The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Bimbo Dreidel

Lacey Liu

The boys had gone home long ago, and most of the girls, stuffed with sufganiyot and latkes and like a dozen bottles of wine. The menorah had guttered out. Now, only four girls, only a little inebriated, remained. Esther was sprawled on the couch, Maya and Noa were discussing the upcoming semester, and Liv was poking at cold latkes.

“Whose dreidel is this?” Liv asked, holding it up.

Maya and Noa turned toward the mousy brunette in the shapeless sweater. Even Esther sat up from her prone position, brushing a lock of her hennaed hair from her eyes.

“Maybe one of the others left it behind?” Noa suggested. “We had, like, three games going at once there.”

“I don’t think so.” Liv weighed the top in her hand. “It doesn’t look like any of the ones we played with. And it’s so heavy.”

“It could have been left there last year for all we know.” Maya suggested, shrugging her powerful shoulders. Women’s wrestling gave her a feminine muscularity that Liv found so distracting.

“Or maybe it’s haunted!” Esther laughed, wiggling her fingers.

That elicited a little laugh from Liv.

“Well, why don’t we play a game?” Noa asked, twirling a blonde lock in her finger.

“We ran out of gelt a couple hours ago.” Maya noted.

“Oh, I know!” Esther said. “Strip dreidel.”

The girls all laughed. That was classic Esther, self-described disaster bi. But the laughter died away as they realized that, for once, Esther was dead serious.

“What?” Esther asked. She pointed to Liv and Maya. “I dated both of you before you got together. It’s nothing any of us haven’t ever seen before.”

“Excuse me, straight girl in the room!” Noa protested. The long, lean cheerleader waved her arms for emphasis.

“C’mon,” Maya smirked, “it’s just like strip poker: good for a laugh. Think of it as girl bonding. I’m sure you’ve done something like it with your cheer besties. I know the women’s wrestling team has.”

“That’s different!” Noa protested.

“Do it.” Esther chanted. “Do it. Do it. Do it. Peer pressure!”

Noa turned to Liv, who adjusted her glasses.

“I think it might be” The mousy brunette said. Library science majors were always surprises under the glasses and sweaters.

Noa gave an exasperated sigh.

“I don’t believe you, Liv.” She said. “You’re like the last person I’d expect to be down for strip anything.”

“It could be fun.” Liv repeated.

“Okay.” Noa sighed. “Fine.”

Esther clapped her hands.

“Yay!” The disaster bi enthused. “Okay, let’s clear off the coffee table. We’ll play there. Maya, open another bottle, please? Thanks. Come on in, girls!”

Big strong Maya and her mousy little girlfriend sat on the couch, Maya with one powerful arm around Liv. Noa gracefully placed herself in the recliner. Esther sat tailor-fashion on the floor.

“Ante up, ladies!” Maya commanded.

Everyone removed a single minor item to set on the table.

“Ew, a sock?” Esther wrinkled her nose.

“Nobody specified what order we’re taking all our clothes off.” Noa stuck out her tongue.

“You’re no fun.”

“Okay.” Maya said. “Let’s do it. Give me the dreidel.”

She spun the top on the stained woodwork of the coffee table.

The top finally wobbled and tumbled, spinning a little on its side, but the NUN was clear to everyone.

“Nun. Nothing.” Maya said. “Too bad, I was looking forward to collecting some clothes.”

Liv went next, wordlessly spinning it in turn. It landed on HAY. Smiling enigmatically, Liv collected her winnings, half the pot.

“Ante up.” Maya reminded everyone.

Maya’s belt, Noa’s other sock, Liv’s sweater, Esther’s necklace. Esther planted the strangely heavy dreidel in the middle of the coffee table and spun. It bounced off Maya’s belt and dropped with GIMMEL upward.

“Yes!” Esther cheered. “Mama takes the pot.”

She gathered all the little pieces of frippery on the table to herself, setting them aside on the floor.

“Ante. Here ya go, cheerleader.” She smirked, handing the dreidel to Noa.

Noa scoffed, and spun.

“Shoot.” She said at the big SHIN staring her in the face.

“Shin, shin, stick it in!” Esther chanted.

“Shin, shin, stick it in!” Maya joined her. Even Liv mumbled her way through the classic sophomoric Jewish mnemonic.

Noa took out one of her earrings. Everyone added another item of clothing to the table.

And so it went. Win some, lose some, glasses of wine, with Maya slowly collecting everyone’s clothes. The sweaters and shirts went soon enough, Noa shocking the queer girls by being first to lose hers and reveal the sensible ice-blue t-shirt bra she wore underneath.

But it was what was under Liv’s shirt that surprised everyone. Or, rather, what wasn’t.

“Stopped wearing bras, did we?” Esther drawled.

Liv’s cheeks turned red.

“Well...” She said. “It’s not like I really need one, do I?”

Her petite breasts were perking up in the temperate air of the living room.

“You’re plenty enough for me.” Maya said, chucking under Liv’s chin and planting a kiss on her girlfriend. Liv just blushed harder.

“Pass the dreidel, lovebirds.” Esther laughed.

Maya’s wifebeater came off next. She had impressive breasts in her own sports bra, but the gun show was the real attraction. She had a perfect six-pack of abs down her stomach that made even Noa’s mouth water.

“Admire as long as you want.” Maya said, flexing. She had muscle on muscle, and Liv in particular drooled over them.

Noa swallowed.

“Back to the game?” She asked.

“Ante up!”

Esther tossed her shirt onto the table. Noa’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Esther’s C-cups were encased in a little excuse for a bra more appropriate for the bedroom than a Hanukkah party, black lace with little white lace.

“I was hoping to get lucky tonight,” she said, leaning back and thrusting her chest forward. “Play your dreidel right and I still might.”

Maya and Liv, her two exes, laughed. Noa just wrinkled her nose and went “ew.”

“What do you mean, ‘ew’?” Esther demanded.

“Those two are in a relationship.” Noa pointed out. “Which leaves just me for you to hit on. And I’m not into girls.”

“Not true!” Esther countered. She turned to Liv and Maya. “You ladies need a special guest star in your bed? I could be a Hanukkah present.”

Maya and Liv both laughed.

“In your dreams,” Liv only slurred a little.

The skirts and pants went next. No one was surprised Esther wasn’t wearing any underthings under her jeans. Nor at Maya’s tighty whities. The silk panties adorning Liv raised some eyebrows though.

“It was going to be a surprise,” the mousy brunette promised her jock girlfriend.

“Aww, sweetie.” Another kiss.

“That is sweet.” Noa smiled.

“Pass the dreidel.” Esther said, blowing another hennaed lock from her eyes.

Now they were getting down to it. Meeting the girlfriends’ eyes, Noa anted up with the last scrap of fabric on her nubile cheerleader body. Liv and Maya followed.

Everyone turned to Esther, already naked as the day she was born.

“Looks like you’re out of the game.” Maya said.

“Aw, no!” Esther protested. “It was just getting fun! Wait, hang on.”

Esther fished through her backpack and pulled out a notebook. She scribbled something on a page and tore it out, throwing it on the table.

On the paper, in Esther’s loopy hand, were the words “MY INHIBITIONS.”

“Is that really something you can afford to lose?” Noa asked.

“I didn’t even know you had inhibitions.” Liv noted dryly.

“Sure I do.” Esther said. “I don’t do kink, and I’ve never fucked in public.”

The other three considered.

“Okay.” Maya spoke for them all. “Spin.”

Esther spun. Lucky for her, it came up GIMMEL. She kept her inhibitions, and collected all the underpants on the table along with them.

The next one to lose everything was Noa. The nude blonde cheerleader landed on the dreaded SHIN.

“What am I gonna do?” She shrugged.

Esther handed her the notebook and pen.

“Pick something fun.” Grinned the disaster bi. “Like your inhibitions or...”

Noa smirked, and wrote her own note in a delicate hand. She tore it out and set it on the table.

It read, in cursive, “MY SEXUALITY.”

“Oooh, nice.” Maya commented. “Everyone ante up.”

The notebook got passed around for this one. Maya added “MY DD-CUPS” and, giggling to herself, Liv wrote out “MY BRAINS.”

That’s when the game got interesting.

“Go dreidel, mama needs a new set of brains...” Maya said, setting the dreidel going. Liv smacked her playfully with a cushion.

They watched, four pairs of eyes intent on the spinning top. Maya bit her lip.

Finally, it landed on HAY.

“You were saying?” Liv asked coquettishly.

“Just for that, I am taking your brains.” She said, collecting the scrap of paper. “And Esther’s inhibitions...”

Maya was struck mute in the middle of her sentence. She looked like someone had splashed her with cold water.

“The sum of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the other two sides.” She recited, then blinked. “How do I know that?”

“Like...” Liv twirled her dark curls. “...cuz you’re in college?”

Maya frowned at her girlfriend.

“What’s with you two?” Noa asked.

Maya rubbed her chin.

“It’s all so clear...” She muttered.

“Ooh!” Liv said, snatching up the dreidel.


But it was too late. She’d already set it spinning.

Maya reached for it with one gigantic mitt, stopped the spinning. Slowly, fearfully, she lifted her hand.

Her girlfriend had rolled another HAY.

“Yay!” Liv said. Then she gulped, casting big dark brainless eyes on the rest of the girls. “Um. I win, right?”

Noa and Esther just stared, slack-jawed. Sure, everyone forgot the exact rules in the eleven months between Hanukkahs, but they weren’t that hard, and they’d been playing for hours tonight. How could Liv, of all people, have such a ditz moment?


“Exactly.” Maya said, as if she knew what they were thinking. “Somehow, the bets are real.”

“So if I take this one, I get your boobies?” Liv asked, snatching up the torn notebook paper.

It was obvious this time exactly what was happening. Everyone watched as Maya’s huge breasts shrank into her muscular pecs, and as Liv’s chest almost exploded in big, round breasts.

Liv looked down, dumbly, and smiled.

“Quick!” Esther said. “Try exchanging them, tits for brains!”

Maya, already ahead of her, slipped “MY BRAINS” into her girlfriend’s lap and took “MY DD-CUPS” from her hand.

Nothing happened.

“It appears,” Maya said, replacing the papers, “that we can only exchange aspects through winning at dreidel.”

“You mean, we have to keep playing?!” Noa exclaimed. “What if Esther gets a Gimmel? She takes my sexuality?!”

“I wouldn’t mind,” Esther purred. Then: “Joking! Joking.”

“Indeed so.” Maya nodded gravely. “The odds of us restoring our original aspects are approximately 250 to one. But we must keep playing, for the odds of us restoring our original aspects without playing is 0.”

She gestured to Liv, who was still jiggling and giggling.

“Please. Do it for Liv.” Maya stated.

Liv nodded.

The girls were silent for a moment.

“I vote we go on.” Esther proclaimed.

“The same.” Maya said.

“I don’t wanna!” Liv complained. “I like my titties.”

They all turned as one to Noa.

“It’s your call.” Esther said.

Noa sighed.

“Fine,” said the cheerleader, “let’s keep going.”

Esther took the dreidel, perched it delicately on the coffee table, and set it spinning.

Everyone watched apprehensively as the lump of metal spun and spun and finally spun to a stop.


Esther made a pained face.

“Sorry, cheerleader.” She said, collecting her winnings. “I promise I’ll take good care of it.”

“Oh you bet you will,” Noa purred. Her hands flew to her mouth. What had she just said?!

And more importantly, why did the idea of Esther holding her sexuality in her hand make her so hot? Instantly, her mind summoned fantasies of Esther holding other things in her hands, caressing Noa’s back, gently groping her perky little tits, sliding a hand up her thigh and into Noa’s needy pussy.

“Oh my G-d.” Noa breathed. “Esther, I think I’m in love with you!”

Esther looked conflicted. On the one hand, a naked blonde cheerleader, a nice Jewish naked blonde cheerleader, had just confessed her lust for the disaster bi. In other circumstances, she’d leap across the table, pin Noa to the floor, and start kissing everything in reach until the blonde was trembly and drooly there on the carpet.

But at the same time, she realized that’s exactly what it was: lust. And that put her ahead of Noa, who didn’t understand the difference yet.

She looked down at the other paper in her hand. Damn her inhibitions! She could be tongue-deep in cheerleader pussy by now!

Esther wordlessly passed the dreidel to Noa, her brow dark beneath her mess of henna-red hair.

“Ahem.” Maya cleared her throat. “We need to ante up.”

“With what?” Noa asked. “We gambled away all our clothes, and I don’t want to risk losing anything else!”

“Some of us still have other people’s clothes.” Maya noted. “And Esther still has your sexuality. Maybe you could write something inconsequential?”

“Like your hair!” Liv enthused.

“My...” Noa started twirling a blonde lock. “”

“Yeah.” Esther nodded. “I mean, just between us girls, the drapes don’t match the carpet, do they? You can always dye it tomorrow.”

Noa thought for a moment.

“Hand me the notebook.”

Everyone anted up for Noa’s spin. She gulped, and set the dreidel turning.


“Oh thank God.” She said, touching her hair again. “I love my blonde hair, it makes everybody so nice to me. And at least I get my sexuality ba- wait. What?”

Esther smiled.

“I won ...your inhibitions?!” Noa turned red. “You don’t have any inhibitions!”

“Not any more.” Esther grinned, sticking her tongue out.

God, that was hot. Stupid Esther!

“We can fix this.” Maya insisted, taking the dreidel. “Ante up.”

Angrily, Noa thrust “MY INHIBITIONS” onto the table. Esther did the same for “MY SEXUALITY.” Maya contributed “MY BRAINS.”

Liv donated a pair of panties.

“Whaaat?” She asked. “I won it fair and square, I can play it again! I’m not trading.”

Maya rolled her eyes, then rolled the top.

It came up SHIN.

“Shin shin stick it in!” Esther and Noa chanted. Liv burst out laughing at the joke.

“I’ll just donate this bra, then.” Maya said.

But when Liv rolled, it was a NUN.

Esther rolled another HAY and won Liv’s brains instead.

“Oh wow!” Esther said. “What a rush!”

“Oh wow...” Maya slurred. Not that she’d been dumb before—her solid B-average attested to that—but now she sounded distinctly less bright than when the evening had started.

“Isn’t it fun?!” Liv enthused, wrapping herself around her girlfriend. “We can be dum-dums together! OMG that’s so sweet!”

Distracted, the couple started making out on the couch.

G-d, that was hot, thought Noa, that was so hot. She wanted to slither up between them and start making out, too, but she had Esther’s inhibitions, and a firm boundary against interfering with a loving couple. Well, unless they asked.

Besides, Esther had the dreidel, and she was likely to do almost anything.

Like taking back Noa’s sexuality and leaving her own inhibitions on the table.

“You bitch!” Noa exclaimed.

Liv’s smarts and a total lack of inhibitions were a dangerous combination.

Esther just smiled, distracting Noa by waving her delicious tits in the cheerleader’s direction.

Noa spun the dreidel angrily. How could she?! Well, she didn’t have any inhibitions any more.

It landed on NUN.

“Hey, dumbos!” Noa called. Maya and Liv perked up, coming up for air. “Maya, you spin.”

“Oh, goody!” The powerfully-built wrestler said. “Spin!”


“Do I win?”

“You win.” Esther said.


“Everything.” Noa promised.


Maya collected up Esther’s inhibitions where Noa had left them.

“Ante up!” Esther commanded.

Once again, “MY BRAINS,” “MY INHIBITIONS,” “MY DD-CUPS,” and “MY SEXUALITY” were all back on the table. Liv and Maya were too dumb and horny to remember they had stockpiled clothing they could have played instead. Neither Noa nor Esther reminded them.

Liv rolled a NUN and so did Esther (to her great regret). The dreidel came back to Noa.


“What two to take...?” She wondered. “Oh, I know!”

She took “MY BRAINS,” to spite Esther, and, after a moment’s thought, “MY DD-CUPS.”

Her tits ballooned even as her inhibitions disappeared. Cheerleaders traditionally didn’t have big tits, it made them too heavy. But these would draw attention from an entire stadium—round and full and perky.

And now she felt ...predatory. Intoxicated. She could do anything, and her pussy begged her to. With her brains and her newfound lack of inhibitions, she knew she was in charge of this game. At least, for now.

Meeting Esther’s eyes, she nodded in silent understanding, even as the sharp fire died beneath those henna-red locks.

“Wow...” Esther breathed. “Dumb is, like, soooo fun!”

Shamelessly, her hand slid between her naked thighs, toying with herself as she watched the nude makeout session that had resumed on the couch.

“Ante up,” Noa reminded them, “Maya, it’s your turn.”


Maya rolled a NUN with an “Awww!” and a pout. She passed the dreidel to Liv with a searing-hot kiss.

Liv rolled a HAY.

“That means you get half.” Noa said.

She’d expected Liv to take the tits, or maybe her erstwhile sexuality.

But, seemingly at random, the bimbo picked up “MY BRAINS.”

“Oh nooooo...” Moaned Noa, as her plans and her smarts both came crashing down around her.

Then, everything was clear. Well, not clear. Simple. She realized school was super-boring and getting eaten out was, like, super fun. And she liked fun. She was a fun girl.

Noa giggled, the others looking on approvingly as she joined them in bimbo sisterhood. Esther’s fingers were still working her clit.

The game kind of fell apart after that. They kept spinning, but now they couldn’t remember who’d started with DD cups, who’d started out straight, or who had inhibitions. And no one cared about the brains any more.

“Ummm...” Liv put a cute finger against her lip, as deep in thought as a bimbo ever got. “...what’s this one mean?”

“SHIN SHIN STICK IT IN!” The other girls chorused, before they all collapsed into giggles.

“Oh! Okay!”

And she stuck her tongue in her girlfriend instead.

That did it.

Maya dissolved into moans, sliding back over the couch arm, as Esther and Noa pounced. Noa stopped Maya’s moans with her mouth, groping one of her restored DDs. Esther, meanwhile, buried her face in Liv’s snatch, licking up her delicious cum, her own hand still firmly buried between her pussy lips.

Liv kept eating Maya like a starving woman at a buffet, and Maya just luxuriated in the attention.

It was a full-on four-way lesbian fuckfest.

Maya came first, moaning at the attention the mouths of Liv and Noa on her body. Liv dutifully licked up every drop of girlcum from her girlfriend’s cunt. Maya seized Noa and dragged her mouth up to her own, making out with the big-titted cheerleader. Falling away, Liv slid into Esther’s mouth, who had started humming into her pussy. Liv filled the air with whorish moans that not even Maya had managed.

A hand joined Esther’s deep into her snatch. Esther had no idea who. It didn’t really matter, as long as she got fucked. She’d been at work fingering herself for so long before the orgy broke out that she came to a shivering, shuddering mess within seconds. Through her moans in Liv’s brunette slit, she sent Liv over the edge, too, coating Esther’s cheeks with her cum.

The two other girls were busy themselves. Even as their searing-hot kiss passed the one-minute mark, their hands went roving predatorialy over each other’s bodies. DD tits, hips, asses, pussies, nothing was off limits. They couldn’t help themselves. With Noa’s sexuality and a lack of inhibitions, they couldn’t have stopped if they wanted to.

And nobody wanted to.

As Liv dived into Esther’s ass, Maya forced her fat, muscular fingers into Noa’s waiting snatch. Oh G-d, that felt good. That felt so good., good!

Maya stretched her deliciously, opening her fingers in a V for Victory that made Noa gasp into her mouth. Noa cooed, her moans lost in Maya’s kiss. Maya started fingerfucking her, in and out, in and out, penetrating her and stroking her G-spot with every stroke.

Noa broke the kiss, her moans filling the room, and Maya took the opportunity to plant her mouth on Noa’s new tits.

That did it.

Noa screamed as the orgasm ripped through her, less a person than a receptacle for the pleasure Maya was inflicting on her. The other girls looked up, astonished, and crawled over to Maya and Noa to get some of that pleasure.

Maya came from making her new girlfriend cum, shivering happily, and went back to work.

Liv, her other girlfriend, took her mouth. Esther started eating Maya’s ass. Noa kept screaming in pleasure.

Finally, hours and hours and cums and cums later, the four girls lay spent on the rug, panting, sweaty, exhausted.

Unnoticed on the coffee table, the dreidel disappeared, for it was needed elsewhere.

* * *