The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

April is the Cruelest Month

Chapter 2 — Breeding Lilacs Out of the Dead Land

June dabbed just a little of the perfume on her neck. She liked it but more importantly, Rex liked it, too. Still, it wouldn’t do to get carried away with the stuff. She didn’t want to come off as cheap or trashy.

She capped the bottle. It was silly, she thought. She wasn’t that type of girl and Rex knew it. Sometimes, the thoughts that went through her head could just be so incomprehensible.

It was only that she’d been having these dreams, fantasies really, about her and Rex. She was eighteen and by all accounts, she’d grown up good. Rex and her, they really hadn’t gone all that far but she was thinking that maybe she was willing to go a little bit further.

June took one last look in the mirror. Perfect, she told herself. She was ready.

June came into the kitchen to find Mae doing something at the sink. She had half a mind to turn around and walk right back out again but at just that moment, Mae turned, and June realized she couldn’t very well leave because then it would look like she was running away.

“What’s up,” Mae asked.

June sighed. She and Mae had been having a fight. Okay, feud might have been a better word she had to admit. It was a fight back when it started but it was a lot more than that now and the space between them now just seemed so dead which was a pity. She’d always felt close to Mae, especially when April was up to her tricks but still, she was an adult. She could do what she wanted and she wasn’t going to give in. “Nothing,” she answered. “Just waiting for Rex.”

“Didn’t April tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“She came in here a little while ago. She said he’d called and said he was going to be late. I thought she would have told you.”

“Nobody told me a thing.”

“I’m sorry. I thought she did.”

June was pissed. That was just like April to not tell her. Damn. She’d gotten ready for nothing. “Did April say when he was going to be here?”

Mae shook her head. “’Fraid not. She just said he was going to be late but as long as you’re here, I wanted to say something.”

“What,” June asked bitterly.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

June gasped and then she held her breath. What was Mae sorry for? “You’re sorry,” she asked.

Mae nodded. “I’m sorry. Your life is your life. I only wanted what was best for you but I shouldn’t have made you try to do something you didn’t want to do.”

Where the hell had that come from, June wondered. She and Mae had been arguing for months now. Mae wanted June to go to college. One of the sisters should go, she said, but June was adamant. She didn’t want to go and even though she didn’t say it, she was worried that someone would sneak in and steal Rex away if she left him alone for too long so as far as she was concerned, she wasn’t going anywhere.

Why the hell was Mae suddenly apologizing to her.

Mae suddenly burst out laughing. “I bet you wonder why I’m apologizing now,” she said and June nodded. Mae stopped laughing and she got suddenly serious. “I’m apologizing because I’ve missed you,” she said. “I’m apologizing because I think April’s got something up her sleeve, but most of all, I’m apologizing because no matter what I might think, it still is your life and I shouldn’t be trying tell you how to live it.”

June raced forward. Up until that moment, she hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed her sister. The two women hugged and then June pulled back. “I’ve missed you, too,” she said.

“I got a surprise,” Mae said.

“You do? What?”

“Look in the fridge,” the older sister said with a smug, little smile.

June shot her sister a quizzical look before going to the refrigerator and opening the door. She emerged moments later with a bottle of wine. “Is this what you had in mind,” she asked.

Mae smiled. “You want to share it. It’d just be like old times.”

June sniffed reprovingly. “It looks like someone’s already been in it,” she said with a smile.

Mae just grinned back. “I had to see if it was any good didn’t I? Why don’t you get us both a couple of glasses.” What she neglected to tell her sister was just how hot her pussy was feeling or just how much she needed to have her pussy licked. That would come later ... she hoped.

The two girls sat and June took a sip from her glass. “You know, it really has been too long since we did this.”

Mae produced a bag of pretzels from one of the cupboards. She shook the bag at her sister. “Want some,” she asked and she laughed when her sister shook her head. “Good,” she said. “It leaves more for me.”

“I’ve told you you shouldn’t—”

“I know but I like them. Pour me a glass, would ya.”

June poured the glass and she poured one for herself. The girls laughed and the girls drank and in the end, June did end up stealing more than one of her sister’s pretzels.

It hadn’t come on all at once in fact it had come on so subtly that June was hardly aware of what was happening and even if she had, there was no way she would have suspected the wine of being anything more than it appeared. In fact, at first, it had come off as a giddiness that might very easily have been attributed to a little too much wine.

But it didn’t stop there. The giddiness led to a tingling which might also have been attributed to the wine but there was something else, too.

“Whoo, it has been a while,” June said.

“Why do you say that?”

“I’m getting a bit ... a bit light-headed.” What she didn’t say was how much she wished Rex were here right now although if he were, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to control herself and more to the point, she wasn’t sure she wanted to control herself.

Mae just nodded. It was taking every bit of control she had to keep from throwing herself at her sister and ripping her sister’s clothes off.

June took another sip and ate another pretzel. She could feel it now. Her pussy was definitely making its presence felt and the conversation had practically dropped down to nothing. Why was she feeling this way, she wondered. Why was she feeling so ... so horny.

She took another sip from her wine glass and she put the glass down. Why was she so hot, she kept asking herself. Why was she so hot?

June was looking at her sister. Everyone knew Mae liked girls. Well, not everyone maybe but she and April knew. They thought it was funny because it was so obvious and yet Mae kept trying to act like that wasn’t the case but they knew and it wasn’t like June hadn’t ever wondered what it might be like but it was just something that had never turned her on.

Until now.

God damn. Was she just a late bloomer or something. Was she more like her sister than she knew. Maybe the two of them were going to have to go to clubs together to find women they could pick up. Where did you find places like that? Certainly not here. Weaverville maybe. Something farther out? She just didn’t know.

She shook her head. It wasn’t like that. If Rex were here, she’d be jumping his bones but he wasn’t here and Mae was. That was what it was. Mae was here and Rex wasn’t and why shouldn’t she give her sister what she wanted. Would it really be so bad?

No, it’d be great. She almost thought she could feel it now. The two of them naked and then her sister sliding her tongue down between her legs. She almost gasped at that. Her sister’s tongue on her pussy. That was what she needed.

Oh my God. She was actually thinking about seducing her sister but it felt so right. She wanted to do it. She wanted to do something nice for Mae.

“That was fun,” June said. “It’s been way too long since we did that.”

“Way too long,” Mae agreed.

“But you know it doesn’t have to end there.”

“What do you mean,” Mae asked.

God she was hot, June thought, and why the hell shouldn’t she and Mae have some fun, and after all, it wasn’t like they were going to make a habit of it. They were just having some fun. She leaned in close to her sister. “I like your top,” she said.

“Gee thanks.”

“No, I don’t think you understand. I like your top but I’d like it better if I were holding it in my hand.”

“Wh-what?” Mae was sure she couldn’t possibly have heard what she thought she’d heard.

June unbuttoned the top button and then quite deliberately, she did the one below it. “You heard me,” she said. “I like your top, but I’d like it better if I were holding it ...” pop went another button “... in ...” and another button popped open “... my ...” the final button popped open “hand.”

Mae looked on breathlessly still not believing she was seeing what she thought she was seeing.

“Now why don’t you take that top off and hand it to me.”

Mae slipped the top off and she handed it to her sister.

June looked at it for a moment and then she dropped it on the floor. “Would you like to see my top,” she asked.

Mae nodded and soon the only thing either sister was wearing from the waist up was a bra.

Mae was the plumper of the two of them. She wasn’t fat, June told herself. She was just plumper, fuller, rounder. “Can I see your tits,” June asked.

Mae no longer cared why her sister was doing what she was doing. She’d worry about it later, she told herself but for now, she was going to go with the flow.

June couldn’t help it. There was just something about her sister’s tits. They were so nice and round. “Oh my God,” she moaned to herself even as she moved in closer. Her sister’s tits were so nice and full. She unhooked her bra and she let her own tits spill free. They weren’t as big as Mae’s but they felt great when she pushed them up against her sister.

It was just so natural. Standing there with her tits pressed up against Mae’s, it was only natural that they would kiss it was only natural that her hands would slide around and that her hands would grab hold of her sister’s plump, round ass.

June moaned again. Her pussy was so wet. Almost from the moment she got her hands on her sister’s butt, she knew what was going to happen. She squeezed her sister’s ass through the denim of her jeans and she moaned again. She knew what was going to have to happen.

Mae was just so deliciously obliging. When June squeezed her ass, Mae let out a whimpering gasp and when June undid the button on the front of her jeans, Mae let her do it, and when June turned her around, when June knelt down and pried first her jeans and then her panties down over her firm, round ass, Mae didn’t object at all.

June slipped a hand between her sister’s legs. Oh my God, her sister was wet. Almost as wet as her, she realized. Oh my God, that felt good. Her sister was hot for her, too.

She kissed her sister’s ass. She did it again. She loved her sister’s ass. She slid her hand between her sister’s legs and she moaned again. Her sister was so fucking wet.

“Bend over,” she told her sister. “Bend over and open your legs.”

Again, Mae did as she was told and suddenly, June found herself staring at her sister’s pussy. What was she doing, she asked herself for just a moment but then the thought was gone. She was going to lick her sister’s pussy. She just hoped that Mae would do the same for her.

Mae moaned as she felt it and then she moaned again. She loved what her sister was doing to her and what was she doing now. Was she prying her cheeks apart. Was she slipping her tongue in there. Oh fuck, that felt good. She moaned again. It felt so fucking good.

Oh my God, June thought. She turned her sister around and Mae did just what June wanted her to do. When June pushed Mae back onto a chair, her sister sat and when June pushed her knees apart, Mae willingly opened her legs and when June slipped in between Mae’s thighs and when June pushed her tongue past Mae’s puffy, little lips, Mae moaned nice just like June had wanted her to.

Mae’s hands squeezed her tits as she watched her sister eat her pussy. She squeezed her tits again and she moaned. First April and now June. Mae was in heaven. She had no idea what had come over her sisters but whatever it was, she didn’t care. She just hoped they would keep on doing whatever it was they were doing.

June knew her sister was close. It wouldn’t take much at all. Her tongue licked her sister’s clit. She wanted to make her sister cum and she hoped her sister would do the same for her.

Mae couldn’t help it. Her pussy was on fire and even when her sister pulled her tongue away from her clit, her sister just kept coming back to her over and over again. She knew what was going to happen. Her hands squeezed her tits. She knew what was going to happen. She moaned once more. She knew what was going to happen.

She moaned again and she moaned once more. She was cumming. She was cumming so fucking hard and all the while, her sister’s tongue kept licking her clit and she kept right on cumming. She was cumming so fucking hard.

And still her sister’s tongue kept cumming after her. She tried to push her sister away but she didn’t have the strength. Didn’t her sister know. Didn’t she know she’d already made her cum. Didn’t her sister know.

June knew but she was having fun licking her sister’s clitty. She liked having her sister dance at the end of her tongue.

Mae pushed harder. “It’s my turn,” she moaned. “It’s my turn to do you.”

For a moment, June seemed not to hear her sister.

“Come on,” Mae said as she looked down at her sister. “It’s my turn.”

June looked smug, almost as if she were daring her sister, almost as if she were saying, “I just ate your pussy so what the hell are you going to do to me?”

Mae moaned again. “So you think you’re hot stuff, do you?”

June smiled. “Not at all. I’m just waiting to see what you’re going to do to prove to me that you’re as good as me.”

“Oh yeah,” Mae shot back. “Well, if that’s what you want, then I think you’re a bit overdressed. How about you show me what you look like when you’re not wearing those jeans.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” June said as she quickly divested herself of her jeans.

Her sister was standing there in just her panties and nothing else which still was more than Mae had on. “Take those off, too,” Mae said.

Once again, June did as she was told and the look she shot her sister almost seemed to dare her. Okay, that look said. Okay, I’ve done it. I’ve gotten myself naked. Now, let’s see what you have in store for me.

Mae still wasn’t sure why her sister was doing this but she just didn’t care anymore. She couldn’t believe it. First April and now June. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get to have either one of them again but just in case she couldn’t, she was going to enjoy every moment of this.

She leaned in again and she pressed herself against her sister. She kissed her sister and then she kissed her again. She loved the way her sister didn’t pull back.

“What’s that,” Mae asked.

“What’s what?”

Mae inhaled again. “Your perfume. What’s that?”

“It’s called Lilacs,” June said. For a moment, June felt guilty as she remembered who she’d really put the perfume on for but then the moment was gone. “Do you like it,” June asked.

“Oh yeah,” Mae said. “It makes me hot.”

“I’m glad,” June said but enough small talk, she thought. Give my pussy what it needs, damn it.

Mae inhaled her sister’s scent yet again. “I really like it,” she said, “and you know what?”


“We’ve been fighting for way too long. I don’t want to fight anymore.”

I don’t want to fight anymore either, June was thinking. I just want you to lick my pussy.

Mae moved up and she kissed her sister again. “But I know what you want,” she said. “You don’t care about what I think about your perfume. I know what you want. You want me to lick your pussy, don’t you?”

June nodded breathlessly. She didn’t care anymore whether it was right or wrong. All she knew was she needed someone to take care of her pussy and her sister was the only one around.

Her sister kissed her again and then she slid her way down. She kissed her on the neck and then between her tits. She kissed her on her stomach and then lower still and when she got down to June’s pussy, she kissed her there, too.

June’s hands found their way to her tits even as Mae’s tongue found its way between her lips. Oh my God, the girl thought. Oh my God, my sister’s eating my pussy and it feels so good. June didn’t know it could feel like this. Oh God, it felt so good.

“Oh God,” June moaned. “Oh God. That was good. Oh God.” Her hands played with her tits. “That was so fucking good.”

She was panting heavily. Her fingers pulled at her nipples. It wouldn’t take much, she knew. Already she could feel it happening. It wouldn’t take much more to make her cum.

And then it was happening. She gasped as her pussy finally let go and she screamed. It felt so good to scream. It felt so good to cum. Oh God, she was cumming. She was cumming so fucking hard.

And still her sister kept working her tongue against her pussy. She couldn’t help it. She moaned again.

“Did you like that,” Mae asked.

June looked down at her smiling sister, her head still nestled between her legs. “God yeah,” she moaned. “I loved it.”

Mae just smiled even as she reached for the empty wine bottle. “You know why I like drinking wine,” she asked her sister.

June shook her head.

“I like getting a buzz,” Mae said even as her hand began to stroke her sister between her sister’s legs. “I kind of like losing control, but what I really like is when you’re all done, you have a nice, empty bottle and I love what you can do with an empty bottle.”

“What do you mean,” June asked. “What can you do with the empty bottle?”

“Something like this,” Mae said as she slid the neck of the bottle back and forth between her sister’s legs while still not entering her sister’s cunt.

June gasped at the coolness of the glass as it slipped between her legs and then she moaned again. The neck was narrow but she liked it when the bottle opened up. She almost liked it better that way.

“You like this,” Mae asked.


“You like this, don’t you,” Mae asked. “You like it when I stroke you with my bottle.”

“Uh huh,” June moaned.

“It feels good, doesn’t it to have something nice and hard sliding around down there, doesn’t it?”

“Uh huh,” June moaned.

“Would you like me to make it feel even better,” Mae asked.


“Would you like me to make it feel even better?”


Mae kissed her sister even as she continued to move the length of the bottle lengthwise along the outside of her sister’s pussy. “I asked you if you wanted me to make it feel even better.”

June didn’t seem to be ready to answer but at the last minute, she did. “Uh huh,” she moaned.

Mae kept right on doing what she’d already been doing. “I’m not sure I heard you right. Do you want me to make it feel even better.”

June was moaning hard and grinding her lips down against the bottle. “Yes,” she moaned.

Mae gave her sister a kiss. “Yes, what?”

June moaned again. “Yes,” she moaned. “Yes, I want you to make it feel even better.”

Mae didn’t say anything but then she didn’t really have to. She was changing the direction of travel of the bottle and suddenly, June felt the head of the bottle being pressed up against her wet, little pussy. It hung there for just a moment and then even as Mae gave the bottle a twist, the mouth of the bottle pushed past June’s tight, little lips.

June moaned again as more of the bottle pushed its way up inside her. She could feel her sister’s lops pressing up against hers and when her sister tried to kiss her, June kissed her back.

“You like that, don’t you,” Mae said.

“What,” June moaned.

“You like that, don’t you. You like having your pussy fucked by my bottle, don’t you.”


Mae kissed her sister again. “I told you there was a reason I liked drinking wine.”

“Yeah,” June moaned.

Mae kissed her sister again. “I’ll bet you like this, don’t you.”

“I ... I ... yeah.”

“Yeah you like this, don’t you. You like playing with my wine bottle, don’t you?”

“I ... I ... yeah.”

“Are you going to cum for me,” Mae said. “Are you going to cum on my wine bottle.”

“Uh huh.”

“Don’t let me stop you,” Mae said. “I want to see you do it. I want to see you cum on my bottle.”

June moaned. She could feel her sister turning the bottle as she pushed it inside her. Oh God, it felt great. Was this what they meant by screwing. Oh God, it felt good. It felt really, really good.

“Oh my God,” June screamed. “Oh my God.”

“Yeah, that’s it baby. That’s it. Cum for me. Cum for me now.”

June wanted to tell her sister no but at that moment, her pussy finally succumbed to what her sister was doing to her and she couldn’t say anything. Her mouth just opened in a voiceless scream. She was cumming. She was cumming. She was cumming so fucking hard.

What she didn’t say, what she couldn’t say was that there was a man watching them. Even as her sister shoved the bottle in her cunt, June’s eyes were locked on the man looking in through the window. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

He didn’t stay for long but he stayed long enough and when June looked back where he was, he was gone. She moaned as her pussy continued to cum. She knew she wasn’t going to stop what she was doing but come tomorrow, she was going to have to figure out what to do about Rex and more importantly, she was going to have to see what he was going to do with her because after what he’d just seen, after seeing his girlfriend with a wine bottle sticking out of her cunt, after seeing that, June was sure that things couldn’t be the same again.