The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cleaning Out the Attic

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“Hey, I need you to help me clean the attic today.”

“Mom come on! I don’t want to do that!”

“Quit complaining and get up there.”

“But Steph is with me!”

“She can help! I’ll make you both lunch!”

Alex looked at her friend, who just shrugged her shoulders.

“I really don’t mind. Plus, we’ll get free lunch.” The two girls laughed, and walked the stairway up to the attic.

They had to fight their way through old, musty boxes, cardboard worn from years of moisture falling to pieces, and piles of old books and photo albums hidden under layers and layers of dust.

“Should have brought a gas mask or something.” Alex said, and Steph giggled. “Hey, look at this!” She moved to the far side of the attic, pulling out an old box of Barbies. “Do you remember we used to play with these when we were kids?”

“Oh my gosh, yeah! We’d always take all their clothes off and make them have sex with Ken!”

“You did that.” Alex said.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Maybe that’s why you’re such a whore now.”

“Shut up!” Steph said, laughing. She nudged Alex playfully, who fell onto a pile of boxes, knocking them over. “Whoa, what is that?”

“A mirror, but I’ve never seen it before.” Alex replied, confused. It was a full body mirror, with ornate gold filigree around the edges. The surface was coated with dirt and grime after years of disuse. She stood in front of the mirror, but she could barely see her own reflection. She could, however, see a large wooden chest behind her. Steph was already walking towards it as she turned around.

“What do you thinks in it?” Steph said.

“Only one way to find out, right?” Alex unhitched the twin locks on the front, and rolled the top back, which held itself in place by two leather bands stretching to the inside of the chest. A rush of pleasant, flowery perfume flew out of the box, hitting the two girls like a MAC truck.

“Oh God, it smells like my grandmother’s house!” Steph said, holding her nose and waving the smell away.

“It’s so strong! Wow, look at all this stuff in here!” The chest was filled nearly to the brim with old clothing. “This must be my grandma’s old clothing.” Alex said. Laying on top of the pile were two small jewelry boxes, ringed with flowers, matching two larger identical boxes. She picked one of the smaller ones up, feeling its weight in her hand. She removed the clasp and lifted the lid, to see a pair of pearl studs embedded into the fine felt.

“Look at these!” Steph peered over Alex’s shoulder.

“Wow! How old are those?”

“They must be, like ancient! All the stuff in here is so old!” Alex said, lifting articles, slightly sifting through the piles. There were many shades of pastel polos, dresses and skirts in many different patterns, sweaters of all colors and designs, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. It seemed as though the chest was bottomless. All the while, Steph was staring intently at the pearls in her hand.

“You know, we should play dress up.” She said in a monotone.

“I don’t know...” Alex said.

“No no, it will be fun. Trust me.” She closed the lid on the pearl’s box, and looked at Alex with a mischievous grin. “It’ll be just like when we were kids.”

“Alright, fine!” Alex gave a giggle, handed a Steph a dress and took an outfit for herself. “But just the one, okay? We’re supposed to be doing work up here.”

“I know! We’ll be real fast!” Steph said with great zeal. She seemed overly excited by the prospect. She ran to another corner of the attic, concealing herself behind some boxes. Shrugging, Alex began to undress, where she stood.

She slipped down to just her undies, and appraised the outfit before her. She had grabbed for herself a short, white, pleated skirt and a white polo.

“Am I going out for tennis?” She thought to herself as she slid the skirt up her rail thin legs to her barely-there hips. It sat just above her petite waist, and came down to her small thighs. The polo hung on her like like an over sized sweater. She glanced quickly to the mirror, and was surprised that she could clearly see her reflection, and even more so at the image she saw.

She touched the end of her auburn hair, but saw her reflection only grab shoulder. Her reflection reached back and grabbed the single braid her hair was in, while she felt only flat hair. She looked closely at the light make up softening her features and hiding her blemishes, while only feeling her bare skin. The polo, hanging loosely like an old tee shirt, and the skirt that was two sizes too big in reality, both fit her snugly in the mirror. They hadn’t shrank any, instead she grew in size. Her hips jutted out slightly, her calves had thickened, her entire body had gained girth right in front of her eyes. She looked down, not seeing any difference, and back at the mirror where her breasts had increased from a B cup to what looked like a D cup, stretching the cotton of the polo almost to its breaking point. She felt the polos collar rub against the nape of her neck, which finally matched the image in the mirror.

“A little loose on you, huh?” Steph asked, giggling, removing her hand from Alex’s neck.

Alex looked at her friend, and was stunned. The dress was a pink plaid on a white background, going from just above Stephs knees to just above her bosom, covering her cleavage. It hourglassed her figure, making Alex extremely jealous. She wasn’t sure where the feeling came from, though; she’d never before felt anything like that toward her friend. Steph was now checking herself in the mirror, adjusting a pearl necklace that only she could see, and playing with the arms of an invisible sweater that was apparently hanging from her shoulders. She flashed a grin at her image, then turned to Alex.

“What’re you sulking for? You look great!”

“I look like I’m wearing my older brother’s clothes. You look amazing, though.”

“Do you think so? I feel like I’m wearing a tablecloth.” She turned to the side, looking at how her breasts jutted from her chest, held back by the fabric of the dress, slightly adjusting the top, concealing her cleavage.

“I can’t believe people used to dress like this! It looks so snobby and...and old-fashioned!” Alex said laughing, but stopped and dropped her gaze when Steph looked at her with indignation.

“Well, there was a time when this was fashionable, right? Some people liked to dress like this, I guess.”

“Girls! Lunch is ready!” Alex breathed a sigh of relief that she could finally take the clothes off and get downstairs, while Steph seemed a bit disappointed.

“Race ya down there!” Steph said, laughing and running!

“Wait! Take the dress off, first!”

“Oh, right! Silly me!”

The two girls undressed, folded the clothes back up and put them back into the chest. They talked and laughed about the current gossip at school, who slept with who and who was hot, but all the while Alex couldn’t shake a strange feeling. She kept thinking about how Steph was acting when she made that comment, and how strange she looked when she had to take the dress off. She felt something else, like she wanted to go back into that chest and see what else she could find. Maybe when Steph left, she would investigate.

* * *

Upon arriving home, Steph went right up to her room and locked her door. The sudden urge to play dress up with her friends grandmothers clothing was weird enough, but weirder still was how much she truly enjoyed it. Something, somewhere inside her had woken up, begging to be preppy, aching to wear a dress again, needing to be dressed modestly and properly. Noticing the fists she was making, she loosened her grip, and saw the pair of pearl earrings in her hand.

“Crap, I must’ve taken these by accident.” As she looked at them, a pattern inside seemed to form, swirling and mixing, mixing and swirling, changing colors and size. Steph continued to look at them vacantly, completely unaware that she was now putting them into her ears. The desire to be preppy was growing ever stronger within her, and she was becoming desperate to wear a dress or a skirt. Thank goodness, she thought, her older sister had gone through a preppy college phase.

With nobody home, she went into her sisters room, the epitome of the ‘punk rock girl’ style, and hoped beyond hope that some of her outfits made the trip down during breaks. In the far reaches of her sisters closet, she found what she was looking for. Tucked away into a recess was a cardboard box marked ‘School’. Bingo. The box was partially preppy, but mostly derivative of school uniforms. Some plaid skirts were hangarounds from her sisters punk days, but others seemed to give a classic uniform feel, without actually being a uniform She was so desperate, she decided to pick out whatever was on top and put it on, so she could feel some reilef.

The pleated khaki skirt fit her perfectly, forming to her curves like it belonged on her body. The dark red polo felt like a cotton dream, subtly supporting her large breasts, and gently comforting every part of her body. Her desire was so strong, she knew she needed to finish the outfit off right. She picked up one of the red socks that laid on top of the clothes, and rolled it up. Carefully, she placed her foot in the hole and pulled it up her leg. It was thin, made of a fine cotton blend that felt sensational going up her leg, stopping just short of her knee. She put the other sock on, then went looking for a pair of shoes. She landed on a pair of simple black flats with small bows over the toes. She slipped them on and appraised herself. She knew this was right. She loved how she felt wearing the clothes, how nice everything looked, and how nice she looked in them. Maybe for her sister this style was just a phase, but not for Steph.

For Stephanie, it was a new way of life.

* * *

Alex waited for her parents to go to bed, then stole quietly upstairs to the attic. She just couldn’t shake a strange desire to look further into her grandmother’s old wardrobe. All through dinner she caught herself playing with a collar that wasn’t there, pulling down the hem of an invisible skirt, and crossing and uncrossing her legs, trying to get comfortable. She had spent the remainder of the evening feeling uncomfortable and on edge.

Now, she was again kneeling in front of the chest, unlatching the lock and pushing the top up. She stared at the piles and piles of clothes and accessories, mouth agape. She reached into the chest, and her hand passed over a fairly large piece of plastic. Instinctively, she grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a white headband, as bright and clean as the day it was put into the chest, and it was about a half an inch thick in the middle. Alex slipped the ends behind her ears, then pushed the body of it back, pulling her hair to about one-quarter of the way over her head. Her bangs had strayed to the left side of her face, and she mussed with them to make them look right. She stood up and walked over to the mirror, and didn’t recognize the girl staring back.

“Hello, Alexis.” The girl in the mirror smiled. She was wearing a straight cut, white, lace dress. She stood with her hands in front of her, a pearl bracelet on her wrist, and the same white headband in her auburn hair, the same color as Alex’s. She had pearls in her ears, and around her neck, and the way she stood in her inch tall white heels, her left leg bent slightly, made her look so innocent, so ladylike and demure. Her high cheekbones and rosy, speckled face gave a hint of familiarity to Alex, but she had no idea who it was she was looking at.

“Oh, I’m sorry, you must not recognize me.” The girl in the mirror said, noticing Alex’s confusion. “I’m your grandmother.”

“What? But...but how...?” She was wondering if she was dreaming, or maybe hallucinating, because there was no way that this was really happening.

“It doesn’t matter how, and we don’t need you worrying your pretty little head about it. What is important is that you look at what you’re wearing right now.”

Alex looked down, and was shocked. Somehow, without her even noticing, she was wearing a dress identical to that of her grandmother’s. How she didn’t feel the elbow length sleeves or the knee-length tightness of the dress, or the cottony-soft fabric of the lace over her body, she couldn’t tell. She was also mirroring her grandmothers pose, and she noticed the pearl bracelet on her own wrist, then felt the stud’s in her ears. She looked back at her grandmother, unsure of what to say or think.

“Alexis, there are some lessons that you need to learn if you want to be a proper young lady. You do want to be a proper young lady, don’t you?” Alex knew she didn’t want that, that she just wanted to get the hell out of this dress and out of this attic, that it was a mistake to ever come up here because she knew she was going insane and this was crazy and why can’t she move why is she still even standing here?

“Of course you do, dear! You’ve been living the completely wrong way. You party way too much, you drink way too much alcohol, you smoke pot, you show off your body to boys, you make all the wrong decisions and all the worst choices for yourself, and you need to be taught.”


“Yes, dear. You are going to learn to become just like your beloved grandmother, and you are going to learn how to properly live your life.”

Alex knew this had to be a dream. For a start, she fit absolutely perfectly into this dress, when only hours ago she was two sizes too small for one of the skirts. She looked down at herself, and somehow all of her body parts had thickened to some extent, from her thighs all the way up to her breasts. Every part of her filled the dress out amazingly, and it really did look splendid on her and the heels accentuate her legs so nicely and stop it! This was just a dream—or rather, nightmare. And if all she could do was convince herself of that, the rest would be simple.

She saw her grandmothers mouth moving, but the sounds were mumbles, barely audible over her own screaming to wake up. She watched as the contents of the attic slid away from her in all directions. Her stomach dropped, and then she did. She awoke in a sweat in her dark room, sheets wrapped around her like a tourniquet. The clock said 2:30. Relieved, she rolled over, and fell back to sleep.

* * *

After what felt like days instead of hours, Alex woke up, groggy. She swung her legs to the floor, and walked toward her dresser. She glanced at the mirror, and noticed how nice her hair looked despite spending most of the night rolling around in bed. It seemed to have gained volume, and had curled around itself in a very nice way. She fixed the white headband, which had gone askew, and folded her bangs over as well. Better, she thought. Feeling around in the jewelry box, she picked out the pair of pearl studs she had taken off last night before retiring, and slipped them into her ears. Smiling at her reflection, she walked over to her closet door and opened it.

There, she looked in rapturous awe at the clothing hung before her. The beautiful dresses, the modest skirts, colorful polos and oxfords, heels and flats and sandals of all types lining the floor. She could stare for hours, but remembered the outfit she had specifically picked for herself last night. She took down the white lace dress from the hangar, and appraised it in front of the mirror. She saw her grandmother behind her in the mirror smiling at her, and she smiled back.

She slept only in her bra and panties, so all she had to do was slip into the dress. She found the zipper, and reached each leg into the opening, feeling her blood pump faster, her heart beat harder, her cheeks flush and her eyes water as she smiled brightly into the reflection forming before her. That of a proper young lady who must always dress her best. It crossed her mind that the thought was strange. She reached her arms into the appropriate holes, feeling for the second time the sleeves hugging gently up to her elbows. A young lady must always be modest in appearance. Again, something was off. She slid the cold zipper up into its receptacle, feeling the dress growing ever tighter, hugging her from all sides. She fit one foot, then the other into the white heels at the foot of the mirror, and looked at herself.

What she saw was a glowing vision, a version of herself she knew her grandmother would approve of. Someone to be shown off; she could be somebody’s trophy wife, lounging at the country club, enjoying cocktails with the other ladies. What other ladies? What country club? As if somehow becoming fully aware of herself, she looked in the mirror, then down at herself. What in the fuck was she wearing?

Stopping herself from screaming, she removed herself from her reflection to try and collect her thoughts. Everything that had happened last night was real, and, somehow without her realizing, she had taken the chest down with her, unpacked it into her closet, and removed her old clothes. Where in the hell were her old clothes? She found the chest, and opened the lid, hoping they had been put there. Just more preppy clothes. She threw polos and skirts over her head in a search for HER clothes, but couldn’t find a trace, and slumped to the ground, head in hand. A knock came from her front door.

She looked up from where she was, at the mysteriously appearing wardrobe, at the mess of clothes behind her. The knock came louder. She just wouldn’t answer the door, is all. No matter who it was, she wasn’t going to be seen in her underwear, and she certainly wasn’t going to be seen in that horrid, strangely perfectly fitting dress. A click-creak came from the front door.

It could only be Steph. Her parents had given her a key when they left for family vacation, and they trusted her enough to keep it. Great, Alex would have to see her friend in her undies. It wasn’t the first time her friend had seen her that close to naked, she just didn’t prefer it.

“Alexis? Where are you?” Her friend was calling from the foyer. Alexis? More confused and shocked and frustrated then ever, she ripped the dress off her body, threw it and the rest of the mess on her floor into her closet, closed the door, and hopped back into bed, pretending to be asleep. Just then, her friend walked in the door.

“Rise and shine, my little sleepy head, we have a big day ahead of us!” Steph’s words were lilting, as if a mother trying to sing a child awake. Steph sat down on the bed, laying her bag on the floor, and turned her friend over. At first, Alex pretended to be groggy, but was jolted awake by the smell of Steph’s perfume.

“Oh, wonderful! You’re already wearing the pearls!” As Alex breathed in the sweet scent, her eyes widened further as she realized, in her haste, she hadn’t removed the pearls or the headband.

“Steph? What are you doing here so early.”

“Stephanie. And you need to get up right now, missy, and get dressed! You need to look presentable!”

“What are you talking about? What’s going on? And why are you dressed like that?!”

Her friend looked absolutely impeccable in a light-blue, pressed oxford shirt, tucked neatly and delicately into the pink pinstriped skirt. A silk scarf was tied around her neck, puffing out from the collar opening. She had changed the part of her hair from down the middle to the far right, and let it fall down in natural waves.

“All of the answers will come soon, Alexis. We’re waiting on a special guest.”

“Stop calling me that!! What special guest?”

As if in answer, the door to her bedroom opened yet again, revealing her grandmother, in the flesh, as she was when she was 18.

“Stephanie and Alexis, my two favorite girls.”

“Murial!” Stephanie crossed the room to greet Alex’s grandmother, who looked on her with disapproval.

“Now, what is it that we have here?” She asked Stephanie.

“A work in progress. Shall we begin?”

“With pleasure.”

Before Alex had time to move, the two ladies had flanked her. She began to struggle, but Stephanie pulled out another silk scarf from her bag, which she used to secure Alex’s arm to the bedpost. Systematically, Stephanie and Murial secured Alex’s appendages each to one of the four corners of the bed with smooth, soft silk. Alex tried thrashing, tried pulling, tried kicking, but with each move she could feel the silk rubbing and tightening, making her feel just splendid.

“You two...bitches!” She spat, hot venom coming from between her grated teeth. “You can’t do this!”

“On the contrary, we already have.”

Alex began to scream, and not wanting to alert any neighbor, Stephanie undid her scarf, and firmly placed it in Alex’s mouth. The screams were muffled, but as the scent from the scarf carried up to her nose, they subsided. Her eyes stayed pleading for a moment, but began to sag slightly.

“Okay. Stephanie, you may bring out the necklace.

“Of course.” Reaching into her bag again, Stephanie pulled out a quarter karat diamond studded pearl necklace. The light from the windows bounced off of it, making patterns across the walls. The glint of the necklace had caught Alex’s eye and completely transfixed her. Murial removed the scarf, and she swallowed hard.

“It’ pretty.” She said in a monotone, her eyes glazing over.

“Yes it is, and you want to wear it, don’t you?” Alex shook her head yes, but Stephanie tutted her.

“Well, first, you’re going to need to follow the rules. For every question you answer correctly, you will be one step closer to putting this necklace on. First question: How must a young lady dress?”

Alex seemed to be in deep thought for a moment, but could not seem to find a suitable answer. In fact, her brain was nearly blank. She looked plaintively at the two ladies above her, hoping for a lifeline.

“Don’t you think a young lady should dress her best? And don’t you think a young lady should always be modest, and proper?” A clearer picture was forming in Alex’s head. Yes, these were the right answers.

“A young lady should always dress her best. She should always be dressed modestly, and properly. And she should always endeavor to dress as preppy as possible!” She was proud of herself with her addition, and beamed at the two ladies when they commended her on her response.

“Very good, darling! Next question: How must a young lady behave?”

Alex thought she was beginning to get the hang of this, and sought to answer the question on her own. She furrowed her brow deeply, searching for what she thought sounded right, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she found it.

“A young lady should always be on her best behavior! She must be prim, and always kind and gentle towards everybody she meets! She must walk through life with a smile on her face, because life comes easily to the young lady who behaves properly!”

“Wonderful! Alright, final question: What is your name?”

Despite years of not using—not even acknowledging—the name she was given by her parents, Alex knew that the proper name was just on the tip of her tongue, and could hardly wait for her friend to finish asking before she blurted her answer.

“Alexis Rose.”

“I believe she is ours now, don’t you?” Murial looked proudly to Stephanie who nodded in agreement, and gently placed the necklace around her friends neck, and closed the clasp behind her.

Alexis Rose had never felt more beautiful in her life.

* * *

“You know what, I never knew your middle name was Rose.”

“It never used to suit me, I suppose. Now, however, I can let it shine.”

“It fits you perfectly, just like that skirt! It looks wonderful!”

“Thank you so much! And to think, just an hour ago I’d never be caught dead in this outfit! How silly of me!” The girls shared a chuckle as Alexis Rose continued to preen. Her skirt was a patchwork of pale blues, yellows, pinks and greens of solid, striped, and plaid patterns, reaching to three inches above her knees. She had on a pink polo underneath a pale yellow polo, and she was mussing with the collars when Stephanie walked over and gently popped them both.

“I think that looks best.” She said with a smile.

“I’ll have to agree with you” Alexis Rose replied, smiling at her own image. “It is such a shame that my grandmother had to leave before my final debut as a preppy young lady,” she said as she reached for a pink cable knit sweater to throw over her shoulders. “She would have loved seeing me enter into my full potential.”

“I know she would” Stephanie said, smiling at her friend, and leading her out the door into a brand new life of preppiness and propriety.