The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Humanity and Alien Mind Control


The circumstances portrayed in this story may seem extreme, and even unbelievable. This is not entirely so. Each major theme, and the conditions and events depicted, are all just slight extrapolations from current headlines. There is a developing police state, with its own American Gulag, arising from the “wars” on “terrorism,” recreational drug use and other “deviant” behavior. Computer technology is developing so rapidly that any extrapolation, no matter how wild, will probably be tame by comparison with the reality.

And the Aliens—the twisted “deus ex machina”—are, as it is said, “Among us.” They exercise uncanny control over the minds of humans unfortunate enough to encounter them. And, yes, despite Global Warming, or maybe because of it, the Ice could descend at any time. This novella is a fugue weaving these themes into Alien Webs.

These Webs intersect—
Many weaving hands;
Datawebs of Mastery!


Two Aliens Converse

The two tall, slim, grey, hairless Aliens conversed quietly, in the lilting language of their vanished Homeworld. They reclined in the innermost nestroom of their secret earth base. In the dim green light, their large black eyes gleamed. Each had drunk deeply from a ceremonial flask of URSAK, the Alien “Clear Mind Liquor”, and were waiting for its full mental effects to begin.

“DYaMYAB LAMU>PU...” [“Victory will occur, my dear, as soon as the starfort arrives, and this world will be engulfed by the Imperium.” “Dearest sister, this long awaited event...” She felt the mindrush of the Liquor, “we have been here over 150 terrestrial years!... this very long awaited event, as I was saying, does not signal the end of our efforts. It shifts them to a much more open level. We will no longer be covertly dealing with only a few humans, rather, we will have a dominant position in events. Our years of near passivity and deep secrecy are ending.” “Yes, when the humans realize the benefits to be gained from membership our 10,000 world Imperium, they will become reconciled to conquest. Our history tells us of no conquered race that did not...eventually.”

“Especially primates, they want to be led.” “Ah, yes, especially primates. We two have become quite the experts on primates in the past two millennia, have we not? Yet I was not really prepared for the special qualities of these humans.” “Yes my dear, their special qualities: one of the highest primate aggression ratings we have ever measured. And those pheromones too..."] Her eyes widened and she smiled her thin, toothless smile. “RaDaM<>O> YOMYODLYAT...” [“She gives All GoodThings, as the Ancient Ones say.” “Surely, sister, you find it ironic that this particular group of rather primitive and violent primate males should exude pheromones, sexual aromas, that act as a very powerful aphrodisiac to us. I certainly do. A lovely joke from Goddess!” “Yes, no doubt the Highest Circle will praise us for finding a fine source of warriors for the Great War, and a new source of entertainment for our always jaded sisters. I am, however, more concerned as to how the Terrans will react to the Great War they are to be drafted to help fight. If they learn the full truth about the abductions and cattle mutilations, then we shall see how easily these primates can be led..."]



On his deathbed, Albert Einstein said, “The important question is, ‘Is the universe friendly?’”


In media res

“Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against—then you’ll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We’re after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you’d better get wise to it. There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of law-breakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now, that’s the system, Mr. Rearden, that’s the game...” Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged.

The American State and Federal prison populations went from just about a half million in 1980 to nearly a million by 1993, to over 2,000,000 by 2004. A few years later there were over 10,000,000 prisoners. As the number of prisoners increased, so did the crime rate. Punishments were made more severe; more forms of deviant behavior were criminalized. Still, the streets were less safe, the cost of the prison system ever greater. As the US’s foreign opponents collapsed into the morass of their own economic disaster, the American government looked inward for enemies to mobilize against. The brutality of foreign terrorists gave the Federal authorities ample excuses. Domestic terrorists and even self-defense militias became the target of the moment. The special prison at Guantanamo Naval Base could not hold all the non-person detainees.

Eventually the voices of those politicians who called, in the ‘90s and mid ‘00s, for the establishment of a massive prison camp system, were heeded. Initially, militaristic “boot camps for young offenders” were set up. Then, some states established rural prison camps to relieve inner city jail crowding. Eventually, the first of the Central Correctional Camps were built. There were Special Drug Rehabilitation Camps, Long Term Incarceration Camps, Violent Criminal Camps, and, literally at the end of the line, the Special Isolation Camp, out on an Aluetian island.

The Federal prison camp system proved its special value in late 2010, after the First American Coup. The Datanet Junta ordered the round-up of “known” criminals and dissidents, and the camp population more than doubled to over 10,000,000. Millions more were held in state lockups. The total number of people who disappeared, however, exceeded 15,000,000 and their fate was a deep state secret.

Any man sentenced to life, 25 years or more, or death, was transported to the SIC. The camp was to be operated on the principals of no expense to the State and no outside contact. It was run by the prisoners, controlled by the most sophisticated datanet system, and became the most dreaded place in the American Gulag. Once in, there seemed no hope for release or escape.

All was not exactly what it seemed, though, and at least five competing players, (Junta Security, the secret feminist Order of Chaos, the ADCOM datanet system, the camp convict bosses, and, as always, the Aliens) were vying for control of the camps, especially of the SIC. However, by the time our story begins, the Aliens were, as they expected, in control of the situation. Or so they believed.

The Datanet Junta had taken power in America by taking over and unifying the various government and private data networks. Using the police state apparatus developed in the late 1990’s for the “war on drugs”, the Junta sought to control an increasingly unstable situation, always promising an immanent return to democracy and civil rights.

A proto-junta had existed from the early ‘90’s, largely (and covertly) organized by the Aliens, working through their feminist agents, the Daughters of Chaos (AKA the Order). Recruitment into the Order from among female Junta agents, or the female relatives of high Junta officials, was very widespread by the late ‘90’s. All during this time the Alien agents were biding their time, until the Solar System could be integrated into their Galactic Web.

The Interstellar Web is the only efficient, rapid method of interstellar travel in the known portion of the Galaxy. It is controlled by the Alien Cetoid master race, and is their primary device to maintain domination of the Galactic Imperium, a vast confederation of star systems and species, united by the necessity of fighting the Great War against the ghastly Brachtians, a war which has raged (in the peculiar slow fashion of interstellar wars) for nearly 3,000 years. Such wars are much like a Game of Go, where most of the time is spent positioning forces, eventualizing in catastrophic collapse of one side or the other—in world-destroying battles.

The Web consists of a network of hundreds of huge, synchronized Power Crystals set on certain planets, all Imperial Starforts and Primus, the asteroid that is both Capitol of the Empire and Center of the Web. The Primus center includes the Mother Crystal from which all the crystals descend.

Some Alien agents arrived on Terra nearly a century ago on a Fastship, with a Slowship (and many more Aliens) arriving a few decades before the Book’s present—though, there had been Alien agents in and about the Earth for millennia. They are all awaiting the arrival of a Starfort with a twinned Daughter Crystal so the Solar System can be connected to the Interstellar Web. Their Plan is to impose a “rational matriarchy” on a “revised” human race, while extracting as many potential Imperial Warriors as fast as possible.

“Walking the Web” allows for rapid transit from one node to another nearby node. As nodes are located on Starforts, most Imperial Planets, and Primus, by crossing from node to node, individuals and whatever they can carry (up to a critical limit) can go from Primus to farthest node in about a week of subjective time. Galaxynet, the Imperial datanet system that connects through it, is always juggling Warriors from node to node, seeking to efficiently use limited access windows to maximize force where it will be needed, possibly years hence. Galaxynet will be positioned to establish and control Terra’s Worldnet upon the immanent arrival of the Starfort.

Humanity has been conditioned for decades, through the mass media and through thousands, perhaps millions, of abductions. With the Aliens believing they have the situation under control, our story begins. . .