The demon king and the hero
By ChaosNight
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: The following is a work of erotic fiction written for adult audiences and contains adult situations and sexual content. reader discretion is advised and by reading further you agree that you are indeed of legal age and this is legal content where you are viewing it. All characters and locations are purely fictional.
“Damn bitch,” I shouted as I finally broke threw her barrier again the force of the magic in my sword knocking her off her feet. “She’s open go, for the kill!” I shouted as I charged in.
“Ice storm,” Shellie said releasing her magic spears of ice attacking hit the demoness.
“Holy shot,” Galvon said releasing his bow, an arrow covered in light going for demons heart.
She moved out of the arrows path the force from the missile tearing through the skin on her bat wings.
“Giga impact,” Roy said as he slammed his hammer on the ground a shock wave going directly at the demon.
The impact hit her and she landed a few feet in front of me. I jumped in the air and pierced her thru the middle of her chest.
“And here I thought stopping your masters revival would be tough,” I said as I forced the sword deeper.
“Lowly human, there are plenty more generals out there to revive him then just me. But you won’t be there to see it,” She said as she wrapped her uninjured wing around me, and grabbed my arms. “But then again you are much too powerful, so why don’t we have some fun,” She smiled as she started to glow.
“oh, Shit,” I said looking back at my party. I released my magic and tried to cast teleport on them. But the spell got caught in the demons magic and we where both engulfed in light.
“Lugo!” Shelli shouted as she reached towards me.
“Lugo,” a voice whispered. I opened my eyes and looked around my body hurt and ached all over, I sat up and looked around. I was in a field full grass.
I tried to recall what happened but couldn’t remember I couldn’t remember anything. I stood up and looked at myself. Then saw a lake close by, I walked over to it and looked at myself. My body looked slim and toned even if it was covered in dirt. I dunked my head in the water and whiped off some of the dirt reviling my dark red hair and tanned skin, which set off my green eyes. If I were to describe myself it would be handsome. My shirt was shredded and my paints were nothing more than rages. As I looked down at myself and noticed I was holding a broken sword.
“Ah,” A women moaned breaking me out of my thoughts as I looked around.
I approached the sound and saw the women lying on her back, in the grass. I was caught off guard for a moment, her light blue skin, black hair, a black tail and wings. After looking at her body for a moment I noticed she had long legs a curvy body and huge breasts. My inspection of her stopping when gazed at her face it was beautify with full lips, a pair of curvy black horns coming out the side of her head. Horns? Yeah they looked like horns.
I got closer to her causally and noticed she was wounded, she had a large hole between her large perfectly molded breasts, her left wing was broken and she was covered in cuts and scratches, purple blood slowly flowing from her. I took off what was left of my shirt and started binding her wounds and tried to stop her bleeding. My hands explored her chest to make sure there were no more wounds, only two hard dark blue nipples. Alas after I finished checking her for wounds my hands slipped and I made sure her breasts were in tacked, this happened two or three more times, each time she left out a soft moan, as my unusually clumsy hands kept coping a feel.
“You alright?” I asked as she started to stir.
“What?” She asked looking around, and sat up. “Where are we?”
“Don’t know,” I said as I watched her naked form bounce, and contort with her movements. Her tits reminding me of a jingly dissert.
“Who are you?”
The importance of this question made me stop examining her body for wounds, for a moment. “I can’t remember, you wouldn’t happen to know by any chance would you?”
“I think I remember you,” She said folding her arms.
“Oh well that’s good, I on the other hand am ashamed that I would not be able to remember someone as beautiful as you.”
“Hmm I do remember you and I was doing this,” She said as she got close to me and held me in an embraced. “Warm.”
When she let go she looked me over.
“You looked different than me,” I said as I grabbed her tail.
“Do I?” She asked looking at herself then took her tail out of my hand and looked it over. “Oh your right you don’t have one of these. Do you think you lost it?”
“I don’t know, ah lets go get you cleaned up” I said pointing to the lake.
She got up and looked down in the water, as she was looking at herself I noticed she had purple pelts of fur deigns on different parts of her body.
“Are these horns?” She asked tapping on them as she looked at her reflection. “They look weird.”
“I think they make you look cute,” I smiled knowing girls like to be called cute, or any form of praise, even if they didn’t want to admit it.
“Cute, I’m cute.”
“Oh yes and very beautiful.”
She smiled and looked around. “you also look handsome.”
“I know right,” I said the words ringing in my ears, a bar maid flashing in my mind then just as quickly disappearing.
“So now what?” She asked looking around.
“I’m hungry.”
“Me too.”
“Think we can eat those,” I said pointing in the water something small swimming around. “What are those?”
“I think they’re called fish,” She said leaning closer to the water.
“Fish?” I questioned as my memories of them came back. “I remember those, you get them like this.” I said snatching one out of the water with my hand, the fish wigging around trying to get free. “Then we need to do something else to it.”
“This is hard,” We spent the next few hours catching fish and trying different way to eat them.
“That was good,” I said chewing on the fish bones, the small portion of fish easing my hunger.
“Yeah they tasted a lot better after cooking them.” The blue girl said.
“So, what’s you name?” I asked realizing I didn’t know what to call her.
“I don’t remember,” She said after a pause “But I think your called Lugo.”
“Lugo,” I repeated “Well whatever so what do I call you?”
“Don’t know what do you want to call me?”
I looked deep into her yellow and black eyes for a moment then at her hair. “Nero.”
“Nero,” She said looking at her hair. “I like that.”
I watched her breast move with her every breath, on impulse I grabbed Nero’s breast and enjoyed the softness of her flesh then started kneading it.
“Do the other,” She moaned.
I moved in front of her and stared playing with her nipples. After a moment they grew hard and warm on her cool flesh. I bent forward and took her dark blue nipple in my mouth and started to suck and nibble. Nero started moaning and grabbing the back of my head and held me close. Her tail slithered around my stomach until it found its way into my pants and wrapped around my hard dick.
Her tail moving back and forth, I slid my hand down her smooth skin until I found her wet pussy. I slid one finger in and her moaning increased, her tail getting tighter around my dick. As I slowly moved my hand in the same rhythm as her tail. Nero’s hands exploring my body and unbuckling what was left of my pants. Her soft fingers playing with my head. I put more fingers in her wet snatch and started thrusting into her.
“I’m goanna cum,” Nero said increasing her rhythm. “I’m goanna ahh,”
“Yeah me to,” I grunted as I felt release approaching.
After a moment we both stopped our foreplay and looked past the lake and saw a large red salamander, easily twice the size of an elder oak tree. We looked at each other for a moment, I grabbed my “sword” and we jumped away as a large fire ball hit were we were laying.
“Damn lizard,” I said belting my paints. “Right when it was getting good.”
“I don’t think we should forgive him.”
“Agreed,” I said looking at the broken sword.
The salamander spit another fire ball. On Reflex I dodged it and dashed towards the salamander. It hissed at me when I got close and snapped it sharp fangs. I dodged it and cut its eye with my broken sword.
Nero was on the other side of the salamander; she held out her hand a bolt of black and purple lighting came out of her palm, and electrocuted the salamander. It shook the attack off and spun around, its tail coming at us.
Nero and I jumped back, the tail just barely missing Nero. Nero grabbed her chest small drops of blood gathering under her bandages.
“Attack from a distance I’ll take the front.”
Nero nodded and began gathering her magic.
As I approached the salamander it spit more fire at me and swiped at me with its claws. I dodged the fire, and jumped over the salamanders claw and swiped at its head trying to impale it in one blow. The salamander moved back just enough on reflex, my swing just cutting the skin.
“Dark fire.” Nero shouted a ball of dark flames hitting the salamander in the head. It shook it off and eyed Nero.
The salamander charged her.
I ran in front of the salamander lunged towards it. The salamander spat fire at me. I tried to cast a fire ward on my sword but the spell flopped.
“Damn,” I said right before the fire hit me.
“Barrier,” Nero said a clear glass like sphere formed around me and dissipated the flame and heat.
The salamander still charging towards me opened it mouth and was going to eat me.
A memory from my training with master surfaced. “Alright kid when the shit hits the fan drop all that magic crap you’re Mum taught you, and put everything into you sword,” Master said with a smile. His silver hair covering his face.
“Or you could used both and obliterate your opponent,” Mother said picking up a fork and turning it into a trident as tall as she was. Her skin a few tones darker than mine and her hair a deep shade of red showing off her yellow eyes.
“Conjure spells take up way to much magic he would be better off just sticking to sword spells,” Master said.
“And your sword spells are nothing but other classes basic spells wrapping around a weapon. Besides he’s my son, and magic in our family is almost limitless.”
“Well alright, but there is that one spell that doesn’t come from any class.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Moon slash,” Master said.
“Moon slash,” Mother laughed. “That couldn’t put a hole in the tree.”
“If used right it’s the most power move there is,” Master said with pride.
My Mother sighed, my Master was hired by my uncle to train me as a fighter. My Mother unable to turn down the generous offer let him stay.
“look here,” Mother said “and listen well, son even if this idiot master of yours dose teach you a good skill just remember two things. The quality and condition of your sword affect the level and strength of all these little sword skills your learning. And no sword can match that made from conjure if you have enough skill.”
In an instant I channeled magic into my broken sword the sword transformed into a giant blade, ruins appeared on the blade and made it glow blue. I spun around in the air right before the jaws closed on me.
“Blue moon slash!” I shouted a large beam of magic followed the path of my blade and cut the salamander in half and left a huge scar in the earth.
I landed on the ground and looked at the dead salamander. Then at the sword. It turned back into the broken blade.
“You ok?” Nero asked approaching.
“Yeah, how you holding up?” I asked leaning back.
“The bleeding stopped.” She said looking at the dead salamander.
“Think we can eat it?” I asked.
“Hope so, all that fighting made me hungry.”
“Yeah,” I said noticing for the first time just how low my magic was, “After all we magic swordsmen, need to eat.”
“Swordsmen?” Nero asked.
“Yeah, well whatever let’s eat,” I said approaching the salamander.
After cutting up the salamander and eating a good portion of it, I sensed that most of my magic was restored.
“What do you think?” I asked putting on the scale hide shirt. The thick skin keeping the cold night air for hitting me.
“That’s cool how did you make that?” Nero asked.
“Roy from the wandering tribe taught me, they make all sorts of things from beast hides, and their bones.” I said then scratched my head and wondered. “Who Roy.”
“Hey make me one.”
“No way you’re too beautiful to cover up.” I said pinching her hard nipple.
“I’ll make your feel real good if you do it.” She said in a seductive tone, playing with my dick through my pants.
“Alright Nero,” I said kissing her on the lips. “Why don’t we pick up where we left off, first.”
“Sure,” Nero said taking off my paint I took off my shirt as she started sucking on my dick. I leaned forward and rubbed her shapely ass.
Nero looked up at me while sucking my cock and spun her body around, I caught her legs and thrusted my head between her legs and started licking and sucking her sweet juices. I noticed her tail wagging back and forth. I grabbed it at the base and felt Nero shivered, the flow of juices increasing. As we hit the heights we climaxed together. Nero swallowing my semen.
“You taste good,” She said her finger moving up and down my shaft. “You’re juices are full of magic.”
“Want to stop playing around and get to the real thing?” I asked.
“Sure,” She said moving forward and slowly lowered herself on my hard cock, then slowly started to move up and down. I grabbed her hips and started to lift her up and thrust her down.
“Harder,” Nero said wrapping her tail around my wrist, Her wet snatch sucking me in.
I moved forward, and mounted her like an animal and thrusted my hands kneading and pinching her nipples. The inside of her pussy massaging my dick.
“Now this is an awesome pussy.” I said as I tightly pulled her nipples.
“Harder, Lugo,” She moaned. “I’m goanna cum.”
I started thrusting harder and faster and nibbled down on the end of her tail Nero moaned as her body climaxed and went limp.
I felt something wet on my hands coming from Nero’s breasts. Licked my fingers and tasted sweet milk.
I repositioned myself, my hard dick still inside of her, as the inside of her pussy continued to massage my dick. I licked my thumb and tasted the milk again, Nero’s nipples where dripping milk. I looked at Nero’s face and brush her hair. Her eyes in a dreamy look of satisfaction and pleasure.
I started thrusting again and started to suck on her nipples.
“Lugo, let me rest a little,” Nero said grabbing my back.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to finish without your partner,” I said licking the milk from my lips. Then kissed her while keeping my rhythm. I started going faster and faster, and Nero’s inside started to get tighter. Every time I moved out it her Pussy sucked me back in.
“Lugo, Lugo, Lugo.” She moaned as we came her insides filling with my cum.
I dropped on top of her both of us breathing hard.
“Don’t’ take it out.” She whispered as she wrapped her tail and good wing around us her wing keeping us warm in the night air. “I don’t want to be separate from you.”
“I love you,” I said rubbing her cheek.
“You love me,” Nero repeated, “I love you to….. Lugo. My Lugo”
“Yeah,” I said sleepily her words ringing in my head as Nero held me tighter, and drew me to her breasts. I suckled her breast the relaxation and ease I felt being near her helped me fall asleep. Recalling the word “Love” was what I told every girl when I took them to bed, of course I never really meant it.
I felt warmth on my cheek and smelled something like a sweet spice. My body was at easy, I opened my eyes and saw Nero sleeping in my arms. Her wings and tail wrapped around me.
I kissed her forehead and touched one of her horns. They where smooth and warm to the touch, with strong pulses of magic radiating from them. On reflex she moved her head away almost as if she was flinching right before being hit, I managed to slip out of Nero embrace, and went to cooking some of the salamander meat as well as making come cloths for Nero.
After a few hours Nero sat up and stretched like a cat.
“Morning,” I said blowing on a piece of the salamander meat.
“Morning,” Nero said looking around.
I pointed to the cloths, Nero picked them up and put them on it was a simple scale shirt the barley covered her chest and the bottoms was something close to a loin cloth. “Why is this shirt so small?”
“Thats the scrap hide I used to make this the rest of it was all dried out and unusable,” I said passing her a slab of meat. Nero took it and started digging in.
“So what do you think we should do now?” I asked looking around.
“I don’t think there’s anybody else around, besides beasts,” Nero said. “The least we should do is make a shelter to protect us from the elements, I we can survive here for a long time.”
“Hmm,” I said nodded going over to the lake and taking a drink, The thought of staying here with this beautiful girl never crossed my mind.
“Hey,” Nero said wrapping her arms around me. “What’s wrong?”
I stroked her arms and leaned back, into her soft body. “I think I’m supposed to be somewhere. Or do something, no I was trying to find someone, I think they looked like you.”
“I think,” Nero said whispering in my ear. “I was supposed to do something to? I was supposed to obey my master.”
“Oh yeah, who’s your master?” I asked.
“He’s the one who commands me, he is my everything, he is my reason for being,” Nero said. “Me and my sister are suppose to, obey his every whim, and desire, and give ourselves to him.”
“Sounds like a Lucky guy. You and your sisters was it?”
“I think so,” Nero looked at me for a moment “Lugo are you suppose to be my master?”
“I don’t know, why?”
“I’m supposed to obey master, and you’re the only person I remember. You said you love me, and I also love you, So you have to be my master.”
“Yeah why not, you did know my name,” I said standing up. “So let’s go find whatever or whoever.”
“Yes Master Lugo,” Nero said standing up. “Which way.”
“Ah well this I remember, while traveling we used to get lost all the time,” I said as a spell come to mind. “So we always used this spell to get us from one place to another.” I said grabbing Nero, and raised my hand in the air magic flowing from my body. “Teleport.”
Three rings of light formed around us then disappeared. I looked around and saw that we were a little further away from the lake.
“Did we really used to get around like that?” Nero asked.
“Think so?” I said looking around. “Oh I forgot to name the designation.”
“So where do we go?” Nero asked.
“We… huh …… I don’t remember the name of any towns.”
“It’s ok Master we’ll try something else,” Nero said patting me on the head.
“Well, then we might as well walk that way.” I said pointing to a forest.
“As you wish Master,” Nero said taking my hand, and leading me into the forest.
After walking for several hours we stopped to drink from a spring.
“Good,” I said whipping my face.
“It is,” Nero agreed as she leaned over the pool and scooped up water.
I walked behind her and pushed her in.
“Hey,” She squealed as she fell in. “That was mean Master.”
I laughed as her tail snaked out of the water and grabbed my ankle then pulled me. “yow,”
“I Caught you Master,” Nero said as she got on top of me and gave me a kiss, and started to slide her slender hands down my shirt.
We stopped after and looked around.
“Ugh, Again,” I sighed.
“Typical, when you get in the mood company show up,” Nero said getting out of the water.
“Might as well think of it as another form of foreplay,” I said drawing my sword.
“Yes Master,” Nero said as we got out of the water.
“Hold Demons,” an elf said as a large group of them appeared from the trees around us.
“Demons?” I said looking around. “Does he mean us?”
“Think so,” Nero said.
“Hey, you the short virgin,” I said pointing the sword to one of the elf’s. “Where’s the nearest town?” I asked.
A few of the elf looked off in the same direction then looked back at me.
“Good enough,” I said as I stepped in front of Nero and released a burst of light blinding the elves in front of us.
I took Nero’s hand and we ran past the elves while they tried to recover from the flash. We quickly outpaced the elves and lost them in the distance as we weaved through trees.
“I don’t sense them anymore,” I said sliding to a halt.
“Me neither,” Nero said patting broken branches off her shoulders. “Or maybe not,” Nero pushed me back as a few dozen dagger landed right where we were standing.
I repositioned myself, and turned to my side catching a stiletto in my swords hilt. The attacker was an elf dressed in black. Out of the corner of my eye I saw anther elf attacking Nero.
“No way,” My assailant said with a look of shock in his eyes.
I punched him with my free hand and ripped one of the stilettos out of his hand and threw it towards Nero. She caught it by the hilt and blocked her opponent attack I ran behind the other elf and knocked him out with the flat edge of my sword.
“Good job master,” Nero said looking the stiletto over. Then standing behind the elf and lifting her head.
“No, Nero,” I said eyeing her.
“Master if we don’t kill them we will be followed,” Nero said.
“True but if we leave them alive they’ll pick up and tend to their comrades which will either slow them down or reduce their forces,” I said going to the first guy, and started undressing him. “Nero you take that girls cloths and kit.”
“Yes, master,” Nero smiled as she started undressing the elf.
“Ready,” I said putting the stilettos in their wrist sheaths. The cloths were a little baggy but the black straps of cloth, tried to my wrist and ankles kept them from getting in my way.
“Yes Master,” Nero said the black cloths fitting tightly on her body, reveling all her curves. “How do I look?”
“Like a sexy Nina,” I said smacking her firm ass.
“Yes master,” Nero smiled.
“Alright, let’s go,” I said as we changed direction and dashed threw the woods.
“No,” I said holding up the goddess necklace. The intricate engraving of the goddess holding a crystal was shaking, and the crystal was glowing blue then shifting to green.
“When did it start?” I asked.
“Yesterday,” Shellie said as she put the necklace back in her cloak.
“So he is alive.” I said leaning back In my chair. “Four years. Do you know where he is?”
“No he’s unstable we only have the general idea of where he is, but he’s alive.”
“I know, I’ll inform the king, you find Roy and Galvon, and find him,” I said getting up from my chair. I grabbed my staff and walked out the door.
“Lugo,” Shellie whispered from inside my house. “Lugo,” She cried.
I sighed and almost felt sorry for the girl all these years waiting for him. “Teleport, kingdom of Gingo.” I said as three rings of light engulfed me. When they disappeared I was standing in front of a castle the guards looked at me. I walked past them and went to the main hall.
“Lady Vice,” The king said pushing one of the nobles out of the way and approaching me. “You should have given me a message of your arrival I would have prepared a proper welcome. What is it?”
My idiot brother-in-law he had learned very early on not to get in my way, and not to anger me. Too bad my foolish husband had not been as smart.
“My son is alive,” I said trying to unclench my throat, words I never thought I would say.
“Lugo is,” The king said looking at the queen then out the window to his first daughter. “The goddess praise.”
“Master,” Nero said as the sun started to rise.
“What?” I asked jumping over a log.
“Might we rest?” Nero asked as I noticed just how tired she seemed.
“Alright Nero,” I said sitting agents a tree holding my hand out to Nero. She took it and fell into my arms. Slowly panting, the smell from her body arousing me, I slowly played with her body Nero moaned and squirmed in my arms, as I slowly undressed her.
“Lugo,” She panted more from arousal then exhaustion. I lifted her up and thrusted her on my dick, and repeated.
After a few minutes of this I threw her on the ground and started sucking and biting her nipples while thrusting into her. The little bits of magic in her milk restoring some of my own. After licking one of her nipples I noticed I could stick my tong inside.
Nero moaned in pleasure and pain as I lifted my head up and looked into her glassy eyes. I put my finger inside Nero nipple, the inside was warm and wet with her milk. I did the same with her other breast and started thrusting my fingers in and out, while I continued to fuck her.
“Master,” She moaned in ecstasy as I changed the rhythm of my thrusts and kissed her. With my index fingers still inside of her I grabbed her breast with the rest of my hands and lifted her up, and leaned back so she was now on top. Then I lifted her up by her breasts and pushed her down.
“Master your being so ruff,” She gasped.
“Does that mean you want me to stop?” I asked as I started thrusting harder, dug my fingers deeper into her motherly flesh.
“No,” She moaned as she arced her body back, and climaxed again.
I sighed, as I stopped and pulled my fingers out of her nipples and watched as they slowly retraced to normal. Then I grabbed her hips and went back to thrusting her up and down her body laying less than a sack of flower. As I reached climax I felt more semen then I thought possible go into her.
Nero moaned and fell backwards. I sat up and held her up by her back. For the first time noticing that the sun was in the middle of the sky.
“Master,” Nero whispered over and over as she fell into my arms.
I looked down at her and noticed just how exhausted she was or was she just basking in the afterglow. I Put our stolen cloths back on, and picked her up and continued running.
“Deceiver” The world echoed as an image of Lugo thrusting his sword into me. I grabbed his arms, and wrapped my wings around him and released all the magic still in my body getting ready to kill us both. Then two giant hands grabbed both of us and pulled us apart. The hands connected to a giant hidden in shadows. The giant threw Lugo to the side and held me in the palm of his hand. He looked down on me.
My Master my reason for existing, he slowly grew smaller and smaller until he was the size of human and slide a hand on my cheek and held out one of his fingers. I removed my armor and cloths and started to suck and like his fingers like the bitch he wanted me to be. I like all my kind was his toy my only reason my sole purpose for existing was to serve his whim.
“Balia,” He said in a deep voice, he removed his fingers from my mouth and grabbed my chin. “My Balia.”
He pulled me close and kissed me.
“Ah,” He gasped As a sword went through the front of his chest.
We looked back and saw Lugo his magic sword piercing the demon kings back.
“See Balia, see how this weak human harmed your master,” The words echoed in my mind.
He grabbed the blade with his hand snapped the blade in half like it was nothing, and attacked Lugo. He dodged the attack and cut my master in half then decapitated him.
“Master,” I gasped as he fell his body disappearing.
“Master!” I shouted with force.
“What?” Lugo said as he looked down at me. “What are you yelling for?”
I looked around and saw Master Lugo was carrying me through the forest at a quick jog. “I’m, sorry Master.” I said trying recalling what I dreamed about. “I had a dream that you died.”
“I’m alright,” He said looking down at me.
“I can walk,” I said as I got out of his arms and followed behind. My body felt sensitive and electrified from all of our love making. My sex still wet and his semen still inside me, my body refusing to let go of the Masters precious juices.
After a few hours of running we made it out of the forest and found ourselves on a hill overlooking a town, humans going in and out.
“Big city,” Master said after a few minutes.
“Yeah,” I said looking down on them and feeling a hatred and resentment to these humans, even thou I could tell they were the same creatures as Master.
“Don’t think we should just go in are we are,” Master said. “They might get scared of us like those elves.”
“I’ll wait here then master,” I said looking around.
“Now, now I think I have a better Idea,” Master said running towards a carriage and jumping on the back all the while the humans driving not noticing him rummage around boxes and creates. He kept looking around until he pulled out a few pieces of cloth and ran back to me.
“Put this on.” He said tossing me a cloak.
I looked at it for a moment then back at him as he put his cloak on and covered his head with a hood.
I followed in suit and trucked my wings in and put the hood on. “How is it master?”
“I can still see your horns here,” He said touching one of my horns.
As he touched my horn I pushed Master away and guarded my horns.
“What was that for?” He asked rubbing his chest.
“You’re not supposed to touch my horns,” I said fixing the hood.
“Why not?” He asked.
“I,” thought trying to remember why no one was ever aloud to touch a demons horn, not even other demons. “I don’t remember.”
“Well, whatever they won’t notice a thing,” He said as we walked into town.
The streets where filled with humans talking and walking round, one human bumped into to me and I grabbed him by his shirt collier and threw him across the road. Master Grabbed my hand and we ran off before to many humans noticed our presence.
“I’m hungry,” Master said. “let’s find something to eat.”
“Yes Master,” I said following his gaze. Master was looking at a stall selling breads and sweat buns.
We walked over and master looked around “I want some of those.” Master said to the merchant.
“Three copper per bun,” The fat merchant said not giving my master his proper respect.
“Three copper,” Master said checking his pockets until he pulled a few coins out of his stolen purse.
The way he stared at the metal coins I could tell master had no idea the value of the different coins he held. After a few moments he obviously didn’t care anymore. “Give me all those and some of those.” Master said figuring he had more than enough.
“Yes sir, yes sir, Thank you sir,” The merchant said handing an entire tray of sweat buns and loafs of bread to Master. Master and I found a quiet spot and started eating. My body requiring sustenance from all of Masters love, and nonstop travel.
“I like these,” Master said eating a few sweet buns.
“How long will we stay here master?” I asked.
“Think we could rent an inn out for the day and leave tomorrow,” Master said looking around. “Hey what’s that?”
“What?” I asked.
“That,” He pointed towards a large statue in the middle of the town.
“Looks like a statue,” I said uninterested in human sculpture and more concerned with an odd yet familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“Let’s look,” Master said taking the last loaf of bread on the tray and tossing it to me.
“Yes Master Lugo,” I said as I followed him. As we approached the stone figures, I was amazed. There were five figures carved from white stone. On the sides where two women one was an elf, and the other was a plain simple girl who cared a large staff, next one was a huge man who carried a huge hammer, and above them was a statue of the goddess. Standing in front of all the others was Master Lugo holding his sword out.
“Is that me?” He asked looking at the statue and slowly walking closer.
“I think so Master.”
A human bumped into master and knocked his hood off. “Watch it asshole,” Master said to the human.
“Don’t go standing in the,” The man started “Lugo the champion.”
The humans around us stopped walking and looked at Master.
“Time to go,” Master whispered to me as he put his hood back on and we ran down an alleyway.
We found our way to an inn and went in.
After I paid for the room, Nero and I went inside. The statue of the man that looked like me almost brought back memories.
“Hey Nero, did that statue make you remember anything?” I asked dropping on the bed.
“No master,” Nero said taking my cloak off and placing it on a chair. “Did you recall anything?”
“Almost but that guy, it’s just as well,” I said taking my shirt and boots off, I laid back on the bed and looking at the ceiling, Nero took her cloak and cloths off and joined me on bed. “I don’t think I really want to remember them for some reason.”
“As you wish Master,” Nero said laying her head on my chest.
I watched Nero for a moment then looked at her broken wing. I gently touched the end and stretched it out. Her wing appearing to be healed. “Does it hurt?”
“No master, it may be a little sore but I can fly with no problem now,” Nero said slowly moving down and unblocking my pants.
After making love to Master Lugo we fell into each other’s arms. Masters light breath and heart beat putting me at ease.
“Balia,” A deep voice rumbled.
I opened my eyes, and saw my Master in place of Lugo. His body hidden in shadows and his blood red eyes overwhelming everything.
“Master,” I said filled with joy and started kissing him.
“Balia,” He said as he lifted me up and thrusted me on his cock. His dick bigger and thicker then Lugo pathetic little one. His shadows enveloping me, and caressing my body. His teasing and fondling increasing my arousal.
His shadows finding their way into my mouth, and going down my throat. While other shadows found their way into my nipples and ass. The darkness radiating from his body increasing my strength, and his control over my body.
My horns grew larger, and my breast grew from the size of a human head to a small watermelon. Black marks and tribal designs where forming on my body. A physical show of my loyally to him, my beloved Master the demon king of shadows.
Master spun my body around and mounted me like an animal his strong cock thrusting deep inside. Every thrust sending an electric jolt through my body. The force from his thrusts going through my meat all the way to my womb making me feel alive. My mind going blank as my body was filled beyond pleasure and pain. The only thing I knew was that Master was bringing me beyond any euphoria I had ever felt. All the while master cock was getting bigger and bigger inside of me.
“Time to give our children their nutrients,” Master whispered in my ear.
“Yes please fill me with it, give it to our babies.” I begged as he released his life giving juices inside my body. “Master,” I moaned.
“Nero,” Was the only voce that gasped as I found myself ageist the wall. Master Lugo’s gentile hands entangled with mine as his full weight fell on top of me.
“That was good, Nero,” Master said as he pulled out of me and unwove his fingers from mine, as he fell back on the bed exhausted.
I leaned agent the wall facing Master, to my shock I saw this his dick had gotten thicker and longer and his body was more muscular.
I looked down at myself and saw that my body had also been altered. My breast where larger, and my areola were the size of gold coins while my wings and tail had gotten longer. On my body where the black tattoos from my dream. I felt my horns and noticed they gave off more magic.
I walked over to master and laid next to him, the dream I had completely vanishing from my mind.
“You ok?” Master asked brushing the hair from my face. “You look different.”
“So do you.” I said.
“Really?” Master asked looking at himself. “I think I look the same.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Guess not,” Master said.
“Have you found anything?” Roy asked as he walked into the meeting hall.
“I just finished speaking with Galvon, He said two people trespassed on the mana pond,” I said. “One demon, and one human.”
“Lugo?” Roy asked.
“Yeah, the human looked like Lugo, the demoness didn’t have any distinguishing marking, but her horns closely resembled Balia,” I said taking a sip of wine.
“Balia the one Lugo killed.”
“Galvons cousin, the assassin we met, you remember him?”
“Yeah that clinging kid.”
“He tried to stop the human, but held him off with a broken sword resembling Lugo’s, before taking his cloths and coin then running off. Galvon went and back tracked them to a red salamander, and from the looks of the salamanders death, it was Lugo’s blue moon slash.”
“Damn,” Roy said looking around. “He’s traveling with a demon?”
“She might be controlling him,” I said drinking the rest of the wine.
“We’ll find him,” Roy said patting me on the shoulder. “How’s his Mother taking this?”
“Better than me,” I said looking at a ring Lugo gave me before we fought the demon king.