The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Collegiate Dreams

I got out of my car and walked to the bus stop, when I was met with the strangest sight.

There was a girl, also waiting for the bus. She was probably 20 years old. She had long, blonde hair, a pretty, wholesome face… and she was completely naked. Her little white feet were tapping impatiently on the concrete, and when she saw me staring, she just smiled.

I was way too freaked out to smile back. What the fuck was going on?

Before I could ask, the bus came around the block and pulled into the stop. The girl got on like everything was totally normal. I didn’t want to, but it was like I wasn’t in control of my legs — I followed her up the stairs, and we sat opposite each other on the bus’s plush, red seats. I turned to look at the driver, another woman, and she was also nude! She wasn’t nearly as sightly as the blonde, though, so I turned my attention back to her. She kept smiling, and gazed out the window over my shoulder, hands resting in her lap.

It would be roughly ten minutes until we got to campus. My college still looked the same; all the buildings were where they were yesterday. The train still ran on time. But looking out, I could see one major change had overtaken my university: everywhere, without exception, every woman was as naked as the ones on the bus. Sorority girls, distinguished professors, cheerleaders and theatre kids. And it was also becoming clear that, as far as I could see, I was the only male.

I wanted to wander the campus and keep checking them out, but again, my legs weren’t cooperating with my brain. I moved, as I did every normal morning, to the college’s rec center, where I worked out before classes. Today, I was greeted with an empty gym. Well, almost empty. In the middle of the room, doing squats, was my English professor, Dr. Mars.

I’d had a crush on Dr. Mars for the longest time. She looked exactly like the model Cherish Clague, down to her silky red mane, and gorgeous face and body. I would steal looks at her during lectures, and when her blue eyes met mine, it was like the whole world stopped. At present, I was watching her pale ass nearly hit the floor as she bended her knees, stood up straight, bended knees, standing straight. She had a perfect rhythm, and her butt hypnotized me as I walked towards it.

She glanced over her shoulder, and laughed nonchalantly.

“Kyle! So good to see one of my favorite students. You come here often?”

I hesitated. I worked out daily, and not once had I seen Dr. Mars come in.

“Well, nevermind that. I need your help. Can you spot me real quick?”

My body continued to move independent of my mind, and I dropped, laying flat on the floor, and slid under my professor so that my face was perfectly aligned with her ass. She didn’t miss a beat, and kept squatting while beckoning me to count her reps for her. I tried, but it was hard with my nose buried between her cheeks every few seconds.

“One… two… three…”

Eventually, I gave up, but just as I gave in, and started to stick my tongue out, the scene changed again. Now, I was standing in front of one of the treadmills, and Dr. Mars was hard at work, running in place on the fastest possible setting. Her tits slapped against her chest with every stride, and it looked extremely painful.

“Uh, Dr. Mars? Are you alright?”

Her face was blank, eyes focused straight ahead, and she droned in a robotic voice:

“I am in pain. I deserve to be in pain. I gave Master a failing grade. This is the price I pay. I am in pain. I deserve to be in pain. I gave Master a failing grade. This is the price I pay…” She just kept going, and I had a million questions. Who was her Master? The professor never failed me. Was he the one behind all this? If so, where was he?

And come to think of it, where was my girlfriend? Usually, Courtney was here by now.

“I am in pain. I deserve to be in pain. I gave Master a failing grade. This is the price I pay. I am in pain. I deserve to be in pain. I gave Master a failing grade. This is the price I pay…”

I snapped out of it, and reached for the front of the treadmill. The ‘off’ button was on the leftmost side, and I had my palm over it. But right when I went to push down, the scene changed once more. I was walking around outside, on the other side of campus, passing nude women, both attractive and not.

The blonde girl from the bus stop was back, this time drinking from a vintage beer bottle. I saw the alcohol cascade like a waterfall down her body, from her lips to her boobs and her washboard stomach, ending in a puddle on the ground. She ran some idle fingers through her hair, and I wanted to call out to her, to ask for guidance. No sooner had she finished the drink than she rolled the top of the bottle around her pussy, in lazy swirls, before dropping it and letting it shatter. I walked away.

I passed by the United Christian Ministry, a small church right next to my school, but my feet stopped cold in their tracks. My body turned on a heel and entered the church, a place I only went to when my family came to visit.

I remembered the sexy head pastor, Jennifer, and her two hot daughters that sang in the worship band, Rachel and Ava. Ava was a freshman here, and Rachel was a recent alumna. The thought of the MILFy Latina and her two little angels was making my mouth water. And in the foyer, I was not disappointed. There they were, standing at attention, tanned, taut, and fat asses jutted out at me. They looked so spankable, so slappable, and I couldn’t resist: I played Jennifer’s butt like it was a bongo before moving my focus to her children.

As soon as I’d finished, they all did a 180, perfectly in sync. Each of them had frozen, million-watt smiles, which was as unsettling as anything I’d seen so far, but also a huge turn on. They chanted, in unison:

“Thank you for worshipping us, God. Now, it’s our turn to worship you!”

Before I knew it, Jennifer was kneeling on the floor, her head bowed, with Ava on the left and Rachel on the right quickly following suit. I looked down at myself, and was shocked to find that I had gone from standing to sitting on a stool that wasn’t here before — and I was just as naked as they were! I thought maybe I was hallucinating all this, and that today was proof I had actually gone crazy. But it felt so real as Jennifer took her position between my legs, and began sucking my cock. Rachel started lapping at the soles of my feet, and I felt a young, mischievous tongue worm its way between my own asscheeks.

For an 18 year-old church girl, Ava sure was a natural at this.

Soon, the pleasure had become too much. Just as I was about to climax…

The scene changed, for a final time. I was still nude, only now I was standing in front of a door I didn’t recognize. Now that my mind was free from the clutches of that busty family, my thoughts settled onto my girlfriend again. Why hadn’t I seen her at all, even in passing? Courtney was never this elusive with me. Could this mystery dorm room have anything to do with it?

My hand led the way, and as it turned the knob and pushed the wood aside, I went pale as a ghost.

On the bed was Colin Boatright, a scrawny little freshman from my math class. He was an annoying twerp, always raising his hand and making a big show out of answering every question our professor threw out. I had caught him looking at me more than once, always with a hateful glint in his eye. Why, I couldn’t imagine. He probably didn’t have a girlfriend of his own, and Courtney and I were a notable couple at the school. But did that earn me his ire?

Evidently. Because tiny Colin was completely nude, and he sat with an evil smirk on his face, flanked on both sides by his older sister, Carlee, and my sweet, beautiful girlfriend. Courtney Page.

“Well, well, well,” he chuckled. “So glad you could finally join us.”

“Colin?” I choked up. “What, what are you doing?”

“Taking what’s mine.” The nerd wrapped his arms around each of his girls, and they cooed and leaned in to kiss him. They were both seniors, like me. Carlee was a total smokeshow, the captain of the university cheer team, and one of Court’s good friends. The three of us had spent many happy nights together, partying, laughing. So what was she doing cozying up to her little brother? More importantly, what about-

“I can see you’re confused,” Colin noted dryly. “Let me see if I can help. As recently as last week, I was a nobody here, a loser, watching you and the rest of the stupid guys here getting women they didn’t deserve.” He squeezed one of Courtney’s tits for emphasis. She moaned. “That was until I finished developing my mind control mic. I had slaved away on that device for many months, and yesterday, I had the opportunity to use it on the school’s many loudspeakers. I made a few key changes to the rules, and took a prize or two along the way.” His monologue was through, and he slapped Carlee’s ass in excitement.

“Now, watch! Carlee, I just finished taking a shit, so you can lick my asshole clean. Courtney, get in front of me. I want to fuck your pussy while your ex-boyfriend observes.”

“Yes, Master,” they both groaned, with the cheerleader digging into her sibling’s butt, and my lover wiggling her own ass frantically as Colin readied himself to enter her.

“NOOO!” I shouted, finally taking control of my fine motor skills. I lunged at him, and the world quickly faded to black…

I woke up.

The early morning sun flickered through the blinds, and I rubbed my eyes to compensate. My pillow was covered in cold sweat, and I was breathing pretty heavily. Suddenly, I felt movement, and a voice murmured softly next to me:

“Babe, are you alright?”

I turned to see my beloved at my side, looking as I’d always known her. She rubbed her own eyes and swiped the hair out of her face to get a better view of me. I started laughing, relieved, and still bewildered by my crazy dream. When I told her it was nothing, and that it was just another nightmare, she nodded understandingly. But then, something weird happened.

Courtney’s phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was a text message, but the contact name was too far for me to read. She picked her phone up, and smiled at the screen. Why was my girlfriend giving me a naughty grin?

“It’s Carlee,” she explained, pointing to the message. It read: “Wazzup grrrl! Feeling super horny lately. Sorry, but just can’t help it. Any chance you, me, & Kyle can have a threesome? Promise I won’t take your mansss! XOXO. Carlee <3.” I looked at it with a mixture of stupor and wonder, knowing Courtney would never accept this obviously lewd and tasteless joke. That grin wasn’t leaving her face, though.

She let a hand come to rest on my chest. “Wanna try it?”