The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by ThatSquickGuy ()

Chapter 3:

The welcome was not warm. Two people in full body environmental suits were standing just outside the elevator door. Both were training their weapons on the naked women. Well behind them, Abby could make out other uninfected crewmembers though they lacked the same protection.

“Oh my God!” One of the two people, clearly a woman, exclaimed. Her face covered behind the reflective mask.

“Alert the Captain.” The other, a man, shouted down the hall at the furthest crewman. “The rest of you in your rooms, now!” He shouted the rest of the corridor before turning back to the pair. “You two, come with us.”

“We’re okay! We’re not infected!” Zoey tried to explain, holding her hands up. Abby, worried about the truth of that statement concerning herself, kept silent, but also raised her hands.

“Move!” The woman commanded. Undeterred by Zoey’s assertion.

Neither of them lowered their weapons as they ushered the pair out of the elevator. Now once again keenly aware of their nudity, the women dropped their hands and tried to cover themselves as they were marched to one of the nearest rooms and told to go inside. It was a standard small crew quarters. Just a bed, desk, toilet area and not much else. The door quickly shut slid behind them.

A voice on the intercom came on. “You’ll be confined here until we can get you checked out.”

“Wait!” Abby exclaimed. “We..” She heard the comm cut off so she stopped mid-sentence.

“Well, that went about as well as I guess it could have.” Zoey remarked. “At least they didn’t shoot us.” Abby sighed and the two women looked around before Zoey pulled some uniforms out of a drawer. “I guess it’s a man’s room, but this’ll be better than nothing right?” She held out a rather large shirt to Abby.

“Thanks.” The two of them used a couple more shirts to clean themselves up a bit before putting on the uniforms. Abby immediately started itching. Even though it was probably two sizes too large it still felt unnecessarily tight and constraining. So Abby ditched the pants and just left the large shirt to dangle, covering her modesty.

Zoey looked uncomfortable in the uniform too so she did the same as she started examining the room. “It feels like they’ve cut off the life support in here.” She said as she felt in front of one of the vents. “They’re not taking any chances.”

“Would you?” Abby asked.

Zoey considered it silently for a second before shaking her head.

“What are we going to do if they don’t believe us?” Abby asked, worried.

“I’m not sure, but I really don’t want to be a lab rat.”

“Better than being controlled by those things.” Abby murmured. Even if a lifetime of nothing but sex and debauchery appealed to something buried deep down inside her. Her mind drifting back to all the women and their soft orgasmic moaning as they carried out their tasks. Wandering around delightfully full of new life. Eager to carry out any command by their alien masters.

“Commander Roberts, Chief Keller?” A somehow familiar sounding voice came over the intercom, snapping Abby back to where she was. The suspicion in the voice quite evident.

“Yes?” They replied almost in unison.

“The Security Chief informs me that you’ve both returned and are somehow not affected by the aliens. Please, explain how that is possible or we’ll have to implement more restrictive quarantine measures.” Captain Lauren Daly’s voice was cold.

Both of them started talking together before Abby took over. Explaining everything she knew and having Zoey fill in the gaps with her experiences as well. “Neither of us know why, but it could be that we’re somehow immune to the aliens’ infection.” Abby finished her story though still leaving out the part where the infected man assaulted her. She still felt a little too ashamed to tell anyone that. “The pods could have been their way of keeping us locked up since they couldn’t control us.”

“So your story is that you can’t remember anything about who you are and that makes it more believable that the aliens aren’t controlling you?” The woman’s voice answered icily.

“Please, I just want to know what’s happened?” Abby asked.

Zoey jumped in. “Just scan us and you can tell that we’re not infected. Plus, they saw that we’re not acting alien mind-controlled at all. And if we knew what was really going on, we could help.”

“Yes, please let us help.” Abby pled.

There was a silence for a moment. The Captain clearly weighing her options. The vents eventually started belching out air as the Captain came back on. “We’ll need every possible advantage I suppose. And you’ve never let me down before, Roberts.” Abby and Zoey smiled at each other. “I’ll tell you what we know so far, but you’ll need to stay in there for right now.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Abby said firmly.

“Our situation is not good.” The Captain started her story. “A little over four days ago, we were transiting underspace near the Shran border when we struck something.”

In underspace?” Asked Zoey, incredulous.

“Yes. At first we thought it might be some kind of new Shran technology. An underspace minefield or something of the kind, but it was much worse than that, as you’ve seen. How it didn’t just destroy us, we don’t know. That alien ship, or whatever it is, is lodged deep in the ship all the way from Decks 3 to 14. We lost all internal data from those decks immediately and dropped out of underspace. Even now, all internal sensors are still offline.”

As the Captain explained the story, Zoey sat at the desk while Abby paced the room before settling down on the bed. “That’s why you can’t scan us.” Abby mused softly.

“That’s right. Anyway, you demanded to be in the first team that went to investigate, Commander. As usual.” She chuckled lightly. “We had the main hull breaches sealed by the shields, so your team headed down without full environmental suits and that our first mistake. You had gotten out on Deck 14 to investigate Engineering when you reported that everyone there and your team were being overcome with something and dropping paralyzed and that we needed to seal the ship. That was the last we heard from you.”

Abby still couldn’t remember anything, but she shivered a little at the thought of just falling over and being at those aliens’ mercy. She wondered just what all they had done to her.

“So we cut off main life support to those decks. We couldn’t trust the scrubbers to keep whatever it was from circulating up here. Then we sent another team with most of the suits we could round up to retrieve who we could find. You and your team were the first targets, but the team couldn’t find you at your last location. It wasn’t too long after that when they showed up.” The Captain hesitated for a moment. Thinking about how best to continue with the difficult news.

“Those slimy blob creatures?” Abby asked, growing slightly uncomfortable, and shifting on the bed. The mention of those things stirring many feelings. Her mind wandering briefly. Thinking about the horrible creature watching as she was raped made her pussy suddenly twitch. Despite the internal disgust, Abby couldn’t help herself. There was something unsettlingly erotic about how she had just submitted and let herself be used. Just like the rest of the infected women.

“Yes.” The Captain continued. “By the time the first Engulfer turned up, we had been successful and made a couple runs to rescue people. The team reported that they were going around and sucking people entirely into themselves, like giant amoebas. And when they tried to stop them, the aliens were barely slowed down by our team’s weapons. They got cornered by several of the aliens and Ensign Hayes was the only one to get away.” The sadness and horror in the Captain’s voice was evident. “I felt so helpless.” She confessed. “They were screaming on the radio about the aliens ripping their helmets off, before they just went quiet.”

Abby and Zoey looked at each other. The true scope of the invasion settling in a real way. Both realizing just how lucky they had been to be left alone by the aliens. Abby quietly thinking about what it must feel like to have one of those things swallowing you.

The Captain paused for a little bit, before continuing. “We tried a couple more times, but soon we couldn’t find anyone else. That’s when the crew started showing up again, only infected and controlled by those things. The people we rescued recovered soon enough from whatever the aliens put in the air. Luckily nobody’s had any lasting effects so far.” Captain Daly went quiet for a moment, “not like the other ones.”

“What did they do them?” Abby asked, moving to the edge of the bed, hoping they had figured something out. Before blurting out, “Other than turn them into sex maniacs?” Like me. She added in her mind. Her pussy dripping slightly as she unconsciously rubbed her naked sex onto the soft bed covers.

The Captain grunted in acknowledgement of her abrupt comment before continuing. “We only managed to get one infected back up here to study. We do know that they are almost as resistant to fire as the aliens. Our stun settings didn’t even phase them. It took the kill setting from five officers to bring her down.”

“Really!?” Zoey exclaimed. “That’s almost enough to blow a bulkhead open!”

“That’s right.” The Captain answered solemnly. “We didn’t have much time to study her as she started producing some kind of spores and we couldn’t risk it. The main thing we found, other than the external changes, was it seems like the aliens have completely replaced their brains with that fungus-like material.”

Abby and Zoey gasped. Abby’s hand had now involuntarily gone under her shirt and was rubbing her pussy. Thinking about her crewmates’ mindless obedience to the aliens had slowly been making her wet. Seeing them so willingly serving the aliens, debasing themselves for their new alien masters, made her quietly pant as her fingers picked up their pace.

Her mind started to drift off as her fantasies took hold of her. All of the crew had become such perfected sexual versions of humanity. Fulfilling only their most basic desires. Breeding and eating. Only now those were done entirely to service the aliens. Their bodies forever under the alien’s complete control, altered to do their bidding. Their brains fully infested and converted. Spending the rest of the existence doing nothing, but making more of the aliens.

She glanced at Zoey, hoping her light panting wasn’t too obvious. Briefly, Abby pictured her with a huge green belly. Zoey’s dark red hair conflicting beautifully with the fungal accents coving her swollen nipples. Her chair now one of those fungal tubes. Zoey working herself up and down the long shaft. The alien fungus pumping more of itself into her accepting and ready womb. Abby’s fingers moving faster at the thought. Her sopping pussy now veritably gushing onto the bed around her hand.

She stifled a moan at the idea of her own belly now swelling with the alien life. Abby’s eyes rolled into her head a little. Her fingers now deep into her still sore pussy as if searching for the alien fungus within. She could just picture her womb corrupted and filled with the inhuman organism. Spreading and sporing. Her alien offspring making others into hosts for the alien fungus. Until all of the crew were nothing but drones for the aliens.

Mindless. Obedient. Servile.

Sexy. Fuckable.



Her eyes went wide and she gasped again at her dark thoughts. Abby pulled her dripping fingers out shamefully. Glad there wasn’t any video surveillance in the room. She licked her lips and, swallowing heavily, she focused again on what the Captain was saying.

“That’s what the Engulfers seem to do to them and how the people are controlled by the aliens. We didn’t have time to study any of the other changes to her body, but the fungus was spread through her completely and seems to be the cause of their resistance to our weapons. The most troubling thing was that during our examination none of that fungus material registered on our hand-scanners.” The Captain paused, letting them think about the ramifications as much as she was.

“So… it wouldn’t matter even if you could scan us, huh?” Zoey said finally.

Abby was glad that Zoey was so focused on the story that she wasn’t paying any attention to her. Looking down at her drenched fingers, she knew this was wrong. She had to focus and try to work through whatever the aliens had done to her. After all, her best chance was to get help at a functioning base that might be able to treat the alien infection.

“Yes. Whatever they’re made of, doesn’t show up.” The Captain continued. “We didn’t know how to deal with this infection up here without our full quarantine bay. And, since we can’t get to any of the airlocks, we took her back down on the main elevator and set her down outside it on Deck 3. Not the most dignified end.” The Captain ended ruefully.

“The aliens must have picked her up. There wasn’t anyone there when I got to the elevator.” Zoey commented.

“So now you know as much as we do.” The Captain finally said after a long pause.

Abby wished that she could help more. Feeling guilty about her dirty and subversive thoughts about the crew. And maybe there was a way if they had better supplies. “What’s the status of the ship?” She asked after a pause, wiping her damp fingers surreptitiously on the bottom of the bed. Trying to somehow take on her former responsibilities.

“Propulsion is out. We’ve just been drifting. And power and internal comms are spotty below these decks. We have been sending distress messages on the long range coded frequencies, but so far no reply. The team and I briefly considered the escape pods, but we’re not inside any system so those weren’t an option except to escape if we started to get overrun here.”

Zoey chimed in. “We weren’t due back for at least another month. So any relief ship won’t be in range for a long time.”

“Yes.” The Captain answered. “In addition, we don’t want to attract too much attention unless we want to fight two kinds of aliens at once: these things and the Shran. We’ve got another few days of supplies up here, but pretty soon we’ll have to get back to the stores on the lower decks.”

Abby stood up and paced again, her shameful arousal running down her leg. Zoey’s story about the Jaculi running through her mind. If they had run into these aliens and thought it a lost cause to save their ships, what hope did they have? “What if you and I tried to fix the drive system?” Abby murmured out loud to Zoey before wheeling around to face her. “Could you do it?”

“I don’t know what kind of damage we took, but it’s possible.” Zoey replied.

“What are you thinking about?” The Captain came on.

“If we can’t fight them off, then our best chance is getting back to our, or any, inhabited space. Right? Then we could escape the ship and scuttle it or we can get more help to fight and study these things properly.” Abby reasoned.

“We’ve tried repairs already but the aliens are too widespread on the Engineering deck.” The Captain cut in.

“But they ignore us. And we aren’t affected by whatever they have in the air. So we stand the best chance of getting it done.” Abby was feeling a little better. Her enthusiasm came through in her voice. She was still scared about what awaited them, but somehow felt drawn back to the lower levels. Maybe her secret fantasies her really were having too much of an effect on her? But she had to do something to help.

“No. We don’t know how the aliens have affected both of you. We can’t risk it right now.” The Captain shot her down. “Not until we can get you fully examined.”

Zoey spoke up. “She’s right. You said the supplies won’t hold out for long so it needs to be done now. And I know that drive better than anyone.” She clearly wanted to get going as soon as possible, just like Abby. “Like you said, the drive’s damaged. And we don’t know if it’s getting more damaged by these aliens right now. The sooner we get it checked out the better our chances of it working at all.”

“Yes.” Abby piped up. “Then, we could stop and get some other supplies before coming back up. More environmental suits, medical supplies, weapons, food?”

“Getting a little ahead of yourself aren’t you, Commander?” The Captain asked, a slight smile in her voice.

“Please? You know it’s the best chance we have right now. Otherwise, we just have to sit here and pray for a rescue ship.” Abby pleaded.

The Captain was quiet for a while. Abby and Zoey waited expectantly, both of them wanted to help as much as possible. If only to get back at the aliens for their inhuman treatment.

At last, the Captain came back on. “I’ve talked it over with the rest of the command officers. We’ll try it.” Abby and Zoey were relieved and smiled at each other. “The main priority will be the drive system. After that, if you can acquire some more environmental suits and weapons that will be the secondary goal. We’ll work on the rest of the supplies once we can get larger teams to escort you and carry supplies back. Sound like a plan?”

“Very good, Captain!” Abby answered firmly.

“Alright. I’m having some food delivered to your room. We still need to keep you quarantined as best as possible. Rest up for a while and when you’re ready we’ll escort you to the elevator.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Abby said.

During their wait, the women finally had a chance to relieve themselves and feel a little more human again. Abby hiding the large wet spot she had made on the bed while Zoey was distracted. Both of them discussed taking a shower to clean the remnants of the alien goo off of them, but they decided against it as maybe it was helping the aliens to identify them as friendlies.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and a moment later it opened and one of the crewmembers in her environmental suit dropped a couple trays of rations off before quickly retreating again. It wasn’t until now that Abby really recognized just how hungry she was. The two women tore into the food and relaxed a bit trying to put off the thoughts about what they had to do.

A short while later after they had rested a bit, Zoey called the Captain up and began asking what tools they had available hoping to take a better kit down with her. While they spoke, Abby mused that she wasn’t actually going to be much use on this mission. She had lost all of her memories of how the ship worked so all she really could do was carry things and be a lookout.

The news apparently disappointed Zoey and she was only able to get one or two more things she wanted. They were going to go back down the way they came. The Captain warning them that every time they had used the main elevator previously, the aliens had been quick to attack anyone who came out of it.

So, a few minutes later the door and the two crewmembers in environmental suits appeared again, tools in hand and they set off together for the very short walk to the secondary elevator. Abby and Zoey climbed inside and Zoey pushed the button for the Engineering deck as the doors slid shut.

“I guess we don’t need these anymore, huh?” Abby said, pulling at her shirt.

“I guess so?” Zoey smiled a little and the two women undressed.

Abby sighed, feeling a little better now that she was nude again. It just felt right for some reason. Her time around the aliens really had changed her personality. She watched the numbers grow along with her sense of unease and before she knew it, the elevator stopped.