The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by ThatSquickGuy ()

Chapter 2:

She stepped out of the elevator onto the, by now familiar, squishy ground. Giving one last look back at the human construction before she set off. She was looking for a way to communicate or go further up. She had to find some way to let people up there know that she was still here. The doors shut, leaving her once again in the dim organic light of the alien bulbs.

This floor seemed much more populated. Many of the infected people were wandering about. She passed by several women spreading more of the alien growth. The alien fungus sliding easily out of their green tinged pussies as they moaned softly in pleasure. Just like before, their blank faces showed no sign of the pleasure they were apparently feeling. All of the women were sporting huge breasts that had to have been enhanced by the aliens. By now, she was almost getting used to all the nudity.

Then she saw a couple of the aliens themselves. The huge blob-like things moving around as if they were observing their slaves. One even brushed right by her without stopping. It still seemed like they thought she was one of them as they let her wander around without molesting her. How had they gotten up here? They didn’t seem the kind to use the elevator, so there had to be another way somewhere.

She turned a corner and several people were lined up against the wall. Their mouths each close to one of the fluid filled sacks she had seen earlier. Their engorged tendrils were coming out of their mouths and sticking into the bulbs. As she stared, the tendrils of the woman nearest her pulsed and swelled, transporting whatever was in there into her. It was like they were feeding.

Or replenishing, she thought. Remembering how the two women earlier were using their tendrils just like this. As the mind-controlled woman drank in the fluid, she could almost swear that she could see the woman’s breasts swell slightly larger.

A moment later, the infected woman’s tendrils retracted and she slowly turned her head towards her before walking off towards some unknown objective. Despite the hugely pregnant belly and swollen tits, her face remained just as impassive as the rest of the mind-controlled people as she wandered away.

She shivered. The aliens had changed everyone here so much. Glancing in each of the rooms she passed, none of them offered more information about what was going on. Everything was buried under a thick layer of the alien growth. Hopefully somewhere she could find an open room like before that the aliens hadn’t infested yet.

She was lost in thought as she kept walking. It was then that she noticed another woman against the wall. But this one wasn’t feeding.

This woman had impaled herself on one of the long fungal stalks she had been seeing. The green alien growth lodged firmly in her sopping pussy. The woman softly moaned as she worked herself up and down on the huge shaft. Her arms hanging limply by her sides as she kept up her mechanical motions on the living dildo. The alien bulb stretching the woman’s pussy with every stroke. Remnants of the slimy alien fungus mixed with the woman’s own secretions lubricated the shaft making her job that much easier. Sounding almost like a passionate couple from the sound as she squelched up and down on the juicy faux-cock.

It was then that she realized the difference. This woman didn’t look pregnant. Her greenish, flat belly contrasting with her jiggling, oversized, green tipped breasts. She watched in stunned amazement as the alien tube pulsed again and again into her. The tube swelling with its load and pumping it straight into her waiting womb. The aliens were filling her up. Impregnating her. Readying her to spread more of the growth!

Although horrified at all this, she couldn’t help but admit how aroused she was starting to get. All the naked bodies and emphasized sex areas. The woman in front of her seemingly enjoying the rough use as she squirted around the alien rod. Her love juices dripping onto the fungal floor and quickly being absorbed.

Through all this, the woman’s face never changing from its blank look. Her eyes staring into nothing as she used and was used by the alien appendage. She wondered what was left of the poor woman to be acting like this? What must it feel like to be so completely controlled by the aliens. To be nothing but a puppet for those fungal blobs.

Unconsciously, her hand had snaked down to her own pussy. Surprisingly, already wet. Her eyes closed briefly as she started to rub faster, before they snapped open again. She needed to go, she thought. But her body betrayed her as she stayed in place. Rubbing herself openly in front of the other woman.

The woman’s slowly swelling belly mirroring the swelling in her hot sex. Each pulse of alien fungus into the woman’s infested womb like another of blood to her pussy. Swelling. Growing. Dripping. Her wet pussy almost aching to be stretched just the woman’s was. She was now moaning almost as much as the mind-controlled woman.

This whole thing was affecting her too much. The aliens had done something to her. Messed with her brain somehow. She was sure of it. She didn’t remember anything, but she knew this wasn’t normal. There was no way that she could possibly find anything like this sexy normally. Her head ached as she slowly pulled her hand away from her clit. She had to stop. She was afraid that she’d really start enjoying it.

It was then that the woman in front of her pulled herself off the bulb with a wet squish and a moan. Leaving the huge alien fungus cock dripping behind her. Some of the alien growth spattering to the squishy floor from her stretched pussy as she slowly walked over towards her. The woman’s now fully pregnant belly slightly jiggling with every step. She thought about the alien growth inside her just waiting to spread. Her already drooling mouth unconsciously opening.

She froze in place as the woman’s tendrils emerged and reached out for her. The startling sight bringing her back to herself and she quickly snapped her mouth shut. The tendrils wrapping around her face and neck. The infected woman drawing close, almost rubbing up against her. She kept her mouth shut and before long the woman apparently gave up and started down the hallway.

The woman was being made to spread the alien growth, she reasoned. So maybe if she followed her, she’d find more of the uninfested areas. It was the only idea she had right now, so she set off after her.

And, indeed, further down the long hall and after a few turns, she found an area where the alien growth was thinning out again. Human electrical light also still dominated this area. She picked up her pace, passing the alien-controlled woman and found a room still mostly untouched by the alien growth.

There were several computer terminals here. Running over, she tried to access one of them, but was asked for a password to log in. She softly wined. She had come this far and this is what was going to stop her? She stared down at the projected keyboard in front of her. Hoping something would come back to her. Her hands hesitatingly reached out and, as if by rote, typed in a code.

“Welcome, Commander.” The computer flashed before changing screens.

As she processed this new development, the interface came up and she was able to start looking through (her?) files. Seeing a section labeled logs, she opened that up. It looked like multiple video files were here, so she opened the newest one. Her own face popped up on screen.

“Commander Abby Roberts personal log.” The sound far too loud in the quiet ship so she quickly tried to turn it down. “Date: April 12, 2245. We’ve been making good progress surveying the Shran border. The crew has been in high spirits as yesterday we stopped and took on several containers of Viridgn delicacies when we visited Kuiper colony for a quick visit. We are once again underway and are going to arrive at our next patrol location two days early. The Apollo’s been making better time than expected for an older bird with an outdated underspace drive. No mechanical problems have been encountered yet. Everything’s been shipshape.” She chuckled a little at her own joke. “I’ll update again once we reach our destination. Log off.”

The screen changed back to her video options. She wanted to watch it again, but just then the alien infested woman walked into the room. She acted just like the woman before and, crouching down, began to spread more of the alien growth. But Abby ignored her, already getting used to the splattering sounds of the alien birthing.

Abby tried to process everything. She wasn’t on a planet so there was no running away from this. Comparing the date in the log with the date displayed on the screen, assuming that was right, it had been only six days since she made that entry. How had things gone so wrong?

Commander was a rank usually reserved for a First Officer on starships. But she still couldn’t remember anything. Something was left if she could type in her code, but it was all still buried deep in her mind. Abby kept digging around and found a layout of the ship now that she knew what Apollo meant in the files. The ship was bigger than she thought and its main section, where she was, was shaped sort of like an arrowhead with each deck being slightly smaller than the one below it.

Looking at the map, there were only two elevators in the ship as well as several access tubes. Those were probably how the aliens were getting from floor to floor. The infected people didn’t seem like they’d be able to help those big blobby aliens with the elevators, Abby thought. If anybody was left uninfected up on the other two decks then they’d have sealed those access tubes up. She’d first try the other elevator then try to find the access tubes if they weren’t covered up.

She wished she remembered more about the ship’s systems from her previous life and so maybe she could message for help. But another infected woman had just arrived to help spread the alien growth and Abby didn’t want to stick around here too much longer. She sat for a minute trying to memorize the path and turns to the other elevator and, from there, the closest access tube.

Leaving the computer behind, Abby began to exit the room when another infected man blocked her path by stepping into the doorway. Hoping it might be like the time before, Abby stood in place as the man approached. At first, he acted the same as the other man, reaching out with his tendrils, before grabbing hold of her breasts. Abby knew what was coming so she managed to keep her mouth shut this time.

Then the man let go of one of her boobs before reaching down and rubbing his giant, alien fungus covered dick across her clit. She gasped, her eyes going wide, but somehow kept her mouth closed. She started pulling away, but his other arm let go of her, now very sensitive, breast and wrapped around her back. Holding her close to him with impressive strength. Her large tits squishing against his muscular green splotched chest.

Abby wanted to scream for help. Knee him in his huge, alien-infested nuts. Do anything to keep him off of her, but she knew fighting back might alert the aliens. Abby whined as he ran several more strokes over her most intimate areas. Keeping her mouth shut was getting harder and harder especially as the tendrils kept tickling her nose and lips. At this point, each stroke of his enormous member getting wetter and wetter as his pre-cum oozed over her mons. Abby was starting to unconsciously get off on it as well. The first drops of her arousal sliding down her inner thigh.

He leaned back, picking her slightly up off the floor before shoving his thick cock deep into her wet hole. Abby yelled out in pain at the size and this was all he had been waiting for. His tendrils invaded her mouth as deeply as his enhanced cock was doing to her pussy. The shock made Abby give up on subterfuge. Desperately trying to push him off her. His strength was incredible and he was much larger than her tiny size so her struggles only resulted in unwanted pleasure as she wriggled around on his dick.

Abby’s eyes watered, feeling his massive balls slap her pussy lips as he bottomed out. Her weight helping to drive him deeper into her soaking pussy. She was about to start screaming around the tendrils when she caught sight of one of the blob aliens just outside the room. Seemingly voyeuristically watching the rutting couple. Against every instinct in her screaming mind, Abby restrained herself and let her body go limp. The man, now freed from her resistance, moved to lay her on the floor.

Right beside the new couple was one of the alien infested women, still giving birth to the alien growth. She completely ignored the pair even as a little of the newly birthed fungal growth spattered onto Abby’s horrified face below her.

Getting more firmly on top of her, the man continued his mindless lovemaking. His blank face staring into her. Deep down Abby knew that he, too, was just being used by the aliens, but that didn’t help her feel any better. Abby groaned with every thrust, her pussy stretching around his alien infested member. Her still human pink pussy contrasting greatly with the greenish dick plundering her.

Abby hated that, at some level, it still felt good. Every inch of her pussy was filled and then some. And now that she’d stopped fighting, he had gone back to massaging her tits. Her eyes closed, trying to push it all out. The alien tendrils in her mouth and ears making it impossible.

Biting on the tendrils did nothing as the supple alien flesh just squished under the assault, but didn’t shear or break. Slowly her groans turned more into pleasured moans than she would have liked. His thrusts picked up pace and before she knew it, she’d wrapped her arms around him. Each strike feeling like it was reaching her womb, Abby started to lose just a little bit of the horror of the situation. Her mind starting to get washed away in the pleasure.

No! It wasn’t like that, Abby had to convince herself, fighting back against her body’s impulses. The aliens had messed with her, she wouldn’t like this. She couldn’t like this.

Her body was betraying her though. Her juicy cunt now eagerly taking in his huge cock. The mindless pleasure seeping through her defenses. The terror turning into enjoyment. Her body just a fuck-doll for the aliens. Her mind drifting away in bliss. Her twat shuddering, aching to orgasm.

But, before she knew it, he stopped and groaned through the tendrils in their mouths.

Abby’s eyes shot open as she first felt not a jet of cum but a heavy puff of air (spores!) followed by a long blast of cum as he thrust one final time. The tip of his huge cock pushing her cervix open slightly. The warm alien goo staining the inside of her womb. This all firmly brought Abby back down from where she had been. The man pulled his tendrils back and slowly slid his fungal, alien dick out of her abused hole before standing up. Whatever he had put inside of her staying deep in her womb.

Abby looked up at him then glanced at the doorway, the alien had disappeared. The mind-controlled man regarded her for a moment before turning and leaving her panting and dripping on the floor. The man’s face never changing from its blank look the whole time.

Abby stared at the door for a moment, and sat up before the tears started. She just wanted to stay here and cry, but at that moment the woman she was next to leaned over and kissed her trying to connect their tendrils as she did. Abby gasped in shock as she had somehow completely forgotten the two women’s presence. The quick kiss made her feel better for some reason. Almost like a moment of comfort after the horror. She quickly stood up and hurriedly wiped the alien material and tears from her face.

Abby ran down the hall, trying to remember which direction she was supposed to go. Crying as she did. This whole situation was completely unbelievable. And almost worse than the rape was the fact that if she hadn’t been infected before; she almost certainly was now. How could she have allowed herself to be used like that? Her head hurt worse than ever and the crying only made it hurt even worse.

She didn’t want to end up like those women. Mindlessly and endlessly giving birth to that fungal alien goo. As she thought that, she passed a couple more infected women. Softly caressing their large, pregnant bellies as they headed to wherever the aliens were sending them. They couldn’t really enjoy it, right?

Heading down a connecting hallway, she was surprised to see a row of infested men lined up on one wall. Each of them were humping a bulb like the other kind she had seen earlier. The warm alien material wrapping all the way around their heavy shafts and staying stuck tightly to them as they thrust in and out. The fungus forming into the perfect tight pussy for the infected men to mate with.

All of them were breathing heavily as they worked their thick cocks into the waiting, dripping alien holes. Their huge balls splatting against the soft, warm fungal wall with every thrust. As she stared, several of them came before going right back to thrusting. They were apparently being milked for their cum and spores.

An infected woman was standing between two of the men. The men’s heads were bent down and, using their tendrils, were nursing from the woman’s almost absurdly large boobs. The tendrils digging into the fungus covering her nipples. Pulsing as they extracted the required nutrients. Abby noticed that there weren’t any of those big fluid bulbs grown here yet so the women were acting as mobile food stores. Keeping the men strong so they could keep fucking the alien fungus. Whatever the alien’s lifecycle was Abby knew she didn’t want to be a part of it.

Abby slipped her way down the hall, barely even wanting to look at the men. Squishing herself against the far wall as she passed. None of the infected crewmembers paid attention to her, however, their focus entirely on their alien sex.

At the end of the corridor, she turned and ahead of her was the elevator. Its doors already open and there was someone there. A woman was working inside the elevator on the control panel. Beside the elevator and just a little bit down the hall was another of the blob aliens. Were they getting better with the technology?

Abby slowly approached and as she did, she couldn’t see any of the usual signs that this woman was infested. She was naked, but her stomach was flat and not green and she had a few tools laid out on the floor next to where she was kneeling on the elevator floor.

The taller woman didn’t notice Abby’s presence until she was right next to the elevator. She reached for a tool next to her and caught sight of Abby’s foot. She jumped and looked up. Her long red hair bouncing as much as her large breasts as she did so.

“Commander?” She asked, jumping to her feet and covering her nudity as relief washed over her face. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Yes. I guess. Who are you? Do you know me?” Abby answered, overjoyed to find someone else uninfected. The questions then quickly tumbling out as she covered herself as well. Abby wiped her slightly puffy eyes in happiness. “I really can’t remember anything.”

“What?” She asked quietly, worried, before continuing. “I’m Chief Engineer Zoey Keller. You’re the second in command here on the Apollo.” She said slowly before pausing. Then, seeing that none this really made too much sense to Abby, Zoey changed topics. “Are you okay? What happened to you?”

“I woke up in some kind of a green pod thing down on one of the lower levels.” Abby said, her arms slowly dropping as both women gradually forgot their state of undress. “But whatever happened, or whatever they did, I don’t remember anything from before I woke up. I tried to find anyone else, but so far all I’ve found is you.” She left out the recent attack by the infected man, worried that if Zoey thought she might be infected she wouldn’t help her.

“Me too! Well, sort of.” Zoey said, her chipperness in the face of the situation a little tough for Abby. “I was on break in the rear mess hall. Everything was going fine, then there was a huge crash and we dropped out of underspace and…” She paused, her face dropping as she got lost in thought briefly. “And, that’s the last thing I remember until woke up in one of those pods like you said. I’m just as lost as you are about what these things are and what they’re doing here.” She gestured to the alien down the hall.

“How come we aren’t infected and you remember everything?” Abby asked, mostly to herself.

“I don’t know.” Zoey shrugged, shaking her head. “After I woke up, I tried to go back to Engineering but by the time I got there it was already overgrown just like this.” She indicated the floor around them. “I did manage to save some tools from there though. So I’ve been trying to find anyone else not infected and I think there might be some people left on the upper decks.”

“That’s what I thought too.” Abby said, a slight smile forming on her face.

Zoey paused for a moment in their planning. “I’m really glad to see you. I was afraid that I really was all alone in this.”

“Yeah, me too. Thank you.” Abby said, softly. The two women briefly hugged, ignoring their state of undress and Abby’s former superior rank.

Then Zoey turned back to work. “I’m sure you saw; we’re locked out of the elevator for the top decks and I can’t get the comm system to send a message there either.” Then Zoey paused and smiled a little and looked at her. “But maybe.. if I have your command codes, I could get in and unlock the system.” Her smiled faded, “Do you remember them?”

Abby shook her head. “No.” Then, thinking about how she got into her files. “Maybe?” She said, questioningly.

“Well, it’ll take me a little bit to set that up, why don’t you try to think about it and keep watch?” Zoey hastily said, going back to work.

“Not much to watch.” Abby muttered slightly. “They’ve been mostly ignoring me. What about you?”

“Yeah, the aliens just left me alone this whole time, but this one’s been following me for a while now.” She pointed to the blobby alien close by. It seemed to be observing them, so Abby moved between it and Zoey’s work. It just kept sitting there not moving, but its presence was unnerving. Every now and then another infected crewmember would walk by. But just like before, they wandered past without caring to look at them.

After a little bit, Zoey piped up again. “You know, I remember some stories from the Jaculi species in this sector. They would talk about this kind of thing. They said their ships would come back from underspace and the crew would be dead or changed.

Abby shuttered. “What do you mean? Like this?”

“I don’t know. All they said was when their ships were like that, they just blew them up.” Zoey said matter-of-factly before staying unsettlingly quiet.

Abby rocked back and forth glancing at the alien blob every now and then. “So, how long have you been awake?” Abby asked after a while in silence, trying to piece a timeline together.

“If I had to guess, about seven hours.” Zoey answered. “What about you?”

“Only about one or so.” Abby replied. As she said that, a couple more pregnant infected women wandered by, but none of them tried to interfere or stop them. “I feel so sorry for them.” She finally said. “I wish we could help them.”

“We are. The sooner we can get to anyone else the sooner we can get out of this.” Zoey said. “Okay. Here we go.” She gestured for Abby to come down next to her. She held out a small datapad connected to the panel by a wire. “It’ll need your handprint and your codes to unlock it.”

Abby pressed her hand to it and stared at the resulting line. She rubbed her still aching head before hesitatingly typing something in. The screen blinked for a moment before turning green.

“Yes!” Zoey smiled and hit the button for the next floor. “I knew you could do it.”

“Thanks.” Abby returned the smile and both women stood up as the doors closed and they happily left their alien observer behind.

The ride was short and just a second later the doors opened.