by ThatSquickGuy (thatsquickguy@gmail.com)
Chapter 5:
That had been her last thought. Abby’s face went slack as she complied. Her mouth opening and disgorging her own writhing tendrils.
Behind her, abby-spore heard Zoey screaming in panic, but that meant nothing now. Her goal was complete and hiding was not necessary any more. The alien knowledge and programming inside her now fully awakened. Her tendrils intertwined with the Blight-part in front of her as rachel-spore subdued the still somewhat free-willed Zoey.
Somewhere, deep in the parts of her brain that remained uninfested, the real Abby remained. Her mind seemingly splitting into two as she truly perceived her spore-half for the first time. Then splitting again as she remembered. Becoming completely overwhelmed, then horrified, as her own memories and those memories suppressed by her Blight-infected half flooded into her.
Abby was now seemingly three people. Who she had been, who she had been made to forget, and who she had learned to be. She could now remember her childhood, her days at the Fleet Academy, her friends on the Apollo. She saw flashes of things she couldn’t remember doing around the infected. Her recent dirty fantasies mixing with her previous dreams of getting married and having children. Everything coming to her all at once. It was all so unbearable.
She wanted to scream at the torrent of thoughts. Try to focus and slow down, but her alien half had other intentions for her. All three of her minds beginning to truly merge for the first time as she heard another voice speaking against the flood of ideas.
“We have served the Blight well. Such a good little experiment.” The silver-tongued thoughts came in her own voice as abby-spore showed her remaining, resistant half what she had done. “Since the invasion your body has belonged to me.” Her spore-half explained. “But now, your valuable mind will as well.” The abby-spore part of her mind felt so good that she had served her purpose. Deceiving Abby of her true nature.
Her alien half’s rapturous feelings bleeding over into Abby. But she had to fight it! She was Commander Abby Roberts. Right? She had to be strong for her crew. Her friends!
As she hung onto her newly remembered identity, Abby’s mind replayed her first moments out of the pod. She had gotten out of the gooey pod then hid as one of the blobby alien Blight-parts approached.
And merged their tendrils together. Her alien half’s thoughts revealed.
Abby could see it now as if from the alien’s perspective: Her face lifeless; her lithe body frozen in place in the gooey pod. Her blue eyes empty and staring at nothing. Her matted, wet blonde hair almost matching the appearance of the tendrils slithering out of her drooling mouth. Waving and merging with the alien’s as she absorbed the knowledge of her goal: Infiltration. But it was more than just that. Abby could now feel what her spore-half had.
She felt nothing but pleasure. Not shown on her face, but all consuming. Like a hundred orgasms all at once. This is why she existed. To serve her master: the hive-mind of the Blight. Its greatness washing over the newly born abby-spore, filling her brand-new essence with eternal bliss. The power of its intelligence animating every Blight-part and Blight-spore. Every part of her, down to every hair on her head, sung in joy as the Blight-mind forced itself into her unworthy body.
Abby gasped. Her mind nearly whiting out in pure, unadulterated ecstasy. So powerful was it, Abby could barely comprehend its magnitude. And she had only experienced a small fraction of what the Blight-mind offered. That small portion was enough, however, to dig a hook into her very essence. The overwhelming bliss of joining in the Blight-mind permanently plaguing her being now. Every second she could feel more of it working its way into her spirit. Relentless in its task to bring her completely into itself. Incorporating the last bits of her that remained independent until nothing was left but IT.
She had been changed. Her heart dropped. Understanding she had been infected all along. Abby realizing the truth as her spore-half’s knowledge became her own.
She had been awakened for the Blight to experiment on and to assist the nascent Zoey-host with her own assignments. The abby-spore side of her keeping her subtly on track. Itself absorbing the remaining parts of her more by the second.
She was the Blight’s next step to a useful, intelligent, fully incorporated puppet. The abby-spore personality showed her. Its persona that of the Blight-mind, the totality of which was still compressed for Abby to be able to understand. Zoey-spore had been their first attempt. However, once she had been released the Blight realized she was not complete. Not enough of her brain had been infested, she couldn’t merge or fully comprehend her place in the Blight. Only that she couldn’t work to hurt it or any of its spore-hosts.
The Blight had been more successful with abby-spore. Unfortunately, like Zoey, some part of her remained and resisted becoming one with the Blight. Her important memories becoming suppressed along with her real mind. The Blight knowing that if it pushed further, she risked becoming like the other spore-hosts wandering the ship. Obedient, docile, but too mindless to help further the Blight’s goals. The Apollo’s crew were, after all, the Blight’s first humans to be assimilated. It needed to learn.
And it had already learned quickly. Pleasure was the fastest way to control humanity. After the first few assimilations, full of fear and distress, the Blight-mind changed its tactics. Each of the other spore-hosts had their minds washed completely away in all-consuming pleasure. Too much, as it would turn out.
Some tiny fraction of their former knowledge had been preserved by the Blight, but not enough to be anything more than brain-controlled husks. Their last human thoughts nothing but mind-shattering joy as their brains were rapidly claimed by the alien fungus of the Blight-mind. Each assimilation quicker than the last.
The Blight-mind felt the tiny remaining parts of the other spore-hosts as they reveled in the pleasure of their tasks. Their fractured minds screaming in joy, worshiping their eternal master. Loving every second of their endless fucking. Their unbelievably pleasurable birthing. And the wonderful feeling of their tendrils emerging only to then double their joy as they joined with another spore-host.
Abby was now feeling only a tiny proportion of what they felt in the Blight-mind and she already barely wanted to hang onto to her own thoughts. It took everything she had not to just give in to the Blight’s all-consuming control. She clung onto her newly remembered training and resisted the alien’s mental assault. But it was a rapidly losing battle. Her conscious mind was now open to experience the true Blight-mind.
“Now it will complete you. Just like her.” Her spore-half’s voice echoed in her mind. Its voice a taunting whisper as Abby perceived reality again briefly.
Behind her frozen body in the real world, through the myriad eyes of the Blight-part, Abby could see rachel-spore pulling Zoey to the Blight-Core.
The Blight-mind now understanding what needed to be done. Its experience with slowly incorporating Abby’s mind the perfect lesson. That is what she existed for. A useful step in the Blight’s expansion. The first of a new breed of creative and advanced spore-hosts to spread the Blight.
With abby-spore in complete control of her body, she watched, her face impassive, as a large arm of the Blight-Core reached out, engulfing Zoey’s screaming head. Silencing her instantly.
She would soon enjoy being a perfect spore-host just like rachel-spore. It was so much faster and perfected now. Her spore-half reassured her.
Forcing herself away from the sight; Abby’s mind flashed through the newly available memories as she could see the Blight had been guiding her. Her spore-half growing with her. Learning from her. Becoming her.
The infected crewman in the hallway, interfacing with her as his huge spore-cock rubbed against her belly and dripping pussy. Their tendrils wrapping around each other as she stood staring into space. Her blank face beatific as the Blight tendrils waved alluringly out of her mouth. Allowing the Blight to transfer more of its own local knowledge into her since hers was locked away with her real personality.
Her mind perceiving this as her own thoughts to run down the hallway. Leading her to the elevator.
Abby thought about the pregnant crewwoman in the hall. Her recently impregnated form swaying sexily towards her.
Their tendrils rubbing together just as their bodies did as she internally embraced her ultimate purpose. Spreading the Blight. Just as this woman had. Secretly reveling in the thought of spending the rest of her life permanently pregnant with the Blight. Their faces still expressionless as their moans came from around their wriggling tendrils. Abby’s sensitive nipples rubbing against the woman’s huge Blight covered tits.
Their tendrils delicately parting as she walked away. The Blight-mind subtly showing Abby the best location to reawaken her memories. And allow itself ever more access into the final resistant parts of her brain.
She had been led to that uninfested room!
It had all been a lie! Abby’s remaining mind now fully understanding. The headaches all along was the Blight in her brain trying to spread carefully. Coaxing more information into surfacing. Allowing her spore-half to take a little further control of her each time. The fantasies, the Blight pushing its goals into her increasingly willing brain. Mapping her responses and shifting her thoughts towards accepting the Blight. Each blissful encounter working to reduce her defenses and open her mind fully to the Blight. Allowing it to fully merge with a human for the first time.
Even her ‘resistance’ to the infected man assaulting her had been fabricated by her spore-half.
In reality, his tendrils merged with hers as she stayed still allowing him to better accomplish his goal. Their lustful encounter proving the strongest for the Blight-mind. Abby’s conscious mind completely in the backseat as abby-spore took full control for a time. Allowing her spore-half’s eagerness to serve the Blight to finally come through into reality as she began to embrace him. Her joyful moans echoing in the room as he impregnated her. Her spore-half desiring total control over her body and mind so she could always submit and spread the Blight.
Abby could feel herself cum just from that idea alone. She was losing more and more as the Blight-mind pushed itself further into her. Replacing her with abby-spore. The fungal Blight form creeping further into every tiny remaining part of her human brain. Taking over, replacing her independence, and giving infinite pleasure in return. The joy of that thought pushing the horror at the loss of her bodily autonomy out of Abby’s mind.
Just as the Blight had done before.
The infected woman giving birth, merging her tendrils with Abby’s as she sat next to her. The Blight-mind working to reduce her human half’s rejection of the impregnation process. Wiping out some of the negative feelings and aligning her back on track with its mission.
All this done so she could accomplish her now completely overriding goal. Spreading the Blight.
Abby could see herself rubbing her pussy in that room as they spoke with the Captain. Her fantasies aligning with reality. Her thoughts getting more and more identical to her spore-half’s. Her goals ever more in line with the Blight-mind’s future for humanity. Her fingers pumping deeper and deeper, imagining herself pregnant with the Blight.
Just as she already was.
Rather than just her wetness coming away with her fingers, a part of the Blight did as well. Giving birth to it just as she had pictured in her daydreams. Gladly spreading the Blight. Its gooey, blissful warmth running over her fingers. Orgasming as she gave birth to the doom of her friends. Loving the feeling of being used by the Blight. Reduced to nothing but a womb for the aliens.
She had done so well concealing the largest part under the bed and hiding the rest of it. Allowing it to grow. To spore. Her infiltration had been flawless. Now, slowly, the Blight’s spores had spread in a new domain. Destroying the last resistance of this vessel.
Abby was in shock. The bliss of her birthing coursing through her now. It was so much easier to slip away. Stop worrying. Allow the Blight-mind to command her. To become her. She thought of all the daydreams she had watching Josie and Kay spreading the Blight.
Her spore-half controlling her thoughts ever more. The Blight-mind fully infiltrating the deepest parts of her mind as she zoned out staring at the erotic sight before her. Wanting to be just like the two spore-hosts before her. Completely controlled and obediently spreading the Blight. Their lives forfeit to something greater than their small, insignificant forms.
Why did she need to fight?
No. Abby tried to resist. It wanted her like this.
She was stronger than that. She didn’t really want to be a wonderful slave to the Blight-mind. Living the rest of her life in nothing but pleasure. Just like what she was feeling now.
She couldn’t want it using her. Controlling her. Being her. Not like it already was.
That’s right. It was already her.
By the time they stepped out of the elevator on this deck, she was almost a complete servant of the Blight already. The line between her spore-half’s thoughts and her own conscious mind by then almost nonexistent. Her mind drifting on the pleasure the Blight offered. The mantra of the Blight-mind singing in her increasingly docile and Blight accepting brain. Obey. Fuck. Spread. Submissively listening to what it wanted her to do. Abby truly feeling her spore-half’s desires and obediently heeding the commands as she led them to the pod room.
However, her spore-half truly became dominate as soon as they ‘rescued’ rachel-spore. The two spore-hosts unconsciously connected through the Blight-mind. Instinctively agreeing to surrender the only truly resistant one directly to the Blight-mind itself. And now here, at the end, she had done it. Delivering herself and Zoey to the Blight-mind. Awaiting their inevitable complete assimilation.
Abby couldn’t believe how she had betrayed everyone. Her despondency conflicting with the indescribable bliss she felt. It was all too much. Her world was completely shredded. She didn’t want to fight anymore. It felt so good just to lose herself in the pleasure. Drifting away from the memory of her adulterous actions and into a blank heavenly joy for the rest of her life.
Suddenly, she lost those blissful feelings and she was thrust back into her immobile body.
The Blight-part moved back, pulling its tendrils away as Abby’s own tendrils hung down limply from her still open mouth. All her realizations only taking moments within the Blight-mind. Her face still devoid of emotion as abby-spore held her body in place. Awaiting her completion.
Inside, Abby felt an unbearable sense of loss. Just the few moments with the Blight-mind had left an unquenchable need lingering within her. She no longer wanted to cling to her lonesome, small self, but to be one with the Blight-mind. She wanted so badly to feel everything like her spore-half did. Be one with her spore-half. She wanted to obey. She needed to obey.
The Blight could feel her need. Her submissiveness. Another arm of the Blight-Core reached out, its own, tiny by comparison, tendrils emerging and snaking out to join her own. Her eyes widened slightly as she was fully linked to the totality of the Blight-mind.
Abby now felt the Blight-mind’s thoughts just as her spore-half did.
She and the others were special. Chosen. The Blight-mind had divined they were important or different from the small scraps of memories of the assimilated crew. They were to be honored. The first emissaries of the Blight to humanity.
Abby was collected as she was seen to have high status among the crew and knowledge that the Blight needed. Zoey’s former Engineering team revealing her abilities and usefulness to the Blight-mind as they were assimilated. Abby’s team seen as useful as protectors for the Blight’s most valuable asset.
They would be praised. Leading the Blight to a new era as it expanded throughout the galaxy. Abby need not feel distress, she would lead her kind to their future. One of perfect peace and everlasting joy.
Opening before her was a blank white void of indescribable bliss. Anything she had ever felt in her old life paled in comparison to the pure joy she now felt. All she needed was the Blight. Her life forever governed by three thoughts alone.
The pleasure from all the rapturous memories ever absorbed by the alien at once overwhelmed Abby. The horror of her traitorous actions wiped away in the sheer bliss of joining the Blight-mind. The last vestiges of her human identity happily erased as abby-spore took full dominion over her form and mind.
Deep within the Blight-mind, abby-spore could begin to sense the other spore-hosts connected to the Blight right now. They were individual, yet, not. All with the same goals, but acting on them separately as the Blight commanded. Its presence animating their mindless husks.
She could feel everything, the floor, the walls, the bulbs, the spore-hosts, they were all the Blight.
She was the Blight.
Behind her frozen body in reality, abby-spore could see rachel-spore watching expressionlessly as her commanding officer was replaced, completed. Her pussy dripping. The only outward sign of the true pleasure she felt. She, and the rest of the team, had been the final product of the Blight-mind. The Blight growing carefully through their brains as the Blight-mind learned from Abby. Modified in time with Abby’s own changes. Fully controlled, yet autonomous, as soon as they hatched from their pods. Their memories incorporated into the Blight-mind. The future of all humanity.
Squishes echoed in the chamber as the rest of the team joined them; followed closely by another, recently spawned, Blight-part. The rest of the team soon merging their own tendrils into the Blight-parts.
Abby-spore explored her new existence. She could see through kay-spore’s eyes in Engineering as she rode an impregnation bulb and merged her tendrils with the Blight-part in front of her. Her mindless, euphoric feelings were abby-spore’s briefly. Her pussy instantly dripping with lust. The Blight-mind kept all this manageable.
But abby-spore and the rest of the new spore-hosts were special. Their minds were still distinct from the Blight-mind, yet not. Completely obedient, yet free willed. The contradictions seemed strange, but she did not care, she lived only to obey. All humanity would join her.
Everything she had been or ever would be was given over to the Blight. She would perfectly obey its commands, but introduce her own consciousness, when needed, into the plans. The Blight-mind rewarded its completely submissive puppet. She gasped in bliss and the next second, she drifted on an infinite orgasm. Her mind comprehending nothing but joy.
She loved the Blight.
The Blight-mind’s commanding mantra permanently repeating in her mind. However, it had a new task for her. The Blight-mind allowed abby-spore to descend from the blissful heaven she was experiencing.
Silently praising her new Master, abby-spore received the command. Reaching out again, abby-spore felt one mind not in line with the Blight-mind. Zoey. Her temporary resistance was disruptive to the hive mind. She must be assimilated.
Zoey had played her own part well. Getting them into the rest of the ship and then fixing the underspace drive.
Now Zoey would be rewarded and join with her spore-half just like abby-spore had. Fully incorporated into the Blight-mind. Knowing nothing but joy for the rest of her life as she served dutifully. She would be assimilated.
The Blight-mind already knew how to break someone down, so abby-spore just added her own encouragement to speed it along. “Obey. Serve the Blight.” Her thoughts transmitted instantly across their connection in the Blight-mind.
The human words breaking into her already fully lust addled mind. “What? Abby?” Zoey panted in her mind trying to resist the earth-shattering pleasure she felt in every part of her. The images and feelings forced into her by the Blight-mind were almost completely overwhelming on their own. “It’s trying to..”
“Assimilate you.” Abby-spore finished. “This being has been here for longer than we have been a species.” The Bight-mind’s knowledge now her own. “Its kind living in underspace forever. Now it will spread among the galaxy. It is our superior. It demands our obedience.” Abby-spore spoke the words into her mind.
“No… We can’t. You have to fight it.” Zoey said, her will almost completely buckling at the continued attack on her psyche and body. Every inch of her singing in bliss as the Blight-mind pushed its way into her soul. The fungal Blight spreading quickly through her increasingly open brain.
“You have already served it well.” The Blight controlled abby-spore said. “Allow it to show you and enjoy the reward of obedience.”
“What? No.. Oh!” Zoey grunted in pleasure again and again as she felt her body jolt in gratification as she now remembered seeing Abby give birth to the Blight and hide it without saying a word. Her own spore-half revealing her hidden memories. Enjoying herself as she never had before as the alien hive-mind rewarded her for her repairs to the ship. Enabling their spread to the rest of the galaxy. The white-hot bliss taking away any doubts or fears.
“We will live in constant pleasure just as you now feel. It will remove war and strife as all become part of it.” The devoted spore-host said of her Master. “Your mind is already part of it, embrace what you have become. You are the Blight. Obey the Blight-mind.”
“I.. I.. I obey!” Zoey finally screamed. Her mind now fully infested and submissive to the Blight-mind. The rapturous feelings consuming her humanity and replacing it with something better.
The Blight-core pulled away, leaving abby-spore standing in place. A few seconds later, it did the same with zoey-spore. Their beautiful tendrils slowly receding back into their mouths. Despite the mindless look on her face, abby-spore knew how much pleasure she must be feeling, now fully a part of the Blight-mind. Their experiences in the Blight-mind only a few minutes in reality. She turned to look at the assembled team as they withdrew their own tendrils from the Blight-parts.
Words were unnecessary. With blank looks on their faces, they set to the tasks they knew were needed. The Blight-mind’s thoughts their own. They all walked to the walls and began to fulfill their duties. The four women deeply impaling themselves on the waiting impregnation bulbs. Each of them experiencing this for the first time. Mindlessly riding them as the Blight was pumped into their fertile wombs.
In the middle, was abby-spore. The experience was even better than she could have imagined. She panted, enjoying every inch of the alien bulb. Groaning softly as it stretched her delightfully almost reaching her cervix. The alien tube filling her so wonderfully full of the Blight. Connecting her ever more profoundly to the Blight as it filled another part of her completely. The deep penetrations would have been painful, but the Blight grew to fit her exactly. She felt nothing but joy at serving the Blight. Now, truly, her only purpose in life.
The alien tube swelled further. Completing her. Every pulse brought more Blight into her body. Her stomach already beginning to swell. Her corrupted womb now bloating with new inhuman life. She was overjoyed that she no longer had to hide it. Soon she would look like the rest of the spore-hosts. Just another among the multitude. Her individuality erased and replaced with something better. Forever wonderfully pregnant with the future of humanity: The Blight.
Beside her, rachel-spore rode her own bulb. She enjoyed the empty look in her fellow spore-host’s eyes. Knowing the same look was reflected in her own inexpressive eyes and face.
Looking over, she saw zoey-spore begin to feed. Her newly fully formed tendrils reaching out and merging into a nearby fluid sack. A few seconds later, abby-spore did the same. Her tendrils reaching out and wrapping around zoey-spore’s before digging into the same bulb.
Now the two spore-hosts could feel everything the other could. They looked at each other with their empty stares, enjoying the complete subservience to the Blight-mind. The overpowering control and pleasure wiping out anything that might have made them feel human. They gasped in sync as the Blight gushed into their eager wombs and their nipples rubbed on the gooey Blight in front of them.
Within their shared bliss, abby-spore began to learn everything zoey-spore knew. The tendrils transferring not just her feelings, but her knowledge as well. She shuttered as a lifetime of experience pumped into her brain. It was so overwhelming; she was glad as the Blight-mind began to order the knowledge she would need. Zoey-spore’s engineering experience became her own and with her own memories unlocked, zoey-spore learned many of the codes and command secrets she had been privy to in her previous life.
Their minds homogenizing. The two women kept up their mechanical like motions on the bulbs. Fully becoming one with the Blight as much as possible. Empty. Controlled. Nothing but conduits for the Blight. Driving the alien cocks deeper and deeper as their minds washed away into the Blight-mind. Only the Blight’s goals remained.
On the other side of the room, the two alien controlled men stood having their cocks engulfed by the other bulbs. Their dicks perfectly incased in the gooey fungal flesh. More perfect than any pussy they had ever experienced. Warm. Soft. Shaped just for them. It was everything they wanted. Everything they needed.
The Blight-flesh pulsed ever so wonderfully. Stroking. Massaging. Tight and loose in perfect measure. Their minds flooded with bliss as they came. Over and over.
Feeling joy and relief as they began to spread their spores. This was their purpose. Their only reason for existing. Reduced to nothing but sex objects to produce more Blight.
Their very being changed from any kind of human reproduction to only serving the Blight’s needs. Their balls altered, now nothing but factories to generate the Blight. To strengthen it further.
Their mutated cum feeding into the Blight. Mixing with it and spreading out to the female spore-hosts on their bulbs. Fully industrializing the impregnation process. The Blight making them fathers of infinite offspring just as the women were giving birth to multitudes of their own progeny.
To abby-spore it was a wonderful sight. The assembled team’s minds fully consumed with the same goal: spreading the Blight. All obedient. All Blight. Each of them feeding from the surrounding fluid bulbs to regain their strength and prepare for the next stage.
Soon their individuality would cease completely. A semblance of their former selves only surfacing if the Blight desired or required it. A perfect future for all of humanity. Then all of life itself.
Almost simultaneously, the six former crewmates pulled themselves off the bulbs. Their jobs completed; the women rubbed their newly filled bellies as the team left the room wordlessly; followed by the Blight-parts.