The Danger of Logical Fallacies
Chapter 2 — Vanessa Pets Her Pussy
Vanessa sighed. It had been another long day at the pet day care. As usual she’d spent the majority of the day cleaning up dog and cat crap, but it was all worth it to be able to get paid to play with the cute animals when they weren’t pooing or fighting. A ring at the door brought Venessa to attention and forced her to quickly make her way to the front. She was greeting by the sight of Mr. Lawrence, a particularly wealthy dog owner who paid extra to have his dogs treated better then the rest. Vanessa had always gotten the impression that the guy was a bit of a snake, probably had trouble making friends, and thus his dogs were pretty much his only companionship. Still, she couldn’t judge, right now her cat at home was her only friend, and the only “person” she hung out with on the weekends as well.
“Hello Mr. Lawrence, you’re in early today, good day at work for a change?” asked Vanessa. Normally Lawrence came in much later then he was scheduled for and then proceeded to bitch for 10 minutes about his work while seeming to expect Vanessa to feel sorry for him and not charge him for the extra hours despite the fact he was clearly making at least 5 times a year what she was. If that was all he was truly doing, she might not have minded so much, but Vanessa also had a sneaking suspicion that he spent so much time rambling in order to give himself more time to undress her with his eyes. Despite how much time he spent ranting at her on a daily basis she would have bet money he couldn’t have told her the color of her eyes as he never even made an attempt to make eye contact with her.
“Quite well actually. Since I am here a little early, I’ve got a question for you Vanessa, do you prefer pussies or puppies,” inquired Lawrence. Vanessa didn’t fail to notice the fact Mr. Lawrence had used the term pussy instead of cat, but decided it best to ignore any intended sexual harassment he might be attempting.
“Assuming you mean pussy cats, I prefer cats, but I like dogs as well,” replied Vanessa in a manner which she hoped left the least amount of room for any sort of sexually slanted follow up Mr. Lawrence might have intended. If her response had put him off, however, he did not show it.
“Do you have any cats of your own?” continued Lawrence’s unexpected barrage of strange questions.
“Why yes, one actually” answered Vanessa. And if she was here right now I’d let her use your leg as a scratching post Vanessa thought to herself while doing her best to maintain a proper courteous smile.
“I bet you enjoy petting and playing with your cat, even when you’ve got company over, don’t’ you?” came an especially odd question from Lawrence. Vanessa couldn’t help but wonder if this was Mr. Lawrence’s attempt at small talk. if so, she preferred hearing him whine about his day at work.
“Yes, but actually I should go get your dogs for you.” For once Vanessa was actually happy that she was the only one working at this time of the day as it gave her an excuse to get away. She never enjoyed being around Mr. Lawrence, but he was being especially creepy today.
“Actually before you go,” said Lawrence putting ear plugs in his ears, “I was thinking,—You enjoy to petting and playing with your pussy when you have some one over, and a person usually looks at the person their visiting, there fore you enjoy petting and playing with your pussy when some one is looking at you. Further it can be said that since you enjoy petting and playing your pussy with some one looking at you, and a pussy is a name for a woman’s vagina, you therefore must enjoy petting and playing with your vagina with some one looking at you.—”
For a moment Vanessa found herself shocked and confused. That did make sense... so she must... but how did he know? Quickly, however, the confusion turned to anger. Sure, she thought, she did enjoy petting and playing with her crotch while some one watched, but her secret fetish was no business of his!
“That’s it Mr. Lawrence, that’s crossing the line, once I get your dogs I want you to leave and find a new pet day care because I don’t want to ever see you again or I swear I’ll call the cops on you!” declared Vanessa. Lawrence, however, seemed unshaken.
“Ah but Vanessa, I’m still not done yet, you see we’ve already established that—You enjoy petting and playing with your vagina with some one looking at you, and I’m some one, therefore you’d enjoy petting and playing with your vagina while I looked at you.—” replied Lawrence looking smug.
Vanessa was extremely annoyed now. Sure, it was true, she’d enjoy petting and playing with her vagina right now while Mr. Lawrence watched, but that didn’t make it the right thing to do and it sure as heck was inappropriate to talk about.
“Are you daring me to call the cops, because I WILL do it!” challenged Vanessa. Despite what she’d just said, it was entirely a bluff, she was pretty sure any cop she called would just laugh at her if she called to report a customer talking inappropriately to her, but as they lacked any security, it was the best threat she could muster.
“You could do that, but I don’t think you’d enjoy doing it, and work is something that should be enjoyable. Do you enjoy your job, Vanessa?", inquired Mr. Lawrence with out showing so much as the slightest concern that she’d make good on her threat.
“I do, largely because I get to spend most of my time with animals who can be trained to show others respect, something I can’t say for all those of my own species,” Vanessa shot back.
“Wonderful, wonderful, so it seems to follow to me that since—your job is something you enjoy, and something you’d enjoy would be petting and playing with your pussy while I watched, that your job is to pet and play with your pussy while I watch—.” came the almost whimsical declaration of Mr. Lawrence.
What followed was a long moment of silence, as Vanessa tried to make sense of what she’d just been told. It didn’t really make sense, did it, something about the statement seemed... off... she was almost sure of it, yet for the life of her she couldn’t find a flaw in his logic. No matter how many times she went over it in her head, she couldn’t deny the truth to what this perverted conceited piece of trash had just said. Up until this very moment, she’d been doing her job all wrong.
At once Vanessa blushed bright crimson, both from the knowledge of what she now had to do, and from the realization that this entire time she’d thought Mr. Lawrence was being a jerk, it was actually she who wasn’t doing her job, and he’d been trying to hint at said fact with out directly pointing out that she was completely neglecting her duties.
“I don’t know why I ever took this job...” mumbled Vanessa too herself, before stepping out from behind the counter, moving into a position Mr. Lawrence could clearly see her from, then sticking her right hand into her pants, where she proceeded to use said hand to alternate between lightly petting her pussy lips, and playing with her clit. “Oh... oh gosh...”
Vanessa turned even brighter red at releasing she’d verbalized her pleasure in front of this slime ball, but also couldn’t deny, as humiliating and degrading as her job was, she was definitely enjoying it.
“I appreciate your customer service, but I can’t help but note that normally,—when you play with your pussy your pussy is naked except for its fur, your currently attempting to play with your pussy, so you should make your pussy naked except for its fur—", pointed out Mr. Lawrence.
That was true too, Vanessa hated to admit, so despite the further humiliation and degradation it brought, she used her left hand to first guide her pants off her legs, then her panties, leaving nothing between her pussy and Mr. Lawrence’s eyes but her hand and its fur... well hair anyway.
“Before you get started again,” said Mr. Lawrence, interrupting Vanessa just as she’d started to pet her now naked pussy, “I wonder, do you own any cat toys?”
“Mr... umm.... Mr. Lawrence, my job.... un.... my job is to pet and play with my pussy while you watch, not to... ooooh.... to give you my life story,” countered Vanessa.
“Suit yourself, still, I bet you do own cat toys, and I bet you use them to play with your cat,” said Mr. Lawrence, grabbing a cat toy from a near by stand, a long thing rod with a bunch of feathers and a bell at the end. “And if I’m correct, since—You play with your pussy with Cat toys, and your attempting to play with your pussy right now, you should use a cat toy to play with your pussy right now—.”
Again Vanessa wanted to argue but found that Mr. Lawrence’s logic was infallible. As such, despite the knowledge of the further humiliation it would bring her, when Mr. Lawrence handed her the cat toy, she accepted it, and began to use the rod to play with her self, alternating between tickling herself with the feathers and occasionally penetrating herself with the tip.
“Just one more thing,” said Mr. Lawrence, causing Vanessa to let out a grunt of annoyance instead of her more recent grunts of pleasure. “You strike me as the type who takes pictures of her cat. As such, since—You have pictures taken of your pussy, and I have a camera phone, you’d be completely okay with me using my camera phone to take pictures of your pussy—.”
One last time Vanessa truly tried, used every bit of her mind that wasn’t already off kilter from her current cat toy masturbation, to find a whole in his logic, a reason to deny him the right to take pictures of her naked pussy while she petted and played with it, but as every time previous, she came up empty.
“Fine” was all Vanessa said between grunts.
That was all Mr. Lawrence needed, as he reached into his pocket... only to remember that he’d recently “lost” his cell phone.
“Actually, most likely—you take pictures of your pussy with your own phone, and since you’ve okay’d me to take pictures, you’re okay with me using your own phone to take pictures of your pussy—” added Mr. Lawrence. Vanessa didn’t even try to argue this point, just kicking him her pants from which he pulled out her phone. Much to his approval, it was not password locked, so he quickly began to use it to take shots of Vanessa and her pussy from every angle imaginable.
For nearly a half hour this went on until at last Mr. Lawrence mercifully advised Vanessa that she’d adequately performed her job, emailed himself, and several random people on Vanessa’s address book the photos, then returned the phone to her pants and kicked it back over to her.
“I hope your happy now...” stated Vanessa, breathless from the numerous orgasms, but extraordinarily pissed at what she’d had to do, regardless of how much she’d enjoyed it while doing it.
“I am, but I think you are too, after all—You chose this job knowing what it entailed, and you enjoy your job, so it seems to me you agree that if you were ever told this job was not to involve petting and playing with your pussy while others watched, you’d quit this job and find a job where that was a large part of the job—,” stated Mr. Lawrence. “In any case, seeing as there’s no one here currently whose job is to actually get me my dogs, I suppose I shall have to come by later when such an employee is here.”
And with that Mr. Lawrence bid Vanessa adieu, and walked out the door.
As Vanessa finished putting her pants back on her sent one more angry glare toward the door from which Mr. Lawrence had exited, then stopped and thought about what he’d said.
“Actually, he’s right, even greeting people isn’t my job,” thought aloud Vanessa, before calling up her boss to ask what they should do about the scheduling mistake. When questioned as to why she couldn’t do it herself, she explained what was and wasn’t part of her job description, which not shocking would lead to her being fired right there on the phone. It was a bit heart breaking for Vanessa, she’d loved her job, but ultimately she knew that if petting and playing with her pussy while people watched wasn’t something she could get paid to do here anymore, she was just going to have to find some place that would. It would take her less then a week to find such a place, and within a month she was making far more then she’d ever made at the animal day care, and even if the work was humiliating and degrading, she had to admit, she enjoyed it.