Title: Case 3319
Author: Mesmerciless
Description: “From streaming star to brainless bimbo”
Begin Message
* * *Wed 9/7/2016 4:31PM
From: The Archive
To: Review Board
Subject: Materials / Case 3319
Pursuant to the review of Case 3319, please find attached the requested dossier and video transcripts.
The footage was compiled from online archives, as well as files seized by Bureau agents (ref. Inv.3319-01A).
Interpretations and comments have been added to assist in analysis.
Federal Bureau of Cognitive Deviance
EXCERPT 1 — Originally streamed on 2/10/16
Hey hey hey Swan Squad, glad you all could make it. Sorry the stream’s starting late today—this new mic has incredible specs, but it is a bitch to set up.
As always, you can find all the goodies I use to stream in the description below. And if you wanna kick your favorite gaming gal a little “thank you” tip, just use offer code “swansong” at check-out.
[laughs] Yeah, yeah, I’m a total sell-out now, I know. Hey, you think sounding this good comes cheap? [sighs] I do it for you, chat, I do it for you. [laughs]
Okay. Now.
I know we left off last stream on a bit of a cliff-hanger, but before we get back to the game…There have been some rumors making the rounds lately, and even though I hate, HATE getting into drama, I owe it to you guys to clear the air a bit.
So. You all know I keep it real on this channel. I don’t self-censor or hold things back just because there’s a camera pointed at my face—what you’re seeing here is the 100%, raw, unfiltered, Aimee, okay? And sometimes I say something wrong, or get a little, I dunno, ‘graphic’ or whatever. But I would rather say too much than not enough. Does that make sense?
Anyway, so I’m scrolling through Twitter yesterday, and the weirdest little photo ends up popping up on my timeline. I’m sure a lot of you can already guess which one.
Yep, there it is. Taken, I should mention, without my consent. But of course that’s not the real story here, right? That’s not why my DM’s have been flooded with people, just, like, going completely apeshit.
For those of you sweet, sweet summer children who don’t recognize him, the man I’m sitting with in this picture is another streamer named Sirkit. Yes, that’s “circuit” spelled “s-i-r-k-i-t.” Yes, that’s corny as hell. Branding: it sucks. Welcome to the wonderful world of working online.
Anyway, speaking of branding, Sirkit has a bit of a “reputation” around these parts. Or, to put it bluntly: a whole lotta people really, really hate his guts.
And look, I get it, alright? The guy can be kind of a jackass on stream, and he’s said some pretty, um, “inappropriate” things about other folks on this site. Especially women.
Yes, he makes fun of “titty streamers.” Yes, he’s called some girls “cam whores.” Yes, he likes to stir the shit to get a rise out of people. I was aware of all of this before, and I sure as hell am now that everyone’s jumping down my fucking throat about it.
Here’s the thing: even though I personally don’t act any different on or off-stream, that isn’t true for everyone. For a lot of people on here, the only way they can stand out or feel comfortable is if they’re playing a character. A “persona,” if you will. It might be close to who they really are, or it might be a completely different personality. Either way: it’s not weird, and it’s not rare.
Now, I don’t know with 100% certainty whether the version of Sirkit we all see online is the same one I’m talking to in that photo. I’ve only been on, like, two dates with the guy, so there’s always the chance that…
[low] Ohmigod. I actually said it. [louder] Yes, we’re dating, okay? A friend introduced us at a con, we got coffee, and then he took me to dinner when we got back to L.A. Is that so crazy to believe?
Okay, see, this is exactly what I’ve been dealing with: people flipping out over two grown-ass adults just sitting together, on a date. I have texts from friends calling me a “traitor” for this. A traitor! Jesus Christ, you’d think I had, I dunno, taken a dump on the grave of Susan B. Anthony or something. It’s just dinner! Who is this hurting? Ugh.
What I was trying to say before is: not that it’s anyone’s business, but Sirkit is actually a pretty okay guy in person. He’s aware that he comes off as a bit of a jerk on stream, and he seemed genuinely sorry when I called him on some of his bullshit. He’s not some crazy misogynist psycho: he’s funny, and he’s charming, and we had a really good time together. He even paid for my dinner, and when I told him I wanted to take things slow, he was totally understanding and supportive! In a way, he’s shown me way more respect than any of the weirdos fixating on my love life.
Whatever. It is what it is. I’m sure everyone will calm down once something more exciting happens.
Okay. Let’s actually play some fucking video games, huh? Time for The Witness, round 3. And remember: no spoiling puzzles in chat! I’m gonna beat this thing, and it’s gonna be with my own brain power, dammit!
EXCERPT 2 — Originally streamed on 3/4/16
Fuck yeah! And all you haters doubted me.
Aw, I’m just teasing. I know you’ve got my back, chat.
“How’s Sirkit doing?” Is that a subtle dig or do you actually wanna know? [laughs] Well, for the record, things with him are going great. I mean…
Have you seen the guy?
Uh, yeah, I think I’m doing pretty well for myself. [laughs]
Here’s the secret about Sirkit though: he’s actually a total softie. We went to the movies the other night, and while we’re waiting to get snacks, he just, like…slowly reached over and held my hand. It was so subtle and gentle, like he was afraid I was gonna pull away at any moment. Ugh. He’s so cute sometimes I wanna puke. [laughs]
I mean, you know, he still sometimes says stuff that’s like, [tilts her head in mock thought] “Mmmm dunno if you should be saying that shit in public, dude.”
But he’s trying. He really is. I dunno if he talks about this on his stream, but he came from a, uh, pretty “traditional” family. And I don’t mean, like, “go to church every Sunday” traditional. I’m talking “old-fashioned-bum-fuck-nowhere-polygamous-patriarchy-cult” traditional. Apparently, his mom and sisters treated him super weird his whole childhood, like he was the reincarnation of some ancient spirit or something. So I can understand why his interactions with women can be a little, y’know, warped. That kind of shit will mess with your head.
But we have a pretty comfortable dynamic now. If he makes a joke or comment I don’t like, I say something, he apologizes, and we move on. Like adults.
So…yeah. Things are going great. And…
“Tits or GTFO.” Wow. Haven’t heard that one since 2005. Are you proud of that message, strikerz69? ’Cause it’s the last one you’ll type on my stream. Banned. For. Life.
That is one drawback to this whole “dating another streamer” thing. Ever since it got out that we were together, sometimes his…less-than-bright fans will come on here and try to start shit. He told them not to, but, y’know.
There’s no cure for stupidity.
EXCERPT 3 — Originally streamed 3/8/16
So if we just...move this part here…
Sorry, chat, I just feel a little…I dunno, distracted, I guess? Not bad just, y’know, not really as focused or motivated as I usually am. It’s been like that all week. I mean, ever since…
Okay, can I be super honest with you, chat? Something happened with Sirkit recently and…it’s kinda been on my mind ever since.
[anxiously] Oh, no no no no. Nothing like that. God, no. Things are still…they’re great, and we’re still together, it’s just…
So, he comes over here the other night, right? And it starts off as, just like, a normal “stay-in” date. We hang out on the couch, order pizza, play some games…it’s fun, it’s chill, it’s a good time. Things get a little tense when he says it would’ve been better if I had cooked for him, but whatever. I tell him he’s a dick, he laughs, I kick his ass in Smash, we move on.
Then the conversation turns to our streams. And we start, y’know, bitching about this fad or that game or yadda yadda yadda. When all of a sudden, he suggests I try showing a little more…y’know, skin on camera. “Give ’em what they really want,” is how he puts it.
And I’m like, “Uh, first of all, fuck you for thinking you know how to run my business, and second of all, weren’t you the one who said that titty streamers were just ‘cam whores with a Steam wishlist?’”
And granted, I’m maybe coming on a little strong here. But he just looks at me, with those totally calm, stupid perfect fucking eyes of his. And he says that his problem isn’t that girls want to show more T&A on stream, he’s just jealous of how, like, effective it is. He says it’s only natural for men to want to see women’s bodies, just like it’s natural for women to want to show them off. Then he starts going on and on about “human nature” or whatever and he’s just so…condescending. And at this point I’m, like, way too buzzed to have some kind of philosophical debate.
So I say some things, and he says some things. And we’re just getting louder and louder and I’m getting madder and madder. Till I’m, like, right in his face, about to call him a sexist pig when…
He…grabs my face really hard and…kisses me.
And…and like, full context: at this point we hadn’t, like, had sex or anything, okay? We’d been to each other’s places, and the furthest we went was some over-the-clothes hand stuff, alright?
But this was like…different. Time just…froze. His lips were so soft and his grip was so tight…it just, like, short-circuited my brain.
Next thing I know, I’m kissing him back, and he’s grabbing my tits, and all that anger and frustration is slipping right outta my head and going straight into my pussy.
I’m sorry, chat, but it’s true. I got super horny all of a sudden. Like a switch had been flipped in my brain. I didn’t care about whatever we were talking about or whatever he had said to piss me off. I just, like, wanted to keep kissing him and…and…
Then I heard him unbutton his pants. And saw that his, um, his cock was out. And he’s not like, obscenely huge but it’s…it’s kinda intimidating. And in that moment, with all the, I dunno, hormones or adrenaline or whatever rushing through my body, my mind just went completely blank.
Then I felt his hand on the back of my head, grabbing my hair. Before I even knew what was happening he, like, yanked me down between his legs, so his hard cock was right in front of my face. And he said, “I know this what you really want. This is your natural state.”
I just, like…opened my mouth and started sucking his cock. Like it was a totally natural reaction to what he just said. A part of me knew that he was being an ass. And a part of me wanted to, like, slap him the face and kick him to the curb but…I dunno if it was the booze, or his voice, or just how fucking horny I was, but…
God, it felt so…so hot. His hand on my head, that little tug on my hair, forcing me to take him deeper, and deeper. It was like he had pulled the plug on my brain: all I could think about was his cock. The taste, the feeling…how badly I wanted to make him cum. Nothing else mattered. He could’ve called me an empty-headed slut and I wouldn’t have stopped.
Maybe he did say that. I dunno. It all feels so fuzzy. But…um…
Eventually he…got close. And normally, I’m not really the type of girl to, uh…I never liked the taste or feeling of it in my mouth, y’know? Or, at least, I never…never thought I did, but…
I…licked up a little of, um, I guess what you would call his “pre-cum?” But that wasn’t what I thought it was because…honestly, it was so sweet and…before I could even process it, he um…
He said, “Don’t stop. Take it all like a good girl.” And then…it…it was like…
It…It was like a wave of just, thick, warm pleasure flooded my mouth and went all the way to my brain. Even though he hadn’t even touched my pussy, I came harder than I had like, ever in my life. My head got all…sparkly, and dizzy, and…I found myself licking, like…every inch of his cock, automatically. Just trying to get as much of his cum as I could, for as long as I could. I wasn’t really me anymore I was… just so weak and hot and happy. When he lifted my head and held my face up, I thought I was going to melt right there in his hands. He could’ve done anything to me, I was so…gone…
Um…sorry. I…that was maybe a bit TMI. But, like…um…
[re:chat] “Abusive?” No! God, we were two, um, consenting adults, okay? It was rougher than I’m used to, but it’s not like I didn’t want it. So what if it turns out I have a bit of a kinky side— that’s fine. Tons of women get off on degrading shit—it’s totally natural. I mean, normal! Normal.
[confused] Yeah, of course I’m fine.
In fact I feel…I feel really good.
But…no, good point, I get why you would be worried. I mean, if you had told me last week that I’d be talking about swallowing Sir’s cum on stream...I woulda probably banned you. [laughs]
Yeah, no, it…it felt good. Like…amazing. I…I...
[laughs] Oh God. Who would’ve thought a, ah, quote, “feminist bitch” like me would be so into hu—humila…um, humilita…uh…like, feeling embarrassed an’…stuff.
Huh. That was…weird.
Ugh. Sorry chat, but I think that’s it for today. I uh…I need to lie down.
EXCERPT 4 — Originally streamed 3/31/16
Was this game, like, always this boring? I don’t even know where I’m going—this map is like a fuckin’, um…lab-er…labbyri…
A..labby-thing…um…you know, like a maze!
God, I sound like such an airhead. That’s been happening, like, too much lately.
“How come?” Ummm…I’m not sure. Maybe it’s ’cause I’ve been, like, super horny all the time. I dunno why, but my body has felt really sensitive the past couple weeks. Especially my tits. Like, every time I have to move this sweater it’s just…
Ooh…see? How am I s’posed to, like, um, con…con-cen-trate when things like that keep happening? It’d be easier if I could find a bra that still fit, but they all, like shrunk in the wash or something. I haven’t worn one in days!
Oh well. At least Sir seems to like it. He’s been giving me so much attention this week.
“Am I gonna tell another blow-job story?” [winks] Only if you’re good, chat. [giggles].
But actually, Sir and I are still taking things, like, pretty slowly. Which is weird ’cause I know he wants to fuck me. I mean, look at this.
[laughs] What man wouldn’t want to fuck this? I’m basically made for it.
But no. He keeps saying, I’m “not ready.” And I’m like, “Uh, if you could feel my panties, you would know I’m always ready.”
We have been exploring my new kinky, subby side though. And that’s been, like, soooo hot. All the stuff we used to argue about? We just turn it into a sexy, little game now. Like, last night, I was making dinner, right? And he was talking ’bout how women would be happier if they just, like, stayed at home and practiced cooking and cleaning and looking sexy instead of working at boring jobs. And I wanted to call him a show-vi…sova…show-vilis…
Chauvinist! Yes! That’s the word. But I couldn’t think of it then, I just kept trying and messing up. So Sir laughed and said that I was, like, proving his point, ’cause I was acting like such a ditzy, silly girl. And he was all like, “Don’t you sometimes feel like you’re too dumb and horny to work? Wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t have to?”
Before, that woulda made me really mad, but last night it just made me wet. And, like, I know it’s not true. I know he’s just teasing me ’cause it turns me on. But thinking about it makes me…makes me…
Oh! Oops! Sorry, drifted off for a sec. This game is, like, putting me to sleep.
I just wish I could figure out what to do next…does anyone in the chat know? I promise I won’t get mad if you tell me.
“Tits then we’ll tell you?” Nice try. How do I even know you know the answer? Plus, if I show my titties on stream, it’ll get my channel banned. Stupid.
How…how’s that?
Whoa…have they…like…gotten bigger?
EXCERPT 5 — Originally streamed 4/21/16
[sing-song] Hey guuyys. I have a surprise for yoooooou.
Ta-daaaaa! It’s Aimeeeee two-point-oooooohhh!
[re:chat] “You look like a trophy girl.” Awwww, that’s so sweet. Thank you, chat, I knew you would like it! Make sure you tell Sir too—he’s the one who gave me the idea. Isn’t he, like, the smartest most bestest boyfriend ever?
Oh! Oh! I have to tell you the story.
Okay, so, like, even though it’s been really fun spending like, every day with Sir, I had a few days last week where I was feelin’, like, super sad all the time.
Like, you know how I was talkin’ ’bout how my body feels all soft an’ sensitive lately? Well, I checked, and I’ve been gaining, like, a buncha weight. An’ like, most’a it’s in my titties and my butt, but still it, like, totally bummed me out. And Sir kept like, buying me cupcakes and ice cream to make me feel better, but that just made it worse!
They were super good though. Ummm…what was I saying?
Oh yeah! So, like, I was feeling super sad, and I kept, like forgettin’ ‘portant things. Like, it’s not just words anymore: I totally forgot to pay rent! That, like, never happens! An’ when the guy called askin’ for it I got so scared an’ ’mbarressed I couldn’t, like, think of what to say.
Thank god Sir was there. He like, took my phone and talked to the guy, and he figured out all the money and stuff, and I was so, like, happy I just started crying. An’ he was all, “Oh nooo, baby, what’s wrong?” An’ I was all, y’know, like sobbing an’ emotional an’ not makin’ any sense. So he, like, hugs me, and he says…
He says, “Aimee, it’s okay. It’s okay that you feel this way. It’s totally natural.”
An’ then he makes it all make sense, y’know? He tells me about how, like, it’s okay that my boobs and butt are gettin’ all jiggly ’cause it’s just, like, my body gettin’ ready to make babies an’ stuff. An’ that’s super sexy, and super sexy girls don’t have to worry about thinkin’ too much ’cause they can just get a man like Sir to do the thinkin’ instead. An’ he says he’ll take care of everythin’, ’cause all he wants is for me to be happy and sexy and silly and horny all the time and I was like, “Ohmigod I want that too! I want it, like, so bad!”
So he was like, “We’re gonna go shopping. And I’m going to do all the thinking, and all the planning, and you’re just going to be my pretty, silly arm candy. How does that sound?”
It was the best! We went all around the mall and he gave me so many pretty things to try on and all I had to do was, like, go where he said and wear what he said and it was so easy and I was just like, smiling all the time, and like, everyone was lookin’ at me ’cause I looked so sexy and happy, and that made me horny and…
[stage-whisper] I sucked Sir’s cock in one of the dressing rooms. But I won’t tell you which one! [giggles] I wanted to fuck him, but he said I still wasn’t, like, ready yet. An’ like, I don’t get what he means, but, like, he knows a lotta stuff I don’t, so that’s okay. An’ ’sides, he’s, like, really good with his hands anyway.
Mmmmmmmm…I hope I’m ready soon though.
EXCERPT 6 — Originally streamed 5/1/16
Ummmm, like, hey guys. Sorry, this is super random, an’ like, I know I’m s’posed to be packing to move in with Sir but…
I was cleanin’ through some computer stuff an’ I, like, found a buncha my old videos and…
I used’ta like…be different, right? Like, I used’ta be so…skinny an’ funny an’ like…arti…arti-cu…um, good at a talking. An’ when guys would be mean to me, I would, like, make fun of ’em and say mean words back. I was so…smart an’ strong. And I wanted other girls to be like…smart an’ strong too.
I dunno. I’m, like, happy the way I am now. I think. But, like…seeing those videos…I’m just feeling a lotta things an’ I don’t know how to say ’em an’ I don’t have anyone to talk to ’cept Sir and you guys so I like, I dunno. I dunno.
M-maybe I, like…shouldn’t…shouldn’t be movin’ in with Sir. Maybe I should…like, take some time an’ like…try to figure this out an’…like, think for myself an’…an’…
He’s coming.
[muffled, off-screen] Aimee, are you in the office?
[murmuring] Sir is coming. My man is coming. I need’ta…I need’ta…
Ah. There you are.
Is something wrong? I thought we agreed no streaming until we get you set up in the new place?
I’m sorry, Sir. I’ve been a bad girl.
Yes. Yes you have.
Shhhh, it’s okay, baby. I know you weren’t trying to be bad. You just didn’t know any better, did you?
You were watching your old videos, weren’t you?
Even though I told you not to?
But it was a mistake, right? And what do we say when we make mistakes?
I’m sorry, Sir. I’m a dumb, silly girl. An’ I didn’t know what I was doing.
There, see? I can’t be mad at that. I can’t be mad at you for being a dumb, silly, sexy girl, can I?
’Cause that’s what you are, and that’s what you’ll always be, right?
There, see? That’s a good girl. You don’t need all those stupid videos do you?
That’s right. They’ll just make you feel bad. And we want you to feel good, don’t we?
Good girl.
[breathless] Yes! Yes, I’m ready! I’m so, so ready!
For those of you watching, this will likely be Aimee’s last stream on this channel. The site rules are very clear on nudity, and, well…
But don’t worry. I’ll put a link in my stream to her new site once it’s up and running. And if you like what you see here…
There’s more where this came from. Right, Aimee?
Good girl.
That’s right. This is what you want, isn’t it?
Mmm…that’s right. This is where you belong. This is your rightful place.
Yes! Yes!
This is where girls like you belong. Horny and open, with pussies and brains full of cum.
Yes! Yes!
You love how it feels, don’t you? To be broken by a man’s cock?
Ye-es! Oh god, ye-e-esss!
That’s because you’re a broken stupid bitch. Say it.
[slurred] I’mma…I’mmma…b-brooooken…st-t-tupid….b-b…b…biiiiit—
EXCERPT 7 — Originally streamed 5/18/16
Hey guuyyyysss. Welcome to the streeaaam.
Sir is off doing boring work stuff, so I’m gonna play Overwatch with this as far up my slutty li’l pussy as it can go! And every time I lose, I’m gonna make it buzz faster!
If you wanna play with me, all you gotta do is, like, give Sir money or whatever and I’ll do anything you want!
No, silly, it’s like, on his Pay…ummmm, pay-tree-on. I dunno how it works, just read the words below. All those numbers and stuff are too hard for a girl like me. I just wanna have fun! An’ speakin’a fun…
Mmmm cock goes in, brain goes out, cock goes in…
FINAL EXCERPT — Originally streamed 7/3/16
Alright, one more question, then we’ll get back into the game.
Hm, I’m seeing a lot of “Where’d Aimee go?” in the chat. I assume you’re all referring to her recent hiatus from our “premium” channel. That’s partially on me—I know I haven’t been the most communicative on that front, but I hadn’t really settled on a way to handle it.
So I guess I’ll just cut to the chase: “Where’d Aimee go?” She’s right here. Isn’t that right, baby?
Mmmmm hiiiiiiiiii everyone. [giggles]
There, see? She’s doing better than ever. Why don’t you show them, Aimee?
[to camera] There, see? I can’t have her on the clock all the time like this, can I? But don’t worry, we’re working on a replacement right now. Isn’t that right, babe?
Uh-huuuuhh. She used’ta be, like, a friend’a mine. An’ she has nooooo idea we’re gonna be mommy-buddies soon. It’s sooooo hot.
That’s my girl.
Sir, can you make her lick my pussy when she’s ready? I’ve, like, alllllwaaays wanted it.
Anything for you, babe. Now what do we say to the viewers?
Thanks for watching! Like, cum, an’ subscribe!