The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cassandra’s Quest

The war galleon was named the Sea Warrior, and she slammed wildly into the waves. Wind howled in the ropes and brought water whipping down dangerously on the deck. Her body protested while she tried to hold back the salty ocean that pushed relentlessly against her sides. As she rolled awkwardly at the mercy of the elements the storm grew wilder. The crewmen tried to keep the ship’s lanterns lit, but gales full of rain kept putting them out.

“Cap’n!” The helmsman roared. “She can’t take much more of this!”

The captain turned to his helmsman and smiled icily.

“You’re fucking insane, Cap’n!”

Of course he was insane! The War had done that to people. Everybody knew he was no longer fit to command, but there was nobody better at killing than he was. The captain laughed. His crew shook their heads; some them made a sign to ward off evil, others simply prayed. The captain had been a priest once, before the war, before the slaughtering and senseless bloodshed of who should control the Stone of Power. He wasn’t bad, not really …

“She’ll send us to feast at Shamil’s table!” The Captain laughed hysterically and then pointed. “Look at her! She looks like a mermaid who’ll lure us to our deaths!”

The helmsman turned to see where he was pointing to. He saw her, the woman who’d been responsible for their being so close to the borders of the Kingdom of the Dark Isles, their bitter enemies. The helmsman had instantly fallen in love with her, as had everybody aboard the galleon.

The beautiful woman in the rain-soaked pale blue dress was named Cassandra, and she looked with weary eyes down the length of the galleon from her stand towards the ship’s helm. Lightning occasionally scrawled across the cloudy, dark sky.

She stood proud and fearless with her wet braided hair falling backwards. In the requirements of Cassandra’s order, she had arranged her waist-length hair, golden blond, in a single braid, tied with blue ribbons which brought out the colour of her deep, expressive eyes. She watched with sadness at the insane Captain who’d lost his mind.

“The war has been hard on you,” she reflected in her thoughts. “I pray the benevolent Goddess grant you the peace you need.” The urgency of her mission had left no time for her to prepare.

Cassandra knew the Captain to be a fine and loyal officer, but tonight the look in his eyes told the young woman that this officer, no matter how loyal, was suffering under the effects of this magically created storm. He should’ve been discharged from his duties, but he’d been the only one mad enough to volunteer for this assignment.

The air was thick with the scent of magical energy, the cracking sounded very much like every bone in a human’s body breaking at once.

Everybody on board had volunteered, but they all had identical disconcerting looks upon their faces. The magical energy seemed to have a different effect on the Captain. Cassandra watched as the Captain approached slowly, his blood red cape wet and sticky against the collar of his breastplate.

The magical war between the Confederacy of Mages and the Kingdom of the Dark Isles had left both sides depleted from warriors as well as civilians. The Kingdom of the Dark Isles had waged a bitter war against them to see who controlled the Stone of Power. They had cruelly conducted a scorched-earth policy from which it would take centuries to recover.

The Stone of Power was too strong to be controlled and too big to be transported upon a galleon. The Stone was the source of all magical powers; to control the stone was to the destiny of the entire universe.

Until now nobody claimed victory and the Stone of Power was losing its magic properties. The very fabric of reality was in danger of tearing apart. Both sides had had enough bloodshed and a compromise was needed.

Her fate had been sealed the day she joined the order of Kashumi, the benevolent Goddess. She’d been sent to become a liaison to the Kingdom of the Dark Isles. Nobody within her order had volunteered for this mission, because of the stories which came from there.

The Mother Superior of her order had hoped to open diplomatic relations, in a faint hope to sign a durable peace treaty between the Confederacy of Mages and The Kingdom of the Dark Isles so that the Stone of Power could be shared.

There had already been so much death and suffering.

“May my sacrifice bring an end to it,” she thought. “I must succeed.”

She took out an amulet granted from the diplomatic envoy of the Kingdom of the Dark Isles. It would grant her safe passage through the magical storm.

The main mast lay broken upon the rain-soaked deck. She glanced toward the restless ocean and to the lines from the galleon, which held in tow a much smaller vessel.

The second boat followed behind in juddering, hesitant intervals, like an impatiently dawdling child not really wanting to accompany its mother. Dark, foam-tipped waves occasionally swept over the sides of the fragile craft. For the thousandth time she wondered if she’d not made a mistake. And for the thousandth time she reminded herself that it didn’t matter.

“Don’t go ma’am,” the helmsman advised her gently. “Those bloody savages will never keep their word.”

“I must try,” she raised her voice over the howling wind. “I have faith in Kashumi, the benevolent goddess.”

“I have faith in this,” said the helmsman patting the sword on his side.

The captain blinked his eyes in the rain. He felt he should’ve stopped her, but he was in a point where he no longer cared anymore. Insanity had taken over his mind. All he longed for was for the cold grip of the God of Death, Malus.

Cassandra looked past the captain’s shoulder and into the frightened eyes of the seamen. She wasn’t surprised to see that fear was now turning into restlessness. “I go alone from here on!”

“What a pity!” The captain threw back his head and laughed insanely. “I was rather looking forward to dying with you!”

“Captain,” the helmsman spoke nervously. “The lady is already frightened.”

“And so she should be!” He grinned. “I hear those bloody savages rape foreign women to death! C’mon along!”

The Captain picked her up ungracefully over his shoulder and dumped her near the deck. Cassandra closed her eyes and ran one hand down her rain-soaked face, deeply gulping down the heavy, salt-laden air, remembering the oath she’d made to the benevolent Goddess.

The captain bowed shortly and mockingly smiled: “May I see you in the great halls of Shamil, the God of War!”

“And may we find peace through an honourable death, my brother,” she saluted. “There is still goodness inside of you Captain I can feel it in my heart.”

The Captain’s smile suddenly faded. He hadn’t expected a girl to recite the warrior’s oath. Even as insane as he knew himself to be, he felt a chill go up his spine as the girl looked him fearlessly in the eye. He could see in her eyes the good man he used to be, reminding him once again of who’d been. The Captain struggled to remain emotionless. He took two slow steps back and right turned to face his men.

“What the fuck are all you cunts looking at?!” The Captain barked.

He was left with the empty, stabbing feeling that she had somehow knowingly tapped into his greatest fear. His insanity seemed to have abandoned him.

The lightning became frequent and the rain harder, occasionally coming sideways to sting his face. He hesitated before giving the orders. He needed to complete his orders before the weather worsened. Raising his voice against the wind, he addressed the men who stood before him.

Ignoring the protests of his men, the Captain commanded that the small boat in tow be pulled alongside and secured to the galleon. A rope ladder was lowered down her rain-drenched hull into the smaller vessel. The storm fought violently to separate the two. Crewmen struggled to keep them steady. Casks of biscuits, salted meat, drinking water, and lanterns were lowered in. Oars were carefully lowered down.

“This is suicide,” someone shouted. “Stop her!”

A suicide mission wasn’t far from the truth. Nobody had ever gone to the Kingdom of the Dark Isles and returned alive. But this young woman was their only hope for peace.

The Captain watched as Cassandra turned to look him in the eye before clambering down the rope ladder into the boat. As she turned to face the Captain for the last time she pulled a wet mass of hair away from her face, curling it behind an ear.

The Captain turned quickly to the helmsman. “Set sail,” he commanded. “South by southwest. We’re going home and be quick about it. I’ve no desire to be here anymore.”

Cassandra bent to pick up an oar and began paddling. The amulet she wore made the sea around her eerily calm. It almost looked as if she was inside an invisible bubble and outside it the sea was savagely wild.

Looking nervously towards the horizon the small craft began to make way to land. She didn’t know where she was heading except that the amulet was subconsciously guiding her towards her destination.

Suddenly a vortex of brilliant white and red appeared before her. Cassandra suppressed any fear or instinct to paddle away. She began feeling a strange kind of pleasure, a tingling impression that started to rise between her legs. She balled her hands into fists as her legs weakened. Her entire being became immersed in a churning vortex of brilliant white and red, blurring her vision.

She could feel her nipples swelling erectly as she passed the vortex. There was a bizarre feeling about it that sent wild shudders racing throughout her body. Big strong invisible hands cupped each of her petite breasts. A hand cupped her between her legs and the pleasure was so intense that Cassandra didn’t know how much longer she could last.

The intense pleasure was almost driving Cassandra out of her mind as the invisible fingers flicked and circled around the tip of her sensitively swollen clit. She felt her entire vaginal area melting with heat and dampness. She wasn’t even aware of the cries of joy she was making.

“May Kashumi, the benevolent goddess protect me.” She whispered.

The glorious ecstasy mounted and mounted as the stimulation continued.

Something seemed to be sucking the essence from her body. This felt good but at the same time something was wrong. She felt as if she were about to start turning over and over with the vortex as it engulfed her completely. Perhaps she was dying, her mind said from somewhere far away. Deeper and deeper into the vortex she went, the swirling circles growing in her eyes.

The last thing she remembered was a creature with shiny scales roaring furiously, while desperately trying to cling onto Cassandra.


A cool wet spray woke her hours later. Cassandra had fallen asleep during the journey. This had to be a sleep enchantment spell to keep her from knowing how to find her way back. It wasn’t necessary, for Cassandra wouldn’t have been able to memorise the path she’d taken. These people were leaving nothing to chance.

She opened her eyes startled to find herself lying on the beach. The boat which had brought her to the Island was smashed to smithereens. There were smaller islands on the horizon.

She remembered the vortex and the intense pleasure. It was the most incredible and most powerful experiences in her whole life. It was like her entire body was feeling the more pleasure that she could cope with. The orgasms she had had left her own body depleted.

How long had it been: seconds, hours or days? However long it really lasted, it certainly had an enduring effect on her. If it had lasted a moment longer, it might have killed her with sheer pleasure.

She’d never travelled through a vortex before, but many of the other sisters would giggle about the effects it had on them. Cassandra lay on the beach stunned and panting as she continued to twitch and spasm in aftershocks of the tingling pleasure she felt between her legs.

She knew she was in danger if she stayed any longer, for being on the beach during a storm wasn’t wise. She gathered her things and began walking in the first direction which came into her mind.

Her stomach growled in protest and she looked in her bag. The food they’d packed was spoiled, which only left a casket of drinking water. She took a deep sip.

As she moved among the stretch of beach, she felt the coolness in the wind turn to a sharper, wetter cold. Out to sea, lightning flashed against the blackness of the clouds, and the distant boom of thunder rode over the noise of the waves. She wondered if the galley was in safe waters.

Cassandra picked up speed. The storm was coming in faster than she’d have liked it to be, driving the rising tide before it. It seemed that her hosts weren’t going to make her stay comfortable. She barely managed to reach high ground before the tide engulfed the last strip of beach.

As he reached the next stretch of sand, she misjudged her leap from the rock and landed badly. She fell onto the ground, clutching her ankle. She uttered a curse which she’d often heard the soldiers cry out. She used all her strength to pull herself up. She lay puffing for a moment, and then started to crawl up.

“C’mon Cassandra,” she said to herself as she hopped on her good ankle. “Don’t be such a little girl.”

The wind picked up, and Cassandra began to really feel the cold bite against her back. She shivered and hurried her pace as well as she could. Cassandra felt as if a giant hand were pushing at her back, guiding her to where she needed to go. She walked into a forest. She heard all sorts of eerie sounds around her, the wind whistling through the branches of ancient three-story sized trees. The dark glades of the forest felt unsafe, but then she remembered the amulet was protecting her.

For what seemed like hours she made her way through the storm. The path snaked and twisted, bringing her at times at full face against the howling wind. Cassandra leaned into the wind, her dress whipping behind her. She forced herself to remain calm. Bolts of lightning lit the landscape with brilliant white.

Soon she entered a clearing, in the centre of which sat a small cottage. Light shone through a window, and smoke rose from the chimney. She crossed the clearing, and Cassandra wondered at the storm’s virtual non existence in this one spot of the forest. It was only a slight drizzle in this clearing while outside it the storm raged violently.

“It must be magic,” she thought.

Once before the wooden door, Cassandra inhaled deeply, pushed it open and stepped in.

“Shut that door, you silly girl!”

Cassandra jumped to obey, slamming the door harder than she’d meant to. She turned, examining the view before her. The interior of the cottage was pleasantly furnished. Against the far wall was the fireplace, with a good-size hearth before it. A bright, cosy fire burned, casting a warm glow. Next to the fireplace a high arched couch rested with its back to Cassandra, behind which a person was sitting.

“My name is Lin,” the woman stood up and faced Cassandra. “I already know who you are. I am the one who’ll decide if we are to declare peace among our two nations.”

She wore an elegant long gown, with a transparent silk front sleeveless bodice where the dark areolas of her nipples were just protruding. Cassandra’s gaze lingered on the groin area where Lin had little more than a tiny bit of transparent fabric covering her intimate zone. She threw an errant handful of jet-black waist-long hair over one shoulder.

Cassandra noticed an expression of boredom on Lin’s face. She stared back, meeting and accepting the woman’s gaze. There was beauty there, a cruel, almost fierce beauty, but which made Lin look ravishing. Her face, now strict and ostensibly emotionless, had an oriental elegance, just as her features assumed a naturally aristocratic descent. Lin’s body had an alluring sensual majesty to it which seemed only to be added by the sexy attire she wore around her perfect curves.

She cast her exotic, almond-shaped eyes down at Cassandra who’d quickly recovered from her initial shock. Lin placed her hand around the amulet which had guided her to this sanctuary. It vanished from sight.

“You must know then that I have a letter from my superior.” She replied with formality and handed an envelope with a red wax seal.

Lin took it and broke the seal. Her eyes scanned the contents. Occasionally her brows would rise in acknowledgment and then suddenly she frowned. For a long moment she remained silent as if pondering the consequences of the news.

“Do you know what’s written here?” She turned her back to Cassandra and faced the hearth.

“The Mother Superior thought it prudent that I remain ignorant.”

“If what is written here is true” Lin sounded sceptical, “we might have a chance to bring the war to an end. It’ll all depend solely on you …”

“Nobody can gain with the continuation of this war.” Cassandra replied. “I’ll do what ever it takes.”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself girl,” she folded the envelope. “Our ways are alien to you … ‘barbaric’ even! Besides, from what I’ve read, you’re not even a sorceress.”

“I wouldn’t have been sent here if my Mother Superior didn’t believe in me.” She said determinedly.

“Talk is cheap.”

“I lost my entire family in the beginning of the war,” Cassandra confessed. “If I have a chance to prevent another woman from losing the people she loves the most then I’ll do it. I do not wish that pain on anybody.”

“It was the Confederacy who started this war …” She began in an angry tone.

“We have a slightly different version back home.” Cassandra cut in before she could say more. “The truth is we may never know who started this war. But it’s in our hands to bring it to an end. Let’s put our personal feelings aside and figure a way to share the Stone of Power.”

“Touching speech,” Lin smiled sardonically. “But how do I know that the Confederacy will share the Stone of Power?”

“You have no choice, because your powers have been fading just as our mages have.” Cassandra returned the smile and then added: “I’m sure you’ve also the fabric of our reality is weakening.”

Lin didn’t reply.

The rain was beating on the tile roof of the cottage. Candles kept the old building lighted. Cassandra winced at the pain in her ankle. Without waiting Lin knelt down and put her hands upon Cassandra’s ankle. There was a small heat transfer and suddenly the pain was gone.

“You’re a healer?” Cassandra asked surprised because healers were usually a male power and not female.

“That’s only one of the many things I’m able to do.” She avoided eye contact. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“Something to eat would be nice.”

“Of course,” Lin snapped her fingers.

The space around them folded and contorted. They were suddenly in a different room. They were no longer in the cottage, but in a great hall. It was without a doubt the largest room Cassandra had ever seen, constructed from smooth, white marble; lit by many, open skylights and chandeliers; and decorated with otherwise quite luxuriant furniture.

Cassandra wasn’t a sorceress but she knew few mages back home which could equal Lin’s ability.

Lin did not speak, nor look directly at her. Cassandra’s gaze discovered a table before them.

It was an extremely long ornate dinning table, made of dark oak, and there was an expensive tablecloth. But it wasn’t the luxury that caught Cassandra’s interest. There were different types of dishes ranging from sweet to salty. There were steaming bowls of what appeared to be stew, and silvery dishes of cakes, biscuits and sweet creams in the middle of it all.

The odour was divine, and Cassandra waited for no invitation to dig in. She was starving, and hadn’t even realized it until this very moment, as that wonderful smell tempted her: meat and exotic spices and she smelt what were certainly sweet potatoes. Her stomach growled, much to her embarrassment and Cassandra bit one corner of her watering mouth.

“I apologise for my behaviour,” Cassandra said through one mouthful of meat while stuffing some rice in between. “I’m usually a lady when I’m eating but I’m starving!”

Lin didn’t reply.

Cassandra sat in the chair taking the spoon that rested by the bowl, and placed several spoon fills to her mouth. Scrumptious! She stopped to take a breather and packed in again. There was a crystal glass at her right hand, and she grabbed it, chugging down a good three quarters of the glass’s contents.

“Wine”, she realised only too late as the warmth hit her in the pit of her stomach.

An hour later, after Cassandra had eaten voraciously at the table in the living room she felt satisfied. Now that her hunger had been satisfied she noticed that Lin had a stern gaze upon her.

“You’ll need to rest,” Lin finally said. “I’ll show you to your room.”

Turning away from the table, Lin suddenly levitated herself off the floor and beckoned Cassandra to follow. Cassandra did her best to keep up with the Sorceress. They had a long way to go to get to the room. They went down numerous corridors, the oil sconces on the walls granting a soft, constant glow, the heels of Cassandra’s shoes ringing out loudly against the smooth floorboards.

Lin finally stopped before two gigantic doors of carved mahogany. Strangely they had no locks or doorknobs. Narrowing her eyes she uttered a spell, and Cassandra heard a clicking sound in the door turn over once, then three more times. The doors opened by themselves door and Lin hovered through, Cassandra following behind her. The massive doors closed behind them heavily.

The chambers had a gigantic four-poster bed, an adjoining walk-in closet, a large fireplace, and a huge luxuriant bath. The walls were of a rich red polished marble, as was the open, low-walled balcony where Cassandra now stood. Below, the sea crashed against the nearby shore, and she could smell the crisp, salty sea air.

It surprised her for she had the impression she’d walked a great distance from the coast. Oil sconces and candles gave off a soft, continuing glow. Colourful, exotic furniture, elaborately decorative rugs, and various works of art ornamented the room. But there was a strange sweet scent which invaded her nostril making her sleepy and tingly.

Lin turned to Cassandra, she said, “You might want to sleep.” It was more of an order than a request. Cassandra yawned and lay down on the bed without objection. She was very tired.


The great Temple hall was covered by a domed ceiling of white stone; the floor was a mirror of highly polished marble squares. Giant standardized marble columns, so thick around that it would take four holding hands to surround only one, flanked the entire length of two of the opposing walls from ceiling to floor. Scores of sconces burnt merrily against the wall. There was a grand dais at the end of the Temple.

The gong rang three times.

Lin walked stately towards the altar on top the dais. Five women, all dressed in white robes and of an undetermined age, stood before it with emotionless expressions.

Lin knelt before the five High Priestesses and guardians of the Isles. Moonlight shone through the large windows in the walls, the whitest glow giving an eerie impression through the Temple.

“Is she the One,” asked one of the robed women.

“I believe so,” replied Lin. “I had her tested when she passed through the vortex.”

“We were not informed,” they spoke in a displeased tone.

“I felt it urgent not to waste your precious time,” she prostate herself.

“Let us see for ourselves.” They demanded. “Bring her to us.”

Lin raised her hands in the air to summon her power. This was going to be a difficult spell because performing magic in this space was complicated. The temple became cold. It became difficult to breathe, as though the air had become thinner, and all about the temple sparkling cascades of light moved all around, as if they had life of their own.

Lin’s head was bowed slightly forward, her eyelids twitching as if in a trance. Still she was focused intently on the altar upon the dais. Strands of her dark, black hair matted to her forehead with perspiration, despite the coldness of the room. Even though she was a powerful sorceress doing magic within the temple was exhausting.

The vein in her left temple began to throb. She was straining both hands into balls, digging the nails into her flesh, it was apparent that she was struggling. With the Stone of Power weakening replenishing her own strength was taking longer.

Just then there came a sound. A strange electrical noise and looking down Cassandra’s sleeping form began to slowly appear. First she was transparent, and then gradually her form became clearer and more solid.

Cassandra’s body and mind had been rendered unconscious with sleep. Her body laid placed on top the altar. The five women stood around Cassandra’s prostrate body and uttered a spell which removed her clothes and left her arms and legs splayed.

Her form was pleasing, Lin thought to herself, for Cassandra had all the delicate, almost frail grace so typical of a woman from her land; her skin perfect, petite conical breasts riding high on Cassandra’s chest tipped with pink rosy nipples.

“We must test her to the limits,” said another woman in white.

“She might die,” cautioned Lin.

“We have scanned her mind,” said the third woman in white. “Her spirit is willing to take the chance for a peace among our two nations.”

“Then it is agreed,” the five women fluttered their eyelids as they telepathically communicated with Cassandra.

They nodded in agreement and with their combined powers they cast a powerful spell upon her.

Cassandra shuddered violently. Heat spread within her moistening vagina, and a bright little bud fanned itself out. Cassandra was panting, biting her lips, and there was a fierce struggle going on within her head. She was frightened, mortified, and confused with the whirling and changing sensations.

Her hand slid down her crotch and cupped her bare white flesh, squeezing up against her mound. She felt uncontrolled, her hand unable to pull away as her fingers began to rub up and down over her vagina.

Her breathing came faster and faster and her body experienced a different kind of heat than she’d felt in the boat. This one was stronger! Her fingers slid into her body, pumping slowly as her thumb rubbed back and forth across her own clit. Cassandra whined in protest, but continued her stimulation.

Cassandra wasn’t even sure if she was dreaming or awake, but her arousal seemed real enough. For despite her own sexual encounters, Cassandra had never had an orgasm as powerful as the ones she’d felt upon coming here. She was tingling in places she never knew existed. Her orgasms usually lasted a few seconds, but this was something different.

Now, the unacquainted feelings coming from her crotch were so powerful that it always left her in a thrashing mental daze. Cassandra soared violently in the throes of her first orgasm, biting her lips and moaning, her head rolling vigorously from side to side as she reached the peeking, rising crest of a mighty, smashing eruption.

“Hardly anything impressive,” said the five women with scorn. “Increase the flow!”

Cassandra came, but the orgasm didn’t stop. The five women increased the effect to see how far Cassandra could take it. Together they began to build up the magic rhythm again, their eyes fixed between Cassandra’s legs, her thighs spreading themselves wider. They released Cassandra’s hand as she plummeted her probing finger inside her snatch.

“Uhhhhhhh,” she murmured, “too much … stop … uhhhh … please stop!”

Furiously, then, she rubbed her pulsating clitoris and plunged her finger into the suctioning grip of her burning hole, rolling her buttocks and gasping for air as more magical energy came stimulating through her vagina with ever more powerful waves.

They increased their sexual stimulation even further. Cassandra was climaxing to heights never before achieved and she hadn’t reached peeking point. The temple shook and trembled with the sexual energy. A column collapsed and it seemed the ceiling would cave in.

“Continue,” the five women spoke dispassionately in one voice ignoring her pleas to stop.

Pure white light shot from the five women’s eyes into Cassandra’s vagina. When that happened, she cried out again and again and again! She pressed her fingers deep inside herself as the spasms going through her body intensified again.

She shrieked with pleasure. Cassandra half leaned, half sat back against the altar, her legs widely spread and her body bent back. The light entered her body through her vagina. Her hand continued to work away at her groin, which was responding with a tremendous wave of scorching, tingling pleasure.

Sex juices pour out of Cassandra’s womanhood as she rubbed her sex frantically. Her mind was in bliss of an orgasm and it didn’t seem to want to stop, the five women were beginning to sweat from the effort of the combined spell.

Suddenly Cassandra’s eyes began to change.

Lin watched in a mixture of fascination and horror as the irises and pupils of Cassandra’s eyes began to disappear altogether, leaving only the whites of her eyes. Then, rapidly, the white began to change to black, and her eyes were completely black as the night.

Lin began to break into sweat, and her breathing quickened because the sexual energy was so powerful she was getting wet between her legs. It was with an enormous effort of willpower that she resisted joining Cassandra.

“She is strong!” The five women strained.

The ground crashed beneath their feet as psychic energy broke through. The temple shook, marble slabs broke apart, and chunks of the dome came tumbling down.

“Don’t break contact!” The five women were now under enormous psychic exertion. “SHE IS THE ONE! SHE IS THE ONE! SHE IS THE ONE!”

Lin’s own juices began to flow freely. She wanted, needed to rub herself to a climax.

Lightning splintered through the sky. Cassandra mumbled in a language long forgotten and one she herself had never learnt. She canted an electric spell, sending sparks of magical energy flickering over her sex. The effect was instantaneous, Cassandra wailed as she felt one of the most intense climaxes of her entire life. Particles of magical power teased across the lust-aroused flesh of her sex, sending such shocks of pleasure that Cassandra hadn’t imagined possible.

The wind outside the temple picked up and dark clouds gathered together. The lighting seemed to want to assemble in one striking point.

“Enough,” said the five women in unison. “She has passed the test.”

They stopped there psychic assault. Two of the five women needed to support themselves from the fierce exertion. Cassandra let out a loud cry as she came, and her heels drummed a frenzied uncontrollable drumming upon the altar. She came finally reaching her much desired satisfaction.

Lin was lying on the ground breathing rapidly. There was none it that temple who hadn’t felt a modicum of the sexual energy that Cassandra had released.

The skies cleared and the moon shone its pale white light. Lying slumped back Cassandra’s breasts rose and fell rapidly. She felt her body quiver and shake as the rest of the orgasm slowly dispelled. Her body shook and convulsed in one final erotic ecstasy.

Slowly, she relaxed as the spell wore off. Her sex was still hypersensitive by the magically enhanced sensory assault, but the rest of her relaxed as if floating on air. Her head was dizzy, but she was unable to open her eyes. Cassandra’s fingers were still embedded in the wet lips of her vagina still masturbating. Far back in her mind she heard voices.

“We are pleased,” said the five women in tired voices. “Lin. You are to train her personally for her trial. You must not fail us.”

“I will not,” she knelt down.

Lin, looking down into the flushed face of her new student, noticed the poor woman had passed out. Cassandra’s privates were completely slime covered, and that the inner vaginal lips were somewhat parted revealing a celestial interior pinkness. She was going to enjoy training Cassandra …

“I’ll begin immediately,” Lin licked her lips in anticipation.