The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Elf Slave”

Jay Inkwell

Chapter 5 — Preparations

Bon woke. Bon knew his new enemy would not rest until he had killed Bon and taken Bon’s beautiful prize. Bon needed to find a way to improve his odds. He’d been lucky last time. He was unlikely to stay lucky. His magic ring was helpful, but by itself it would merely help Bon learn how he was about to die. Bon rose, dressed in his adventuring gear, and made his way to the magic shop.

Bon sold his loot and examined the wares available. Few items would help, and most were priced far beyond what he could pay. Bon had some money, but he was no elder. He was glad to have bought Aareesha, but his funds were now depleted.

After searching, Bon did find something of interest. A dozen magic belts were available that would slow a male elf within 20 feet. The shopkeeper noticed Bon’s interest and stepped forward.

“May I help you, sir?”

Bon replied, “yes. What can you tell me about these belts?”

“Ah, yes. Various soldiers have sold these belts to us. Now that the last elven city has been conquered, some soldiers thought they would no longer need the belts. This is nonsense of course. Some male elves are roaming the countryside! You would be wise to purchase one.”

“What does it mean, to slow a male elf?”

“As you know, male elves are much faster than humans. This belt will magically slow any male elf within 20 feet. The elf will hardly move compared to your speed. You’ll easily defeat a male elf if you wear one of these. A prudent man like yourself should avail yourself of such protection.”

“I see. I also see the price. You have a lot of these, don’t you? How many more do you have in the back?”

“Well, that’s not for me to say.”

“How about you sell a belt to me at a tenth of this price?”

Bon and the shopkeeper briefly haggled, but the shopkeeper soon gave in. There was clearly a glut of supply combined with no demand. The agreed-on price wiped out most of Bon’s funds, but Bon doubted he could find a better alternative for an affordable defense. Bon preferred being alive over having spare cash.

* * *

Bon returned home, wearing his new magic belt and carrying food he’d bought at the market. He’d also paid his informant. So, in spite of his recent success, he was not flush with cash. Once he set out the food in the kitchen, he opened the closet door. Aareesha stayed in the closet, fearful of what would come next. He unlocked her handcuffs and handed her a black thong.

“Slave, come out and wear this.”

Aareesha meekly exited, naked except for her collar. Her butt was still painfully sore. She replied, “Yes, sir, master.”

She took the thong and put it on. She looked at her master. Her face showed a mixture of frustration from being enslaved, fear of what he would do next, and a rune-induced pleasure from obeying his command.

She was intensely aware her perky DD tits were on display. Her nipples were erect, standing tall and surrounded by dark areola. She moved an arm to cover her breasts. Bon shook his head “no.” She obediently dropped her arm. “Yes, sir, master.”

Bon said, “until I say otherwise, you will only be allowed to wear your collar and a thong. You may never cover yourself. Follow me.”

“Yes, sir, master.” She followed Bon to the kitchen in the back of the townhouse. She saw that Bon had laid out breakfast for them both.

“Slave, sit.”

Aareesha sat, again feeling pleasure from obedience thanks to the adore rune. She sat slightly on her side, as her butt was too tender to sit directly on it. “Yes, sir, master.”

They ate breakfast together. The meal was not up to elven standards, especially for a princess. Bon was trying to make his money go further by buying simple fare. Yet Aareesha was hungry, and the ingredients were fresh. She found herself enjoying the simple pleasure of eating fresh food. She again marveled that he was willing to give his slave the same food as he ate himself.

Bon spoke. “I expect you to devote yourself to obeying me and pleasing me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, master.”

“Good. We appear to have finished eating. You will now perform domestic chores.”

Aareesha did not like this idea. Servants had always done such tasks for her. She felt shame that she would perform such chores. A princess should not need to do domestic chores. Yet other options seemed worse to her.

“Yes, sir, master.”

“I will assign chores. I will require you to do them in specific ways. Your first chore will be washing dishes. You can see the pile in the sink. To wash them, you must soap up your tits, then apply the soap to the dishes while holding your hands behind your neck.”

Aareesha hated this command, but she feared any alternative.

“Yes, sir, master.”

She went to the sink and made the dishes wet. She lathered up her breasts with soap. Next, she put her hands behind her neck. She applied her soapy tits to the top dish. She released her hands to rinse off the dish. She repeated this humiliating process to wash the dishes. Bon enjoyed the show. He appreciated that she had to spread her legs to balance herself. Her ass jiggled each time she soaped a dish with her breasts. Her eyes leaked some tears from shame.

Once completed, she washed herself off and dried herself with a towel. A powerful feeling of pleasure spread over her as she realized she had obeyed his command. She had hated this command, so the adore rune had given her a more powerful reward. She heard a subtle whisper, in her own voice, saying that it would be best to obey him every time. She had a feeling that doing anything else other than obeying him was inappropriate. The ensnarement rune was beginning to show its effects.

Bon brought her to the front room. It had a large window, where they could see out and outsiders on the street could see in.

He announced, “you must sweep this room. Before you sweep, you must give everyone outside a nice show of you masturbating your slit on the handle. Make the handle slick with your juices all the way around for two hands’ width.”

She had no interest in doing this. This command was so humiliating. Even worse, she could feel that each time she obeyed, it would be harder for her to disobey later commands. She decided to go on strike. She suddenly felt a deeply unpleasant fear from the fear rune. Her breathing became labored. She decided this magic would not control her. She made it clear, with a word, that she was no toy of his.


She now felt a deep painful anguish. The punish rune was fully activated. She realized the punish rune was no joke. The anguish suffused her.

Bon grabbed her and brought her to a chair facing the window. Bon threw her over his lap, yanked down her thong, and smacked her bare ass using his hand. Aareesha yelled out in response. She was shocked at how intense the pain was, even though it was only his hand. The excited rune made her unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain. This pain was excruciating. She also continued to feel a deep painful anguish from the punish rune. He continued to spank her. She realized she would do anything to get him to stop his discipline.

She loudly begged, “Oh gods, please stop sir! I’ll obey, sir! I’ll be good, sir! Master! I’ll be obedient! Oh master! Please!!”

Her screams and begging were so loud that the sounds made it to the street. Several people outside stopped to watch through the window. Once a few had noticed the entertainment, others noticed the noticers. Men and women gathered, delighted to watch an elf be put in her place. Aareesha felt as if she would die of shame.

Bon eventually released her. She pulled up her thong. Bon stood up and moved next to the window. He wanted her to face both him and their audience. He indicated “continue” with his eyes. She responded.

“Yes, sir, master.”

Aareesha had learned her lesson. She showed him exactly how an obedient and submissive little elf behaved. She took the broom, looked him straight in the eye, pulled her thong to the side, and began aggressively fucking the side of the handle. She ensured that the dozens of strangers outside had a clear view. Once she had wettened the handle thoroughly, she rolled it slightly and repeated the process. Once a shameful shining ring was present on the handle, she swept the room with the broom. Her bare tits swayed as she swept.

When she completed her chore, she received a massive reward of pleasure from the adore rune for her obedience to a strongly hated command. The massive pleasure was also unwelcome, as she could sense this amount of pleasure could be addicting. The ensnarement rune spoke a whisper in her head, reminding her that obedience wasn’t hard, it would be better if she obeyed him the first time, every time. She feared having to endure his discipline again.

Bon announced, “your next domestic task is to scrub this floor on your hands and knees. You must keep your thong around your ankles. You’re a stuck-up little bitch, so every minute I will swat your ass hard with my belt as you do this. Each time I do, you must say, ‘thank you, master, for disciplining me. I’m such a stupid bitch.’ Convince me you mean it. Obey immediately or I’ll give you a discipline you won’t forget.”

Aareesha, terrified, dropped immediately to her hands and knees. “Yes, sir, master.”

She pulled her thong down to her ankles. Bon brought in a bucket of cold water and a sponge. When she began scrubbing, he pulled out his belt and whacked her hard on her bare ass. Her heightened senses from the excited rune gave her a heightened feeling of pain.

“AEEEI!,” she cried out. “Thank you, master, for disciplining me! I’m such a stupid bitch!” He gave her a minute to scrub before he struck her buttocks hard again. “OW! OH! Thank you, master, for disciplining me! I’m such a stupid bitch!” Her teats, dangling down, swung back and forth as she scrubbed. She put all her efforts into speedily completing her task, while carefully keeping her thong at her ankles. Every minute he laid another harsh strike on her ass with his belt. Each time she responded, in desperation, “Thank you, master, for disciplining me! I’m such a stupid bitch!” The crowd outside seemed amused. Dozens of men and women stayed as a permanent audience. Others occasionally joined and left as watchers of the show.

Bon made it clear he was picky about the quality of scrubbing. She suffered many strokes. When she completed her task, she felt another reward of pleasure for obedience. The whisper in her head made it clear it would have been so much worse if she hadn’t immediately obeyed.

All morning Bon assigned her chores. He found ways to make each one humiliating or painful. His notion of chores was broad. One of the chores, for example, was her washing his bare feet by her generously licking them.

She obeyed every one of his commands. The completion of each task gave her magical pleasure from the adore rune. On every obedient act, the ensnarement rune’s temptress in her head reminded Aareesha to keep obeying. Aareesha hated that bitch in her head. Yet Aareesha knew disobeying these commands wouldn’t be worth it.

Bon smiled when she completed her last morning chore. He said, “Stand up, hands behind your back.”

“Yes, sir, master.” She obediently did so.

Bon captured both of her hands with his left hand. He began stroking her nipples with his right hand, alternating between her breasts.

Aareesha looked with fear into his eyes. She wondered if he would take her now. She wondered if her virginity was about to be wrested from her.

Bon’s lips closed onto hers with a kiss while he continued to stroke her breasts. She kissed back, fearing to do anything else. She found she enjoyed the kiss, more than she should have. Bon smiled. He said, “you did a good job. Lunchtime!”

They ate a small lunch together. It was simple fare, cheese and bread, with water to drink. Aareesha continued to be grateful that he allowed her to eat the food he ate. The bitch in her mind kept reminding her to obey and please him. Aareesha kept working to squelch the thought.

In the afternoon he removed her thong, bent her over the bar of the discipline frame, and shackled her in place. She had only been wearing a thong with her collar, yet her nakedness felt worse to her.

He then addressed her. “You disobeyed and displeased me in the dungeon. As punishment, I will discipline you every day for the next two weeks. I’ll do it even longer if I’m not satisfied that you have changed your ways.”

“Oh gods, please, no!”

Bon began disciplining her savagely with a paddle. The paddle would have hurt regardless, but the magical enhancements made it unbearable. She soon cried out, “I’m sorry, master! I will obey you, master! I will not betray you, master!” He continued to discipline her, ensuring she learned the penalty of disobeying him and displeasing him.

Bon disciplined her for a lengthy time. She could not ignore the pain. The excited rune intensified the pain. The clear rune ensured she felt each strike and could not faint. The punish rune gave her anguish, reminding her she had displeased her master. The stamina rune ensured she had the stamina to endure a lengthy discipline session.

Bon finally released her from the discipline frame. He next gave her the command she had been dreading. “To my bedroom.”

“Yes, sir, master.”

She went, fearing what would happen next. Bon unlocked the bedroom door and ushered her in.

Bon declared, “on the bed, face up.” She obeyed, saying “yes, sir, master.” She received a small feeling of pleasure from her obedience. The feeling mixed with her dread.

Bon lay on top of her, dropping his trousers to reveal his hardened cock. Aareesha did not dare resist. Aareesha looked into his eyes pleadingly. She had been penetrated by the magic bed. She had also pleasured herself with toys through the years. No cock had ever claimed her cunt. In elven eyes, today would be the day she lost her virginity forever. She could never undo this loss. She would do all she could to limit the pleasure he took from her, but she knew he could still take much.

Bon ignored her silent pleadings. He looked down at her smooth slit. He smiled as he readied himself.

Bon thrust into her tight virginal cunt and fully claimed his property. She cried out as her virginity was taken from her. He began pistoning into her tight wet cunt.

Bon now understood why men fought to obtain a female elf slave. Aareesha, like all non-elderly female elves, was stunningly beautiful. A naked beautiful elf under him was a feast for his eyes. Even better, her beauty would never fade in his lifetime. Her cunt was slick, tight, and velvety. She couldn’t help stroking his cock with her cunt muscles. Her cunt gently vibrated around his manhood. Her cunt felt almost thirsty for his cum. Bon’s cock felt electric. He had never experienced such intense sexual pleasure.

Bon thrusted, and thrusted, and thrusted again. He could feel his need for release building. Aareesha wanted to flee, yet she also felt pleasure from his pleasure. Soon Bon bellowed as he ejaculated a massive load of cum into her cunt. Her cunt reflexively sucked out his seed, completely draining his balls.

Aareesha now discovered a horrible truth. A hurricane-like wave of emotion overwhelmed her, making her obedient and fearful of his displeasure. There was no feeling of pleasure like a human’s orgasm. This was a pure tidal wave of crushing need to be obedient to him, combined with a dark fear of his displeasure. This feeling was not a mere imposition from the runes. Her own elven nature was causing it. Men and elves might not be able to have children together, but the species were similar enough that men caused this natural reaction in female elves.

“Oh, gods,” yelled Aareesha. She fought and fought to resist these feelings. She wrested control over these feelings, with difficulty. She could not quite make them fully subside. She realized every time he fucked her, he would further chip away at her ability to resist. Her fear of this discovery was real. She could think of no way to prevent its recurrence.

Bon found his balls utterly spent. His penis was completely flaccid. His mind was completely blown by the overwhelmingly good sex he’d experienced. He now understood what other owners had told him about fucking a female elf. It really would take almost a day for his cock to recover from this stupendous sexual experience. He could hardly wait.

When she saw she’d greatly pleasured him, she felt a crashing wave of pleasure from the adore rune. This was not a natural pleasure from sex, like a human’s, but a pleasure with strings attached. She knew it would be easy to get addicted to this pleasure. She had to resist this temptation, as best she could, or she would be controlled by the conditions attached to it.

Now that he was done fucking her, Bon brought her back downstairs. She retrieved her thong, donned it, and joined Bon in the kitchen.

“Want butter on your bread?,” he asked.

“Yes, sir, master,” she answered in a whisper.

Bon buttered her bread and handed it to her. Aareesha sullenly took the bread and gingerly sat on her side. She carefully avoided putting her bruised ass directly on a seat.

Bon prepared a simple supper of sandwiches and some vegetable sides. Aareesha didn’t recognize anything other than the bread. Once the meal was ready, he wordlessly offered food to her. Aareesha accepted it.

They quietly ate their supper together. Aareesha noticed that he again gave her the same food as he gave himself. Bon was much kinder than she had expected. He punished her with pain and humiliation, but he was also careful to never permanently injure her. He still hadn’t threatened amputation, blinding, death, or any of the other common punishments the elves had typically assigned to disobedient slaves. She hated her situation, but when she consistently submitted, he did seem to have a kind side.

Bon noticed her more submissive attitude. He liked it. He also realized that fucking her cunt was his new favorite activity. Fucking her was amazing. He would never settle for a human whore again. He decided that him fucking her cunt was going to be part of her daily routine. He also decided he didn’t need to tell her this. She would find out soon enough.

After supper Bon continued to assign humiliating chores. She obeyed every one. She hated having to do them. She received great pleasure from obeying. She hated knowing she was becoming addicted to this pleasure. She knew too many strings of pleasure would turn her into his puppet.

Late in the evening he brought her to the closet. She quietly followed, exhausted and humbled. Her spirit was not quite crushed, but it had certainly been trampled upon. Bon said, “From now on, I want you to please me.” Before she could reply, he pushed her into the closet and locked its door.

In the darkness of the closet she thought through her situation. For most of her life she had expected to live out her long life as a princess. Her eventual husband would have had his way with her, as would any elven husband. Still, she had expected to receive endless public honor, fine dining, pleasurable entertainments, and the service of slaves and servants.

In her new life she was forced to obey and please a human. This was shameful. Awful. Humiliating. Yet there were many incentives to obey and please him. Even worse, every time she obeyed, it was a little harder to disobey him again. The most terrifying part was his request for her to make a vow. He wanted her to vow to do her best to obey him, please him, and serve him, forever, down through his heirs. She knew doing this would please him. Part of her wanted to please him.

Her current life, with the potential of giving in to his request, was far from the life she had expected. The life she had expected was now lost. Gone forever. She did not approve of its replacement. She was still trying to find a way to escape and hide alone in the hills. She had no idea how to make her escape. Aareesha cried into her pillow until she slept.