The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Adventures in Botany

Chapter 3

by Penny Propofol

Veronica felt the water slide past her body as she swam just over the reef. It felt good to her; she loved skin diving and looked forward it to every opportunity she got. Veronica was a powerful swimmer, her strong and beautiful legs had tremendous stamina. She was very much at home under the water. Her silky dark brown hair flowed behind her as her lovely trim and gracefully athletic glowed in the moonlit water. Her tiny black swimsuit left little to the imagination.

The authorities had looked into missing persons cases at the island for some time. Phone calls, credit card usage and witnesses could place them at the takeoff point coming to the island and at the island itself. None of the missing girls had any such records that went past the time they supposedly left the island and so while there were definite suspicions, there was simply not enough evidence to do anything about them up until now. The case needed an undercover investigation which was why Veronica Bernadette and Jessica were there. From a boat the previous day, Bernadette had spotted a mysterious looking cave along the cliffs at the north side of the island. She was unable to get to it, the waves and rocks were far too treacherous. There was no way to it by land, which left swimming as the only option. Veronica, an avid diver, was by far the strongest swimmer of the bunch. In truth she was likely the strongest swimmer on the island, men included.

The diving boundary was clearly marked with signs indicating that no swimming was allowed and advising would-be swimmers of the dangers ahead. Veronica surfaced briefly and looked around carefully. She took the listening device from her belt and studied it. No boats or other motorized craft were in the water within range. She’d had to sneak her diving gear out of the supply room in the dark in order to avoid detection. The other two girls provided a distraction to enable her to get what she needed and get out of there unnoticed. Her breathing tank was low profile, light and efficient. It would allow her to remain submerged for a considerable time provided she didn’t over-exert herself. A steady pace was best and she was keeping to it. She used her light very sparingly in order to avoid giving away her presence. Earlier Jessica had walked the cliffs above and recorded the coordinates of the cave’s opening. This would make it easier for Veronica to locate the cave at night underwater without using a diver’s light.

She swam past the boundary, cautiously proceeding as she stayed along the inside of the reef beneath the surface, which protected her from the current. By her estimation she was getting close to the part of the shore with the jagged rocks and waves near the cave. She briefly stopped swimming, positioned herself upright and looked up through the water. She was trying to gauge her position using the moon and the GPS on her wrist. Suddenly she felt something wrapping around her midsection. In a panic to get free she dropped her light and was unable to see what had taken hold of her. She felt something cold and wet wrapping its way down each of her legs, spreading them and limiting her motion. In another instant her arms were being wrapped as well. Unable to pull her limbs free, all she could do was thrash about in the dark. She suddenly felt something smooth and extremely slippery enter her anus and as she struggled she felt it work its way farther and farther inside. It was cold and it felt as though it was drinking the heat from her body as it continued to slide deeper into her. After it stopped inserting itself, it began to pulse inside of her. The rhythm of the pulse made her head swim and her body slowed in the grip of her captor. She could feel her system being shut down and she was powerless to stop it. She felt her lights beginning to dim and in another few seconds her lovely brown eyes rolled up and slid closed. She went limp in the tentacles of the slippery dark green plant that had captured her.

As she lost consciousness she slumped forward in the water, effectively bending over, face down suspended in the water. After several minutes, a pair of divers approached her on sea scooters. Underneath one of the scooters was a device that looked like a small torpedo. The unconscious Veronica was secured to the back of the torpedo. Once its destination was selected, the device activated the propeller at the back and began to carry the helpless girl and the plant that deactivated her to the cave beyond. One of the divers, admiring her lovely body gave her a good smack on the ass as the torpedo began to carry her away. As she disappeared into the darkness, the two men got back onto their scooters and continued their patrol.

Veronica was carried under the waves into the cave. Once inside, the surface of the water was quite calm. The torpedo surfaced and carried her slowly to the waiting dock. There, a group of people were waiting for her. She was pulled from the water and the aquatic plant released her immediately. She was stripped and placed on a stretcher. Doctor Wolf examined her by opening her eyelid with his thumb and shining a light into her unfocused brown eye. Chuckling he said, “She’ll be fine. She’s just sleeping off the effects of the tentacle. She is young and healthy, she will recover soon.” Her wet body looked delicious under the lights of the dock. Dr. Wolf said, “Again, I have to commend you on your work, Elisa. The plants that you developed to guard the cave for us have proven to be exceptionally effective.” Elisa knew she was going to enjoy getting into this girl’s mind as began to push Veronica’s stretcher to the treatment area. The beautiful woman slept peacefully, oblivious to her perils she faced.

Bernadette had a keen eye for detail, anything out of place or suspicious was a magnet for her attention. So when she saw a man emerge from what looked like a garden shed with flippers and a diving tank at night she immediately on the alert. Her face was the very picture of determination. Once the man was safely away from the structure, she moved in for a closer look. She wore a short red skirt and a tank top. With her sandals on and her sunglasses in her hair she looked like any other tourist. She had a button nose, pretty brown eyes and a devilish smile. Bernadette was smaller than Veronica, more of a girl next door than a natural athlete. Despite that she had lovely smooth, soft tapered legs and a bubble butt that was just the right size. Her breasts were perfectly sized for her body.

Carefully she opened the door to the shed and went inside. At the back was another door. She checked the handle, and it wasn’t locked. Holding her breath, she opened the second door very slowly. Inside the door was a set of steps descending into a tunnel that led underground. She could smell the earth in the walls of the tunnel. Bernadette knew that she should get back to the hotel and tell Jessica about this discovery but first she wanted to have a quick look around. Her curiosity had been piqued and she wanted to see what was at the other end of the tunnel. It didn’t take too long to get to the bottom, but once she did, it seemed to come out into the middle of another tunnel. She looked both ways but they looked the same. She didn’t hear anyone talking or anything else that would indicate someone being down here. She could go right or left, so she chose to go right. Up to this point, the tunnel had a dank, earthy scent to it. She was surprised when it suddenly changed to a sweeter almost spring time scent. Whatever it was it was definitely a floral scent of some kind. She could see brighter light at the end of the tunnel. Quietly she made her way toward the light, watching and listening very carefully.

The tunnel emptied into an underground cavern. The cavern floor was full of pools and plants that resembled lily pads. Upon the pads were the most beautiful pink blossoms. Their fragrance was deliciously soft and sweet, somewhat like a lilac. She wanted to pick one but she couldn’t reach them without getting into the water. She looked around and didn’t see anyone so she decided to go for it. She took off her sandals and carefully stepped into the nearest pool. The surface of the water was nearly covered with the pads. To her surprise, the water was very warm and pleasant. When she stepped into the pool, the ripples caused the pads and blossoms to gently roll with the waves. As they did the scent of their delicate perfume filled the room. She found it very pleasant and soothing to her. The depth at the pool’s edge came up to her knees. Reaching down touching one of the pads she was surprised that it didn’t sink when she pushed on it. Curious, she climbed onto the pad of the plant. It was soft and warm to the touch and to her surprise it supported her weight with ease. The motion of her climbing onto it sent ripples through it much like a water bed.

Bernadette loved the feel of the pad’s surface on her palms. She found herself brushing her face against it. The delicate scent in the air made her think of the smell of blossoms. She hadn’t noticed that her sense of danger had evaporated. All she could think about now was getting closer to this pad. She wanted to feel its touch all over her body. She removed her clothing and lay down on the soft pad. She felt its warmth soaking into her breasts and her abdomen. She spread herself out, soaking in the feeling. As the seconds passed she felt her body becoming more and more relaxed. It was becoming harder to move her limbs and harder to even want to move them. She felt the most pleasant daze beginning to come over her. The waterbed like motion of the pad was effectively rocking the tension completely out of her body. She tried to push herself up onto her palms but her arms were just too weak. She managed to roll onto her side, but then the motion of the pad made her continue to roll until she was on her back.

She felt her body beginning to sink down into the pad as it began to envelop her in its soft warmth. As it swallowed her body, she felt her limbs relax completely as they were surrounded. Sinking slowly into the pad, her chest and abdomen began to sink into its dark green softness. The warmth was reaching the depths of her body and it felt too good to resist. In a day dream like state she watched the pink flower descending down closer and closer to her face. As she inhaled its scent she was becoming more and more sleepy. Bernadette felt the soft, warm pad press into her private space between her legs. She felt it gently but firmly pressing up against her pussy and ass. Within seconds, she felt herself being penetrated at both openings as the flower covered her face completely. The gentle rocking motion continued, her limp body just going with it now. With a sigh, she let the flower have its way and gave in to sleep. The last thing she was aware of was the deepening penetration into her helpless body. Elisa watched from the edge of the pool. She had seen the girl on the surveillance screens. She knew that her lovely pets would subdue the girl and keep her quiet until it was time to deal with her. She almost envied the peaceful look on Bernadette’s face. Her eyelids were closed, nice and smooth without a wrinkle. Her mouth and nose were covered by the pink blossom, but the rest of her face showed zero sign of stress. She slept deeply as the pad that enveloped her body rocked her gently side to side.

Jessica Veronica and Bernadette had done a good job of remaining separate from each other. If they were seen talking often as a group it could raise suspicions. At the moment she was waiting for Bernadette to arrive at her door. She had a theory about the cave that she wanted to share with the other girls. She had reasoned out that the cave could possibly be used as a holding area for captives. She also reasoned that if someone were trying to smuggle captive women off of the island it would make a great place to do it from. The entrance wasn’t visible from land and all of the shuttle boats came and went from the other side of the island. However, it didn’t make sense to have to take all of the captives around to the north cliffs and get them into the cave that way. No, if that cave was being used for anything there should be some other way into it. The question of course was the location of this hidden entrance. Bernadette was supposed to have arrived by now and Jessica had started to worry.

She stood there in her short shorts and her tube top, her hand at her chin trying to figure out the big picture. Jessica was the most slender of the three girls and had the shortest hair. She looked like a sexy little vixen with her brown hair styled short, her pretty brown eyes sparkling and a look of mischief about her. She knew that Bernadette had planned on looking around before Veronica came back from her dive. Jessica had already checked out the hotel itself pretty well. She’d kept an eye out for any unusual activity and had seen nothing. Deciding that she had waited around long enough, she made her way downstairs and out onto the grounds. In the darkness it wasn’t hard for her to disappear from sight and watch the goings on. Making her way back to where she and Bernadette had split up, she tried her best to retrace the other girl’s steps. It was then that she spotted the greenhouses. She had noticed them the day before and had wondered why there was no access allowed. She said to herself, “What could they be growing in there that they don’t want anyone to see?”

She heard a voice beside her that startled her for a second. Marco said, “You wondering what’s in there too?” Marco was a sight for sore eyes, tall with dark curly hair, dark eyes and a smile to die for. Unable to stop herself, Jessica smiled back at him. She said, “Yeah, I am. What in the world could they be growing in there? Do you think it could be dangerous?” Chuckling he said, “I doubt it. Probably just something they do to bug curious people like us. Hey, let’s go find out what’s in there. No one’s around.” Jessica nodded in agreement and the two made their way over one of the side entrances. Sneaking inside they could see what looked like some kind of tree grove. Only they were very strange looking trees. Marco leaned over and said into Jessica’s ear, “You ever see anything like these things?” Jessica shook her head to indicate ‘no’ as she studied her surroundings. She said, “There doesn’t appear to be anyone here. Let’s get a better look.”

As they walked through the grove, Jessica commented on the scent of the trees. She said, “They smell lovely, don’t they?” He agreed, “They sure do, sweet smelling.” Jessica walked up to one of the trees in the center of the building and held one of the blossoms to her nose and breathed deeply. Marco stood very near her and did the same. As he did, Jessica felt his body brush against her own ever so slightly. She felt the dense sinew under his skin, the firmness of his muscular body appealed to her. She wanted very badly for him to do it again, but he was too busy smelling the flower. She looked up to the roof of the building where the full moon was shining through a large window. She gently touched his arm and said, “Look up there. Isn’t it lovely?” Marco looked up and saw the bright moon shining down. He turned to look at Jessica to reply to her. As he did he took a very good look at her for the first time. She looked so sexy and so vulnerable looking up at him the way she did. Only now did he realize how stunningly beautiful she was.

Without even thinking he reached out and softly touched the side of her face. Her big brown eyes softened as he did. He stepped closed and with his hand gently brushed her hair back as he embraced her and kissed her. Within seconds Jessica’s thoughts were lost in an ocean of emotion. His kisses were so good she let herself relax in his arms as he held her safe. Marco was becoming very aroused as their kissing got more and more passionate. He said quietly in her ear, “Miss, I know I shouldn’t do this but you’re just so beautiful.” She felt the back of his hand slide over her tube top. She didn’t care anymore as she pulled it down, exposing her perfect breasts and encouraged him to kiss them. He did, then gently sucked and nibbled at her nipples. It drove her wild and within another minute her pants were off, the girl was hot, naked and ready to be fucked. She wanted him so badly. He was a thing of masculine beauty. She tore his clothing from him as he laughed a little, kissing at every bit of her bare skin he could get to. Some of it tickled and so he played with her. She laughed as he tickled her and begged him to stop as they rolled on the grass. He stopped for a few seconds and looked deeply into Jessica’s eyes which had the look of a woman that was ready to be taken.

He felt her wrap her small hands firmly around his big, hard dick. Playfully she gave it a couple of good tugs. He pulled her close. As he got onto his back she straddled him and started to grind her wet sex up against his hot dick. He closed his eyes as he felt the soft slickness of her wet pussy sliding up and down his shaft. He was enjoying it almost to the point of distraction and she was just about to start talking dirty to him when a pair of vines wrapped around her arms and pulled her backward and off of him. Just as she was about to call out for help her mouth was filled with a large phallic shaped vine. It acted like a gag, preventing her from speaking as she was pulled to the ground. Another pair of vines wrapped themselves around her soft, smooth legs once she was on her back. Marco looked around and saw the vines grabbing Jessica. In a second he lunged toward her to try to free her. Several vines sprang out to grab hold of his limbs. He fought them with his great strength and nearly reached Jessica when the vines of several more trees latched onto him and spread him out.

Before he could yell, he felt something soft and wet latch onto his dick and start sucking. While he was distracted with the suction, one of the vines wrapped around his arm stuck a thorn into a vein in his arm. It stung slightly and with a grunt he looked over to see some kind of bulbous tipped vine pumping some kind of venom into him. It was then that he heard Elisa’s voice. She said, “I see you two have discovered my pets. I think you’ll find that these particular specimens are very good at quieting and securing people that wander into their home.” Marco grunted, “Nooo!” In the next second he felt the serum from the plant hit him. His head began to fog up instantly and his will to fight melted away. He collapsed onto his back, letting the soft wet vine suck his dick. Marco’s eyes rolled up as he was overcome by the sensation. Within seconds he was fighting the urge to cum with all his remaining will. Elisa got down next to him, naked, kissing his neck and whispering in his ear. She said softly, “Don’t fight it, sweetie. Just give me your cum. Cum for me baby. You want to cum.” The serum had dulled his mind and he was unable to fight her words. Obediently he came as his eyes crossed in ecstasy. As he finished cumming, the vines raised him up and rocked him to sleep as the plant’s sleepy serum took him. Elisa admired his helpless muscular body as it hung in the grip of her creations. She’d captured a very good looking man this time around. She knew she’d be hanging onto him for a while.

Jessica continued to struggle with the vines and she had managed to roll over onto her knees to try to climb to her feet. She was just about to make it when she felt a 12″ phallic vine penetrate her soaked pussy from behind and start fucking her slowly. She tried again and again to get up, only to end up back on her hands and knees. In and out, in and out over her pussy it went as she let out a muffled moan. The vine in her mouth was spurting again and again against the back of her throat, forcing her to swallow. Elisa spoke to her softly, “That’s it, suck it down like a good little girl. Take that dick into your sweet little pussy until you cum like a good bitch.” Jessica felt the vine in her pussy wiggle side to side as it slid in and out of her. Its bumpy texture bringing every nerve of her vaginal opening alive as her back began to arch. It felt so good, deep inside she wanted to try to get free but it was just too good at fucking her. Her will was melting fast. Giving up, she collapsed onto the ground face down, taking the 12″ in sweaty bliss. Elisa climbed onto Jessica’s back as she writhed in pleasure. She ground her wet pussy against Jessica’s sweet, soft ass. She lay down and pressed her face against the girl’s back, inhaling deeply, enjoying her scent. Licking and kissing, she slowly made her way up to Jessica’s slender, graceful neck. As she began to kiss it, Jessica felt a tingling all over her body. Elisa started nibbling at her ear gently, whispering the dirtiest things into the helpless girl’s ear as she was being fucked into complete surrender.

Jessica’s back began to arch as the grip of the oncoming orgasm took her. Elisa flipped around quickly and spread her soft cheeks. She began to lick Jessica’s helpless asshole until it was soaking. The last vine penetrated her lubricated ass and began to tremble as it slid deeper and deeper inside her. Jessica’s dazed brown eyes rolled up into her head and she came all over herself. She just kept cumming and cumming, unable to stop her body. With each wave her mind drifted farther and farther away. While she was cumming the vine around her arm started pumping her full of its serum. As she finished her train-wreck orgasm, she felt the serum hit her really hard. She felt Elisa climb off of her as she was raised from the ground. Suspended in the air like a sleepy puppet, Jessica’s eyes lost focus. Her body went limp in the grip of the vines and she surrendered as they rocked her to sleep.

Elisa looked at Jessica’s body slowly, examining her soft, pink deliciousness of her invaded pussy and ass. She loved the way Jessica’s greedy asshole gripped the vine that penetrated her. The serum in her system would reduce her to a blissfully obedient state when she woke up. Elisa could question her about everything and Jessica would he helpless to resist telling everything she knew. Elisa gave Jessica’s soft ass a good smack and smiled at seeing it jiggle. She said, “Oh I’m going to enjoy making you my tasty plaything, bitch. Sleep now, you’re going to need your rest.” She continued to admire every inch of the sleeping girl’s body, breathing in her delicious scent. Kissing and licking at her, Elisa couldn’t wait to feel Jessica’s naked body in bed. But for a while she just wanted to watch the girl hang helplessly in the vines.