“Elf Slave”
Jay Inkwell
Chapter 3 — A dungeon
It was early morning. Bon finished adjusting his armor and reviewing his gear. An informant in the adventurer’s guild had given him a new tip. A nearby ruin had a small secret unexplored dungeon. Bon wanted to loot its treasures before the secret got out.
It wasn’t clear if this unexplored area had ever been a “dungeon” in the strict sense of the word. Maybe it really had once held prisoners. In the adventurer’s guild, though, the word “dungeon” described any labyrinthine location, especially underground, with the potential for enemies, traps, and loot. What motivated Bon was the loot.
Bon was bringing his usual equipment for dungeon exploration. His sword was his main weapon. It was enchanted enough to be durable and was able to slice through weaker forms of magic. He also kept a pair of daggers. The daggers weren’t magical but they could serve as backup. He had a bag of magic dust that could open many doors. His magic ring let him sense all creatures within 20 feet of him. He could temporarily increase his speed and strength through his own magical abilities, but while he could do this reflexively, those increases were not superhuman. He also had various mundane items in his backpack such as food, water, rope, metal balls, a paddle, and a blanket.
He looked over at Aareesha. Her body was beautiful. Her face showed worry. She was wearing her metal collar with the magic runes. To her shame, her collar clearly displayed “Property of Bon.” She was also wearing a skimpy black bikini top, a barely-there black thong, a short string miniskirt, and high heels. Her thong barely covered her vulva. Her thong’s rear string dug into her ass crack and left her bottom bare. Her skirt’s hunter green strings had small gaps between them. The gaps emphasized her hips’ movements without hiding anything. Her open-toe black stiletto high heels had ankle straps and left her feet mostly bare. Her shoes were fit for a dance floor, not for exploring. The only hint she would be exploring with him was the small sturdy backpack she wore.
Both of their backpacks would only open on Bon’s verbal command. Bon had originally purchased these magicked backpacks to counter pilfering by thieves. He appreciated that the magic backpacks would also prevent Aareesha from easily accessing their contents if she escaped.
“Come with me, slave,” said Bon.
“Yes, sir, master,” said the worried elf.
As they left the house, Bon handed her a simple sandwich. It was clearly a copy of his own sandwich he was bringing. Aareesha was famished. She gladly took it and started eating.
Aareesha was surprised to discover Bon was giving her the same quality of food as he was eating. The food wasn’t the high quality of palace fare, but it was tasty in a rustic way. Elves always gave their slaves, especially their human slaves, intentionally nasty food of far lower quality than their masters. Elves were sensitive to the taste and smell of food. Providing nasty food to slaves was an intentional torture and humiliation.
She was grateful to him for his unexpected generosity. Still, her submission could not be bought so easily. She was determined to escape, somehow, at her first real opportunity. She would also try to stay alive, somehow.
Bon now knew the location of the dungeon entrance and how to reveal it. The unexplored dungeon was below a nearby long-destroyed small elf city. Bon knew the dungeon would probably have clever traps and undead guardians. The ancient elves had always protected their property.
Bon planned to use Aareesha’s healing abilities to help him gain treasure. Bon knew Aareesha would rather escape him than help him. Bon had ensured she was nearly naked and would have trouble accessing the contents of their backpacks. If she escaped or he died, she would probably be killed in a horrific way by skeletons, zombies, or other creatures. Even if she escaped the dungeon and the monsters surrounding the area, Bon expected that she would be caught by the men who dug in the ruins for leftover treasures. Those men would use her body in ways she would find deeply unpleasant. By requiring her to dress this way, and by using these magicked backpacks, she would be forced to help him.
Bon hadn’t planned to go out to a dungeon so soon. He had not had time to fully train Aareesha. On the other hand, he rarely got such a juicy tip from his informant. This was a chance for significant treasure. He believed that forcing her to depend on him for protection, combined with the runes in her collar, would be adequate to ensure she helped him. She had no way to threaten him, as she had no attacking spells, no weapons, no armor, and no training in combat. He had given her the sorcerer rune specifically so she could heal him in dungeons. Her ability to heal him might be the difference between his success and his death.
Bon sometimes went dungeon crawling with a partner. It was safer to go with a partner, but then he had to split any treasure. In this expedition he might also get awkward questions on how he’d learned about this unknown dungeon. If he wanted to keep getting juicy tips he needed to keep his informant’s existence a secret. Bringing Aareesha on this dungeon crawl meant he would have the safety of a partner without needing to share the treasure or explain his knowledge.
They marched for about 4 hours towards the ruin of the ancient elf city. Bon had been to it many times before. Several monsters observed the pair along the way. After seeing Bon’s strong build, his armor, and his weapon, each of those monsters decided to leave the pair alone. Bon was glad no monster challenged them on the way this time.
Bon couldn’t help but marvel at Aareesha’s dexterity. She walked lithely the whole way in her open-toed high heels. A woman would have found hiking such a long way unbearable in high heels. Aareesha’s dexterity made it seem natural. The stamina rune ensured she could walk almost endlessly. Bon enjoyed the view of her nubile nearly-naked body. Her skirt emphasized the sway of her beautiful hips. Her tight calves and ass were works of art. Her tits jiggled as she moved.
At the end of their march they arrived at the ruins. The remains of the elf city had long been looted by the inhabitants of Ston. Bon led Aareesha to the ruins of the city palace and entered its ravaged basement. Bon sat on a bottom step and gazed over his vivacious property. He openly leered at her.
“Kneel in front of me, slave.”
“I will not suck your cock!”
Fear and anguish covered her face. The fear rune and punish rune, respectively, made it clear to her that her disobedience had been a poor choice. Her ragged breath revealed the intensity of her torment. Bon let her stew for a moment in the unpleasantness she had triggered for herself. He eventually spoke.
“You are my slave. I have told you to kneel. The elf kingdoms also had slaves. Show me what a good slave does.”
She glanced at the ground in front of him. He had only asked her to kneel, a routine command for slaves in elven lands. She decided this was not worth the anguish. She knelt in front of him, placing her hands behind her back and jutting her tits out.
“Yes, sir, master.”
Her face transformed from fear and anguish to pleasure. The adore rune was rewarding her for obedience. She knew she was being trained like an animal, but she couldn’t help it.
Bon continued, “when I tell you to kneel, you kneel. Immediately. I am angered by your poor behavior. You need to be disciplined.”
Bon roughly grabbed her and pulled her across his lap. He removed her backpack. He next yanked off her bikini top. He swiftly pulled both her short string miniskirt and her thong down to her ankles. The thong didn’t protect her rear end. The string miniskirt didn’t hide much either. Still, Bon felt fully baring Aareesha here in the open would help her learn her lesson better. He said “open” to his backpack and pulled out his paddle. He gave her ass a hard slap with the paddle.
“OWW!”, she cried. The excited rune ensured she felt the pain intensely. Her body, thanks to the excited rune, was unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain.
Bon announced, “we are merely getting started.” He put her legs into a scissor grip with his own. He gripped her hands behind her back with one of his hands. He prepared to paddle her in earnest.
Bon harshly paddled Aareesha’s butt. He struck hard again, and again, and again. She soon bawled like a baby. After thirty smacks he released her and instructed, “kneel.”
Aareesha immediately knelt, saying, “yes, sir, master.” She continued to cry and catch her breath as her bruised bottom sternly reminded her to always be promptly submissive. She put her hands behind and her tits out. Her thong and skirt stayed at her ankles. Her nipples and slit were on full display. The adore rune gave her pleasure due to her obedience.
Bon said, “That’s better. I expect you to be an obedient slave. Do you understand?”
Aareesha whimpered and briefly nodded an acknowledgment. “Yes, sir, master.” She stayed put on her knees and carefully listened to him.
“From here on we have an unexplored dungeon. Heal me when I say so, or when it appears I need it. If you let me die here, you will also die. It will be a cruel death. Do you understand?”
She nodded with tear-filled eyes. “Yes, sir, master.”
Bon told his backpack to open. It did. He put the paddle back into the backpack and re-sealed it. Bon stood, put his backpack onto his shoulders, and spoke to her.
“Stand up and get ready.”
“Yes, sir, master.”
She stood and donned her mockery of clothing, along with her backpack. A few tears leaked from her eyes as the excited rune ensured she continued to feel the full painful measure of his discipline. She also felt humiliated. A human had paddled her. Even worse, someone else could have arrived at any time to see her naked over his knees and to see him discipline her bare bottom. She knew her freshly-spanked red ass was easily visible between the hunter green strings of her miniskirt. A deep-seated fear of his displeasure gripped her heart. She meekly nodded to him, indicating she was ready to submissively obey his next commands.
Bon reached under a worn rock decoration and pressed a concealed button. A hidden passage opened next to them, exactly as the informant had said.
Bon stood. “Follow me, slave.”
She gulped in fear. “Yes, sir, master.”
They entered the hidden dungeon, with Aareesha cowering behind Bon. Aareesha felt essentially naked. She had no armor, no weapon, and no magic that could protect her. Her high heels did not protect her feet well. Her shoes would slow her down if she were chased. She had never had combat training. She knew nothing about dungeon delving. She knew she wouldn’t be able to open the backpacks.
Aareesha didn’t want to help Bon, but she also didn’t want to die. She knew she didn’t want to die at the hands of zombies. They slowly ate their victims without bothering to kill their victims first. No doubt other horrors also waited here for a defenseless female elf. She was deeply afraid. She couldn’t help it. She resolved to be a good little elf for him while they were in the dungeon. Bon was her only hope for survival.
They descended, then walked down a passage to a larger passage. The large passage was collapsed on one side and continued on the other. After they took a turn they saw, on each side, jail cells with metal bars and doors. One cell contained a human skeleton. It had no vestiges of clothes and its wrists and ankles were still chained to the stone floor. Bon could tell at a glance, especially from its head and pelvis, that the skeleton had once been a human female. An opened pear of anguish, still visible in the skeleton, must have cruelly spread out the victim’s vagina while she was alive. On the floor of the passageway were two more skeletons, intact and wearing armor with their swords nearby. Those skeletons were collapsed in place, as if they had been recently defeated in battle.
The passage turned again. Bon grew increasingly suspicious. Their progress had been too easy. He rolled a metal ball towards the floor ahead. When it reached halfway down the passage a loud ‘click’ sounded. Nothing else happened. He slowly made his way to what the ball had triggered.
“Hmm,” said Bon, “this trap has been triggered recently. It hasn’t had time to reset. We also haven’t encountered any undead guards. The skeletons we passed may have been recently defeated. Alert me if you see anything.”
Aareesha fearfully nodded. She had grown up being pampered in a luxurious palace. She had never explored a deadly dungeon. She gracefully followed him in her high heels. She hoped this day would not be her last.
The passage ended in a T-intersection. To an untrained eye neither direction looked more promising. Bon had been in many similar circumstances. He noticed the subtle wall decorations that could provide protection against intruders. He turned right, as he felt it was the more promising direction for finding treasure. They stayed on the right edge to avoid potential traps in the middle of the passage.
When they got halfway down the passage, two magical tentacles emerged without warning from the floor near their wall. Each tentacle was jet black and slick. One entangled Bon’s right leg, the other entangled Aareesha’s left leg. Bon unsheathed his enchanted sword and swiftly cut through the tentacle ensnaring his leg. Aareesha, now terrified, tried kicking the tentacle around her leg with no effect. Bon shook his head. Even if she had a normal sword, it would have done her no good. Only a weapon enchanted to harm magical objects could affect these tentacles. Bon soon cut through the second tentacle that had trapped her. Bon knew the tentacles would regenerate in about 10 minutes, but they would be out of the trap by then.
Bon smiled. “We seem to be getting closer to the treasure,” he said to her. He reminded himself to be on his guard. The tentacles had been magical enchantments, not creatures, so his ring had not given him any warning.
A narrow locked door barred their way. Bon stood in front of the door. Through his ring he could feel the presence of two creatures on the other side. Bon readied his weapon. He suspected they would soon meet those strangers in an unfriendly way. Using his other hand he threw some magic dust at the door. The door opened. Two undead skeletons emerged, each with a sword.
Aareesha screamed and stepped back. Bon was worried but determined. Bon reflexively surged his speed and strength through his magic. He side-stepped so he only had to deal with one skeleton at a time. His sword quickly removed one skeleton’s head from its body. Both its head and its body clattered to the floor. The other skeleton advanced towards Bon and held out its sword. Bon attacked, but the skeleton deftly parried. The skeleton attacked back, slicing through the armor on Bon’s left bicep and cutting to the bone. Bon yelled and fiercely sliced the second skeleton’s head off. The second skeleton fell into a heap on the floor. Bon examined the wound in his left arm and found he was gushing blood.
“Coming, master! Yes, sir, master!”
Aareesha hadn’t seen so much blood before, but she knew what to do. She covered the wound with her hands. A faint blue glow suffused her hands. After five minutes the wound was fully healed, as if nothing had happened.
Bon smiled. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome, master.”
Aareesha felt a surge of pleasure. She had pleased her master. The adore rune had rewarded her for pleasing him. She reminded herself to resist, knowing the magic controlling her was subtle and hard to resist forever. If she made the vow he wanted her to make, there would be no turning back. The ensnarement rune would enforce such a vow. She would never again have free will if she gave in.
Bon felt confused. He had meant to completely dominate his elf slave. Yet thanking her seemed right somehow. He decided to ignore that thought as he cleaned the blood off his armor. It had clearly been wise to bring her.
They entered the room protected by the door. Bon now knew he’d done well. The room appeared to be a minor storage room for palace treasures. Bon found a set of four silver candlestick holders, a gold chalice of a long-forgotten country, and a small bag of gold sand. A purple magic yo-yo was the best find. He expected the yo-yo to have no serious use, but magic items of any kind were valuable. Bon opened his backpack with a verbal command. He stowed the loot in his backpack. After re-closing it, he shrugged the backpack back onto his shoulders.
There were other objects in the room, but he could see no way to profit from them. The room contained many tapestries, but all had long faded into ruin. In the back of the room was a feminine elf bed. Only magic could explain why its ornate pink headboard and purple sheets were untouched by the years. Sadly, its large size and massive weight made it impractical to move.
Aareesha found herself drawn to the bed. It had some similarities to her own bed at home, before men had turned her home into ashes. The bed’s graceful ornate construction made its elven origin obvious. She felt homesick. She slowly walked to the bed, hoping to revive some of her connections with her destroyed elven home by lying in the bed. It was almost as if the bed was subtly calling to her.
Bon watched her walk to the bed. He noticed her eyes had started to lose focus. More surprisingly, her eyes remained unfocused. He felt that surely she knew what kind of bed this was... didn’t she? She wasn’t this naïve... was she? He was sure she could easily resist its call if she knew what it was. She kept walking. Bon realized she must have no idea what the bed was.
Bon pondered what this meant. She must have been quite sheltered as a virginal princess. Guards had probably shielded her from harm. She had probably depended on her native magic detection to avoid any remaining danger. Magic detection had only been recently stripped from her. She hadn’t had time to build up any other defenses against suspiciously inexplicable desires. Bon knew he could say something. Bon smiled, realizing it would be more fun for him if he didn’t.
Aareesha kicked off her high heels and laid down on the bed. Black tentacles flew out of each bed corner and swiftly entrapped her wrists and ankles. Other black tentacles flew out and slithered along, wrapping her thighs. Her detached mind passively observed feeling the cold, slimy skin of the tentacles as they stretched her out face-up on the bed. Her body was roughly in the shape of an “X.”
Once the tentacles had stretched her out, she fully awakened from her light trance. She screamed. She helplessly wrestled but found she was completely overpowered. The tips of the two tentacles wrapping her thighs soon snaked further to her thong. The tips stroked her thong, investigating what was impeding their progress. One tip slithered under her thong and made its way towards its prize. It stroked her clit and began pressing into her sex. The other tip changed direction. This other tip slipped under her torso and began pressing at her anus. She clenched her ass and tried to bring her legs together in a useless effort to resist.
Aareesha screamed to Bon, “help me! Oh gods!” Other tentacles exploited her begging and entered her mouth. Another set of tentacles entered her nostrils and worked to begin slithering down her throat. She tried biting the tentacles in her mouth. She found them too tough to damage. They were slippery and tasted like salty fish. Her jaws were opened further as other tentacles entered her mouth. She could breathe, but only barely. The tentacles’ pressure in her throat paused her ability to control her vocal cords. She could neither scream nor speak.
The lower tentacles now fully penetrated her pussy and anus. She felt the sudden painful ripping of her hymen. She would now be considered spoiled goods by elven society. She was still considered a virgin by elven society, as these tentacles were mere enchantments, but she was now considered less valuable. She felt shame.
The uncaring tentacles continued. They began thrusting in and out, raping her, while increasing their girth and pressure inside her. She felt pleasure, and pain, and humiliation, all simultaneously.
Bon came to the bed and made a show of trying to figure out how to make it stop. He knew how to disable it, but he saw no reason to let her know that. Aareesha begged for help with her eyes. She gagged while experiencing a thorough anal and vaginal rape by the cold, wet, and slimy tentacles. Soon tentacles wrapped around her eyes, making it impossible for her to see anything. Bon stopped and enjoyed watching her get thoroughly fucked. He decided to enjoy the show for five minutes. Once he had enjoyed it enough, he “discovered” the button under the bed to stop it. Once pushed, the tentacles retracted.
Bon looked down at Aareesha and commanded.
“Don’t go exploring on your own. Do I make myself clear?”
Aareesha was cowed. She looked up at Bon. “Perfectly clear, sir. Um, master. Um, um, yes, sir, master.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
Aareesha followed Bon. As they walked by the skeletons Bon had recently defeated, Bon’s ring alerted him to an unexpected creature to his right. The creature was quickly bridging the distance between them.
Bon pulled out his sword and barely managed to parry the surprise attack. Bon looked into his new opponent’s eyes and his heart sank. An elf. A male elf. The greatest human warrior had little chance of defeating, by himself, a male elf in even combat. Bon was far from being the greatest human warrior.
Bon had expected the usual dangers of an ancient ruin. Undead monsters, mechanical traps, magical enchantments, that sort of thing. He’d almost died several times through the years, but at least Bon had a chance against those dangers. For Bon, encountering a living male elf was an unexpected disaster.
As Bon took in his situation, he received some hope. This male elf was missing his left leg, and was instead using a crutch. He also had a fresh bandage on his left arm, one that must be covering a serious wound given the slick blood drenching the bandage. The elf’s left eye was surrounded by a scar and seemed whitish, suggesting he could not see from that eye. His right arm, the one with his sword, also appeared somewhat damaged.
A healthy male elf wouldn’t bother with a sneak attack on one human. Normally one human would be hopelessly outmatched. The elf’s sneak attack suggested the elf was at a disadvantage. If the elf was as badly injured as he seemed to be, Bon decided he had a chance.
Aareesha stared at the male elf and said, “Eeltanuu? Is that you?”
The male elf turned towards her and his right eye widened. “Princess Aareesha?”
Aareesha raised her hands and made them glow with blue flames. The flames leaped from her hands and impacted Eeltanuu a dozen feet away. Eeltanuu’s arms and eye were partly healed. Aareesha mumbled “rescue me, Eeltanuu.” She collapsed onto the floor. She fell unconscious from her total exertion.
“Shit!,” said Bon. He had given Aareesha the power to heal, not to hurt, so that she couldn’t hurt him with magic. He hadn’t fully considered that she might heal Bon’s enemies instead of him. He’d assumed any monsters in the dungeon would be typical monsters like skeletons and zombies. They would kill her even after she healed them. Bon also hadn’t expected her to heal at that distance. Healing was normally done with touch, or at most a few feet in distance. Bon would have congratulated her, if her effort hadn’t been to his detriment.
The male elf was still down one leg, and his injuries weren’t fully healed, but Bon knew he was now in serious trouble. Bon reflexively surged his speed and strength to its maximum. Bon raced towards the dungeon exit to escape.
It was clear to both combatants that Bon couldn’t make it to the exit first. Bon’s magic, and the elf having to use a crutch, still left the male elf with the advantage. As they raced Eeltanuu slowly glided closer to Bon, using his remaining leg and a crutch. The elf had a literally inhuman grace. Bon could hear the elf gaining from behind.
Bon carefully angled his run towards the area beyond the middle of the wall. Eeltanuu chortled, seeing victory in sight. Bon pressed forward as fast as he could and made a slight turn towards the wall. Bon heard behind him a gasp, a fall, and the clattering of a crutch.
Bon turned and saw Eeltanuu with his sole good leg caught in the magic tentacle Bon had been slyly angling toward. It was same tentacle, regenerated, that Aareesha had been caught by earlier. Bon was relieved that his trick had worked. The elf tried to saw off the tentacle with his sword, without result. Eeltanuu only had a cheap sword taken from a battleground. His sword had no power against magic. Eeltanuu’s crutch was many feet beyond where Eeltanuu could reach it.
Bon carefully circled widely around his enemy. Both eyed each other warily. Bon knew that if he got too close, he would be immediately killed by Eeltanuu. On the other hand, as long as Bon kept his distance, Bon could see no way for the male elf to soon escape the trap. If the elf had another weapon, or a counter-spell, he would have freed himself by now. Bon carefully made his way back to Aareesha. He lifted her sleeping body and brought her back to the treasure room.
Aareesha woke a few minutes later. She found herself face up on the bed, wearing nothing other than the collar. Tentacles again tightly gripped her wrists and ankles, pulling them apart from each other. Dozens of other tentacles threateningly undulated around her.
Bon regarded her with anger. “So, bitch, you think it’s a good idea to heal my enemies? I’m beyond displeased with you. You have earned my wrath. You need to be severely punished. You don’t deserve any mercy from me. Let’s see what happens to bitches who don’t obey or please their master.”
Aareesha felt a deep and unpleasant anguish from the punish rune. Bon squeezed the bedpost tightly, signaling to the bed to rape her harshly. The bed’s tentacles leaped into action.
Tentacles rushed into her mouth and nose, slithering down her throat. Her vocal cords were quickly controlled. She could breathe. She again could not scream. She could not speak. The taste of salty fish overwhelmed her mouth. She found the tentacles’ slipperiness appalling. The tentacles in her mouth and nose yanked her head up off the bed. Other tentacles grasped her head from behind. Her head was held in place to look towards her feet. Smaller tentacles carefully peeled her eyelids open. She would be forced to witness whatever would happen to her next.
A few tentacles restrained her torso, ensuring she could not move at all. Several other tentacles twisted around her breasts. Her breasts were squeezed tightly. Her nipples were harshly twisted further. Several other smaller tentacles harshly yanked open her pussy lips, almost ripping her pussy entrance with their force. She could feel their slippery cold touch manipulating her private region. She tried to scream, but was unable to release a sound.
Two large black tentacles raised up in front of her face. To her horror and revulsion, she saw both of the tentacles grow hundreds of wet, slimy tendrils all around their surfaces. Each hair-like tendril was glistening and dark red. Each grew to about half a finger in length and moved on its own. She felt a sense of dread as the large tentacles’ tips traced down her body. One tentacle placed itself above her pussy. The other placed itself near her anus. Their dark red tendrils began a frenzy of movement in anticipation. She was filled with terror. She unsuccessfully tried to move. She found she was firmly held in place. She unsuccessfully tried to scream. No sound emerged. She could not protect herself from what would come next.
The two large tentacles simultaneously thrust into her body. One violated her cunt. The other violated her anus. She could feel them both speedily corkscrew into their respective entrances. Both stretched her beyond what she thought she could bear. She was soon deeply penetrated in her cunt and her anus. She could feel the wiggling tendrils manipulating her insides. She could feel tendrils manipulating her clit.
Both tentacles began thrusting in and out. There was no pleasure here. This was rape, carefully designed to inflict maximum pain without pleasure. Her body reflexively tried to pleasure the tentacles. The tendrils on the tentacles responded by harshly pushing back, causing more pain in her muscles.
She thought it couldn’t get worse, but she was wrong. In both her cunt and colon she felt the tendrils giving her electric shocks, then a feeling of fire, then a feeling of harshly freezing ice. The tendrils of each tentacle kept cycling through this rhythm of agony. Shocks, fire, ice. Shocks, fire, ice. The tentacles were not in sync, making the pain even more intense. It was difficult to resist their punishments when the tendrils hurt her in different ways at the same time. The tentacles continued their thrusts. She was repeatedly violated in the most intimate way possible. The relentless invasion of the tentacles was ripping apart her essence.
The bed focused on continuously giving her pain without pleasure. The excited rune made her unnaturally sensitive to the pain. The clear rune ensured she could not dull the pain or go into shock. She continually tried to scream, but no noise was ever allowed to escape.
After what felt like an eternity to her, he stopped her punishment. The tentacles retreated, except for the ones binding her wrists and ankles. She breathed with labored breathing.
Bon appeared over her face like an angry god.
“Bitch, choose your next words carefully.”
Aareesha was terrified. Her eyes were like the size of saucers. She replied, “I’m so sorry, master. I should have never betrayed you.”
Bon nodded. “That’s better. I’m going to take you home to complete your punishment. You will show me how a good slave properly apologizes. Do you understand?”
She nodded in fear, “yes, sir, master.”
Bon released her from the bed. He bound her wrists and ankles with rope. Aareesha was traumatized and offered no resistance. He gagged her with some cloth. He hoisted her onto his shoulder. He slowly made his way toward the dungeon exit. Bon gave Eeltanuu a wide berth. The males stared at each other as Bon carefully made his way around.
Eeltanuu spoke to her, while glaring at Bon. “Princess Aareesha, I’ll rescue you. I don’t know how yet, but I will. I will make you mine, all mine. Together we will restore elven glory and make the world a better place.” Aareesha weakly nodded to acknowledge she’d heard him. She could say nothing through her gag. She was too traumatized to speak anyway.
Bon expected that Eeltanuu would be released by the tentacle in about 4 hours. Bon suspected the male elf could easily dispatch anything in the dungeon that tried to approach him while he was trapped. Bon knew he needed to be long gone when Eeltanuu was released. Treasure hunting had to be over for today.
Once Bon and Aareesha left the dungeon he unbound her ankles. He next tied a leash to her collar. Bon planned to lead her back home. Once home, Bon intended to explain to her thoroughly and forcefully on why she needed to focus on pleasing and obeying him.