The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by Pan

Chapter 1

“Knock me up, big brother,” my sister moaned. “I want you put a baby in me. I want you to make your big sister pregnant. Please, fuck me, get me pregnant...”

Her words were slurred with lust and her eyes stared at the ceiling as she imagined what it would be like if we had children together. Her body was flawless. Her breasts were large and firm, but still perky. And she was mine.

I drove my cock into her, imagining what she’d look like pregnant. Her tits would be so huge, her belly round and distended with our incestuous child. The thought of being responsible for transforming my sister into a waddling, pregnant goddess made my balls tighten up and I knew that soon they’d erupt inside of her, filling her womb with sperm which would then fertilize her egg.

I wanted to put a baby inside my sister. I’d never wanted anything more.

And, thanks to my efforts, she felt the same way.

I’ve always had a pregnancy fetish. There’s something so hot about seeing someone else’s stomach grow larger over time. It’s like watching them expand, growing from girl to woman. You can see how much bigger their boobs are, how different they look when they’re carrying another person instead of just themselves. All those hormones surging through your system while you try to keep everything under control. But I love all of it. From conception until delivery, there is nothing hotter than watching a woman go through this process.

My sister was no exception.

I’d never thought it would be possible, of course. I’d always imagined myself getting married, settling down with a woman, and having a bunch of kids. Like, a BUNCH of kids. I wanted to fill every room in our house with children. I wanted my wife, whoever she was, to spend all her time pregnant. Waddling around the house, breastfeeding, stomach distended, full of my seed. My offspring. My progeny.

It got me so hard.

There’s no shortage of pregnancy porn on the internet, and I devoured as much as I could. My fantasies got darker and darker; I didn’t just imagine myself knocking up my theoretical wife, but also my secretary. I didn’t even have a job. My neighbor’s wife—my real neighbor, or a hypothetical one. I didn’t care. Anybody who looked remotely attractive or sexy. I wanted to surround myself with pregnancy, with girls and women, carrying my baby. Every woman in my life’s bellies growing outwards, their hips widening, their chests swelling.

All full of my children. My seed. My babies.

Like I said; the fantasies got dark. Dark enough to even include my sister. She became an object of my sexual desire. A potential vessel for my future brood. My own sister, carrying my sons and daughters. My nieces and nephews. Impregnating my own flesh and blood.

I busted many a nut imagining it. Imagining my sister Emily growing big and fat, swollen and rounded, breasts enormous and wide, tummy bulging. Barefoot in the kitchen (what can I say? I’m a traditionalist), her hair long, her skin stretched tight across her frame. Pregnant.


Hell, I even got off imagining her stretch marks. Imagining my sister getting stretch marks because she’d gotten so large, carrying my babies.

My sister isn’t very tall, only 5′2″. She’s not skinny, either. Her body type is more curvy than anything, sort of a “fuller figure.” Big tits, nice ass.

And yeah, childbearing hips. That’s what sparked the fantasy. It’s so easy to look at Emily, and imagine her pregnant. So obvious. It makes sense that she’d get pregnant. It’s only natural that she’d have a belly, that she’d be round. And that’s what really gets me going.

Emily’s hair is blonde, and she mostly keeps it tied back in a ponytail. It’s often kind of messy (like, the kind of messy that you might have if you’ve got a bunch of kids and not enough time to take care of them) and she’s usually wearing a t-shirt that’s too small for her.

She’s a pretty girl. Not beautiful, but she has a certain appeal. The way she dresses kind of brings that out: the way she wears short shorts, showing a lot of her legs. And the way she likes to wear low cut tops, exposing a little cleavage. It works on her, accentuating her curves and showing off her clear skin.

And she often exposes her midriff. It has a little bulge; like I said, she’s not fat, just curvaceous.

It makes it really, really easy to imagine her knocked up. Knocked up with my baby.

Of course, I never thought it would happen. But now here I was, fucking my own sister, trying to impregnate her.

Three months ago, my sister would never have even considered having sex with her brother. To her, I was just an awkward kid who didn’t know how to talk to girls. She’d get so annoyed that I would just play video games all day long, or watch porn in my room when Mom wasn’t home.

Now, she loved nothing more than sucking my cock while I played Fortnite online, my friends on voice chat none the wiser that my own sister was sucking my cock while we battled. And not only did she love watching porn with me, we even made some together. Not for public consumption, of course—I don’t think the world is ready for actual brother/sister porn, especially with a male star as pasty as me, but I’d often watch our homemade tapes while I played with my sister’s tits, fingered her pussy, or fucked her from behind on our bed.

There was nothing hotter than watching my sister on-screen, begging me to cum in her mouth and swallow every drop, while my cock was deep inside her pussy, both of us watching our incestuous porn during intercourse.

We’d been at dinner when I’d had the idea. It was a far stretch from the dinner we had these days. Even with my parents there, Emily was constantly rubbing herself against the table, staring at me as she did. It was hot as hell, watching her bite her lip and shudder in occasional, subtle orgasm.

But at that dinner, she’d been scrolling through her phone, ignoring everything around her. That’s what had given me the idea. Nothing, I realized, has as much influence over us as our phones. We’re always connected to them, plugged into the internet, eagerly absorbing Facebook or Instagram or whatever else pops up on our screen.

Tapping into that power was all too easy.

“Oh god, yes,” Emily shuddered as I drove my cock into her. “That feels so good... Oh fuck! Yes!”

Emily’s eyes were closed, her face flushed red, sweat dripping down her forehead onto the pillow beneath her head. Her body writhed underneath mine, and I could see her chest heaving up and down, her breasts rising and falling rapidly as she came again, screaming out my name as I continued fucking her relentlessly.

All because of a phone.

“What’s the app do?” she asked me. Not suspiciously—to think of me as a threat, she would’ve had to think of me as capable. As far as my sister was concerned, I was useless.

“It’s for speeding up your data,” I lied. “It uses a bunch of servers in different countries, and it basically lets you download things faster. You can use it for photos, videos, music, anything.”

“Sure,” she nodded. “Sounds good.”

Twenty minutes later, the custom app was installed. It doesn’t, as I’m sure you’ve worked out, make your connection any faster (that’s basically impossible). What it did do was flash subliminal messages on the screen every thirty seconds; they appeared so fast, the conscious brain couldn’t process what was happening, let alone read them. It didn’t even notice them.

But the subconscious did. And my sister was so obsessed with what that tiny screen had to offer, her subconscious brain wouldn’t just process them—it would prioritize them just as much as an alert coming in. A new like, or a comment, or a post, or a message from a friend.

Emily’s phone was sending her dopamine hits hundreds, if not thousands of times a day. All I’d done was tap into it.

“I want to be your sister slut slave,” Emily gasped. “I want to serve you with my mouth. My cunt. My body is yours. It belongs to you. Everything I am belongs to you. I’m your little bitch. Your sister—oh!—slut...bitch...”

Her entire body writhed with orgasm. All because, three months ago, my messages had started infiltrating her brain.

I’d started with fairly innocuous instructions, of course. I’d given her cravings for specific foods: bananas and hot dogs, specifically. Nothing overly suspicious, but certainly not food that she’d normally eat all the time. And, of course, food that would be fun to watch her consume.

It had worked immediately. I’d frankly been surprised by how effective it was. She’d started eating them all day every day (which had, indeed, been fun to watch). When we’d run out of bananas, she’d bugged Mom to buy more. I’d actually had to turn off the commands (I’d set up remote access to the console) just to make sure she didn’t suddenly gain a bunch of weight.

After all, the goal was for her gain weight in a very specific way.

The trial run had been successful. Far more successful than I’d expected. I was half-tempted to just add “You want to fuck your brother” as the next command, but I knew that was too risky. Eating particular foods, that’s pretty easy to justify. Suddenly craving your brother’s cock, however, would almost certainly have raised some suspicion.

“Please, Toby, cum inside me,” Emily moaned. “Put your hot sperm inside your sister. Make me pregnant. I need it so bad. I need to be pregnant for you...”

My balls tightened and, moments later, I erupted deep within her pussy. She came again, screaming as she did, and I felt myself filling her womb with our combined seed. Our incestuous child. I was going to be a father. And an uncle, I guess.

You enjoy wearing less clothing around the house had been my next command. It’s okay to expose your skin to your brother.

Again, a simple enough instruction. And sure enough, she’d taken to it like a fish to water.

The next day, I’d strolled into the living-room to find Emily wearing nothing but a pair of panties and bra. For comparison: I don’t think I’d ever even seen her in a bikini before. It was all I could do not to goggle; I’d known my sister was hot, but holy fuck.

She looked like she’d stepped out of a Playboy magazine. I’d known her breasts were big (that’s not exactly the kind of thing you can miss), but I hadn’t expected them to be so firm. I wanted to touch, squeeze, fondle, and suck those tits. I wanted to bury my face in between them and lick and bite until she begged for mercy.

And based on her reactions so far, it was looking likely that I’d be able to, sooner rather than later.

The rest of her body was just as incredible. She had the most gropable ass I’d ever seen, with thick thighs that seemed perfect for wrapping around a man’s body. My body, soon enough. Her stomach was slightly distended (not even because of the two days of hotdog-and-banana diet) and her hips...well, like I said, my sister has perfect child-bearing hips.

That was the moment I knew that I couldn’t stop until my sister was pregnant with our child.

The moment I saw her, I was hard as steel. The moment I saw her, I knew that she had to be mine. She would be mine. My sister was mine.

My sister lay on the bed, hips raised, looking at me with complete adoration in her eyes. No, not just adoration. Worship.

“We’re going to have a baby,” she whispered in awe. “Toby, I’m going to carry your baby.”

Her eyes rolled back in her head with pleasure. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait to feel your child moving inside me. Or children. Oh, god, babe—what if we have twins?”

I moaned at the thought. Despite having just cum, I could already feel myself getting hard again. What can I say? My sister really brings it out in me.

She smiled, her eyes returning to mine. She knew exactly what she did to me. And she loved it.

“I’m gonna be so fucking pregnant, Toby. It’s gonna be so amazing. I’m gonna show you how much I love being pregnant. How much I love having your children growing inside of my tummy... Oh, fuck! I need it. I want it. I want to get knocked up by the biggest dick I’ve ever had. Your cock. You’re going to knock up your own whore sister, aren’t you? You’re going to impregnate your own flesh and blood. Fuck! I want to feel your sperm fill my belly with your babies...”

I reached down and grabbed her by the hair, moving her mouth to my cock. Without hesitation, she began sucking me off like the hungry, horny slut that she was.

When Emily saw me goggle at her lingerie-clad body, she didn’t bat an eye. Her own brother, openly checking out her body, and she had no reaction.

The message had said it was okay to expose her skin to her brother, and in less than a day, she’d completely internalized it. It hadn’t been a struggle, or a battle—one message was all it had taken to completely change her perception of our relationship.

At that point, my main concern was our parents. I had expected Emily to change into short shorts, maybe a slightly more revealing top...not lay around on the couch, dressed in lingerie so skimpy that I could practically see her nipples.

If Mom and Dad had walked in, I’m sure they would’ve said something. And hey, maybe that would be enough to trigger Emily’s suspicion as well.

No, I had to take care of them. Unfortunately, they’re not heavy phone users—well, not as much as Emily, anyway.

But Mom does love TV.

“What’s this do again?” Dad asked, his brow furrowed as I installed the new device. It had taken me the better part of two weeks to get everything in place. I had to not only find and order a device that could hijack a feed, but test that the new images were subliminal.

“It lets you access Netflix from anywhere in the world,” I lied. I’d also spent a few days working out how to install a house-wide VPN.

Mom nodded approvingly. “That sounds great. My friend in Australia already has the last season of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.”

“Well,” I said with a smile. “Now you will too.”

“Oh fuck, yes, Toby,” Emily moaned. “Fuck your sister’s cunt. Make her pregnant. Make us pregnant. Give me that hot cum. Fill your sister’s womb. I need it, so badly...”

Mom and Dad were just one room over. The door wasn’t even closed. But I knew they wouldn’t come in. They wouldn’t hear anything. They wouldn’t be suspicious.

Not while their shows were on.

“You wanna fuck your sister, don’t you, Toby? I know you do,” Emily moaned, clenching her cunt muscles around my shaft. “Fuck her. Make her your bitch. Use her body to make more little sluts. If we have a daughter, you’re going to fuck her. We’re going to raise her to be your slut as well.”

“Oh, god,” I groaned. Just when I thought my sister had plumbed the depths of darkness, she managed to come up with something even more perverse. An image flashed through my mind—an older Emily, standing next to our grown-up daughter. A busty, near-clone of herself, produced from mixing DNA that should never be mixed.

Both of them mine. Both of them mine to fuck whenever I wanted.

“Her belly will be yours too,” Emily gasped. “Just like mine, it belongs to you. To your baby...your babies...”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. With a roar, I shot load after load deep inside her pussy. When Emily got too old to carry my babies, our daughter would. And then her daughter...and her daughter...and, if medical advances allowed it, her daughter as well...

“Mom!” I shouted desperately. “Mom, I need you now! Please! Mom! Please...”

I counted to fifteen, then poked my head through the door.

She hadn’t even budged.

Her attachment to TV wasn’t quite as strong as Emily’s phone addiction, but it was something I could work with. It had taken two days for her to start craving bananas (my sister had taken just a few hours) and even then, it wasn’t as strong.

But it had worked.

The real trick had been recursion.

You love watching TV, Mom’s next message read. When you’re watching TV, you feel more obedient. More pliable. You want to obey the messages you receive from the screen. You will obey.

Obviously it didn’t come without risks. Ads would start being ultra-effective on my mother, as would whatever political opinions or morals her shows wanted to share.

But, on the other long as she was watching TV, she wouldn’t interrupt my sister and me.

No matter what we were doing.

“Where does this one go?” my sister asked, her head tilted to the side.

As was more and more frequently the case, I was all fucked out. After pumping four loads into my sister, I just couldn’t keep going.

And so I’d found more things for my obedient, desperate-to-please sister to do. In this case, my laundry.

“Bottom drawer,” I said, my eyes not leaving the video game. “Boxers on the left, socks on the right.”

“Thank you, sir,” Emily replied, and I could hear the shudder of arousal in her voice. Unlike me, my sister didn’t seem to have a limit. She would have fucked all day every day, taking load after load of my spunk until she was just a walking water balloon.

Well, sperm balloon, I guess.

“Your mother doesn’t know about this, does she?” Dad grunted, his eyes darting around the room nervously, like she was going to pounce on him any second.

I shook my head, smiling. “No, Dad. Just between you and me.”

“Good,” he said with a chuckle. “She wouldn’t understand.”

“Mum’s the word,” I punned, and Dad gave a polite laugh.

It was by far the most awkward conversation I’d ever had, but I knew it would be worth it. My cock ached, assuring me I was doing the right thing.

“And you didn’t, uh, look?”

I pretended to gag. “God, no! Just enough to see what it was.”

“Right. Right.”

Dad looked everywhere but at me.

“Do you want to talk about, um, the birds and the...”

“No!” I yelped. “No. Let’s, um, pretend that...”

“Yes,” Dad interrupted. “Yes. Let’s.”

My father had been a harder nut to crack. He’s always been the outdoorsy type. Sometimes I wonder how he got stuck with a family like ours, or how he felt about it. A nerdy son, a TV-obsessed wife, a daughter who...well, I guess Emily is the closest to him. Unlike the rest of us, she’s always enjoyed going on hikes with Dad.

It was almost a pity that would end, once I had my way. I wanted my sister at home, wrapped around my cock, not climbing mountains with our father.

“Fuck me here,” my sister begged, glancing around. We were in a food court, but that didn’t stop her. She wanted it any time, anywhere. “Please, Toby...fuck me, right here.”

“Here?” I asked, one eyebrow raised. Emily nodded, shuddering with lust at the thought.

“In the bathroom,” she clarified. “I’ll sneak into the men’s. You follow me. You fuck me. Fuck me in the food court mall, oh god, oh please. Please...”

I was very tempted. The way my sister said it made it sound pretty damn hot. Although to be fair, most everything my sister said sounded pretty damn hot.

But the risks were too high. If we got caught, it wouldn’t just be a scandal of indecent exposure. It would be a national news story: Local Teen Caught Publicly Fucking Sexy Sister. Well, the headline might not say Fucking. Or Sexy. But you get the idea.

We couldn’t. It was a bad idea.

“I’m ovulating,” Emily moaned, just quietly enough that people at the table next to us couldn’t hear. She was staring me in the eye, a naughty look on her face. “I just started ovulating. Just now. I can feel it.”

I knew she was lying, of course. Well, my brain did. But my rock-hard dick is easily fooled...or maybe it just didn’t care.

The thing about being outdoorsy is that you don’t spend a lot of time looking at screens. Dad has a phone, but he uses it less than Mom. He doesn’t have her same fascination with television. And despite being into carpentry, he doesn’t even watch, like, carpentry videos on YouTube. Super weird, right?

So I’d been pretty happy with myself when I’d worked it out. Well, I’d worked out how to work it out.

I’d asked Mom.

Who better to know Dad’s weakness than his wife of twenty-four years, right?

“Your father has a collection of pornographic DVDs,” Mom said, her eyes glued to the TV. “He doesn’t think I know about them, but I do. He uses them when we don’t have sex for a few days in a row.”

The implications of her last comment were a little too much for me (I’d been more than happy to imagine my parents having sex exactly twice: once to make me, and once to make Emily) and so I’d thanked her for her honesty, and left her to watch Jason Sudeikis teach soccer to a bunch of Brits.

That command had been a little more fiddly—and risky—but it had worked. When Mom was watching television, she’d answer any questions I had for her.

Just me, of course. The last thing I wanted to do was leave any loopholes.

And so a few more (expensive) purchases later, I’d found my father’s pornography, added subliminal messages to “Busty Nuns III” and other similarly embarrassing pornographic films, uploaded my version onto the DVDs (yeah, that’s right—Dad still uses DVDs) and then staged a conversation, claiming to have accidentally found them and wanted to check they were his before putting them back.

Then, all I had to do was tell Mom not to have sex with Dad for two weeks, something I was more than happy to do.

Since I wouldn’t be able to edit them again, I’d included a single, simple instructions.

Watch more TV with your wife. Really watch. Get invested.

Dad already watched the occasional show with Mom, but I knew he didn’t pay close enough attention for messages in those to have much of an impact. Maybe they would, but it would take months—maybe years—for any messages to have an effect, even if they were telling him to watch more TV.

And I didn’t want to wait months, or years. I wanted to fuck my sister as quickly as was humanly possible.

“Keep it down,” I ordered, and Emily closed her mouth obediently. She was bent over the toilet, my cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

“Ungh!” she whispered, her fingers gripping the tank lid tightly. “You’re so big...Toby, your cock is so big. I’ve never felt anything like it. Oh god, oh please, fuck me harder...”

I did. The angle was a nice one—it made my sister feel so tight, it really allowed me to pound into her. I fucked her as hard as I could, until I felt my sister’s body shudder, pleasure radiating from her cunt.

“Oh my god,” she gasped, as her orgasm triggered my own, “oh Toby, you’re cumming inside me! Fuck yes, baby, shoot that hot load deep inside me, fill me up, I’m yours, mine, ours to use however you want. I’m your slut. I’m nothing but a vessel for your pleasure. You own me. I’m...I’ full of your sperm. Your...your...spunk, it’’s everywhere. In my womb. My belly. I can feel it. I’m pregnant, Toby...pregnant...with our child. Our babies...our kids.”


We froze.

“Is there someone in there?”

It took almost twenty-four days before Dad finally started reacting to the messages through the television. For ten days, Mom was forbidden to fuck him, and so he had to resort to porn. I’d guess it was two weeks before he really started getting into the television shows (switching Mom’s preferences had been a big breakthrough. Turns out it’s way easier to get Dad into stuff like Sons of Anarchy than The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel)—and even then, it was more than a week before he started really responding the messages in the shows.

Fortunately, once it worked, he was just as susceptible as the women in my family had been.

While I’d been getting Dad in line, I hadn’t been able to resist starting things with my sister. Not all the way—just stuff to adjust her attitude, so that when she did start sucking me off on demand, it wouldn’t be a total shock to the system.

Your brother is cute. had been the first one. Sure enough, the result had been almost instantaneous.

“Are you into anyone?” my sister had asked, less than eight hours after I’d added the message to her phone.

I tried to look uninterested. “What, like...a girl?”

“Or a guy. No judgment.”

“I’m into girls,” I clarified immediately. “But no, not any in particular. Why?”

“I can set you up with one of my friends, if you like,” Emily said with a smile. “You’re pretty cute, I’m sure she’d dig you.”

“Who are you thinking?”

“Who do you like?”

Maintaining my distanced affectation, I named my sister’s hottest friend.

“Oh my god, yes,” she replied immediately. “Tammy is great, and she’s...really experienced with guys.”

“Like, a slut?”

“No! Well, yes. But in a good way. I’m sure she’d show you a good time.”

Emily waggled her eyebrows at me, and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

Wow. All I’d said was “cute”, and she’d gone straight into trying to get me laid. Was there nothing this app of mine couldn’t do?

* * *