The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


(mc, nc, f/f, f/m, ma, gr, sf)

Summary: Waking up with no memory in an alien pod, she must escape or become another of the aliens’ mindless slaves.


This material is for adults only; it contains explicit sexual imagery. If you are offended by this type of material or you are under legal age in your area, do NOT continue.


This story needs a severe squickiness warning. If you couldn’t tell by my name this is my favorite genre, so be prepared. If you enjoy this story, check out my other short stories, pictures, and video edits on DeviantArt.

Chapter 1:

Her eyes opened and immediately felt the pressure of liquid coming down on them. She went to gasp for air but something was in her mouth. A tube of some kind going down her throat and something similar was stuck in her nose. She tried to sit up, but her head bumped into a somewhat soft obstruction just above. Her arms reached out; now flailing desperately through the thick goo surrounding her before also bumping into the squishy surface above her.

Frantically digging her fingernails in and tearing at the surface, it finally gave way and she pulled herself through the slimy opening. She wrenched the tubing away before gasping and vomiting up the same kind of warm, greenish goo she was laying in. She leaned over the squishy side of whatever she was laying in as her sickness continued. After a few moments, she was able to blearily look around. Her whole body ached as her eyes tried to focus.

Then it really sunk in. She didn’t know where she was. And, even more frightening, she didn’t know who she was. But she knew this wasn’t right. Her breathing picking up pace as she realized that she couldn’t recall any personal details of her life. And to top it all off, she was naked as the day she was born. That wasn’t too much of a problem as the air was moist and warm enough to be comfortable. However, the completely alien surroundings made her feelings of confusion and isolation even worse.

Indeed, ‘alien’ was the right word for the expansive room. It looked like a cave, dimly lit from strange, glowing plant-looking bulbs seemingly growing out from all over the walls at irregular intervals. Speaking of the walls, they, and every other surface, were covered in a soft, squishy organic material. Dark green in color, just like the thing she was still laying in. It all looked like some kind of fungus or lichen.

Jutting from one wall and part of the roof was a large, rock, pyramid-looking formation. It definitely looked like it was made of rock at least. Sharp and distinctly non-fungal, the tip of it had opened into four ramps jutting out at right angles. More of the fungus streamed out of it to merge with what was already covering the floor. Maybe that was where it was coming from. Despite the horrible slimy look of the material, she noticed that the air smelled strangely sweet and inviting.

The room itself was large, but the ceiling was fairly low and regular. It was the same with the walls. Although they bulged out in places from the fungus, they still made an almost perfect rectangle, only broken by the rocky pyramid. Other than going into the pyramid thing, there only seemed to be one other exit from the room, almost directly opposite from the pyramid opening.

Laying on the floor were five other, the only word that came to her mind was, pods. Four were still intact, but one was ripped open in a manner similar to hers. She could tell they were occupied, but their opaque surface prevented her from seeing any details of their occupants.

She took stock of the situation and dug through her shattered memories. She knew she was human. That much she could be sure of. Her basic school knowledge seemed to still be there, but everything that would make her, her was missing. Was she on Earth? Or maybe one of the colonies? She knew that there were aliens, but most of them were peaceful towards humans. Humans had been in space for over 200 years now and they knew of several spacefaring species, but nothing she could think of was anything like this.

She stared at the goo she was sitting in and tried to look at her reflection. Her white skin standing in stark contrast to the dark green surroundings. However, nothing she could see about the twenty-something woman in the reflection jogged any personal memories. Her head ached worse, seemingly in response to her thinking too hard. She rubbed her forehead smearing more of the goo onto her. She sighed then wiped the slime back off her face and tried to drain some of it out of her long, blonde hair.

Maybe this was some kind of hostile alien invasion? Had she been taken prisoner? She had no clue. But she had to be careful. Whatever had done this to her must be nearby. She gingerly stepped out of the pod and her foot sank a little into the squishy floor. It was unnerving, but comfortable to her bare feet. While she wanted to find someone to ask for help, she was simultaneously glad that no one could see her naked.

At least her basic sensibilities seemed intact. She mused.

She was about to investigate the other pods when she heard a noise coming from the pyramid thing. There wasn’t really anywhere to hide so she ducked back down into her pod, curled up and peered over the edge. She threw her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. Two large masses slid into the room. Easily two feet taller than her. They were a dark irregular turquoise color and almost seemed to be made of the same material as the floor. But they moved.

One amorphous blob began to head for the other exit; the other towards her. Their movement was hard to determine. At one moment it looked like rolled themselves along, but then they just seemed to glide along the spongy floor a second later. Their constantly changing shape made it impossible to keep track of one part of the aliens. But they were not what scared her the most.

Accompanying them was a woman about her age. But she wasn’t about to ask her for help. Her belly was hugely pregnant, slightly tinted green and covered with blotches of the fungal growth. The woman’s massive tits, much too large for her frame, were topped with the same material. Her expressionless face would have seemed almost normal except that it looked like some of the alien fungus was growing out of her ears.

The infected woman trailed behind the alien creature seemingly perfectly at peace with her situation and surroundings. The woman’s unkempt, long brown hair swaying behind her with every step. Her greenish tinged hands rubbing her belly softly as she exited the room with the first creature. The mind-controlled woman’s feet making slight squishes as she strode away.

The other creature approached her and paused next to her pod. She held her breath, freezing in place, praying it would leave her alone. And not do to her whatever they had done to that other woman. It stayed for a moment just a few inches away from her face as if observing her with unseen eyes. Its mass towering over her tiny, curled form. However, its presence was short lived. Seemingly uncaring that she was awake and free, it followed the other creature and woman. Slithering out of the room after them. Taking up the majority of the doorway as it did so.

She sat up, she had to get out here. That was the only thing on her mind now. There was another empty pod next to hers, if it wasn’t that infested woman’s, maybe there was another person like her around. Considering her options, she decided to follow where the aliens were going, maybe they were heading out to find more humans and she could get help. She thought briefly about trying the other pods, but she couldn’t trust that they wouldn’t be like the other woman, so she hurried after the small alien group.

Leaving the pyramid room behind, she followed down the short tunnel keeping a distance between her and the alien. The tunnel branched off into two opposite directions ahead and the aliens went one way while the infested woman went the other. Deciding to keep with the woman instead, she turned left and followed behind.

This place seemed huge. There were entrances to rooms all along the tunnel and inside each of them the fungal growth was just as pervasive. Other than the sound of their feet squishing, the whole place was eerily silent. She thought that she could hear something moaning or groaning in the distance, but maybe it was just her ears playing tricks in the quiet.

The tunnel still seemed very regularly sized for any kind of natural cave. Other than the growths that were emitting light, there were other kinds of weird bulbs growing out of the walls at various points as well. Some jutted out and seemed like thinner squishy tubes, while others were like small hollow openings that could engulf your arm. More growths just looked like fluid filled sacks. Along the walls and floor several long tubes ran, pulsing at regular intervals like a massive circulatory system. All of it was disturbing, but slowly she was getting used to her new surroundings.

Far too easily, she thought.

After a while, the fungal growth on the walls thinned out and it looked like metal behind the growth. She was about to look closer, but the alien infested woman abruptly turned and entered one of the rooms ahead. Curiosity got the better of her and she followed behind. The room inside was completely different. Here was a modern medical ward.

The metal floor was only slightly covered by the alien growth. Small, whitish tendrils of the fungus snaked away from the main dark-green growth in the hallway, questing for more ground to infest. There were over a dozen beds here and all kinds of lockers and cabinets for medicine and other items lined the fungus-free walls. Since only one of the alien lighting bulbs was grown so far, the room was extremely dark. The power obviously having been cut.

She pondered this revelation. Her cave theory was now out probably. Could this be some experiment gone wrong? She remembered learning about how humans had found many alien relics and past civilizations on their explorations. Maybe the pyramid was one and they had awakened something. Or maybe they were studying a new alien race and it got loose. Her head hurt as she tried to figure it out. She watched the infested woman approach the center of the room and spread her legs wide, bowing at the knees slightly. What happened next made her gasp in horror.

The woman started to give birth!

Not to any child, but to more of the fungus. Her stomach turned as she watched more of the alien fungus squish out of the woman and splatter onto the floor. The aliens were using her to spread this stuff! The woman moaned as she gave birth. The first noise she had made this whole time. The sound seeming to echo in the quiet. The woman’s pretty face still almost completely expressionless. She quickly noticed the woman’s moans were not from pain, but pleasure. She was getting off to this! What had the aliens done to her?

She heard some light squishes outside the room and quickly pressed herself against the wall. Another infested woman soon appeared. Her stomach and breasts were almost as large as the first woman’s. She walked over to right in front of the first woman and mirrored her stance. Just a few moments after assuming this pose, the new woman opened her mouth. Small, white tendrils similar to the ones on the floor reached out towards the first woman. Looking for all the world, like fungal mycelia.

A second later, the first woman too opened her mouth releasing more of the alien tendrils. Their tendrils joined, wrapping around each other and slowly pulsing. The pair of women moaned through their tendrils as the new woman also began giving birth to more of the alien growth. The alien fungus spreading thickly around the women’s feet.

The sweet smell from earlier growing in prominence as the fungus spread. In no time, the new growth had connected with the main bulk from the hallway and began to widen out, engulfing more and more of the metal floor in the alien organic material.

Then the women reached out and began fondling each other’s breasts. More like robots rather than women in passion. She almost couldn’t help but stare. The two women didn’t react at all as she unconsciously stepped a little closer to them. Both horrified and captivated.

What had the aliens done to them? Ignoring her, the women’s eyes continued to stare emotionlessly at their partner as they continued their ritual. The squishing sounds of their continued birthing echoed in the room and combined with their moaning.

The two women leaned their heads back slightly allowing their tendrils to separate. Then, as she watched, their tendrils reached down and joined their hands at their partner’s breasts. Both women moaned again as the tendrils dug into the fungus capping their nipples. The tendrils pulsed, seemingly milking their huge breasts. The two women groaned as they remotely nursed on their partner.

Staring at this, she stepped closer again being drawn like a moth towards the terrible and somehow erotic sight before her. Her mouth opening subconsciously as well. She had stepped forward more before one of the women’s eyes suddenly shifted to look at her.

She blinked then shook her head and stepped back. Wiping her brow, then the thin sliver of drool that had formed at the corner of her mouth, she knew she had seen enough. She needed to flee the horrible sight. Panting, she turned and left the room, heading further away from where she had first woken up. Just like the medical room, the alien growth was thinner here. More parts of the original construction showing through.

She walked as fast as she dared. She was still slightly dazed at what she had just witnessed. The aliens had completely mutated them somehow! And they were helping them happily. Was that going to happen to her? She didn’t know what they had done to her other than erase her memories.

Her head still hurt and she could almost picture the tendrils growing inside her head before reaching out to connect to another woman. Almost taste the sweet tendrils as they crawled over lips questing for another’s tendrils to join with.

Still lost in thought, she turned a corner and nearly ran straight into a man. He was naked and clearly infected as well. The same alien material could be seen coming from his ears. It took everything she had not to scream. Letting out a heavy gasp instead. Her hand came up to cover her mouth as her eyes went down. His mutation came in the form of massive, swollen testicles and a dick that now looked much too big for his body. Both of them were the same greenish shade of the woman’s stomach from before and covered in patches of the fungus.

The taller man looked down at her before bending down slightly and opening his mouth. The same tendrils reaching out for her. She was about to try to get around him when he reached out and seized hold of her boobs. She gasped at the sudden assault and the tendrils took this opportunity to enter her mouth. He stepped closer; his permanently hard dick rubbing against her stomach, his hands still kneading her generous breasts.

She was in a state of shock, her mouth frozen open. She moaned slightly, feeling the tendrils roaming around inside her mouth combined with the man’s efforts to pleasure her. She didn’t feel any tendrils growing out of her so that was a small comfort. They stayed like this for a short while before he let go and retrieved his tendrils.

She stepped back, biting her lip as the man’s huge penis grazed her clit. Was he going to alert the others that she wasn’t under their control? Was he going to turn her into one of those breeder women? Her fears seemed unfounded as he turned and began calmly walking silently past her.

He reached the junction she had left and stood there for a moment. He turned, his huge dick and balls flapping as he did so and groaned. She watched as a huge puff of something shot out of his dick followed quickly after by a copious amount of cum. Since the rest of the alien stuff looked like fungus, to her, it looked like he had just released a cloud of spores!

She covered her mouth again and ran towards where the man had appeared from. And there, at the end of the short hallway, was a still human-looking closed doorway. This had to be a way out, she thought. She reached the door and frantically started looking for a way to open it. The infected man hadn’t pursued her, but she didn’t want to take any chances. Locating a still lit button under some of the thin alien fungus, she desperately pushed it.

She heard a slight mechanical noise and hoped it was an elevator. To her excitement it was, as the door opened a moment later. Darting in, she was happy to find that the inside was free of the alien growth, lit brightly by artificial light. Sighing in relief as the door closed behind her. She sat down on the cold floor and tried to collect herself.

She couldn’t believe what was happening. Why wasn’t she infected? The aliens were in control of everyone else. Maybe they put the people they couldn’t control into those pods? Her head hurt as she tried to figure it out. If that were the case then there might be at least one more person able to help her fight these things and escape, her mind going to the other empty pod.

This place could be huge judging by the number of floor options available on the elevator’s screen. She was on the second to bottom floor if the indicator was to be believed. The elevator seemed familiar to her somehow. Like she had been here many times.

Maybe she worked here? But where was here? Judging by the way the buttons were laid out with the number one on top, maybe it was some underground facility. Maybe she had been right that humans had found something or were experimenting on something. If that were the case, then she should try to go up and get to the surface. Maybe there she could get help. Hopefully the aliens hadn’t been able to get up there yet.

She had so many questions. All she could hope was that someone could help her answer them. She stood up and pushed the “1” shivering slightly as the air in here was not nearly as warm as back by the alien material. The elevator quickly set off and before she knew it the elevator had stopped. Stuck on floor three. That wasn’t good.

The doors opened and her worst fears were confirmed: the area was overgrown with the alien fungus here as well. Someone had cut off the elevator from the top two floors. She was in some kind of quarantine down here.

And she wasn’t alone.