The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cigar Monitor

By E.S. Morwood

Chapter Eleven

After Mr. Spackle was finished with me, I was returned home, still basically sane except I had a newfound fetish for jock straps.

However, I was still left with trying to find two more candidates.

The idea of picking up a drunk came back into my mind but I did not think it hopeful.

However, I was grateful that Sgt. Sergeant wasn’t ‘Cigar Monitor’ material. He would have made a great partner for me when Rod went back to his wife, yet at the same time I was glad that he didn’t get accepted. If he had found out that I had tricked him into going to the site and becoming a ‘Bear’ he would have never forgiven me and I would be back in the same situation that I was currently in with Rod.

Yet, I was surprised to learn that Sgt. Sergeant was less than 75% straight.

I mused to myself that he might stumble on to the site on his own. He did say he liked the smell of cigars.

I also came to the conclusion that from now on, I would only send ass-holes to Spackle. Decent men should never be given to that bastard.

However the more I thought about Spackle the angrier I got. The hatred for this Spackle-creature was becoming an obsession. I had to find a way to neutralize him. Spackle had provided me with some new information about himself so I tried to understand all the data I had on him in a useable way.

One: the hooded man was actually several hooded men or aliases. To me that meant they were not real men, but computer doppelgangers representing him. He could be lying but there was no way I could determine that. They may actually be other recruited men that worked for him.

Two: he changed men into cigar smoking bears because he said he could. This was sheer hubris and arrogance. He was obviously a sociopath.

Three: he was obviously highly intelligent and had knowledge of web systems and technology that surpassed anyone I knew.

Four: he seemed to be interested in me. He knew my name and where I lived. He even threatened to come over and watch me humiliate myself in the real world. Ergo, he was human. Obviously he had never gone out of his way to do anything like this before. Perhaps I could use this to my advantage.

After thinking about his for a while I became restless, so I went out for a walk in order to try and clear my mind and to think of a way to neutralize Spackle or at least render him ineffective.

* * *

As I was walking down the street smoking my stogie, I saw a skinny young man maybe eighteen or nineteen. He was unkempt and had long stringy hair. Numerous eyebrow rings adorned his face and he looked dejected. He reminded me of my nephew Tyler but older. I wondered if he was homeless.

“You lost?” I asked.

He looked at me with great suspicion and said, “Get lost fag. I’m not looking to suck cock.”

A little surprised at this I said, “I’m not looking to have anything sucked. You just looked lost and I thought you could use some help.”

“Sure you are.” he said sarcastically.

“Fine. Have a good night.” and I turned to go. This kids attitude really pissed me off.

“You could give me a cigarette.”

I looked back at him and said, “I don’t smoke cigarettes. Just cigars. If you think you can handle a stogie, then I’ll give you one.”

The guy looked doubtful and said, “Sure.”

I gave him one and flicked out my Zippo.

He puffed it inexpertly into life and looked at it disdainfully. “They’re pretty strong.”

I don’t think he was enjoying it.

“It’s a cigar. Real men smoke them. Are you a real man?”


“Good for you. Have a nice night.”

As I turned to leave he grabbed my arm and brushed by me. “Wait! Look I’m sorry. You tend to get a lot of perverts in this area of town.”

I looked at him and replied, “Then why not move?”

“I can’t. No money.”

“Get a job.”

“No one will hire me.”

“Why not? Are you disabled in some way? You look able enough. You were able enough to try and pick my pocket just now.”

The kid looked scared and said, “I did not!”

“Did too!” I said childishly.

The kid looked like he was about ready to run. I grabbed his arm and held it.

“Hold on their sunshine I’m not going to call the cops.”

“Fuck you asshole! Let me go.”

I released him and stood back.

“Look I’m sorry. My mistake. Let me make it up to you. How about I buy you a coffee and a bagel or something. My treat. There’s a cyber-café in the next block.

He eyed me suspiciously but I think he saw me as an easy mark.


We walked silently down the street to the Cyber-Café and I ditched my cigar as we entered. The cigar I had given him had gone out. He had barely touched it and he dumped it in a sand-filled ashtray.

I ordered a Latte and a bagel. He ordered a Frappuccino and a Danish.

We went down to the end of the cafe and sat next to a monitor.

“So tell me your story kid.”

“What story?”

“Everyone’s got a story.”

“My parents hassled me. I left. It’s as simple as that.”

“What’s your name?”


“How old are you.”


“Have any skills? Apart from pick-pocketing, but then I wouldn’t call that one of your skills.”


“You’re a real conversationalist.”

He shrugged.

“Know anything about cars?”

“A little.”

“I know some mechanics and maybe I could ask around and see if they need an assistant.”


“Gee, I don’t know? Maybe because it would be a nice thing to do, and maybe you could learn a trade and stop living on the street.”

He shrugged again.

“You’ve got real attitude kid. Loose that and maybe you would be able to keep a job.”

He shrugged again.

I stared at him and couldn’t believe the complete slacker attitude that this kid had. This kid needed a life changing experience.

“You like girls?”

“Of course!”

“You know how to work a computer?”


“Wait here.” I went to the counter and bought an hour of Internet access. I pulled out my wallet and handed him a piece of paper with a URL on it.

“Here go to this site.”

He looked at the paper I handed him and typed in the address. A buxom blond appeared on the page. He looked interested.

“Put your nose on that dot and relax your eyes.”


“There’s a great 3D effect.”

Intrigued the kid did as I suggested. All of sudden he froze and I knew Mr. Spackle had his number two.

I stood up and fished out a few 20’s from my wallet and stuffed them into his jacket pocket. Then I placed a few cigars in his shirt pocket.

“You’ll be needing these. Have a nice life.” and I left the café.

When I got home. There was an email from Mr. Spackle. He was very pleased with this one. He also included the URL for Rod’s next level of changes.

* * *

I met Rod down at the bar. We had a few beers and we walked back to my place.

I told him I had another surprise site for him to look at.

When we got in, I called up the bookmark and my face appeared again but this time I was sporting the high and tight that Coach Spackle had given me when last we met. Rod smiled and asked, “How did you do that?”

I told him that I had some skill with computers.

“You know you look pretty good with that flattop.”

And with that he placed his face against the screen and went to visit Coach Spackle.

Fifteen minutes later he came back and he looked confused.

“How was it?” I asked.

“Fine. Good.”

“What did you see?”

“I can’t remember.” And he looked kind of scared. “I know I had a good time but I feel different somehow.”

“Different? How?”

“I don’t know…less horny. Usually when I get back I want to jump your bones immediately.”

“You don’t want to have sex with me?”

“No, no. I do but…”

“You’re just tired. Why not go home and get some rest. You can come by and jump my bones tomorrow.”

Rod smiled and said, “You’re right. I am pretty tired.”

He got up kissed me hard on the mouth and left.

After he left I mused to myself that I hated this. I hated turning Rod straight and I hated turning straight men gay, even if those men were assholes and losers.

* * *

The next evening, after Rod and I had sex and we were cuddling in bed, Rod said guiltily, “I had sex with Diane last night. She wanted it and so we made out. The thing is that I didn’t have to fantasize about fucking men when I did it. Well I did some of the time but most of the time I was happy just fucking her.”

Then Rod looked glum. “Maybe you were right about me becoming immune to the Alumni Site.”

Rod frowned worriedly and then looked at me. “It’s great being able to make love to my wife again, but I don’t want to loose you in the process. I don’t think I should go to that site anymore.”

“Rod you were never happy being gay. You were becoming depressed and even suicidal. You still loved your wife and you hated it that you couldn’t make love to her like you used to. Now your life seems to be coming together again. You’re happier and your wife’s happy. If making you happy means that I would loose you, then I would much rather loose you. I don’t want to see you in that much torment ever again.”

“I could live with being Bi.” he said doubtfully.

“I know. But is that fair to Diane? She married you for the long haul and she’s clearly crazy about you. Hell she’s put up with all your shit for the past few months. Eventually she’ll find out that you’re just not coming over here to smoke cigars, drink beer and watch hockey. She’ll be crushed and you’ll feel like shit again.”

I was putting on a brave face, but in fact I was thinking that maybe Rod and I could continue our relationship if he didn’t get any further treatments. He seemed to better and his wife was getting what she needed. It seemed we had the best of both worlds. Down deep I knew that it would never work and sooner or later some one was going to get hurt.

I emailed Spackle and asked him if I could change the terms of the contract. Uncharacteristically he didn’t send back an immediate response.

* * *

The next morning, I got a call from Frank. He was elated! It seems that Linda had come out of her coma in the night.

“That’s great news! How is she?”

“She’s doing remarkably well. She will need some physiotherapy and still has a slight headache but the doctors say she’ll make a full recovery!”

“Did she say how she fell?”

There was a pause and I could tell that Frank was barely controlling his anger. “You were right Bill. That bastard Ted pushed her down the stairs.”

“Well I never really said that…”

“Well you kind of hinted at it. Anyway I called the cops and an officer named Sgt. Sergeant came over and took a deposition.”

“Sgt. Sergeant. Yeah I met him. Nice guy. Unfortunate name.”

“Really nice, and your right about the name. Do you know that he actually used to work for me when he was a kid? I remembered him. We got on like a house on fire. Anyway, after Sgt. Sergeant met with Linda they hauled Ted down to the station and confronted him. He caved and admitted it all. They’ve taken him to custody and is being held without bail.”

“Great! So why did Ted try to kill Linda?”

“That bastard Ted was having an affair and Linda found out about it. She accidentally saw an email that his mistress sent to him. Apparently this woman didn’t know that Ted was married. Linda confronted him and he pushed her down the stairs.”

“That bastard!” I said, echoing Frank’s description of Ted.

“It gets worse! Thinking that Linda was dead he went to the office and pretended that nothing had happened, He just let her lie there! Then he dragged some pal of his home with him to give him a witness. When he got there she was still alive and he was forced to call an ambulance. Then, you remember when he said he was going home to have a shower? He actually went to this woman’s house and killed her!”

“That son of a bitch!” I said.

“Yeah. They found the murder weapon too.”

This was news that I didn’t know. “Where?”

“It was a hunting knife and he had stuffed it up one of the rain spouts in his back yard.”

“He must have done that before I picked him up.”

“Yeah. Well I’m glad this is over now. I have a feeling Ted is going to be spending a very long time in prison. I hope some inmate finishes him off.”

“My sentiments exactly! But I’m glad it’s all over.”

“Me too. You know that Sgt. Sergeant is a great detective! He managed to piece together an email off of Ted’s hard drive even after it was erased!” said Frank with a certain amount of awe.

“Really?” I said.

“Yeah. I didn’t know this but apparently it’s actually difficult to erase a hard drive fully unless know what you’re doing. Well gotta go son. I thought I’d call and give you the good news.”

“Thanks Dad. Give my best to Linda and Mom when you get a chance. I’ll pop down to the hospital this evening for a visit.”

I went to the hospital to visit Linda and she was a lot better. Nancy, Steven and the kids were there too, but I noticed that Tyler had adopted a new look: a very familiar look.

Oddly enough I think Steven was actually pleased with the change. I’m sure it reminded him of when he was a young rebel stud. However I don’t think Tyler would be cruising for chicks any time soon. The change was so abrupt that it seemed to me that Tyler had made a visit to the Cigar Monitor Site!

He had cut down his hair to a crew cut like mine and was trying to grow a goatee. His hair was so blond and fine that his beard looked like peach fuzz. He was sporting a leather jacket and had apparently started smoking, much to his parent’s chagrin and insistence that he stop. He argued, “Grandpa and Uncle Bill smoke, and Dad used to smoke.”

That didn’t sit well with Nancy. She looked at us with barefaced contempt as if we were encouraged her son to smoke.

The bastard Spackle had gotten a member of my family! This time it was personal. This had to stop!

However on closer examination it became apparent that Tyler was smoking cigarettes, not cigars. I also caught him looking at the female nurses in a typical late adolescent fashion. He wasn’t gay. He was simply going through the typical process of becoming a man.

Still the idea that Spackle might have gotten to one of my family members instilled in me the need to put this bastard out of action. If that meant having to kill him then so be it.

I began to formulate a plan. Seeing as he was so interested in me perhaps I could entice him over to my apartment in the real world and deal with him in the flesh. He would be without his toys and mind control devices and the playing field would be even. The only problem was that I had to wait until Rod has his final treatment and that meant another candidate.

* * *

When I got back home I noticed a response from Spackle.

We need to talk. Come to this URL.

I hated the idea of visiting Spackle in his cyber-world again but I felt that I had no choice. Besides I may be able to get some more information from the bastard.

As soon as I entered the site, I knew that Spackle had something special planned.

The place looked like a hunting lodge. The walls were lined with cedar paneling and a huge stone fireplace stood against on wall. The fire was lit. Animal heads hung at various places throughout the room. A large bear rug with a gaping fanged head was on the floor. Comfortable looking rustic furniture was located throughout the room. The windows had curtains but it was dark outside; that is, if there was an outside.

I was naked of course but I couldn’t see Spackle.

Suddenly the front door banged open and Spackle entered carrying a rifle. His hair was now black and he had a thick full beard. A stogie was firmly lodged in the right side of his mouth and he looked like a red necked good old boy. He was wearing camouflaged hunting attire and black army boots. His baseball cap also had a camouflaged look and it had a large outfitters logo on it. Again he was wearing dark sunglasses and I couldn’t get a look at his eyes.

“Been hunting.” he said.

“For what?”


He sauntered into the room and said, “I’ve been tracking a rascally grizzly for some time. He doubled-back and tried to ambush me. But I nailed him.” Spackle then pointed directly to his forehead and made a gunshot sound. “Boom! Then he dropped like a sack of hammers.”

Spackle smiled and continued, “He didn’t want to play the game anymore and he thought he was clever enough to outsmart me, but in the end he was just another stupid bear. Now he’s part of my collection.” As if to emphasize this fact, Spackle walked over the bear rug on the floor and stood in front of me.

Then he stopped and chewed on his cigar. He was smiling wickedly.

“It seems you want to leave the game too.” He said.

“No.” I argued sheepishly. “I was just wondering if we could alter the contract.”

“Yeah so you said. But look Sport. We had a deal. In return for making your friend straight again, you were going to give me three straight men. So far I’ve gotten two. If your buddy doesn’t want to take the final step, that’s completely up to him. You however owe me one more man.”

I somehow hoped that this Spackle would be reasonable but his response was clear. I remained silent, and bowed my head. Then I looked at him and said, “I’m sorry Mr. Spackle Sir. I didn’t want to displease you. I was just hoping that we could come to an arrangement.”

“Arrangement! We already have an arrangement!” and he drove the butt of his rifle into my stomach. I fell to my knees and gasped for breath.

Then regaining his composure he said, “You look like a caged animal. I can feel your fear and I can sense you’re looking for a way-out, but I have to tell you this Sport, but there is no way out!”

As if to highlight this the front door suddenly slammed shut. It slammed so hard that I flinched.

Spackle then moved next to me and pressed the muzzle end of his rifle against the side of my neck. A familiar, if hated, shock entered my brain and I began to swoon. His words seemed so reasonable and fair that I had a hard time even thinking of anything but pleasing him.

“You’re not a caged animal. You’re more like my pet, aren’t you?”

“Yes Mr. Spackle.”

“Yes MASTER!” he hissed.

“Yes Master!” I replied.

He moved over to a table and grabbed a studded leather collar and threw it in front of me. “Slaves, need collars. Put it on.”

I was so eager to with please him that I immediately picked up the collar and strapped it around my neck. An I.D. tag dangled from the front. It read, “Sport”

I looked up at him and smiled hoping this would please him. He bent down and patted my head. “Good boy.”

“You still haven’t shaved your cock in the real world. This displeases me. I like you clean shaven.”

“I’m sorry master, I haven’t had time.”

“Then do it now.”

I looked around and could find no sink or shaving supplies. I looked back at him sadly and he threw a razor to me. I picked it up and looked dismayed. “There’s no shaving cream master.”

“Dry-shave it.”

“Yes master.” I started to get an erection and I painfully scrapped my pubes off my balls and dick. I had so many nicks and cuts that the smeared blood coloured my genitals a dusky red. All the time I get looking up at Mr. Spackle for approval. He smiled and chuffed on his cigar, snickering when I nicked myself.

When I finished he nodded approvingly. Here you can have a cigar now and he handed me a large stogie and a lighter. I stoked it into life and smiled stupidly at him. I could see that Spackle was now in a good mood and as I was starting to get back my sense of reason, and I dared to ask him a question.

“Master, why do you wear dark glasses?”

“Because, my obedient slave, the eyes are the windows to the soul and I can’t have you seeing that. Now back on all fours.”

I pretended to eagerly obey him went down on all fours. He patted my head again and I felt another shock. I was his slave again. Then he moved behind me and I could hear a zipper being undone. I was expecting a painful bum-fuck. Then, all of a sudden my head and face felt funny. It started to itch and it felt like it changing shape. My nose was getting longer and black hair, no, fur, was starting to cover it! My ears moved to the sides of my head and became long and floppy. I moaned out loud as my mouth, teeth and tongue were changed into that of a dog! It hurt a lot but it was also very erotic. I could feel my cock get very hard. My cigar somehow remained in my mouth and I could still smoke it. I was sure that I looked like one of the dogs in the painting, “Dogs Playing Poker”.

Then my hands began painfully to turn into paws and my arms shrank and become covered with black fur. My spine cracked and reshaped itself and then my legs.

The most painful thing of all was when a tail erupted from the base of my spine. I whined when that happened. Then I could feel my cock being covered with a sheath and being attached to my belly. I was now a dog, or a black laboratory retriever to be exact.

Then I heard a loud whistle and Spackle called out, “Rex! Here boy!” and a large black lab bounded into the room and started to sniff my bloodstained ass.

Spackle then moved in front of me. I could see a whistle in his hand, his front jacket pocket had been zipped open. He said “Good Dog Sport. Daddy wants to watch you get serviced.”

With that he sat down in a wooden chair, leaned back and put his dirty boots on the table with a ‘clump, clump’. He lighted another cigar and smiled contentedly.

“There’s nothing like a little sex after a good days hunting, isn’t that right boy?”

I could only say, “Urough Urough!” in my doggy voice.

Rex licked my ass and balls of the blood I got from dry shaving and climbed on top of me. Suddenly I began to imagine that I loved this and spread my legs in order to make it easier for Rex to move even further up on my back. He then began to hump my ass like a reciprocating saw. It took him a little time to find my rectum but find it he did. He plunged his hot doggy dick into my ass and it was all I could do not to bolt.

Then I felt the knot that dogs have on the end of their cocks, swelling deep up inside my rectum. His warm semen then flooded into me and I moaned a doggy moan. Thinking he was finished, I tried to move away but I found that his knot had locked us both painfully together. We remained like this for about fifteen minutes.

A million years later, I found myself in front of my computer sweating profusely.

I was now convinced that there was no way I could defeat Spackle in his own realm, but perhaps I could get it shut down. Not being very computer literate, I would need more information on how go about doing it.

I didn’t know many real computer geeks but I thought I could ask one of our Web people at work. I just didn’t want them to know why I wanted this information.

If that plan didn’t work out then I needed to somehow entice Spackle to meet me in the real world. At least there we would be on an even footing. However I still had the unlucky job of finding Spackle his third man.