Dark as Light
Chapter 2
“Arak Arak quite contrary, how does the Kara grow?” I asked triggering the return. I simply watched as the change took place. I could see another type of awareness creep in, weight come to bear and the person I truly liked come to the fore.
“Oh God.” She whispered as everything settled into place.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes,” She answered hastily, “I’m uhh, fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” She said, then looked at me with the most elegant smile, “I’m fine. Thank you for the break.”
“You’re welcome, the pleasure was all mine.”
“Don’t be to sure about that. Did you know you snore lightly sometimes?”
“You do. It’s cute.”
“Umm,” I mumbled embarrassed for some reason I couldn’t then identify.
“I should get going.” She said and I felt sad, “I should go find your brother.”
“Yeah.” I answered; easily the most intelligent thing I could come up with at the time.
“See you.” She said getting up and walking away. At that moment I didn’t anticipate seeing her again, I figured the only way she would ever remember me would be in a term paper about conditioning. I walked myself the three miles home, mom and dad were back, everything returned to normal. Thank god I cleaned up everything before leaving.
The next week of school went slow. A lot of people had seen us together, my friends wanted details, I told them she was my brothers girlfriend and that my parents hired her to baby sit over easter since they got called out of town. I had never lied so effectively before in my life, and truth be told, I don’t think I have ever topped it. The rep points of hanging out with a knockout like that no matter the reason didn’t hurt a bit either. The polite knock at my door the next Friday night startled me, my brother wasn’t due home for over an hour and he rarely knocked in spite of the fact that we had agreed he would.
“Come in.” I hollered over my shoulder not looking up from my programming project.
“Hi.” A soft familiar voice said just before I heard my door close behind her.
“Hi.” I said back in shock.
“It’s Friday.” Kara said after a deep breath.
“Umm.” I mumbled, I think my mouth hung open.
“You’ll catch flies like that.” She laughed confirming my fear.
“After the way I behaved I thought I would never see you again.”
“You behaved exactly as I thought and kind of hoped you would. As soon as teen fantasies were over, you wanted companionship more than anything else. Besides you’re greatest pleasure seemed to be ensuring your brother got laid a few times without a clue why he got it so well.”
“You’re limiting your vocabulary, there’s a college class for that if you can graduate.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled feeling elated and dejected at the same time.
“It’s time.”
“I thought you two were going camping or some such thing?”
“We were, are, maybe, he may have a gig.”
“Then all I could do would be to order her to make him happy this week end. I can’t think of an excuse that would make any sense to have you around the while time.”
“Order her to be back by Sunday night. That way you can release me.”
“School work?”
“I got it done. I’ve had the most amazing week.” She said taking a deep breath, “I haven’t felt this energized this year. It’s more like I used to be last year when I started college. The press and weight of matters was less when I came back than when I went away, as anticipated.”
“Kara Kara quite contrary how does the Arak grow.” I said triggering the change. To see the weight and stress slide away was amazing. I played a little, I was a teen aged male after all and Arak was, is, the definition of willing. I set her up to please my brother that weekend then I played before releasing her. Arak happily dressed in Kara’s cheerleader uniform and gave me a nice blowjob right there in my room at my computer. I have to admit peeling her out of clothes and playing with her body starting with both uniforms nearly matched it. When Sunday got there and Arak showed and I made a deal with her. Though Arak made the deal, Kara stuck with it. The price as agreed on for releasing Kara was simple. She undressed, allowed me to run my hands over her freely, then gave me a nice blow job in the nude all fully as herself. Of course I suckled a nipple as I stroked her to near orgasm or to one if I could. Only then did she kneel before me to begin.
That set the pattern for the next few weeks, I alternated which uniform she had on when I got my blow job on friday. But the peeling her out of her clothes gave way to simple cuddles, then she took the weekend of a game off because she had to perform. The next week she showed up early, craving the release, I recognized the first signs of a junkie habit forming. Fortunately for her, so did she, she hesitated but went through with it all, even the weekend reward, willingly. The next weekend she showed and asked me not to use the trigger, I didn’t, we simply spent some time together. Then it was the week of my birthday, a Wednesday.
“Hi,” Kara said looking at me when she walked into my first period math class to hand the teacher a note, in uniform.
“This is most irregular.” He said in response after reading the note.
“It’s already cosigned by the vice principle.” She replied innocently. Around me whispers were starting in, a few people recognized her.
“I’ll have to call the office.”
“No problem.” Kara smiled and headed for my desk while he went to the wall phone.
“Are you ready?” She asked looming over my desk in full cheerleader regalia.
“Stripogram.” The jock who didn’t like me because I had better grades and a functional IQ said from the desk next to mine nastily. He never saw the slap that knocked him out of his chair coming. He hadn’t realized that cheerleaders are strong, apparently he did now.
“Did you know making that kind of a comment is sexual harassment?” She asked looking down at him innocently as he stared up at her.
“You bitch.” He hissed deciding whether to get up.
“I’m a college cheerleader boy.” She snarled without losing her innocent smile, “We bench press high school jocks for fun.”
“If you weren’t a girl.” He hissed.
“Then you would have to explain the fat lip I would give to go with the black eye I just gave you as well. Wanna explain to your boy friends you got your ass kicked by a girl.” He nearly got up, he nearly did it. The whole class hoped he would.
“Bitch.” He hissed again standing as he took a swing at her from the ground. Her open hand swing looked almost accidental as she evaded him, the impact on his cheek made a hollow thud sound. His knees literally gave out mid lunge, he dropped to them just kneeling there looking stunned.
“Sorry,” She apologized, “I guess you get a cheek shiner to with your black eye instead. Ready sexy?” She asked turning back to me.
“Umm,” I stammered, shocked, “I guess.”
“Good, everyone is waiting. We need to meet with your parents first.”
“Your paper work is in order miss, better get going.” My math teacher said with a grin completely ignoring the poor kneeling stunned jock. The school ban on cell phones wouldn’t keep word of this from spreading faster than the bell.
“Thank you. What is his name anyway?” She asked pointing to the jock.
“Carl, Carl reeves.” My teacher answered.
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to tell all my friends how well behaved he is, should make college ball a breeze.”
“Have a nice day.” My teacher replied with knowing grin as Kara took my hand. He was only sixty after all, not dead.
“What’s up?” I asked as soon as we were safely outside the school.”
“I decided you needed a day off so I called your parents and asked to take you to a get together at a college my team is playing this weekend.”
“And they said yes?”
“They don’t know I have decided to dump your brother. He and his band made a good showing at the festival and now he is all practice or sex, nothing else.”
“So dad knows and approves and mother suspects but thinks it’s time for her son to grow up?”
“How did you deduce that?” She asked surprised while opening the little coupe she drove.
“Fooling dad would take a good actress, fooling mom and her bimbodar more than a great one.”
“So you never tried to umm, get in on the game early?” She asked changing the subject as we pulled away from the curb.
“No. I mean I would love to. Make no mistake, but I am not making life altering decisions or taking life altering actions until I can take care of myself.”
“We all have implants.” She said smiling while we waited for the stoplight, “It’s considered a safety item in order to prevent injury. You pull something or fall because you don’t realize you’re pregnant and you can do permanent damage.”
“Oh.” I whispered in shock, “Why now? I mean why the change in attitude?”
“You’re sixteen today. I am officially not robbing the cradle now.”
“Robbing the cradle?”
“It’s a legal type thing. Now you can be considered to be able to give consent for relations. Having parental acceptance if not approval makes a nice backstop.”
“So now what?” I asked after a few miles of shocked silence.
“Now we go find somewhere private, like my place.”
“You’re place? I thought you lived in a dorm.”
“I do, with two other girls, supposed to be three but they haven’t filled the vacancy yet. They bring home their boyfriends sometimes so they don’t get to say anything.”
“But the trip? The game?”
“Oh that, we leave tomorrow.”
“Oh.” I stammered and rode in silence some more.
In an hour we stood naked facing each other in her dorm. We kissed, we fondled, we explored, we learned each other bodies little by little, properly this time. She gave me top position while we exchanged touches, she offered her breasts as grips when I approached entering her. I felt warmth envelope me, I felt it grip me when she contracted, I felt movement as she flexed muscles I hadn’t known a female possessed, doing things I hadn’t known could be done. Then I pulled back partway and pushed myself back in again. I tried to pace myself, I didn’t succeed very well, I tried to last and make it as good for her as it was for me, I’m afraid I didn’t succeed very well there either. Then I released and discovered I had only thought I had climaxed before, this was different, more, stronger, better. I soon passed out after seeing a smiling Kara under me that told me maybe I hadn’t totally failed to please her after all.
I woke to the buzzing of insects and opened my eyes. This time I actually noticed the dorm, it was it turns out closer to an apartment. Two rooms of two beds with a connected third room that sat between connecting them. It contained a bathroom with shower on one side, and a kitchenette on the other. Not big, but usable if all you are doing is studying. The insects turned out to be Kara and her dorm mates.
“Hi sleepy head.” I heard Kara say from her computer across the room. When I tried to sit all the way up, I discovered the second bed was over me, I was in bunk beds, ouch.
“He lives.” Someone with a soft english accent laughed.
“He’s young, he’ll recover quick.” Another female voice chimed in, this one fuller, rounder.
“Hi.” I said embarrassed.
“Besides the obvious,” the first one asked, “What’s he doing here?”
“You remember that hit to the quadricep I took Ella?” Kara asked.
“Nasty thing that was.”
“He’s the reason I recovered so quick. Turns out mister teen over there learned a not so little something about pressure points and massage from his own screw ups in the dojo.”
“My lumbar?” Ella asked.
“Your lumbar.” Kara answered laughing, “May as well have him try the shoulders and that annoying twitch in your lapps.”
“Let him eat first, then ask him.”
“Ok Mr. Teen, with or without cheese, no vegetarians in this dorm unless you’re on the plate.”
“Without please.” I answered feeling like alice in the rabbit hole, “I thought you had like these real delicate diets or some such.”
“Are you kidding?” The second voice asks deridingly, “With the workouts we do, we’d starve.”
“Here you go.” Ella said and I looked into the eyes of an elf, not the little fay things, a real honest to god elf out of lord of the rings, the movie that is, minus the ears. Five five and thin but muscular.
“Thanks,” I yammered trying not to stare.
“He’s not house broken Kara, “ Ella laughed, “Thank goodness.”
As I inhaled the burger a glass of milk appeared, whole milk by the way, followed by a second burger then food hit and I lost track of details for a while. The next thing I know the three of them are gathered around one of them’s computer looking at something.
“Hi,” I mumbled trying to get up, difficult if attempted in an unfamiliar bed before one is awake.
“Come here.” Kara asked in a serious tone.
“What’s up?” I asked kneeling beside her to look at the screen with a blanket wrapped around me.
“This is an illustration of the muscles of the back.” Kara said pointing to one part of the picture on the screen, “These are the muscles giving Ella grief, is there anything that can be done for them”
“How bad are they?”
“Show him.” Kara ordered. Ella simply pulls her shirt up over her head showing me my estimations were a fair bit off, she is in fact a C cup, held in place by a tightly stretched sports bra. Then she turned around and I saw the problem instantly. One the main sausage muscles along the spine is straight and smooth, the other though has disturbances. Her kite muscle has an odd looking bruise at the bottom on the same side as the wrinkled sausage muscle. I know there are scientific names for all these muscles, I don’t care.
“The easiest thing to do would be to Novocain the nerve juncture at the bottom of the kite muscle beside the bruise, once the pain loop stops, the rest should sort itself out.”
“Precisely what the team physio guy said,” Ella replied sadly, “However we have rules about the use of drugs and meds. Nothing for three days before a performance.”
“And this being Wednesday you’re out of time?”
“Exactly. I won’t lose any standing but it would be better not to miss the game.”
“I can’t promise anything.” I said.
“Try.” Kara said with an odd emphasis.
“There are two ways to try. One, you lay down and I work on your back normally. Judging by the look of dismissal I would say someone tried that already.”
“Yes.” Ella answers dejectedly, “More than once.”
“The second is a little umm, intimate.”
“How intimate?”
“If I do it the only way I know how, the way my sensei showed me, I may as well be groping you.”
“Is that all.” Ella asked with the complete dismissal you only get with the soft spoken as she shed her sports bra, “Then please, grope away.
“You’re mouth is hanging open.” Someone observed, I’m still not sure who. With that Ella grabbed my hands, placed them on her bare breasts and said ‘there’. Someone laughed.
“This is going to hurt.” I said moving one hand to her back with the remnants of a straight face littering the floor with my drool, it wasn’t much, but come on. With the solid grip and guide in the front, I easily found the proper place on her back. However, instead of the expected response when I rubbed the nerveplex, I heard a faint pop as a vertebra adjusted. Ellea gasped as her nipple went hard under my hand. Both of her hands went over mine holding it in place as she gasped, whether in relief or in pain, she wasn’t letting go and she practically kneading my hand into her.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yes.” She whispered softly, jaw hanging open as she panted, “Do that again.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. It helped, a lot.” She answered and I suddenly knew what had happened. She had two overlapping minor injuries, not a single large one.
“I assume the rules also cover alcohol?” I asked.
“Yes.” Kara answered staring at Ella who still hadn’t released my hand.
“You don’t happen to have boyfriend handy do you?”
“Boyfriend? Why?” Ella asked.
“Because there are two minor injuries overlapping feeding each other. If you can’t use drugs or alcohol, the only other way I know to force the body to relax is umm,”
“Sex?” Ella asked and I swear her nipple got harder.
“Not exactly, orgasm.” I answered trying to be clinical, you try it.
“What’s happening?” Ella asked.
“You have some vertebra out of place and a muscle cramp over them holding them out of place.”
“And if I completely relax then the cramps will ease allowing the vertebra to move back into place?”
“What’s the catch?”
“Out with it teen boy, you can’t lie to girl while holding her breast.”
“You’re holding my hand there though.”
“I’m female, I don’t have to be fair and I am in pain so I don’t care to be. Now what’s the catch?”
“The climax has to be sustained long enough to adjust the back or done as part of the stretch.”
“Oh. Hard to do with out a partner.”
“I could always hypnotize her then let you get her off and if necessary we could hold her in it until she is adjusted.” The other voice offered.
“Umm.” I sputtered, like there’s a good response to that.
“You sure that’ll work Jan?” Ella asked perfectly serious.
“Easy.” She replied and suddenly I understood what a vixen is, With Kara here and Ella well, holding my hand, I hadn’t really paid any attention to the other girl before now. This one is five ten, a full inch taller than me, with nearly waist length shimmering black hair. Her face though curvy in that nice round way, was not simple in the simply statuesque way, it was distinguished looking.
“Do it then.” Ella orders, ”As long as it relieves this, I don’t care what you let or have him do Jan. I trust you not let things get out of hand, you’ve helped me with so much already, thank you.”
“Ok.” Jan agreed. I lost the discussion that never took place. I was never consulted. Seven minutes later Jan had Ella under. At ten minutes her hands raised and lowered. At twenty minutes Jan got her to open her eyes and stand. At thirty Ella was talking almost normally and walking around, I was in awe of Jan’s skills. It also helps when you have total trust of the person.
“Ella did you mean the rules you laid down?” Jan asked.
“State them again.”
“As long as it relieves this pain I don’t care what you let or have him do.”
“Do you promise to abide by those rules?”
“Then you are bound by your own rules to obey him until I and only I wake you, do you understand?”
“You will do what he says.”
“I will do what he says.”
“You will do what he says without hesitation or thought.”
“I will do what he says without hesitation or thought.”
“You’re continued obedience after the pain is relieved is his reward.”
“My continued obedience after the pain is relieved is his reward.”
“Do you give this willingly?”
“Do you continue to obey him until I and I alone wake you of your own free will?”
“Then I give you into his care, obey him as you would me.” Jan orders then turns to me, “Where do you want to start?”
“Give her an order.”
“Look, I don’t know the best way to say this, but this is umm.”
“Over the top?”
“Yeah, over the top, that’s a nice start.” Complicated sentences were not easy right then.
“I assume the first thing you will need to do is relax the back enough to be able to force the vertebra into place at least temporarily, right?” Jan asks simply ignoring my confusion and questions.
“Yeah.” You make a coherent reply right then.
“And the easiest way to do that is to either have her or masturbate her until she orgasms.”
“Umm, yeah.”
“She has a vibrator if you need it, we’ll be in the other room.” Jan said before simply getting up and leaving along with Kara, they closed the door behind them.
“Ella,” I asked after they were gone, “Are you aware what I can do with you right now?”
“I need you to undress now.” I said hesitantly. There are times when you feel totally lost and the only thing you can do is charge ahead madly, It’s a sheep versus goat thing, this was one of those.
“Ok.” She said undressing.
“Now kneel in the middle of the room on the blanket.”
“Now I need you show me where and how you masturbate.” I said kneeling in front of her so I could hug her to reach her back when needed.
“Ok.” She replied and complied. In three minutes her face was red, her breathing rapid and her nipples hard once more. I fondled to enhance her work then suckled just because I could. Soon she was at the edge and I could begin.
“Now you are approaching climax Ella, you must come close but not quite, do you understand?”
“Good girl Ella, keep the pace.” I ordered as I began to work on her back. The funny thing about the human body is that in preparation for it’s strongest contraction, it’s at it’s most relaxed first. At just the lower edge of climax her back was almost limply relaxed so working the vertebra back into place was easy. Once done with the back I joined her working herself and suckled a breast as I triggered her orgasm and held it as long as I could. Then I had her lay down flat on her stomach to work on the muscles.
“Ok.” I said a few minutes later opening the door between halves.
“How does that feel?” Jan asked grinning at some thing as she knelt beside Ella.
“Anymore cramping?”
“Are you ready to pay him Ella?”
“Good girl.” Jan said and I saw a slight shudder pass through Ella, “You will continue to obey him until I awaken you. Do you understand?”
“Yes what Ella?”
“Yes, I shall obey him.”
“Do you want to serve him?” Jan asked.
“To thank him and you said to obey him as I would obey you.”
“Enjoy.” Jan said to me gesturing for Kara to follow her out.
“Enjoy.” Kara said laughing and left me with the hypnotized cheerleader ordered to obey me.
“Ella?” I said after several minutes.
“Do you expect me to use you?”
“Do you want me to?”
“If I tell you to do something, will you do it?”
“Good girl. Now I want you to do something later, can you do that?”
“Good. Now if you really feel you owe me something then tonight after everyone is in bed and asleep you will join me as ready and willing as you are now, do you understand?”
“And you will obey?”
“And I will obey?”
“Good girl, now have you ever gone down on a guy?”
“Excellent, come over here and go down on me.”
“Ok.” She replied getting up. Her technique was crude, until I realized she was doing exactly as ordered.
“I want you give me a blow job.”
“Ok.” She replied changing her routine to a practiced one, I climaxed in minutes.
“Would it bother you if I had you all the way right now?” I asked.
“And you will go all the way on command?”
“If you decide to come to me tonight, you will go all the way with me, do you understand?”
“Is the pain in your back still relieved?”
“Go take a hot bath and relax until they return.”
“Ok.” She replied rising. Watching her leave I nearly called her back play more, but an unknowing hypnotic puppet was not what I wanted. I laid back down and went to sleep for a while. I woke when Kara and Jan returned. We talked, Jan pointed out that I had wasted a perfectly good opportunity and laughed about it.
“You were supposed to have her you know?” Jan said suddenly serious.
“Because that is what she expected. Also what she needed in a way.”
“How are you so good with,” I began and stumbled.
“I’m in fifth year psych along with a number of attached disciplines. Believe it or not, Ella has body issues galore and the easiest way for her to let go is to be told by a female she trusts to obey a male for a time. Awake she has panic attacks that sometimes get severe.”
“So you treat it how?”
“She used to be something like bulimic in high school. She tried anything and everything to be a toothpick. I’ve tried about everything I can think of and having her obey you as you had her in trance is an experiment to see how well she would integrate it.”
“You said something about bad things happening if she were awake?”
“She gets panic attacks.”
“I umm told her to umm, come to me late tonight if she really felt she owed me something.”
“She hasn’t had sex outside of the bondage scene in years.”
“So it wasn’t a treat for me, it was a prescription for her?” I asked as portion of the truth and her ruthlessness came out.
“Exactly. Now you need to rescind that order and make use of her.”
“Kara is this legit? Not part of some elaborate joke?”
“It’s legit. Jan is trying a type of reverse psychology. If Jan who is trying to help her, feels she is good enough for you to exploit, it raises Ella’s value in her own eyes.”
“How far do I take it then?”
“Enjoy her, fully.”
“Do I play evil exploiter or gentle would be boyfriend?”
“Neither, be yourself. I’ll wake her about six, so in the meantime enjoy.” Jan ordered then her and Kara went back into the other room firmly shutting the door behind them. I had Ella back in the room back on the blanket in just a few minutes.
“I changed my mind Ella, I don’t want you to come to me later, I want you now.”
“Do you enjoy this state Ella?”
“Would you like to be able to come back here again?”
“Excellent,” I say reaching for her favorite spot and an earlobe, ”I am going to give you a way to return later.”
“Ok.” She replies as I begin stroking gently.
“You are going to orgasm.” I state as I work on both.
“I am going to orgasm.”
“Your orgasm is good, it means you have value to me, so you have value to you as well.”
“My orgasm is good, it means I have value to you, so I have value to me as well.”
“Good Girl.” I say just before I feel her let go, the feelings overlap.
“You like that.”
“I like that.”
“You want this.” I state as I line up to enter her.
“I want this.” She replies and I enter my second cheerleader on my birthday.
“Feels good.” I say as I work in and out.
“Feels good.” She echoes and I feel more warmth build as I shift my hand to her breast.
“You will give me a blow job later.”
“I will give you a blow job later.” She agrees and the warmth holds.
“You will sleep with me later.” I order as I thrust gently.
“I will sleep with you later.”
“And it is fine.”
“And it is fine.”
“It’s ok to have sex with me.”
“It’s ok to have sex with you.”
“You like to have sex with me.”
“I like to have sex with you.”
“You can celebrate by having sex with me.”
“I can celebrate by having sex with you.”
“You seal it with your orgasm.”
“I seal it with my orgasm.” And abruptly she does.
“I can have you any way I want.”
“You can have me any way you want.” She pants still lost in the edge of her orgasm.
“Will you be here tomorrow during the day?”
“Then when we are alone you will give me a blow job.”
“When we are alone tomorrow I will give you a blow job.”
“If I want more, you will do more.”
“If you want more I will do more.”
“You will do whatever I want.”
“I will do whatever you want.”
“You will not be embarrassed.”
“I will not be embarrassed.”
“You will not hesitate.”
“I will not hesitate.”
“Good girl.” I say as I begin thrusting harder and faster. When I orgasm finally, she joins me with another she can’t stop.
Exhausted I finally put her to bed on the bottom bunk, I took the top one so I could sleep. I didn’t hear a thing in the morning when Jan came in and woke Ella. I vaguely remember Kara coming to say have fun relaxing. The next thing I knew it was nearly noon and I was famished.
“Hi,” Ella said about two waking me from my half zoned nap.
“Hi yourself,” I replied wondering whether to panic or celebrate, “How’s the back?”
“Great, thanks. Jan is a dear and thank you for knowing how to help me.”
“No problem.”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Lay back and relax.” She said with a grin as she headed towards me shedding clothes. She sat in my lap and that alone was enough to get me erect, as she anticipated. She placed my hands on her bare breasts and kissed me as she began undoing my pants. I admit I didn’t track everything she did at that moment, otherwise I would have noticed before she slipped me into her.
“Uhhh,” I gasped as I felt her envelop me. I made no sound as I felt her take the last of me, until she began working up and down on me. Bare breasts in my hands, kisses that were beyond belief and then she began thrusting me into her, I didn’t last long.
“You like?” She whispered.
“I like.” I whispered back.
“I’m glad because I will need you to that thing you did last night again the night before the game.” She said stopping with me fully in her.
“You will?”
“Confused about something?”
“About what?”
“Last night you let Jan hypnotize you, then accepted orders to let yourself be gotten off, in trance.”
“And why would I let myself be in a position to be hypnotized into having sex that easy?”
“Umm, yeah.”
“I used to have really bad body issues. Jan has helped a lot. The odd part for me is that I know I am acting under a hypnotic compulsion right now, yet I don’t really care.”
“You are?”
“Yes, I am. Jan ordered me to do this as a demonstration. She used last night to demonstrate that you thought I was worth taking advantage of, so she set me up to do this now. Like I said, I used to have real body issues. I felt no one would ever want to look at me, that I wasn’t worth anything. Jan has helped me over come that. Due to my own pig headedness she was forced to do everything backwards after forwards failed, miserably.”
“Oh.” I said to the girl still impaled on me.
“She was forced to do things like last night, I had to let you have me in order to help me. That made me both worth helping and worth exploiting. Since no one exploits the worthless, even in my mind I had to admit I have value. So even though I know Jan ordered me to do this hypnotically, I am still able to enjoy it, and you.”
“Ok.” I stammered unable to come up anything to say.
“So if you want a hypnotized bed warmer tonight it can be arranged. Jan said you would accept use of me but would not humiliate me, is that true?”
“I won’t humiliate you.” I said looking for something to say.
“Thank you.” She squeaked and bounced up and down a few times, “Is there anything else you would like from me or for me to do?”
“How compliant are you?” I asked.
“Totally.” She whispered.
“Do you have a camera?”
“Go get it.”
“Ok” She answered and got up looking stoned.
“Give me the camera then stand in the middle of the room.” I ordered and watched fascinated.
“Stand at attention.” I ordered and took several pictures of her nude that way.
“Parade rest.” I ordered and took several more.
“Kneel, take me in your mouth and look up at me.” I ordered and took yet more pictures then had her stand again.
“You have value as a person.”
“I have value as a person.” She echoes.
“You are good enough to have sex with.”
“I am good enough to have sex with.”
“You are good for more than sex.”
“I am good for more than sex.” She echoed and suddenly there I was with a willing and compliant college cheer leader posing nude for me, and I couldn’t think of anything. I mean my mind went blank, totally blank. I had just had her, she had just gone down on me, posed for multiple nude pics and suddenly I was out of ideas, I had no idea what to do with her.
“Do you have classes this afternoon?” I asked.
“Excellent.” I said as a thought finally occurred that would be good for both of us. I cleaned up my dishes and laid down on the bed I slept in the night before then had her crawl in with me. I placed my back against the wall and tucked her in close. Her head used my right arm as a pillow while that hand cupped her bare left breast. My left hand threw covers over us both after my left leg went over hers pulling her back into me then went over her. I cupped my left hand on her right breast then massaged both breasts for a few seconds, pulled her into me tightly for a few seconds and let myself relax. I have no idea which of us went to sleep first, but we slept until dinner.
“Their cute.” Someone said softly. I don’t think they meant to wake me. Ella was still curled into me but not quite as tightly. As I woke by degrees I heard more voices than I liked, six or seven, at least.
“Jan, how did you get her to?” Somebody else asked, another new voice.
“I didn’t, not really. I just lucked into happenstance. You know that cramp of hers?”
“Oh yeah, nasty thing, wouldn’t stop.”
“He did. Or rather he helped her stop it.”
“You didn’t?”
“I did. I put in the same frame of mind we agreed on for performances.”
“And told her to please him instead of a random player on the field?”
“Great, but the cramp?”
“He knows pressure points from the martial arts.”
“And she thought he was cute enough to let her guard down.”
“And she thought he was cute so she let her guard down and I ordered her to let him help her then stay compliant.”
“Is she over it then?”
“Not entirely, but it helps. He just turned sixteen yesterday and Kara grabbed him to bring him along as a kind of birthday present and as thanks for helping her with that leg problem.”
“So you intend to give Kara’s pet a toy for the game?”
“She does seem to respond to him. It took little work to get her to thank him after class today, they both seem to have enjoyed it though.”
“He is not my pet.” Kara said lowly. You have to understand what it is like to try waking up in a room full of girls discussing you like a side of beef, you know, just like the way guys tend to discuss girls most of the time.
“Where did you find him?”
“I am sort of going out with his brother, but I have decided to dump him. He got this gig at the emporium and now he’s there all the time.”
“Is he in the new act?”
“Is he available?” Someone asked.
“Go ahead.”
“Introduce me, I’ll make sure he doesn’t mind losing you.”
“I’m sure you will Sinda, I’m sure you will.”
“Hi,” The pleasant body cuddled into me said as she stretched clasping my hands to her for a few seconds of a deep breath, “He did it, my back doesn’t hurt right now, look.” She continued as she crawled nude out of our covers to show them her back, leaving me in a room full girls with only a blanket for protection.
“Wow.” Is the general consensus.
“I know, it’s wonderful.” Ella said with elation, “Jan, thank you. I know you hated to do what you did but it needed to be done. It felt weird, on the one hand I hated being touched because I didn’t feel worthy, on the other his touch is gentle and felt good. You were right Jan, I am worth exploiting and that means I have value. I understand what you meant now, thanks again.”
“Not a problem Ella,” Jan replied sadly, “I’m just sorry I didn’t think of it sooner. I mean the whole bondage scene thing should have given me a clue, especially after ‘Hidden expressions’. It should have shouted from the roof tops what you needed.”
“The paper always paired with ‘Unleft clues’?” I heard myself ask, then blushed.
“Exactly,” Jan said turning to me, “I’m surprised you’ve heard of it. Even the professors around here find them a little thick to wade through.”
“I had to do a little wading myself, well maybe not a little wading I guess.”
“Who turned you onto them?”
“My sensei. I asked him one day why so many black belts seemed to take step backwards in skill when it is awarded. He gave me print outs of them and told me when I understood the papers, I would understand the answer to my question.” I said from the bunk as I gingerly sat up with just a blanket over me as I avoided bonking my head. I finally noticed that only some of them were in uniform, most were in regular clothes and there were more than six of them.
“What he didn’t tell you is those papers are part of a set. They are published anonymously by someone with a lot of skill. My psyche professors are scared of the guy, their problem with them is they challenge a lot of preconceptions and are usable by the laymen.”
“Laymen? The uneducated?”
“No, Laymen as in everyday person. Those papers contain very few big words, are easily read by anyone willing to actually think through there own preconceptions, thus hard to get. Only a particular type of mind can understand and use them.”
“What kind of subset?”
“Angi, front and center.” Jan ordered.
“Yes Ma’am.” Angi replied reporting. A five six true blond, her hair ran to her waist and as usual for this crowd, her C cups were high and held their form nicely.
“You still having problems in the neck?”
“Yes ma’am.” She replied formally.
“Show him.” She ordered.
“Yes ma’am. ”Angi replied moving to the bed where I sat and dropped to her knees in front of me then turned her back and removed her shirt exposing a tight fitting sports bra underneath.
“Can you put those back in easily? And can you tell us why they keep coming out?” Jan asked formally and I felt a virtual punch in the gut, it was an interview.
“I can move them easily enough.” I answered hesitantly after exploring the indicated vertebra, “But as to back in place? It depends on why they are out in the first place.”
“You tell me.”
“Ok,“ I yammered, “this is getting to weird. You already know that to discover that I would have to explore, hypothesize and test.”
“You expect me to inspect her by groping and probably partially undressing her in front of you all to diagnose something you already have the answer to?”
“Then I hypothesize that there is answer that doesn’t require me to grope her since I don’t think you as captain, I think I read that right, can order your girls allow themselves to be groped on your say so alone. I think there is more to this than you have said.”
“Told you he was smart.” Kara chimed in.
“That you did.’ Jan agreed as I explored further around the base of Angi’s neck. I soon had an idea, a crazy one, but an idea.
“Angi,” I said placing a finger over one particular nerveplex at the base of her neck, “I need you to cup your hands under your breasts for me.”
“Ok.” She replied puzzled but did it.
“Now lift slightly.” I order and feel the muscles shift beside the plex, ‘Bingo’ I thought.
“Kara, Bra.” I said almost as an order.
“Angi, Bra.” I continued, as much about testing a theory as a theorem.
“Here.” A topless Kara said ten seconds later puzzled as she handed me her bra.
“Angi,” I said next, “Put Kara’s bra on and Kara you put Angi’s on.”
“Ok.” They both say when Jan nods.
“Now,” I said after they both had everything settled, “I want both of you to do your stretching routine for a few minutes.”
“My god.” Angi says five minutes later as the pinch in her neck begins easing on it’s own now that her bra isn’t constricting anything critical, like blood flow. Kara on the other hand is looking uncomfortable.
“I tried to tell you Angi.” Jan says next with a grunting laugh, “An embarrassed teen surrounded by girls with him wearing only a blanket could tell, you should have been able to.”
“But I’ve been the same size since the ninth grade.” Angi complains.
“And now you’re not.” Jan stated flatly.
“He’ll do.” Someone says.
“Seconded.” Someone else says.
“I abstain for personal reasons.” Kara says.
“I abstain.” Angi says.
“Aye.” Someone else says.
“Abstain.” Ella says gently.
We have a tally ladies.” Jan says five minutes later, “Eleven ayes, three abstains and two nays present, the ayes have it. Do you all accept the vote?”
“Yes.” Is the unanimous declaration.
“Were the beta squad this year,” Jan begins after turning to me, “That means we are there for backup to the main squad, next year we’ll be alpha. However during the summer we get together to run a summer camp of sorts. Think of it as a cheer camp, we take in all sorts of high school and other hopefuls and run them through basic training for cheerleaders. It’s not on the official curriculum and never has been. The tradition began years ago because the Alpha team needed a way to wind down from the year and the Beta team needed a way to get wound up for the school year.”
“Ok.” I said waiting for the clouds to clear.
“Because it is not on the curriculum, there is no funding for support personal so we get volunteers to help out. It is as they say, an opportunist’s paradise. Forty four of us along with fifty to two hundred fifteen to twenty year old running around in skimpy costumes looking to push to far. There were a few problems early on with those who got hurt being taken advantage of, now we prescreen all of our helpers.”
“This is your screening?”
“Yes, for our personal helper. We have helpers galore who specialize in this and that and every detail involved with what we do. What we have learned though, is that we need a generalist, someone who asks questions, observes and is willing to do what it takes to solve a problem, but isn’t hung up on any one solution.”
“Oh.” I mumbled as the clouds parted and I saw what she was offering.
“Now as I said this position offers no pay, but has fringe benefits many consider appetizing. Make no mistake about one thing, sex happens. That does not mean though that it happens all the time. That you can use it as a tool when relevant, yet avoid it when not needed is a good sign. Kara has sponsored you for that position. She is in competition with several others for my position as team leader, I will retire over the summer to concentrate on the last two years of my degree. If you take the position and are as good as she has said, then she will likely be elected captain next year.”
“Ummm.” I stammered.
“I can sweeten the pot a little for you. As you know this campus is both college and university, they grew into each other due to a lack of space to expand. The position you are being offered counts not toward academic points, but toward weighting points. That means when other positions open up that require trust or something extra, you already have several points on your side. This means that even if someone is actually better on paper, you will already have trust points on your side, all things being equal, people prefer to trust someone recommended by people they trust.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Want in?”
“Excellent. It’s also a chance to learn about a lot of different fields. Since we have fewer people than we actually need, everyone multitasks. On kara’s recommendation, you’ll lead the volunteers for our part of the camp. You’ll answer to Carl, he’s on staff, you’ll be primarily responsible for the girls here, seeing to whatever needs to be seen to.”
“Oh wow. I’ve been looking for a direction, but this, at least this way I won’t be bagging groceries for spending money this summer.”
“That you won’t. Camp starts the monday after you get out of school. It runs seven days a week until the friday before it starts. You’ll be expected to help wherever you ‘re needed, however you’re needed, whenever you’re needed.”
“I already spoke to your parents, they said fine.” Kara interrupted, “Nobody else knows yet and you will also be staying here on campus with us and the victims, umm, participants, not going home at night.”
“Umm, laundry?”
“That’ll be on your list, along with any necessary fittings or alterations. Since you don’t already have anything you specialize in, you will be called on to do a little of everything. I can tell you though that you’re ability to do massage and pressure points will be popular.”
“I hate to interrupt and ask a stupid question, but why me?” I heard myself ask, I was an ass back then, sometimes.
“In simplest terms, Kara trusts you. We tend to operate on a whoever is in charge at the moment is in charge, obey them for now, ask questions later. She already stated to us that she has no fear of you taking advantage of her at all, that’s good enough for us. Most of us are from far enough away from home we have no one we trust that well on our own, so we share her trust.”
“Oh.” I mumbled as I sat there shocked.
“Last game girls,” Jan said with a smile and a laugh, “Lets go. How about we give the poor guy a few minutes to get ready, unless you want to all undress so we can get dressed again with him as group.”
“Thanks,” I murmured as I listened to a few cat calls of some offers to do just that, I almost died of embarrassment, my estimate of embarrassment factors would be adjusted later that night.
It turns out that the traditional party of choice is odd. Ice cream and dark beer, as a float. It took six cars to haul us all. We hit three stores, the clerks seemed unsurprised by our appearance as though forewarned, before they all had their dark beers of choice, all german or middle continent really dark stuff. Then came the ice cream, did you know there are seven major varieties of vanilla? I didn’t. I saw several of my schoolmates as we traveled, I didn’t even suspect at the time that that was a large part of the point behind the trip. When we got back we had a large room near the gym to ourselves for them to party in. Let me tell you, you have never seen strip poker until you’ve seen a bunch like that play it. I saw that, truth or dare, spin the bottle and several more I didn’t know at the time, it was great time until Jan decided to have some fun at my expense and called me over to her poker game.
“And the bet goes to you Angi.” I heard as I approached.
“I’m good, on to you Ella.” Angi said with a grin. The game they were playing looked like the love child of a threesome between multi deck seven card stud, monopoly and scrabble. I still don’t really understand it.
“I pass two to Kara, take one from the stack and eminent domain park place by spelling it. Rent is one word to my credit.” Ella said passing two cards to Kara, taking a card and letter tile from the stacks in the middle of the board. Then she spelled out park place beside it in letter tiles.
“A full word Ell? Ouch.” Jan observed.
“I’m losing anyway.” Ella laughed pointing to comparative piles tiles, “your roll Angi.”
“Come on shoe lets walk away.” Angi laughed, until the double fives came up, “Shit.”
“Umm, Anj.” Ella whispered.
“I know.” She grimaced as she moved her piece backwards from start ten paces, to go to jail.
“Can you spell chance?” Jan asked.
“Maybe,” Angi murmured frantically checking tiles, “Anybody want to swap?” She asked.
“I will.” Ella chirped.
“Anyone else?”
“With your position?” Kara laughed.
“Fine.” Angi sighs, “Ella it is.”
“Thanks.” Ella says and they swap sitting positions.
“Seven.” Kara laughs when she rolls a two and a five, “From states to free parking, read’em and weep, I’m gonna make it. Good luck Ainee.”
“I don’t need luck.” The half chinese half polynesian five five dark brown haired girl laughed as she rolled, “I just tell the dice what I want and promise to destroy them if I don’t get it. Eleven. That takes me from community chest to income tax. First here is my money.” She laughed handing over a tiny pile of monopoly money, “Now give me my two hundred for passing go.”
“Eight.” Jan said next, ”That takes me from vermont to pacific. If recall correctly that is Kara’s with a rent of one letter, here’s your tile, and a challenge for next turn with high card. I take one from the pile and challenge.”
“Jack high.” Kara says placing it face up and drawing a replacement card.
“Queen.” Jan laughs back drawing another card herself, “I take your turn. Five.” She announces when she rolls, “Takes me to chance. Anybody want to take one?”
“I’ll swap board positions.” Angi says grinning. It was the easiest way out of jail, it wouldn’t put Jan in jail but it would get Angi out.
“Ok, but beware, you’re position is weak.”
“And six,” Angi laughs then makes an odd sound, double threes. From last chance back to the back to jail, again, “Shit.”
“Double or nothing?” Kara asks.
“No, not in this position. Losing once is bad enough, twice would be too much. Tally it.”
I watched as numbers were added, tiles counted and money balanced. The formulation is to weird to document and I think it changes sometimes. In the end the four of them wrote four words each on slips of paper and debated among themselves until they agreed on an outcome. They laughed a lot, Angi didn’t, I found out why later.
“Want to try a game?” Ella asked all innocence.
“No thank you.“ I replied softly, “I prefer to know the game, the rules and the stakes before I play.”
“Chicken.’ She laughed.
“Yeah.” I admitted.
“Smart.” Ainee said laughing as she got up to head for the restroom.
“What just happened?” I asked Kara.
“You’ll see.” She said laughing as she wandered off and new players sat down to play. I returned to the dorm a little after two, I beat Kara and Ella both back. The sight that greeted me explained why.
“Hi.” I said softly in surprise to Jan where she sat looking across the room at Angi who was obviously in deep trance.
“Say your rules again Angi.” Jan ordered.
“His hypnotic thrall tonight.”
“Excellent, he is here now, are you ready?”
“What are you?”
“I am his hypnotic thrall tonight.”
“Do you accept this?”
“Do you object?”
“Do you accept this service of your own free will?”
“You remain his thrall until released and woken.”
“I remain his thrall until released and woken.”
“Rise and go with him now, serve him well.”
“I will.” Angi replied hollowly as she stood and walked to me.
“Jan?” I asked, in shock.
“She did it to herself. Enjoy.”
“You refuse her?”
“Then of what value is she?”
“Yes, value. She wants to challenge Kara for lead and a leader must be able to follow in order to be able to lead. If you turn her down you are saying she can’t follow directions, in effect saying she isn’t fit to give them.”
“This is insane.”
“No, this is war. I don’t want her to succeed, not because I think she would be a bad leader, but because I think Kara would be a better one.”
“What is it with everyone’s hang up with sex?”
”What is it with yours?”
“What?” I asked confused.
“They have to trust you, they have to believe you will do whatever they need in order to keep them going.”
“And taking advantage of someone who can’t say no in a hypnotic thrall builds trust?”
“That depends. Can you tell the difference between freely offered service and the kind you can take as part of giving massages and medical treatment?”
“It’s not about whether you will use her tonight, it’s about whether you will use someone later when they need to know your mind is on treatment. They have to know you can tell the difference so they can let totally go with you. If you hesitate, if you do things by halves, you are saying things are fluid with what you will and won’t do. They don’t care if you use them, they expect it and in most ways even want it, it’s about when you will use them. If they can’t see when you will use them, then they will not be able to trust they you won’t when you shouldn’t. They can’t have their guard up all the time, that’s your job. There are no white knights, no paladins here. Just those that use appropriately and those the use inappropriately and you have to choose which you are.” Jan said all in long rush of words then stopped like a bucket out of water.
“You’ve already shown you can use sex and arousal as a relaxation technique, a drugless method we need to use because drugs addle us. They need to know that if you do that with them that it is the right way at the right time. If not then every time they respond to your touch, even for a massage they have to think about the setting and the rules. If you clearly define your rules, if you illustrate them with your actions, then and only then can they utterly relax with you as they need to be able to. Only then can they think about the performance to the exclusion of all else.”
“Since arousal, foreplay and sex are used as relaxation tools, I have to show I know how to use them then further that I will use them and by extension the girls themselves properly. They can only trust what they can predict.” I asked not wanting to understand.
“Exactly. You get laid, they get laid, big deal. You ease their pains and help them be the best they can be while they perform. What is a little fun return for that?”
“So if the only way I can get something to loosen is to make them orgasm, they need to be able to trust that that is the only way I could do it short of drugs?” I asked derisively.
“Yes.” Jan said simply, it floored me, “If you are giving them massages or whatever as part of practice or some such, play is expected. How else are you going to know there bodies well enough to do what you need to without having to think about it.”
“Oh,” I whispered in shock, “So I am supposed to take advantage when it is harmless in order to save time when it is critical?”
“Hole in one.” Jan laughed, “Pun intended. If at this moment Ella were to come in with a cramp just below the old one, how hard would it be for you to find and treat it?”
“Easy,” I answered thinking of Ella’s back, ”The old cramp made her hips work unevenly so the first thing to do is stretch the back with her hips straight in order be sure it was new cramp at all.”
“And how easy would that have been to answer if you hadn’t had several hours to get to know Ella and her body?”
“Umm,” I stammered unable to form a reply, unable to form a rebuttal, unable to form much of anything at that moment as I finally understood what Jan meant.
“She is your thrall tonight, have fun. This is playtime, use it well. Know her body well when the time comes, she may need you to.”
“Mindless servant. In this case though she has all her own memories and will answer questions for you and obey instructions. When she wakes tomorrow she will remember nothing of what happens tonight so feel free to play with her as you like.”
“The sex is a detector isn’t it?” I asked as the title hidden expressions told me what she and the other were after.
“Yes. We don’t want anyone with a sex hangup of any kind. Too much and you are distractible, petty and not a good person in general, to little and you have no real grasp of how the body works. We need someone who is willing to experiment, willing to explore, yet able to grasp there own limitations and work with them.”
“So no questions at all and getting laid one time is all I get before being forced out? Refuse and I am forced out for being worthless and unadaptable, to many questions though?”
“Leads to discussions like this. We need you to manipulate the body any way needed while leaving the mind alone. Our minds must remain intact no matter what you do with our bodies.”
“I promise to never touch your minds.”
“Don’t promise me with words, promise us with your actions. Enjoy our bodies all you want, just leave our minds intact. We will sometimes be vulnerable, we will be drunk, be drugged, be on drugs, be high, be exhausted, be one or more of many things. We need to be able to trust you with us in any of those states to do nothing to our minds. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who have used that kind of access to us over the years to alter us, to give themselves almost complete access to and use of our bodies. Sometimes without our knowledge, sometimes without our consent, a few times girls found themselves doing things they couldn’t stop. We have to be able to trust you, totally.”
“I had no idea.”
“About ten years ago a guy doing what you’ve been selected for used his access to not only take advantage of some of the girls, he conditioned them, made them his toys, his servants. He spent two years collecting girls, he eventually began loaning them out, then renting. Some of them knew what he was doing but couldn’t stop, I mean literally couldn’t stop themselves. He died in some sort of an accident with a car, otherwise he would have gone on collecting.”
“Yet we need someone in your position. We have to be able to trust someone to look after us, to keep track of us, to hold us, to comfort us, to look over us. It works better if it’s a guy. It just does. Since the asshole we have always made it someone young, but you are the youngest.”
“Were not a big campus in a big city, we can’t just throw people at the problem, so we have to throw quality at the problem instead. We have to be sure that if you do condition us it is for the betterment of the performance, not you, your pocket book or your bed.”
“You say if?”
“Saying no conditioning is contraindicated with practicing routines day in, day out. We are in effect conditioning ourselves. If you have to teach and reinforce an exercise, you need the freedom to do that. If you are sated we are safe.”
“So you use a little authorized sex play to forestall the big unauthorized type?”
“On the head.”
“So I am supposed to use her?”
“Angi?” I asked.
“Am I supposed to make use of you?”
“Do you mind?”
“Will it bother you?”
“Will it bother you even after you are awake?”
“So now what?” I ask Jan.
“You take her back to your bunk and have fun.”
“And when Kara and Ella get in?”
“Kara can sleep in here. Ella can to or I can put her under and leave her on the top bunk, she won’t disturb you that way. She won’t remember a thing so you won’t need to be embarrassed. Either.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll ask Ella what she wants to do.”
“Since she lost my hand how about I join her.” A soft english slur asks from the door I hadn’t heard open behind me.
“What?” I asked startled.
“You sure?” Jan asks.
“Yes.” Ella says flatly. “He likes me, I know that. He thinks I’m worth having and that makes him worth having as well.”
“You are drunk Ella.” I said stating the obvious.
“And you are in no state to make a decision like that.”
“Yet I have. Jan you know what I want. I know you don’t like it but I have something to prove to myself.”
“How can you even consider letting go like that, like this?” I asked pointing to the still waiting Angi.
“I have my own reasons, but generally it is because we have to be able to let go of everything except the performance. Everything else we retain weighs us down. By leaving it all behind, we are at our theoretical best.”
“You are all insane.” I said softly, finally over the top with horror and fascination with what was happening, “I’m going to bed goodnight.” And I went to the other room closing the door behind me.
“Are you ok?” I heard probably fifteen minutes later through a cracked open door.
“Yeah.” I answered not sure who it was, “Just freaked out.”
“We wanted to apologize, Ella and I.” The voice I now recognized as Angi’s said.
“Nothing to apologize for, you played a game, I didn’t react as you expected.”
“No game.” She said as they stepped inside, “We have just gotten hard in our testing. There were a few problems and we kind of over reacted and haven’t found our center yet.”
“What we have been doing.” Ella continues, “Is choosing a young guy, normally seventeen or eighteen, to help keep us focussed. Then we kind of prime the pump so to speak. We get him used to being able to have one of us quite often. Then when one of us needs a pick me up or a distraction or whatever, he fills in for any missing, late or absent boyfriends.”
“That way we don’t have to worry he will try to keep one of us.” Angi resumes, “We let go totally, knowing he will probably score all of us eventually, but knowing he will be to scattered to try anything funny on any one of us.”
“Then Kara said you know your way around the mind and the body and we jumped, pardon the pun, at the chance to have you.”
“So my cover job is miscellaneous details, while my real job is make sure you get laid often enough and in the right way to keep you focussed.”
“Exactamundo.” They say together.
“And I am supposed to keep twenty of you happy?”
“No, not possible on your own. That’s why you are supposed to manage our time with boyfriends or whatever it takes.”
“And how am I supposed to convince you to go on these theoretical whatevers.”
“The easiest way is to make suggestions while we are mostly out of it. If you want to and can handle it, just talk us into bed and have fun, if not find a safe time or place we can get what we need.” Angi says emphatically.
“The higher, the drunker, the more aroused, the closer we are to climax, the more relaxed we are, the easier it is to make suggestions and have them stick.” Ella picks up, “Try to use boyfriends mostly, but fake it where you need to. We don’t choose our boyfriends here for longevity, mostly for endurance.”
“You want me to manage everything about your lives over the summer except the camp and your performances?” I asked.
“Exactly. With rare exception we don’t mind a casual fling, or random thing. Just don’t concentrate on any one girl to much and were golden.”
“Then tell me something Angi,” I asked, “Why did you volunteer for tonight?”
“I lost the game.”
“You tossed it.” I accused.
“Because,” She replied after several seconds, “I was, am, trying to wrest the favorite status from Kara. If things go the way they are she will win the election. Since leaders have to show they live by the same rules as everyone else I decided to let you have me as a way of either stealing part of the credit from Kara by showing I am willing to play the game. Or discredit her by showing you off as worthless and me having volunteered up front to protect them.”
“Why admit this now?”
“Because I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either I convince you to go ahead and have me according to the game rules, or take a slight face loss and convince you to have me straight.”
“And if I decline you with the way things are you lose face for over playing your hand?”
“Ella what about you?”
“I’m just happy you think I’m worth having sex with, it’s great. I know you value me because you talk to me like I’m a person when you don’t have to.”
“Fine, you win. Join me if you like, either or both of you.”
“How do you want us?” Angi asked.
“Suit yourselves, work it out between you, I don’t care.” I said turning my back on them and watching the light shining through the open door go away when they left. An hour later the door opened again and Jan spoke to me.
“Are you awake?”
“I am now.” I answered slowly.
“Girls follow me.” She ordered as she walked and turned on the light. Ella and Angi stood there still dressed but looking as out of it I had ever seen.
“Do you see him?” She asked.
“Yes.” They answered.
“You are his thrall.” Jan orders.
“I am his thrall.” They answer in stereo.
“Ella is happy you like her, Angi just wants make points, so feel free to use both. Good night.”
“Do you want to be here?” I asked after Jan closed the door.
“Yes.” They answered in stereo.
“Ella,” I said starting with her since I had already seen and had her, “Undress and lay down on my bunk against the wall and wait for me.”
“Yes sir.” She replied hollowly and began undressing where she stood.
“Angi have you ever had any topless pictures taken of you?”
“Yes sir.”
“Have you ever had any nude pictures taken of you?”
“No sir.”
“Go get me your camera, when you come back have some swim wear with you as well as lingerie if you have any and a vibrator and any other toys like it you have.”
“Yes sir.” She replied turning to leave.
“Ella,” I said turning back to her where she was just settling, “Lay down flat on my bunk and spread your legs a little for me.”
“Yes sir.”
“How does that feel?” I asked once I had located the masturbation spot on her.
“Good.” She cooed.
“Do you like being available to me like this?”
“Yes sir.”
“Is it easier for you if you can tell yourself you have no choice but to serve me?”
“Yes sir.”
“Would you like to give yourself no choice?”
“Yes sir.”
“I am going to keep this up.” I said adding her earlobe, “I want you to begin telling yourself that I have access to you all the time. Use your own words, speak them to yourself in your own head in time with me. Repeat them as much as you want. Each time you repeat them to yourself, you make them a little more true. As you feel them come true you will feel an orgasm approaching, however it is blocked by your hesitation. The less hesitation you have to being available to me, the less you think about it and the more you make it true, the closer it gets. You have to judge for yourself but when you believe that I can have you any time I want, when you believe you are worth having, you can have that orgasm. Begin now Ella.”
“Yes sir.” She said and began mumbling. I added alternating suckling of nipples to the mix once they began to harden.
“I can have you if I want you.” I added to her internal chant.
“I can have you how I want you.” I added next.
“You are compliant while I have you.”
“I desire you so you are desirable.”
“Since you are desired, you have worth.”
“Knowing that you have worth makes you a worthy person.”
“There is more to you than just your body.”
“You are valuable on your own, my desire just increases it.” I finally added as my hand was beginning to go from tired to the hurting just before cramps. I moved her hand to compliment mine and she never even noticed when I stopped. Then I saw it approaching so I straddled her.
“You will always have sex with me whenever I want.” I ordered as her back arched.
“You are always willing to sleep with me.” I ordered as I thrust into her.
“You are compliant while we have sex.” I ordered as I thrust gently in time with her.
“You are obedient when you sleep with me.” I ordered as I felt the edge of another climax.
“You are always happy to give me a blow job or go down on me.” I ordered with her back arched.
“I always have access to your body.” I ordered the blankly grinning face, “You like for me to play with it and you, nothing I do ever embarrasses you.”
“Repeat it.” I ordered thrusting a little harder now, she complied in gasps between thrusts.
“Keep repeating it to yourself softly.“ I ordered after withdrawing when I noticed Angi return.
“Put everything you brought back on the table. Undress and stand at attention in the middle of the room.” I ordered.
“Parade rest.” I ordered after several pictures.
“Kneel.” I ordered after several more.
“Take me in your mouth all the way then lookup at me smiling.” I ordered then took several pictures.
“Stand back up.” I told her then proceeded to play with some very nice breasts.
“Come here.” I ordered moving to chair corner, “Lower yourself on to me.” She complied nicely.
“Lay down on the floor.” And then the fun began. She responded nicely to me simply entering her and thrusting as hard as I could. She was tight and responsive, it was great. The next step involved having her dress several different ways and pose, she was remarkably good at it. Once I was done with my jollies I pulled the memory cards and hid them in my stuff. Then I had Angi redress herself and take her camera back to her dorm room.
When she returned I had her undress and join me and Ella in bed. Unable to resist the fantasy, I had them kiss kneeling over me while I massaged a breast on each at the same time. Then I stroked them both together. After having them kiss all the way through the orgasm I forced on them, I had Ella start kissing me as I played with her breasts while I had Angi give me a blow job she finished with a swallow. I went to sleep with one on each side, their backs to me, their heads on my shoulders, my hands cupping bare breasts, with breathing in sync with my playing with their distended nipples.
“Hey sleepy head.” Woke me just after six.
“Huhh,” I mumbled as I felt unfamiliar but pleasant weights on my shoulders.
“I see where this is eventually headed, would you like to finish it and get it out of your system?” Kara asked looking amused.
“Umm,” I stammered embarrassed by Ella and Angi on my shoulders still in thrall.
“Go ahead. Turn me, get it over with.” Kara laughed.
In five minutes I had Arak snuggled in bed with me, nude of course, while Angi knelt at the foot of the bed ready to begin. I had her first go down on me then lower herself on to me and pump away. Soon she was working away on me while Ella snuggled on my left shoulder with my hand cupped over her breast massaging gently. Kara was sitting up kissing me while I massaged a bare breast on her as Angi worked hard on getting me off. In the moment that made the whole thing real, she succeeded.
As soon as the whole thing was over I released Kara with an embarrassed grin, she laughed and told me not to be embarrassed, every teen male has that kind of a fantasy. She was glad I stopped there rather than carrying through the whole way. I also learned an important lesson. You know those people who claim to have done it multiple times over multiple days then gone on normally, their full of shit. I was sixteen, in great health and surrounded by beauties day in and day out, a number of which it turns out, were quite willing. You know what I did next? Neither do I, after settling Ella and Angi back where they were before Kara showed up, I passed out. I didn’t go to sleep. I passed out.
The next thing I knew it was mid afternoon and Kara was telling me the busses were going to load in an hour. I had never even stirred when Jan came in to pick those two up, I heard I snored my way through it all, according to the whispers I overheard anyway. To my happiness and horror, everyone seemed happy. An opportunist without a mean streak is I guess the best they can hope for. Kara drove instead of riding the bus for two hours to the game. Ella rode with us since she seemed to want me near all the time for some reason. Then it was on to Friday night revelry, yea team. I didn’t see Angi until about three hours after we arrived, and she was behaving oddly.
I recognized the symptoms of something roofie like so I began tracking where the affected girls drinks were coming from. Once I found the source of the problem, I warned a uniform cop working what passed as security who told me to get the girls away. You ever try leading a party mood cheerleader away from a party, don’t bother. On the other hand, I soon better understood no small part of what Jan meant. I found it is much easier to lead a horny cheerleader away from a party, especially if she thinks of you as safe and maybe fun. I know, define safe in this context. Unknown to me, Angi had spread the word that I was a functional male not into the kinky stuff. I instantly became a little brother they could sleep with if they wanted or needed to, yea me. I also helped clear out the alpha team, unfortunately three that went with me at the same time clearly thought we were heading for a foursome, I was not popular when I left locking the door behind me.
I was thanked by a uniformed cop passing word from an undercover one a little later. They had been chasing the distribution guy on campus for a while, everyone suspected he had sources in the DA’s office since he was always a step ahead. When I pointed him out, he didn’t have time to dispose of everything before the drug task force arrived. They pointedly didn’t ask me for any ID, if I had been drinking or where I was staying. If I thought I was out of the woods the next morning, breakfast in the cafeteria cured me of that optimism. The three from the previous night that left with as a group confronted one of the girls from the beta team, pointed at me and said angrily that she told them I was functional and then I left. Ever want to die from embarrassment? Try being identified by football players as being safe and cuddly in the eyes of cheerleaders, there’s a death for you.
“Don’t worry about the jocks.” Jan said sitting down with a tray.
“Really?” I quipped, “Why worry. It’s not they’ll want to make sure I last long enough to feel anything.”
“They touch you they get blue balled and they know it.”
“Blue balled? I think you mean black balled.”
“Exactly.” She laughed, “Black balling leads to blue balls when they don’t get any anymore.”
“Oh.” I mumbled after trying not to snarf my drink.
“And it’s mostly just jealousy, not anger.”
“Thin distinction.”
“You looked peaceful yesterday morning, if warn out.” Jan said changing the subject.
“I was. Is last night one of the reasons for the girls to feel I’m safe, you know what I mean by that.”
“Yes. If they hadn’t trusted you, how long would it have taken to get them all out and how much fun would we have had with the cops? The time that officer gave you while waiting for backup was all we had so they had to go with you immediately.” Jan asked.
“And they trusted me because Angi said I might use but would not abuse?”
“Exactly. We party hard and if we set put sights on getting laid we don’t lower them easily. With you being confirmed as a viable choice, even the horny ones knew they had a backup plan so they had no excuse not to evacuate as told.”
“So telling them to go like that is also an implicit promise to make sure their night works out ok?”
“That’s why we like young men.”
“Stamina, if needed?” I asked.
“Right again.
“Then the three from the alpha team?”
“There pissed alright, but you did the right thing. Times like last night are not the time to help get someone laid, that’s when you get everyone away. The only thing they’re pissed about is not getting any last night. You saved them from maybe getting the wrong kind and they know it. Thank you.”
“Just trying to help, to do as much of my job as I understand.”
“On another note, thanks for whatever you did to or with Ella, it made a difference.”
“I took a chance with her. She shows classic signs of an old religion heavy upbringing so I gave her a chance and permission to alter her own reactions in a way that she can tell herself is beyond her control or ability to fight.”
“I wondered.” Jan laughed, “I take it as far as she is concerned you pretty well have access to her, at least for now?”
“Something like that. I’m hoping the internal external balance will shift when given non exploitive trust reinforced with non violent pleasure.”
“You tricked her into trying to condition herself?”
“As a wedge into enough self confidence to forge new desires.”
“Nice work. As a female I couldn’t even consider that course.”
“Seventeen.” A new older male voice say as the cheer coach sits down.
“What?” Jan asks.
“Seventeen of our girls tested positive via pee test this morning. If your friend there hadn’t warned us when he did, it would have been bad.”
“Did they get the bastards?”
“Oh yeah, they got them. On the record, I don’t know what your guest there is. Off the record, I know what he is and exactly how he got the girls to go with him last night. As though that bit a few minutes ago hadn’t made that clear on it’s own. I just wanted to say thank you both on and off the record. So you know, a number of the girls remember leaving with you but don’t remember getting back to their rooms. Several of them reported not remembering you from last night at all, yet there room mates that came in with them did. With your warning and help we were able to get all of our people out before the cops hit, we didn’t lose any of our players or cheerleaders.”
“Cool.” Jan said smiling.
“Twenty three minutes.” The coach said smiling, “You did good to get over two dozen cheerleaders to go with you in just twenty three minutes. Enjoy your breakfast, I have to go share the good news with the other team leaders.”
“How many of ours? Beta’s that is.”
“Thirteen,” Jan whispered in shock, “They got thirteen of the alpha team?”
“And would have partied hardy with them all night long.” Coach agreed, “Preceremonies in one hour, be ready.”
“Yes sir.” Jan answered automatically.
Since half of Alpha was still recovering, Beta lead the way in the cheerleading competition that preceded the traditional fake playoff game at the end of the year. They play for different reasons every year, I don’t remember what is was that year exactly, something about whether batman’s cloak is blue or black, silly stuff. While Beta was on the field I helped work on Alpha, several half remembered me. Some had gotten laid, but none raped, so I was welcomed, if nervously at first.
We were off to one side sheltered from the view of the crowd. I was working on Cindy, if you ever meet her you’ll know her. At six feet even she is large for a cheerleader, she is also strong, really strong. Besides her strength that makes a great pyramid base, she has those magnificent D+ cups, ninety percent of the fat on her body is there, the remainder used to fill in and round out her muslces. She was also one those drugged the previous night. Common sense said to go to a hospital and get checked out, survival said to be sleeping it off, Cindy was demanding someone help her get limbered up so she could perform, typical Cindy it turns out.
“What’s the problem?” She asked as I traced a cramping muscle up her thigh.
“I am having trouble following it all the way.” I answered, she wasn’t one of ‘my girls’ so I was going out of my way to behave.
“Ok then,” She said sitting up stretching the sports bra she wore, the only thing on her above the waist at the moment, and stood. I was shocked when she simply pulled the whole bottom of uniform off so her bra was then the only thing she had on, “Now you can see to trace it.” She announced and laid back down on the bench after repositioning her water bottle so she could drink from it without moving her arms. With more exposed now, I could trace the problem easily.
“This may tickle or hurt.” I warned her as I traced the soreness up her thigh to her buttox. She made no objection as I traced it across the buttox and into the lower back, or when I trace the second branch forward, when I hit the crotch area she simply rearranged herself and waited.
Suddenly understanding why no one could seem to stand her this morning, I began working on both branches at the same time. The front one I traced just far enough to know where it would end. The back one I false traced up her back to her neck. I waited and sure enough she soon took a drink, that was when I struck. At the base of the skull by the top of neck there are nerve points that make it hard to impossible to move ones head backwards, or raise it if they are pressed on correctly. I hit them hard with two fingers trapping the straw in her mouth that snapped shut in reflex, silencing her for a critical few seconds. At the top of the shoulders by the base of the neck are nerve clusters that make it difficult to impossible to pull the shoulders back, or raise the arms if you happen to be laying on a bench. It was a stretch but I was just able to hit them as well, I pressed as hard as I could.
My other hand, tracing the front branch, simply reached a little more forward and sideways to a girls favorite spot and stroked it. She spasmed for a moment then trembled as I began to work. I stroked and twigged as I held her head and shoulders down ruthlessly. Her arousal and general horniness not having been dealt with the previous night combined with the moment of helplessness made for a rude shock when she not so minorly climaxed right there on the bench. The normal gasp became a gulp of water, the stretch aborted by an unresponsive upper body, an even stronger spasm pinning her in place unable to even flop, though her toes did kick the ground more than a few times. Every time she spasmed, she took another drink of water she had to swallow to breath. I held her there for perhaps a minute trapped by her own body’s reaction, it quit fighting me and went limp after about ten seconds. Her eyes got wide as she tried to pant through her nose between drinks of water.
“Relax Cindy.” I ordered whispering to her, not wanting to draw attention.
“I mean it, relax.” I repeated, and she started trying to.
“Good girl.” I said altering my pattern as I said it, she responded to the change.
“Nice. Good girl” I said as she forced herself to relax. Once her breathing stabilized, I began working the hand from her neck down her back while the other continued, she just laid there limply as I worked, more out of it than not.
“Stay limp.” I ordered as I moved my stroking hand to her lower back while the other gripped a butt cheek firmly. After being sure both were firm, I twisted a small amount, a tiny pop from her lumbar region rewarded my efforts and Cindy’s face went slack in relief.
“Just lay there for a while,” I ordered as I put a towel over her, “Let that have a chance to respond before you try moving.”
“Ok.” Was the weak reply, she was looking daggers at me, but licking her lips at the same time, I decided to ignore the contradiction. I went on to the next one I thought I could help.
“Nice job with Cindy.” Jan said later while I was grabbing a snack on break.
“Thanks, I think. Is that what this job is?”
“You mean doing whatever it takes to get us on the field? Yes.”
“And here I thought no one noticed,”
“No one said anything, but everyone noticed. She’s down in the individuals competition now, making a good showing to.”
“They noticed?”
“She was being quiet for you, no one was going to disturb that. She’s the alpha team pyramid base center, they give her some extra space to be cranky since she literally holds them up or braces them in place.”
“She also tends to party hardy. So you may get stuck helping reel her in, good luck.”
“Thanks?” I asked half jokingly.
“Are you for real?” She asked.
“Are you?” I asked back.
“God damn it.” Jan cussed looking pissed at something.
“Are you for real?” She asked again, I was confused.
“Of course I’m real, unless you think Neo is going to walk in.”
“Shit!” She cursed again, nostrils flared.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Ella,” Jan shouted at her where she was approaching, “Tell Angi I said front and center now.”
“On it.” Ella shouted back to the amusement of the others around us who assumed like I did that Angi was in trouble.
“You called for me.” Angi said three silent minutes later sitting down beside us.
“Yes or no?”
“You volunteered for this outfit back in high school, now you have to pay the price of that knowledge.”
“Are you asking what I think you are?”
“Yes or no?”
“Did he leave Kara as herself?” She asked, my heart stopped, skipped a beat at least.
“Yes he did. What he did is less clear. As we know all to well, there are many paths into the mind.”
“He seems gentle yet he was able to handle Cindy pretty well. One of the other girls on her team actually filmed it, it was great. You should see it, poor Cindy unable to move or raise her head, forced to drink every time a shudder hit, trapped by a few pressure points. It wouldn’t work a second time, but man oh man is it fun to watch.”
“Do you think it would work, as himself?”
“Mostly they have been harmless, but if he gets it, and you have the connections you think you do, it would rock.” Angi answered, leaving me lost.
“Cindy answers the ruthlessness part, how about his fantasies?”
“Fine. Typical teen stuff, bit of threesome, an experiment I think, a foursome moment but I think that was just a cause he could thing. Hard to blame a teen for that and Kara did volunteer with a laugh to let him turn her so he could have it.”
“He could learn instead of being trained?”
“Yes.” Angi answered with a deep sigh, “He has great potential, he is far more valuable as himself than anything else.” And I understood at that moment danger I had not even suspected. As I had altered Kara with her knowledge, they had intended to alter me, without mine.
“I bet he took advantage of the muscle relaxants we had Kara given didn’t he?” Jan asked.
“Would make sense.” Angi agreed, I kept silent, cold mind numbing fear does that.
“Is she still herself?” Jan asked looking at me.
“Yes.” I answered figuring I had nothing to lose. If Angi remembered her time as my thrall then it was part of some type of extended interview. Thus my secret with Kara was out anyway, and my pictures of Angi as well.
“There is a rumor.’ Angi said unexpectedly.
“I know of it.” Jan replied in a serious tone, “But not here, and not now, I think introductions are in order, gather the stable and arrange them.”
“Yes ma’am.” Angi replied with near military formality baffling me.
“I have other arrangements to make.” Jan said next, “Keep up here. I’ll be back.” And with that, the captain of the cheerleading Beta team walked out in the middle of a competition. The afternoon became a mess of sprains, strains and massages to relieve pain. The first place in singles with the cheerleaders went to someone local, Cindy took second while third went another local. The overall competition went to us, Beta team, second and third though went to the local Alpha and Beta teams.
The football game began at five on the dot, as usual the two hour game ended just before eight. We lost by one point, oh well, never was a sports fan. At eight o clock though, everything changed. Forty six people entered the stadium moments before the after party kicked off, they drew eyes and gasps, the locals knew who these people were.