“Elf Slave”
Jay Inkwell
Chapter 6 — The fight
Aareesha collapsed onto her bed in the dark. She was exhausted. She had endured yet another full day of Bon training her to be obedient.
She had been Bon’s property for 13 days. The time felt like a lifetime to her.
“Every damn day,” Aareesha thought. Bon had repeated the same schedule every day after they had returned from the dungeon. Bon would first retrieve her from the closet. He always wore his adventuring equipment when he did so. She could not hope to beat him physically while she was nearly naked and he was prepared for a dungeon crawl. It was hard for her to pretend to be his superior when he was fully dressed and she was only wearing her collar and thong. Every day for her consisted of an early breakfast, humiliating domestic chores, lunch, punishment, getting fucked in her cunt, supper, and more humiliating domestic chores until it was late at night. She sometimes tried to resist. His immediate excruciating discipline, for any direct resistance she tried, repeatedly revealed her efforts to be foolish and futile. This schedule had continued day, after day, after day, after day.
His damnable order to please him meant that her needs to obey him also tried to compel her to please him.
Her every waking moment was consumed with her attempts to mentally fight the powers conspiring to enslave her mind. She felt a surge of pleasure every time she obeyed his order or received his praise. Every time she thought of going against her master’s orders, including failing to please him, she felt an unpleasant fear. Whenever she deliberately displeased or disobeyed her master, she felt a deep painful anguish. Her body was unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain, intensifying both his punishments and his lovemaking. She was now dangerously addicted to the pleasures he granted. She was also terrified of the pain, both mental and physical, that he bestowed. Memories of such pain were quite persuasive. Every time she obeyed, including when she pleased him, her will to resist was slightly weakened, making it harder and harder to disobey or displease him.
When Bon bathed the inside of her cunt with his cum, she could feel herself becoming a little more obedient to him and little more fearful of his displeasure. Those feelings in her cunt radiated out from her center, so she found those feelings especially hard to reign in. She could have resisted him for decades if this was his only influence, but it was not. Bon was using many different tools to break her down.
The ensnarement rune was no longer subtle. The bitch in her head loudly kept reminding her to be obedient. He had ordered Aareesha to please him, so the bitch also loudly told Aareesha to please him. The bitch made Aareesha feel a gnawing shame and bottomless guilt whenever Aareesha disobeyed or displeased her master. This contrasted sharply with the addictive pleasure she felt when she was a good obedient little elf for him. It was getting harder and harder for Aareesha to disobey or displease him.
Aareesha wanted to scream. It would do no good. Aareesha knew she was being trained like an animal. Yet she had to admit Bon’s methods were having the effect he desired on her. She kept trying to do what she could to resist her desire to please him.
She had not completely broken so far. High elves were known for their stubbornness. She had the strong will of a high elf princess. A woman would probably have broken long ago. Almost any other female elf would have been broken by now. Yet she was not immune to these pressures.
Every damn day. Every. Damn. Day.
Every minute was slowly and subtly undercutting her will. She knew she was slowly losing ground. Her reserves of resistance were being gradually exhausted. Indeed, they were almost spent. She felt like a strong swimmer alone in an endless churning ocean. For a long time she had managed to keep her head above water, barely, through continuous desperate effort. She was exhausted. She was oppressed by her addiction to his pleasures and her fears of his punishments. She was fearfully aware she could only resist a little longer before she succumbed. Unless something changed, drowning soon was inevitable. She knew what was happening, but she was powerless to stop it. His consistent obedience training of her was slowly breaking her in like a filly.
A stream of water can carve the hardest stone. She was no stone. She was merely flesh and blood. Both the runes and her own nature kept subverting her will. Every day that she endured obedience training from him was making it increasingly difficult for her to ever disobey or displease him. She was so addicted to the pleasure he bestowed on her. It was so difficult to resist her addiction. She was also deeply fearful of the pain and anguish he could cause her.
For the last 7 days Aareesha had never disobeyed him. The mere thought of disobedience felt to her like walking against a powerful wind. Any time she obeyed, the wind grew stronger. The metaphorical wind was now a raging, howling gale. It was taking more and more of her inner strength to even consider disobedience of her master. Her master. Her master. The one she knew she must fearfully please and obey.
She had, so far, managed to not give him the full sexual pleasure she could offer him. It was one of the few acts of rebellion left to her. She couldn’t prevent her body from pleasuring him, of course. She sexually pleasured him, so the powers controlling her were somewhat mollified. Yet Bon seemed to have no idea that she was holding out.
Aareesha had been surprised to discover that Bon had no idea how good fucking a female elf could be for a male. Like any female elf, her tits and ass were made to seduce a male. Her cunt was designed to mind-blowingly pleasure a cock. Her cunt, ass, and mouth had muscles and abilities no human female could imagine. She could not inhibit some of her cunt’s reflexes for pleasuring him, but she could do far more with her cunt and the rest of her body. Like all female elves, her entire body was crafted for the express purpose of sexually pleasing and pleasuring a male. As a princess, for decades she had been specially educated, trained, and exercised in the fine arts of sexually pleasuring males.
There was reason female elves were the most valuable commodity in the world. A female elf, compelled to sexually please a male to the best of her ability, was the ultimate in pleasure for males. As with any female elf, Aareesha couldn’t help deeply pleasuring Bon when he fucked her. She was doing her best to give him the least pleasure she could. It was difficult for her to not pleasure him more than she was. She had an unnatural compulsion to please him. Sooner or later he would compel her to do her best to pleasure him in bed. Once she performed as a good little elf who did her best to maximize his sexual pleasure, he would never allow her to do anything but her best in bed. Once her secret was revealed, she knew she would be bedded often. Obeying a human was humiliating enough. Having to do her best to maximize his sexual pleasure was a doubly humiliating thought.
One related idea in particular kept repeating in her head. She needed to vow to always do her best to obey him and please him, and mean it. She needed to vow she’d serve him and his heirs forever. It’s what he said he wanted. It’s what would please him. She had a deep desire to vow to always do her best to obey him and please him. To serve him and his heirs. Forever. This would be so humiliating. Yet she so wanted to please him. At least, a large part of her did.
Aareesha now had a constant waking fantasy of making her vow to him. She would be wearing nothing but her collar. She would kneel and look up into his powerful eyes. She would put her hands behind her back and push out her tits, to give him a full view of her nipples. She would spread out her legs so he had an unobstructed view of her wet slit. She would unambiguously give herself to him. She would make her vow, fully knowing its consequences. The ensnarement rune would ensure there would be no turning back. The fantasy kept returning to her mind. She so wanted to give herself to him. The idea of fully submitting to him was so hot. She feared how much she wanted to give in.
It was clear she would soon be fully broken in. By a fucking human. The idea that she would soon completely devote herself to obeying and pleasing a human was far more humiliating than she could bear.
Aareesha punched her pillow in frustration. This helped nothing. She knew she needed to find a way to escape. She would need to do it soon. If she didn’t, she might lose her freedom forever. She closed her eyes. She eventually abandoned herself to sleep.
Bon awakened Aareesha on her 14th day. She again wore nothing but her collar and thong. She didn’t dare cover herself from the gaze of her master. She knew her body was his to stare at. She hoped her body pleased him. She puffed out her chest, hoping her display of her bare breasts would give him pleasure.
Bon noticed her effort to show off her chest to him. He smiled. He liked the view of her tits. He knew nothing could stop him from seeing more. He said, “Give me the thong.”
“Yes, sir, master.”
Aareesha obediently handed Bon her thong. She was now completely nude, stripped of everything except her collar. Her collar declared to the world that her body was his property. She was doing her desperate best to prevent her mind from becoming his property as well.
They ate breakfast together, as had become a habit. Aareesha felt exposed and vulnerable from her nakedness. The thong hadn’t covered much, yet being without it humiliated her further. All of her private parts were currently exposed.
Aareesha steeled herself to obey the endless humiliating chores Bon would soon require of her. Each chore would teach her that obedience led to pleasure, while disobedience led to fear and pain. Her mind was increasingly finding it difficult to consider disobedience or displeasing him. Most of her had come to the conclusion that obeying her master was always the best course of action. She was determined to continue to resist him, as long as she could. It would not be much longer. She knew she would soon be a good obedient little elf, completely dedicated to pleasuring him.
A humanoid figure suddenly broke through the kitchen window. Pieces of glass sprayed out in all directions, each piece flashing red from broken magic. Bon pulled out his sword and determined the identity of his uninvited visitor.
Eeltanuu turned towards Bon. Eeltanuu still only had one leg, but his other wounds were fully healed. His new sword sparkled with obvious magic.
Eeltanuu raised his new sword and moved towards Bon. Bon increased his own speed and strength as much as he could with his magic. Bon barely managed to dodge the elf’s sword. Bon could see that Eeltanuu’s movements in the room were slower than in their last encounter. Eeltanuu was still fearfully fast.
“Hardly move, my ass,” thought Bon. The shopkeeper hadn’t lied, exactly. The elf’s movements were slower. On the other hand, the shopkeeper had clearly exaggerated the power of the magic belt. Bon realized he should have known better. If the belts were that good, few would have sold the belts to the shop, the belts wouldn’t have been as cheap, and there would have been far fewer human casualties in the war. His belt’s magic power helped somewhat, but the belt was completely inadequate to the task. If Eeltanuu had two legs, Bon would have been killed by the elf’s first strike.
Eeltanuu repeatedly attacked. Bon parried, and parried, and parried again. Eeltanuu still had a slight advantage. The magic belt, the elf’s lack of one leg, and Bon’s own magical abilities merely made their match somewhat even.
Bon saw he had no escape. Eeltanuu blocked the way to the broken window. Bon would be dead before he could unlock his own front door. Bon’s only current hope was a lucky strike with his sword.
Bon noticed occasional red streaks of magic around Eeltanuu’s body. Bon knew all too well what that meant. Eeltanuu’s body was reflexively fighting against the belt’s magic. Bon doubted Eeltanuu had noticed those streaks yet. The elf seemed to be fully focused on subdividing Bon. It didn’t matter, as it was clear to Bon that the magic belt could not maintain this contest for much longer. Soon, Eeltanuu would overcome the belt’s slow spell. Once the belt’s slow spell was broken, Eeltanuu would turn Bon into a collection of small red stains.
Eeltanuu cried out, “Princess Aareesha! Take my dagger and kill the human!” He tossed a dagger toward her while simultaneously making another strike at Bon.
Bon saw the dagger fly to her. Bon exclaimed, “No, Aareesha! Kill the elf instead!”
Eeltanuu chuckled. He knew no elf would help a lowly human. Eeltanuu knew he would soon possess Aareesha. He had always wanted to fuck her. The destruction of Merifuge had been devastating to him, but he did look forward to this silver lining. He would soon be burying his cock in her slit several times a day. He would start tonight, once the marriage rituals were complete. Elven law was clear on such matters. They both knew she had no legal grounds to reject or delay both their marriage and its consummation. Her father and the other kings were out of the picture. His cock hardened. He knew in a few hours he would be penetrating her luxurious cunt and bathing her insides with his cum. In a few short decades she would obey his every command and devote herself to pleasing him. Whenever he got frustrated or bored, he would whip her to release his tensions. She didn’t know he planned to often use a whip on her. She would learn tonight, on her wedding night. His smile grew, anticipating those pleasures.
Aareesha picked up the dagger and stared at the two males locked in mortal combat. She now had to decide whose property she would become. She could choose to serve Eeltanuu. Perhaps they could start a new elven line while hiding in the mountains. Perhaps they could begin the counter-revolution to bring the elves back to supremacy. She could instead choose to serve Bon, her new master. Bon was a mere human, but her desire to please and obey him was strong. Her desire to please and obey him was imposed by magic, she knew that, but the feeling was powerful and deep. Complete subservience, to a mere human, would be humiliating to her. She struggled and struggled within her mind. She finally made her choice.
She raised her hand and stabbed... Eeltanuu.
Eeltanuu gasped and attempted to ask why she had betrayed him. Bon finished the job. Eeltanuu gasped his last breath.
Aareesha declared to Bon, “yes, sir, master.”
Bon looked at Aareesha and declared, “Thank you. Good slave.”
Aareesha knew Bon’s words of approval shouldn’t have felt so good to her. Yet they felt so fucking good. She had pleased him, when it was especially hard for her to make that choice. He had praised her, too. The pleasure she was receiving was overwhelming. She felt all pleasures, including sexual pleasures. She was now an elf in heat.
She slowly knelt, in awe, in front of her master. She put her hands behind her back, and thrust her tits out, as he’d taught her. She spread her legs, to ensure her wet slit was exposed to his gaze. Her bare breasts jiggled. She was wearing nothing but her collar. She looked up into his face. She was horny with desire. She wore a sly smile, inviting him to fuck her.
“Thank you so much, sir, master.”
She felt so good. Yet she knew there was something she could do that would make her feel even better. She could make the vow. The vow she’d been fantasizing making, in almost every moment, for many days now. She was on her knees. The current scene was exactly like her hot fantasies of making her vow to him. All she needed to do now was say a few words, and mean them.
There were excellent reasons to not make the vow, though. If she made the vow, she would be devoted to pleasing him, obeying him, and serving him. She would fear his displeasure and punishments. She would abase herself when there was a hint of his displeasure. Her pussy, tits, and ass would be under his total control. She would spend many hours in his bed, focusing solely on his pleasure. Her desires would be irrelevant. She would never be free. She would never have any choices. Her free will would be crushed, forever. Once he died, his heirs would repeatedly replace him. She would be giving herself, for eternity, to a life of uninterrupted total servitude to him and his heirs.
She looked up into his eyes, from her kneeling position. She spoke.
“I vow to always do my best to obey you and please you, my master. I vow to always serve you. I am your slave, forever, master, of you and your heirs. This, I solemnly vow.”
A typhoon of pleasure from the adore rune overwhelmed her. Her eyes widened. The ensnarement rune, unleashed, took complete control. She cried out as her old self was thoroughly vanquished. She felt the remnants of her resistance and old self completely wash away.
All that was left of her was an elf slave on her knees. An elf whose sole purpose was to forever please, obey, and serve her master and his heirs. She looked up to his eyes, in pleasure and in fear, ready to obey.