The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Humanity and Alien Mind Control

© 2004, 2005

Chapter 5

Danger & Despair


Events continued to move very rapidly, Ruby thought, as she went from one capitol to another, “As if we all, human and Alien alike, were being rushed along by events orchestrated from somewhere else. Who has the hidden hand? Who is the master of these webs?” The viral mutagen began to spread rapidly throughout the population, and the death rate soared among the weakest and most vulnerable. Health services were overwhelmed, and triage necessities added to the toll. All Terran soldiers were restricted to their bases by Security Council order, so that the Aliens would not believe themselves threatened. Humanity was being squeezed apart and remade.

Ruby had little time to contemplate the situation as she was hurried from place to place, to secure former Junta data centers, to forge links with the quickly unifying Worldnet. She found that AdCom was a willing ally in this effort, and Worldnet was unified under the AI’s control. “Can an AI be smug? What plot is it hatching? Foolish of the old Datanet Junta to fail to foresee the coming of true Artificial Intelligence.”

The Starfort, a hard, bright new point of light in the sky, was breaking into Lagrange orbit, inserting itself into the stable L-5 point, balanced against the moon’s gravitational position. It was now visible, day or night, as an irregular shining object, nearly a hundred miles across, “What secrets does it hide? What is it like, aboard?” Those same thoughts were echoed by Davv, deep in the prison camp that had now become the center of Alien penetration.

The Starfort was completing its breaking maneuver, the most dangerous part of the trip, slowing to planetary velocities. The great star-bridging drives were shutting to silence for the first time in the decades it had traveled to this small world. “Brimming mostly with blessed Water... a very hospitable blue and white, there in the deeps of this out-of-the-way corner of space,” thought Mincotl, First of the Three, gazing initially at Earth, then at its moon.

Just then, there was a tremendous flash and blast near the Starfort! Visible across half the earth! The world media’s attention was already riveted on the object from the stars, now everyone near a TV saw an attack on it. The explosion was replayed over and over again on the news stations. Panic and elation! Could the invaders be resisted?


The Starfort High Commanders urgently consulted with the Three Terran Commanders. “We have only minor damage. Zitcotl, the nuclear device was certainly Bracthian! We thought you reported that their nests were destroyed. Do not let the Terrans know the source of the attack!”

“First among Equals, Mincotl, High Commander, we at Terra Command believe that it was a robotic device left hidden in this system’s asteroid belt (which lies between the fourth planet and the fifth—the largest) when the Enemy fled. There is no evidence of a functioning nest in this stellar system. It appeared to come at you from deeper space. We do not expect Terran resistance. They are too busy dealing with the viral restructuring mutagen we developed from our experiments.”

“To ensure that, we want you to prepare for occupation forces to seize key installations.” “That will not be necessary. We have thousands of mind controlled, armed Terraguards here at the Island. This is the base of their dominant computer system, the entire planet can be controlled from here. Many of the guards are being ferried by saucership to key facilities right now.

“Other than the Terraguards, there are several hundred thousand prime male warrior material at the base here, millions more of their trained soldiers waiting in their barracks around the world. Thus we are building up forces rapidly. They have millions of additional manslaves held at prisons across the planet. We can begin to tranship more of their soldiers and prisoners through here as soon as you are ready to begin to accept those here for warrior training at the Starfort.

“We are already receiving thousands of impressed volunteers from their existing armies. Teams of Terraguard recruiters are bringing them in by the shipload. Around the world, we had their governments confine all their troops to barracks, and, one by one, we are taking over their bases, testing the soldiers for susceptibility to mind control, plugging those into the mind control equipment, and shipping them here. Conditions are very overcrowded, so we must start transhipping at once! You need to concentrate your efforts on receiving human males recruits; we will secure this world.

“A direct occupation of this planet is not needed at this time. We, and our human feminist allies, will have the situation well under control. There is no reason to disrupt local stability, jeopardizing recruitment levels. Their planetary data system is extensive and fairly sophisticated, and, in our control. You need only concern yourselves with space defense and warrior training. Leave Earth to us.”

“We will take your views under advisement. Please transmit all data available on your Island about the humans, their organization and control systems. We will use the information to pattern the Terran Corps of the Imperial Military. How many Terran males can be available during the next half year for training?” “Additional to the million we need to keep for the Terraguards, approximately ten to twenty million will be available for the Terra Corps.” “Good, very good indeed! We will speak again in 12 hours. If the situation remains stable, we will refrain from direct military occupation of the planet surface.”


Davv was not fully aware of developments outside the Camp. He did, though, find that Ruby had skillfully revised the rules there. Using his remote dataplug he could instruct AdCom’s local systems to open doors, provide food, order even the highest ranks to obey him; he was now a Special Inspector with unlimited access. The camp was chaotic, with thousands of military “volunteers” camped in the corridors and the great parade ground. They were all strangely quiet, though, mostly just sitting there or laying against their kits, in their mind controlling enhancement helms. And the Aliens were careful to insure that all were vaccinated against the dangerous side effects of the mutagen virus sweeping the planet.

He had taken new jeans and a black t-shirt, an old army vest with deep pockets and a fist full of “treats” from Stores. He replaced the Dom with himself in the command structure, and put the Dom in his place in Workgang #9223, “I am going to enjoy watching you work your butt off, exdom! Got it!” “Yupsur!” “Good. You’re almost as good at obeying as you are at dominating.” Davv ordered the inmate to brace, hand fed him one of the treats from his pocket, “Now maybe you’ll understand what it’s like to be used. Do you like it?” “Nupsur.” Just think about how you’ve abused and even killed whomever, whenever you liked. But, I want your loyalty, not your manhood! Got it?” “Yupsur!” “Good. Since Daniele constantly has BB up at the lodge to service her, you can be assistant gangboss. I expect this gang to work just as hard as any other. No privileges unless you earn them. It’s up to us workuns to keep the camp orderly with all these military types being shipped in. Got it, Red?” Yupsur!”

Davv was mostly concerned with redefining the Camp as a way station to the stars. They also had him help organize the “opting” of inmates and military volunteers into the Terraguards. He was able to tap directly into AdCom’s data-stores, and used every spare minute to learn about military structure and strategy. “The more I plug into the system, the more I want to know... battles, three-d moving maps, novels, video docs...” Davv learned how to use Ruby’s backdoor into the data system to quickly access answers to specific questions, while appearing to have just closed his eyes for a moment of reflection. AdCom was able to direct the Terraguards anywhere on earth and Davv found he could use his hidden access to learn what they were up to; to see what they saw; to know what they knew, “These guys give me the creeps; when they’re not acting, their minds are blanks, open channels for AdCom to see and hear through...”

He was receiving instructions now from Daniele and the Aliens, and sometimes giving advise to them. This usually occurred when he would bring BB to “visit” Daniele. She was just as insatiable as ever, wanting Davv to watch while BB began serving her demands. Since Ruby had not specifically told her to keep her hands off him, she insisted that he join in the orgy. Davv usually could plead pressing matters, but Daniele knew how to turn his general horniness to responsiveness. “Well, she is skilled, an’ probably learned from Ruby...” He learned how to “two time” her with BB, “You’re good, Davv. Not as big as my Big Blond here, nor that Red, but real good nonetheless. Hmm, since you always have to rush off, bring Red with you next time so I can have all three of you...” “Whatever you want Danni, but how do you expect to handle us all at once? You only got two holes!” “Don’t worry your handsome head over that, dear, I’ll think up some lively positions!”

The Aliens wanted to start transhipping males to the Starfort for warrior training as quickly as possible. Daniele told him that he would be acting as a liaison between the Camp, now renamed Terra Recruitment Base No. 1, and the Starfort. He was told to choose the first 1000 transferees and be ready to accompany them to the Starfort in 12 hours. “Don’t worry, you’ll be back at Terrabase before Ruby returns.”

Davv found that he could access data directly from Alien sources now that AdCom was integrating into Galaxynet. “Do they know where this backdoor leads?” Davv began to learn about Imperial Military structure, data-searching a Chart in a treatise by someone called Dojotl,

“Imperial Military Structure—URNeZLAT DYaMOD

LAR NeZLAT [First Corp]
[initial shock troops; first to make planet fall]
CAC NeZLAT [Strike Corp]
CAC YORLAT [Strike Team]
DAB YORLAT [Security Team] [elite security force]
DaR NeZLAT [Second Corp]
DAK NeZLAT [Break Corp]
[heavily armed, mobile infantry]
YAK YORLAT [Armored Team]
BOS YORLAT [Quick-break Team]
SUR NeZLAT [Third Corp]
SAT NeZLAT [Occupying Corp]
[occupation & pacification force]
SaT YORLAT [Occupation Team]
H<>Z YORLAT [Pacification Team]
KaR NeZLAT [Fourth Corp]
LAB NeZLAT [Const. Corp]
[armed construction & rebuilding corp]
NeZLAB YORLAT [Battle Work Team]
CAR NeZLAT [Fifth Corp]
ZAP NeZLAT [Local Planet Corp]
[armed planetary guards & strategic reserves]
ZAPDYAM YORLAT [World Order Team]
LYANeZDeR YORLAT [Reserve Fighters]”

AdCom found that (except for the “Fifth Corp” Terraguards) the Terra Corps was going to consist of units integrated into the Second, Third and Fourth Corps, with most humans slotted for NeZLAB YORLAT training, “since primates like to build things up and knock them down, the aliens think you’d be best as armed destruct-construct troops. Humans will go in after the canine or feline troopers have cut a path of destruction, and rebuild facilities to meet occupation troop needs. The aliens always have plans...”


Like everyone else hurrying along the busy streets of Washington, Ruby would look up occasionally to see the bright point of light that hovered above the earth. Now she was on her way to meet the Aliens at the United Nations where Zitcotl was to address the General Assembly.

She was taken by Terraguard helicopter from the airport to the UN headquarters, through a driving rain storm. The weather had turned nasty and she wondered if this was the beginning of the new ice age about which the Aliens had warned. Below, in the East River, she could see a large number of Dolphins, Whales and other sea mammals swimming upriver toward the headquarters as well. Apparently the Aliens could communicate with the terrestrial cetaceans and considered them the more important of the Earth’s intelligent species.

The scene inside the UN building had been set with Alien mind control precision. The grey Aliens were standing on the podium in the General Assembly chamber, above the entering humans, amid the green marble setting that was familiar to billions who had seen the annual Assembly “heads of state” meetings on their TVs over the years. For a moment Ruby wondered if the Aliens had had a hand in choosing even the décor of this room, build over a half century ago. Then Zincotl began to speak.

Her speech was similar to what she had said to the secret gathering of leaders of the Daughters of Chaos, a couple weeks before, in the hidden Alaskan base. She reviewed the relationship between the Aliens and humans, as it had unfolded over the previous century. She told humanity about the War in Heaven between the Cetoids, their allies, and the Bractians. She told them there was no choice: humanity was now part of Galactic Civilization and would, happy about it or not, be drawn more directly into the conflict of the ages. She explained that they were taking human males from the military and prisons for the extraterrestrial forces; she intimated that great changes were taking place and only time would tell the outcome.

Ruby noted that Zincotl did not mention the explosion all had seen by the Starfort as it entered Earth orbit. There was more happening here than the Aliens were explaining. Another example of how they controlled minds by controlling information. Ruby, though, knew more of what was happening. She had her back-door into the data structure; she knew Davv had used the same entry to find out the Aliens feared continued Bractian presence somewhere in the Solar System. She missed him more now than when she thought she had lost him, and the two had met in cyberspace several times, with each meeting ending with her promise to get to Alaska as soon as she could.

Now she was flying south, to another meeting with data controllers, this time in Atlanta. The weather was increasingly stormy. As she piloted the small Junta airplane she had commandeered, she wondered whether the weather was also part of some vast Alien plan—or was it something, like the attack on the Starfort, beyond their control?

Suddenly, a bolt of lightening struck the plane and, as it went down, she lost consciousness.