be pain. Her smile widened, as she pondered how best to make that happen.

* * *

The curfew was still in place when she arrived, and that left the streets obligingly clear. Squads of golems roamed at will, free to engage any targets they acquired. The rules were simple, and if you chose to break them, then you became fair game. It had taken another two doses of ‘fire’, as well as the remaining patches, just to get to the capital. However, for once, it seemed that luck might be with her, and she managed to avoid the patrols long enough to reach her target.

The compound in which the HPG was housed was well protected, and heavily fortified. But, reconnaissance had revealed a potential flaw in its security. Caroline pulled the breather mask down over her face, then checked and rechecked its seal. The alarm on the access panel was relatively unsophisticated, and she neutralised it with practiced ease. That barrier out of the way, she slipped carefully into the coolant pipe, wincing as the sting of chlorofluorocarbons bit through drug’s numbing touch.

Clearly, no one expected an intruder to use this particular route into the building, and security remained light at best. By the time Caroline reached the inspection hatch, she had exhausted almost half her air supply. The temperature continued to rise, and the thick liquid bubbled around her. The tube was much harder to escape from than it had been to enter, though. At times, the coolant seemed almost opaque, as it broiled and rippled. But, eventually, and with almost a full minute of air remaining, she managed to crack the seals and pull herself free.

The pale blue liquid dribbled slowly from her skinsuit, while fumes of phosgene gas filled the air. Caroline moved quickly, knowing that she could not remain undetected for long. The nearest alarm panel proved particularly stubborn. Still, it was a civilian system and, in the end, it was no match for her sophisticated combat software.

She had just enough air left to finish her task, although she had to loiter near the reactor for just a little too long for comfort. Two more jolts all but exhausted the injector’s reservoir, but at least they kept her going. The razor sharp focus that the exotic chemicals granted, allowed Caroline to see beyond her base emotions. This didn’t have to be a suicide mission; she could be a girl with a plan.

Unconsciously, she touched the nape of her neck, fingering the pale scar tissue. Then, she was in the main stairwell, ripping the breather mask free and climbing the steps three at a time. Stealing a glance at her chronometer, she pushed a bit harder. There wasn’t much time.

* * *

Caroline hit the doors with her shoulder and barged through. She staggered into the control centre, muscles cramping for an instant before the last dose of ‘fire’ caught at her tortured nerve endings and fooled her body into thinking she was okay. The system was entirely automated, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when she found the room abandoned, and yet it still drew her up short. Something was tingling at her, a sixth sense, which screamed that all was not as it appeared.

But she was perilously short of time, and the very real and concrete danger was always going to be more pressing than something ephemeral and only half-understood. Caroline ran to the uplink console, and began to make some adjustments. She was about to transmit a considerable amount of data, and she needed to be sure that there would be someone at the other end, waiting to receive it.

She registered the softest of sounds, and was in motion even before she had time to think. Her right hand reached for a pistol that she already knew wasn’t there, her damaged arm screaming in protest, dusky fingers clutching at air as she turned towards the threat. Caroline found herself gazing down the uncomfortably organic barrel of an assault sin gun. However, it was not the weapon, but the woman who held it, which drew her most strident attention.

“Lucy,” she snarled, her voice guttural and choked.

Caroline shifted slightly, her mind a mess of conflicted urges. Draw down, close the distance, get up close and personal, take the hit, kill the bitch and fuck her brains out. Her body quivered, while she remained rooted to the spot, unable to decide quite which way to leap.

“Don’t,” Lucy whispered, and the memory was jarring.

Tears were streaming down the other woman’s face, and Caroline could see nothing but weakness. The gun never wavered, but, even so, she still felt herself beginning to move. Decision made, she jumped with both feet, hurling herself at the woman who had become the sole focus for her emotions.

Lucy fired, and a wave of sickly, beige energy poured outwards. Caroline was swathed in the weapon’s discharge, her charge halted, as the energy just flowed out of her. She moaned, as the torpor took her body into its comforting arms, and wrapped it in a blanket of warm, lethargic calm.

“That’s it,” the other woman encouraged her, “Just lie down and let it happen. They’ll be here soon, and then you’ll understand.”

Caroline tried again to take hold of her pistol, her left hand groping weakly. But the sin beam was sucking away her resolve, along with the energy she so badly needed. Smoke and fire gleamed behind her eyes, forcing a low groan from her dry throat. She clenched her hand into a fist, and felt the tips of her fingers graze cool metal.

“It didn’t have to be like this,” Lucy continued, her voice filled with an emotion Caroline couldn’t quite recognise, “I thought I could make you see, if I could only speak with you. That’s why they let me come alone. To avoid all this … unpleasantness. We were wrong … we’ve been lied to. These people aren’t the monsters that you think they are. Please believe me, Caroline; the only monsters here … are you and I.”

The field snapped on, as Caroline’s questing fingers finally found the power stud. She modified the scratch-built device to draw power from her emergency beacon, which was something for which it had never been designed. As a result, it began to malfunction almost as soon as she triggered it. The casing began to spark and flare, but the field held firm.

There had been not time to recalibrate the shield, and so, it simply picked up from where it had left off before, shifting the spectrum of the sin beam’s attack. Beige flickered lazily into the deepest black, and Caroline’s rage redoubled for just a moment. Then, glittering emerald lit up before her eyes, revealing inequities that she could scarce imagine.

As green gave way to imperial purple, the transition was an almost blessed relief. Confidence and pride swelled her chest, as she gazed into her enemy’s face and guessed what was coming next. The junker’s device seemed to explode, raining sparks and globules of molten plastic. Caroline was suddenly wreathed in scarlet flames, in which black motes danced and cavorted.

She batted aside Lucy’s weapon, but far from dampening the licking flames, it seemed to grant them more power. Heat washed between them, actually melting away their skinsuits, while leaving the tender flesh beneath untouched. The shield shimmered, caught in a building feedback loop, but by then neither of them noticed.

Caroline grasped hold of Lucy’s hair, tugging sharply and forcing the other woman’s head back. Lucy mewled, pain and arousal united in that single sound. Caroline cupped the other woman’s sex in her free hand, and let the fire lash against Lucy’s eager lips. The scream, when it came, was pure music to her ears.

She kissed Lucy fiercely, forcing her tongue between those luscious lips, and pulling the other woman into her, still keeping her fist knotted in her hair. Brutally she forced Lucy’s head to one side, and let her lips brush down her throat, the tip of her tongue traced down the pulse, and the quite abruptly, she bit down hard, sinking her teeth into the pale flesh and making Lucy thrash and cry out.

Caroline could feel her own need building, flaming her anger into a vicious sexual thing that threatened to consume them both. She pressed her hand into Lucy, letting her palm crush against her swollen mound. Fingers slipped over her shivering seam, fast and clumsy, as they slithered in the dew of her arousal. Nails scratched into too perfect skin, making them both jump and shudder. Then, they eased inside, parting her folds with surprising gentleness.

Lucy leapt again, as hot tongues played over her pussy. The flames whipped outwards from Caroline’s probing fingers, bathing every inch of her in their burning caress. She screamed, as lust dragged her clit from its sheath and set it aflame. There was nothing else; her entire world was contained within the quivering, juicing walls of her exploding cunt. Her eyes shone, lit up from within, and her body could only buck and convulse.

Caroline hissed in pain as she dragged her injured arm free from the sticky vice of Lucy’s spasming thighs. Shadows licked around her, and she pulled hard on the orgasming woman’s hair. Growling, she dragged Lucy down, forcing the woman to her knees and crushing Lucy’s face into her suddenly needy snatch.

“Eat me, you fucking bitch!” Caroline snapped, “Eat me!”

She tangled both hands in her former sergeant’s hair and began to hump herself against Lucy’s beautiful face. The other woman set about Caroline with tongue and lips, nibbling and nipping at her tender flesh with wild abandon. But, compared to the flames, it was only a shadow, ghostly touches that only hinted at what she wanted.

“Harder!” she screamed, grinding her lips angrily against Lucy’s mouth, while her forearms tensed and pulled.

More sparks surrounded the device, as its circuits continued to flare and die. The shield itself flickered more brightly, and the heat washed outwards once again, melting the nearest consoles into puddles of unidentifiable slag. Electricity arced, as suddenly freed power conduits grounded themselves. Alarms sounded, and the warning lights mirrored Caroline’s aura almost perfectly.

Something tickled her brainstem, feather touches reaching deep inside. Her body arched, muscles clenched and taut. Data scrolled in the remaining vidscreens, as the system began to upload a copy her cortical stack. Everything that defined her, stored for posterity and ready to be transmitted onward. The shield stuttered in apparent irritation, pouring molten fire into her spine and forcing her to give voice to her ecstasy.

Caroline soared, lifted up on her own column of fire. Lucy’s tongue seemed to fill her, lapping avidly at her oozing lips, then delving deep and swirling deliciously inside her tremulous cunt. She cried out, screaming and begging for her release. Still she rose, higher and higher, growing more and more desperate. For an almost infinite moment, she seemed to stop, while the world held its breath, and then, she finally reached her crescendo, and the fire reached up to consume them utterly.

* * *

The final warhead detonated, obliterating the building in a brilliant white flash. But, the destruction didn’t stop there. Placed with near-perfect precision, the initial explosion devoured all the structures surrounding the HPG’s reactor. Freed from its magnetic containment, the captive artificial sun expanded rapidly, wiping the city from the face of the planet, and leaving a perfect hemispherical crater in its wake.

The air itself burnt, and plumes of ash danced on the thermals. Fires still raged on the ground, and lightning forked across the blackened sky. Sparks rained down from somewhere high above, as ruby-red flames drew serpentine trails through the haze.

Thoughts echoed amid the tumult, confused and tangled. They were born of both shadow and fire, of wrath and lust. Two separate consciousnesses, projected into the ionised sky at the precise moment of the conflagration. Trapped, and yet suddenly and inexplicably free.

“Caroline,” one whimpered.

“Shut up!” ordered the other, as the flames licked lasciviously, “And cum … for me!”