The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dominant Species

Chapter 9 Part B


Then in the blink of an eye the vampire was on Brad, lifting him up the by throat with his taloned hand, completely off the floor as though he were the weight of vellum paper.

Brad’s rage matched the monster that held him in an iron grip. “You killed my sister,” he croaked. “You’re nothing. You’re garbage and you know it.” Brad brought up the remaining moisture in his dry mouth and spit square in the vampires face. “You aren’t the dominant species. You’re just a sick, fucked up child killer.”

The vampire studied him for a long moment, his eyebrows arched then chucked darkly. “You naïve, stupid little shit. You still don’t understand. I didn’t kill your sister, you did. Her death is on your hands alone.”

Staci, Nastia and Lauren glanced at each other. They had wondered if this moment would come, if Ray would lay the brutal truth on Brad. Now the answer was being given. An anticipatory grin broke out on Staci’s and Lauren’s face as they looked at each other

Staci gave an amused smile. “I guess Ray is going to let the dead Kat out of the bag,” she snickered.

Lauren laughed at this clever play on words. “Oh fuck, this is going to be too much fun.”

All three of them started giggling with anticipation.

“What?” gasped Brad struggling for air.

The vampire’s eyes were alight with a bloody truth. “Did I not tell you to parse my words carefully? Did I not tell you to listen well? When I gave you the rules to the second part of the game what did I say?”

“I don’t know!”

Ray shook Brad like a rag doll, Brad’s head flying about on his neck and the pain from his broken arm and ribs ripping through him like fire.

“You do know! Tell me now!” he bellowed.

“You said I had to fight for her!”

The monster nodded and his malformed lips split into a clever, sly approximation of a grin. “Yes. I told you to fight for her before the song ended, did I not, boy?” He spat out the last word with venom. “I said you had to fight for her,” he repeated it like a ritual that would call forth recondite, hidden truths.

And it did. Slowly but overtly the vampire could see it dawning in Brad’s eyes, the scales of its horrific implications dropping. He was finally realizing the real rules of the end game they had played and how he had tragically misread them, how lethally he had misplayed the game. It was like the sharing of a secret, the ultimate dark joke between intimates.

“That’s right boy. Now you understand, don’t you? You didn’t have to beat me; you just had to make the effort to fight me before the song ended. Had you just the drive and courage to come to me, lay but a single hand on me I would have set you and Sammi free. The final game was test; a test of your courage but more so of your intelligence….and you failed utterly.”

The vampire laughed sardonically but it did not hide the savage rage pouring from him. “Had you made the effort to fight me at this very moment I would be gone from here and you and Sammi would be holding each other in tender embrace, free to leave, your whole lives still ahead of you and no worse for wear than a fright and few broken bones.” His face congealed in a rictus of disgust. “But you were too weak and stupid to understand what I spelled out so clearly. Too scared to make the effort.”

He pointed a fingered claw at Sammi’s corpse. “Listen well now and I will tell you one last truth. I was in her head, I know her better than you ever could and she, bereft of both arms and legs would still have crawled on her stomach to try save you. She loved you that much. Had your positions been reversed, you would both be free. She was magnificent, worth a thousand of you.”

The vampire’s eyes leveled, now up in Brad’s face. When he spoke his breath smelled of a charnel house, of slaughter and blood stolen through the ages. “I learned of who she was and her hopes and dreams. She would have brought such joy to so many. Now she has nothing but the cold embrace of the grave you placed her in. How does it feel boy? You have robbed her of everything and taken her from this world and from yourself.”

With this information Brad knew another terrible truth. His mother had been right after all. There had been a way out of even this situation, this baroque game Ray had played. And he knew with complete certainty had she been in his place she would have deciphered Ray’s labyrinth puzzle, understood his words and saved Sammi. But he was not his mother, not even close. She was brilliant, could read every nuance in any situation and he was just a kid. He hadn’t been smart enough to see the escape that had been placed at his disposal. And with that, Brad’s mind, already hanging by a most tenuous of threads broke. There were no more reserves to draw on, no life that remotely seemed worth living after what had been done to him and his sister and what he had been complicit in doing.

“Kill me…..kill….me….” he asked in barely a whisper. The boy had been reduced to a helpless supplicant begging for the only recourse left to him from a cold, omniscient ruler who decided all things in his world, great and small. His master who had changed his life forever and now held the ultimate fiat on his future.

The vampire looked Brad’s face up and down, his black eyes appraising every nuance of him, the utter defeat and devastation stamped there. He slipped into the boy’s mind, to see what was extant. And what that was could not be clearer as the catastrophic damage greeted him like raging fever. This boy would never recover from the trauma inflicted on his mind. His future would be a dark, haunted tortuous nightmare that would tear him apart in so many ways over the coming years. No therapy or passage of time would put his mind together again, so thorough had the monster torn it asunder, leaving it in sharp, disjointed, separate shards like so many warped and deranged jig saw pieces.

The vampire mused about what to do, weighing one option then another, turning them over, analyzing them in his mind like so many cars in a Ferris wheel slowly going by for his inspection.

His strongest inclination was to let him live, to suffer even more for his failure in saving Sammi. The byzantine nature of that resolution appealed to his complex intellect. And the rage he felt for this boy demanded it be so. He had never despised a human as much as he did this fool. Every fiber of his being wanted to end it that way. To sentence this boy to a lifetime of misery and suffering was the proper punishment to be meted out.

Yet there were other considerations to weigh. Even a beast like Ray could have feelings and he had strong ones for his three brides. He loved them in his own way and could not sacrifice his brides by allowing Brad to live. They were in a way his children, the only progeny he could create. He knew if Brad survived the threat of capture would be great no matter the precautions he had already arranged long ago for them and he could not abide the thought of his perfect, young, wild animals being brought to heel in some cage. If he stayed with them he knew he could protect them, keep them hidden from the authorities, use his powers to make them safe. He was that clever and his resources that great. But he couldn’t stay with them for his time of sleep beckoned once again; his great curse that always thwarted his grandest plans and ambitions.

His brides would be his parting gift, his last game played on humans even when he was long gone to his sleep. They would carry on in his fashion of pleasure and pain and arousal and death. They would be his heirs of a sort for as long as they could go on till the police, old age, disease or accident finally brought them low as with all mortals.

But still…..he wanted this boy to live and suffer for as long as we would until he went mad with the knowledge of what he did. Ray wanted him to pay that price so much for Sammi’s death. Then it would certainly end in some psychiatric institute or the bottom of a bottle or a needle full of drugs or a bullet in the head. It was a sentence Brad deserved for his failure.

Staci spoke up as though reading his thoughts as she so often had during their time together. “You have two choices. If you don’t make him yours, kill him. He will tell the police who we are. He knows about the band. He knows what we look like. He knows our names.”

He turned to her. He had been concentrating so hard on the boy that he had not heard Staci detach herself from her sisters and come up behind him. Still it surprised him that she was able to do it. But then it was not the first time his favorite had surprised him. There were many reasons Staci was his favorite.

She folded her arms, looking at him. His horrific visage did not faze her at all. She and her sisters would love him no matter his appearance. They were his in all ways.

“Look Ray just off his ass. He is useless. Fucker is so dumb he couldn’t even understand when you told him how to save his sister. He aint no good to us. He would be dead weight.” She glanced at Brad and smirked in distain. “He’s not even any good to himself. He’s fucking choppy. End it.”

Ray knew his hand was forced in a way he did not wish and this did not happen often. And it annoyed him.

But he knew Staci was correct as she usually was. She was so smart. There was no choice here. And once he knew what had to happen he wasted not a second. Intellect had to triumph over visceral emotion.

When Brad felt the monster’s teeth rip his throat out the agonizing pain was so powerful and awful his whole body spasmed with the shock of it. Yet even that insuperable agony did not overwhelm the sense of relief he felt deep inside. No one ever welcomed death as much as sixteen year old Brad Kessler did on that Halloween night. And Ray could feel this too and it made him furious. It made him feel cheated and that had not happened often in his life either. He bit deeper, harder, taking out his frustrations, shaking his head violently like a wolf digging at the soft underbelly of a lamb.

Finally, after a long time, Ray opened his jaws and let go.

As Brad’s body slowly slumped down along the wall into a sitting position Ray let it go, declining to feed. He would despoil himself with the craven fool’s blood. Brad would not attain the honor of feeding the dominant species. Instead Ray reached down and grabbed Brad’s body and with one powerful motion of his arm tossed the body to the other side of the room where it landed with a dead sound, like a bag of cement.

Ray dropped to the floor on his all fours. He turned around and looked at the girls, sniffing the air with his snout. Lauren and Nastia were on the floor, kissing, rubbing each out, panting, moaning and writhing in pleasure, their naked bodies sweaty and flushed with lust and passion. But their faces were all staring rapturously at Ray; their eyes wide and glazed with totally adoration and desire. They had watched him slaughter the boy. None of would have missed it for anything. The glorious sight of it had turned them on like never before. Both of them wished it could have gone on much longer.

Staci stood off the side, taking it all in, thinking as she often did, calculating what would transpire next.

Ray stared at the two intently, his face a monstrosity from some acid trip vision of hell. Specks of blood would fly out of his pulled back wide open, flaring nostrils when he exhaled his deep, hot loud volcanic breaths. Blackish blood mixed with deep red saliva was pouring from his mouth down his neck onto his body and floor. His eyes were black obsidian pools of emptiness.

He waved his right arm wildly. “Lauren, away from her!” he growled. Staci tensed up at this. She wasn’t sure what Ray would do. She could feel the hurt in him and her heart ached for the love of her life. At the same time she didn’t want anything to happen to Nastia. She immediately retreated closer to her sister hoping she could help her if things went wrong. She had never witnessed Ray lose a scintilla of his composure before and what was happening now filled her with a terrible fear of what he might do.

Lauren jumped at his command, leaving Nastia alone facing him across the floor. Lauren crumpled on the floor, moaning and mewling from the orgasm that had assaulted her screaming pussy at obeying his imperative. Her pretty girlish hands automatically slid to her cunt. She was squirting and squirting and it seemed like it would never stop. Her pouty, soft lips parted and she began making unintelligible animal pleasure sounds.

This was all too much for Staci who gave into the currents her body was sending her mind and she furiously started rubbing out, throwing her hair to and fro as her neck undulated at the pleasure. At this moment she forgot all about her concern for Nastia. All she cared about what her body wanted.

But Nastia didn’t move a muscle. She hadn’t been commanded. Her eyes were locked tight with the vampires, wide as clean dinner dishes and just as blank, her massively engorged throbbing clit and erect nipples the only sign of life. They were three towers of desire, showing any onlooker what was needed.

The creature that had been Ray started to crawl across the floor, on all fours, the muscles in its upper back huge and rippling under his cloths. The long, thick yellow cracked talons of his hands clicked and clacked and scrapped on the wooden floor loudly, leaving pits and scratches in their wake.

The monster drew closer within a few feet of the three. He lifted his head up high and shook it wildly, snorting, a shower of blood drops blowing out of its snout all over the girls.

“Aaahhhhh….ohhhhh……ahhhhhh,” all three of them moaned in husky, eager voices at the red baptism of their master. The vampire growled, low and guttural with mean intent.

His breath was so hot it brought sweat to the woman’s naked bodies. It felt like hell had ripped open a door in him and was rushing through.

As he approached Nastia her legs spread wide in fervid welcome. She could feel her blood coursing through the veins of her body, so hot now, like steaming water and her mind was burning with a desire so strong that she felt an exquisite vertigo, like she was floating in a cloud of pleasure. Her massively engorged, red clit was pulsating and dancing in synchronicity with every breath he blew on her. Her master was coming to claim what was left of her and she knew she was the luckiest woman on earth. Staci and Lauren now fully under the spell of their master felt the same and they watched her with insanely jealous eyes. At this moment they hated their sister for being the chosen one. Nastia shot them both a triumphant sneer as her amazing hazel eyes flashed with the fire of her dark victory. Master picked me! He picked me over the others to use. I am his whore, his slut! He wants to drain my body and mind not theirs! Nastia shivered at the thought. She ran her hands down her flanks and along her long legs in a heated frenzy. Maybe he will take all of me this time, leave nothing left! The idea of being a willing sacrifice to her master was too much for her to take. A small orgasm shot up her pussy along her spine into her dizzy mind. Her mouth opened and she let out a soft moan, “aaaahhhhhh…..yeah…mmmm….”

Ray’s approach slowed as he got near, almost wearily like an animal sensing a trap. Finally he lowered his head between Nastia’s sweat glowing thighs right on top of her shaved pussy with the heart tattoo above it and inhaled deeply.

Nastia’s clit jumped at this and her head shot back on her neck and she moaned. Staci’s and Lauren’s clits throbbed too and their heads lolled back on their necks, the two girls actions mirror images of Nastia. It was a sympathetic, involuntary response fostered by the connection Ray had made between them long ago and now amplified by the mental control flowing out of him in torrents. He was in all their minds now, sucking in their pleasure, hollowing them out even more, taking from them their humanity and giving his poison back, replacing their emptiness with his darkness, enflaming their sexual bond as much as he was the blood engorged buds between their legs.

He was like a virtuoso many legged spider pulling and twitching the various silk mental and physical strands they were now hopelessly, rapturously entrapped in. It was all a symbiotic web of relentless euphoria of their minds and bodies. He had made the girls sisters in many ways and for them this was the best part of all. At this moment they did even know their own names, all that existed was the heavenly, insane pleasure that made them blank canvases for Ray to impress his will on.

Ray glanced at Nastia’s face; she was so out of it, drool dripping from her lower lip onto her full perky breasts. Her eyes were fogged, totally gone, dilated and dumb happy, her short red hair damp and plastered to her neck and cheek. He nodded his head up slightly. Even in her besotted state of living orgasmic bliss her strong young body responded immediately. Nastia’s instincts knew exactly what her master demanded. She didn’t have to think. She hadn’t really thought for herself for a long time now.

She sinuously raised her athletic legs and ran them over Ray’s shoulders, rubbing his neck first with her cute little bare feet with her pink painted toe nails then her round, firm calves and lastly her warm, soft thighs, teasing him, inviting him in. She smiled at him, dazed and so completely lost yet knowing exactly what she must do. She placed a long pink fingernail in the edge of her mouth, firing the contrast between her sparkling white teeth and full, dark red lips, striking an irresistible pose of female desire and allure. A corner of her mouth curled up in wanton pleasure and began to twitch in nervous anticipation.

Her strong, silky legs wrapped tightly around his neck, holding on like a steel vice. She humped her hips and round ass, bringing her clit right up to Ray’s mouth. Nastia was breathing in ragged gasps now, her chest rising and falling wildly, her whole body quivering and shaking, totally possessed with the need of her master’s touch and attention. Staci and Lauren were doing the same thing, in synchrony, copying Nastia’s movements without any thought at all, their bodies now in mindless in control of their actions. All three girls gasping breaths echoed about the room like a sexual chorus.

Ray rubbed his nose on Nastia’s clit, then deeper into her pussy itself.

“Ahhhhhhh….” mewled Nastia, her hazel eyes rolling up and fluttering.

“Ohhhhhh….” murmered Lauren, her brown eyes closing.

“Mmmmm….” purred Staci, her big green eyes blinking slowly as they focused on nothing.

Ray pulled back, his face slick with Nastia’s juices. He opened his mouth, exposing his fangs then leaned forward and plunged them home into smooth skin and flesh.

Nastia’s reaction was immediate and powerful. Her mouth dropped open and the words of her unbearable pleasure poured out. “Ohhhhhh fuck! Ohh…fuck….ahhhhhh….gaaaahhhh.” Her thighs involuntarily cork screwed around Ray’s neck. Her barefoot toes curled inward with the electric shock of the delightful sensations running from the bite on her cunt that spread like a warm narcotic throughout her body and mind. When the second wave hit her toes curled backwards and spread wide.

The vampire pulled back again and hammered Nastia’s bare back to the floor with violent force. He moved up and licked at her round pink nipples with a rough sandpaper tongue.

Her head rolled from side to side her mouth curled up in a lost, hazy smile. “More….p….plea…p…please…m…mo….more...I….need….it” she begged in a small, girlish voice that she managed to get out between moans and gasps.

“M….more….p….pl……please…” stuttered Staci as her head too rolled too, her long neck stretched out as though in offer to the monster feeding on her sister. She was dipping both of her pale hands into her bare, shaved pussy.

“I need it…..need it…so…b…bad,” echoed Lauren, her huge blank eyes gazing at what her master was doing to Nastia, her fingers scrabbling at her massively erect, diamond hard twin nipples.

Ray glanced at his other two acolytes, smiled a hideous rictus then bit deeply into Nastia’s right breast.

Staci’s and Lauren’s hands immediately clutched their own right breasts as they moaned like wild beasts in rut. Every sensation Nastia felt was also theirs to enjoy.

Nastia’s eyes flew open at the bite as though from an electric shock but there was nothing in them except the hollowness of pure pleasure, obedience and obscene desire. As he drank of her he pondered whether to demand the ultimate sacrifice of Nastia, as he had done to hundreds of his thralls over the years. To kill here would be so sweet, so intoxicating. There was no feeling like draining a victim to the ultimate end.

But in the end decided to end it just as she was reaching the point of no return. It wasn’t any type of sympathy for her nor did he admire her as he did Staci, she did not occupy that high exalted place in his mind. The reason he spared her was as a gift to Staci and Lauren. Their chance of survival was greatly increased if there were three of them, not two. Also, the other two considered Nastia their sister and he didn’t want to hurt them anymore than he already would on this day with his departure.

It took all the force of his iron will to stop the feeding that was giving him and Nastia so much heady, delirious delectation. The rapture both were under was an entity in itself, driving both to continue to a fatal conclusion. He tried to pull back from her but she clutched at him with force, even in her depleted state. She craved him so much; she was deriving such pleasure from the process, from what he was doing to her she wanted to die at his hands. Nothing was more important to Nastia at this moment than giving all of herself to Ray.

“Do…don’t…st….stop…” she whined in soft desperation. “I love…love…y…you…so….”

And he could feel her love for him burning her mind, wiping out all else, immolating everything to the exclusion of all else, as fire does to anything it consumes. He thrilled at the total dominance he had over her mind and body. He was all that mattered to her. His needs were her needs.

“Love you…so much…” husked Staci, between long wet licks of her fake breasts she cupped in her hands, completing the thought Nastia was too pleasure intoxicated to complete.

“So much,” moaned Lauren both her hands rubbing round her massively swollen clit.

With great effort Ray grabbed Nastia roughly, ripping the eager thrall off him and tossed her to the side out of his reach least he weaken and finish her off. She writhed there, her mouth opening and closing in silent worship of her god, her vapid, wide eyes shining with the intaglio reflection of the dark pleasure she was under, her pussy squirting in orgasm, her juices mixing with the blood that his deep bit marks there had drawn.

Ray remained there for the longest time, on his knees, gasping and panting, his arms at his sides and his brain awash in glorious bliss.

Finally he raised his head and turned slowly to Staci and Lauren, each in their turn. “Come to me,” he whispered so quietly he seemed to speaking to himself.

Both of his slaves immediately crawled to him, smiles spreading their painted lips. They cuddled up to him each on one side as he slide his arms around each, drawing them close. They both cooed and giggled, nuzzling each side of his neck and jaw line with their pretty, young faces. Neither was repulsed in the least by the hideous, monstrous visage his preternaturally handsome face had become.

When he spoke it was Staci he looked at. “I have something to tell you. There is no easy way to say it.”

“Then give it to me the hard way. Do you think I’m a fragile piece of fine china?”

Ray couldn’t help but chuckle. Staci was so fearless, her tongue so sharp. “No. You certainly are not that. I have to leave here…this very night. My body is telling me it is time for me to sleep soon and I can’t deny that exigency anymore than you can deny my mastery over you. I have final plans to carry out and I must start to implement them.”

Staci knew Ray would one day leave. He had told her of his condition. She was one of the few true confidants of his life.

“I knew tonight was the night,” she said, trying to hold her emotions in check.

“How did you know?” he asked his curiosity piqued. Being predictable or easy to read was a dangerous, possibly fatal flaw. What tell had Staci deciphered?

She rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner and huffed. “Easy. You have such an insufferable flair for the dramatic. All that Shakespeare stuff you love I suppose. As soon as you told me about all that Gatsby shit you wanted to do I knew it was your big going away party.”

He looked at her, stunned. She knew him so well it was scary. Sometimes he wondered if she could get into his mind as he had been so often in hers. He kept looking at her and she just stared right back, a haughty, confident look etched on her face.

Finally he just shook his head and started laughing. He reached out and held her face in his clawed hands.

“Oh you are so marvelous! You amaze me. I will miss so many things about you, not least of which is that sassy mouth. Staci what will I do without you?”

She leaned in with that beautiful sassy mouth and gave his cracked, peeled hideous bloody lips a long, languid kiss. When they pulled back her nose and mouth were smeared with the blood from his face. Her tongue came out and felt about, lapping at the blood around her mouth. She swallowed it and closed her eyes in pleasure. “Mmmmm…” she purred softly. Then she leaned in again and licked some more blood off his cheek. Her lovely green eyes were shining at the taste of it.

So beautiful. She is perfection. thought Ray.

“Yeah, you’ll miss my sassy mouth for sure. And you’ll think about me every fuckin’ day of your life.”

He nodded at the truth of her words. He would miss her every day of his life. For eternity. Unless his plan worked. Then he would have her for eternity. And he was very confident it would work. He leaned in and returned her kiss.

Even as their mouths and tongues explored each other with an intimate sensuality only they shared together inside he raged and cursed against their parting. Given his druthers he would stay with Staci until she grew too old to be herself and he had to kill her. She was so special to him. When he met her she already had been full of life and fearless and fun. Even now after her change she was much the same girl that had attracted him so deeply. She had a great intellect and fiery spirit. Her sense of humor was wild and surprisingly complex. She would often verbally spar and jab at him or play practical jokes at his expense that took true thought and ingenuity. She fucked like no woman he had ever had. And she was so, so evil and depraved. She was a match for him in that regard and he prized this part of her no end. His dark infection had taken such strong root in her mind and she had become even more beautiful to him for it.

But even with all that it was other things that elevated her further. It was the sound of her voice, just that perfect, womanly pitch, a little bit husky and alluring. It was the various ways she would laugh, depending on her moods and desires, it was how she moved and walked, the motions of her hands and how she tossed her hair, the way she smiled and pouted and ate and dressed and undressed. It was the expressions she used and the way she brushed her teeth, attacking with a ferocious single mindedness etched on her pretty face. It was so many countless little things that combined to make her who she was and that he found so irresistibly attractive.

If Stoker had not been the great liar and his word true, Ray would have turned Staci into a vampire long ago and would have relished traversing the ages of time with her at his side. He knew Staci would never become boring or prosaic to him. And he hated Stoker, the purveyor of that fiction even more for it. He wanted nothing more than rip the Irishman’s throat out, tear his balls off his body for that devastating deception that hurt even more now with this parting than it had that dark night in Kansas City when he learned the terrible truth.

All of his thralls slowly changed over time as he feed from them. He had begun to think of them as his works of art, like Michelangelo’s sculptures, Da Vinci’s paintings, Shakespeare’s plays, Scorsese’s films, Led Zepplin’s music. And of all the thralls and slaves he had created over the years, all the beautiful, terrible works of art he had invented and presented to an unsuspecting world Staci was his perfect masterpiece. She was his David, his Mona Lisa, his Stairway To Heaven, his Hamlet. And now she would be lost to him. The unfairness of it felt like a shredder grinding him up inside, inch by slow inch. But he vowed this would be the last time he would ever be forced into this position. And if he was correct, as he was now sure he was, it would be the last involuntary parting of his life and that thought gave him a small measure of solace.

Ray gently ran the back of his hand over Staci’s smooth, perfect cheek. “So beautiful…so special,” he whispered to her, his eyes warm and alive now, his rage and madness gone. Staci had brought him back to himself.

Staci leaned into the touch of his hand, her eyes closed. She looked like an angelic punk girl. He had told her long ago this day would come but that revelation did not ease the pain for either now that the time had come.

He continued. “We both have our own destinies, our own lives to live. You know if there was any way to stay together I would make it so.” He shook his head sadly. “But that is beyond even my power,” he admitted, bile in his voice.

Staci leaned in and bussed him at the corner of his mouth. “I know, my love. I understand.”

Ray reached into his pocket and pulled out the beautiful knife Tepes had given him, that gift of true allegiance and friendship that Vlad bestowed on but a small few. That time was so long ago but immediately he could see the moment in his mind as though it was happening now.

Staci’s eyes widened at the rare beauty of the knife. Its unusual nature was easily apparent.

“What’s that?” she asked, her intrinsic curiously engaged. In their over two years together he had never shown it her. She knew it must hold great importance to him for he kept few secrets from her.

Ray ran his clawed hand along the long, sharp blade. “It was a gift given to me long ago by a true friend. He was much…..” Ray cocked his head in thought, “…like us. He would have liked you very much.”

“Vlad?” she asked. She knew all about their time together and the closeness they felt for each other.

He smiled at her and simply nodded. So smart. So perceptive. Nothing escapes her. She is a true vovoid.

She felt her heart catch in her throat. She knew immediately it was his most prized possession, the one thing he had cared about and carried through his centuries of time travel and she knew exactly what he was about to do. Her love for him was pounding through the blood in her veins and every thought in her mind. She felt so honored. This was both the saddest and proudest day of her life. She felt overwhelming pride in having pleased her master so much that he would bestow a gift like this on her.

He grabbed her hand and gently put the knife in it, closing her fingers around it. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. Ray had always meant to keep the knife as a memento of his long dead friend. But now he had a powerful compulsion to leave Staci with something to remember him by. And if you didn’t leave someone close to you something important, something you valued, what was the point of a gift at all? And at this moment he realized Staci had supplanted Vlad as his closest human intimate. She was that uniquely special.

“As he gifted it to me out of friendship and respect and love, so I gift it to you now for the same reason.”

Staci took his malformed hand and lowered her head, kissing it. “Thank you Master.”

“Use it well. It bits deep and cuts like the wind.”

She smiled at him, her eyes shining, half amused and half crazy. She let out a throaty, wicked laugh. “You’re gift will be passed on again and again in its own way,” she assured him. “And every time it is I will think of you.”

Lauren buried her head in Ray’s chest, sobbing, tears flowing from her pretty eyes.

Ray put his hand on her head, running his hand through her hair, pulled her even tighter.

“Don’t cry sweet Lauren. The only constant in life is change.” His voice was intimate and caring. He put his hand under her chin, lifting her face to hers. He gazed at her tears and could feel the pain and longing and heartbreak inside her that caused them. And though he could feel her emotions with perfect clarity he once again he could not replicate them in himself. As sad as he felt at this moment tears would not come to him. Even his thralls could cry, but not him. He pushed the rage of it aside. There was not the time for it.

“I have taken from all of you and given myself in return. We are bonded together forever in the most intimate and permanent way. Your minds and bodies can feel pleasure as none others. You are so young and ripe like the sweetest of fruit and many will wish to pluck you from the tree. This will give you all the opportunities you would seek. You are at the start of a beautiful journey. Don’t be afraid to set sail. Such wicked delights await you.”

“But how will we live without you? You guide us, make us complete,” asked Lauren in despair.

Ray leaned in, his nose touching hers. “You are amazing in all ways. You will find your road. Listen to your sister Staci. She is smart and clever and ruthless. She will take care of you and Nastia. She will show you and Nastia the way. Obey her in all things, always, as you obeyed me. Understand?”

Lauren nodded. “Yes,” she said in a soft, quiet voice. “I will obey her. I promise.” And Ray knew she would.

Staci reached out and brushed a lock of Lauren’s hair behind her ear. She leaned in and gave Lauren a long, deep kiss. “I love you sweet sister,” she whispered into her ear. “We will always be together sharing the bond Master gave us.” Lauren nodded weakly at the words, her eyes shining with tears.

She looked at Ray and gave him one of those cocky, confident smiles she could call up at will. “Don’t worry Ray. I’ll take care of them. We’ll be fine.”

Ray looked at her. He could feel the agony Staci felt, even deeper and sharper than Lauren’s yet her face showed none of it. No tears leaked from her strong eyes. No sad, wrenching lines on her face. She was putting up a brave front for him, but more so for her Lauren, because she could do it; keep her promise to him and them. She would survive and then thrive, bringing her sisters with her.

Magnificent. Just magnificent. thought Ray. He kissed her gently. “My perfect dark rose. Be careful. When you decide to play certain games think them through carefully. Don’t let the police cut you short.”

She gave him a sneaky grin, her green eyes dancing. “I will hide my sharp thorns behind my pretty petals.”

He chuckled. She was so clever in word and deed. “Give me a kiss my love.”

They kissed deeply, wetly, enjoying the taste of it and the blood they shared, an intense intimacy only the vampire and one of his thralls could experience.

“Staci, in the drawer by my bed is a brown book. Inside is the address of a home in Miami I own. Also in that book is a bank account number. There is thirty million dollars there. It will afford all of you the life you should have. You will want for nothing. It is my other gift to you.”

She kissed him again, softly this time, a kiss filled with sweet emotion. She put her hands on his face, staring into it with complete adoration. “You’ve already given me everything. You made me what I am. You made me what I was born to be. I will never go a day without you in my thoughts. I promise you.”

“You have given me everything too.” He gave her an oblique, small smile. In every possible way my sweet love. You can’t even remember the person you were before I claimed you. That person is just a shadow memory, like a dream to you now.

He put a finger on her lower lip, pulling it down a bit to show her teeth. “You three should leave tonight too. Don’t take any chances.” He glanced at Nastia who was still on her back. Her pelvis was involuntarily rising and lowering, humping the air. Her whole body would twitch and spasm at times. She was in a perpetual orgasmic loop that would last for a while yet. Her empty eyes were open, staring into the sky. A soft, curvaceous smile carved the corners of her pink lips.

He nodded at the blissed out girl. “Be careful with her. She will be...ah…non compos mentis for a while.”

Staci was well aware of the indescribable tides carrying Nastia away at this moment. She had felt them many times herself. There was no feeling like it, not even close. If it would not have interrupted her precious parting moments with Ray she would wish nothing more than for her to be lying there on her back, in her own world of delicious dreams.

She gave him a haughty, taunting smile. “If that is your pathetic attempt to show off your Latin I’m not impressed. You lived all those years and that’s all you can say? It’s a miracle you can speak intelligible English.” Even Lauren smiled at this and Staci shot her a conspiratorial wink.

The vampire stared at her face, frowning, contemplating her words. Then he burst out laughing. He could speak Latin was well as a Roman consul and she damn well knew it! But she loved to yank his chain, play games with him. But he knew there was a larger reason for the comic jibe. She was trying to bring Lauren out of her depressed funk and had taken the first step to that goal. Ray marveled at this and admired her even more for it. Her mind was so perceptive, so adroit at analyzing situations and formulating solutions. She was every bit the equal of Vlad Tepes in that regard. She was a natural leader.

He looked at her and shook his head. “If I didn’t have to leave I would put you in your place for your insolence.”

She arched an eyebrow and gave him that irresistible grin. “Well, us three can’t leave till Nastia can walk and that…..might be a while. So you can try to put me in my place.” She played with a lock of her hair. It was such a graceful, carefree, girlish, sexy gesture. It seemed so innocent and unrehearsed but Ray knew it was pure Staci, the ultimate seductress at work as only she could do it.

A small, adorable pout appeared on her full lips, her mouth forming a small plump, inviting rose bud. “What’s a poor girl to do? I’m so young and easily bored.”

He marveled at how Staci could sell it. She did it on all levels, the words she chose, the look on her face and in her eyes, the tone of her voice, her gestures, the shape of her mouth at any given moment. He almost pitied her future victims, men and women, when she decided to use them to experience her most vicious desires and fantasies. They would be helpless as babes, wrapped around her petty little long nailed fingers until the realization of what was going to happen hit them too late.

Even he was not immune to her charms. How could he leave this invitation on the table the last night he would ever see Staci? She was so hypnotic in her beauty and words. He glanced down at the erection in his pants.

She reached down and started rubbing it raising an appraising eyebrow. “Oh my, your mind wants to leave but the cock wants to stay! What a quandary you have Mr. Ray. Should I use Vlad’s knife to cut it off so it may remain where it wants while you go on your merry way? We will have the part of you we want. Not really worried about the rest.”

Both Ray and Lauren burst out laughing. Staci snickered at him her eyes taking him in with that intense, inscrutable look they often wore. Staci had somehow penetrated both their misery in her inimitable way and for a brief moment made them forget. Once again Ray marveled at her wondering how he would live without her. But he would. He always carried on alone. He had no choice. At least until he put his plan into action. Then so many things would change.

He closed his eyes, concentrating deeply. Soon Ray’s features melted and twisted, receding back into the perfect looking young man he had been.

He didn’t say a word; just slid his eyes down to his pants. Staci let out a slow, deep breath of acknowledgment then purred, cat like, deep in her throat…”Mmmmmm looks like the cock wins….” She leaned down and undid his pants button with her teeth, looking up and giving him the full wattage green eyes affect the whole time.

Ray turned to Lauren as Staci began pulling his pants down. He kissed her deeply. “Join your sister and I. One last time into the breach.”

“Yes my love,” the two sisters said in unison, their bodies and minds already heating up for what was to come.

Ray sat behind the wheel of his Ferrari. Staci was leaning in through the window. He had asked her to come out, alone, before he left for Baltimore.

“What are your plans?” Ray asked, curious.

“Once we get situated in Miami I’m going to push the band hard. We’ve been writing some really rocking kick ass songs. I want to really bust this shit out. The world needs some good rock and roll.”

Ray could hear the pitch of excitement in Staci’s voice and see her eyes flash. She was a true rock and roll soul. It was the thing she loved and cared about the most. It was her life.

She continued. “First I have to find a good front woman..…since you killed Sharon.”

“I honestly didn’t think she was good enough. I didn’t want her to hold you back.”

“She was good. She was really good, Ray.”

He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “I might have been a little rash there. Sorry about that.”

Staci sighed. “You could have asked me before you did it.” She shook her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll find someone.”

Ray nodded. There was something he needed Staci to do and a master plan he wanted to tell her about.

“Do you have the knife?” he asked, changing the subject to the path he wanted.

She nodded and pulled it out. “Always.”

He pulled out a small bottle with fluid inside and opened the black lid. “I need a favor. Cut off a small part of you and place it in here.”

She looked at him, her forehead creased in question. She looked so adorable. Then it came to her. She shook her head laughing.

“You’re going to fucking clone me! In the future! You mother fucker!”

He took her head in his hands and kissed her deeply. “You are so wise for one so young. Yes. I don’t want to live without you. And I won’t. I refuse. I no longer accept time dictating to me. From here on in I will bend reality to my designs. Think about it Staci. Three hundred years from now. Human’s will be masters of cloning.”

He waved his hand expansively. “And when she, you, are old enough I will reach into her mind and give her all the experiences we shared together so she will know what we had. She will know then what you know now. She will be you. Can you see how perfect it is?”

Staci nodded, dumbfounded by all this.

Ray reached and pulled Staci close. “But better yet this time you will be exactly as I am. Immortal…and a vampire.”

Staci was stunned. How could that be? It was impossible. Ray had told her he could not make others of his kind. To be like Ray was her deepest desire a dream beyond imagining.

“But…but…how? You said you can’t....” she stammered.

He gave her that grin she knew so well. The same one he had when he always, inevitably solved a problem. And he always solved any problem that came his way. It was excited and boyish and full of promise. He looked so young and so pure and so innocent when that certain smile graced his face. She had seen it so often. It was his victory smile.

He pulled her even closer, her ear by his lips. He whispered his plan to her in barely audible tones, a secret between only them. Shared triumph over the steep odds.

As soon as she heard him she knew. As soon at his words entered her ear she knew it would work. That he had found the answer he so desperately longed for all those frustrating years of lonely existence. She knew once again Ray had figured it out. He was implacable in getting what he desired. Nothing was beyond his dazzling mind.

“You will really make that happen? Are you sure?”

Ray could see the surprised delight on her face. He loved it. One last gift for his soulmate.

The intensity in his his black eyes was savage when he responded. “I swear to you I will, Staci. It will happen just as I say. I would never break my word to you.”

“Oh Ray. To be like you...", she said dreamily. “Think of the things we could....”

His words had melted Staci as nothing ever had. Her master loved her that much! She was that precious to him. He was so superior and so knowing and so unstoppable. He could have anyone in the whole world yet she had taken such a high station with him! He would recreate her and they would be together again! But this time forever and she would be just as he was!

Staci grinned and lifted her arm up and used her precious knife to cut a small piece of flesh from her arm. Ray noticed she did not even flinch. He was so proud of her.

“Good enough?” She asked.

He nodded. She dropped it carefully in the jar of formaldehyde and he replaced the lid.

She reached her arm into the car to his face. He slowly, gently rubbed his hand over her arm then drew the wound to his mouth. He kissed it several times, softly, with feeling, the blood getting on his lips. Then he placed his mouth on the wound and began to suckle.

Staci quivered at the feeding, her body and mind instinctively heating up like a stove turned on high. A soft groan escaped her lips.

Ray and Staci exulted in this passing of life’s blood between the two. It was the last time this intimate sacrament would happen and neither wanted it to end. But Ray had to leave and finally, reluctantly he finally pulled away.

They gazed in each other eyes, sharing their mutual love and respect.

Staci thought of Ray’s plan to finally end his slavery to his accursed sleep. He had talked to her so many times about it, his voice always rising in excitement and she knew it would work. He was so brilliant. His mind was unfathomable in its depths. He had seen the future so clearly and devised his eventual escape long ago. He would beat it and then he would carry out his long held ambitions to rule the entire human race as was his right as the dominant species. He had spoken to her about those plans too and she knew nothing could stop him now. She almost pitied the yet unborn humans of the future for he would run rings around them as he did with everyone who came into his orbit. She shook her head at his capabilities, his planning, his foresight...His mind was beyond imagining.

“It’s going to work you know. All of it. Everything you have planned and waited so long for. It’s all going to happen for you,” she said with a combination of awe and confidence.

Ray gave her a shit eating grin. “I know Staci. It’s only one last sleep away. It is all coming to pass just as I envisioned. I just had to be patient and wait.” A low chuckle escaped him. “But I was in a good position. I had all the time in the world to be patient.”

He held out his hand then made a hard, iron tight fist in front of his face. “And soon the world will be mine.”

He reached up and caressed her face. “And you will be right at my side, ruling with me. But I need one more favor from you to pass up to me when I live again.”

This time she couldn’t figure out his equation. What could she possibly pass up to him three hundred years from now?

“What is it Ray?”

“I need you to make a voice diary. I want you to record everything you do, everything you experience in the years ahead. When I wake and get situated I want to be able to learn what you did in your life, every last detail so I can live it with you. I want to know what you were thinking. And eventually I will play it for the new you so she too can know what you were and what you did after we parted. That way we both will have all of you.”

He gave her a soft smile. “There is safe deposit box in the Seminole Bank of Miami. It is number 301. The key is in my drawer with my other papers. Deposit your recordings there. In three hundred years I will be listening to all your tales with wide eyed delight. And I will delight again in listening to all the sweet music you will make with Wet Cunt over the years. I can’t wait for the joy you will give me.”

“They will be there waiting for you my love. And so will the music.” Staci reached in and hugged Ray tight. She kissed his face over and over again. He pulled her close for a long deep kiss.

“OK,” said Staci. “Your grand destiny awaits. Go grab it by the balls. Get your decrepit old ass moving. You can’t stay here mooning for me forever.”

He gave a sly smile. She hated Shakespeare. He knew how pretentious Staci thought his love of Shakespeare was and how he would lard his conversation with quotes to her. The whole thing had become a game of tug of war between them. He would throw the Bard at her and she would give him back a cynical, derogatory response. He couldn’t resist one more time.

“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow. That I shall say good night till it be morrow,” he said in a cloying tone.

She laughed and stuck her middle finger in his face. “Yep. Fuck off to you too Bard.”

He laughed too but then grew serious. Their eyes locked. This was finally it. The end of all things good they had experienced together. Yes, there would be another Staci. But this one would be long dead and they both knew it. The finality of it was brutal for both.

He reached out and tenderly, softly cupped her face in his warm hands. The touch felt so good to both of them. The pain and ache in his eyes was obvious and it broke her heart.

“Till we meet again my love. Live your life to the fullest.”

She nodded. “Till we meet again Ray. You too.”

They kissed, one last time. Forever. One last sweet flashing chance at bliss.

With that he fired up the car’s engine and was gone.

Staci stood there for the longest time, long after the car had disappeared from her sight.

Finally, alone, away from Ray and her sisters and her new responsibilities to them, she allowed herself a long, hard, deep, sobbing cry. She would have wondered if Ray had cried too. But she knew he did not. He had told her he was incapable of it. And this was one time she did not envy him and his nature.

When she was done she marched back to the house, now the master of her sisters. She would take care of them just as Ray wished. Just as Ray had his destiny so too did they.

She smiled before she opened the door. Appearances were everything. Ray had taught her that.

“Time to rock and roll,” she said as she entered the house.