Community Mom
Part One
“Your mom is the spitting image of the hottest princess anime has ever known,” said Jeff, subconsciously licking his lips.
“My mom doesn’t look like Princess Azula,” said Paul, glaring at the miniature young man to his right.
“Naw, dude, Debbie’s got Azula written all over her,” said Mike, the gang’s leader, boldly referring to Paul’s mother by her first name.
“What did I tell you about encouraging this greasy pervert’s obsession?”
“I take issue with that incorrect statement because I’m neither greasy nor obsessed.”
A soft knock came from the door before it opened, allowing Debra to check in on her uninvited house guests.
“Everything alright in there, boys?” she said, grimacing at her impulsive remark. She made a note to herself not to call the trio boys anymore. They’re a little old for that. In fact, they flaunted their pseudo-maturity at every opportunity.
“Mrs. Thompson, I say, and Mike agrees, you resemble Princess Azula,” said Jeff. He quivered in the presence of the pure erotic beauty of Debra Thompson. His hand trembled as it came dangerously close to her breasts, locally famous as ‘The Thompson Twins.’ His breath shuddered as he handed the object of his infatuation an Ai created image of Princess Azula, in a slingshot bikini. Her oversized cartoon breasts filling the screen of his phone, not that anyone else would notice. Their eyes, like his, stayed glued to the opulence of Debra’s magnificent chest.
The other two boys glanced at their small, yet incorrigible friend with wide eyes and strained expressions before returning to swoon over her tits.
Ignoring the crude insinuation, Debra went one up on the blushing young man.
“I can see the resemblance,” she said, her voice a husky, full-bodied alto that bubbled in a quiet chuckle.
Pausing, she pursed her lips in to a perfect pout, while wrapping her bare arms around her pendulous boobs. Then she squeezed them together, pushing them out against her shirt as she pretended to get a better view of the buxom character on the small screen.
The boys didn’t make a sound as they held their breath.
“It’s the eyebrows,” she said in a breathy rasp of which the ‘s’ sound slid long past her clinched teeth. “You wouldn’t believe how many women are jealous of my eyebrows.”
Paul looked up at his mom as she bowed down, putting her cleavage in his face. She bit her lip, hefting her tremendous boobs onto her forearms. Paul sat in front of her as she tried to pop her big tits from her top. Another long pause hung heavy in the bedroom’s quiet. When she spoke again, it began with a low, smoky sigh.
“And her hairdo, I mean it’s tucked up with her beautiful crown, but her hair is long. She just has it pinned on top of her head, kind of like a Samurai, but notice how her hair hangs down on the sides like raven wings? My bob, though short, imitates this style.”
The way she said bob with a slight moan made Jeff Gillespie all but lose his self control, and fall over in a dead faint.
She’s flirting with them, screamed a little voice inside Paul’s head. Unaware that he sat there panting with his mouth open, watching as she held out her tits for his friends. Debra caught him looking, dropped her boobs, and ended the show.
“I’m flattered, boys,” she said, this time emphasizing the word boys. “But I’m going to serve dinner, and I don’t have enough chairs or food for you two eating machines.”
“Yes, Mrs. Thompson, we’ll be leaving now,” Jeff and Mike said in tandem.
She handed the phone back to Jeff, stepping into the hall. There, she directed the trio out rather than waiting for them to leave.
“I stole it and a six-pack from my Uncle Chuck’s house last night. It costs twenty thousand dollars,” said Jeff, holding up the miniscule vial. The copper tinted glass contained at the most three oily drops of milky fluid.
“It’s a new product from Élan NXS, combining pheromones with the latest in nanotech. With this, you can turn any woman into your absolute slave.”
“Bullshit! That’s like those pills that are supposed to grow your cock seven inches overnight,” said Paul.
“There are tiny robots floating around in there, and it only works on women.”
“Dude, did you just tell me that this concoction contains tiny robots? How can they differentiate between men and women without making a mistake?”
“The literature explains how women’s reaction to pheromones allows the robots to distinguish them from men. The nano-robots float around in the air with the scent of the perfume, and inside the human nose, there is an unobstructed pathway to the brain. You say ‘Musk for Women’ three times to boot the system. To execute the program, you text the command code within five feet of the subject.”
“Your dick will grow at least seven inches overnight, guaranteed,” said Paul.
“Here, smell this and tell me what you think,” said Jeff, dropping the tiny vial.
“Oh no, Chuck’s going to kill me!”
They watched the small container land and spill out over Paul’s sweaty gym shorts.
Repulsed by the eye watering odor, they gagged, shielding their noses.
“Ugh!” the nauseated boys shouted so loudly that Debra came running.
“What’s going on… and… what’s that aroma?” she said, tasting the air.
“I am sorry, mom, but you see Jeff here got this noxious crap from his equally obnoxious uncle.”
“It’s okay, dear,” Debra said, sniffing the air, breathing deep, full breaths. “I mean, it smells a little funky (sniff), but it’s not the (sniff) end of the world (sniff.) I mean, (sniff) it’s not that (sniff) hmmm, bad at all (sniff.)”
“It’s called Musk for Women,” said Jeff, before Paul stomped Jeff’s foot with all his might.
“Paul Lee Thompson, that was uncalled for, young man,” said Debra.
“He hates the name Musk for Women,” said Mike, laughing at Paul’s distress.
“GET OUT! GET OUT!” screamed Paul, pushing his buddies out of his room. Michael narrowly missed losing his little finger in the slamming door.
Paul put his hands over his mother’s ears and sung, “La la la la la la la!”
His friends’ muffled cries of “Musk for Women” faded as they left the house.
“Young man, can you explain yourself?” said Debra, in a stern voice Paul hadn’t heard since childhood.
“Jeff brought over a chemical he stole from his uncle to make you a sex slave.”
“I cannot believe my son would even contemplate such a thing. Let alone allow Jeff to attempt it.”
“I didn’t believe it would work, until you said this didn’t stink,” he complained, holding his breath while putting his dirty shorts in a zip-top bag.
“Step one,” he said, holding up his finger like a lawyer arguing his case. “Introduce the chemical, and now that I think about it, Jeff dropped the vial on purpose.”
Continuing to emphasize the argument, Paul thrust two fingers in the air.
“The second step is to say the installation phrase three times,” he said, adding a third finger to his zealous over reaction.
“Then they must send an actuating text message less than five feet away. You’re safe there,” he said, looking at the space around Debra.
“And, and, then, I don’t know what the robots are supposed to do next.”
“Do you want a clue about what’s really happening between you, Jeff, and Mike? You three boys have been best friends since your grades school days. Now, Mike’s Army-bound, Jeff’s heading to Europe, and you’ll be a freshman at Ohio State. This is you and your friends taking one last stab at childhood, before you say goodbye. There’s a lengthy and healthy process between meeting someone and getting into bed with them that doesn’t involve slavery. I promise you will understand the moment your brain catches up with your body. Who are you calling, anyway?”
“Poison control, I want to see if they have anything on Musk for Women.”
Debra froze with her mouth hanging slightly open and her eyes gazing into the distance.
“Mom!? Oh my god, mom can you hear me… talk to me! It was an accident! I’m so sorry, mom!”
“Baha ha ha ha ha ha!” Debra began laughing, sending ripples through her cleavage exposed by the V-neck of her stretched T-top.
“Not funny!”
“You’re right, Pauly. It’s not funny. Nope! It totally is, Baha ha ha ha he he ha ha! Oh, oh, oh, I can’t catch my breath!”
She continued to yowl with laughter, holding her side with both hands.
“Paul tells me you brought in a cologne to make me a sex slave?”
“You mean the Musk for women?”
“I don’t know what it’s called.”
“Musk for women, Mrs. Thompson.”
“I don’t care either, Jeffery. I am concerned about your morals, given that you would want to force a woman into slavery.
“I didn’t come here to discuss Musk for Women, Mrs. Thompson. My mom thinks Paul broke my foot, and she’s taking me to the doctor for x-rays. She wants to know if you’re willing to cover any of the medical costs.”
“Oh my word, Jeff, honey, I didn’t realize Paul had hurt you! I would have never sent you home if you were in pain,” said Debra, pulling Jeff in for a big hug.
He got lost, bathed in the hypnotic, squishy softness of Debra’s breasts.
“Oh my god, they’re so warm and soft, and they’re real.”
“Jeff… Jeff?”
“Uh… yeah, um, yes ma’am, let me text my mom.”
The moment he sent the command text to the secret number he got from the Musk for Women pamphlet, Debra’s expression became blank.
“Okay, Mrs. Thompson, um, Debra, when I say, ‘Hey Debbie, show me your tits.’ You will,” said Jeff, texting, stop, to the same phone number.
“What were we talking about?” asked Debra.
“Um, my foot, you know where Paul stomped it? Anyway, I texted mom, and she’s not taking me to the doctor. So, um, don’t worry about it, okay?”
“But, I am worried, honey.”
“Hey Debbie, show me your tits,” said Jeff.
In one move, the hottest mom of the decade pulled up her T-shirt and bra in the middle of the day. Debra proudly revealed her perfectly oblong globes of mammary delight.
“Can I touch them?”
“No!” she said, putting her shirt back down.
“Um, wait a minute,” said Jeff, texting on his phone, except this time Debra’s expression didn’t change. She glared at him with the same quizzical stare that mothers have used against teenage boys since the beginning of time.
“When I say…”
“When you say what, Jeffery?”
“Nothing Mrs. Thompson. I’ll come by later to talk to Paul.”
“She did it. I told her to show me her tits, and she did it. There were people walking their dogs on the sidewalks and everything.”
“Would you stop, already?” said Paul, turning red in the face.
On queue Debra knocked on the bedroom door.
“Guys, I’m fixing some pizza rolls. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in a snack?”
“Hey Debbie, show me your tits.”
She looked at her son, as if considering his presence. A warm smile tickled across her face, turning wicked as it grew. Holding Paul in her gaze, she batted her eyebrows, and the three of them watched Debra Thompson pull up her shirt and bra.
“Is this good enough, or do you want me to take it off?”
“I would take it off. It’d be easier that way,” said Mike.
“I was talking to Jeff, Mr. Stoner.”
“Take it off, please,” said Jeff
“If you say so,” said Debra, tossing her clothes on the floor and walking out the door, leaving three stunned boys in her wake.
“And I thought you said it wouldn’t work,” said Jeff, flaunting a smug grin.
Paul slugged Jeff hard in the shoulder.
“I am kicking your ass!” yelled Paul.
“Would you two knock it the fuck off?” said Mike in a strained whisper.
“Are you boys doing alright in there?”
“We’re fine. Jeff stuck a wet finger in Paul’s ear,” said Mike, yelling back to Debra, and holding a finger across his mouth.
“You morons, consider the possibilities. Today could be the greatest day of our lives, if you idiots don’t fuck it up.”
Jeff and Paul stopped. Mike had just used the f word twice, and he meant it.
“I hate to tell you this, buddy, but your mom’s tits are the reason Jeff and I are always at your house. And she’s no angel, dude. You were there, spellbound by her boobs, when she teased us. Don’t lie. I saw the lust in your eyes, and she saw it too. You were as hot for her as we were. So cut the act.”
“Why didn’t he do it to his mom? It’s not like Judy has small tits, and she’s got a big butt.”
“Well, yeah, Judy is easy on the eyes, but I’ve been jacking it to Debra since I first got wood. I’ve never jacked it to Jeff’s mom.”
“What’s wrong with my mom?” said Jeff.
“To begin with, she won’t take her top off on command, and second, she’s short with a big butt and pudgy titties. It makes her look like an Oompa Loompa. At this moment, we’ve got a world class hot mom, making us pizza rolls, topless. I’m telling you, Paul, wise up and enjoy the show.”
“Only if he tells me what he did to my mother.”
“First off, it wasn’t the French, Élan NXS for 20 grand. It was Oolong Musk, a knock off from someplace near New Delhi for 500 dollars.”
“I said Musk for Women, three times, and I sent a text that said step one to 623623. It worked. Debra’s expression became blank, and I said, ‘show me your tits.’ I texted, stop, to the same number. That’s all, I promise. Please don’t hit me again.”
“See, no harm done, and now we get a free show every time we visit. It’s not like anyone else is ever going to know,” said Mike.
“The New Delhi company doesn’t have the same safeguards as the French. Anyone can use the trigger phrase, but they have to say it word for word. The reason it’s cheaper is that the phone number for each step costs more money. Step two costs five thousand,” said Jeff.
“Only five thousand dollars?” asked Paul.
“Yes, but step three is ten, step four is twenty, and you only get four steps per woman.”
“But we can come up with five grand,” said Mike.
“What are you talking about? You’ll do no such thing, dude.”
“Nothing bad, bro, listen to me. Okay? I say we get a blowjob command.”
“No way!”
“Shh, keep your voice down. I built a motorbike worth at least three grand, and Jeff has got loads of cash stashed in the bank.”
“I need my money for Europe.”
“What the fuck, dude? This was all your idea. You brought the shit in, and it works. We’re not backing out now, and like I said, a blowjob. It’ll be like she’s kissing us.”
“That’s your argument to make my mom your personal blowjob machine. She’ll be kissing you?”
“And you too. It’s not like we’re here 24/7, but you are. Whenever you get a boner, you can whistle for mom to take care of it. You’ll never have to jack off again.”
“Well, I don’t know…”
Mike smiled.
“It’s a well-known secret that you’re into your mom, and I don’t blame you, brother. She is hot as fuck. Have you seen how guys snap their neck when she walks by?”
“Well, yeah…”
Jeff and I will cover all expenses, and you’ll receive complimentary blowjobs for life.
“So, how is this supposed to work? You spilled all the liquid.”
“We don’t need it. She already has the nano-bots in her brain, and they’re formatted. We text step two to 617617. We tell her the trigger phrase, and tell her what she wants to do when she hears it. Then we text stop to 617617. The brochure warns against vague commands. The pheromones are only good for sex stuff, and they work best on simple direct orders. It also tells you to make your commands unique so other people can’t use your girl. Like, Yo blueberry, I wanna F your muffin. Except, you say the real word, not F.”
“F your muffin? Are you a fucking two-year-old?” said Mike, rubbing his temple.
“I don’t like to cuss, okay?” said Jeff, on the verge of tears.
“I’m going to do this alone. You’re not changing the plan and demanding butt sex.”
“No worries. Jeff and I will walk around the block to the Stop-N-Go. You can call us when it’s time to come back.”
The two boys left without saying a word, making Debra a little more than suspicious. Something was up with those three.
“Hi honey… what’s wrong? Where did Mike and Jeff go? They just got here.”
“Oh well, don’t you think watching my mom get topless in front of my friends might ruin my day?”
Debra took off her top.
“Okay, I’m topless and no one’s around but us.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Do you want me to put my top on?”
“Yes, please.”
“I don’t understand Pauly. You boys, em, young men wanted to see my tits, and I said, yes. Boobs are nothing but sacks of fat. If they were anywhere else on my body, I’d be stuck in a sweaty gym three days out of five trying to lose them. So get used to it, young man. You and your friends are going to be seeing my boobs a lot until they’re no big deal.”
“Yeah, right. Like that’s going to happen,” said Paul, sick at his stomach with guilt.
“Are you sure? Your dad’s watching sports. I can walk in the den right now with my tits swinging, and he wouldn’t even notice.”
“Well, yeah, he’s dad.”
“No. He’s tired of them. Now, get over your half naked mother.”
Paul texted Step One to 617617 and Debra’s expression became blank.
“When I say I’ve got a lollipop for the lollipop girl. You will have an uncontrollable desire to give me a blowjob,” said Paul, texting Stop to 617617.
“I waited for you,” Paul said to his best friends, returning from the convenience store.
“What are you boys up to?” said Debra.
She had watched those three professional adolescents get into trouble for years. And trouble was plain to see in their giggling grins.
“I’ve got a lollipop for the lollipop girl,” they said in unison.
“I don’t think I should. What do you think?” she asked her son.
“Hey Debbie, show me your tits,” said Paul.
“Well, let’s get this party started,” she said, pulling her top up over her head.
The boys stood spell bound as Debra grabbed them all in a group hug, kissing them on the lips while her bare breasts pushed solidly against them.
“Steven’s home, so we will have to keep this quiet.”
The kissing and giggling continued, and none of the young men realized her hands had slipped down until they felt an alien touch pawing their erections.
“Come on, boys. Show me what you’ve got,” she whispered in her smoky voice, before sitting on the edge of Paul’s bed.
Debra heard the rustle of their pants and jingling of their belts. The loud thumps of three denim clad cell phones hitting the floor soon followed, and three hard cocks were standing at attention.
As Debra had always suspected, Mike had the biggest dick. It must have run in the family. She remembered how Cheryl bragged about Stoney’s enormous cock. Paul had nothing to be ashamed about. He had the girth and enough length. Mike had a much bulkier, meatier, more of a meal kind of cock, complete with a hefty pair of hairy balls. She’d save Mike for last.
Jeff was the smallest, not only between the three, but their entire class. Yet, his cock was the cutest and the proudest pecker of the bunch. It stuck straight up, with a sharp bend at the head, giving it a curl like the tail of a pug dog. Debra was certain that Jeff wished he had Mike’s size. He wouldn’t understand that a dick like his would be pure pleasure. If he did it right. She would have to teach him how to work it.
Of course, Paul, her pride and joy, had the perfect cock. Not too big, not too small, it was just right. It had a wide bell shaped head with a rounded tip and a very pronounced ridge. The veiny, coke-bottle shaped shaft was thick in the middle and tapered down closer to his pubic bone. If Mike packed a tool like a Mac Truck, Paul sported a Corvette of cocks, beautiful and built for speed. He got to go first.
She put her hands on her son’s thighs, taking his cock in her mouth without the slightest hesitation. Paul’s staying power surprised Debra. She usually considered young men too quick on the trigger, but her boy showed real prowess. Not that she’d complain, but her jaw was already a little sore from being out of practice, and she still had two more dicks to suck. She moved her hands to the other cocks, jacking the two boys. They made wicked comments about what a great slut Paul had for a mom as she licked the salty crease between Paul’s cockhead and foreskin.
She grabbed Paul’s shaft, jacking it the way Steve always begged her to do. Like father, like son, Paul grabbed his mother’s head, bucking his cock against the back of her throat, working it deeper into her mouth. One toe curling orgasm later, Paul clutched Debra’s head, forcing his full length inside her and dumping his load straight into her belly.
Debra caught her breath, relieved to be serving Jeff’s boyish penis. It felt too tiny to be legal in her mouth. She didn’t stop to consider her marriage, or their age difference. Her mind told her she wanted to suck the cocks of these boys. She didn’t need an appropriate age difference or marriage law on her side, as long as they liked the idea.
His crooked dick rubbed the roof of her mouth, and his pubic hair became a distraction. It looked all wrong, kind of like a kid wearing a fake mustache to buy booze. Debra’s mind wandered. She wondered if Jeff would grow more, but no. His parents, Judy and Johnny, were both small people, too. Out of boredom, Debra rubbed her nails against his taught scrotum, causing him to cum. One good spurt shot up Debra’s nose, but the rest of it spurted straight up in the air, landing on the floor.
From her knees, Debra held onto the embarrassed young man. “You’ll get better,” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Next up, Mike, the cock she saved for last. What an animal. He went commando. His oily, unwashed body smelled of foreign scents, hints of coffee, cigarettes, and incense. She tasted a sweetness beneath his masculine aroma—booze. He’s not old enough to drink, but Debra tasted the alcohol in his sweat as his thick shaft entered her mouth, pushing her jaws open wide.
Oh, he’s going to make lucky girl so excited, she thought. Mike knew what he was doing. Where the other two had stood there dumbstruck, Mike ground his hips, letting his massive cock ride in and out of Debra’s mouth. Not fucking her face, giving her a break, and letting him do the work. She rewarded Mike by tracing her nails across his large balls, hoping that he wouldn’t cum right away like Jeff.
Mike kept his cool, spreading his legs and snapping his fingers to a beat from inside his head. He danced his cock in and out of Debra’s mouth. She synced to his rhythm, and let go of his balls, looking him in the eyes as she held up her heavy breasts for Mike, the man. Paul and Jeff noticed, making a quick study of Mike’s technique.
Debra couldn’t take his thick stiff shaft down her throat, and she needed a break. Grabbing onto Mike’s hard cock, she pumped the loose skin around its solid shaft while licking and sucking on its swollen head.
“I’m gonna,” he groaned.
“Yes! Mike, give it to me, baby. Give it to momma,” she said, letting him take control.
He jacked his impressive meat an inch from her face. Thick ropes of semen filled Debra’s hungry mouth. Showing her suitor his donation, she swallowed it with a sultry moan.
“Thanks boys,” said Debra, rubbing her hard nipples. “Now if you’ll excuse me, momma needs a little private time.”
“Can we watch?” asked Jeff.
“Nope, show’s over, and don’t tell anyone,” she said, leaving for her bedroom.
“We can do that every day. Well, every day until I report to basic training next month,” said Mike.
“I’ll be here every day until I leave for Europe,” said Jeff.
Paul grinned, saying nothing. It had been the best day of his life.
Paul thought only of Debra on the bus ride home. He’d have her topless the moment he walked through the door. She would suck his dick, and he could try the moves that Mike had used. A little swagger worked well with his mom. He planned to play it cool, putting on some music… and… the screen door of his house swayed on one hinge.
Paul felt fear rise in his throat. As the bus came to a halt, he took off, running as hard as he could, dodging parked cars, and jumping over the hedges to get to his house. Bursting into the room, he saw his topless mother on her knees, nursing on Chuck’s dick.
“What are you looking at, shithead?” said Chuck.
When Debra raised up to protest, he pushed her head down.
“Get back to work, bitch.”
“Don’t talk to my mother like that!”
“Fuck you douche. You little perverts stole from me. Now I’m taking back what’s mine.”
“Oh, no you don’t!”
“Or what? Are you going to kick my ass? Go tell Steve your momma’s getting a taste of a real man. I’m sure that Mr. Certified Public Accountant is going to scare the crap out of me. Now run away, little bunny.”
“Go on dear, I’ll finish him soon,” said Debra.
“Bitch, no one gives a fuck. Dick goes in the dumb slut’s mouth.”
Chuck slammed his wet cock back into her mouth, hard.
“Go on, douche, or I’ll beat your fucking ass!!” screamed Chuck.
Paul took off, tears swelling in his eyes as he heard his mother gagging behind him.
“I’m going to fucking kill Jeff!” he yelled the moment he passed the busted screen door.