The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Elf Slave”

Jay Inkwell

Chapter 2 — Her new home

Bon smiled as he led Aareesha into his home. It was night, but the magical streetlights ensured he had no problems making his way. Bon’s townhouse was part of a long row of townhouses. This row was, in turn, one of the many townhouse rows in the city. His townhouse wasn’t fancy, but it was all his. Now so was she.

The new shackles on her ankles were chained close together. The new shackles on her wrists were connected to each other behind her back. A leash, attached to her collar, enabled him to control where she went.

He had intentionally walked Aareesha nude to his home. He had enjoyed humiliating her. She had not enjoyed it at all.

“It’s time to begin your training,” announced Bon.

Aareesha spit at Bon. “I am a princess. You should beg for forgiveness instead. May a thousand teeth-worms eat your cock from the inside out.”

“Such a feisty attitude! Well, let’s start there. From now on you will address me as ‘sir’ or ‘master.’ When I command you to do something, you will respond with ‘yes, sir, master.’ Yes and no questions must be responded to with ‘yes, sir, master’ or ‘no, sir, master.’ Will you obey?”

Bon sat down in the nearby chair and watched the runes do their work. Aareesha clearly had no intention of obeying any order. She had her arrogant high elven pride. She also knew every act of obedience would make it harder for her to disobey in the future. Bon watched her face.

The runes were having their expected effects. Aareesha’s breathing accelerated and her face contorted into fear. The fear rune was imposing an unpleasant fear due to her disobedience. She opened her mouth as her panting accelerated. The punish rune was causing her a deep painful anguish due to her disobedience. Soon she began sinking to her knees as anguish covered her body. Tears began flowing from her eyes. Still she resisted, minute after minute.

“Well,” said Bon, “your inappropriate actions are disappointing but expected. Clearly you need to be disciplined for your terrible behavior.”

Aareesha looked up in fear. She said nothing. Bon dragged her from the front room to the adjoining office room. A discipline frame awaited there. It was a wooden bar for her waist to be bent over. The bar was connected to its heavy wooden base by two columns on each end of the bar. A small column in front of the bar was ideal for attaching her wrist shackles. Bon bent her over the bar and attached each of her wrist shackles to the corresponding attachments on the frame. He forcibly spread her legs and attached her ankle shackles to their corresponding attachments. She had to stand on her toes if she didn’t want all her weight unpleasantly resting on her stomach. Bon attached her collar to the bar with ropes, forcing her head up. A mirror in front of the frame enabled him to see her face when he stood behind her. Her bare buttocks were completely unprotected.

Bon picked up a lengthy wooden paddle. He said, “you are behaving horribly. You will learn to be speak appropriately to your master.” Bon smacked her bottom hard. The scream from Aareesha made it clear he had her full attention. The excited rune made her body unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain, as if her entire body was an erogenous zone.

Bon said, “Say yes, sir, master!”

Aareesha screamed and said, “oh, please, stop! By the gods, stop!”

Bon paddled her buttocks for a few more swats. She screamed yet did not relent. Bon became confused. He’d never heard of an elf resisting punishment this much. Elves normally reduced pain with magic when they found the pain inconvenient. Aareesha could no longer use her magic. He had heard elves quickly acquiesced to pain once their magical powers were stripped away. The excited rune was amplifying her pain. Bon had expected her to give in.

Bon stopped and thought. She was clearly being influenced by the runes. Perhaps she still had some residual magic power she could control to reduce the pain? Bon grabbed a feather gem and lodged it under her stomach. If she was using magic to reduce her pain from the paddling, the gem would glow.

Bon gave her another harsh swat on her bare buttocks. “AAAAIIIEE!!!,” she replied. Bon gave her a number of additional harsh swats. She screamed each time and begged him to stop. There was no glimmer from the feather gem. He had never heard of an elven female resisting so much without her magically reducing the pain.

Bon wasn’t sure what was going on. Perhaps he needed to do something different. Bon paused his spanking and tried another approach.

“So you’d like me to stop?,” said Bon.

“Please, please, please,” gasped Aareesha.

“Well, let’s talk about what would be necessary to get me to stop. You were once a princess, correct? Didn’t they teach you about etiquette?”

“Yes, of course,” she replied through tears.

“Weren’t you required to address people politely?”

“We were required to address elves politely. Humans were not to be addressed politely, as humans are not our equals.”

“I see. Well, that was in an elven city. You are now living in a human city. You must obey the rules of human etiquette. In a human city, female elves must address men respectfully, including addressing men as ‘sir.’ By men I mean human males. You are in a different place. Different places have different rules. Will you obey this rule?”

Aareesha thought. Her bottom was urging her to accept this logic. After a moment, she replied, “yes, sir.”

“Good, good. It’s a step. You may not like having been sold as a slave. I think we can agree you should not ignore reality. You were captured, brought here, and sold to me as a slave. Do you deny this?”

“No, sir,” she replied tearfully, “I do not deny this.”

“What do you call someone who has bought a slave?”

“A master.”

“You have every evidence that I have bought you as a slave. Is the word ‘master’ an accurate term to describe my relationship to you?”

She glanced at the paddle. She feared what would happen if she did not agree to this logic. She thought. She sighed. “Yes, sir, master.” Her face relaxed from mild pleasure. The adore rune had given her a surge of pleasure because she had obeyed an order.

“Good! From now on, when I command you to do something, how will you acknowledge my command and tell me you will do it?”

She replied, “I will say, ‘Yes, sir, master.’” Her face again glowed with pleasure. The adore rune had given her a reward for pleasing him.

“Excellent. In elven lands, would it be appropriate for a slave to kneel in front of her master?”

“I am a princess. It is absurd for me to kneel to a human. All humans were once our slaves. It’s all you were ever good for.”

“You did not answer my question. In elven lands, would it be appropriate for a slave to kneel in front of her master?”

She paused, then answered, “yes.”

Bon gave her five harsh swats on her ass with the paddle. She screamed. Tears rolled down her face.

Bon said, “Let’s try again. Let’s see if you can respond properly to yes-or-no questions from your master. The correct phrase is ‘yes, sir, master.’ So, in elven lands, would it be appropriate for a slave to kneel in front of her master?”

She sniffled, “yes, sir, master.”

“Good. The same is true here in human society. I’m going to let you up now. In a moment I will command you to kneel. You will demonstrate how a slave obeys her master. You will immediately kneel, with your hands behind your back and your tits thrust out. You will also verbally acknowledge my command, in the way I require. If you fail to obey, you will have a far longer discipline session. Let’s see what you choose.”

Bon disconnected her from the frame. She shakily got up.

Bon turned to her and said, “Kneel!”

Aareesha didn’t want more discipline. His logic made sense to her. This time she knelt. She placed her hands behind her back and thrust her tits out, as he required. She looked into his eyes. She said, “yes, sir, master.”

Suddenly her face was aglow. The adore rune had given her a powerful surge of pleasure because she had obeyed an order from her master that she had strongly wanted to disobey.

Bon said, “this is how things will work from now on. Prompt obedience and efforts to please me will be rewarded. Disobedience or displeasing me will lead to harsh punishments. If I have to punish you again, I will make it thorough, to quicken your education. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir, master. Yes, sir, master,” Aareesha said, hoping to avoid more punishment.

Aareesha understood. She didn’t want to comply. Having felt the carrot and the stick, she knew she didn’t want the stick. She would keep resisting as best she could. She also decided she could accept trifles such as different forms of address. Kneeling hurt her pride more than she wanted to admit, but it was merely symbolic. She decided the jab to her pride was less hurtful than the physical pain he meted out. She could temporarily accept humiliating forms of address and kneeling.

Bon addressed her again. “Every night I will lock you in a closet under my stairs. The closet door, the front door, and my bedroom door have magic locks. I have the only keys. The walls and floors are sturdy and fireproof. The windows’ magical reinforcements require superhuman strength to break through. You will not be able to escape my home. Even if you managed to sneak out, you are in the middle of a human city. You would be caught and brought back to me. My punishment for any attempt to escape will be thorough. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, master.”

Bon brought Aareesha to the closet containing her bed. It had a simple bed frame, a cheap straw mattress, a thin pink sheet, and a white pillow. No other items were in the closet. She entered. The closet was under the stairs, so she could only stand in one part of the closet. Bon spoke.

“I want you to eventually vow to always do your best to obey me and please me. Vow that you will serve me and my heirs forever. I want you to truly mean it. I don’t expect you to do it today, but that is what I expect you to do eventually. It would please me immensely.”

Aareesha was silent. She was horrified. She had no ready answer for this idea. Quiet whispers in her head suggested she should vow to always do her best to obey and please him. She should serve him and his heirs forever. This would please him. With effort, she squelched the thought.

He closed the closet door and locked it. She was trapped inside the now pitch-black space. Aareesha collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and not knowing what else to do. She sniffled in her makeshift prison cell.

Bon considered his situation. This wasn’t going to be as easy as he had expected.

Bon realized he there were many things he didn’t know about elves. He had rarely seen or talked with an elf. Humans had begun their slave revolt against elves about a century ago. He had been born here in Ston, one of the new human cities. Bon had assumed female elves were basically like women, other than living longer.

Bon suspected Aareesha was more stubborn than any human in the world. He would need to use the carrot, the stick, and logical arguments over time to persuade her to do his bidding. He wanted her to eventually jump to his commands. Today he was working to merely get her to agree to the obvious. It would take a little time before further steps could take place. It might be a number of days before she was fully broken in.

Bon smiled. She would be more work than he had expected. The challenge she presented would make his winning all the sweeter.