The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Dog and Pony Show

by TheHandsThatLead, copyright © 2017

Chapter 2 — The Trap

Alison stepped off the plane with Tom and started to walk through the airport along with the representatives from the client. They were all older white men and she had paid very little attention to them. Several of them had tried to hit on her, but she was experienced in declining gracefully and none of them seemed to take offense.

They arrived a few minutes later at the customs station and proceeded through. The first few of them cleared through quickly, but when it came to her turn, there seemed to be some delay.

“Wait here.” the man behind the counter said as he stood up and walked towards a back room, taking her passport with him.

Panic started to kick in but she managed to reign it back and she didn’t think it had shown on her face. She’d traveled far and wide and her passport was littered with stamps. Likely the agent just had not recognized one of them and needed to confirm it.

Surely it wasn’t due to the deal with Brenda, how could anyone know about that?

She started to fidget a bit, but soon the door opened and the agent returned, extending her passport back to her, “Welcome to North Korea, have a pleasant stay Miss Dales”, he said and waved her through.

She held her sigh of relief in until she was well past the next guard.

* * *

Tom was an idiot, that was the only explanation she could come up with.

She hadn’t worked with him before, but after the first meeting really got in to swing she’d had to step in and stop him from torpedoing the deal before anyone had even said what they wanted.

She’d spent the next several days leading the meetings and, to her surprise, seemed to be getting somewhere. She was sure the government would call a halt to it once they had something down on paper, but none the less the contacts she was making here might prove useful in the future.

As for Tom, when she got back she was going to make sure he was fired one way or another.

This morning had been a long meeting dealing with the details of transporting goods in and out of North Korea, it was with mostly junior members of the Trade Ministry and had gone well. This afternoon on the other hand was with senior members and was focused on something much dearer to everyone’s heart, duties and taxes.

After a quick bite to eat, they were taken down the hall from the conference room they had been in earlier and escorted in to a larger room. A long table with 20 representatives seated behind it was in front of the much smaller table for their party of 6.

Alison scanned the faces starting from the right until she stopped in the middle, where her classmate Jay sat. As their eyes met a slight smile crossed his face and she returned it.

She doubted anyone else would have noticed either one of their expressions change, but he had recognized her and that was all she could do at the moment.

* * *

Alison stood as the long line of men left the room, Jay had been the first to leave and the rest had followed. After that brief smile at the beginning, he had show no other sign that he knew her and she hadn’t expected anything else.

As the last of the officials left the room, one stayed behind and after a moment walked over to the table.

“Excuse me Miss Dales, do you have a moment?” he said in perfect English, waving a hand away from the rest of her group.

“Of course.” she replied and walked a few steps with him towards the other side of the room.

“The Deputy Minister would like to invite you to a private dinner, of course he could not do so in public you understand.” he said quietly.

“Of course, I would be honoured to accept.”

“Very good, there will be a car waiting for you at 7pm in front of your hotel. Formal attire is required.”

“I’ll be there.”

* * *

Alison watched the store fronts fade to homes and then finally to trees as they drove out of the city and in to the country. It was nearly 45 minutes later that they pulled up to a large western style home and came to a stop.

The driver opened the door for her and she stepped out on to the paved driveway, her heels clicked as she walked to the front door, which was open and an honest to god butler was holding it. White gloves and all.

“Miss Dales, the Deputy Minister is waiting in the dining room.” he said as he waved her towards the left-hand side of the hallway and closed the door.

As she passed by a large mirror she double checked herself, she’d put on a tight dress that showed off her long legs, but was still conservative enough not to draw attention. She’d put her hair up and put on some light makeup that complemented her dress and everything seemed to be in place.

She walked in to the dining room, it was lavishly furnished with a large modern table and chairs as well as what looked like art from several famous painters.

“Alison!” Jay called as he stood up and walked towards her.

“Deputy Minister.” she replied.

“Oh come now, none of that! Call me Jay, just like old times.” he said as she gave her a light hug, she returned it.

“Jay!” she replied, “You’ve really done well for yourself!”

“Do you like?” he said, stepping back, turning around with his arms and hands out showing off his finely tailor suit, “Not too bad if I do say so myself. But look at you! Alison Dales, high priced international lawyer! Just like you said you would be.”

“Yep, no surprise there, is it?” she said with a slight laugh.

* * *

After a little bit of small talk, dinner was severed and consumed along with a marvellous white wine and after dinner brandy.

They retired to his sitting room on to the couch and talked and drank and talked even more. What she hadn’t noticed was how little he had been drinking in comparison to her and soon she was doing most of the talking as the alcohol loosened up her normally frigid demeaner.

“Ha ha ha, it’s so... so... so good to catch up with.... old friends.” Alison said as she placed her hand over his heart and let it slide down a bit.

“Yes it is, isn’t it. Nothing like having a drink with an old friend from university.”

“And... like... this is the second time! I was drinking with... Brenda... just a few weeks ago...” she said as she hickuped and placed a finger over her mouth.

“Oh... maybe... I shouldn’t have said... that.”

“Why not? It’s not like I didn’t know already Alison. The CIA isn’t nearly as secretive as they think they are. But I don’t know if you really want to call Brenda a friend any more, after all she sent you in to a hostile country to spy for them and didn’t prepare you in the slightest. No not a very good friend at all.”

Alison, even as drunk as she was, knew she was in trouble and so stood up.

“Uhm... I think... I should... go now.” she said, pointing a limp hand towards the doorway only to see two large guards standing in it.

“Fudge.” she said as Jay motioned them forward and they each took one of her arms and picked her right up off her feet.

* * *

Alison grabbed her head in her hands as she sat up on her bed, it throbbed and the noise coming from all around wasn’t helping. She opened her eyes and looked down at her baggy grey uniform and suddenly the night before came crashing back to her.

The guards had taken her away from the house and driven for several hours with her handcuffed in the back of a large SUV. She’d passed out several times during the trip but when they finally arrived at their destination she recognized it for what it was, a prison, more precisely a women’s prison.

Flashes of herself being stripped of her dress and forcibly bathed came to her followed by rough hands sliding her prison uniform on to her naked body.

She looked up at the grey walls and bars of her cell and jumped up from the cot that was her bed. She grabbed the bars of the cell door and pushed and pulled on them but they held firm.

She paced around the cell, sat down, stood up, did everything she could think of until she finally sat back down and rested herself against the wall.

It was a while later that the guard came and stood in front of the cell. He pulled the baton from his belt and pointed at her, motioning for her to stand, then turned and face the wall.

She did so and heard the door open, then his footsteps enter her cell and finally the cold steal of handcuffs snap shut around her wrist.

“There’s been a mistake...” she started to say but the baton landed on her shoulder and the pain shot down her arm.

“But...” she tried again and was given the same reward on the other shoulder.

After a brief pause the guard pulled her way from the wall by her cuffed hands and guided her out through the prison to a small room with a table and chairs in it. She was seated on one side and a few minutes later an older man in a suit came in and sat down across from her.

“Do you know why you are here?”

“I’m not sure, are you my lawyer?”

“No, you have no need of a lawyer Miss Dales. Your trial finished several hours ago, I am the prison administrator.”

“My trial? How can it be over? I have to be able to defend myself!”

“No Miss Dales, this is not your decadent western legal system. Here in the North we are very efficient. The Deputy Minister presented his evidence and the magistrate found you guilty of espionage. The sentence we handed down immediately following the verdict. Life.”

“No wait, it can’t be!” she cried out.

“I assure you it is. As you are a foreigner we have placed you in a private cell, temporarily, so you can become familiar with our prison system. You will find it much different than those in the west. We are not here to reform you and return you to society, this prison is here only to keep you out of society until the day you die.”

Alison finally broke down and cried as the administrator continued to lay out her future misery.

* * *

Alison walked slowly from the wing that held the private cells as she was escorted out in to the general population. They walked through the doorway in to the prison yard, it was mostly a large dirt field with a few wooden benches around the edge of it.

There were several groups of women cluster in different areas, the administrator had described them as communities, but from his description she clearly recognized them as gangs.

From what she had been able to pick up from other prisoners in the private cells, at least the few that spoke any English, was that the general population was ruled by three main gangs.

The first was the Lifers; murders, repeat offenders and the worst of the worst. No one bothered them, but they mostly kept to themselves unless they perceived a slight against them. Then their revenge was quick and vicious.

The second gang was the Family; an organized crime ring that didn’t see prison as any reason to stop working. They ran virtually everything inside the prison that was illegal.

The third had only come in to existence a few months ago when a large prostitution ring had been busted. Over a dozen women had been sentence at the same time and they had formed their own gang, protecting each other and using their skills to win favour with the other gangs and if the rumors were true, the guards as well.

Alison stepped slowly in to the yard and the guard removed the handcuffs before closing the door behind her. She moved towards an empty area of the yard, where two walls of the prison intersected.

Too late did she realize she’d literally backed herself in to a corner, as several women started to approach her.

They didn’t speak English and so she didn’t understand what they wanted. She tried to move away, but cornered, one of them simply blocked her escape and pushed her back up against the wall. She held her hands up but another woman knocked them down and a third pushed her again.

All of their voices grew louder, the pushing continued until it became hitting. She fell to the ground and it became kicking. She curled up in to a ball and protected herself as much as she could and soon it ended.

When it did, one of the women stayed behind, bent down and leaned in to her ear, “Need protection. You see Han.”

* * *

Alison managed to get herself to her assigned bed and inspect her wounds, a few scrapes but mostly bruises. They’d heal soon enough, but she knew this would be only the first of many if she didn’t do something.

She looked around the room, it was filled with bunk beds, but there were only a few women in it, mostly talking to each other.

She pulled herself up off the bed and headed out once more.

She knew the Lifers would have been her best bet, but they hadn’t come to help her in the yard which meant they didn’t think she was one of them. That meant there was no point in searching them out.

But the Family could work. They were business people and that meant they made deals. She was pretty sure she’d be able to make some kind of deal with them.

It didn’t take long to find them, a small group of women were standing around a set of bunk beds while two other women sat and were talking. If the ones standing had been wearing black suits they could have easily passed for the agents that had come with Brenda that night.

She waited for the conversation to end and the woman to leave, then approached.

“Excuse me, can I have a word?” she asked, somewhat hesitantly as she didn’t know if any of the spoke English.

The woman sitting in the middle of the group waved her in and offered a seat.

“You want protection, yes?” the woman said, in a broken accent.



“No? But I can offer...”

“No. You claimed by Han.”

“Han? But I haven’t spoken to a Han.”

“You claimed, not protected yet.” she said as she looked up and nodded at the woman standing behind her.

Alison felt a hand grip her hair and lift her up before throwing her back down on to the bed face first. She struggled but the other women grabbed her arms and legs and held her down. She felt the cool air hit her ass as her pants were pulled down around her ankles.

Then the weight of the woman she had been talking to fell on to her legs and she felt a hard round object press up against her pussy as the woman she had tried to make a deal with used a home made strap on to push in to her.

* * *

Alison sat across from Han, the middle-aged woman was surrounded by the young girls she had worked with before being sent to prison as well as others that had joined the gang since she had arrived.

“You want protection?” Han asked.

“Yes.” Alison replied without hesitation. Between the beating and rape she knew she wouldn’t last long without one of the gangs and from what the Family had said, Han was the only option available to her.

“You want protection, you work for it. No free ride. You understand?”

Alison knew what Han meant, she’d be expected to have sex with the other prisoners and maybe the guards, but she had no options.

“Yes.” she said and nodded.

“Good.” Han said and stood up. Then she pulled her pants down and sat back down spreading her legs.

“You lick, you protected.”

Alison hesitated only for a moment before sliding down off the bed on to her knees and leaning in to Han’s pussy.

She moved in slowly until she caught a whiff of a sweet smell, she breathed in deeply and then found her tongue on Han’s outer lips. She’d never licked another woman’s pussy before, not even in university, but she quickly found it was far more pleasurable then she had imagined.

The sweet smell and the taste that seemed like pure bliss on her tongue was like nothing she’d experienced before. Something she was sure her pussy didn’t smell or taste like no matter what the few lovers she’d had in the past had said.

Alison buried her face between Han’s legs and continued to pleasure her, eager for more of the taste. She felt Han’s hands on her head, pushing her harder in to her and soon she felt Han’s body shiver as she came.

To Alison’s surprise, her own body did the same as her orgasm blossomed and her body went limp as it subsided.

Han leaned down and brushed her fingers through Alison’s hair and then down her cheek before coming to rest on her chin. Han tilted her head up slightly, “Good. You make good whore for me.”

* * *

The next few weeks blurred together for Alison, Han was true to her word and provided protection from the others, but was also true to her assessment afterwards as well.

The first few days Alison hadn’t left Han’s side, and even though she knew at some level there was no way she could be smelling Han’s pussy through the clothes and smell of the prison, some little part of her thought she could and it sent a shiver through her body each time she did.

Of course each time Alison’s face was buried in Han’s pussy the smell and taste overpowered everything else until she felt Han climax which was always followed by her own orgasm.

At some point, while licking Han’s pussy, Alison felt one of the other girls start licking her own pussy, which made the whole thing feel even better.

She didn’t mind when they had started using a dildo and had only managed to take a quick look over her shoulder when the male guard had replaced it with his hard shaft. Han had grabbed her by the hair and pushed her face back down and she had resumed her eager licking while the guard plunged in and out of her.

What was crystal clear was just a few days ago, instead of Han, another of the girls had sat in front of Alison and spread her legs. Alison hesitated and refused, asking where Han was.

“Han busy, you good whore, lick pussy.” the girl had replied.

Alison had refused again and then the girl left.

That had been three days ago and no one had come by since or talked to her for that matter. The first day had been strange, she’d become so use to the sex that it didn’t feel right not to have her tongue in a pussy or a dick in her.

By the time night came around, her body was in need, she’d curled up in her bed and tried to masturbate, but her fingers seemed unable to do the job. She tried imagining her tongue between the folds of Han’s pussy, the guards large penis in her, but should could not cum it was a restless night.

The second day, her body was on fire. It needed release and she went around to Han’s other girls, but none of them would talk to her. She nearly begged them by the end of the day but each one refused, only saying she would have to speak with Han.

The third day, today, had started badly and only gotten worse. Just before lunch she’d gone to the guard that had been regularly fucking and nearly attacked him, dropping to her knees and trying to pull his pants down.

A quick open handed smack across her face ended it and she ran back to her bed, curled up in to a ball and cried.

She knew what she had to do next, her trembling hands pushed her up off the bed and she managed to get her feet under her. She walked out to the yard and across to where Han was sitting with some of the other girls.

“Excuse me... Han.” She managed to get out, as she stood in front of the woman she so desperately wanted to pleasure.

Han looked up, “Ah. You ready now whore?”

“Ye... ye... yes.” Alison stuttered out.

“What are you?”

“I’m a whore.”

“Hrmph, yea, I got lots of whores. What arrre you?”

Alison hesitated only a moment, “I’m your good whore.”

“Better. What good whore do?”

“A good whore licks and sucks and fucks.” Alison replied with the words she’d heard nearly every day from Han as Alison had licked her pussy.

“Good whore.” Han said and a small shiver of pleasure washed over her.

“Undress.” Han said and Alison looked around the yard with the prisoners in it.

She started to say something but the look on Han’s face told her everything she needed to know and instead she started to strip down. A few minutes later, her uniform was in a pile on the ground and Alison stood naked for everyone to see.

“Good, lick.” Han said, pointing down, but not at her pussy, but instead at the bare foot she had flicked her shoe off of.

Alison dropped to her knees and bent down, the sweet smell she had been craving the last few days wafted up from Han’s foot and Alison’s lips wrapped around her toes.

The taste was the same and the effect was as well, soon she was lost in the pleasure as she heard Han repeat over and over, “Good whores lick and suck and fuck. Good whores do what they’re told.”

Alison’s orgasm shattered everything she thought she knew about pleasure and it was only some time later that she managed to get up off of the dirt and rejoin the group back in the common area.