Doctor Hart’s Amusements
By mzmzed
Standard disclaimer: Do not read if under eighteen. Contains explicit sexual content. Any similarities to real persons is entirely coincidental.
Matthew Sorenson was pissed. The seventeen year old sat in the uncomfortable chair and checked his watch for the fifth time. What was taking so damn long? Bad enough that his parents were getting a divorce, now his dad was forcing him to go see the same shrink that convinced his dad to divorce his wife in the first place. And she was making him wait.
He looked around the small waiting room. Expensive brown carpeting and what looked like nice comfortable furniture. He shifted again. Except his seat which felt like he was sitting on a bowling ball.
There was a small wooden desk where the receptionist, a young man dressed in a plain white shirt and slacks, typed at a keyboard. Every once and a while the phone would ring and he would answer, “Doctor Hart’s office may I help you?”
Another five minutes passed and then the door next to the desk opened and a big muscled man walked out, he shuffled a little bit, seemingly tired, and walked right past the receptionist and out the door without a word.
There was a low beep from the phone and the man picked it up, listened, and hung back up. “Doctor Hart will see you now,” he said to me.
About damn time. Matthew stood up and went through the door. The office was bigger than he expected. Wood paneling and soft carpet thick enough to swim in made the room dark and silent. It seemed to suck up sound and light. Across a sea of carpet that was the size of a swimming pool was a large oak desk.
Behind the desk sat the most beautiful woman Matthew had ever seen. Flame red hair flowed down to frame her graceful face that at once looked wholesome and sexy at the same time. He shook his head, remembering that he was pissed off, and strode across the carpet.
The woman rose, smiled a fence of white teeth beyond bright red lips that matched her hair and extended her hand. She wore a white blouse that strained to the breaking point under magnificent breasts. Matthew caught himself staring at them but remembered again he was pissed. He decided not to shake.
“Nice to meet you Matthew,” the woman said. “I’m Doctor Hart.”
“Let’s just get this over with.” Matthew said.
She smiled like it was exactly what she wanted to hear. “Please sit,” she said and motioned him to a plushy looking chair. Her voice was like dripping honey and he almost felt lightheaded. Jesus.
He sat in the chair. As opposed to the one in the waiting room this one was cushy and comfortable and almost seemed to wrap around him like a blanket.
Doctor Hart sat back down and clicked her red nails on the desk a few times. Matthew cast his eyes around the office looking at the bookshelves full of books. There was an equally comfortable looking couch along one wall and more art and sculptures on shelves.
“So Matthew,” Doctor Hart said, snapping his eyes back to hers. They were huge green and threatened to swallow him whole. She smiled. “I know you don’t want to be here.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” Matthew said some of his anger rolling back in.
“Why don’t you?”
“Why? Why do you think? My dad came to you to stop smoking and a month later he’s divorcing my mom.”
She shook her head and smiled, her hair waved sending a waft of perfume over to him that made him lightheaded. “Oh, Matthew, I didn’t do anything. I just helped him see what he really needed in life.”
Matthew felt his anger rising again. Sure this bitch was hot and he was feeling horny as hell because of it, but she was pissing him off. He didn’t even want to be there but his dad was adamant and said that he needed to go to see Doctor Hart to make sure he was doing okay. Because of the divorce. Matthew refused at first but dad said it was either go or lose the car, the computer and everything else that was fun in his life. He also threatened to keep Matthew from playing football, which would be a living hell.
So he decided to go. That didn’t mean he was going to make it easy. He crossed his arms.
“Tell you what Matthew.” She stood up and walked around the desk and leaned on it in front of him. It gave him a spectacular look at her breasts. She was wearing a tight black skirt, black stockings and high heeled boots. His head swum again and his pants started to tent. “I’ll make you a deal,” she said. You let me do one session and we’ll be done.”
That snapped Matthew back. He felt a little like a yo-yo. “One session?”
She held up one long finger. “One.”
“What kind of session.”
She smiled again but it was a different smile. “Hypnosis. It really helped your father and I think it would help you.”
“Hypnosis? I don’t know anything about it.”
She laughed and it seemed to massage him all over. He shifted to try to hide his growing erection. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you quack like a duck or bark like a dog. It just lets you relax.” She drew out the last word. Relaaaax.
Relaxing did seem nice, Matthew thought. Maybe just the one session and then he’s be free. What could be the harm? “Sure,” he said.
Doctor Hart smiled and walked over to a shelf. Right next to a long piece of Ivory that Matthew swore looked exactly like a dildo was a small box, a metronome. She took it down and brought it over to the desk, setting it in front of Matthew.
She went around the room lowering the lights, leaving one light on near the door. She then came back and sat in the chair next to him, noticeably close. He could feel the heat coming off of her and her heady scent.
She started the metronome moving. Click Click click. With every click the weight at the top caught the light behind Matthew and flashed.
“Watch the light,” she said softly. “See it move back and forth.”
Matthew stared at it. “Okay.”
“Take a deep breath and let the light in.”
Matthew took a deep breath a focused on the light. Already lightheaded from Doctor Hart sitting next to him he started to drift quickly.
She leaned closer into him. “Watch it move back and forth. Back and forth.”
“Back and forth.” He said, already listing.
Dr Hart smiled to herself. The metronome was a prop, nothing more. A way to distract him. Her mere presence was enough to make most men highly suggestible. Matthew seemed to be very susceptible to her charms. “Yes. Keep watching the light. Feel your body relax and float.
The light pulsated into Matthew’s brain. “Relax and float,” he mumbled, already far gone.
She reached out and lightly caressed his cheek. There was an almost electric shock and Matthew took in a sharp intake of breath.
While her presence alone was enough to weaken most men, her touch made a stronger bond to her will. She smile again and licked her lips. Once she took them completely they would kill themselves if she told them to.
“Matthew?” she said.
“Yes,” he replied tonelessly.
“How do you feel?”
There was a pause then a long drawn out, “Goooood.”
She leaned in a breathed hotly in his ear. Matthew shuddered as she gave it a little lick. “Would you like to feel better?”
“Yes,” he said giving a shuddering breath.
She rose and stood in front of him. “Matthew, look at me.”
His eyes went to her, all glassy and hooded.
“Do you find me attractive?”
“Would you like me to take my clothes off?”
She undid a button of the white blouse exposing a black lacey bra. “I think you should call me Mistress from now on.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
She undid the rest of the blouse and took it off. The black lace bra followed, showing off her gloriously round breasts. The skirt came next. She was wearing no panties. One hand found her shaved pussy and rubbed while the other roamed her breasts twisting a nipple. She moaned. She was now only wearing the black stockings and high heeled leather boots. “Would you like me to keep the boots and stockings on, or take them off, slave?”
“On,” he said breathlessly.
Her laugh dripped evilly with sexuality. “Oohh, kinky. I’m going to like you, slave.”
Matthew’s cock, straining his pants to the breaking point, twitched every time she said the word slave.
“Take your clothes off for me,” she said.
Without a word, Matthew stood and slowly, like a sleepwalker, removed all of his clothes. As his underwear came down his hard cock popped free and pointed right at Dr Hart. She looked at it and licked her red lips. “Sit back down.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Matthew said and sat back down on the cushy comfortable chair.
Doctor Hart walked around him trailing her fingernails along his bare shoulders. Matthew moaned. “You are glued to that chair, slave. No matter what, you cannot leave that chair until I tell you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Your body, that beautifully large cock belongs to me now.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You will not cum unless I give you permission.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
She had come around to the front of him again. She grasped both sides of his head leaned down and kissed Matthew full on the mouth. Her mouth parted and her tongue forced into his exploring and probing. She nipped his lips as she broke away. “Are you horny, slave?” She knew it was a silly question. His ramrod straight cock was all the evidence that she needed.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Would you like to fuck me?”
He groaned. “Yes, Mistress.”
She gave an evil little chuckle. “I don’t think you are horney enough yet, slave. Feel yourself getting hornier.”
Matthew’s cock seemed to grow thicker.
“Look at me, slave.” Matthew did. Doctor Hart started playing with herself again, moaning loudly as she did. “With every passing second you are growing hotter and hotter for me. You have never wanted anyone as much as you want me. You want me so bad but you just can’t get out of that chair.” She chuckled again. “Try it.”
Matthew tried to move but couldn’t. His breathing was ragged now and his eyes bulged with lust.
“Are you horney enough yet, slave?”
“Yes,” Matthew croaked out.
Doctor Hart shook her head. “I don’t think so. Feel yourself getting hotter and hotter for me still. You would have cum already if I would let you.”
Matthew’s whole body was shaking; small grunts were coming from him.
Doctor Hart rubbed her hands all over her body letting the pleasure, not just of her hands but of subjugating the young man, run through her.
She turned and faced the desk presenting Matthew with her tight ass. She swayed it in front of him teasing, taunting. She looked back over her shoulder, tossing her red hair and looked at the helpless young man with smoldering eyes.
“You can move, slave. Come fuck me.”
With a roar, Matthew launched himself from the chair and came at Doctor Hart. In one move he pushed her down across the desk and entered her from behind sliding into her warm slick pussy like it was nothing. She gave an animalistic howl. Matthew’s lust was overpowering and it took a few moments for him to find a rhythm but he was soon pumping away. Doctor Hart moaned in ecstatic pleasure as Matthew’s hands found her breasts and pinched her nipples.
Matthew rode her hard. Doctor Hart threw back her head and howled. She leaned back into Matthew turning her head and kissing him passionate.
Soon her whole body started to quiver and she screamed in delight as an orgasm hit her. Matthew continued to pump, mind blank, as she rode his cock to climax. When she was done she said, “Stop.” Matthew immediately obeyed, stopping mid thrust.
Doctor Hart turned and kissed him deeply, pressing her hot body up against his. Her tongue thrust deep in his mouth and she ground against him. His eyes rolled up into his head. She broke the kiss and grabbed his glistening cock. Leading him like a dog she pulled him to the couch. “Sit.”
Matthew sat.
Swiftly she mounted him. Pleasure washed over her face. “Fuck me,” she said, “Hard.”
Matthew strove to obey and was soon pumping away again as Doctor Hart impaled herself again and again on his hard cock. She was moaning in pleasure yelling. “Fuck me harder!” over and over again. Matthew’s mind began to misfire under her sexual onslaught and all he could do was lay there as she used him.
Doctor Hart felt the beginnings of another tremendous orgasm. She quickened her pace, leaned into Matthew and screamed, “Cum for me, slave. NOW! CUM FOR ME!”
Matthew’s orgasm began slowly, a tingle in his toes, a low guttural growl. It gained momentum fast and he was soon cumming like a freight train. He roared at the top of his lungs, bucking and thrashing under his mistress and she quavered and screamed, raking his chest with her nails. Their bodies slipped from the couch to the floor but they continued to move. Matthew kept pumping, pouring enormous amounts of cum into Doctor Hart’s waiting pussy.
He kept pumping, obeying her command, even after he was dry and his Mistress was done. Eventually she recovered her voice. “Stop,” she said. He stopped moving.
She slipped from atop of her newest slave and stood up. Their mixed juices ran down her legs as she stretched languidly. She sauntered back over to her desk and slipped on a sheer silky robe over her body which was shiny with sweat. From an ornate box on the desk she drew out a long cigarette and lit in with a gold lighter. She blew a long plume of smoke in the air as she walked back over to her newest prize.
What a stallion! She had first seen Matthew’s picture in the wallet of his father. She had been going through it after fucking him silly. She had liked the strong face and hard looking body. The father had balked, even under her power, at giving his son over to her, but another mind numbing fuck session had made him all too eager to please.
She took another drag from the cigarette and blew it down at Matthew’s form. He still lay on the floor. His eyes were blank and staring. He was drooling from one corner of his mouth and one of his legs twitched. God, she loved lording her power over a man. That was more exiting that just the explosive sex
She felt a stirring in her pussy again and ran her hands over her body. Absolutely insatiable, she was. She could take on three men at once, fucking them all into submission, and still be ready and randy ten minutes later.
She took another drag as she considered whether Matthew could withstand another round with her when her office phone gave a low beep and the voice of Trey, her office assistant, came through. “Mistress, there is a problem.”