The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Brainwave of Horror II: Fire in the Thighs

Summary: mind control, incest, kidnapping and brainwashing, cosmetic brain surgery, hot pink hair A kidnapped woman is returned with post-hypnotic commands, but the rest of the family is acting as though they’ve been brainwashed as well; a pop-twat—erh, pop princess—conducts an infomercial for cosmetic brain surgery; a family, abducted into the future, learns to cope with their own sexual urges and dangerous female politics. Enjoy the fun and strange truths of the Pumpkin’s Night.

See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now.

Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals—do not try any of this at home.

Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or archive this, just do not change it, steal from it or claim credit for it.

Author’s Rambling: The third tale isn’t as polished as I usually prefer, but I’m out of time if I’m going to get these out for Halloween. I may, after I re-read it in a month, put out a revised version if I’m still not pleased with it.

Live well!
* * *

Fire in the Thighs

Discourse: All those “women behind bars” films of the 1960s and 1970s. What if their prison was their own sexy bodies? What if the hounds let loose to chase the escaped prisoners were vicious, unstoppable orgasms? What if someone, on the Pumpkin’s Night, stopped to ask, “Who let the dogs out?”

* * *

What do you do when the light goes out?

I’ll tell you: You ... exist. You live. From day to day. As long as you can.

And then you don’t anymore.

I know. I’m in the day-to-day part.

Dad didn’t last as long. He took his life last spring.

When Mom first disappeared, the suspicions held Dad together. After checking all the hospitals, he assumed that something else had happened with the four women in that car, that there was some logical reason that it never reached Seattle for the business seminar they were scheduled for.

Did one of the other girls have a murderous boyfriend? A murderous ex? Did the boss that sent them hate one of them? Was one of them blackmailing him? Did he decide to use that business trip to take out his extortioner? Did one of THEM hate another, did she kill her and then the other two women in the car to get rid of the witnesses?

None of that is likely. Believe me, Dad checked. Ad nauseam, Dad checked. He needed some logical reason why such a thing as this could happen. But all the boyfriends and exes had good alibis. So did Mom’s boss. No bodies have yet been found, nor the vehicle. The car just never reached Seattle, and it never went off the road anywhere along the way over the mountains that night.

Dad ... couldn’t let it rest at that. The police finally let the case drift to the back of their files—there were more promising disappearances to investigate. But Dad kept searching. And he turned to more bizarre theories. Did one of the women have a boyfriend making a profit with white slavery? Had Dad’s wife been sold as a sex slave to some rich pervert? Was she somewhere now, being forced to perform oral, vaginal and anal sex on some rich fat pig? Was she praying every night that he would come to her rescue and return her to the life of wife and mother instead of submissive anal slut.

Or ... even worse ... was she NOT praying for that? Was she ... EMBRACING her new life of sexual servitude ... ?

He actually discussed this with me one Saturday morning. I think he was mainly testing that last part against me, seeing if I thought his wife, my mother, could be such a unspeakable whore as to ... do something like that.

After I got over the fact that he was actually dwelling on these morbid fantasies, I told him that it was sick, that he needed to stop clawing at what and how and why, and get on with life. Mom’s disappearance had hit all of us hard. But his time would be better spent convincing my older sister to stop feeling sorry for herself, get her butt back to college and continue with life.

But Dad couldn’t continue with life, either.

And, three months later ... that was literally so.

My sister Allison took his death without batting an eye. She had cursed God for taking her mother, and now He had “fixed” her by taking her father as well. So she cursed Him some more—when she was sober enough to be petulant.

I was staying with Aunt Sheryl after Dad killed himself, and I ... went ahead and started college. I’d already been accepted and I ... really ... had nothing else to do but let the momentum of my life carry me through these hard times. Besides, my aunt reminded me too much of Mom. They had the same dark hair, the same contagiously playful eyes ...

Sorry, my mood will turn black if I dwell on what Mom was like for too long. Anyway, dorm life got me away from Aunt Sheryl without hurting her feelings.

Life ... happened for a while. I was a chunk of wood the river of life was carrying through its white-water rapids. And it would either steer me around the rocks in the way, or it would smash me to pieces. I didn’t care either way, I just couldn’t stay in one place and think too long. It hurt to do that.

The worst part, of course, was not knowing what had happened to her. I didn’t know if she were dead and should be mourned, or really had run off with some lover, abandoning us, and should be cursed.

Dad was just ... weak. Poetic that he took his life on the one-year anniversary of her disappearance? No, just shitty. Now I have two things to curse that day for. Sometimes I curse Dad too.

That ... was where I was at, last week.

Then Mom called.

* * *

“MOM?!” I gasped. I recognized her voice immediately. “What—?! Where—?!”

“Be quiet, Brian. I don’t have much time to tell you what I need to.”


“You’re at your dorm room. I am going to stop by.”

“Yes! Where have you—”

“Brian, listen to me.”

“—been?! We’ve been worried—”

“Brian, listen to me: I don’t look quite like I did.”

“—sick about you! What?! You look different?!” Even I knew I was jabbering, but I couldn’t stop. Words were just falling out of my mouth while my brain tried to absorb what was happening.

“Brian, I do look a little different than I did. You need to be ready for that. Now we need to hurry. I don’t have much time. Meet—”

“Where have you been?” came out of my mouth unexpectedly quietly and clear. But I needed to know. I needed to know if she’d abandoned us, or if she had been taken from us.

Mom paused. I could hear her understand the importance of this. Then she sighed. “Brian, I’ll tell you where I’ve been after we meet. I can’t tell you until then. You wouldn’t believe me.”

“I’ll BELIEVE you! What’s happened?! Where WERE you?!”

“Baby, go to the lobby of your dorm. I will meet you there. And remember, I look a little different.”

“But I need to—”

She had hung up on me.

How COULD she?! How could she just come back after being gone a year and a half and not even explain?!

How could she expect me to just DROP everything and go to meet her?!—my mind made noise as I yanked on shoes, not even bothering to tie them, then flew out of the room and to the elevator. It took too many seconds to arrive , so I exploded into the stairwell and galloped down the stairs two and three at a time, then spilled out into the lobby.

Where was she?! My eyes scanned back and forth, came up empty, then flicked from person to person, revisiting each face. Three bimbos giggling over two jocks; four geeks in the corner; blonde girl dressed in a short turquoise skirt to advertise her assets, standing by the door; mousy girl talking with the RA-wannabe minding the counter; three sloths watching TV; brunette girl twiddling her thumbs waiting for her date to come downstairs; two student government guys practicing speeches on each other.

She wasn’t here!

Maybe she was coming up the walk! I rushed to the windows and looked outside. A gaggle of bimbos were gossiping to one side of the walk, one guy was doing tai chi or something, and two other guys were stretched out on the grass, studying.

Where WAS she?!


“Mo—!” I spun around. And faced ... the blonde bimbo in the turquoise skirt from the lobby.

“I told you ...,” she said quietly to my stunned face, “... I ... look different.”

“But you—you’re—?!” This was a GIRL! Nineteen, tops! She could easily pass for sixteen. And not with Mom’s dark hair, but golden blonde. And ... with a figure that was NOT my mother’s, but a starlet’s! Even her eye color ...

But her eyes ... just barely at her eyes, she did look like ... she had the same ... contagious playfulness ...

“No ...,” I shook my head, the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle not fitting no matter how much I pounded on them or trimmed them with a knife. “You can’t be ....”

“I am, Brian.”

“But you’re—”

“You had a bicycle accident when you were ten, bit through your lip, still have a scar on the inside. First date was Elizabeth Parsons, cute girl, you got her a purple corsage, you two were precious together. Mr Bozzie, the stuffed animal? He disappeared when you were ten. I never told you I hid him—ten is too old to be carrying around a Mr Bozzie. You hated your sixth-grade teacher, Mrs Hansen, and I had to go have a meeting with—”


“Yes,” she nodded. “I told you I ... look a little different.”

“God, Mom! You look younger than ME!”

“That’s ... part of the problem. We need to talk. And we don’t have much time. Can we talk as you drive me to Sheryl’s?”

“You keep saying we don’t have much time. What’s going to happen? Are you going to go away AGAIN?!” Did I mean that to come out that sharp? The feelings were so mixed up inside me right now that I didn’t even know. “I’m sorry. I’m glad you’re back. How—” I swallowed involuntarily, “—how long—Are you here for good now?”

“I would like to be.”

There was no way that this young blonde—this GIRL—could be my mother. This was ... some sick joke or something.

But her eyes ... those WERE Mom’s eyes.

“Brian ... we need to be going.”


“So they don’t catch me.”

* * *

I was driving toward Aunt Sheryl’s. And the woman—the girl—in the passenger seat beside me claimed to be ... my mother. And, freakish though it may sound ... she DID know things about me ... and her eyes DID almost look like Mom’s ... so I almost found myself believing her.

Or, at least ... I WANTED to believe her.

“You said you would explain.”

She was silent a moment, then sighed. “I’m going to tell you, Brian, but you aren’t going to believe me.”

“Try me. Where have you been?”

“Brian, when the car engine died by that mountain meadow that night, all four of us were scared.”

“You and the other three girls from the office?”

“Yes. It had been getting creepy because we were the only car on that road. Gloria even screamed that she thought she saw something standing by the side of the road, though we couldn’t see anything when we looked back in the dark.

“And then the engine died.

“We sat there a minute in the dark. We weren’t out of gas; the electrical system was just dead. Carol tried to restart the car, and it wouldn’t turn over the engine, it wouldn’t even light up the driver’s console.

“All our cell phones were just as dead.

“Tina started sobbing in the back seat, and Gloria tried to calm her.

“We were all ... really scared. It wasn’t just being in a dead car in the darkness, miles from anyone. There was ... something wrong. We all felt it, had been feeling it for a while.

“’It’s okay,’ I told them from the front passenger seat, ‘We can ... just stay in here with the doors locked. Someone will be by in the morning, and can either jump start us or take us to the nearest town.’

“A few minutes later, that red glow started.”

“Red glow?”

“In the sky.” She licked her lips. “Like the eye of the devil.” She stared at the dashboard as she continued. “I tried ... to scream. Nothing moved. My body ... wouldn’t work. When they came around—the people from inside that red glow ... there was this awful, cold white light. The kind of light coroners must use when they cut the bodies open, the kind of light that turns people into things. So that you don’t feel guilty about the inhuman things you’re doing to them.”

I was getting caught up in the emotions she was reliving, but ... but rationally, I asked ... “Are you ... trying to say that ... a UFO ... aliens?! ... took you?”

“No,” she shook her head and looked at me, eyes dead serious. “Aliens ... would have been kinder. These were ... human.

“They were from the future, Brian.”

My emotions still had a white-knuckle grip on her story, but my intellect reeled back. Time travel?! And the dog ate my homework! You can come up with a better excuse for running off than that!

“They ... did ... things to me, Brian. They ...,” her gaze shifted from one of my eyes to the other. “They ... changed ... me. That’s why ... I look different. And ... act different.”

“Whoa .. this is ....”

“I know. It’s an awful lot to absorb all at once. But I don’t have much time. This drug is going to wear off, and I’m going to go back to being ... what I was.”

“What ... what were you?”

“Brian, the future ... it’s ... not a nice place. They ... do ... things to each other there.”

“What .. things ... ?”

She took a deep breath and sighed, visibly bracing herself. “Brian, I am a whore there. A pleasure toy. I get used several times a day by men ... and women ... to ... service them ... sexually.”


“There are laws that limit what they can do to fellow citizens there. So they go back in time ... and abduct ‘primitive’ women ... and turn them into sex slaves. I am ... one of those ... primitive women.”

“But ... no ... this doesn’t make any ....”

“Brian, I look sixteen, for chrissakes! I have breasts like a cow! Every part of this body is erogenous now. I can’t even go into the other changes they made to me, not with my own son. The reason that I need to tell you all of this is that ... I’m going to ... turn back soon.”

“What?! No!”

“It’s okay, Brian. I am ready for it. And I have a plan. But you need to be ready for it too. I’m not going to act like myself. You will need to think of the girl that will be in my body as some other slut that just can’t help herself. Because that’s exactly what I’ll be.”

“But ... you can’t expe—What’s happening, Mom? Your hair is getting pink streaks in it.”

“I know,” she sighed, then shivered, “I can ... feel it. It does that when I get ... horny. That means we don’t have much time.”

She pulled a handful of what looked like vitamin capsules out of a pocket in her blouse and held them out to show me. “These capsules will make me lucid again. They’re meant to be used on whores. By the ... really ... sadistic clients. That WANT you to remember what you were before. And understand exactly what you’ve become. And ... comprehend ... all the things that have been done to you. They ... get off on that.”

“Sick bastards!”

“To use these, hold one under my nose and squeeze it until it pops, then let me breathe in the contents. I should be lucid within a few seconds, and it lasts about two hours. But these are all that I have left, so use them frugally.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“See if maybe you can get them analyzed. Maybe some chemist in today’s world can synthesize some more. Now, Brian ...,” she sighed—her previously-blonde hair was getting an all-over pink shade to it, with hot-pink streaks, “I’m, uhm ... I’m going to turn whore ... very shortly now.”

I swallowed hard. “I’ll get you safely to Aunt Sheryl’s. And then we’ll get those analyzed. You can count on me.”

“Goooood boy ....” She slid her hips forward in the seat, her eyes closing, and her breathing deepened. After a minute, she brought a hand up to her breast and started squeezing through her blouse. “I’m sorry, Brian ...,” she sighed, “I just can’t ... help ... myself.”

“It’s okay, Mom. We’ll get you help.”

What was NOT okay was the hard-on that I had. Since Mom’s hair had started turning pink, it had just ... popped up. And it practically HURT! It felt like you had stuffed a king-size pillow into a twin-sized pillowcase!

Feeling terribly guilty to be getting an erection during Mom’s time of need, I tried to will it down and continued driving us toward Aunt Sheryl’s. Mom brought her other hand to her crotch and pressed there a few moments, then lifted her skirt to reveal that she was pantiless.

And utterly hairless down there.

“I don’t shave ... it’s natural,” she sighed.


“You’re gaping at my pussy, sweetie. They changed my DNA, so it’s like I never HAD hair down there. It DOES ... make it feel ...,” she started tracing her fingertips over her sex, ”SO much more sensual ....”

Holy sh—

“Watch the road, dear.”

I swerved back over into my lane just before the other driver blew his horn.

“Uh, Mom ... maybe you shouldn’t—”

She rolled her head around and gazed directly at me with a naughty look in her eye. “You’re ... HORNY ... aren’t you, sweetie?”

“Hungh?! What?!”

“I have ... (sigh) ... that effect on men.” She twirled some of that pretty pink hair around a finger. “I just can’t IMAGINE why ....”

“You’re, uhm ... very distracting.”

“AM I?” she smiled, pleased. “We can always pull over and you can ravage me before we continue, if that would help.”

She giggled as I started playing diligent attention to the road. A couple minutes later, her giggles turned into sighs.

A few minutes later, she gasped, and a gush of liquid squirted out of her crotch and splashed onto the dashboard.

“Sorry,” she giggled, cheeks blushing, “they also made me a squirter.”

Somehow, despite every ounce of my will to the contrary, my hard-on got still harder.

By the time I pulled into Aunt Sheryl’s driveway, Mom was just undulating her hips against her hand as she moaned. My hard-on was ready to hijack my body if it had to in order to seek relief. Mom’s hair was a scruptious neon pink and lavender cream swirl that looked good enough to eat.

But ... Aunt Sheryl wasn’t going to believe any of this. Certainly not with Mom moaning in orgasm.

I hated to waste one of Mom’s limited capsules, but the only chance for Aunt Sheryl to believe that this apparently sixteen year old girl was her older sister was for Mom to be lucid.

So while Mom stroked her bare genitals with her middle finger, I reached over to retrieve a capsule from her blouse pocket.

She suddenly opened her eyes and brought both hands up to cover mine and press it to cup her breast. “Young man!”—it was weird to hear someone that looked sixteen use that expression—“That’s TIT that you’re squeezing! (giggle)”

Oh, shit! I brought my other hand up into the fray, pulled her hand off mine, struggled to get a capsule out of her pocket, and managed to pop it under her nose.

Her cheeks flushed red, and she pulled her skirt down. “I’m ... sorry, Brian.”

“Forget it.”

“I can’t—I can’t control myself when I’m like that. They—I—”

Now her hair was blonde and her cheeks were pink.

“Forget it. Let’s just go convince Aunt Sheryl that you’re you.”

* * *

“This is a joke, right?” Aunt Sheryl was 35 and had the same cute perkiness as my Mom had. I had even had a crush on Aunt Sheryl when I was fourteen. But next to the technologically redesigned sexpot under discussion, she compared like last week’s tuna fish to tonight’s raspberry Napoleons.

“It’s no joke, Sheryl,” Mom told her.

Aunt Sheryl looked at me. “Brian, your mother and I both taught you better than this. Just because someone comes to you with a story—there are people out there that make a living this way,” she gestured at Mom, “preying on people desperate to recontact a lost one. Though they USUALLY have a better story than ‘time travel’.”

Mom sighed. “Sheryl, you have a scar at the top right of your forehead where you split your head open when you were four—we shouldn’t have been running through the house. You went ga-ga over Max Grayson when you were fifteen, but you just turned beet red and wouldn’t say anything whenever he tried to talk to you. We had a cat named Thomas that drove you crazy because he scratched your feet all up every time he got on the bed.”

Aunt Sheryl just started at her.

“See? It’s Mom!”

“She ... could have just hired a private eye. To dig that stuff up.”

“Why?” Mom asked. “We’re not that rich. Scam artists would pick a more profitable target. And why the hell would I stick to such an absurd story? If I were trying to scam, even I could come up with something better than time travel!”

“Maybe ... you’re insane.”

“Like Aunt Rita? She never was right, and she always liked YOU better because you were more like her. Putting on her scarves when she came over, even in the middle of summer.”

“She always said that YOU just had no imagination, couldn’t play the games that she and I could.”

Mom made “my point exactly” eyes at her.


“I wish I could say ‘in the flesh,’ but they changed all my flesh since I went there.”

Aunt Sheryl BELIEVED her! “I have to go call Nicole!” My sister deserved to know that Mom was back!

“Brian, I don’t know if—” Mom began.

“We’ll explain to her, but she NEEDS to know.” God, she might not slowly kill herself when she found out!

Mom relented with a sigh. “Okay.”

I ran to Aunt Sheryl’s phone and dialed my sister’s apartment from memory.


“Are you sober?”

“Don’t harp on me, Brian.”

“Nicole, come to Aunt Sheryl’s!”

“Oh, Brian, it’s not a good time. I’m in the middle of—”

“Mom’s back.”


“She looks different, and she has one crazy-assed story. And she needs our help. But she’s HERE, Nicole! She’s BACK!”

“God! Really?! She’s there?! Keep her there! DON’T let her leave! You’re not kidding me, are you, Brian?”

“NO!” I gushed, “She’s BACK!”

“DON’T let that woman out of your sight! I’ll be there as fast as I can drive it!”

When I hung up, Aunt Sheryl and Mom were walking into the kitchen.

“She’ll be able to help,” Aunt Sheryl told Mom as she picked up the phone I just hung up.

Mom saw me looking and explained, “Sheryl has been seeing a man whose daughter is studying to be a pharmacist.”

“Hi, Alice,” Aunt Sheryl began a few moments later, “This is Sheryl. I have a, uhm ... gosh, I don’t know WHAT it is. We’ve been through everything from UFOs to time travel here. Anyway, we need to have some chemists analyze something, and I was wondering if you might be able to point us in the right direction of who to start with. If you get this message tonight, we’re going to be over at my house this evening. If you could call or stop by, that would be great. Thanks!”

We walked back into the living room again to wait.

If we waited too long, Mom would turn ... well, her hair would turn pink again. And she only had so many capsules left.

* * *

(Author’s note: political needling ahead.)

While we waited for Nicole and for Aunt Sheryl’s boyfriend’s daughter to arrive, I filled Mom in on what had happened with me, with Nicole ... with Dad. We sat in silence a while after I broke that news to her.

Finally—I think to just move the mood on—Aunt Sheryl asked, “You ... have been in the ... future, then, Becka?”


“What is it like there?”

“The future ... is a terrible place, Sheryl.” She just stared at the table and let that statement lay there in the air a minute before she continued. “All the ... life, the caring ... is gone. Killed. By the hate. Now there’s just hate there.”

“How ... did it ... get that way?” I asked.

“Technology. War.” She sighed. “Little old ladies.”

I looked at her, curious: that last didn’t fit.

“I remember our biggest concern when I was abducted: terrorism. But hell does not stalk upon the world from that direction. There are minor incidents, but government security handles things pretty well.

“No, horror begins with technological breakthroughs in virtual reality. Faster machines, better software—they combine so that VR becomes reasonably realistic.”

“But ... how does—”

“Brian, what powered the VCR industry in the early days? And the internet?”

“Uhm ... the movie studios? The exchange of information?”



“VCRs let people watch triple-x rated movies in the privacy of their own homes. And people took that opportunity and bought hundreds of thousands of VCRs, driving the industry.

“That money made its way back into improved video formats and compression schemes, then further back into the economy in general.”

“Mom, you sound like—”

“Basic life skills training. They train their sex slaves so they can function in society. And part of society is knowing how it got to be that way.”


“And, yes, the internet exchanged information. But it made porn even easier to view. THAT is what really funded the expansion of the the web.

“VR was driven the same way. People wanted sex simulations, and they were willing to pay for it. And that funded technological innovation.”

Ah, I got it. “I see where you’re going,” I nodded my head knowingly. “A gradual lowering of morals by sexual promiscuity until the decay—”

“No, not in the least,” she scowled. “Life was good. Technology was advancing, keeping people from getting bored and turning on each other. Things were almost idyllic.

“Until the war.”

“Ah,” I nodded my head and shook my finger in the air. “War. They blew themselves to smithereens. And got vengeful in the aftermath.” That explained it.



“The Sino-American war lasted ten years and was just declared a war during the last three. It’s biggest result was to kill off a few hundred thousand young men. Afterwards, trade agreements were re-established, and life continued as usual.”

“O ... kay. Then ... what went wrong?”

“Brian, who has the power to shape law?”

“In the U.S.?”





“Who else shapes law?”

“Uhm ... the president?”

“Marginally. Usually by threats he makes to Congress. Who else?”

Okay, I DID know this one. “The AMERICAN PEOPLE!” I reared back, confident that I finally had it.”

“When they’re not too complacent, they can pressure Congress. Who else?”

“Okay. I’m out of people. Who else?”



“Congress declares what will be go on the legal canvas, but it’s the juries that paint it there, the juries that apply and interpret it.”

“Uhm, I guess.” Still ...

“Brian, what do you think happened to food?

“People began to buy into the arguments of the fat people, that they just couldn’t help themselves, that the food manufacturers just made the food too tasty.

“Employers and insurance companies began dumping fat people when they had heart attacks—they were just too expensive to pay for.

“The fat people turned around and sued the food manufacturers. People had begun buying into the ‘too tasty’ argument, same as they were buying into the arguments against the tobacco companies in our time, and juries passed judgments based on that.

“Food manufacturers had no choice but to resort to processes to extract all the flavor from food. So that they would not be sued by fatties.

“Now, everything tastes like sawdust.

“Maybe THAT’S the real reason why people are so mean in the future. Flavor went the way of tobacco, of coffee.

“Now put the pieces together.

“The VR industry was advancing before the war, especially porn. VR women were safe. Women in real life could get pissed and sue. Women in real life could also give you diseases. Women in VR were prettier, disease-free and pleasantly non-bitchy.

“Then the war removed a sizable percentage of the young males.

“Nothing significant happened then for forty years. This was because young people get out of jury duty. It wasn’t until the women that lived during the war reached age sixty or so that they began spending time on juries. And the male representation of that generation was short, having been killed in the war.

“So these women found themselves setting legal precedents.

“And these little old ladies remembered their loss of power to VR porn. When they withheld sex, their men had just turned to VR women that were prettier, sweeter and easier.

“They resented this, and they expressed that resentment in the judgments they passed on juries.

“Before people realized what was happening, legal precedents were set. And a philosophy developed by Jane Larson and Linda Hirshman in the late 1990s, became popular.

“In this philosophy, women maintain power by controlling sex, same as a union controls labor. But for unions and strikes to work, they must have a monopoly on labor.

“An adulterous woman, or a prostitute, in this philosophy is a scab, breaking the picket line established by another woman against her husband. Rape is bad not so much because of its violence as because it would provide an outlet for men to have free sex, again diluting the power women work so hard to control.

“VR women in this philosophy are as dangerous a thing as there is. Many men preferred them to real women anyway—prettier, cleaner, sweeter.

“A man could just go and have sex with a VR woman!

“Any time he felt like it!

“His wife would have NO CONTROL over him!

“Bachelors would have no reason to wed and submit to the control of a woman!

“This was unfair competition, the little old women argued.

“So pornography was more and more tightly regulated, until no man could ‘get some’ unless his wife permitted it. The picket lines of sex became nooses that strangled.

“Unlicensed porn was seen as undermining women’s political power and was outlawed. Porn taxes on licensed porn were steep and went to fund special interest groups seeking to further expand women’s political power.

“The hate between the genders began to escalate as they engaged in a struggle for power.

“Women who surrendered to their instincts and had sex with nothing to show for it were committed to mental institutions until cured.

“Cosmetic technologies—powerful pheromones, breast enhancement, aphrodisiacs—were exploited to make the other gender ‘break’.

“And ultimately women won.

“But some of the most successful women aren’t done fighting for power. The trump card between their legs go them even further than most women, so why should they play it now? For them the newly developed time-branching technology has a specific application. To horny up a fellow citizen like they’ve hornied me up would be unlawful. But to take a primitive woman from the past, a non-citizen, and turn her into a sex-puppy that will perform sexual tricks so her master doesn’t have to—well that’s just good business.

“So ... out of the bickering of husbands and wives, out of the power struggles of politicians in the future, come I. And Gloria and Tina and Carol, wherever they may be gasping in orgasm right now.”

We were all silent a minute.

“God ... that’s AWFUL!” I finally sighed.

“Yes, it is.”

“Is there any way to prevent that future?” Aunt Sheryl asked.

Mom shook her head and shrugged. “I don’t know. Something to stop the hate, to stop the special interest groups from pulling political tricks.

“The United States was renowned for making it profitable to be a ‘victimized minority.’ Even to the point of letting a man get away with murder in a much publicized trial.

“Maybe when someone declared that they are offended and put upon by the majority ... maybe they are wrong for getting offended.

“I mean, let’s get real ... VR women, and even almost all of pornography, is only offensive to women in the most contrived sense: men who are better able to masturbate are less controllable men. And this should be offensive to all women? It’s nothing more than a labor dispute when you put it like that, though those that stand to gain from it try to escalate it into something moral, some crime against women, nature or God.

“Maybe when I get offended by the way that you walk, it’s MY fault for getting offended, not YOUR fault for not walking exactly like me.”

“But ... won’t that just lead to complacent people,” I applied the brakes a little.

“Maybe we NEED more complacent people. Or at least people that know where their rights end. We’ve had more old bitties throughout history that jumped up in your face and declared that THEY don’t approve of YOUR way of doing things than any world has the right to.

“But how many people have had the balls to remain sitting, to say, ‘I have not walked a mile in his shoes, and until I do, this is simply none of my fucking business’? How many such heroes have there been throughout history? How many people that COULD mind their own business?

“How many people that did NOT avoid working on their own soul by pounding on the souls of others instead?

“Maybe, instead of jumping to cater to people anytime they say they’re offended ... maybe we ought to ask if they have the RIGHT to be offended.

“That would shut up a lot of noisy selfish people looking to scam the system for personal gain.

“Maybe we ... uhm ... I, uh, mean ... oh, shit.” She wriggled in her chair. “Brian, this capsule is going to ... wear off ... really soon ... (giggle).”

* * *

Mom’s hair was going to get pink again soon. What was taking Nicole so long?

A knock.

Finally! Aunt Sheryl and I went to answer the door while my Mom, our well-endowed “sixteen year old”, stayed on the couch. I figured I needed to prepare my sister for Mom’s new appearance.

Instead of Nicole, it was a perky-looking college girl with short dark hair. “Hi! My name is Jane Wrigley, and I’m a reporter for the university newspaper. I understand that you’ve been experiencing some strange goings-on. I’d like to ask you a few questions about them?”


“She’s my roommate,” a second girl called as she walked up from the car. “She listened to the message on the answering machine and insisted on coming, Sheryl. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Aunt Sheryl called, “Thank you for coming, Alice.”

“Sorry, there’s no story here,” I told reporter-girl.

“Really? What ARE you trying to hide, young man? Hmm?”

“’Young man’?! You’re the same age as me.”

“Still. What horrible secret are you trying to hide? What are you trying to suppress from the public?” She leaned forward to stun me with cleavage in her skimpy blouse.

It did no good. I had spent the afternoon with Mom and HER new cleavage. I was unstunnable.

“Come in,” Aunt Sheryl told the other girl. “You might be able to help us.”

“Not you,” I stepped in front of the other girl as she started to walk inside. “The ‘press’ stays out here.”

“You confirm, then,” she said with a glint in her eye, “that you ARE trying to hide something.”

“I confirm nothing.”

“Then step aside and quite being an asshole.”

“Oh, just let her in,” Aunt Sheryl called back to us.

Reporter-girl gave me a “beat ya” smile and strolled past me inside. I shut the door.

“Brian ... where are the capsules?” Mom sighed. “I’m getting close, and this could be an embarrassing time to be unable to find them.”

“They’re in your blouse pocket, Mom.”

“Oh ... good ....”

“Did you just call her ‘Mom’? She’s younger than you are,” reporter-girl probed.

I ignored her. “Maybe you’d better give me one. So that I don’t have to ...,” ... well, have to get so close to her breasts to get one when she was feeling ‘playful’.

“Yes ... you’re right ....” She pulled one out and handed it to me. Her hair was starting to get a faint pink sheen to it. “Brian, I’m getting really close ....”

“I know, Mom.”

“Why do you keep calling her ‘Mom’?” reporter-girl tried again.

“We were thinking you might be able to help us get these capsules analyzed,” Aunt Sheryl was talking to her boyfriend’s daughter.

There was another knock on the door.

“Brian, could you get that?”

Mom took a deep breath, and ... her hair turned pink.

“Aunt Sheryl, could YOU get that?” I stepped toward Mom. She was going to need the capsule momentarily.

Insistent banging on the door—Nicole really wanted to get in to see her mother.

“Christ! I’VE go it!” reporter-girl stepped to the front door and opened it.

“Where is this red glow coming from?” Nicole asked.

Red glow?

“God, NO!” Mom moaned, “They’re HERE!”

“Hey, guys, she’s right. Everything has a red glow out here,” reporter-girl informed us.

Then the lights died out.

Silence. Darkness, except for the red tint coming in the windows.

“Ohgod, I’m HORNY!” Mom voice giggled.

Then I couldn’t move anymore.

* * *

I woke. And blinked.

A dark-haired woman in a white lab coat was standing bent over me.

“Welcome,” she smiled politely, “to your glorious new future. I will be your adaptation supervisor during your stay here.”


“Please hold all questions until all are awake.” Smile.

I realized I was laying on a small bed, naked. With an erection. In front of this woman. I covered myself with my hands.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. As a matter of fact, that will be one of your tasks.” She smiled, then stood up and stepped over to a bed adjacent to mine.

Mom! With dark hair again!

But ... naked.

Her breasts, however, WERE back to normal size.

The dark-haired woman popped a capsule under Mom’s nose, and Mom’s eyes fluttered open.

“Hmm, yes. We’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t we, Becky? Hmm?”

“Ohgod!” Mom moaned as she glanced around, “God, no, not again!”

“We just have to keep at it until we get it right, don’t we?” Bright smile.

“Ohgod ... no ...,” Mom laid her head back down, shaking it, muttering, “No ....”

The woman in the lab coat stepped to the next bed ... with a naked Aunt Sheryl laying on it. She popped a capsule under her nose, and Aunt Sheryl’s eyes fluttered open.

“Welcome,” Lab Coat smiled, “to your glorious new future. You have been selected to fill a most important societal role. During your orientation period, I will be your adaptation supervisor.”

“WHY ... am I NAKED?!” Aunt Sheryl covered crotch and breast with hand and forearm.

“Everything will be explained shortly. Allow me to awaken the others.”

Keeping her parts covered, Aunt Sheryl slid up toward the head of her bed and looked around. I was sitting similarly, hands covering my erection. Mom was still muttering with dread, “Not again ....”

Lab Coat headed toward my naked sister on the other side of the room. She popped the capsule under her nose, and Nicole woke up. After the standard greeting, Nicole demanded, “WHO took my CLOTHES?!”

Lab Coat pardoned herself until everyone was awake and stepped ot the next bed with Jane, the reporter wannabe. She was ... pretty well endowed in the breast department. After Lab Coat’s standard greeting, Jane looked down, saw she was naked, squealed and bounced up to a sitting position, trying to cover her breasts with her forearm.

Definitely ... pretty well endowed indeed.

Lab Coat then headed over to the last bed, containing Aunt Sheryl’s boyfriend’s daughter Alice. Lab Coat popped her capsule, said her greeting and smiled.

The girl almost went into convulsions when she realized she was naked. Gasping, blushing dark red, she covered things and brought her knees up toward her chest and turned partially sideways, though that really just exposed her slightly more from the side. She kept her dark red tint for the next several minutes.

Lab Coat stepped to the center of the room and clapped her hands. “Well, now that everyone is revived ... welcome to the future! We KNOW that you will enjoy your stay here, though specimens sometimes display a little trouble adapting at first. I hope that NONE of YOU will fall into that category.

“Now just LOOK at all of you. Except for this one,” she pointed at Mom, “you are all cupping tit and cunt and cock, trying to hide your parts like you were a bunch of ugly, deformed specimens that had a reason to feel shame and humiliation over your disfigured bodies.

“Well, you ARE. A bunch of UGLY deformed losers. And it is almost unbearable for me to even LOOK at all the failure-grade flesh in this room. Jesus! Didn’t you people try to take care of yourselves?! How could you let yourselves get INTO this shape?!

“We have ... a LOT ... of work ahead of us, people. But we are going to turn you all into acceptable specimens.

“(Sigh) Well, we might as well get started. Your ugly asses aren’t going to beautify themselves.” She pulled a large metal ring out of a pocket in the lab coat, popped the loop, then turned to Mom. “Come, dear. You’ve been through all this before. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

Mom got a horrified expression on her face and looked at me. Then at Nicole. Then at Aunt Sheryl. Then at Lab Coat. “P-please ... I can’t! You HAVE to put me in another batch! PLEASE!”

“You ... disappoint me, Becky.”

Mom’s eyes flicked to me, then back to Lab Coat. “PLEASE!”

Lab Coat shrugged. “They can watch you accept the collar gracefully, or they can watch you do ... less dignified ... things.”

Swallowing hard, Mom slowly stood out of bed and walked across the room without covering herself to stand in front of Lab Coat.

“Yes. Now let’s pretend we’re displaying the merchandise for the customers.”

Eyes cast down, Mom slowly turned around, arms hanging at her side.

“HEY!” I growled.

It looked like a penlight or something that she flashed at me. But I couldn’t move after that. I just stood in my half-risen position and watched Mom kneel in front of Lab Coat.

Lab Coat put the ring around Mom’s neck while Mom bowed her head, then fastened it shut. “You’re name will be ... Twat,” Lab Coat announced.

“Yes, Head Bitch,” Mom said as she stood up, head still bowed. “Thank you, Head Bitch.” She turned around and walked back to her bed, her eyes darting to glance at me for just a moment.

“Now you,” Lab Coat shined the penlight on me again, and I could move. “Do you want to ge a good little boy and do what Twat just did? Or do we have to do this the hard way?”

“YOU—” I just started to rage when she shined the penlight on me, and I was unable to move again.

“Yes, yes,” she sighed. “Little boy is so mad at the big bad bitch that he’s ready to piss his panties. Oh, that’s right ... he doesn’t have any panties, does he?”

She walked over and pulled my hands back from covering my erection, leaving it just hanging out there in front of me for all these women to see.

I ... couldn’t stop her. I couldn’t move. I had no idea why I HAD an erection. But there it was ... for Mom ... and my sister ... and my aunt ... and two other girls to see. And they all knew that for some sick, perverted reason, I was hardened by all this.

Then she took my right hand, pulled it around behind myself ...

Folded my index finger ... and my ring finger and pinkie ...

Oh, shit! ...

Then she placed my middle finger between my ... at my ...

Oh, SHIT! ...

And pushed it up to the second knuckle.

“Isn’t he cute, ladies?” She wrapped her fingers around my erection and stroked once. “Watch out,” she grinned, “he’s gonna blow!” Stroked twice, and ...

My voluntary muscles weren’t working, but ...

Semen arced over the side of the bed onto the floor.

My penis was already reinflating as she pulled another metal ring out of her pocket.

She put the ring around my neck and fastened it, by which time I was fully hard again.

“Oh, lookie there!” she flicked it with her finger, causing it to rigidly bounce. “Ready to go again, are we?” She moved my left hand to my cock and wrapped my fingers around myself.

“Oh, yeah,” she smiled, “You’re name will be ... Prick.”

I stayed, frozen like that, while Lab Coat walked past Mom’s bed to stand in front of Aunt Sheryl’s.

Aunt Sheryl had her parts covered. “Please ... where ARE we?! What’s going ON?!”

“Oh, poor dear. You don’t understand what is happening to you, do you?”

“No, I don’t!”

“Tell you what, show me your tits.”


“Show me your tits, and I’ll tell you what’s happening to you.”

“But ....” After a moment, Aunt Sheryl nervously lowered her forearm for a moment, then re-covered.

Lab Coat smiled. “You’re being redesigned to be useful. Not like your old life where you were just a leach on the planet’s resources. Now there will be an important PURPOSE to your life: YOU’RE going to bring sexual pleasure to the more IMPORTANT people!”


“Now haul your inane little ass over here to accept your collar.”

“No, I—”

“Come. Here.”

“I—I don’t—I don’t understand—”


Lab Coat stepped to Aunt Sheryl and hefted her stiff body over her shoulder—impressing me with her strength!—then carried her down toward my bed.

She set Aunt Sheryl down, bending her legs a little to stabilize her, then fastened the collar around her neck. “You’re name will be ... Tit.”

She bent Aunt Sheryl’s limbs until Aunt Sheryl—uhm, ‘Tit’, I guess—was on her knees and one elbow. She pushed at her hips and the small of her back to arch her naked ass up high in the air. Then she took her right hand and used her fingers to swipe my jism off the floor and ... stuck them in Aunt Sheryl’s mouth.

Ohgod. I fired again, flicking a line of semen diagonally across Aunt Sheryl’s lower back and far ass cheek.

“Tickle your fancy?” Lab Coat smiled to my frozen body.

Oh ... God ....

Aunt Sheryl manage to look up at me, even with her head lower than her ass in that position. I looked at her. I couldn’t make any more apologetic expression than that.

“Well,” Lab Coat clapped her hands, “we shouldn’t keep you from watching all the fun.” She grabbed Aunt Sheryl at the waist, careful not to wiggle my aunt’s semen-covered fingers out of her mouth, and rotated her 180 degrees to face away from me and moved her about three feet closer to the center of the room.

I needed to figure out some way to break the penlight’s spell and, even more important to keep from ejac—

I suddenly realized that Aunt Sheryl’s thighs were shiny.


Her crotch and thighs below were shiny wet?!

“How about you, little girl?” Lab Coat had walked back up to the far end and stood in front of my sister’s bed.

Swallowing hard, Nicole go off the bed and walked to Lab Coat, then slowly rotated around naked in front of her.

I guess ... it seemed like Lab Coat had all the power here ... but STILL .. she could have resisted SOMEhow!

Smirking, Lab Coat grabbed my sister’s breast. “Not bad. For tough, stringy meat. Turn around, girl.”

Nicole turned around.

Lab Coat sighed. “C’mon, cock out the ass.”

Nicole arched her ass out.

Lab Coat smacked it, then lingered there. Nicole’s eyes widened. I presumed a finger had just gone up her ass.

I could vouch for the fact that that was quite uncomfortable.


Nicole knelt. Lab Coat put on the collar and declared, “You’re name will be ... pussy.”

“Pussy,” Nicole bowed her head. “Yes, ma’am.”

Lab Coat stepped onto Jane, the reporter girl, and Nicole stepped back to her bed. “Power boobs,” she muttered, then smiled at Jane, “You always got your way, didn’t you?”

“What?” Sullen.

“Men from your primitive time gave you whatever you wanted for a glimpse at these, didn’t they? And you knew how to wield them, didn’t you?” She reached toward the girl’s mammaries.

Jane slapped her hand away.

Lab Coat just looked at her.

“You wouldn’t be so tough without that freeze-light!”

The light flashed, and tough reporter-girl was frozen. “You,” Lab Coat nodded, “are going to be titless.” She picked the standing girl up, walked her to the bottom of the bed and bent her over the railing, then looked at my sister. “Pussy.”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Come here.”

Nicole did so.

“Slick your middle finger up in the lube that’s leaking out this cunt’s cunt.” She chuckled. “And betraying just how turned on all this is making her prissy little ass.”

Nicole wiped her finger around between the frozen girl’s legs.

I, uhm ... squirted all over Aunt Sheryl’s back and ass again.

“This ... must really be turning her ON!” Nicole was genuinely amazed.

Jane’s buttcheeks blushed.

“Go ahead and stick it in.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“The ass, Pussy. Stick it up her ass.”

“Oh. Yes, ma’am.”

Lab Coat fastened the collar around the “reporter’s” neck while my sister’s finger was up her ass, then declared, “You name will be ... Sphincter.” With a smile, she stepped to the next bed, leaving my sister with her finger up reporter-girl’s butt.

“Please!” Alice, the pharmacology student pleaded.

Lab Coat smiled. “I’m going to go easy on you.”

“You ... will?”

“Yes. Just do a couple things for me, then I’ll put on your collar and leave you alone.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Up. Up on your knees.”

Cautiously, keeping everything covered that she could, Alice wriggled around until she was on her knees on the bed, hand over crotch, forearm over breasts.

“Very good. Now lower your arms to show me your breasts.”

“But you said—”

“I can always have you perform involuntarily if you are unable to accept directions.”

Blushing furiously, Alice lowered her forearm just to the bottom of her breasts, almost twitching with readiness to recover as soon as Lab Coat said her performance was acceptable.

“Wonderful. Now, cup each breast from underneath with a hand.”


Lab Coat just looked at her.

She leaned back on her heels to keep her crotch from being seen as much as possible, then, trembling, brought her hands under her breasts and cupped them up.

“Now, just bring one of your nipples to your mouth and suck on it for a moment, and we’ll be done.”

“I—I—Please, I can’t!” She was on the verge of tears.

“Oh, come now. You’re pretty well endowed. Do it, and we’re done. Or defy me.”

“OhGOD!” the tears started coming now, but she brought one breast to her lips, pinched the nipple between them for a second, then lowered it.

Lab Coat clapped her hands. “Wonderful!” She stepped to the girl, who recovered her breasts with her forearm and whose tears were starting to ease, and placed the collar around her neck. “You name will be ... Pillows.”

Lab Coat then walked to the center of the room again. I was still holding my erect cock in one hand, a finger of my other hand unfortunately up my butt. Mom was sitting compliantly in her bed, not bothering to cover. Aunt Sheryl was on hands and knees in front of me, ass in the air, streaks of jism across her back ... starting to puddle. My sister had her finger up the ass of reporter-girl, who was bent over the bottom of her bed. And Alice was covered up as best she could again. “We’re off to a wonderful start,” Lab Coat clapped her hands and smiled. “I’ll give you all just a few minutes to appreciate our accomplishments here today, then we really should get some rest. Our bodies have a lot of adapting to do.”

Aunt Sheryl, Jane and I were frozen there. The other three stayed in place for about five minutes, then Lab Coat walked over and pulled my sister’s finger out of Jane’s ass. “Come, Pussy.” She walked her over to Mom’s bed. “Twat, come to the bottom of the bed.”

Swallowing hard, Mom knee-walked to the bottom of the bed, still not bothering to cover anything.

“Cup a tit, Twat.”

Mom stayed there, frozen.

“I said to cup a tit.”

Slowly, Mom brought her left hand up to cup her left breast from underneath.

“Now offer it to Pussy.”

There was a long moment, then Mom cleared her throat. “Would you ... like to ... suck on it ... Pussy?”

My sister looked as aghast as I felt.

“Go ahead, Pussy,” Lab Coat encouraged. “You know you want to.”

Unable to clear the horrified scowl off her face, Nicole forced herself forward and took the nipple into her mouth.

I, uh ... squirted. All over Aunt Sheryl’s back again. The last squirt fell short and landed in the puddle of lube that was forming underneath Aunt Sheryl.

“Do it,” Mom said in a clenched voice. “Just do it and be done with it. She won’t drop it until you suck on it.”

“She’s right, little Pussy. Go ahead and suck.”

Nicole ... sucked for a few seconds.

“That’s a good girl,” Lab Coat petted her head. “Now go back to your bed.” Nicole did so.

“Okay, everyone. We’re done for today. You’re going to find you’ll need up to twenty hours of sleep these first few days as your bodies adapt. So go ahead and relax and nap.” She fiddled with something on her little penlight, then—

* * *

I woke. And blinked. And sat up.

Still naked. Still erect.

Everyone else was sitting up too, so I guessed that Lab Coat woke us somehow with our collars instead of with capsules.

“Oh ... my ... GOD!” reporter-girl rose rapidly in volume. “WHERE are my BREASTS?!”

Indeed ... her generous love pillows were ... missing. No scars, just smooth flatness that wouldn’t even start to fill an A-cup. The nipples were fine—enhanced, even, as they looked like they stuck out a full inch now—there just was no mound underneath them. “Oh my ... GOD!”

All the other women looked down to make sure they were intact.

“I can’t BELIEVE ... they could just ... how COULD they ... my ... BREASTS ... they’re MY breasts ... they can’t just ....”

“They can do anything ...,” Mom just muttered and shook her head.

“YOU’RE studying to be a nurse,” Nicole called across Jane’s bed to Alice. “Help her.”

“I’m a pharmacology student, not a nurse.”

“Still,” Nicole gestured toward the titless reporter and nodded, “help her.”

Alice stayed curled up and covered on her bed, but asked Jane, “Do they hurt?”

“There’s nothing LEFT to hurt! They TOOK my BREASTS!”

Nicole tsked and stepped to Jane’s bed. “Come here!” she told Alice.

Reluctantly, still trying to keep her private parts covered, Alice slipped out of her bed and over to Jane’s. “They don’t—they don’t hurt?”

“They’re GONE!”

“Examine her!” Nicole whispered harshly. “See if she’s okay, or if they hurt her any other way.”

Alice sighed, reluctant, then reached toward the other girl. “There are no scars?” Alice reached to—she didn’t know what—palpate them.

“There’s just NOTHING! Oh!”

Alice halted. “What? Does that hurt?”

“No ... it feels ....”

Alice moved her fingers back toward the nipple that had elicited Jane’s gasp. “Is it tender here?”

“Oh ... OH ....” Jane’s face was bunching up, then she arched back, “ohGAAAWWWWWD!” She continued back until her shoulders and ass were laying on the bed, her torso arched up, and writhed as she gasped and moaned.

“Is she—?” Nicole asked to Alice’s bewildered eyes.

“She’s cumming,” Mom muttered.

“What?!” Aunt Sheryl asked Mom.

“She’s orgasming. It’s all happening all over again.”

“What’s all happening all over again, Rebecca?”

“They took her breasts. They made her nipples trigger orgasms. They’re going to keep on making changes to us until we’re just ... their sexual pets. Doing tricks for them. Whoring for them.”


Mom buried her face in her hands. “It’s happening ... all over again.”

“Oh, Gaaaawwwwwd ...,” Jane sighed as she finally stopped writhing.

“Did that ... hurt?” Alice asked, confused.

“No, I just ...,” reporter-girl actually blushed, “I just came like a herd of elephants, though.”

Alice blushed too.

“I just ... when you touched my nipple ... like this ... like ... oh ... OH ... OHGAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWD! OHGOD!”

As Jane writhed again, Nicole brushed her hands over her own nipples to see if they had been wired up similarly. Nothing.

“It’s going to happen to us all,” Mom muttered, huddling up in her bed. “All of us. Until we’re all nothing but whores.”

“What are you talking about, Rebecca?” Aunt Sheryl asked her sister.

“Tina, Carol, Gloria ... and me too. We all ... there’s nothing you can do to stop it ... we just ....”


“We’re all going to become whores for them, Sheryl. And I don’t know how to prevent it!”

“We won’t. We’ll just fight them.”

Mom just shook her head.

“We’ll fight them,” I agreed with Aunt Sheryl.

“You can’t ... they’re too strong ... we tried to fight them last time, but ... one by one ....”

“Well, this time we’ll stand by one another,” I said. “And we’ll watch for a way to escape. YOU are living proof that you can escape them.”

“But ... they caught me.”

“So we’ll ALL escape this time.”

“I don’t know,” Mom kept shaking her head. “They’re ... strong ....”

“So are we, Rebecca,” Aunt Sheryl told her.

We mostly spent the rest of the day sitting around naked. Jane kept pretending to accidentally brush her nipples on the mattress, then writhed in climax. The rest of us mostly kept to ourselves, still not comfortable being naked in front of each other.

Later in the day, a compartment opened in the wall to reveal six plates containing a mush. Dinner. Aunt Sheryl and I got our plates, then took the plates to the other four.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized to Mom when I handed her hers, “I just—” My pecker was standing at attention.

“THEY did it, Brian. They’ve already started. Making changes to you.”

I took the other plate to Nicole.

“So you’re getting off on this?” she arched an eyebrow about my erection

‘They did something to me. It won’t go down.”

“Like the reporter there with the amazing techni-gasmic nipples?”

“Don’t be bitchy. We need to pull together and help each other. It’s our only way out of here.”

“You really believe there IS a way out of here, Brian? Or are you going to break just like everyone else?”


“I’ve been listening to Mom. They’re turning us into whores. This is a slut processing camp. A sex prison. So you and Aunt Sheryl want us to join in with you on a ‘prison break’? Do you think that can succeed? They took that girl’s breasts! Do you really think there’s anything you can do against them?!”

“MOM got away. She’s proof they can be beaten.”

“She’s proof they hunt down their escapees.”

I shrugged. “You want to stay here and be their pet?”

She shrugged too. “I’m still deciding what I think my best course of action is.”

We all ate. Jane took a little longer than the rest of us, because her spoon-hand “accidentally” brushed nipple twice.

Afterwards I walked over to talk to my naked Aunt Sheryl.

“I don’t know how much we can count on Nicole. She was talking weird earlier, before dinner.”

“She’ll come through for us, Brian. One mistake these people from the future made was picking on a family. Four of us are related, and we can stand by each other more than strangers.”


“Rebecca, what else do we need to watch out for?”

Mom looked over at us, then shrugged. “Everything. Our bodies aren’t our own anymore.”

“C’mon, Mom. Be optimistic. You got out. We’re all going to get out of this too.”

“I got out by a freak accident. And ... and I don’t know if I can take this. They’re going to turn you and you and Nicole—they’re going to DO things to all of you. I don’t want to see ... what they can ... make you do ... you’re my FAMILY for chrissake!”

Aunt Sheryl and I looked at each other. She would come around too in time. We just needed to stick together, and things would work out.

The lights went off later. I laid in bed, unable to sleep for a while. It didn’t help that Jane kept moaning and sighing in orgasm. Finally, I took my cock in my hand and jerked off.

And that did help me fall asleep.

* * *

We all woke simultaneously the next morning.

I sat up. Still naked. Still erect.

I glanced at Jane. She still didn’t have her breasts back. I wasn’t sure if they were going to leave her like that, or if it were a temporary punishment.

“Oh ... my ... GAAAAWWWWWD!” This was Alice.

And she ... looked like she had two flesh-colored volleyballs on her chest.

“OHGOD! WHAT have they DONE to me?!”

Jane scowled at the girl in the next bed that suddenly had a double-helping of the very blessing she had been robbed of the day before.

“I’m a FREAK!” she gasped, “OHGOD, what have they DONE to me?!”

“Oh, quit bitching,” Jane muttered. “At least you’re not flat.”

“Ohgod, I’m a freak!” Alice brought her knees toward her chest—being careful not to stimulate the nipples just in case—as the tears started coming from her eyes.

“It will be okay,” Aunt Sheryl told her, then stood and walked naked over to her. “You can get them reduced when we get back to our time. Our doctors can handle things like this.”

“I’m a FREAK!” Alice sobbed.

“No, you’re not. You’re still Alice. Jason’s little girl. And when we get back, we’ll get them fixed.”

“Are they wired up?” Jane asked.

“What?” Aunt Sheryl asked as she tried to comfort the suddenly huge-boobed girl.

“Are her tits wired up like mine are?”

Aunt Sheryl made “quit it” eyes at her. “That’s not something that’s—”

“It’s something we should find out,” Jane stood from her bed and stepped beside Alice’s. “Isn’t it? If you’re going to try some type of ‘jailbreak’ from here, we need to know where we stand first, don’t we?”

“STOP it!” Alice hugged herself toward Aunt Sheryl. “Leave me alone!”

Jane reached for the girl’s volleyballs, wrestled with Alice a moment, then suddenly there was gasping.

“Nnnnggg! NNNNNGGGGGG! Oh, please no! Oh! OH! OH GAAAWWWWWD!” Alice was triggered to orgasm. The shy girl gasped and moaned, back arched, stretching out, not caring whether anyone saw her naked body for the moment.

“THAT wasn’t very NICE!” Aunt Sheryl snapped at Jane.

“Well, maybe she needed a little something to distract her from the ‘horrible pain’ of receiving my missing tits in addition to her own!”

“Don’t you start trying to make HER pay for—”

“Don’t YOU start telling ME what to DO! I was the one that had my breasts stolen! YOU still HAVE yours!” She reached out to squeeze one of Aunt Sheryl’s breasts.

“Nnnnngggh!” Aunt Sheryl gasped, then caught the edge of the bed and chewed hard on her lip. “NNNNGGGGGGHHHH!” A half-cup of lubricant gushed out of her pelvis and splashed onto the floor. Then she sank to the floor, writhing. “OhGOD! OH! OHHH!”

I, uhm ... squirted. It arced out over the corner of the bed onto the floor. Thankfully everyone but Mom was too preoccupied with the two girls fighting to notice the flying semen.

I noticed Nicole reach down and squeeze her nipples a couple times. Still nothing.

“So does that take the edge off your whining?” Jane asked Alice as the girl started to come down off her orgasm. “Are you done complaining about having too much boob when some of us have none at all?”

“Leave me ALONE!”

“You know what? You ARE a freak!” Jane wrestled with Alice until Alice started convulsing in climax again.

I walked over, erection bouncing in front of me, to kneel beside Aunt Sheryl.

“Does she need another round to improve her attitude too?” Jane asked nastily.

“You just back off!” I told her. She just shrugged and hovered over Alice.

“Are you okay?” I asked Aunt Alice as her eyes refocused.

She blinked a couple times, then shut her eyes and sighed.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, but ....”

“But what?”

“That ... was not ... an ordinary orgasm.”

“What? It was stronger?”

Aunt Sheryl blinked. “OH, yeah ....”

“Let me help you back to your bed.”

“JUST don’t touch my breasts.” She stood with me and I helped her back.

“You’re okay, though, right?”


“You lose your will to fight them,” Mom muttered.

“No,” I shook my head. “Aunt Sheryl is strong. It will take more than a little pleasure to take the fight out of her. Right, Aunt Sheryl?”


I looked back at Mom. “We’re still going to get out of here. And we’re going to get you out of here to. And we’re going to get back our own time and live normal lives.”

The gasps of Alice’s genitals firing another round of orgasms into her brain, as well as Jane’s sadistic giggles, punctuated the moment of silence.

“I hope so. I pray so,” Mom sighed.

I went back and sat on my own bed.

Jane was sitting behind Alice in Alice’s bed, reaching around to cup the big-boobed girl’s big boobs.

“Please,” Alice panted, “leave me alone!” A sob was starting in her voice on the last word, but it yielded to gasping as Jane squeezed ‘em again.

I opened my mouth to tell Jane to cut that shit out, but, “Grrrkkh!” I fired again and made another cum-splatter on the floor.

Time passed. Aunt Sheryl was noticeably quiet. Nicole kept muttering about her own non-energized nipples as she tried squeezing them periodically. Jane must have brought the complaining Alice every fifteen minutes for several hours.

“They’re not changing me,” Mom muttered finally.

After several moment’s of silences, I asked, “What?”

“They’re ... not changing me. They’re going to let me watch each member of my family succumb before they ‘do’ me.” She looked at me. “I’m going to have to watch each one of you fall before they ... take away my pain. Or at least scatter it with orgasms. That’s my punishment for escaping.”

“No,” I shook my head. “We’re not going to succumb. And you’re not going to be punished.”

“They ... are going to ... leave me perfectly normal ... until the end. So that I have to watch each of you ... fall.”

“Aunt Sheryl, tell her.”

“We’re going to get out of here, Rebecca. Stop talking nonsense.”

“I’m going to see each of you fall ...,” her voice was forlorn.

After Alice chimed the quarter-hour six more times, the compartment opened in the wall to show one blue plate and five pink plates. The pink plates had a lines of white icing spread over the mush. I took mine, then, penis bobbing, delivered the others.

Jane left Alice alone long enough to eat.

“What—mmmm!—is this—mmmmm!—white stuff?” Nicole asked. “It’s DELICIOUS!”

Alice nodded heartily. It looked like that was the only part that she was eating of her mush.

“It’s cum,” Mom sighed as she ate hers.

Nicole raised her eyebrows as she looked at her plate in a whole new light. “You mean as in jism? Semen? Spunk?”

“One and the same,” Mom sighed, then took another bite.

Nicole studied her plate a few more seconds, then shrugged. “Well, I’m a cum-slurper now!” She lit back into the meal.

I set my empty plate back into the compartment, then set the ladies’ plates over as well. I noticed that all were practically licked clean—unlike the day before, not a spoonful of the mush was uneaten.

“Leave me ALONE!” Alice whined, doing her best to protect her huge boobs from the resentful reporter.

Suddenly Jane started gasping as my sister squeezed the girl’s tits from behind, then helped the convulsing girl back into bed. Nicole sat behind Jane in Jane’s bed, hands ready to squeeze again when the girl came to.

For the rest of the evening, Jane was the one that chimed the quarter-hour.

Aunt Sheryl just chewed her lip.

After the lights went out, I kept hearing Jane, then Alice, gasping in pleasure as they self-squeezed. One of the gasps I could swear was Aunt Sheryl’s voice, and after that ... I couldn’t help touching myself.

I finally drifed off to sleep.

* * *

I woke. I blinked. I sat up.

Still naked. Still erect.

Everyone else was waking up too. All with pink hair.

Nicole was squeezing her nipples to see if the turbocharge option had been added to hers. From her expression, it hadn’t. Then she looked at Aunt Sheryl and gasped. “Your hair is pink!”

“Yours is too,” Aunt Sheryl returned.

“Mom!” I whispered, “My hair isn’t pink too, is it?” That really wouldn’t sit very well with me.

“No,” she sighed. They can tell how horny men are by how erect they are. The pink hair lets them tell how horny the women are.

Thank God.

Everyone giggled about each other’s pink hair for a minute, helping to break the tension of another day here.

Jane raised an eyebrow at Alice. “Ready to sing for me again today, Mammary-Queen?”

“You need to shine your own juggs,” Alice sighed. Then, “Oh, shit! Did I say that?!” She clapped her hand over her mouth.

Jane was taken aback, hurt. “In case you hadn’t NOTICED, I DON’T HAVE any anymore!”

Alice uncovered her mouth. “You ARE looking like a ten-year-old boy, aren’t you?” Her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth again.

There really were tears forming at Jane’s eyes. “You ASShole!”

“Maybe if you water them with semen, they’d grow,” came out of Alice’s mouth when she moved her hand back. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that!”

“What’s going on now?” I muttered.

“They messed with her again,” Mom muttered back.


“They did something to her brain—to stimulate the part that talks dirty and suppress the part that enforces inhibitions. They did the same thing to Tina the last time. The poor girl ... sounded like a horny phone-sex bitch.”


“It’s all ... happening again. And there’s nothing I can do to stop it,” Mom muttered as she stood and walked over to the toilet.

We had one 20th-century-style commode in the corner of the room, in full view of everyone. Most of the women were still uncomfortable using it, but Mom probably the least so.

She had just squatted and pushed when her hair turned magenta and she gasped. “Oh my ... God! Sheryl! Sheryl, come here!”

Aunt Sheryl stood and walked over to Mom, and I knew something was wrong, so I wandered over too.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

“No. Yes.” Mom flicked her hands. “Brian, I need just Sheryl’s help here. Please.”

“What’s wrong?! What’s the matter?!” They’d BETTER not have hurt her!

“Brian, they’ve ... they’ve done my ass.”


“The last time I was through this training, they did Gloria like this first. Now ... they’ve done me.”

“Done you how?!”

“Calm down, Brian. It’s just—my ... ass ... will trigger orgasms now.”

“Your ... ASS?!”

“Yes. Like the other girls’ nipples. It will ... make me cum.”

“But ... how do you know?”

Mom sighed. “Just now, when I pushed. And some came out. I almost came.”


“Now Sheryl, when I wipe, I’m going to start orgasming. I need you to finish wiping me so that I don’t make too much of a mess. Okay?”

Aunt Sheryl swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“And Brian?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“I need you to go back to your bed and not watch what’s about to happen.”

“I, uh—is there anything I can do to help.”

“I’m just trying to keep a little dignity here. Don’t watch.”

“I—yes.” I walked back over to my bed and sat. And did not look.

“OhGOD!” Mom gasped as she gave the first wipe.

I couldn’t help it—I had to make sure Mom was okay. She had slipped forward onto her hands and knees. Aunt Sheryl was using the toilet paper to try to wipe Mom’s ass, but Mom kept gasping and clawing at the floor like she ... just ... kept cumming anew with each swipe.

I, uhm ... squirted again. Over the side of the bed, onto the floor.

Aunt Sheryl finished wiping Mom and gave her a couple minutes to finish cresting, then helped her back to her bed.

They were the center of attention of everyone in the room. Even Jane and Alice had stopped arguing to watch in awe. Both Jane’s and Nicole’s hair had turned a little darker pink.

Nicole hurried over to my bed and squatted to talk to me while Mom recovered in her own bed. “Is she okay? Do you know what happened?”

“I think she’s okay.” Nicole was reaching around behind herself with one hand. “What are you doing?”

“Why, I’m just concerned about Mother, Brian.”

“No, I mean what are you doing with your right hand?”


“Show it to me.”

“No. It’s my hand and I don’t want to show—”

“Nicole, you didn’t just ....”

“No, of course not!”

“Nicole, show me your fingers. Show me that you don’t ... have my semen on them.”

Nicole blushed. “Of COURSE I don’t!”

“Nicole?! You just wiped up my JISM off the floor! What are you—”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did!”

“Okay, I did. But it ... just ... TASTED ... so good on the mush last night, that I—”

“Nicole! I can’t BELIEVE you! You wipe that off on—”

She brought her fingers to her mouth, plunged them in and sucked the stuff off them.


“Ohgod, this is GOOD, Brian!”


She go on her knees and bent over to tongue the floor clean where the cum-splat had been.


“Nnnnggg ... (slurp) ... don’t bitch at ME ... (lap) ... YOU’RE the one that ejaculated (lap) over Mom and her toilet travails (lap) ... YOU’RE the PERVERT here (slurp)”

“I—” What could I say to that?

Nicole finished lapping it clean, then stood. “Well, thank you, little brother,” she smirked, then sashayed back to her bed and tested her nipples again.

I could not believe that had just happened when Aunt Sheryl walked up. Hair medium pink. “What was Nicole just doing, Brian?”

“Uh ... nothing.”

“She was over here, licking the floor, for Chrissakes. What was she doing?”

“She, uhm ... well, I, uh, you know, got a little ... excited ... earlier, and, uhm, ... I ejaculated. And then Nicole was just ... she just ....”

Aunt Sheryl’s hair darkened a shade. “She LAPPED up your CUM?!”

Oh, shit. Maybe it was talking about it, or maybe it was Aunt Sheryl ... getting excited? ... about it, but I, uhm ... squirted again. All over, uh ... Aunt Sheryl’s abdomen.

Aunt Sheryl’s hair immediately darkened. A lot.

“Ohgod, I am SO SORRY, Aunt Sheryl! I just ... I can’t HELP it. Things get me excited, and ....” I looked for something to wipe it off with, but the whole room was sparsely furnished, so I reached toward her belly to wipe it off with my own hand if I had to.

“No,” she stepped back, “I’ll clean it off myself. In a moment.”

“But, I, uh ... I just made a mess on you.”

“I know.” Her hair darkened another shade.

“I should wipe it off. That’s ... disgusting for you to have to do.”

“I’ll be okay. I can go (sigh) clean it off myself.” Very dark pink now. “Just, uhm ... try to encourage your sister to, uh ... not drink her brother’s spunk anymore.”

“Uh, don’t worry about that.”

“Good boy,” she sighed, then scurried off back to her bed, hair right on the verge of red.

She sat facing away from me so that I couldn’t see what she was doing, but her hair became full-fledged red, and she turned her head slightly to one side, and I could see that she had her finger in her mouth.

Nicole marched over to Aunt Sheryl’s bed. “Did that pig Brian—he DID! He SQUIRTED on you! That PIG! Here, I’ll help clean you off.”

“No, Nicole! You can’t be DOING that! He’s your brother!” In order to protect Nicole from herself, Aunt Sheryl reached down and swiped her finger across her abdomen to remove more jism, then popped the finger into her own mouth. She was getting magenta streaks to the red hair, and another one appeared.

Angry, Nicole reached out and squeezed Aunt Sheryl’s breasts.

Aunt Sheryl’s hair immediatly washed magenta, and she gasped and fell back into the bed, cumming hard.

Nicole took the opportunity of Aunt Sheryl’s orgasmic distraction to lick her abdomen clean of any lingering jism.

Of course ... I, uh ... squirted again.

I didn’t tell Nicole because ... I didn’t think it was really good for her to ... be drinking too much of my cum. I mean, we were still brother and sister.

Although ... well, if MY hair were pink, there would be a magenta streak in it from the thought of that.

To distract myself, I looked back over to Jane and Alice. They were an odd couple—one titless, the other with tits for two. Both were running dark pink with magenta streaks as they struggled.

“Leave me ALONE!” Alice whined.

“Don’t pull that shit—you LOVE it! Look at your HAIR!”

“No! I HATE it! You’re AWFUL!”

Both girls were struggling, trying to get their fingers on the other’s tits while preventing her opponent from doing the same.

I think you could definitely call that a full-contact sport ....

“Oh!” Jane cried out as Alice pushed her back on her button her bed, and several magenta streaks appeared in her hair.

“Like it rough, bitch?” came out of Alice’s mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say—” Her jaw hung open as she noticed Jane wriggling her ass on the mattress. “You ... your ASS is hot, isn’t it?!”

“What? No! Of course not!”

“You ASS is turning you on! Just like TWAT’S!”

“No, it’s—”

Alice was wrestling with Jane to get her turned around, her curiosity and excitement giving her the strength to overpower the other girl. Or perhaps Jane was horny enough that she just let herself be turned around.

“Your ASS is hot!”

“Please! Please, don’t!” Jane whined, but her hair had magenta dancing all through it.

Alice pulled her cheeks apart and tickled her anus.

“Ohgaaaaawwwwwd!” Jane brayed, hair fully magenta as she went down.

I, uh ... okay, I fired again.

I glanced over, and Mom was watching me. Hair with ... streaks of magenta.

She stood out of bed. “I have to go to the bathroom again. Lots of little poops when your ass is electrified,” she muttered as she walked between our beds, then toward the toilet.

“Can I, uh ... help at all?”

She turned around and looked funny for a moment. “Oh my goodness, no.” But there was more magenta in her hair.

She walked over to the toilet, grabbed the pipe running up behind it, then stuck her finger up her ass. Her hair turned fully magenta as she stood there, gasping and shivering. As the magenta faded to light pink, she sat quickly down on the toilet and pushed, presumably trying to do her business while she was still drained of orgasms for the moment.

Her hair stayed bubble-gum pink for less than thirty seconds, then started to cloud with a few streaks of magenta. That’s why Mom said they have to take lots of little poops after their anal sensations have been turbocharged—they only have thirty second time slices in which to do it.

Do I need to even mention? I squirted while Mom came with her finger up her ass.

That’s sort of how it went the rest of the afternoon. Alice tortured Jane by playing with her ass. Jane pretended she didn’t like it but never lost all the magenta in her hair.

Mom made several more trips to the bathroom. I, uh ... squirted each time, but she was always too busy cumming to notice, although Nicole did.

Nicole wandered up each time while Mom was pushing and lapped my cum-splat up off the floor. The last time, she brought Aunt Sheryl with her, leading her by the hand.

I looked a question at Aunt Sheryl, and she blushed—red in the face, magenta in the hair—and fiddled with her fingers. Nicole knelt and swiped cum onto her fingers, then stood and inserted them in Aunt Sheryl’s mouth.

Aunt Sheryl got several magenta streaks in her hair as she closed her eyes and sucked on the fingers.

“Uh, I, uh ...,” she stammered when she opened her eyes to see me staring at her, and she picked up some more magenta, then shrugged. “It TASTES good, okay?! We have to EAT, and this ... tastes ... really, really ... good ....”

“Oh, don’t get all wet in the crotch about it,” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Oh, wait: you already are (giggle). Well, Cherry, let’s get you back to your bed and do something about that.”

Nicole took a step back towards Aunt Sheryl’s bed, tugging on her hand, but Aunt Sheryl lingered.

“Thank you, Brian ... that was ... REALLY good ....”

Only by a prayer did I not squirt all over her right then. Maybe that’s why she did it ....

“Come on,” Nicole tugged, and Aunt Sheryl let herself be led away.

They passed Mom coming back from the toilet, and the two sisters looked at each other. One had just cum anally in the corner in public. The other had just lapped spunk from the first one’s son.

There was a splash of lubricant on the floor as Aunt Sheryl’s hair blushed magenta, then Aunt Sheryl went down, writhing on the floor in orgasm.

Mom just shook her head and stepped on to her own bed.

When the compartment opened with dinner, Alice made Jane carry the plates to everyone, giving me a relief from bobbing in front of everyone while I did it. I appreciated that: after the sex play in this room today, I was afraid I might get excited at someone’s violet hair and squirt on them.

After all the plates had been served, Aunt Sheryl walked up to my bed, carrying her plate, Nicole eyeing her to see what she was up to.


“Yes, ma’am?”

Her hair darkened in preparatory shame. “Could ... you ... uhm ... ?” She held up her plate.

I was confused. “You ... want me to eat your food?” That made no sense.

“No,” she shook her head, hair darkening. “Your ...,” she pointed at my penis, “you know ...,” she pointed at her plate.

“You ... want me to drag my penis through your food?!”

“No!” she rolled her eyes, sighed and blushed darker with her hair. “Do I have to come right out and SAY it?!” Hair fully red now with purple streaks starting to show, she sighed. “Brian, will you splatter my food with your cum, please?”

Her hair picked up more and more magenta streaks as I gaped at her and she drank in the shame she was feeling.

“Here,” she said, eyes downcast as she reached for my cock, “I can help.”


She wrapped her fingers around my cock as she held the plate in front of it and pointed the thing. Her hair was just awash with magenta as she did this.

Stroke one.


“Ohgod!” she gasped as lubricant splashed out of her onto the floor.

Oh ... GOD!

I fired all into her food.

I’ll give this to Aunt Sheryl: as she climaxed, she kept my dick pointed at the plate, and I flooded her food with semen. Then she sank to her knees, steadying the plate on my bed as she finished cumming.

When she was finished, all the magenta didn’t even clear out of her hair. She stood back up, muttered a “thank you” and hurried back to her bed with the cum-covered meal.

“Hey! I want part of that!” Nicole scampered to Aunt Sheryl’s bed too.

I looked over, and Mom was just watching me, chewing on her lip, a few streaks of magenta in her hair.

After dinner, Mom stood, hair with lots of magenta, and muttered something about cumming so that she could run to the toilet for a few seconds. Then she bent over her bed and wriggled her ass around as her finger lazily dawdled around the ass cheeks, slowly finding its way toward her anus.

When it did, Mom started gasping as she bucked and lubricant flooded down her legs.

Oh ... GOD! I cupped my hands over the head of my cock so I wouldn’t spray all over Mom’s buttcheeks and back.

Mom never did make it to the toilet that time. She just kept moaning and wriggling her hips.

When she calmed down, she looked around behind at me, several strands of sweaty magenta hair hanging down across her face. “Oops. Well, guess I wasted THAT orgasm—I’m already horny again. Guess I’d better ... do it again.”

She bent back over, ass wriggling, as the finger found its way there and brought her screaming with fireworks again.

I fired into my hands again, and Aunt Sheryl was, lube leaking down her thighs, looking a question at me. I held my hands out, and she ran over, knelt and licked them clean, hair going purple twice as she did so.

Mom didn’t make it to the toilet that time, either.

Aunt Sheryl stood up, a little unsteady on her feet, thanked me, then made her way back to her bed, using the bed railings along the way for balance.

After the lights went out, there were lots of gasps and moans occurring in the dark. I know I heard Aunt Sheryl several times. I even heard Mom gasp once, though didn’t hear her get up and go to the toilet.

Then ... I felt a HAND wrap around my cock, then LIPS!

“Ohgod! Who?!” I gasped as I brought my hands down to feel the hair on the back of someone’s head.

“My mush didn’t have enough spunk tonight,” Nicole gasped as she came off my cock, then sank back down onto it.

It was good that the lights were out—I think my mind would have rebelled at the impropriety of this in a well-lit room. But I sank back and let my sister’s head pump by cock for all of six strokes, then I unloaded as much jism into her mouth and throat as Aunt Sheryl had been dumping on the floor lately as she came.

I don’t know how I knew, but I have no doubt that Nicole’s hair was purple the entire last three strokes.

“Ohgod, thank you little brother,” she gurgled through the semen a minute later, then headed back for her own bed.


* * *

I woke. I blinked. I sat up.

Still very naked. Still very erect.

Jane was waking up in bed with Alice. Aunt Sheryl was waking up in Nicole’s bed. Both Jane’s and Aunt Sheryl’s hair already had magenta streaks in it.

Mom sat up and sighed. Her hair already had magenta streaks forming in it too. “I’d better ... get ready to go to the toilet,” she stared at me. She stood, bent over and backed all the way up to the side of my bed, not bothering to prop herself up on her own mattress this time.

“Ohgod!” she sighed as her hand crept up between her thighs and her finger traced around there. “Oh ... God ....”

I was ... SO ... ready to fire!

Mom’s thighs and ass were glistening with lube as I watched her finger dawdle around her pussy.

“Ooooooooo,” she moaned, hair magenta but still not quite cumming yet.

Oh, man! If I didn’t do something ... I was going to ... spray all OVER her!

She moaned again and ...

... I couldn’t just sit there ...

I grabbed Mom’s hips and pushed her forward so she was bent over her own mattress. “Let me ... HELP ... Mom ....”

“Ohgod, YES!” she gasped.

I plunged into her pussy, firing immediately. Her hair actually GLOWED magenta as she bucked and screamed.

I held onto her hips and SHOT! Load! After load! INTO her!

She continued to moan and buck.

I actually came a second time while I rode her, dumping a second set of semen splats into her pelvis.

I held onto her hips, both of us bent over her bed as we came down. Her hair drained of color to simple bubble-gum pink.

“I wondered,” she sighed, “how long I was going to have to wriggle my glistening ass around in front of you before you would do this.”

“You ... WANTED ... ?!”

“Oh GOD, Brian, I’ve been trying to get you to—all yesterday afternoon. But you were just—You either didn’t get it or didn’t want to—”

“I didn’t GET it! I had NO IDEA that you—”

“Mmmmmm ... well, thank you.”

I pulled out of her and stood up, already erect again. Everyone else was watching us.

Shrugging, I sat back in my bed.

“Thanks, Mom,” I whispered.

She stood up. “I think I’m drained enough that I actually CAN go back and use the bathroom. Thank you, sweetie.”

A few minutes later, Aunt Sheryl came up, eyes downcast and playing with her fingers again. Her hair had a lot of magenta. “Brian, uh ... I ....”

Lubricant splashed onto the floor.

Her hair finished turning purple as she pushed me back in the bed, crawled on top of me and sank down onto my cock, braying as she was impaled. I bellowed too a few moments later as I fired into her.

She bucked and rode me through two other orgasms. Mine, not hers. I think she had about a dozen.

When she was done, she unimpaled, dousing my pelvis with what I’d swear was a pint of lubricant, stood by the bed with eyes downcast and thanked me.

“Thank YOU,” I sighed.

Nicole fed on the icing at her crotch when she walked back to her bed.

When Mom got back, we curled up together, to do things more slowly and less impulsively this time.

I was still inside her when everyone in the room froze.

I heard the door open, and a few moments later saw Lab Coat walk into view.

“Yahss,” she smiled and clapped her hands. “I am proud of you all. Just look at how far you’ve come. Here, let me take off the hormonal edge so that you really can appreciate it.” She fiddled in her pocket, and ....

Ohgod! What was I DOING?! I had my erection embedded inside my mother, one breast cupped in my hand as I nibbled at her neck, unable to scramble back and apologize to her for this.

Aunt Sheryl, I could see out of the corner of my eye, was eating out my sister’s crotch, probably still trying to tongue out some of my leftover sperm.

Alice was leaned back against Jane, letting her climax-inducing nipples be tweaked while she surfed the orgasmic wave each one stirred.

“Now, where was all that defiance? Those plans to escape that you thought that we wouldn’t—”

The door opened again. Lab Coat scowled. “What IS this?!”

A male voice spoke then, “I love this—in three ... two ... one!”

“I will SEE to it that you—OH! Oh, gosh!” Lab Coat’s hair washed with pink. Then with magenta. “What have you—?! You can’t just ... BREAK IN HERE! You can’t just ... DO this to me! Just turn ME into a ... OHGOD! A WHORE! A—a—a WHORE!” she was getting rather purple in the hair when she crumpled to the floor and began writhing about.

The male voice spoke again, “And ... unfreeze.”

I could move again. I turned to look at who had just freed us, too grateful to even bother disengaging from Mom.

The man stood there, grinning. “Grandfather!”

What?! “I don’t—”

“I’m from the future.”

I shook my head, things not making sense. “We’re already IN the future.”

“Then I’m from the future’s future. I came back. We came back.”


“There are about a hundred of us. Freedom fighters. Come back to free the world, to free technology. Like in the history books.”

“In the history books?”

“I’m sorry, grandfather. I don’t mean to spring too many surprises on you at once. Yes, like in the history books. women had spent two hundred years, hijacking technology for their own nefarious ends. On this day, freedom fighters from the future traveled back in time to put an end to that and usher in a new age of enlightenment and freedom. I’m one of those freedom fighters.” He beamed with pride.

Wow. “I’m going to have a son.”

“Two sons. And a daughter.” He gave a little wave to Mom. “Hi grandmother.”

Grandmother? That meant—

I tried not to show that I was orgasming as I squirted into her again then.

She reached back behind herself to stroke my cheek. “Thanks, sweetie.”

I looked back to my ... grandson. “But—if this is your grandmother—you’re not supposed to—” I gestured, looking for a way to say this, “Birth defects and all ....”

“That only applies if you have defective genes to begin with. Yours have already been technologically corrected by your captors. My genes are still perfect.”


I pulled out of Mom, already hard again, and walked over to shake my grandson’s hand. “Thank you. What do we ... do from here?”

“Well, you have to stay here to help create a new world out out of the ruins of this moral wasteland. No more abductions of primitive women, you always preached, and we’ve stayed true to your ideal. We no longer travel back in time to make sex slaves.

“We get them from the present. About one in five women are given ‘enhancements’ so that she spends the rest of her life in pleasure. This keeps women below the ‘bitchiness threshold’, and they don’t wind up trying to abduct technology to take over the world again. You and grandmother, of all people, are aware of the catastrophic results when they do.”

Nicole raised her hand. “Uh, do you think I could get some of those ‘enhancements’, nephew?” She squeezed her nipples. “These still don’t work like they ought to.”

My grandson grinned. “Talk to Grandfather. He’s one of the shapers of this new world.” He smiled, then whispered loudly, “Don’t worry, your nipples get connected up. Your ass too.”


“And you have to go back to the future?” I asked.

“Yes, to keep time straight. But it’s been an honor meeting you. And Labcoat too. She’s still the family’s sexual pet in the future. Dad gave her to me, and I plan on giving her to my children.

“Meanwhile, I guess I had better be going. These nanites aren’t going to spread themselves.” He stopped and grinned, “Or, actually, they will. But I need to make sure they get seeded correctly. To finish bringing down the female oppression that brought about these dark times. Be seeing you, Grandfather, Grandmother.”

He walked out.

And we were left to create a new world, to shape things better this time, to use technology to make the world a BETTER place instead of a worse one.

We would keep fun, instead of hate, in the world this time ....