The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

[mc, mf, fd]

synopsis: Alexandra Ryder—a.k.a. Agent 47-D—is back and this time it’s personal.

Corruption Games

(By S.B.)

8 — A Reluctant Ally

General Hayes glanced at the rattled FBI Agent sitting outside his office and rubbed his forehead in-between exasperated sighs. An hour had elapsed since the unexpected guest had entered the facilities at gun point, a surprise he would have a hard time explaining to the Bureau once the word got out. The day that couldn’t get any worse apparently hadn’t received the corresponding memo. He had cleared his desk from most of the paperwork already, yet his mind was more clouded than ever. Camomile and honey with a hint of ginger cup of tea in hand, his favorite hangover cure, he confronted Alexandra with an almost silent mutter.

“Okay, I didn’t see this one coming...”

“Trust me when I say neither did I.” Alexandra replied, sitting in front of him, her warm gaze approving his choice of putting the unwarranted drinking games of before behind his back.

“Did you really have to bring him here? Baby-sitting another Simms after everything that’s happened in the last forty-eight hours is something I could live without.”

“I wasn’t planning to and yet, ultimately, it felt like the right thing to do.”

The General took a deep breath and sipped his tea, frowining. Despite the familiar combination of ingredients, it was bitter than expected. “Interesting though it sounds like you lost control of the situation for a bit, Alexandra... or am I wrong?”

“You are. I won’t deny I’m somewhat shaken up by the revelations so far but ‘losing control’ seems a bit much. That’s not what I do, Sir. It was a calculated risk given the circumstances.”

“I see...” Both his eyebrows twitched. “How’s the Colonel?”

“Sedated and resting in the Medical Ward for now. To be honest, I’m surprised you didn’t go see him the moment we arrived.”

“Things remain hectic around here. Plenty of time for that since I won’t be heading home any time soon. Did he say anything else during the trip back?”

“No. I tried to coax him once more but the mental blockade imposed on him is too strong. The only thing he’s comfortable enough to share is that strange number.”

“49.” He repeated. “That’s not much to go with.”

Alexandra shook her head, the layers of confusion she would never confess out loud, hastily suppressed under her chestnut scalp. “It most certainly isn’t. I’ve been picking my brain for a while now to see if anything registers but I’ve got nothing and I don’t like that.”

“You and me both although I’m more worried about the implications that ‘you’ were used as a weapon in all of this so I’ve asked Melvin to cross-reference your previous assignments and the friends and foes you made along the way to see if something noteworthy comes up. I also asked him to factor the recent security breach in the equation.”

Alexandra crossed her legs, the glossy attire reflecting the faint light in her conversation partner’s tired eyes. “Smart. Speaking of that, someone should stop by my house and pick up Timothy before he types his mind away for good.”

“Already beat you to it. Mr. Henderson is in a cell on Level 16 as we speak. We couldn’t drag him away from the keyboard so we brought the laptop, too. Your suggestions keep getting stronger, it seems.”

“Not my easy he’s as easy to play with as Melvin. Are you really giving him access to all my files?”

“Yes. Do you have any problem with that? Because you know he’s the right man for the job.”

“He took a bullet for me so I know he is, yet he’s in for a field trip once he reads some of those official reports...”

“Worried your ‘pet’ will think less of you once he finds out everything you did for the sake of the country?”

“No,” she sniggered and brushed a speck of dust from her shiny right arm. “I have my ways to make sure that never comes to be as you so well know. I’m just imagining the look on his face when he gets to the Prague incident, amongst others.”

“Melvin’s a big boy, he will handle himself just fine. As for our FBI guest...” The General laid down the now empty cup on the far edge of the desk. One false move and he would send it flying if he weren’t careful enough.

“He’s... intriguing, to say the least.” Alexandra noted.

“Why is that?”

“He actually pulled a gun on me. I don’t remember the last time anyone dared.”

“I see. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you actually enjoyed being challenged... even if only for a bit.”

“It was an interesting change of pace, one I’ll be glad to explore once the timing is right.”

“I take it that’s your way of saying you’ll stay clear from messing with his head until this whole ordeal is resolved.”

“You forgot the word ‘permanently’. I’m not guaranteeing I won’t fuck him up just a little just for fun. It’s always the best way, General.”

“Right... well, I guess this is the part where I have to talk to him.”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Okay. Could you be so kind to let him in then? And stick around because this concerns you, too.”

Alexandra got up, sashayed to the door, and beckoned the irritated law enforcer with a solitary finger. Despite having had some time to compose his thoughts and think about what he was going to say, it was obvious Simms was still in “attack mode”, frantic muscles ready for a good old boxing fight, preferably in either ten or twelve rounds.

“General Hayes will see you now.” She said.

“About God damned time!” With long strides, brooding forehead about to pop, he walked inside and unleashed the first salvo of verbal discontement. “General, I don’t know how the fuck you run your ops around here but what your agent pulled off tonight is the most egregious affair I’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing, let alone be a part of! I hope you have a good explanation for all of this!”

Seemingly unperturbed, the General replied: “Please take a seat, Agent Simms, and I’ll tell you everything you want to hear.”

“I’ve been sitting on that cold seat posing as a bench for the last hour so I prefer to stand, thank you very much! I would also like to have my gun back, if that’s not too much of a hassle for you, that is...” Simms’ brazen pitch fluctuated right at the end as if to deride him.

“In due time. Please understand that, because of these unfortunate events, relieving you of your firearm until you calmed down, was the appropriate course of action.”

“Why? Do you think I was going to shoot this bitch?” He pointed an indignant finger at Alexandra. “I’m not stupid!”

“Bitch? Why, you’re hurting my feelings, Mr. Special Agent.” Alexandra looked askance as she returned to her seat. “And weren’t you eager to shoot me in the leg to keep me from running? Trigger happy boys are the worst!”

“You’re the only one that didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger to threaten me...” He rebuffed before gawking at the General again. “Does she have to be here right now?”

“Yes, she does.” The older man replied. “Seeing as Agent 47-D’s actions are my responsibilty, I want her present while I do the right thing.”

“Which is...?”

“First of all, apologize for the way things played out until now, of course. I authorized her to do whatever it took to get the Colonel back from federal custody. I didn’t anticipate that could mean the kidnapping of a fellow agent though. It’s embarassing and I’m sorry. Please accept my deepest apologies for this turn of events.”

“At least, you don’t mince your words because yes... no matter how you spin it, this was kidnapping pure and simple and you may apologize all you want, but I’m still making sure you two get a severe punishment for your actions the moment I’m able to contact my superiors.”

“You and I both know that, due to the nature of our organization, things aren’t really that simple. You have every right to be angry but I hope you can see the bigger picture behind it. There are more things at stake than your hurt feelings regarding our interference. Colonel Gibbons is an innocent man.”

“You keep saying that and yet everything you’ve done so far goes a long way in backing my claims otherwise. Why couldn’t you try to prove his innocence by going through the proper channels instead of this travesty?”

“Because in this case, the proper channels weren’t going to help, Simms.” Alexandra looked him straight in the eyes. “Besides, aren’t you being a little hypocritical?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’m just curious that the Bureau chose to take the Colonel to such a remote location to handle this. What were your orders?”

“That’s none of your business. You have no say in how the FBI handles this types of situations.”

“Unless you’re not playing fair yourselves... is what you’re trying to pull off?”

“General, you would be wise to have your Agent stop with the infernal insinuations or this conversation is as good as over.” Simms fumed.

“No. Alexandra can be a bitch—sorry, but you know it’s true, my dear—but she has a point. I tried the regular way, find out where we stood, and I was ignored. For some reason, the Bureau chiefs decided to handle this differently, and I can only assume it was because of the Colonel’s connections to this institution.”

“Persecution complex much?”

“Not many know the extent of everything we do here and the majority of those that do, don’t like it. While we can’t prove anything yet, I have to reasons to believe that what happened with the Secretary of the Defense was made with the intent of discrediting us, most especially Alexandra’s work.”

“I’m going to need more than that, General. What do you mean?”

“Are you really going to fill him on everything? Is that wise?” Alexandra asked.

“Might as well. I’d rather have a reluctant ally for real than yet another angry nemesis before this conversation is done.” The General shrugged.

“Fair enough. Let me then. Simms, you really should sit down for this.”

“I already told you I’m fine standing!” He dismissed her with a curt hand wave. “Make it quick, Alexandra! What have you been keeping from me?”

“Colonel Gibbons believes his actions were mandated by me. In fact, he pretty much told me he did as I commanded. I was shocked to hear that. As a matter of fact, I still am.”

“What the fuck? General, what sick game are you playing?”

“We’re not playing anything of our own volition but being used as pawns instead. Whoever warped his mind into committing such a foul deed, is aiming for something more.”

“A personal vendetta against you?” Simms confronted Alexandra, the sudden headache infusing every subsequent move with a hint of vertigo. “For what?”

“We don’t know that yet, but we intend to find out which is why is best to keep things in the house for now.”

“Sounds like an excuse to cover up your tracks if you ask me.”

“Stop being patronizing. It’s obvious Alexandra had no part in this at all!” The General vociferated.

“Obvious to you perhaps but then again how can I be sure she didn’t fuck with your perceptions as well? That’s the only thing she’s good at, apparently.”

“You would be so lucky to be half as good at everything I do, Simms.” Alexandra stretched herself on the chair, a defiant pose amplified by the not so subtle way she perked her breasts.

“Enough, you two! You’ll have plenty of opportunities to bicker with one another once you really start working together to crack this. In fact, I say you start right now.” The General declared.

“Sounds about ri... wait, what?” Alexandra’s cocky smile faded away. “There’s no way that’s happening!”

“Hmmph... I hate saying this but I’m with her.” Simms crossed his arms. “This is my case to begin with and, after tonight, 47-D can stay the hell out of it, and so can you. Besides, you don’t have the authority to make that kind of decision.”

“I will the moment I get in touch with the President. He’s a son of a bitch but he also knows we’ve saved his ass more times than he can number. He’ll see my reasoning, I’m sure.”

“I don’t know if that’s an incredible bold move or yet another stupid decision to add to your list, General Hayes! Do you plan on telling him that the agent you want on the job is now officially the prime suspect behind everything that happened?”

“No. I’ll just remind him she’s the best, regardless of the personal stakes.”

“You’re really risking national security in favor of a hypnotist and mind-controller?”

“Who better to track down another hypnotist and mind-controller? She’ll fight fire with fire. I’m giving you the opportunity to stoke the flames.”

“General, I understand where you’re going with this, but I really must...”

“Not this time, Alexandra.” He interrupted her. “I’ve already assumed my faults in handling this, now it’s time to set things right. We can’t always play by the book but we can make sure no one else gets burned. Besides, you yourself said he was an intriguing man, didn’t you? This is your chance to find out what that really means...” He smirked, surprised at his own audacity towards her.

“Intriguing?” Simms thought, unsure if he truly wanted to know what she meant by that. Choosing silence over yet another precipitous question, he waited for her own snide remark.

“Well played, Sir. Now there’s a side of you I hadn’t seen since the day you showed up at my doorstep asking for his stepbrother to be taken out of the picture.”

“That was you?” Simms growled.

“Corruption is everywhere and I don’t regret what I did. This department is better in my hands than it would ever be in his.”

“Judging by the lunacy going on, that seems unlikely.”

“Keep it together by agreeing to my terms then.” The General interlocked his fingers. “You’ll have unrestricted access to the facilities and everything we can offer. Play your cards right and the political capital you’ll gain when your name is mentioned in the future will be higher than you can ever anticipate.”

“Calling out to my ambition just like your agent, huh? No wonder you two get along so well.”

“Do we have a deal or not?”

“I suppose that if I say yes, you’ll ask for the kidnapping incident to be swept away...”

“Quid pro quo, Agent Simms.”

“My partner has surely already filed a report on the subject though. Not only that, there are two more eye-witnesses. This won’t end well for you, regardless.”

“Let me worry about that after the culprit is uncovered. Colonel Gibbons may have only been the first in a massive domino chain reaction.”

“Agreed.” Alexandra spoke again.

“You think there can be more hits?” Simms retorted.

“I hope not, but we need to be prepared. I’m going to need your answer now before I call the President to fill him in on the situation.”

“Hmmm... I don’t want to work with her but I don’t want you to go rogue again either.”

“That’s a yes then? Splendid!”

“Speak for yourself...” Alexandra groaned. “... but okay. National security is more important and yada yada yada.”

“Good. While Melvin goes through your files, I have just the right assignment for your skills, Alexandra.”

“Let me guess: put Timothy back under and see if he knows something more about all of this.”

“Bingo! Please get to it right away.”

“Who the hell is this Timothy guy now?” Simms asked.

“You’re about to find out.” The hypnotic secret agent winked.