The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

White Knight and Titmouse

Issue #5

Assembling the Team Part 2

After leaving the new lovers to explore their bodies, Titmouse went to check on Sagacity and Glory Girl.

Sagacity’s upbeat personality had managed to soothe Glory Girl’s frayed feelings. Titmouse found the two new friends giggling in the great room.

“Hey, Glory, honey?” Mary asked as she entered the room.

“Yeah, Mary?”

“I need to borrow Sage for a moment.”

“I’ll be right back,” reassured Sage. She followed Mary out of the room.

When they were a safe distance away Sage smiled. “So I take it we have a new lover?”

“Yeah. I left her to bond with Hal,” Mary paused. “So what do you think of our little friend here?”

“She’s such a sweet little cutie. She reminds me of Anya,” said Sage. Anya was a cute little tow-head who lived with them in their group home when they were younger.

“I see the resemblance,” she murmured.

“It is weird though. You’ve heard of a girl being sixteen going on thirty?”


“Will this girl is like twenty-four going on sixteen.”


“She’s like a High School kid trapped in the body of a hot, grown up woman.”

“Well she does have the reputation of being a bimbo tease.”

“Yeah, but it’s more than that. She’s completely fixated on anything a High School kid would be fixated on. She has a huge crush on White Knight too. She was really mad at you at first, but she’s already forgiven you and thinks you’re really nice. Her emotions are a complete jumble and are constantly in flux.”

“Have you had any success in explaining any of this?”

“She’s told me that she’s really sad and lonely, but she’s reluctant to talk about her past,” informed Sage.

“Well, I hate to use Amazing Amazon’s little party trick, but if we are going to get our little friend on board with our venture and ‘Knight ready’, then I don’t see any other choice.”

* * *

The two friends walked back to the great room and their newest friend.

“Hey, Glory. Sage and I were thinking…”

“What?” smiled the blond heroine.

“I don’t know if she told you, but Sage has moved in with us. Amazing Amazon has also agreed to move in. We’d like you to live here too.”

Glory Girl was touched to her core. She led a lonely life. She really did not live anywhere except within a husk of what she had been. That place was more than a thousand miles away. When she was Glory Girl, she showered and changed at the Righteous Squad Headquarters. She never really had a home of her own. Still, if she accepted Titmouse’s offer, it would mean having to betray her greatest secret. Mentos had always told her that she could not trust anyone except for White Knight, if he had agreed to marry her. By then, it wouldn’t really matter. Now, it seemed that she could never have him. Her life would be forever in limbo unless, miraculously, she would awaken. “I’d really love to… but…”

Sagacity looked at Titmouse and she nodded to her friend sadly. She knew what their next action would be.

“It’s OK, Baby,” soothed Sage has she hugged her new friend.

Glory felt something touch her arm. She felt a little strange when she heard Mary’s voice say. “Be calm, stay solid and don’t move.”

Glory noticed that Mary had wrapped the noose end of Amazing Amazon’s Silver Cord around her arm and had gently cinched it. “What are you doing to me?” she asked in a calm tone that seemed strange under the circumstances.

“We’re here to help you, Baby,” smiled Mary.


“You need to open up and talk to us.”

“What do you want to know?”

“We need to know why you]re reluctant to live with us. Don’t you want to?”

“Very much. I’m so lonely,” came her reply in a tone that seemed devoid of emotion.”

“Then why won’t you?” asked Sage.

“Because if I do, you might learn my greatest secret.”

“What secret?” asked Mary.

“I can’t…. Mentos said… never tell…”

Mary was surprised how much resistance Glory Girl was putting up, but she knew it was only a matter of time before her will would bend to the power of the silver cord.

* * *

“Oh, Knight!” moaned Amazing Amazon, as her lover pistoned in and out of her soupy crotch.

The super-heroine was now completely besotted with the man she had often derided publically, but had grudgingly admired as a person. Her other lover, Titmouse, had reminded her that guilt was unproductive. Now, she no longer felt any. She just felt the overwhelming desire to make him happy. In the process, he was making her happy. Her pent up sexuality was unleashed on her new love with gusto.

The Amazon’s body was a strange but wonderful contradiction. Her strong, sinewy arms held her lover’s torso against hers. Her soft curves of her breasts mashed to his chest. His arms were around her waist as he drove his width and length into her greedy channel at a superhuman rate.

As with Sage, Knight now loved his former detractor. If he hadn’t been too overwhelmed by Mary’s super pheromones to think straight, he might not have been doing this. Still, he knew that he had Mary’s approval. He knew, now that he had sampled the sweet, womanly flesh of the Amazon, he would never be able to relinquish it. Likewise, he had bonded to her emotionally. He had helped save her from her loneliness and fear of intimacy. He fired a third dose of his potent seed into her churning pussy as she climaxed. He captured her mouth with his. He savored the musky smell of his fiancée’s flavor as their tongues languidly wrestled.

When they had come down from their passion, Hal looked into the bright smiling eyes that bore into his very soul. He could never have imagined loving this woman as he did, but like Mary and Sage he did love her. By the look in her eyes, he could tell that the sexy redhead felt the same. “I love you, Amazing Amazon,”

“I love you too, Baby, but call me Christy,” she smiled, revealing her secret identity.

“Only if you call me, Hal,” he said, doing the same.

* * *

When the “Night of the Harvest Moon” happened, the night when so many gained their super powers, the sixteen year old girl had been lying in a coma. Eight years later, roughly eight hours a day on most days, Stacy Reed lay in that same coma. Every night she listened to her parents profess their undying love for their daughter as she lay in a hospital bed in her old bedroom. In the morning, she would hear her parents say goodbye as they went off to work. For about eight hours a day she was a willing prisoner of her unconscious mind, before her waking mind and self-created body would materialize more than a thousand miles away in the form of Glory Girl.

She had been discovered by Mentos, one of the founding members of the R-Squad. At the beginning, many “supers” had been drawn to each other. The old man had acted as a surrogate parent for the inexperienced woman-child. He helped her learn to cope with her powers and understand her need to return to her home and hear the sounds of her parents’ voices. “Your family grounds you to this world,” he had explained.

“Won’t I be able to love and have a life of my own?”

“There are very few who are worthy of that trust, my dear,” he smiled sadly. “I know of only one man, and you’re not ready for that kind of love.”

“But I’m a woman!” she complained.

“My dear, you look like the most beautiful woman in the world, but your accident and your temporary nature in your current form have kept you from growing up into the woman you resemble. Sadly we’ve had to spend too much time teaching you to deal with your developing powers and not enough on the girl who has them.”

* * *

As the truth finally began to tumble from Glory’s lips, Mary and Sage stared at each other in a strange mixture of horror, awe, sadness and respect. In that moment their horrible pasts did not seem so horrible. This poor girl had been alone since Mentos had died. For the last eight years she had lived the life of a proverbial ping pong ball, as she astrally projected from Glory Girl back into the husk of her old body virtually every night.

Then they heard Glory say something that they found even more troubling. “I love White Knight so much. He’s the only person I can trust. The only man I can ever have. I want him so badly, but if I have sex with him I will die.”

* * *

“So, I guess congratulations are in order,” said Dark Avenger into his cell phone.

“Yeah, I’m in the wedding party, but I also get a ‘plus one’,” grinned Lightning Quick.

“So which of your gaggle are you going to bring?”

“I’m thinking Firemaid.”

“She’s been lobbying to get into the R-Squad ever since you reformed her.”

“Yeah, with Titmouse reforming and perhaps Sagacity, I’m guessing she’s trying to ensure that her position on the wait list is secure.”

“Technically, it WK’s turn to nominate a new member,” reminded the Avenger.

“I know, but we’ve agreed to limit membership to twelve. With adding Colossus last May to replace Mentos…”

“God rest his soul,” murmured Dark Avenger.

“Yeah… anyway, we have a full slate of members. I’m guessing Firemaid is hoping that the Knight will quit if Titmouse can’t join. That will open the door for her.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be too thrilled about that. My man is the strongest of us all. He even beat Colossus in an arm wrestle last year at the Christmas party.”

“Not to mention, he’s your best friend.”

“Yeah, though lately he’s been dissin’ me.”

“Because of Sagacity?”

“Yeah. We know my boy ain’t a playa. He’s a love sick puppy who’s got his woman. What’s he gonna do with another one?”

“Bro, I think you may be selling the Knight short.”

“What do you mean? I know my boy better than anyone. I know he’s not the airhead he pretends to be.”

“I don’t mean that. The only ones who knew that little tidbit are you, Mentos and I; and he’s gone,” clarified Lightning Quick. “What I mean is that Titmouse and Sagacity are not just close. I mean I hear they’re REALLY close. I also hear that she’s dumped Chronic.”

“Well, he is a villain.”

“Not really. He’s just a dumb sidekick. He’s paid to hold her cape, help her in a fight and with other unspecified needs,” he grinned.

“So you’re saying…”

“That maybe the Knight is a bigger playa than you think,” laughed Lightning Quick.

* * *

Titmouse, Sage and Glory Girl walked into the Master Bedroom.

“Crap! Don’t you knock,” moaned the Knight when he saw that Glory Girl was with them. He and Christy were in a nude embrace. When he looked closely, he noticed that Christy’s Silver Cord was wrapped around Glory Girl’s wrist.

“My God! Mary what have you done!” he cried.

“What needed to be done,” smiled Christy. She got out of the bed and took the end of the rope from Mary who relinquished control to its proper owner.

“I don’t understand,” said Hal.

“While I don’t approve of your future bride’s methods, I can’t argue with her results concerning me.” admitted Christy.

“You mean she made you like this?” asked Hal. Mary nodded sheepishly.

Amazing Amazon laughed. “In fairness to her, I was going to turn her into my sidekick. I was so lonely, I was out of control. Now I’m no longer lonely and I’m back in control of my faculties… well almost,” she leered at Hal.

“I’m sorry, Baby. I needed to make this power play to keep Amazing here in line…” started Mary.

“Call me, Christy, honey,” she smiled.

“OK, Sweetie,” she paused to smile at her new lover before returning her gaze to her future husband. “Anyway, when I did some digging into her mind I saw how miserable and lonely she was. I know that kind of bitterness and I know how it can corrupt the human heart.”

“Hal, she saved me. I was on my way to turning into a monster. Now I know happiness like I’ve never known before,” beamed Christy.

Hal shook his head in disbelief at Mary. “You really are making me a harem.”

“A harem of lonely women who all want to be your wives,” she grinned.

“What about her?” he asked, looking at the ensnared and entranced lovely blond on the wrong end of the rope.

“She needs you worse than any of us. She’s trapped between two worlds. Only you can save her!” exclaimed Mary.

* * *

“So you’re saying that Stacy Reed’s Glory Girl persona is tied to her actual body’s brain activity and that is what’s keeping her on life support? Also Glory cannot be physically anywhere near her home without immediately astrally projecting back into her body; against her will?”

“See, I told you he was smart,” teased Mary. She stuck her tongue out at Christy, who nodded in agreement.

“According to Glory, Mentos told her that if she ever had sex with a man, it might prevent her from projecting back into her old body…”

“And in essence, destroy any chance that Stacy could ever wake up; virtually killing her.”

“Exactly,” said Sage.

“But Glory Girl is dying from loneliness. Stacy has been in a coma for eight years, with no sign of ever waking up. Is it fair for her parents to hold on to hope, when Stacy’s soul was ripped out of her mind and into Glory’s persona? If Stacy is now Glory can she ever wake up?” asked Mary.

“Those are good questions,” admitted Hal. “I just wish Mentos had confided in me. All this time, I just thought of Glory as his bimbo grandchild. I might have been able to help…”

“Glory said that he trusted you. He thought that you were the only person she could trust,” said Sage.

“Other than my sterling reputation, I wonder what he meant,” he mused. “Well I could always ask Glory to see if she knew.”

“Good idea. I never thought of that,” said Mary.

“Glory?” asked Hal.

“Yes,” she said evenly.

“Have you heard everything we’ve been talking about?”


“Do you know why Mentos trusted me with you?”

“He told me that you were the most honorable man he had ever known. He said that you were the only man who could love me that would stay with me for sure. He wanted us to fall in love when I was ready.”

“Ready for what?” he asked.

“Ready to be a woman. Once you would consummate our love, I could never go back to my old body. I could never hear the sound of my parents’ voices. I would always be lonely… unless I was with you.”

“Because I would never leave you.”


“It sounds like Mentos had decided that Stacy would never wake up,” said Mary. “He was grooming Glory Girl to be your bride.”

“But she had been emotionally stunted by her circumstances,” sighed White Knight. “In many ways, she’s still only sixteen.”

“But not physically or chronologically,” observed Sage. “Stacy Reed is twenty-four years old. Glory Girl’s body looks to be around twenty.”

“Look, Knight I know you are looking for some high moral ground to avoid this…” started Mary.

“How do you know that?” he snapped.

“Because you always do that,” laughed Christy, and the others, except for Glory, joined in. Then Christy continued, “It’s obvious the girl needs help. So do her parents. Mentos obviously trusted you enough to believe that you would love her, take care of her and keep her from being lonely. Are you telling me that you can’t find a compelling reason to make love to this beautiful girl?”

“But I’m marrying Mary.”

“But in a way, you’ll be married to us too,” said Sage. She nodded to Christy, who nodded her agreement back.

Christy then added, “Why can’t you be married to Glory too?”

Mary smiled at her noble Knight. “They’re right, darling. Mentos’ biggest hopes were that Glory would develop into a healthy woman, feel love and never be alone. When you make love to her, all of Mentos’ concerns will be addressed. Glory will finally get a chance to grow up and live her own life. We will all love her and she will never be alone with us.”

White Knight pouted, but realized he was being petulant. His ideas on morality had been pretty black and white until Titmouse had stormed into his life. The idea that he could have ever have a harem was so foreign to him, but he could not dismiss how much he genuinely cared for all three of the women in his life. He also knew how much he wanted to help and to love the fourth. She really was lovely, despite her shallowness. Now he could easily see why she had been the way she was. Now she would have four people who would love her. Glory would never be able to go back to her old body again, but she would never want for love.

“Take the cord off of her. I think she needs to express what she wants.”

Glory awoke from her trance with four sets of eyes on her including a naked Amazing Amazon and a naked, well hung, White Knight. She immediately blushed.

“I’m sorry, honey. Toss me that robe…” he started.

“No. It’s OK. I’ve been looking at your thing for a while. I just couldn’t blush until now,” she murmured.

“You heard everything we said, right?” asked Hal.

“Yeah… are you all going to…” her voice came to a stop.

“What, honey?” asked Sage.

“Love me?”

“Of course, Baby,” smiled Mary as she stroked her hair.

“I’ve never thought of being with a girl before,” she said nervously.

“You liked it when we kissed, right?” asked Sagacity.

“Yeah. It was nice. You’re face is so soft,” she smiled with a sort of far off look. “If I like it, does that make me a lesbian?”

“Not that it matters, but are you still attracted to him and that?” laughed Christy, her hand waving from the Knight down to his hardening member.

“Yeah,” her blush intensified.

“Then you are just bisexual like the rest of us,” grinned the redhead.

Then a sad look came to Glory’s eye, as she looked into the eyes of the man she loved. “Why didn’t you want me, Knight?”

“Because I didn’t know you the way I do now.”

“Do you like me?” she asked plaintively, causing Hal to almost falter at her innocence.

Instead, he replied in a way he knew she would like. “Of course, Sexy.” he grinned, causing her to grin back.

“Are you really going to fuck me?”

“No, I’m going to make love to you!” he smiled. Then he pulled the blond to him and kissed her deeply.

He lowered her to the bed as her hand reached for his member.

“You know there’s no going back for me. You have to keep me forever!” exclaimed Glory, momentarily breaking the kiss.

“I know. I want you forever!” he replied.

“So do we,” smiled Mary as the others nodded.

White Knight and Glory began to kiss again. It started out tentatively. They both seemed to understand the import of what they were about to do. Soon Glory’s desire to be with him overwhelmed her fear. Hal took her cue and began to deepen their kiss. Their tongues dueled in earnest.

Glory Girl felt a burning in her loins that she had never felt before. The heroine knew of Titmouse’s powers, but had never felt their effect before. She also knew that White Knight was somewhat resistant to them, but the hazy look in his eyes made it seem like he was not really trying to resist. Glory Girl smelled her own arousal before feeling the bulbous head of the Knight’s cock graze her sensitive pussy. She immediately climaxed. She squirted additional lubrication, facilitating the entry of the tip of his member.

When she had ridden out her climax, she felt the head of his cock slip into her. This was followed fairly soon by the feeling of tightness, stretching and then finally tearing as she felt a bright pain. She cried out into the Knight’s mouth as they continued to kiss.

White Knight’s head cleared. He stopped moving for a few prolonged moments. Then he felt his mind begin to fog again. Both he and his new lover started their coupling in earnest.

Glory felt her lust returning with a vengeance. Her pain now forgotten, her body responded to its primal need to mate with her lover. He was pumping into her forcefully from above. She had dreamed of being his wife and bearing his children. While she consciously knew that she could no longer be his wife, her instincts were telling her that she already was. Her second climax rapidly approached and her formerly virginal channel began to squeeze his shaft for all it’s worth.

White Knight felt his member being inhumanly milked. He saw Glory’s face twisted in a look of painful passion. The look seemed foreign to him. Her normal countenance contained a combination of childish petulance and coy flirtation. This new look was entirely mature and erotic. It inflamed him to an even deeper level of passion; finally pushing him over the brink. He began to spurt deeply into her core.

Indeed, Glory was experiencing emotions she had never felt in her entire life. She writhed and clung to her mate in their mutual passion. The first spurt of his boiling seed triggered her second, more powerful orgasm. Her lustrous blond hair flailed around her and the Knight. She wailed and screamed her mating climax to the entire world.

Somewhere in White Knights hazy brain, he heard his beloved’s voice from above. “The girls and I will pick a room for tonight. Make tonight Glory’s honeymoon. She deserves it.” He felt a pair of lips kiss his cheek and then he saw Mary kiss Glory the same way. He heard some giggling before the door shut.

“That was amazing! Am I really your wife now?” she asked.

“Sort of, I guess. We’ll need to share ourselves with the others too.”

“That sounds kind of weird, but somehow, it feels right,” she admitted.

White Knight laughed. “Tell me about it.”

“So I heard them calling you ‘Hal’. Is that your name?”


“Can I call you that?”

“Of course, Glory.”

“I like the name ‘Glory’, but can call me Stacy too,” smiled the blond.

“OK, Stacy,” he smiled. “Speaking of Stacy, you don’t think you’ll return to her body?”

“Mentos didn’t think I would once we did this. I guess if I’m still here in the morning then he was right.”

“I guess we’ll find out,” smiled Hal. He began another kiss that rekindled their passion.