The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The demon king and the hero

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: The following is a work of erotic fiction written for adult audiences and contains adult situations and sexual content. reader discretion is advised and by reading further you agree that you are indeed of legal age and this is legal content where you are viewing it. All characters and locations are purely fictional.

As we dressed I noticed the cloths fit more snugly on me, a lot better fit then they did yesterday. While Nero’s shirt didn’t even make it down to her stomach and her pants were skin tight.

“Let’s go,” I said putting my cloak on and walking out the door, Nero flowing close behind. As we walked down the inns stairs I noticed a few people in chairs watching us. As we walked to the front door a few men moved in my way.

“Sir remove your hood,” The man said hand on his sword.

“Why?” I asked stepping back.

“Remove your hood sir,” He repeated.

I pulled my hood off the men and patrons watched looked at me with shock and awe.

“Sir Lugo, by order of the Gingo, and Aldeen kingdoms, I am placing you under arrest,” The men said drawing their swords. I unsheathed my broken sword under my cloak keeping my movements slow and hidden.

“You take your hood off,” The man said directing his attention at Nero.

I went forward and knocked his sword out of his hands, Nero followed my lead and cut the other man’s hand with her stiletto. We pushed past the soldiers and burst through the door, and started running down the street, then stopped.

Heavily armored knights were blocking all sides of the roads, they carried large claymores, and spears.

“The roof tops,” I said running towards a building wall and grabbing onto the windowsill. Nero following close behind as we climbed onto the roof.

The knights started shooting arrows at us as we jumped from roof top to roof top.

“Get down!” I yelled to Nero as a fire ball hit the side of a building. I looked over the edge and saw two women and one man dressed in robes.

“Fire ball,” Two of the mages shouted and released their magic at us.

I held out my sword and used my power of conjury over it. “Element blade,” I said the sword becoming a simple, with a square hilt. I cut the fire balls in half and watched the fire get sucked into the sword, the blade turning a hot red.

The mages looked at each other for a moment then back at me.

“Fire slash,” I said adding my own magic to the fire I stored in the blade a wave of fire soaring towards the mages. They moved out of the way and the fire erupted blowing the mages away.

“Nice shot master,” Nero said catching a stray arrow.

“I don’t think what we’re looking for is here,” I said knocking the arrows out of the way with my sword. The streets filling to the brim with knights, guards, mages, and archers. “Can you carry me?”

“Yes Master.” Nero said taking her cloak off and unfolding her wings. She embraced me from behind and took off.

“Later Losers,” I shouted as we flew out of the city.

* * *

I turned the page in the book, the blue demon with black horns, fat boobs and a fat ass, just a fat, fat slut with all that fat that men liked. The markings on the demons face and wings matching the one the people in the kingdom of Aldeen, fly away with Lugo.

“So how’s it looking?” Galvon asked walking into the room.

“Looks like Lugo, used his element sword and fire slash, knocked a few mages off their feet.” I said.

“So which demon is it?” He asked looking down at the book.

“hmm oh, The demon wet nurse Balia, the demon king of Darkness right hand,” I said tossing the book aside, remembering the trouble we had defeating her, and how near Lugo was to death after he stopped her explosion spell.

“Makes sense,” Galvon said picking up the book and flipping the pages “We didn’t even find the ashes from her body after our fight. Here she is ,Balia the demon wet nurse strongest of the demon generals, bore the most childen to the demon king. Blah, blah, blah. Ahh breast milk greatly restores magic, has mastered all black and demon magic. Stregnth, speed, defense are near invincible, and possesses the ability to, god I hate that barrier spell. Wait She was a human princess? Is that why we couldn’t?”

“Yeah, near the third or fourth time the demon king was brought to the world, he killed her family and bathed her in the river of the demon world.”

“What’s this demon river?” Galvon said flipping through the pages.

“It’s said before that the goddess killed an evil god and his body became the demon world. The river is said to be his blood, anyone who bathed in the water was reborn a demon, as with Bailia. And like all demons they wish for nothing more than to kill the goddess that has shown favor to.” I said staring at the goddess necklace. “Alright, let’s get it out of the way.”

“Alright, setting Lugo aside for a minute, how are we going to stop her?”

“Well as you so delicately put it her barrier stops all spells and weapons. And if Lugo’s Mother gave that book to us sooner we would have known this wouldn’t work.” I said holding up Lugo’s ring.

“We couldn’t stop her barrier because she was originally human,” Galvon said sitting next to me. “Lady Vice wouldn’t happen to know a way to get past her hybrid barrier would she?”

“the same way Lugo did,” I said fingering his ring.

“Well, only Lugo could hammer down on a demon barrier shatter, and repeat for an hour and still keep going,” Galvon said simplifying Lugos strategy for defeating Balia.

I spun Lugos ring on the table. “If we get enough black and white mages together, they might weaken the barrier enough for someone to smash though.

“Hitting her after the barrier down is another matter. All we could get in after breaking her barrier where light blows before she reformed it, and I highly doubt we could wait until she runs out of magic again.”

“So even if we do find them we can’t stop them.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better I don’t think she’s back to full power.” I said picking up the ring.

“Why that.”

“When your people encounter her in the woods she didn’t posses any markings, from what the knights of Aldeen told us she was dressed in assassin’s grab, and had markings on her face and wings.”

“So we have a chance?” Galvon said happily.

“Nope,” I said putting Lugo’s ring back on.


“Even if she was weakened, we still can’t defeat Lugo.”

“If we can convince him, maybe,” Galvon started.

“No,” I interrupted. “If we can convince Lugo then it won’t really matter what condition she’s in, he’ll beat her. If we can’t it’s going to be difficult and anyone who could defeat the demon king on his own is not one we can stand up to.”

“Want to call his Mother?” Roy asked stepping in.

“Hmph, what did you find?” I asked realizing Galvons hand was in mine.

“Aside from him being seen at the statue, the innkeeper heard them shaking the bed and the bitch moaning, all afternoon till the next morning, nothing much.”

“Ow,” Galvon screamed in pain as he ripped his hand out of mine.

Roy smiled. “So it looks like he still has his stamina, Also the women screamed Lugo, when she reached orgasm.”

“Stamina,” I said recalling our travels, And Lugo’s bad habit of picking up two or three whores or bar maids at an inn, and fucking them until they passed out. “Sounds like our sexed crazed Lugo.”

“You don’t think maybe he tamed a demon by any chance do you?” Galvon asked.

“Yeah right,” Roy said shaking his head.

* * *

“Lugo,” Nero cooed as I suckled from her breasts, her hand stroking my hair. Her sweet milk restoring some of my strength and filling my empty stomach. “Drink as much as you want Master, you need your strength.”

I grunted softy, the smell of grass around us putting me at ease. The night sky shone brightly in the open fields, the simple rhythm of my sucking putting me to sleep.

“Sleep, Master, I will watch over you.” She purred.

I closed my eyes and slept deeply for the first time in days. In my dreams I walked with the other three people their faces resembling statue from the city. They followed behind, Nero nowhere in sight. We were at the top of a large tower overlooking a vast waste land of black sand; storys of old told that this was my mother’s home land before the demons claimed it as their own thousands of years ago.

I looked back at a lower platform, Nero was suppose to be back there, but her body disappeared. It was alright thou Nero would catch up later. I looked around for a moment my gaze stopping at the sky. The clouds where circling the tower, shadow forming from out the sky forming a dark figure forming his body made of shadows.

He looked at me for a moment before he released his magic. The force from the attack pushing my companies away.

The necklace, and ring given to me by the goddess shielding me from the force of his magic. The artifacts drawing little bits of my power. I conjured my strongest weapon the soul blade. I charged the demon king and used my demon slayer slash.

The demon king created a sword from his shadows and blocked my attack, then threw a ball of shadow at me. I jumped out of the way and cast a dark ward on my weapon and started using my moon slash attacks.

“Master,” I hear Nero’s voice in the distance.

Her voice distracted me for a moment. I was standing behind the demon king as he looked for me, my soul sword in his chest.

He looked at me with anger as he grabbed the tip of my sword and snapped it in half like a twig. I jumped back and looked at my sword.

“Master,” Nero said getting distracting me again.

I was standing facing off against the demon king, my sword reverted to normal, yet still broken. The demon king grew larger. My necklace in his hand the gem in the middle now glowing green instead of blue.

“Master,” Nero said pulling me away from her breast.

“Ugh, what?” I said looking around, I was back in the field with Nero.

“Are you alright?” Nero asked.

“Yeah,” I said leaning back. “I remembered something.”

“What Master?”

“The people in that statue we saw, I used to travel with them,” I said. “Then we fough someone, and he took something from me.”

“Is that what you’re suppose to find master?” Nero asked.

“I don’t know, but I do remember a tower,” I said “A big one, black, greater than any castle.”

“I know that one,” Nero said “That’s where my brothers and sisters live.”

“That’s sounds like a good place to start,” I said standing up and looking around. “But I don’t know the way.”

“I do Master,” Nero said Pointing off in the distance. “I sense our home is that way.”

I smiled and Kissed Nero, “I love you,”

“I love you to Master,” Nero said kissing me back.

We stopped kissing and saw a huge bore staring at. “Looks like he got a bit of a show, he might as well give us some dinner,” I said licking my lips. “I could go for some pork or bacon.”

“As you wish Master,” Nero said holding out her hand. “Dark lighting.”

After her attack hit the bore it was down instantly and cooked down to its core.

“Very nice,” I said cutting away the skin and cutting out some meat

“Thank you Master,” Nero said taking some of the meat all the while holding her stomach.

“You alright Nero?” I asked noticing that she had been holding her stomach a lot the past few days.

“Yes, Master.”

I decided to state the obvious. “You’ve been holding your stomach since yesterday.”

“I’m fine, Master,” She said defensively, taking a bite out of the meat.

After eating our fill I made love to Nero, who fell asleep in my arms. In the morning I woke up, and looked around the sun getting ready to break the nights slumber. Neros wings wrapped around us, keeping out the cold air. I looked at Neros beautiful face for a moment and squeezed out of Neros embrace and dressed myself.

“Morning Master,” Nero said sitting up on the grass and stretching.

“Morn,” I paused as my eye widening in shock and pointed to Nero. “What is that?”

“What’s, What?” She asked looking around. Then down at herself. “Oh,” She said putting her hand on her no longer trim belly. “looks like I’m a little pregnant.”

“How the hell can you only be a little pregnant?” I asked looking at her stomach, “How did it big so fast?” I asked.

“My kind gives birth three times faster than humans.” She said rubbing her belly.

“Three times,” I said in shock.

“Master, I’m counting on you to give me plenty of love and our children plenty of your life giving juices,” Nero said rubbing me through my paints. “So what do you say we give the little ones their breakfast. Then we can have ours.”

“R-right,” I said not sure what to make of this, or Nero’s newfound lust.

* * *

“Damn,” I said my lightning bolt just missing its mark.

“Lady Vice,” An annoying young voice called.

“Hello dear,” I said looking back at the princess.

“I just heard Shellie, Roy, and Galvon, set chase after Lugo.” She said.

“Yes,” I said throwing another lightning bolt it veered to the side and missed the target again.

“How Can Lugo still be alive?” She asked.

“Well he is my son,” I said throwing another lightning bolt missing again.

“Lady Vice what aren’t you telling me? Roy, and Shellie where also tight lipped about it.”

“Nothing you need to know about,” I smiled as I released another lightning bolt that destroyed the entire target range leaving a huge hole in the ground. “Anymore questions?”

“N-no,” The princess said fear obvious in her eyes. She turned to walk away then stopped “No, I want to know I want to know what happened to Lugo,” She said turning back to me.

“Well I suppose we could intrude on them, been awhile since I heard anything,” I said as I walked past the princess. “Well come along.”

“Yes,” The princess said following close behind.

We walked through the castle halls and found our way to the war chambers. I pushed open the door and saw Shellie sitting behind the desk writing papers.

* * *

“It’s been two weeks,” Roy said walking into the room, giving a slight bow to the princess as he walked past. “Did you contact the northern kingdoms?”

“We’ve contacted all the kingdoms,” Shellie said drinking more wine. “There on the search for Lugo, and are assembling their armies as we speak.”

“Shellie why are we wasting time looking for them when we know where their heading? We should gather all the kingdoms armies and make a line of defense to the demon tower,” Roy said.

“Because Roy the closer demons get to the tower the more power they have, if we can find them before they get there, it will make it a little easier to talk with Lugo.”

“I still say,” Roy started.

“Shut it,” Shellie said “ there’s no way we can get an army ahead of them. Right now we know their nowhere near close enough to the tower yet. And if we can’t get though to Lugo then we won’t have any regrets killing him.”

“Shellie,” the princess said in shock, the thought of killing the great hero Lugo obviously sounding strange.

“If we kill Balia, then maybe Lugo will,” Roy started.

“You know it’s not going to be that easy. I doubt we could get through to Lugo, and the chances that we will get smaller as he approaches the tower. I doubt Balia will let him go for an instant.”

“Well, when you do find him let me know,” I said “He’s my son, and I will deal with him, And our princess wishes to know what happened to Lugo, please inform her. I’m going to go back to practice my meeting with my Son.”

* * *

“Oh,” Nero said her hands on her stomach. “They keep kicking.”

“So uh how long until you know,” I started.

“About two, almost three months.”

“Huh,” I said absent mindedly as we walked through the woods.

“Master I can fly us their no problem.”

“No it’s alright.”

“Well then you can run and I’ll follow.”

“It’s alright, I don’t feel like running.”

“Master, I am not some delicate female, and at this pace we will never get there.” Nero said getting angry. “You don’t need to worry for my well being.”

“Don’t be angry Nero,” I said a memory of a bar maid slamming the door to my rented room flashed in my mind.

“I am not weak Master, and I will not be treated like a lesser creature,” Nero said her eyes full of anger.

“Nero, I don’t think that, I don’t think your weak, I’m just worried,” I said “And it not just the baby…. Baby’s you’ve been acting strange lately, you been sleeping less, and you’ve been restless lately. I’m worried about you Nero.”

“I don’t know,” Nero said “I don’t know anything, while you remember more and more. I only remember bits and pieces of what you talk about. I only recall general knowledge not anything personal, nothing that means anything to me. Nothing about you, or my sisters or anything just nothing.

The only things I remember of any importance are of you, but when I dream. Every time I fall asleep I recall something terrible, or sad, but whatever it was when I wake I forget and feel empty. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t,” I said embracing her from behind. “I’ll always be here for,” I moved my hand down to her stomach “And them.”

“Lugo,” Nero said looking back at me as she kissed.

As soon as our lips touched something awoke inside of me. In my mind’s eye I saw a sword just as quickly as I saw it, it vanished. I broke our kiss and looked around.

“What is it?” Nero asked looking around.

“Think we’re being watched,” I said looking around.

“I see you skill are as good as ever,” A women said walking out from behind a tree, three other figures following behind her.

As they walked closer I recognized them from their statues, and the imposing figure leading them. It made me wonder for even a moment how I could forget the cold heartless bitch.

“Mom,” I said weakly, as they approached. Nero looked between me and them.

My Mother looked at me for a moment anger and sorrow filling her expression then just as quickly disappearing, from her face, as she looked away from me.

“You must be Balia,” The short female mage said.

Nero looked at me and shrugged.

“So Lugo,” Mother said approaching me, her voice drawing fear and total submission from me. “What exactly are you doing out here?”

“Looking for something,” I said standing in front of Nero, the mage giving her angry looks.

“What are you looking for Lugo,” Mother asked slowly approaching.

“I don’t know, I lost something,” I said slowly shaking my head.

Mother held up and book and opened a page. On one page was writing to small for me to read from this distance, while on the other page was an illustration of Nero, garbed and armor. Mother tossed me the book, I caught it and opened the book marked page. Nero approached and looked holding my shoulder.

“That’s me,” She said putting her fingers to the page. “Balia the demon wet nurse, First general to the demon king of shadows,” Nero started shaking and fell to her knees.

I dropped the book and caught her. “Nero,” I whispered.

“No!” She screamed as she grabbed her head. “Stop it, please” She said weakly as she collapsed in my arms.

“Nero,” I said lightly shaking her, but she didn’t respond. “Nero, wake up.”

“Forgive me,” Mother said a staff of gold and silver appearing in her hand.

“Wait, stop.” The mage said approaching my mother. “We haven’t confirmed anything yet.”

“Goddess Wrath,” She swung her staff towards me and a huge blast of light coming at me.

Before her spell hit I reacted drawing my sword, the flash of light being sucked into the broken blade. Mother looked at me in shock for a moment as the sword glowed and the blade grew longer. Until it was restored to it original form.

“It’s fixed,” I said looking it over.

“The Goddess sword can be restored by her own divine magic,” She said looking at me.

“Ah,” I said dropping my sword a deep burn in my hand going down to the bone. “Damn.”

“Looks like the swords power has been restored as well,” Mother said approaching me.

I tried picking up the sword again but it burned my hand.

“Only the goddess’s chosen can wield that sword,” Mother said picking it up. “And wards off demons who touch it.”

“Demons?” I asked looking at my hand, the full meaning of the word coming back to me, as well as what the humans thought of them. “I’m…. are you telling me I’m a demon?”

“My son died killing the demon king of Shadows,” She said.

“Goddess wrath only harms those with impure hearts or demons,” I said remembering the spell.

“Yes, but Lugo’s sword was kind enough to answer what you are,” She said approaching me.

I picked up Nero and slid back.

“Wearing my sons face, was not the best idea demon,” She said getting ready to cast another spell.

I conjured my dragon blade and held it out to defend myself the blade consuming large amounts of magic more than it used to without using the goddess sword as a base.

Mother paused for a moment, looking at the blade, and stepped back. “Even if you did manage to survive somehow, I won’t let my son live as a demon. Lightning bolt.”

I jumped out of the way and slashed the lighting with my sword quickly casting my fire, ice, lighting, wind, earth, and light wards on my sword.

“He’s weak ageist divine attacks,” Mother said.

“Holy shot,” Galvon said his arrow of light coming at me.

I swung my sword at the arrow deflecting it from its course. Mother threw balls of light at me. My wards absorbing most of her attacks. I looked at Mother for a moment while Roy rushed me swinging his hammer at full force. I jumped back, his hammer just out of reach. He followed the hammers momentum and swung the hammer down on me. I held up my sword and blocked the blow the ground under my feet being pushed down.

“Back the fuck off Roy,” I said pushing him away, as I dodged Galvons arrows, my Mother getting ready to cast another spell. I flipped my sword around and got ready to use another skill “Green moon slash.” I said green light erupting from the jagged blade.

I swung it at my mother before hitting her she moved out of the way while the plants that the light touched started to grow out of control the grass and roots grabbing onto their feet and cloths. I shifted Nero in my arm and let the magic creating my sword vanish. I looked down at the goddess sword then at the book. I picked the book up and ran as fast as I could though the trees shifting Nero in my arms so I wouldn’t drop her.

After running for hours as fast as I could, my legs burned and I had a problem catch my breath. I leaned Nero ageist a tree, and sat next to her trying to catch my breath. Once my breathing was at a calm and even pace. I looked at the book in my hand. I opened the book and started to read it. The images on the pages recalling my memories as I fought these demons, the words helping me fill in the gaps.

* * *

“It’s not true,” I said holding my ears trying to block the voices out.

“It is true.” The voice echoed. “He’s a liar.”

“No, he’s my master.”

“He killed your master.”

“No, he’s kind he wouldn’t do that.”

“Not humans or elves, and he did kill your master, your sisters, your brothers, and your children.”

“Stop it, don’t talk bad about Lugo.”

“Why not he’s a liar,”

“Lugo won’t lie to me, he would never lie to me.”

“Oh, he wouldn’t would he, then why can’t you remember anything while he does?”

“He’s just recalling them faster them me, when we get home I’ll start to remember, I’ll be happy with Master Lugo, and our children.”

“Oh and why would you call him Master, why would you serve him a lowly human.”

“No he is my Master and we love each other. He told me he loves me.”

“Only your Master can love you, and he killed your Master. And now you carry his children in your womb. The only one aloud to put their seed in you, was your master the king of shadows. Not some lowly human.”

“Please stop.” I begged.

“Stop deluding yourself he killed our master, and he must pay with his blood.”

“He said he loves me.”

“He’s lying he never forgot, he just wanted to hurt you like the humans always do, he killed your brothers and sisters, all your children he defeated you and took your Master. He made you think you were his.

Then he took everything you where and made you his whore, Look at yourself. You’re no smarter than a child now, nothing but his simple bimbo to have at his beck and call. Take back your pride and take revenge for our beloved Master and kill Lugo.”

* * *

I threw the book ageist a tree, everything in that book was contradictory to everything I’d seen from Nero. I looked at my hand for a moment and picked up a rock and stabbed my hand the blood still red. I’m not a demon I thought as I paced back and forth I can’t be, I don’t have horns or a tail and my bloods red.

“That’s not true,” A voice echoed. I looked around and I was standing on the dark tower platform.

“Who their?” I said looking around.

“Look at yourself,” My voice echoed. “You can run none stop for day carrying Nero around like she’s nothing, and making love to her for hours. Do you think it’s possible for a human to satisfy a demons lusts.

Look at your body, remember what it looked like before Nero. Of course you were by no means an ordinary human. Even after thousands of years you are the first one who managed to defeat the king of shadows with pure power but even humans have their limits. Oh and let us not forget, when you spend a few hours making love to Nero an entire day goes by. Havent you found it odd that you lose so much time in the day.”

“Shut up,” I said now back in the forest with Nero. I embraced Nero her warmth putting me at ease. “Just shut up.”

After a moment I picked her up and kept running.

* * *

“That defiantly wasn’t like last time, and he knows everything Lugo dose, is he really?” Roy asked as he picked up the book of ages from a nearby tree.

“I don’t know,” Lady Vice said taking the book from Roy and looking it over the page stopping on the demon king.

“Why did you go off on him like that?” I said “He could still be reasoned with. But you guys went and attacked him.”

“That wasn’t my son,” Vice said. “Beside Bailia with child and there’s only one allowed to impregnate her. And believe me my sons sexual achievements easily rival his heroic acts I doubt even he would impregnate a demon.”

“Guess so,” I said angrily recalling all those fluzes he would play with. “Wait she’s pregnant.”

“Did none of you look at Balia.” Lady Vice asked.

“Yeah, I was looking elsewhere,” Roy said.

“She was holding her stomach and guarded it as we approached the same thing any animal would do when protecting their unborn. Also Lugo paid more attention to her stomach then those fat tits.”

“Guess her stomach was a little round.” Galvon said.

“So does that mean the demon wars will start again,” Roy asked.

“If the goddess has any mercy we won’t” I said.

* * *

I was worried more worried for Nero than and being caught, after a few days of running. Nero hadn’t woken up since she collapsed. I stopped by a small river and placed Nero next to it, and drank. Once I had my fill I took a scrap of cloth and soaked it in the water then put it in her mouth. The small drops of water soaking her mouth.

After a few hours Nero started to stir.

“Nero,” I said picking her and holding her close. “Nero please wakeup.”

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. Nero placed a hand on my cheek and sat up on her own. “How long have I been a sleep?”

“Almost four days.” I said getting close to her.

Nero took off into the air and looked up at the sky. “What happened with the humans?” She asked a strange malice in her voice.

“I stalled them then ran,” I said watching Nero float around. “Nero are you alright?”

“Just fine Lugo,” She said a strange bit of malice in her voice as she looked at me.

“You sure, I’ll find us something to eat,” I said standing up.

“It’s alright Lugo,” Nero said flying in front of me, than landed. “Lugo will you hold me close?”

“Yeah, sure Nero,” I said hugging her. “I was worried about you.”

Nero held me tightly and kissed my cheek. I felt something was woung and was going to push her away, but I didn’t.

“Ah,” I gasped as sharp pain went into my back. No it came from my chest, I looked down and saw Nero stiletto piercing my heart. “Nero?”

She touched my cheek a moment of sorrow crossing her face then just as quickly being replaced with anger and rage. “Good bye Lugo,” She said kissing me on the lips and slowly lowering me to the ground. Then she closed my eyes. The image of the sword appearing in my mind again.

“I’ll remember you fondly as I look upon our children.” She whispered in my ear.

“Good she’s back to herself,” my voice echoed in my mind. “Spose it’s time to make my move.”

“Yeah,” I said dully as all of Lugo’s memories went through me, including the ones where he killed me. I looked at my hand and watched the shadows erupt from it.

* * *

I watched the life leave Lugos eyes as his weight fell on me.

“Nero,” He gasped as I kissed him and slowly lowered him to the ground. The last sights of life leaving him.

“Good bye Lugo,” I said giving him a kiss goodbye. Then moved to his ear.“I’ll remember you fondly as I look upon our children.”

I watched him for a moment then closed his eyes. A tear falling from my cheek, and an immense sense of loss filling my heart. I pulled my stiletto out of his chest and tossed the blade to the side. I fell on top of him and held his shirt tightly.

“Lugo,” I cried, his warmth, and gentle breath no longer there to put me at ease. After a few moment I heard a thump. My eye opened, I sat up and looked at him. Then another pulse through his chest.

“Lugo,” I said as his eyes opened he looked at me for a moment.

“Not quite, Balia.” He said sitting up his body covered in shadows. He got slightly taller and more muscular. The shadow disappeared from Lugo body. A pair of black wings now on his back along with three horns on his head, and the markings on his body. His eyes now silver and black. His cloths gone.

“Master,” I said in shock his familiar presences overwhelming my senses.

“Good girl,” He said petting me on the head, his demon garb being created from shadows. “You know I think I prefer you without cloths.”

A burst of magic ripped my clothes off. One of Masters shadows binding my arms and legs.

“Now I may have compiled you to kill me, and it was needed to force my awakening,” He smiled as he grabbed my breast roughly. “But you still raised your hand ageist your Master, and you need to be punished. You stupid Bitch,” He said as she slapped me across the face. My cheek burning from the pain, blood dripping from his sharp nails.

He smiled as the shadows on the ground came up and surround me.

This punishment was all too familiar from whenever, I misbehaved or didn’t meet his expectation. My thoughts were broken when the shadows started whipping me. The force from their strikes tearing my skin, and filling me with so much pain, and pleasure I felt light headed. After a few minutes the whipping stopped, and Master grabbed my hair and lifted my head up.

“Master,” I said weakly, as he forced a kiss on me. His shadow spreading my legs and lifting my body to him.

He grabbed my hips and started thrusting into his dick ageist my womb, my outer body racked with pain while my inside where alive with pleasure. Master constantly bringing me to orgasm. His strong grip on me digging into my flesh, two shadows came out of his body. I watched them for a moment as one of them forced its way into my mouth while the other stroked my ass, then forced its way in.

The Masters limbs of darkness burrowing deep in my body. The one in my mouth going down my throat. While the other kept crawling up my ass.

“Alright,” Master said looking down at me. “You’ve been good, what do you say I give you your carrot,” He said as he cumed inside of me. The shadows in my mouth and ass pouring right into my stomach. After a moment Master removed the shadow from my mouth and kept thrusting and cuming inside of me.

I looked down at my stomach and knew my womb and stomach was filled with master’s juices.

“Here comes a big one,” He smiled as I felt something come up my throat, black liquid filled with magic pouring out of my mouth.

“Good girl,” He said pulling out of me. The shadows holding my arms, and legs lowering my limp body to the ground. I coughed up more black liquid, as the rest of it dripped out of my ass. Masters semen pouring out of my womb.

After a moment my body started to burn and shack, as I absorbed all of masters Magic, the wounds from Masters Punishment healing. The black liquid I coughed up traveling down my throat and onto my chest. The liquid moving out of my ass and wrapping around my body. After a moment the liquid formed cloth and armor on my body.

My preferred demonic sword forming on my waist.

Master knelt over me and touched my stomach, which was now three times larger, our babies wiggling with pleasure from being drowned in Masters fresh magic.

“Get up Balia,” Master said looking round.

“Yes, Master,” I said trying not to let my hips give out. I looked at myself. My horns where back to their normal size, and my wings where now each of the size of a full grown man.

Master held out his hand and opened a portal we walked through and where on top of a broken platform on the top of the tower.

* * *