The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Community Mom

Part Three

Debra draped her arms around her son. He caught the exotic fragrance of her perfume as she pulled him close, holding him tight. Her warm, moist skin pressed against his as her hot breath gave him chills. She kissed his neck, letting her wet, full lips linger. A sigh, or was it a sob, rumbled through her body?

“Where were you last night?”

Her soft words cut through the moment like an ice axe. She reminded her son what he had left dangling in the wind by running her tongue across the rim of his ear.

“You can’t leave me… alone with Steve,” she said, her raspy voice a sorrowful moan.

“Hey Debbie, show me your tits,” he whispered.

“They’re like magic,” he said, stroking the silky flesh of her perfect breast, teasing her stiff nipple with his thumb.

“Mmm, I love it when you touch me,” she said, her quiet words slipping between her teeth in a deep, throaty hiss.

“You’ll love this even more.”

Paul texted Step 4, and Debra blanked out, leaving her exposed body under his complete control.

“Because of Paul, Steve is no longer your concern. When Paul says Momma’s Master, you will understand what it means to fall completely, passionately, and madly in love with your son. You will be the ultimate girlfriend experience for him and him alone. If he asks, you will happily marry him and raise his children. You will reward him with your body and devotion, choosing him above all others. You love him so much you will let him go.”

Paul texted, Stop, and said, “Momma’s Master.”

The look of raw passion never left Debra’s face.

“I want you to move in with me when I go to Ohio State.”

“Yes,” she said with an excited gasp.

“And I want… you to be my girlfriend.”

“Oh yes. Nothing would make me happier than being yours, leaving Cleveland, Steven, and the cold behind.”

“Then there’s only one thing left to do,” said Paul, pulling a cleaning pen from his pocket. Holding it like a magic wand, he said, “Entre Sluticus!”

Debra froze exactly as she’d done on the video.

“This is the Sluticus Charm, bitch! Anything I write on you is who you are and what you’ll do,” he said, copying Chuck’s trigger phrase word for word. Paul used a cleaning pen. It has no ink, just alcohol and cleanser. It removes permanent ink from dry erase boards.

“This is a counter curse pen, Debra. It works in reverse,” he said, writing on her arm so she could see it didn’t leave a mark.

“You will not respond to the, Show me your tits, trigger phrase. You will not respond to the Lollipop girl, trigger phrase. And you cannot respond to the Sluticus Charm until I release you from the counter curse. If someone tries to use a trigger phrase or charm on you, you will yell at them, saying you’re not interested and you’ll call the police.”

Paul woke her from the mind control, saying, “Avanti!”

“How do you feel?”

“Fine. Why?” she asked, cautiously.

“Because I have to go, and I wanted to make sure you’re okay before I leave.”

Her eyes flashed at Paul as if he had said the single thing she dreaded the most.

“Don’t leave me, baby,” she said, grabbing onto Paul.

“It’s going to be alright. Mike and Jeff are coming over to stay with you. I asked for a little alone time with you before I had to go.”

Debra got an arm under her breasts, pushing them until they were as much on Paul’s chest as hers.

“You can still stay with me. You three have spent every day of the past ten years in this house.”

“Mike doesn’t want me to stay. He’s planning on kicking Chuck’s head in.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Well, I have another plan that doesn’t involve Mike losing his one chance to make something of himself. Do you love me enough to let me go?”

Debra nodded, her emotions and breasts sliding down between them. She winced as her hard, sensitive nipples rubbed against his jersey shirt.

“I’ll be waiting,” she said, before walking away.

* * *

Paul hung out at the Stop-N-Go. From there, he could watch Blanchard Avenue. Chuck would have to drive down it on the way to Paul’s home. He figured the time it took to walk from the mini-mart to his house would give Mike and Jeff enough time to really get things going.

“You fucking bastard,” said Mike in a quick stride with his brass knuckles flickering in the afternoon sunlight. “I’m going to beat the holy shit out of you.”

“Beautiful, bravo people! Great intonation, lots of energy, that’s a wrap, stop tape!” shouted Paul, walking between the men and clapping his hands.

“You, you got cameras around here?” said Chuck, looking around.

“Well, yeah, how do you think I found out about the Sluticus Charm?”

“Hey! That’s mine,” yelled Chuck.

“What the hell are you doing?” said Mike.

“I am keeping my best friend from going to jail.”

“Chuck, you’ve come here to what? Use Step 4 on my mother, right? The thing is, and I can’t believe these two didn’t tell you. I used Step 4 on mom already.”


“699699, right?”

“You thieving motherfucker! You owe me 20 fucking thousand dollars!”

“I don’t see it that way because, um, SHE’S MY MOTHER FUCKHEAD!”

“I thought I heard my guardian angel out front,” said Debra, walking through the open door in her finest black nightgown.

A hush fell on the men gathered to fight for her dishonor.

“Hey Debbie, show me your tits,” yelled Chuck, with a smug laugh overtop of Paul’s head.

“Piss off Chuck. Take one step closer and I’m calling the cops.”

Debra scowled in Chuck’s direction, crossing her arms under her breasts. She dared him to test her by stomping a strappy high-heeled foot out the long slit of her gown, revealing her bare, smooth, shapely leg.

“See. I told you the fourth step got rid of the first three steps, but Judy’s only had one dose.”

“What the hell are you talking about, little bunny?”

“This! It only cost me five hundred bucks,” said Paul, dangling a zip top baggie with some packing and a miniature copper tinted vial.

“Paul!! Please don’t hurt my mother! I’m really sorry! Oh my god, I didn’t mean for it to be like this, dude. I promise I will make this up to you somehow,” said Jeff, with fear written all over his bruised face.

“You worthless little shit! I am so fucking angry at you, and Chuck, that I could scream. It must run in the family, because Judy’s as fucking perverted as you two.”

“What’d you do to my sister, boy?”

Chuck felt uneasy as the situation hit too close to home for his liking.

“Not much. I gave her a rape fantasy. Apparently, she’s into boys,” he said, casting a sideways glance at Jeff.

“I’m as old as you,” said Jeff.

“What a coincidence, huh? Anyway, I wanted Judy to fantasize about being raped. I figured it would be paybacks for all the grief you and Jeff caused me. Then I put her under this exotic hypnotic trance just like you did to mom, and it turns out all this time she’s been daydreaming about raping Jeffery.”

Chuck shook his head in disbelief.

“No lie. She told me about her strap-on. She named it Johnny G. I guess it’s usually up her old man’s ass. I’d never noticed his submissive side until Judy mentioned it. But that’s not the point. The point is Judy dreams about bending her baby boy across his bed.”

Jeff stepped to the side quietly, looking at Paul in pure terror.

“Oh yeah, your mom wants to sissify you,” Paul said with a faint smile on his lips. “She’s got the whole rape fantasy thing going on in full. She wants your dad there in a cock cage to watch, powerless to save you. In her mind, you’re tied up and helpless, looking around frantically at all your toys, the Power Rangers collection, the D&D library, and she even mentioned your ant farm.”

Jeff took a step back, but he had nowhere to run.

“Judy says she wanted to stuff a pair of your dirty tighty-whiteys in your mouth, so the neighbors can’t hear you scream when she pulls down your pants to get to your creamy white buns. She likes them because they’re small. Actually Jeff, your mother likes everything small. Except for Johnny G. she likes him because he’s big, long, hard, and black. Your mom masturbates every night thinking about shoving a plastic cock up your ass, churning your butter until you cum for daddy.”

“Oh, come on! That’s just too much!” shouted Chuck.

“Hey it’s your family, dude. You want to know what else? She doesn’t stop there! After all Jeffery’s cum, right? But she hasn’t got off. She rewards him for being a good little boy by holding a chocolate between her toes. She plays with her pussy as he licks her stinky fucking feet on his hands and knees.”

Tears streaked Jeff’s face.

“He cries a lot. Have you ever noticed that? I guess so. You’re always punching on him. I think he gets it from his dad. Judy told me John’s a worthless cuck. She imagines him crying when he licks up Jeffery’s mess.”

“You’re a sick fuck, man!” yelled Chuck.

“I’m not the sick one. I didn’t import some date rape pheromones. I didn’t expose them to my best friend’s mother. I didn’t run a 100 man train on an innocent woman!”

“It wasn’t 100. I called like 52 people but I think 60 some showed up, and then you interrupted the party. She probably did 30, maybe 40 dudes tops.”

“That wasn’t a party! That’s my mother, dipshit! …So you can understand why it didn’t bother me at all to turn Judy’s rape fantasy against her.”

“The directions are supposed to be simple,” said Jeff.

“That’s what the instructions said, but Chuck invented the Sluticus Charm to convince mom to fuck multiple guys. That’s not a simple command, but it worked because it was something mom understood. As a teenager she watched all the Hogwarts movies, so having a spell that let people change you with a magic pen made perfect sense. However, this company in New Delhi is selling these pheromones all over the world. They’ve got no clue about the social customs or the language of the buyer, so the safe bet is to tell everyone to keep it simple. Chuck didn’t read the instructions and invented a Potteresque magic charm to turn my mom into whatever he wrote on her body.”

“So you’re saying I’m a fucking natural at this shit,” said Chuck.

“I am saying the only way I could get Judy Gillespie to agree to a rape fantasy was to tell her it was going to happen in Jeffery’s room, with Jeffery’s dirty underwear stuffed in her mouth, so she can take it like a dog. Trust me, she used the word dog!”

“Why are you doing this?” cried Jeff.

“You’ve got the balls to ask me that? You worthless little shit! After what you’ve done to my mother! You’re fucking lucky your high-class mom isn’t turning tricks in the Skidmore right fucking now!” Paul screamed in Jeff’s face, finally able to vent his anger loud enough to put his neighbors on pause.

“I’ll tell you what else I did, Jeffery. Since no one will hold a chocolate with their toes so Judy can eat it. I gave Judy the unstoppable desire to pay a hundred thousand dollars as a reward to every rapist for fulfilling her fantasy. All I’ve got to do is to explain this complicated setup to a few lowlifes down at the T/D Construction Company and the Gillespies should be bankrupt by this time tomorrow.”

Paul laughed at Jeff’s panicked expression.

“All anyone has to say is give me some pussy, and manhandle that chubby bitch a bit. Once they bust a nut, they’ll be a hundred grand richer.”

“We’ll see about that!” Chuck yelled, driving off in his van.

The boys looked back and forth at each other.

“I’m gonna kill you,” said Jeff, choking on tears.

“Don’t feel too good, does it? Now, we’re even, fucker.”

“How is this even? My family’s going to lose everything.”

“Jeff, I’m the one that’s going to lose everything. I only pretended to program Judy. This is the empty vial you left in my room.”


“You said you put cameras up in your room to catch Chuck stealing from you.”

“Yeah... uh… Oh! Oh, you’re good. I really am sorry.”

“It’s okay,” said Paul, looking over at his gorgeous mother, her indescribably sexy body filling out the skin-tight, lacy confines of her long nightgown. “But I want a copy of Chuck fucking your mom.”

“Sure, do you want it on a thumb drive? Or I could just Dropbox it to you.”

“Hey Boys! Momma’s pussy’s melting. Or are you going to stand there and act like nerds?”

“I told you. I’d think of something,” said Paul, racing to be by his mother’s side.

“Yes you did, and I’d love to show you my appreciation, Pauly,” she said, pulling her son into the house by the belt in his pants.

“Are you boys coming?” she yelled over her shoulder.

* * *

Debra studied the three hard cocks before her. She would stroke one, then grab another, gauging their firmness, coaxing out droplets of pre-cum. The story of Judy’s rape fantasy made her long for a toy to try on her boys. She decided while that might be fun for her, it would probably fuck them up in the head somehow. And besides, that would mean a trip to the bedroom and she wanted dick now.

“You are the cutest motherfucker,” she said to Paul’s cock, laughing at her joke. “Lay down on the coffee table.”

“You won’t even let me put my feet on it.”

“You still can’t, but I want your cute little ass print right in the center. So I can look at it while your dad watches football,” she said, giving her son’s bare butt a playful slap.

Debra had been planning all day how she wanted to take Paul. She even went as far as straddling the table to see how comfortable it would be. Looking at her son’s contoured cock, hard and throbbing for her, she knew her prep work was about to be rewarded.

Slipping her excited pussy over his hard knob, she took it slowly, letting his length push her body apart inch by inch until she bottomed out.

“Oooh, that’s nice,” she said, in a faint gasp, grinding her swollen clit into Paul’s hairy crotch. “Now, you don’t have to do a thing. Let momma take over,” she said, using the remote control to start the heavy bass dance music.

“You wanted to watch,” she said to Jeff, spreading the lips of her pussy.

The two boys stood by slack-jawed as Debra lap danced on Paul’s prick, thumping her clit against his pubis on every bass beat.

Lost in the music, Debra ran her fingers through her hair, swinging her ass while pinned in place by Paul’s dick. With her eyes closed, she scooped up her enormous breasts. With practiced moves, she worked her hands to where she could drum her nipples with her fingers. Pulling her tits up against her body until she dropped them in time with the music.

She laughed, watching Paul’s buddies jack their cocks while she used his dick to masturbate.

“Hey don’t waste it! Save that for me.”

“I can’t help it,” said Jeffery in a whine.

“Bring it to me. That’s it. Now put your hands behind your back,” she said with such authority that Mike put his hands behind his back, too.

Debra continued to bounce on Paul’s dick while she gave Jeff’s bent cock the softest of butterfly kisses on the tip. Then she ran her tongue all along the bottom of his small shaft, licking up the clear drops that presented at his slit.

Jeff made a quivering moan as Debra grabbed his misshapen cockhead between her teeth. She bit down slowly but steadily, pausing until she could feel his dick soften and go limp.

“Now don’t waste it.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With the music pumping and Paul’s cock deep inside her, she diddled her pussy for them. When her orgasm hit, she bounced on top of her son, letting him feel her pussy spasm in motion, until Paul groaned, stiffening under his mother’s weight.

“That’s it. Fill me up. Fill me up, baby. I want you to cum inside me,” she said in a low smoky moan, rubbing her son’s balls.

Jeff looked at Mike. He’d seen nothing like that before.

“Oh, that was good. You’ve made momma so proud,” Debra said, getting on her knees to lick Paul’s cock clean.

She looked at Jeff and said, “It’s sloppy seconds. If you want it...”

Debra didn’t get to finish before Jeff ran to her side, comically nodding his head. She smiled, lying down on the sofa, with her massive jugs sagging down the sides of her chest and resting in her armpits.

“They’re not so pretty now,” she said.

“Oh no, ma’am, they are beautiful,” said Jeff, already hard again.

“Okay, lover boy,” said Debra, with a chuckle. “Listen to me. I want you to learn how to use the tool you’ve got. Get on your knees between my legs. See how your dick points up? I want you to rub the tip of your cock just inside my pussy.”

Paul’s warm cum gushed out, covering Jeff’s bare sex as he put his bent dick inside Debra’s hole.

“That’s it… put it right there, and don’t go any deeper. Now make little strokes. NO! Little strokes, you’re trying to get me off. Tease me. I want you to drag your finger nails lightly up the swollen parts on the sides of my slit.”

She stretched out, closing her eyes. The boys wondered if Debra planned on taking a nap while Jeffery fucked her with his little prick.

“No! Don’t go deep yet! Stay just under the hood. I promise you, it’s not the size of the tool, it’s how you use it. You’re exciting all of my pussy. The sensitive spots are all near the entrance and just outside. I want to lie here and let you do it to me, but since you’re in a rush on every third stroke, bring your nails to my clit.”

Jeff felt a little sissified rubbing his cock in Paul’s cum as Debra dominated him with step-by-step instructions, and it felt good.

“Don’t forget my boobs. You’ve been in love with my tits forever. Now is the time to play with them. Guys are fascinated with tits until its show time, and then they forget all about them. Multitask, Jeff! You need to play with my boobs, tease my pussy, and with every third stroke hit my clit. Remember, just a light tease, men always over work the clit. It gets sore before we get the chance to get off. Do you understand me, Jeff?”

The little man’s timid nodding caught Debra off guard. She laughed at him and it turned him on more.

“That’s it! Now, go all the way down on the sides and then come up to the clit. You can use one hand on the pussy and one hand on a boob. A little faster, oh god yes, baby, you can hit momma’s clit on each stroke now. Don’t be afraid to be creative, Jeffery. Randomly run your nails lightly on my knees or thighs, but don’t stop teasing the clit now. Oh, yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, Yesss! God damnit! Go deep. That’s it! Hit it. Hit it. Hit it.”

The music got louder, and Debra let Jeff fuck her like an oversexed bunny rabbit. Coming in unison, she wrapped her legs around him, crushing his boyish body against her inner thighs as his ass cheeks flexed.

“I swear to you, Jeffery. If you fuck a girl like that every time, she’ll love you forever.”

“Did I do good, mommy?” he said, the excitement causing his embarrassing remark.

Debra had mercy on him. She had humiliated him enough. Patting him on the head, she said, “You made me cum on the first try, all by yourself. I’d say that’s pretty damn good.”

She pulled herself up from the sofa, and for the second time in two days, cum poured out of her pussy. The familiar funk filled the air as she grabbed Mike by his king sized cock.

Handing him a tub of lube, she whispered in his ear, so the other boys couldn’t hear her as she said, “You know what you’re doing. Take my asshole and beat the hell out of it.”

Without another word, Paul watched his mother put her hands on the coffee table and wiggle her butt for Mike like a bitch in heat. It hurt him to see her slut it up for another man. The pain grew with the way his mom moaned, taking Mike’s big dick up her greasy hole.

It seemed like Mike could read her mind, putting one hand on the small of her back and pulled her hair with the other. He slammed his body hard against her hips.

Paul’s dick twitched and stiffened, filling out into another erection, watching Mike fuck his mother like a rag doll.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!” Debra whimpered through clenched teeth on each stroke as they raced toward an orgasm.

Paul couldn’t take it anymore. His mother needed to be reminded that she belonged to him.

“Suck it!” he said, smacking her face with his sticky cock. Taking command of her, he pushed his manhood into her mouth. Holding her by the hair of her head, while she sucked, slurped and gagged on Paul’s cock and Mike’s balls smacked her sensitive cunt.

Da Boom, Da Boom, Boom Boom Boom!

The three fucked in a sweaty, hedonistic heat.

Da Boom Da Boom! Boom Boom Boom!

Their bodies slapped together the dance music, keeping their movements in time as their depravation left the rails.

Sirens in the song wailed, getting higher, higher, higher… silence.

The break in the song triggered a sonic pause in Debra. Feeling like she fell through a hole in the sky, she mentally addressed the gut wrenching shame of whoring to the three boys that grew up inside her home. The home her husband had faithfully provided for her. Her mortification grew as she considered the infamy of ravishing her only child. Lost in anal sex with a man she knew as a boy, her regret overwhelmed her.

The bass came back. Boom Boom Boom!

Already lost inside herself, Debra reckoned her perverse actions. A flood of intense memories about sexually servicing dozens of men at once, and obediently submitting to her tormentors, exacerbated her humiliation beyond her mind’s ability to cope. But before this tsunami of guilt actually made her a vegetable, it switched course into a signal of sexual stimulation.

The nanobots had done their job, isolating the circuitry in Debra’s brain responsible for shame and pleasure. By engaging step 4, Paul created permanent shortcuts that converted and controlled Debra’s humiliation into pleasure, making her a slave for whoever controlled her trigger phrases.

Da Boom, Da Boom, Boom Boom Boom!

With the music blasting, all of Debra’s pleasure neurons fired at once, and she convulsed into an orgasm so strong she squirted for her first time.

Mike came, pushing his load deep into her bowels as she collapsed, letting Paul’s cock slip from her lips. The music continued to thump as Paul jacked-off on his broken mother’s body while she quivered and shook.

“Oh, boys, you know how to make a lady feel like a woman,” she said, in an intoxicated giggle.

* * *

Good Evening Cleveland! Oscar Ramirez and Jessica Chow with headlines, weather, and sports.

Tonight, a West Lake woman filed rape charges against her own brother.

That’s right Oscar. We’ll go live to Juanita Banks on the scene.

Thank you, Jessica. Behind me you see police cars amid the calm of the Briarwood community shattered by the reckless behavior of one of its own. Charles Meyers, son of former mayor Stanton Meyers, grew up on a waterfront property near here. His sister Judy married John Gillespie, a member of the Gillespie Steel family. Chuck didn’t fare so well. An officer in the U.S. Navy, he was relieved of duty and later resigned. As a qualified nuclear technician, he worked for the Erie Point Power plant maintenance crew. Recent poor performance reports attributed to his alcohol use put Charles on part-time hours. It’s believed that money issues caused him to assault and burglarize his nephew, Jeffery Gillespie. When Judy sought answers from her brother. He violently raped her. Ironically, caught by the same cameras setup by young Jeffery after the robbery.
