by ThatSquickGuy (thatsquickguy@gmail.com)
Chapter 4:
The elevator opened on the Engineering deck.
“Alright, this way.” Zoey said, taking the lead, tool bag in hand.
The hallway they stepped into was fully overgrown with the alien material. But this area was thankfully devoid of any infected crew or aliens. Abby unconsciously smiled as her feet sunk into the gooey fungus, it was much better than the hard metal of the elevator. Like her lack of clothing, it just felt right.
Abby’s unease disappeared swiftly. As if it was being sucked right out of her mind. A feeling of contentment replacing it just as quickly. However, her headache was growing again.
She hurriedly followed Zoey as they headed down the corridor. The elevator locking down behind them. The secondary elevator was, luckily for them, located very close to Engineering. In no time at all, they reached their destination.
“Wow…” Zoey breathed, looking into her usual work area. “It’s gotten worse.”
The pair stepped into the underspace drive room. The place was completely taken over just like the hallway. Dimly lit from the alien bulbs, it was impossible to see any human technology under the alien growth. The massive mound of alien fungus at the center of the room concealing the huge drive mechanism totally.
Inside the expansive area, there were two of the infected crewmembers. Both women. They were working, just as the others had, to spread more of the alien fungal goo around on the floor.
The massively pregnant women moving from site to site. The alien fungus splattering out of their green tinged pussies. Another bulb started forming out of a bulge on the fungus covered wall next to the infected women. The alien fungus apparently rapidly growing into whatever form was most needed.
“Okay,” Zoey hissed, “I’m going to check the relays first. Keep a lookout and make sure they don’t cover up anything that we dig out.”
“Roger.” Abby answered as the two women crept into the room still unsure if the infected women would confront them if they started actively working against the aliens.
But whatever the aliens had done to them held out and the pair were ignored.
Zoey and Abby started to claw back the fungus from one of the panels on the wall. Both throwing glances over their shoulders to make sure the damage to the fungus didn’t anger their infected crewmates. The gooey and yet somehow solid material was deeply interlaced with fibrous growth making every inch a fight. Its cilia anchoring it extremely strongly into the metal of the door. Once they had wrenched it off and got the panel open, Zoey started scanning through it to see if this was the issue.
Abby still couldn’t help but stare again as the infected women moaned pleasurably at their task. Abby could almost see their bellies shrink as they gave birth to more and more of the alien fungal slop.
Although the continual soft sounds of pleasure proved they enjoyed it, their faces betrayed no such emotion. They were just brain emptied slaves working for the aliens. Arms hanging at their sides, their lifeless eyes staring forwards at nothing. Their infected pussies gushing out the alien fungus. That same fungus in their brains pulsing, controlling them totally. She thought.
Her mind wandering again as she thought about their fate. Endlessly giving birth to the alien material then going back to get fucked full of it again. Abby shuddered and hoped that once they got out of this situation there might be some way to save them.
Zoey reconnected a few of the relays and shut the panel before she led Abby further into the cavernous room. The two alien-controlled women turned their heads to watch as they went by but otherwise did nothing but continue their task of spreading the alien growth. She had Abby help her clean off a console before pulling of the top of it off and working on the wiring underneath. Connecting her datapad, rather than trying to use the completely covered built-in screen.
Working up the courage to ask, still slightly ashamed she couldn’t remember anyone, Abby finally hissed, “Do you know them?”
“Yeah.” Zoey answered softly. “That’s Josey and that’s Kay.” She pointed to each in turn. “They’re both part of my team.” Her face twitched a little and she sniffled before pulling herself back from tears. “They were anyway. I can’t bear to see them like this. But we need to get the ship fixed so we even have a chance at helping them.” Zoey turned back to her work, consciously putting her back to her former comrades.
Luckily, the infected women didn’t immediately go and try to cover where Abby and Zoey had damaged the fungus. Abby wondered how much of their ability to understand was left. Just as she pondered this, one of the blob aliens came sliding into the room followed by another fully pregnant infected woman. Abby gasped and tapped Zoey on the shoulder. She spun around and the two watched as the alien approached where they were working. But, just like the other one with the elevator, this one kept its distance and sat there.
“Why do they keep hanging around?” Abby asked quietly. “How much do you think they know?”
Zoey shrugged. “There was always one around nearby when I was trying to escape and get to the elevator. Maybe they’re just patrolling?”
Abby wanted to talk about how they had just left her to her own devices, but Zoey had gone back to work.
Abby held her throbbing forehead again. Her headaches had gotten better when they were on the upper decks, but now they had come back with a vengeance. It must be the stupid spores or whatever is in the air down here, Abby thought. Her head pain not helped by the constant soft moaning as Josey and the newly arrived infected women now began to let their tendrils come out and connect together.
After a few moments, the new woman began to give birth as well. The alien fungus sliding easily out of her puffy green pussy. The fungus forming a large mound below the two infected women.
The alien-controlled Kay, on the other hand, seemed to be finished. The infected blonde woman stood up and walked over to one of the impregnation bulbs on the far wall and began to work herself down onto it. Moaning softly in pleasure as she was penetrated again just a few seconds after finishing giving birth. She rubbed her now almost flat green tinged belly as she gazed emotionlessly forward. Her arms soon dropped to her sides again as she pumped herself up and down on the huge shaft. The squelching and spattering noises quickly becoming extremely distracting in the large, all too quiet, room.
Abby stared, her mouth dropping open ever so slightly. Her pussy twitching involuntarily as she watched the woman’s mindless bliss and obedience to the aliens. She shivered a little. Hoping that this wouldn’t be her fate as well. Endlessly giving birth and expanding the alien’s domain.
“These aliens did a number on the drive.” Zoey muttered.
“What did they do?” Abby asked, tearing her eyes away from the infected Kay and turning back to Zoey.
“Well, it looks like they tried to fix it or alter it themselves, but just buggered it up more.” Zoey explained.
“How could they know anything about an underspace drive?” Abby asked, pointing at the nearby blob.
“That’s where we found them, right? They have to know at least something about it.” Zoey sighed dejectedly and went back to work.
Abby looked over at the blob alien again. How could something like that know anything about arguably the most advanced technology humankind had developed? If they really did, it scared her thinking about how intelligent they might actually be.
Abby’s attention was soon drawn away as Josey, too, now seemed to have a new task as her birthing slowed down. Her green belly almost flat again like Kay’s. Pushing her hands down into the pile of newly born fungus, she seemed to grab a hold of something inside the gooey gunk. Retrieving her arms, it was as if the whole pile was stuck to her. The gooey fungus forming into a solid quickly. With impressive strength, Josey carried the new mass over to a wall and stuck it fast as the fungus seemed to almost crawl itself off her arms.
Anchoring quickly into the wall, the mass formed into a new bulge. Abby was watching the expansion of the alien environment in real time. The blob alien shuffling around watching as the alien infected women converted more of their former ship into its domain. Soon another bulb would be able to grow. Another spot for one of the infected to fuck or be fucked. An endless growth for the aliens.
As Abby watched, one of those larger tubes she had seen earlier swelled out from inside the thick fungal wall. Reaching out from the bulb where Kay was seated and merging itself into the new bulge. Very soon, the newly planted mound took on the same shape that she’d seen so many times before. Another impregnation bulb.
The pattern continued for a while, at least a couple of hours by Abby’s estimation. Zoey would take them to another section and Abby kept watch.
The infected women continued the process of making more bulbs and spreading the fungus thicker and thicker. When one had finished giving birth another one continued, as one was impregnated again another would move the fungus around. Eventually one would take a minute to feed from one of the fluid bulbs or another woman’s fungal covered breast before soon going back to her function. The efficiency of the alien-controlled women was frightening to behold.
Abby, watching all this unfold, was slowly drawn deeper and deeper into her dark daydreams again. Her own pussy moistening as Kay’s dripped around the fat impregnation bulbs. Abby softly moaning in time with Josey as she gave birth again. The infected women’s cyclical life digging at something inside Abby. Just obeying the aliens. Fucking the bulbs. Spreading the fungus. Over and over. She imagined the brain-controlled women living in nothing but pleasure as they carried out their monotonous tasks.
Abby kept pushing the intrusive thoughts down. It took all her willpower not to start rubbing herself right there in front of Zoey.
The alien blob followed every time they moved, but still stayed a distance away. Abby tried to focus on it instead of her fantasies. After the first few times, Abby knew it couldn’t be a coincidence. She was sure by now the alien knew, or at the very least, suspected, they were uninfected. However, for whatever reason it was letting them work unmolested. But why? If what the Captain said was true, the alien could stop them at any time, but it wasn’t.
“Got it!” Zoey hissed triumphantly.
“You fixed it?” Abby asked, excited. Nothing seemed to be changed. No loud noises as the machinery came back to life or anything at all.
“Yeah! I’ve got the power back to it and I got the controls completely routed back to the bridge, so they can’t tamper with it. I don’t think we should be down here when the drive powers up. Who knows how he’ll react.” She said, pointing her thumb at their alien escort.
“Good point.”
The two started to leave when another alien blob slithered into the doorway. Blocking their way. The two women looked at each other. Were they going to need to fight their way out? Their former escort slid over to the new arrival and it almost seemed like they were talking to each other. However, no noise was made by the formless blobs and they didn’t extrude any tendrils. But before long, the aliens glided out the door leaving it open for the pair to escape.
“What was that about?” Abby asked quietly, holding her aching forehead as the women headed back the way they came. Following along behind the aliens at a safe distance.
“I have no idea. But it can’t be good.” Zoey answered.
They breathed a sigh of relief as they stepped back into the elevator. Using her datapad, Zoey entered the codes the Captain had given them to access the secondary elevator controls.
A very short ride later and they were back where it had started for them. They were on Deck 12 where they had woken up. This is where the medical bay and the needed environmental suits were. Abby wished she had known when she was there and had brought some with her during her initial escape. Now, they had to trudge all the way to the other side of the ship.
This deck was even worse than the Engineering level. It seemed even more overgrown than when Abby had been here just a few hours prior. The environment was completely alien and there seemed to be more of the crew here than Abby had ever seen before. The pair paused almost immediately after exiting the elevator. Bare feet squishing deep into the fungal floor.
Lined up on the walls were many infected crewmembers. Each of them using or being used by the various bulbs growing from the fungus covered walls. Among them, two women were seated side by side on the tube-like bulbs, their green bellies flat and ready to be filled with more of the alien fungus. The two women were facing each other and were communicating by merging those horrible looking tendrils from their mouths. They moaned, rocking up and down on the alien shafts, impaling themselves ever deeper in their quest to serve their alien masters.
Just a little further down the corridor were a row of feeding bulbs. Three crewmembers were here, their tendrils twitching and pulsing. Sucking up whatever amounted to nutrition from the engorged growths. Their eyes rolled upwards as they focused on their assigned task.
Was this was awaited all of them if they failed? Just mindlessly being used by the alien fungus forever? Lined up and servicing the alien growth before going off to spread it some more. Literally sucking and fucking the fungus? Even in her dirty fantasies she knew that she really didn’t want to thoughtlessly obey the aliens. Even though the idea made her pussy tingle and moisten. Her head still hurt and she tried to focus on that again.
She couldn’t want to be an empty husk whose only purpose was to breed and serve. Abby zoned out again. Her mind wandering off as more delicious fantasies pushed their way into her head. Overwhelming her. Burying her sensibilities deeply as the dark ideas fully took hold of her once again.
Abby sighed lightly. Her vision going slightly fuzzy. She could picture herself as one of the alien fungus hosts. Mindless. Servile. Just another of thousands of interchangeable alien drones committed to propagating the fungus.
Obeying and cumming.
Fucking and birthing.
Nothing of herself or anyone left.
Just a goal.
Obey and procreate.
Her eyes slowly drifted sideways to look at Zoey. Wanting to see if the corrupted sight was affecting her as much. However, all she could do was picture Zoey as one of those alien mind-controlled drones. Her fungal enhanced body beautiful in Abby’s perverse eyes. Transformed to best serve the alien masters.
The dark future of all humanity. Abby imagined. Everyone completely equal. All humankind just the same. Perfect puppets for the aliens to manipulate and change at will. Their goals perfectly in sync.
Obeying the aliens.
Fucking the bulbs.
Spreading the fungus.
Her pussy ached as she pictured herself in place of those women. Mindlessly fucking those huge, dripping bulbs. Her pussy tinged a beautiful shade of green. Her eyes rolled back a little as the pleasure crept through her. She could almost feel the tube stretching her delightfully. Pushing its wonderful cargo into her eager womb. The corrupting fungus coating her most sacred areas.
An infected woman wandered by and Abby’s daydreams shifted. She imagined that was her. Unconsciously walking around. Hugely pregnant. Her green pussy lips dripping with the alien fungus. Her only goal to obediently go where the aliens commanded her to give birth. Her transformed pussy soon to be stretched delightfully as the fungus streamed out of her.
Her dreams and identity all starting to condense into three simple words: Obey, Fuck, Spread.
“Commander?” Zoey’s worried voice cut into her mantra.
Abby blinked her eyes several times, pulling out of her reverie. She licked her lips, already moistened from the drool that was accumulating in the corner of her open mouth. What was she doing? She had to pull herself together.
She smiled slightly and nodded conciliatorily, alleviating Zoey’s worries at her absentmindedness. Motioning Zoey forward, Abby led the two as they took off.
Abby and Zoey crept down the hall keeping as much distance as they could between them and the infected crew. Ahead of them were some more of the infected men. Lined up just like Abby had seen before, mindlessly humping another of the alien growths. Their huge green balls slapping the fungal wall with every pump. Their fungal enhanced cocks throbbing as they came again and again. Each of them groaning as the alien bulb sucked out their converted sperm and spores.
Abby wanted to stay as far away from them as possible. So she pressed herself against the far wall as they passed. As she did, one of the impregnation bulbs brushed against her exposed, and remarkably wet, pussy. Abby jumped and yelped at the sudden touch. Her noise attracted the attention of one of the men. He slowly turned his head towards the pair. They froze in terror. He stared at them emotionlessly before turning back to his job.
Abby sighed quietly in relief and they pressed on. Her head was hurting worse than before. Being around all the infected people and their spores must be the cause, Abby reasoned to herself.
Yes. It had to be that.
She didn’t really want to face any alternative.
They had made it quite a distance before Abby recognized the opening they were passing. This is where they had woken up!
“Hold up.” Abby whispered.
“This is where the pods are.” She said, moving into the opening before pausing and turning to Zoey.
“Yeah, and the alien ship, or whatever it is.” Zoey replied, quickly looking around. “We should keep going.”
“Remember? There were other occupied pods. If they’re like us and the aliens can’t control them then it would be great to have them help us.” Abby said eagerly.
“And if they aren’t?”
“Well, then they’ll probably ignore us like the rest, right?”
Zoey sighed, unconvinced.
“Come on, they could help us carry more supplies back and we’d be that much stronger when we come back down here to fight them.” Abby argued.
“Alright, we’ll try one. Then if they seem okay, we’ll try the rest.” Zoey finally said after a long pause.
“Good. Let’s go.” Abby led the way.
The room was almost like she remembered; the same four occupied pods in place. However, it seemed like the fungus had gotten even thicker in just the time she had been away. They chose the pod furthest from the yawning mouth of the alien vessel and started to pry it open. Inside was a woman, Abby hoped she was more like Zoey and still remembered everything rather than like herself. The woman looked okay, at least there weren’t green fungus spots all over her body.
The final thin, clear membrane was pierced and Abby pulled the naked woman free from the alien goo. Zoey helped by removing the alien tendrils from her mouth and nose. Abby winced seeing the length of them. Had those same tendrils really been inside her, too?
The blonde woman took a deep breath and her eyes shot open. She panted as she tried to focus on the new world around her. The lithe, muscular woman struggled in Abby’s grasp, trying to get away and wipe the slime from her face.
“Woah! Woah! It’s okay! It’s okay.” Abby tried to comfort her.
The woman stopped fighting as much and focused her bleary gaze on Abby. “Commander? Is that you?” She finally sputtered out.
“Yes.” Abby replied before slowly adding, “And you are?”
“Lieutenant Rachel Underwood. 1st Security division.” Rachel answered mechanically. “What’s going on?” She began to realize her predicament and covered her nudity. The other two women not even noticing anymore.
Abby and Zoey quickly explained how Abby had lost her memories and what the situation was.
“We were investigating Engineering together.” Rachel cut in, speaking to Abby. “I saw you passing out and that was the last thing I remember.”
“I wonder if this is the rest of the team?” Abby mused looking at the other filled pods.
“We need to get them out.” Rachel said firmly, forgetting her nakedness as she headed to the next nearest pod.
“Wait.” Zoey said quickly as Rachel ignored her.
Zoey went to stop her, but Abby held her back. “I think she’s fine. This is what we wanted to do, right?” Abby asked before going over and helping Rachel.
“I guess.” Zoey said hesitantly before joining them.
Between the three of them, they freed the remaining prisoners in no time. The pods had been filled with the remaining team members that Abby had initially investigated with. Zoey pulled Abby over to the side as the security team cleaned themselves off and Rachel brought them up to speed.
The two pairs of naked men and women of the Security division stood talking quietly as Zoey whispered to Abby. “It’s kind of strange that all of your team were the only ones not infected. I thought maybe it was a random immunity, but now that doesn’t seem right.” Zoey remarked quietly. “We really need to keep an eye on them. They’ve been here even longer than either of us, so who knows what more the aliens might have done to them.”
“You’re right.” Abby said quietly. “But we could really use their help.”
Rachel came over the conversing pair. “Thanks for saving us.” She softly smiled at them, seemingly not sure exactly how to fully thank them. “So, what’s the plan?”
“We’re heading to the medical bay to get more supplies then up to the armory.” Zoey said.
“Before we do that,” Abby stopped her. “I think we should see what’s going on in there.” She pointed to the entrance to the alien vessel behind them.
“What are you, crazy?” Zoey asked, astonished. “That’s not part of the plan.”
“She’s right.” Rachel cut in. “If what all you’ve said is true, then we should gather as much intelligence as we can before we head back.”
“Maybe we can find a way to damage or destroy the alien ship or more information about the aliens.” Abby added seemingly finishing Rachel’s thoughts. “What if the aliens figure out that we aren’t really infected? This might be our only chance to do this.”
Zoey looked back and forth between them. She could obviously see the reasoning behind their idea, but didn’t really want to go.
“We shouldn’t risk everyone.” Zoey said finally.
“Agreed.” Abby replied. “The three of us will take point and the rest of the team can stay out here and try and give us a head’s up if more of the aliens or the crew come back.”
“Okay.” Zoey nodded slowly.
Abby was glad to have her with them. But as they turned to tell the others, a shuffling noise came from the alien ship. Another two blobs appeared in the entrance and slithered past them into the ship. How many of them were there now?
Just like before, they paid no mind to the free-thinking team and left them alone to plan the humans’ first incursion into the alien ship.
In a matter of minutes, Abby was stepping onto the alien ship. Although, she almost couldn’t tell the difference between the alien ship and her own anymore. The floor and the walls now seemed identical as they made their way inside through the tunnel. Just like the corridor they had left on the Apollo, bulbs grew all over the walls. Pulsing with the same energy that fed the ones outside.
The aliens were terraforming their ship to be just theirs. Just as the aliens were mutating the humans to become like them. Or least enough to be useful to them. Abby thought.
“Pretty soon there won’t be any difference between their ship and ours.” Rachel voiced the exact same ideas flowing through Abby’s mind.
Like their ship, the aliens’ seemed to have its own kind of artificial gravity. Abby could tell when they left the Apollo’s gravity behind, but only just. She had seen other people coming out of the ship after all.
The tunnel turned and just ahead of them lay a huge cavern. It had to be several times the size of the underspace drive room. At least several decks tall compared to the Apollo. The chamber was lit by hundreds of the same glowing bulbs as she’d already seen. Branching off from the room at all angles and levels were more tunnels just like the one they stepped out of. How big was this ship?
But the room size was not the thing that drew Abby’s attention. In the middle of the room lay a blob. But not just any blob. This one was enormous. It took up the majority of the space and as large as the room was it somehow seemed small next to this.. thing. Abby gasped slightly as she took in the sight.
For all outward appearance it was the same as the blobs they had already seen so many times. Dark turquoise green and somehow writhing, but not at the same time. Seemingly part of the ship, it was sunk into the ground and ceiling, making it was impossible to say just how large this thing really was.
Tendrils of blob-like material spread out from it, binding into the fungal walls and floor all over the room. Merging together so you couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. It was the ship. Churning and squishing with a horrible noise it suddenly began to expand like an amoeba towards them. The three of them stepped back. Had it recognized that they weren’t under its control?
Abby pondered that sudden, intrusive thought. Under ITS control. It was the ship and it was one of the aliens. To confirm her idea, the mass reaching towards them broke off and splatted onto the floor. A second later, it became mobile. The blobs were dividing off it.
They were it.
Just like the other blobs, it slithered past the three women, ignoring them. Then it turned and headed straight up the fungal covered wall before going down another tunnel in the direction of their ship. Probably heading for another room where the alien ship had pierced their own.
“Okay. I think we’ve seen enough.” Zoey said, now really scared. “If this thing is any smarter than those blobs, we’re already screwed.”
“Wait.” Abby said. “I think it’s already dividing again. Where is it getting all its energy? Maybe that’s something we can sabotage.”
Zoey looked at her skeptically. In front of Abby, another arm of the huge creature reached out before falling off and forming another blob.
The blob began to lumber off, but then turned and stopped in front of Abby. Zoey stepped towards her in case she needed help. Abby’s eyes widened as the creature extruded tendrils just like the ones she had seen so many times before. It wanted to merge with her.