The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Xanadu: Redux

by J. Darksong

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“I’m back!” Eugene said wearily, stepping through the doorway of his home. “Sorry it took so long, but I had a few complications.”

James Gilbertson stood up from his desk, followed closely behind by young Jimmy and Katie Ann. “Complications? Did something go wrong? You couldn’t bring her back with you.”

“No, no, dad,” Lacie said, stepping out from behind her husband. “Something went very right.”

“MOMMY!” the kids screamed, running over to hug their mother. Lacie picked them both up in her arms, hugging as tight as she could. Tears held in check on the trip home finally flowed freely, and she sobbed openly, murmuring ‘my babies, my babies’ over and over. Gene, stepping aside to allow them room, smiled happily, dabbing at his eyes as well.

“We missed you, mommy,” Katie Ann said, crying as well. “We missed you a lot.”

“And I missed you too.” Putting them both down, finally, she dropped down to one knee, looking them eye to eye. “Jimmy, Katie. Mommy needs to tell you that she’s sorry. I said... I said some really hurtful things the other day when I left... things that I didn’t mean.”

“It’s okay, mom,” Jimmy said, sniffling a bit. “Dad and grandpa explained it to us. It was like that time on X-men, when that green dinosaur guy used his hypno-eyes and made Storm go crazy, so that big rock guy could drain her powers.”

Lacie glanced at her husband and father, who merely shrugged. “Ye... yes, Jimmy, it was kind of like that. I couldn’t control what I did. Still, I have to apologize to you both. A mommy should NEVER make her children feel as if they aren’t wanted... as if they’re not the most important people in her life. I did that to you.” She turned, catching Gene’s eye as well. “And I’m sorry... so very very sorry.”

“It’s okay, mommy,” Katie Ann replied, leaning forward to kiss Lacie on the cheek. “We forgive you.”

“And if you REALLY wanna make us feel better,” Jimmy added after a minute, “you could always take us to out to get some ice cream?”

Lacie laughed. “Alright, then. If that’s what it takes, go get your jackets and we’ll go right now.”

James watched the two children eagerly rush out of the room. “Well, my daughter, you seem to be in good spirits again, all things considered.”

The trembling smile on her face fell as Lacie ran to her father, clutching him close. “Oh, Daddy,” she said softly, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean—”

“Shhh, honey. It’s okay,” he murmured back. “We all know that wasn’t you. Don’t think anything more about it, alright. Just go make up with your family for now. We’ll talk some more later.” He glanced at Gene thoughtfully. “I would like to know how you managed to break out of whatever control you were under, however... when you have the time.”

Gene waved, dismissively. “Aye, but that can wait. After everything that’s happened, I just want to enjoy having my Lacie girl back again.” He smirked as the children returned, wearing their jackets. “And the wee ones as well, I imagine. I promise, we’ll fill you in on everything that happened when we get back.”

James nodded, smiling stiffly as his family left the house, sliding into Eugene’s car. Taking the small scanner from his pocket, he checked the results again, nodding grimly. Yes, I imagine we’ll all have a great deal to discuss once you return. Taking out his cell phone, he made a call.

* * *

“Welcome to your new home, pal,” Officer Wilson said, shoving Pete roughly into his cell. “Just don’t yourself too comfy. You’re being shipped over to the maximum security wing while you await trial.”

“Gee, thanks a lot,” Pete grumbled, taking a seat on an unoccupied bench next to the wall. Sinking down, he put his head in his hands in despair.

It was unthinkable that things should end this way. Unthinkable. Impossible! Even now, sitting in the prison cell, convalescing from the beating he’d taken earlier from the crowd at the University, he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the concept.

How? How did I fail? he asked himself for the hundredth time. How? HOW? My plan was flawless. I must have went over the specifics of my subliminal program a thousand times before I finally circulated it among the University masses. I tested, and retested it. Everything was perfect. I know it was perfect! So... how did it NOT work? I said the trigger phrase, clear as day. They should have been groveling at my feet, eager to hear any word from me, ready to obey my slightest whim!

He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, a headache starting to form. I probably shouldn’t have tried to taunt them by using the Release trigger phrase. True, they shouldn’t have been able to disobey, let alone think about hurting me, after the effects of the Enslavement trigger... still, I guess in hindsight it was a mistake. But... dammit there should have been no way they could break out of it!

“Hey. Hey you, kid,” a large, black, heavyset bald man called out, walking over to Pete’s bench. “You’re kinda young to be in here, ain’t ya?”

Pete merely groaned, averting his eyes. He’d been beat up once today, and once was more than enough. The inmate, however, wasn’t easily dissuaded. “HEY! I’m talking to you!” He shoved Pete hard, knocking him off the bench. The other inmates turned, watching the spectacle, but taking no part. “What’s the matter, kid? Don’t know how to speak? Or maybe, you think you’re too good to talk to a lowly convict like myself! Is that it?”

“No, no,” Pete said, backpedaling, moving against the wall. “I don’t think that at all. I’m just.. I don’t want any trouble.”

“You don’t want no trouble, huh?” the man laughed. “Hey, boys, he don’t want no trouble!” Everyone else let out a brief chuckle as well. “Well, kid, are you ever in the wrong place! What’s your name?”

“P-p-pete! Pete R-r-reiley,” he stammered out, backing himself into a corner.

“Reiley, eh? That sounds familiar.” Turning away from the moment, he yelled out. “Hey, Stretch! This here guy’s named Pete Reiley. Ain’t we heard that name before?”

A tall, thin, yet muscular man came over to join them. “Hey, yeah... yeah! Come to think of it, that last guy who was in here... yanno, wassshisname, Georgie! Yeah! Georgie... you remember him, right?”

The heavyset man’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah. Yeah, I do remember Georgie. See, Georgie was shipped out of here this morning, but he talked a lot before they shipped him off. He said you fucked him over really good... did some kinda ‘experiments’ or something with his brain, turned him into a cock sucking cream puff.”

Ah, shit, Pete groaned inwardly. I didn’t fix it so he couldn’t tell anybody what I’d done to him! I hadn’t thought I needed to shut him up... after all, who would believe some crazy psycho nut job living on the street and eating garbage? And even so, who would have thought I’d ever end up locked up with the one person on earth who’d actually believe him!

“I... I don’t know what you mean!” Pete lied unconvincingly, as the two men moved in. “C’mon guys! He was just pulling your leg!” When they continued to advance, he folded. “Alright! I admit it! I... I screwed up! But it was an... an accident! I was trying to help him... make him smarted... but his brains just got scrambled! Honest! He just blames me for his bad luck!”

“Really?” the thin man asked, grabbing Pete by the arm. “And what about the other guys?”

“Others?” Pete gulped.

“Yeah, dickhead,” the stocky man growled, grabbing Pete by the neck. “You know, the other football players... his teammates. Specifically, one Bill Parsons, the University’s FORMER starting fullback?” If Pete had experienced a sinking feeling before, he now felt as if he were plummeting. The man smiled a wide, wicked smile, as he made a fist. “And in case you can’t see the family resemblance, let me spell it out for you. Billy Parsons... is my younger brother!”

Pete stopped feeling the blows after the first punch. The combined beatings he’d taken over the past several hours had taken their toll, and by the time the guards arrived to pull the bullies off of him, Pete Reiley no longer felt anything. Blood continued to pour out from his ear, and his eyes stared out sightlessly as the guards dragged him off to the infirmity...

* * *

“I really can’t explain it very well,” Lacie said softly, leaning back against her husband, snuggling into his chest as they sat on the couch. “It was like before, at the stop light, when I had the seizure.” She paused, considering how much to say. “It was like... like I was being overwhelmed with... repressed memories. Thoughts and images, things I’d forgotten, or had been made to forget, were sudden THERE, in my mind, all at once.”

“Hmmm... that’s very interesting,” her father replied, sipping a cup of tea. “And after the whole ordeal? After these... misplaced memories were returned, you haven’t had any more seizures?”

“Not a one,” Lacie said firmly. “I even took a chance and stared directly into the strobe lights again before leaving the stadium. Nothing. Looks like everything is back the way it was before.”

“And glad I am of that,” Gene piped in, squeezing her gently. “I’m just happy you’re back to normal again, love... not that I helped in the slightest.”

“What? What do you mean?” Lacie said, turning around to face him. “The only reason I’m here now is because of you!”

Gene shook his head. “Dinnae try and cheer me up, love. Face it, you freed yerself. I was completely clueless... all the research and work we did trying to find a way to free you from your brainwashing, and you managed to do it yourself in about five seconds.” He shook his head. “We were even after the wrong guy. I went up dug up all this information about this Doctor David Thorne... and it turns out that it was actually one of his students behind the whole thing!”

“Even so,” Lacie insisted, turning his face back to face her own. “Even so, I was only able to break free because of you. I remember now, exactly what I felt, what I thought, when I left here that night. The part of me that had taken over was so strong... and me, the REAL me, the part of me that loves and cares for and cherishes you—that part of me nearly died that night. Because I wasn’t able to stop it from happening. Because I had hurt the people I loved so dearly.” Her eyes glistened at the memory. “Until that point, that part of me had fought, tooth and nail, trying to break free of his iron control of me. Until then... but after that, I gave up.”

The two men sat there silently, saying nothing, and after a moment, she continued. “After what I’d said to you, I was convinced you’d never want to see me again... you’d never want to have anything to do with me, ever. I even embraced the... THING I had become. But when you showed up at the stadium, still loving, still caring...” She smiled again. “That OTHER part of me, the part Peter controlled, wanted to kill you, you know? She saw you as a threat—to her Master, and to their possible future happiness together. But I couldn’t let that happen. I WOULDN’T let it happen. And it was my desire to protect you from myself that gave me the strength to act... to use the strobe effect to force shatter the chains holding me inside my own mind.”

She kissed him then. “Eugene. Husband. Love. I am who I am only because of your unfailing belief in me... and your love for me.”

James cleared his throat. “Yes, well I suppose that makes me chopped liver then?”

They all laughed, lightening the previous mood considerably. During a lull in the conversation, James asked, “So, what now, honey? I assume they’re going to shut down the school until the police have had a chance to fully investigate?”

“Yes, daddy, but only for a week. The police are going to be interviewing everyone involved, faculty and students alike, but from the information Samantha, the other girls, and I gave them, they’re pretty confident that the case is all wrapped up.”

“And you dinnae think it’ll be strange going back there to work again after all of this is over?” Gene asked.

“Well... maybe a little, at first,” Lacie admitted, pulling her feet up underneath her. “We’ve all been through a lot, and it will take time for the trauma of what happened to fade... but all in all, it wasn’t really so bad.” Seeing the looks on their faces, she clarified. “From the standpoint of the others, that is. Pete Reiley was only one boy, after all. Even though he did eventually infect everyone with his subliminal control, he only used it to take advantage of a relatively small number of girls. Including, um, myself, there were only thirty of us in his little ‘harem’.”

“Thirty?!?” Gene said, whistling. “Talk about biting off more than ye could chew! I cannae even imagine bedding thirty different women. As ye poor departed father always said, ‘It’s quality over quantity’.” He kissed his wife, squeezing her shoulder.

“Well, he DID have some help,” Lacie said, teasingly, grinding back against him, feeling a slight stirring in his loins. “He was very big on having his girls play with one another... to get him into the mood.” She giggled, seeing the look on Gene’s face, feeling his cock twitch underneath her.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, for a moment,” James said, standing up, holding up his vibrating cell phone. “I need to take this call.” He walked into the kitchen, leaving them alone again. Lacie let out a weary sigh.

“Alright. What’s wrong?” Gene asked. “I know that sigh. It’s the ‘I-have-to-tell-you-something-you-won’t-like’ sigh. Come on, love. Spit it out. After everything that’s happened, I cannae imagine anything that would catch me off guard.”

“I need you to hypnotize me.”

Gene blinked, then blinked again/ “Okay. I stand corrected.”

“I’m serious. Gene...” she took a deep breath, again, considering what to say, and how to phrase her words. “I told you how I broke from of their control over me? How all of my... my memories... how everything inside me that had been hidden and repressed burst through to the forefront again?” He nodded. “A lot of those memories... I... I repressed them... myself.” She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly feeling very dry. “I’ve done... a lot of things. Bad things. Things I’ve tried... very hard to forget.” She looked at him, swallowing. “I need you to make me forget again.”

“Loveling... you don’t... I... it can’t really be as bad...” He stopped, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I’ve no right to say something like that after all you’ve endured. I don’t know... and I could never understand what you’ve suffered.” He took a deep breath. “If its truly what you want, love, then we’ll ask your Da when he returns to hand over the modified subliminal program he was working on to break you out of their control.”

“I’m afraid we can’t let you do that,” a strangely familiar voice spoke. “We have several things we need to discuss, and I’m afraid we need to have your memories completely intact.” Standing up to face the man speaking, Lacie gasped in shock, her hands covering his mouth.

“I’m sorry to have to spring this all on you this way, sweetheart,” James apologized, “especially with everything that’s happened today. I really wish there was a better way to do this... but time is of the essence.”

“’ere now, what’s all this about?” Gene growled, pulling Lacie behind him, protectively. “I dinnae like surprises, Professor... so I’d like ye to explain why ye let this stranger into my house to try and harm my wife!”

The stranger laughed, shaking his head briefly. “Believe me, Mr. Frasier, the very last thing we want to do is harm your wife. To be blunt, we need her. She’s possibly the one person alive that can save our world.”

“Save the world?” Gene scoffed. “Yer mad as a hatter! I want ye out of my house!”

“I’m afraid that we’re not leaving just yet,” the man replied, pointing a gun at Gene’s chest. With his other hand, he dug quickly into his pocket and tossed it over to Gene.

“Homeland Security?” he read slowly, glancing from the man, to James, to Lacie, and back again. “Is this for real.”

“It most certainly is, Mr. Frasier. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m—”

“I know who you are,” Lacie answered then, her shock finally beginning to wear off. “That voice, those eyes, that hair... I’d know you anywhere.” She stared at him in amazement. “It’s really you, isn’t it? You’re Jerry!”
